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AOCAF 15 RP Thread
Posted: Jul 18 2006, 10:40 PM
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"BazaB's and Necromancers fighting for Wooden Spoon" by Nev Gould

It seems the Bazalonian National B side, the BazaB's are fighting the Dorian and Sonyan Necromancers to determine who will be last place in group Bazalope. Neither team has any points and both teams have a Goal Difference of negative 5 goals and it is purely the fact that the Necromancer's offence has been able to gain goals while the Necromancers defense also let more goals through. That they have taken 4th spot.

The Bazalonian strikers had failed to get through the almost non existant Bettian defense while the Defensive players let 3 Bettian goals through. The more superstitious among the soccer players and within the nation believe that any events hosted in Bazalonia scar the national team. The Baptism of Fire contained no Bazalonian team but the 2 teams that made it to the BoF Grand Finals and the 3PPO both failed in their respective finals. Most people think the Bazalope region teams where just not good enough, others thinkthat their teams where not supported by their media and so failed but a couple of people say that it was the Bazalonian hosting curse.

The coach for the BazaB team Ronald Richardson denounces this stupidity.. "There is no hosting curse this is the BazaB's first International competition they are doing very well considering they have never faced any of these teams before. Our up coming match will be against Dorian and Sonya. The match will take place at Stadium Verona and we will see about this so called curse and rightfully take our place in the knockout round of the AOCAF."

The BazaB's match against the Necromancers will determine who will take last and who will take 4th, if there is a draw it'll be determined by Andossa Se Mitrin Vega and Bedistan.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Jul 18 2006, 11:04 PM
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OOC: Is it just me, or do the scores seem more than a little lopsided with this new scorinator? At least with respect to the higher ranked teams? It'd be nice if some teams actually had a chance, random scores generated or not. It was more interesting when you had the occasional upset, I think, but that's just me.


Myrtannian Reserves Crushed By Purple Peril

We all knew that the Dryads stood not much of a chance of defeating the Starblaydi side, but this is ridiculous. In an extremely one-sided match, the Myrtannian reserves were sent in against the Purple Peril. An odd move, but coach McNany explained that since there wasn't much hope of winning this match, the starting 11 would be kept off the field while the reserves got some on-pitch expereince. The result was complete and utter decimation at the hands of the defending champions.

Another noticeable thing missing was the Dryads Army - so vocal on day one, they were missing entirely. Reports later confirmed they'd caught the wrong bus and missed the whole match. Not that there was much to miss.

The only highlight for the reserve Dryads was after Starblaydia's Ibanez was red carded in the second half after a particularly nasty tackle against Tocarra Khat. After the card was handed out, Myrtannian midfielder Rueben Czupryna came over and took a big swing at Ibanez, but ended up missing and striking a referee instead. Safe to say he was red carded as well.

Since there's not much to say about this match, we'll just say that the Dryads got pounded, and that's that. Time to focus on the must-win matches.

With the starting 11 back, the Dryads will have to get good decisions against Pacitalia, who had a much-needed 4-1 decision against Islands of Qutar, and then the Islands of Qutar, who are winless this AOCAF. A draw against Pacitalia and a win vs. the Islands would do it. Or, a loss to the Blue Foxes, a win over Islands of Qutar, and a Milchaman victory over Islands of Qutar would do it too. That is, if the Dryads are to make it to the second round for the second consecutive time.

"It's #$#%#%# frustrating, but we have to brush off this match and focus on drawing Pacitalia and beating the tar out of Qutar," grumbled striker Dania Figary, who spent the Starblaydia match on the sideline with the rest of her starting teammates.

"One step forward, fifteen steps back," regular starter Flo Krabel added, "But we'll be back out there against the Blue Foxes."


