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Posted: Dec 15 2007, 01:35 PM
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Yes, this is the RP thread. You know what to do.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Dec 16 2007, 11:45 AM
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She's Still Thinking
Marrones undecided on squad

Starblaydia manager, and former player, Betanii Marrones claims she is still undecided on the final make-up of her squad for the 21st AOCAF, Starblaydia's twentieth appearance and Marrones' second in charge. "I'm still narrowing down from around thirty names," she said in a press conference today, "we have a number of options all over the park, for instance at right-midfield and -back, as well as down the left and quite what is going to happen in the centre of the pitch." Judging from that it seems as if she doesn't have any idea what she's going to play, even player-wise never mind the cruical formation-wise. Her departure from the standard 4-4-2 Diamond in the recent Cup of Harmony for World Cup 38 was hailed by some and criticised by others, but ultimately the results proved in Marrones' favour.

Starblaydia, playing the hardest schedule of any of the twenty-two teams in the Swiss-style group stage, came away with two wins and two losses to finish fourteenth out of twenty-two in the final Group reckoning, although had they won their final match, Starblaydia would have made it to the knock-outs. This was said to be the proof that her policy of 'picking the formation around the team', rather than the other way around like usual, was the right decision. Taking Marrones' hints, however, you would think that she needs to play two right-backs, a right-midfielder, three holding mid-fielders and a left winger. Such a formation, unfortunately, does not exist and she must find some way of keeping Ornvidar Bazraltek, Antonio Mora and Jae Chang-hwa all in the squad and happy. Can Leandro Perheira and Kalia Canildo both play in the same side, as in World Cup 38 Qualifiers, while retaining the effective three-man defence at the back? Alfonso Di Angelo is surely the main man in midfield, but where? Both forward- and defensive-minded positions are his forte, but where will he be played, and who will partner him? Joseph Shakirii might work well up front, but Juan Oscar and Kwame Jabir could easily fill in with the defensive duties while Di Angelo bombs on up towards the front.

Marrones has stated that she, and her assistant, Under-21 Manager Apollina Iakovakis, have to trim seven names from their shortlist to make the final twenty-three. Quite what starting eleven she then picks is therefore completely beyond any pundit. Stick with 3-5-2 or return to 4-4-2? Perhaps it will depend on whether she's in the mood to stick or twist - her combination of stubbornness counterbalanced with a willingness to change things on the slightest whim means nothing is certain, in fact the starting eleven throughout the group stage in Group One may even change from match to match.

Keep an eye on the team sheets, ladies and gentlemen, because you never quite know what she might come up with.
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Posted: Dec 16 2007, 07:41 PM
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user posted imageEasy Break for United?user posted image

Today the groups were announced and met with great cheers in the national practice facility from the players. Meanwhile the seasoned coach remained silent and denied and comments to the press. For the relatively successful Head Coach Richard Loew native of Azazia, his career in the Commonwealth has been full of bumps and jars has he tried to put the derailed United team back on tracks.

The United Commonwealth team has seen more and more victories in the international scene and slowly climb the ladder. And with the news of the groupings, the Manager had a wide grin but like the coach kept his mouth shut so it was time to find out what the players felt.

Players who made the cut from the intense tryouts held all over the Commonwealth have now made their way to the national training center in St. Myhre, leaving their club teams behind to fend for themselves. Familiar faces that return are #1 Javier Topper (Keeper), #5 Norbert Tison (Midfield), #6 Jason Clare (Sweeper), #11 Fernando Kellett (Midfield), #9 Florian Olivier (Striker), and #14 Silvain Frassin (Midfield). But this year many new faces enter the locker room, names soon to be released upon the official release of the roster.