STR 6 - 0 MYR
(Averette 20 & 25, Chavez 40 & 59, Cravex 73 & 84)

This post has been edited by Myrtannia on Jul 18 2006, 11:09 PM
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Posted: Jul 18 2006, 11:04 PM
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Necromancers Falter Against #1 and #2

OOC - sorry for missing the RP cut off - Oh well. Probably wouldn’t have made a difference with Bedistan anyways.


Reporter 1: The matches against Bettia and Bedistan didn’t go very well for the Necromancers. What do you attibute the lack of success to?

Melonie: Their rankings versus our own ranking. Take a look. We aren’t even close.

Reporter 2: MD5 sees you face the last of the Killer Bs. What will it take to defeat Bazalonia?

Melonie: Better play. Plain and simple. This is the match we must win if we want to move into the next round. They are closest to us in ranking and ability.

Reporter 3: Bazalonia and ASMV are within striking distance on the table. What will it take for the Necromancers to qualify?

Melonie: Beat Baz. Weren’t you listening to my last answer. We can beat ASMV as well. But the 3 points now would really help out with things.

Reporter 4: What has been the reason behind the lack of scoring for your squad?

Melonie: You’re an idiot. Next question.

Reporter 5: You seem a bit bitter. Why is that?

Melonie: Stupid questions. You guys never pay attention.
Dorian and Sonya
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Posted: Jul 18 2006, 11:15 PM
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This is Hal Rosh reporting live from Bazalonia - Home of the Bazalopes. Where they frolick freely in the fields. Where they.,……Oh the hell with it. I’m in Bazalonia. Uhggg…

The River Dragons are now somewhere in the remote neighborhood of actual qualification. They dropped Bazalonia easily on MD1 then dropped a heartbreaker to Bedistan. That was followed by a needed bye date that the squad used to prepare for Bettia.

Will any of that matter? Nope. This is the point in the AOCAF where ASMV locks away all ability to compete and manages only to flop around on the field like fish deprived of water. Just being honest. That means that Bettia will trash us fairly easily and we will follow that up with a very close loss to D&S. That should allow both Bazalonia and D&S to leapfrog us into the next round. Bazalonia has done that before - two tourneys ago. Then they beat us last tourney after we qualified by some miracle. We have no luck against D&S. So we are pretty much done for in this tourney.

The River Dragons might surprise us and actually do something in AOCAF XV. But then we will wake up and find it didn’t happen at all.
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
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Posted: Jul 19 2006, 06:29 AM
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Starblaydia Taking The Piss
Why don't we do this every match?

What on earth is going on? Geraint Evans' management style seems exquisitely insane. Firstly, you're playing a team that you know has the capaciity to beat you. Then your right-back scores two goals in the first half hour, and you subsitute him at half-time for a known hot-head, who subsequently gets sent off. Then you score another couple of goals and bring on a seventeen year-old centre-back for only his second cap. He goes and scores another couple of goals and you win 6-0. Again.

Looks like Khim Azanulbizarn's style is rubbing off on Evans, rather than the other way round.

Either way, Darijo Cravex has become the first player in living memory to have more international goals to his name than he has caps. Two caps for the seventeen year old defensive destroyer and three goals scored. Are the Dryads really that bad, or are Starblaydia really that good? If you can beat your closest rival for the group 6-0 on Matchday one, things seem to be going great. Now we'll see what happens when Starblaydia come up against a Nedalia, Bettia or similar.

Milchama, however, will not be seeing 'Cisco Ibanez. The thirty-six year-old will miss at least the final group game and perhaps the first match of the next round, too, thanks to his horror-tackle on Tocarra Khat.

Starblaydia 6 - 0 Myrtannia
(Averette 20 & 25, Chavez 40 & 59, Cravex 73 & 84) - (None)
Also available in purple
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Posted: Jul 19 2006, 11:04 AM
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Three games down and three wins to their name - not only are the good folks of Bettia are basking in the warmth of a hot spell, they're also basking in an unnaturally good start to the Aroras' latest AOCAF campaign, and this is no more evident in the Pie & Pixie, that popular (and seemingly only) sports café in Pifton - you know, the one where we always end up after the obligatory introductory blurb... deserted streets, comedy tumbleweed... you know the score.