Michael McShane, captain and lead scorer of the United team has been the head figure of the team since its birth into the international scene. But age has begun to show a slow, very slow decline in his fitness and hence performance. Although high by player standards, for his he has felt the felling all greats feel sooner or later. He had this to say about this competition;

"Well it's great that I'm back as captain, the coach believes in me, and I think he expects me to teach the new players a few things before I'm finished for good. Um I'm glad that it's being held in Lamoni, should be a good time. Uh I'm happy with the group we have landed in. There are some old faces and new ones. I think we have a great squad this year, a nice mix of vets and greens, I think it's the best chance the Commonwealth has had to get past the initial stage and knock out. I think if the team really puts forward their best effort we can go far. The cup is a nice dream, not necessarily out of our reach just it's a long haul for a young team like ours."

Players are now leading a life of full work no play as time shortens to the drop of the first game ball.
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Dec 17 2007, 12:55 AM
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The Free Republic prepares for AOCAF XXI

With the first matches of AOCAF XXI only days away, the authorities and people of Lamoni have been busy preparing for the regional football tournament. The stadiums are open, hotel reservations have been made, and travel visas are being issued. Local businesses are also looking forward to the profit potential of the second AOCAF to be held on Lamonian soil.

In the meantime, the Lamonian national team is still at their training field, readying itself for the closest thing to a 'group of death' in AOCAF XXI. With three teams who have each won the AOCAF cup at least twice in the same group (Lamoni, Starblaydia, Hypocria); the top spot will be hotly contended for.

Regarding Hypocria, they defeated the Hawks in the AOCAF XX finals; and that is something that the Hawks would like to avenge in AOCAF XXI. Besides, doesn't everyone want a third AOCAF cup in their trophy cabinet?
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Dec 17 2007, 06:46 AM
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Excerpt from the Manhattan Herald - 17th December 2007

Manhattanite Football team manager Ian Pierce reports that his side are at peak fitness, and are ready to take the field for AOCAF 21 in Lamoni. Pierce, who resumes the manager's position for his 5th AOCAF stressed the need for pragmatism in the team's expectations: "Of course no AOCAF match is easy, and with a population of 80 million, we have one of the smaller pools of players to choose from. Despite that I'm anticpating an enjoyable tournament, and I think a Last 16 place is not improbable".

Manhattan Prime will be facing the unknown, having been drawn in Group 2 with Oliverry, 95 X, Milchama, Bettia, Pacitalia and UCS JASI?YUN. The team has never faced the majority of these opponents before, with only the Blue Foxes providing a familiar face.

Manhattan Prime have a bye for the first day of play before their opening match against UCS JASI?YUN. With the national Curling team winning AOCC2 earlier this year, the onus on now on our football stars to uphold Manhattanite pride.
Manhattan Prime
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Posted: Dec 17 2007, 11:28 AM
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Juxt-Pat was considering what he could send out to represent the squad for the 21st incarnation of the AOCAF. He was pretty confident that he wasn't going to be sending out anyone from the senior side. He thought about calling up the superkids, but thought that they wouldn't be much interested either and since they were playing in the Di Bradini cup he thought that they weren't the best choice either.

He wasn't overly excited about using a lower level -League squad either. And he was aware that Az-cz fans wouldn't be too thrilled by tha either.

He thought and thought and thought. Then he remembered the team that took part in the competition in St. Samuel. The Ewe-21s. And he thought about it and thought about it and thought about it. Then he came up with a squad that was going to take part. He knew they weren't going to win, but that wasn't a priority at this point. So he called in his assistant and asked for the phone numbers of all the dairys in Az-cz.
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Posted: Dec 18 2007, 06:44 AM
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Juxt-Pat had assembled most of the squad but there were still a few spots left open. All of the ranches and farms were flat out of the players he was trying to get for his squad. He knew that with the way the team was likely to play that he would need a big squad. He considered his options. He was probably too late to back out know. The Az-cz dairy farmers union would be mighty upset if all the work they had put in went to not. He knew that he couldn't just let regular Az-czzers join in the team. It wouldn't work. He was really troubled.