The P&P's regulars are celebrating after Bettia cruised to a 3-0 win over the hosts Bazalonia, leaving them on top of the group on nine points with just one game left to play, when all a sudden George's mobile phone sparks into life with its own jaunty rendition of Bettia's national anthem.

"Heeeey Ringo!" he yells, trying to make himself heard above the hubbub. "I didn't hear from you yesterday. Did you manage to get into the Dorian and Sonya match?"

"No, 'fraid not."

"What no belching contests? Oh dear, what a pity, never mind."

"Yes, never mind indeed, 'cos I managed to blag some tickets for today's match instead!"

"You're kidding? How did you manage that?"

"It was easy... a bazalope-burger eating contest."

"A bazalope-burger eating contest? Is it legal to eat those things?"

"I guess so. Bloody tasty they are too. You'll never guess how many I ate?"

"Surprise me."

"Thirty two."

"Thirty two? What, in a minute?"

"No you daft old twát, thirty two in ten minutes."

"Blimey... that's three a minute. I knew you had a big mouth but that's ridiculous. So anyway, what did you think of the game? Where were you sat anyway? I didn't see you."

"Yeah, bummer that was, we were sat right in the gods just below the cameras. Ah well, I guess beggers can't be choosers, especially fat bástards like me."

"Heh. Anyway.. the game."

"Cor, I tell you what, sitting so high up, we had a really good view of the first goal, we could really appreciate the accuracy of that cross-field pass."

"Oh, you're telling me. How the hell did Abdullah find Hunter from fifty yards away like that? Bloody amazing."

"Yeah, that and the timing of the run. Left his markers totally standing still, and he rounded the keeper easy. And then that second goal in the first minute of the second half - cor, what a screamer. I tell ya, that Devanallt is one hell of a striker. 30 yards, top corner, BAM! He's the new Latif Hunter alright. After those two spectualar shots, it kinda made the third one a tad disappointing."

"Yeah, just a bog standard inswinging cross from the wing, Chris Sutton sidefoots it home. Still, can't complain. So, I guess you're off to Drago now."

"Yeah, if someone decides to pick us up, that is. We're standing on a main road trying to blag a lift. It ain't happening though... I guess my breath still stinks of bazalope-burgers."

Fixtures / Results:

MD1: BETTIA 2-1 Bedistan (Via Voleta Dome, Parkford)
MD2: BETTIA 3-1 Dorian & Sonya (CBBC Dome, Woolgolga)
MD3: BETTIA 3-0 Bazalonia (TeleBaz Stadium, Fauxham)
MD4: BETTIA vs. Andossa Se Mitrin Vega (Drago Soccer Field, Drago)
MD5: Cheerio, bye bye, ta ta
We don't do defence
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Posted: Jul 19 2006, 12:03 PM
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Five Star Performance

Stephen Murtagh reporting from Cantinople, Bazalonia

So often in the past the Autocracy’s national sides have slipped up against so called lesser opposition. Jastica is a nation long forgotten, guess who there one and only AOCAF victory was against. Exactly. And that was after the Hyppos had enjoyed successive wins over Bettia, Bedistan and Sarzonia. So there was a certain amount of apprehension among the blue and white army ahead of the match against Group Baza Publishing’s lowest ranked side.

At half time that apprehension had vanished completely after a one sided 45 minutes in which the Hyppos had bagged four goals without reply. Striker Rafael Dudamel opening the scoring with a simple header from Bercali’s cross and a twenty yard daisy-cutter from Adam Bassano somehow beat the keeper to make it two. Dudamel’s second increased the advantage still further. The attacking dominance was exemplified when veteran winger Bercali broke down the left and drove the ball across the face of goal. There were blue and white shirts queuing up to score but it was the unlikely appearance of fallback Evan Hunter at the far post that finished off the move.

It’s hard to concentrate when 4 - 0 up and a defensive lapse allowed a striker in to pull a goal back for Hiiraan. But an amazing comeback never looked like anything other than a dream, and the ever dangerous Carlo Molinari finished off a flowing team move with the fifth.

Hypocria 5 - 1 Hiiraan

In the other group game Krytenia and Oliverry shared four goals in a two all stalemate. A result that helped consolidate the Hyppos position at the top of Group Baza Publishing. Now only the Lowland Clans have any hope of catching the Autocracy.

The HyperSport Upset of the Round

Group TeleBaz - Manhatten Prime 1 - 1 Lamoni
In a round in which results generally went according to the script the Lamoni result once again stood out. The runners-up of four years ago are really struggling after disappointing results against Nedalia and Nojika. After being held by new boys Manhatten Prime the Hawks now have just two points from three games and there position is precarious, particularly considering they have played a game more then the teams around them.

Next . . .

Lounging on the beaches of Cantinople as players, fans and, most importantly of all, reporters enjoy a day off.
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Posted: Jul 19 2006, 03:46 PM
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Manhattan Prime humiliated by Nedalia!

Manhattan Prime 0:6 Nedalia

Manhattan Prime Ratings:

Clive Hilton (GK) – 3, a woeful figure

Lucas Thompson (RB) – 4, showed commitment
John Clarke (CB) – 5, tried to stem the tide
Karl Heinze (CB) – 3, a very poor game for the German fullback
Will Roberts (LB) – 3, looked out of his league.

Ethan Smith (DMC) – 2, outclassed by the Nedalian strikers
Michael Donavan (MC) – 4, runs came to nothing.
Felix DeSilva (AML) – 5, young lad showed promise
Mashashi Takamura (AMR) – 3, lacked any sort of killer touch

Ross Jackson (S) – 4, Ineffective
Yo-explicitive removed-o Katakana (S) – 5, Showed some good touches

No subs used.

Lloyd Hunter Writes for the Manhattan Herald

Newcomers Manhattan Prime were humiliated tonight in their first professional game, being defeated 6-0 by a confident looking Nedalia side.

The Manhattan team put up precious little resistance, with tall Australian goalkeeper Clive Hilton looking a woeful figure between the posts, and the Manhattan defense run ragged for most of the match. Young midfielder Felix DeSilva, like the entire team playing in his first appearance for his nation, showed some promising displays of flair in linking up well with team star striker Katakana, but the Nedalian defense proved up the task.

At times the Manhattan team showed some promising attacking moves, but in the end the superior experience and skill of the Nedalian side proved to be decisive, as the full strength Manhattan side were swept aside with apparent ease.

Nedalia, in contrast, were in fine form, and cruised their opening fixture in Group Telebaz, to put themselves top of the group, and in a great position to qualify for the next round of AOCAF 15.

Not surprisingly, Manhattan Prime fans were disappointed at suffering such an emphatic defeat. “Nedalia looked like they are playing a friendly against a pub team” one fan was heard to say in disgust.

The Manhattan Prime manager gave a brief interview, proclaiming himself “disappointed, but not down heartened”. He reminded reporters that the team would obviously be trying their absolute hardest to win, but that they were coming up against the finest of opposition, and even collecting a few points from this group with be valuable experience and a reason for pride.

Results elsewhere in the group are promising, with neither Lamoni or Nojika able to claim full points from their fixture.

Our Manhattan team however will clearly have to raise their game if they are to salvage any pride from this tournament.

Group TeleBaz

Pos Team P W D L GF GA GD Pts
1 Nedalia 2 2 0 0 8 1 7 6
2 Nojika 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 2
3 Legalese 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
4 Lamoni 2 0 1 1 1 2 -1 1
5 Manhattan Prime 1 0 0 1 0 6 -6 0
Manhattan Prime
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Jul 19 2006, 03:55 PM
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Team in trouble

Thus far in AOCAF XV, the Hawks have just 2 points. One of those came from a 1-1 draw with AOCAF newcomers Manhattan Prime today. Lamoni hangs precariously to third place in group 1, and will need a win on matchday five against Legalese if they hope to qualify.