He decided to call it a day and went home to his wife and kids. Over dinner when he asked his son how his day at school went. He told him about PE class and the upcoming kleptoball tryouts and then he told him about science class, where he had to do a report on a species of animal and had chosen the Elephant. And that's when it hit Juxt-Pat how he would fill out the rest of the team. He made a mental note to himself to call the Az-cz zoos tomorrow.
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Posted: Dec 18 2007, 05:03 PM
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View From The Top

There were smiles aplenty on the faces of the Autocracy’s delegation at the AOCAF draw as the three groups become known. A casual observer may have wondered quite way that would be as the reigning champions were drawn with the host nation Lamoni, fallen AOCAF giants Starblaydia and Bazalonia and Az-cz, ranked sixth and seventh in the region respectively. Southern neighbours Vephrall and total unknowns An Blasocad Mor completed the line-up. Tricky was putting it lightly and the far too often used ‘group of death’ tag had already been dusted off for the occasion. So why the happy faces? It wasn't so much who had been drawn with the Hyppos as who hadn’t. The travelling circus of 95X, the cause of much irritation and embarrassment for the Autocracy in previous tournaments, were someone else’s problem. The whole conjoined lot of them. Ain’t life grand.

And so to the AOCAF. Sure it’s a tough draw but with only a fifth place finish needed to guarantee advancement to the knockout phases, even sixth could do it, an early exit should be comfortably avoided by the number one seeds. Particularly as coach Javi Chavez has almost his entire AOCAF winning side to call upon once again. So, all being well, it will be on into the lottery of the elimination rounds. But then it gets difficult. Winning this trophy is the easy part, it’s holding onto the bugger that gets a little tricky.
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Posted: Dec 18 2007, 05:49 PM
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Back To Black
Starblaydia ready for tough group

"Randomised groups, my arse," was the general feeling among Starblaydi fans as Starblaydia found themselves in with Lamoni and Hypocria, as well as Az-cz and Bazalonia. The teams are ranked 1st, 2nd, 6th, 7th and 8th, with Starblaydia bottom of that particular heap. Thank the gods, at least, that Vephrall and An Blasocad Mor are also in the group and also, thankfully, completely unranked. These two should be fairly easily cut away by the other five teams, and there should be no problems for any of the seeded teams in the group.

Oh for a Starblaydia side placed into either Group Two or, particularly, Three, where the going would be far, far easier, where Starblaydia would in fact be the top team in Group Three, rather than the fifth-best. Even third-best in Group Two wouldn't have been bad, but the simple, seemingly alphabetical group splitting, has not been kind to the nation with a record number of regional championships. All the As in Group One and a B, a B in Group Two and the C and two Ds in Group Three. The Ms, O and P in Group Two, too, makes the randomisation process look like it was drawn out of someone's backside rather than the proverbial hat.

Vephrall (-)
Bazalonia (6)
An Blasocad Mor
Hypocria (1)
Az-cz (7)
Lamoni (2)
Starblaydia (8)

Manhattan Prime (17)
Oliverry (23)
95X (22)
Milchama (4)
Bettia (9)
Pacitalia (3)
Jasi'yun (23)

Scottfire (-)
Capitalizt SLANI (23)
Demot (14)
Delesa (11)
Krytenia (26)
Northern Bettia (27)
Ulzaxid (12)

But never mind, Starblaydia have had worse draws before and prevailed. Just a year ago they had the statistically hardest schedule of anyone in the Cup of Harmony and they recorded their best-ever set of tournament results. Should something similar happen here, an unlikely sixth Championship could be on the cards, and what an upset that would be. Betanii Marrones is targeting the Semi-Final as the point at which a Starblaydi exit would be acceptable, to improve on the Quarter-Final exit at the previous tournament in the Unified Captializt States.

Starblaydia, of course, will want to keep up their excellent regional record against Lamoni, while overturning their appalling results against the defending champions Hypocria. Defending two-time World Champions Az-cz have their second team out as well, and they should present a true test for the Starblaydi squad. Don't forget Bazalonia, either, who are finally starting to punch their weight at this level. Don't bet on anything in this tournament, as you're likely to just be giving your money to the bookies.
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Posted: Dec 18 2007, 11:44 PM
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Juxt-Pat came out to the podium for the unveiling of the Az-cz squad for the 21st edition of the AOCAF. When he walked out onto the stage with a cow draped in a beautiful pink & green kit, if you wanted to call it that, there were murmurs from the Az-czid reporters, who knew something was up, and gasps from the foreign reporters, with the exception of the man from Milchama who was clearly used to this sort of chicanery.

Juxt-Pat calmy stepped to the mike and said, "I introduce you to Ow! Calf 21". And indeed the jersey number for the cow out on stage was wearing the #21. Juxt-Pat continued "As you can see we'll be fielding a set of ow! calfs for our squad in this AOCAF. But don't worry they've been training hard and will be more competitive than you might think. Now are there any questions?"

Hands shot up from all over the room. He took one from a reporter near the back.

"So is the team made up of all cattle?"

"No, and if I might say so this is the brilliant part of my plan. There are also elephants and bison on the squad. Because those animals have calfs as well. You in the front."

"How is such a team going to compete?"

"Well one is that they're going to be a bit physical with the other squads which will help. And we've actually found a bit of a way to motivate them. Sure sometimes they'll just stand on the pitch eating the grass, but they can also score. And I believe that the elephants are well trained enough just to pick the ball up with their trunks and walk the ball into the goal. We don't think that breaks the hands rule. Next question. Miss in the pink?"

"Admit it this was all just a plan to make a really bad pun wasn't it?"

"I'll admit that the pun was a big part of it, yes, but we needed a squad. With the drive for a third straight championship being priority 1 to about priority 21, I knew that no players who might end up on the World Cup 39 squad could be considered. That left the -League without much excitement for us. It also ruled out the superkids and basically tied my hands. So I figured what the hell, it would be amusing at least."

"How have you been training them?"

"We've been working on finding ways to anger them that get them to kick the ball in as an accident. After bribing some local college teams we've even played some practice games. And they earned a draw in one of them, at 1-1 even. Considering our group I think we'll only have a chance at earning points against An Blasocad Mor but we've got great marketing lined up and it should be fun whle it lasts. Alright we've got time for one more. You in the red & white shirt."

"I'm here representing Milchama. I want to know why you didn't choose horses. We all know of their footballing prowess."

"Because than they'd have had to have been the Ow! Foals, and that would've been Ow-ful."

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Posted: Dec 19 2007, 12:51 AM
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Group predictions and more!


Vephrall - One of the two unranked teams in this group, they should duel with An Blasocad Mor for the dubious honor of not finishing bottom

Bazalonia - We predict a third to fifth place group finish for them, depending on how the other high power teams in the group perform

An Blasocad Mor - See prediction for Vephrall

Hypocria - The match between Lamoni and the Autocracy will be heated; as many Lamonians believe that the Hyppos stole the last AOCAF cup from the Hawks. That said, they could finish anywhere from first to fifth.

Az-cz - See prediction for Bazalonia

Lamoni - While the match against Hypocria will be heated, this team could place anywhere from first to fifth in this group. The group is too close to call at this point.

Starblaydia - See predictions for Lamoni and Hypocria


Manhattan Prime - This scrappy little team will likely finish third or fourth in the group stages, as some of the other teams will likely overpower them.

Oliverry - We predict anywhere from fifth to last for them.

95 X - Possibly fourth to last for this squad.

Milchama - This squad probably won't win the group, but it could go anywhere from third to fifth. They do have an outside shot at making second place.

Bettia - Bettia and Pacitalia are the teams to watch in this group. Their battle for first in the group should be epic. Possibly, the edge would go to Pacitalia, but that margin is razor thin.