The Hawks have a bye on matchday four, but don't expect them to be lying around on the beach. Coach Boldman is going to do what he always does and attempt to whip the seeming lethargy out of this squad. "The fact that we are in third place; however precariously, is nothing less than a miracle. Maybe we gained some divine favor from the NS Holy See or something, but we can't rely on that. I am going to do whatever it takes to whip this collection of boys into the shape of the Lamonian AOCAF squad of four years ago. What we are doing now is inexcuseable."

Will Lamoni manage to defeat Legalese? Or will the lethargy resist even the aging Coach Boldman's best efforts? Only time will tell, but it is certain that Coach Boldman will have the Hawks running drills until they can do them in their sleep if that is what is needed.

Forward Javier Sabatini scored the lone Lamonian goal of the match at 20 minutes.

Lamoni - 1 Javier Sabatini (20)
MP - 1 (40)
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jul 19 2006, 10:18 PM
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OOC: AOCAF MD 4 scores posted Lamoni was the last post


It was Jason Kents that in the 92nd minute scored the BazaB's only goal in the match and what has been their only goal in the entire tournament. A controversial penalty was awarded to Jason as a Dorian and Sonyan Defender, Estrella Finau. The Referee awarded the penalty but the television replay seemed to indicate that Jason actually took a dive.

Jason lined up the shot and kicked it. The ball flew through the air and looked like it was going to fly over the top of the bar but managed to go low enough to hit the bottom of the bar. The ball flew out of the goal and into the back of the goalie... the ball trickled over the line just to late for Cierra Samantha to turn around and stop it.

Technically it probably would be considered an own goal but that didn't mater for the BazaB's. It was a goal and it was a win. When the whistle did go after the penalty the BazaB's really celebrated jumping around. Their first win, first points and first goal in any international tournament.

Despite this win the BazaB's still have the opportunity to finish last in the group. The BazaB's face Bedistan while the Necromancers face ASMV. While if the Necromancers beat ASMV and we lost against Bedistan then they would win. Anyother mixture of results will result in a BazaB's appearance into the knockout stages and may even snag third place in the ladder of group BazAir
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Jul 19 2006, 10:37 PM
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Blue Foxes qualify... but how?
Dismal performances reversed with 4-1 win over Islands of Qutar, enough to send Pacitalia through to the last 16

BAZALONIA (PSN) -- Well, we still managed to get through to the round of sixteen and that qualification remains the same despite the remaining match against Myrtannia.

Pacitalia spun off a 4-1 victory over newcomers Qutar to jump into second in a group dominated by the Purple Peril. Pacitalia's four points put them five behind Starblaydia but as they were idle on matchday four it allowed the Tolkacheva-led supersquad to their fourth victory in as many matches and an eight-point lead in the group. However, the Blue Foxes claim they're saving their best football for last.

"We knew it was top four from each group qualify, so we were relaxed a little bit," captain Veranace d'Amantano said Tuesday. "I know that's a bad strategy but we really want a shot at the cup this year and we felt that if we held back a little, kept the tempo down and saved our energy we could produce some excellent results later down the road when they were needed."

That comment has left fans screaming in agony "Why didn't you tell us this before?!"

The Starblaydi squad pummeled the Blue Foxes on opening night 6-0, and following that the Pacitalians blew a 3-1 lead en route to a three-all draw with the Warriors of Milchama. Today, however, there is relief on the faces of the fans and smiles on the faces of the players as they emerged with a 4-1 win to bring their goal differential a little closer to even. (Just so you know, it's still at -3. Thanks, Bordo.)