Pacitalia - See prediction for Bettia

UCS JASI?YUN - This squad will likely finish in the basement of this group.


Scottfire - Could finish anywhere from 1st to 4th.

UCS SLANI - Likely a 6th or last place finish for them.

Demot - One of the three teams most likely to seize a 1st place finish in the group.

Delesa - See prediction for Demot

Krytenia - See prediction for Demot

Northern Bettia - Anywhere from 4th to last.

Ulzaxid - See prediction for Northern Bettia


In other news today, an Az-cz AOCAF press conference on their roster took a strange turn, to say the least. It was officially announced that the Az-cz AOCAF XXI squad would primarily consist of cattle, elephants, and bison. We are not sure if this is strictly legal under Lamonian law, since it seems that no one considered the use of animals other than horses to fill a nation's AOCAF roster.

The Lamonian government is said to be rushing through a bill that would allow the use of said animals for this particular AOCAF, but states that the animals will be kept under the strictest quarantine when not 'playing,' out on the pitch. Additional safety fencing will be put in place at the stadiums where the animals will be participating, and other precautions will be taken as well. The bill calls for all of this to be paid for by Az-cz's regulatory body governing AOCAF football.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Dec 19 2007, 03:07 AM
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"Alright lads, here's the deal. We've made the short trip over here to Lamoni for the AOCAF despite many of you thinking you would get this year off. Well, that went by the wayside when we were eliminated by those dastardly Valanorians in the Round of Sixteen. You just don't finish second in one tournament and then have a flop like that in the next, it is unacceptable. But the fact of the matter is, that this is going to be my last competition as your manager. We've had a good run, but there is nothing more I can do for you. So, my challange to you is for you to show me that you are ready to do that, ready to move on to another manager and a different style of play. I don't know who the DFA has in mind for the job, and I really don't give a hoot. Right now, our task is simple, go out their and do the country proud, and the rest will come in time. Can you do that for me, can you give your old captain one last foray into the dragon's lair?" a very lamenting David Masteron asked of his squad.

The squad shook their head in agreement, but the old captain knew that his squad was down over hearing of his imminient departure.
"Don't be depressed my friends, it's been a honor to get to manager the lot of you, and we still have this competition to show our glory. The best thing you can do now is to focus on the task at hand. Besides, with those barbaric Northern Bettians on the docket, our work is going to be cut out for us. I hope Lamoni was smart enough to ban their supporters group from entering the country like ours was during last World Cup qualifying. I know we trashed them both times, but they are ever dangerous, espicially with the dirty tactics they use. So be on your guard, and don't be gutted into their traps, and we should do fine. Afterall, the we've got a pretty easy group, and the hosts' media even thinks us to win the group, which is surely a good omen."
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Dec 19 2007, 03:44 AM
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pcc.95X - Formerly the website of the Pacific City Courier, now 95X's No. 1 Online News Source

Revamped 95X National Soccer Team Looks For Continued Improvement in AOCAF XXI

Careful observers have noted half the team is new. Some wonder how the team will function after several years of national turmoil.

New head coach Alecia Onesixtysecond, who spent the last three AOCAFs as a player, will listen to none of it as she prepares her team and coaching staff for the latest regional soccer tournament.

"We have the strongest team to date," Onesixtysecond says, noting the team held together outside the country during 95X's civil war, and none of the core players defected to other countries or to Scottfire.

Back at home, tryouts for the team were more competitive than ever, yielding three new starters and nine new reserves.

The most visible changes to the 95X lineup consist of twins Crystal and Misty Oakenshield, who will hold down half the starting defense along with veterans Tai Doe and Tanika Holgate; and new starting goalkeeper Trevor Page, a player who almost looks like he should be playing Gridball.

"His presence is very intimidating and is very quick despite his size," Onesixtysecond says of the 300-pound Page.

The well-known players are back, including Micah Skokomish, regarded as the team's best player, who played professional soccer elsewhere in the world during the national turmoil, who only said "it's good to be home again" when asked for comment.

Probably the biggest surprise is the return of Damien Dairycreek, who tried to commit suicide in a Unified Capitalist States hotel room during AOCAF XX, to escape his gambling and bank debts. When the revolution and subsequent war wiped the books clean, he returned with a clear conscience, clean slate, and a new love of life, also playing the best soccer of his life, according to Onesixtysecond.

Melissa and Michelle Mitchell, probably the most famous player on the team, is also back. Scientists and doctors again and again explain that physically, they are the equivalent of one person. Reports also go as far as to explain how being a conjoined twin is actually a disastrous handicap, as most conjoined twins with two legs lack the coordination skills to walk, much less play competitive sports.

The reserves, although unlikely to see much playing time, are highlighted by hard-working 14-year old newcomer Dusty Field, who begged and pleaded to be added to the team even with a strong tryout, becoming the youngest player to be added to the team. Another interesting addition is the 6-foot 1-inch Samantha Skyridge, a solid soccer player who would much rather play a game more suited for her height, if only she had arms.

The other major change is to a 4-4-2 formation, giving Mitchell and Skokomish more room up front, and adding defensive positions in the backfield.

The entire team cheered upon word they would not face their archrivals, top-ranked Hypocira in the first round.

"We have more time to focus on the game, not a bunch of sexist close-minded people. I don't much care if I get reprimanded for saying that," commented Onesixtysecond, in part as a response to a news report from Hypocria which was picked up intraregionally, who said she herself felt unwelcome by the team even before 95X's stunning tournament-ending 2-0 win over Hypocria in AOCAF XX.

Shortly after AOCAF XX, and shortly before the fall of Pacific City, 95X's soccer slogan became "Atlantian Oceania's favorite soccer-playing circus," immortalizing the comment made by the Hypocrian team following their defeat.

The team is optimistic heading into its first game against Pacitalia, whom it has never faced in competition before. Of the other six teams in Group 2, 95X was defeated by Milchama 1-0 in AOCAF XVIII, and tied Bettia 1-1 in AOCAF XX. It has also never faced Manhattan Prime, Oliverry, or Jasiyun from the Unified Capitalist States.

All in all, veteran midfielder Claire Pomona summed it up best: "See you in Lamoni."
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Posted: Dec 19 2007, 03:59 AM
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Upon hearing of the makeup of Az-cz's team, 95X soccer officials at the head office cordially sent a card to Juxt-Pat and Az-cz's organization as a whole to wish them good luck going head-to-head against Hypocria, as an act of international goodwill.
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Posted: Dec 19 2007, 04:59 AM
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Juxt-Pat was very happy to recieve the letter of encouragement from 95X although he was a bit confused why Hypocria was singled out in particular. But he didn't pay it too much heed and had his assistant send a thank you note back to 95X.

When he called up his assistant to send out the note he asked for any word on other AOCAF nations and was told that Lamoni was passing a bill to allow the team to play. That was outrageous enough to him but when he heard Lamoni was going to try to foist the bill for unnecessary precautions on to Az-cz he was livid. So he dictated out a letter to the hosts:

To whom it may concern,

We in Az-cz are offended and troubled by your seeming hesitance at allowing our team to play in the AOCAF tournament. The implication that our team members are unfit to play or are a health risk are blatantly absurd. We wouldn't ask anyone unhealthy to play on the team. We value the lives of our citizens more than that. But we are willing to allow those measures even though we think it's blatantly unfair and you'd never ask, say, the Bettian team to spend the whole cup in quarantine. However we will not be paying a single cent of the bill for those measures. When you decided to take it upon yourself to host this cup it became your responsiblity to provide the venues and necessary facilities for this cup. If you feel something is necessary, provide it. Otherwise let us decide what is best for our team and let us make our own arrangements.


President, Az-cz Football Association
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