Ambrosino Giurimano opened the scoring in the 22nd, flicking the ball almost flukishly off his right heel and past the Qutari keeper for a 1-0 lead. The Qutari equalised when San' Cristobal committed a penalty in the box but when the boos started raining down from unsatisfied Blue Fox fans in the seats the team stepped up their play dramatically, with Giurimano scoring his second in the 59th followed by Andolfabio Vunghiasso in the 69th and d'Amantano in the 81st off a free kick.

The 'Foxes move on to play the Myrtannian squad. The Dryads hold a similar 1-1-1 record after downing Qutar 2-1 on MD4 and are looking to steal second from the Pacitalians by earning their first victory ever against the Blue Foxes on match day five. Hopefully, the Blue Foxes have other ideas as they storm into the knockouts (or claim to).

From Bazalonia
Pacitalia 4 : 1 Islands of Qutar
PAC: Giurimano 22, 59'; Vunghiasso 69', d'Amantano 81'
QUT: 37'

This post has been edited by Pacitalia on Jul 19 2006, 10:39 PM
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Posted: Jul 19 2006, 10:53 PM
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FdFP: Pacitalia will bid to host AOCAF16
Strong support for international-level football and a multitude of capable hosting cities cited

TIMIOCATO (PSN) -- It was all smiles in the conference room at the headquarters of Pacitalia's football federation as, on the heels of a 4-1 victory in the third matchday of AOCAF15, the national governing body of the sport announced Pacitalia would seek to host the next installment of the successful tournament, widely recognised and billed as the world's premier regional championship.

"I point to the strong tradition of footballing in the country, with our successful leagues and well-known clubs, plus the nationwide support for the Blue Foxes at all levels of competition, including the AOCAF," FdFP president Ramón Mina said Wednesday. "I also note how successful the first Puntafora Football Invitational was, drawing talent from sixteen competitive squads that performed to their very best in front of packed houses, every single match."

He added: "The well-known and long-renowned volunteer and hard-work spirit of this country will shine during a Pacitalian-hosted AOCAF and we want to bring the region, if not the world, to Pacitalia to show those first-timers what they've been missing and show just how football-crazy this country really is."

Mina's organisation reportedly has the support of prime minister Constantino Sorantanali, the National Commerce Community and the Pacitalian Trade and Industry Commission. The bid would be backed mainly by private investment but the federal and provincial governments are apparently offering twenty to thirty percent cost-share for the AOCAF bid. Some stadiums would need to be upgraded to suit international competition but Mina says the current stadia available are more than ready to host a high-level tournament.

Mina says he and his bid executive team, yet to be named, will soon release the proposed stadia, tournament logo and tournament operation scheme (that is, how the competition would work from the group stage through to the final). Mina says he wants to organise a festival of culture and food around the tournament to broaden visitors' horizons about the country and the sport's history in Pacitalia.

"This could be the biggest and best AOCAF yet and we are up for the challenge," he finished by saying.
The best place on earth.
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Posted: Jul 19 2006, 10:56 PM
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That's More Like It! Dryads Vanquish Fiesty Islands of Qutar

CANTINOPLE, Bazalonia - So far in the Fifteenth edition of the AOCAF, the Allied States has fielded a fairly typical Dryads side. Draw with Milchama, get blasted by Starblaydia, and have to fight to get through to the round of 16. Yet, even after coach McNany kept the starting eleven off the field for the drubbing by the defending champions, the Dryads had a chance to secure a place in the second round with a win.

Victory on the pitch against the Islands of Qutar on day 4 would mean three more precious points for a total of four. This would gaurantee that Myrtannia would finish no worse the fourth in Group Verona, and thereby secure their place in the knockouts. A loss would leave Qutar with 0 points, and as such would have no chance of leap-frogging Myrtannia.

On the pitch, things finally seemed to be going the right way for the Dryads once again. The Dryads Army, missing in action for the match against Starblaydia, managed to reach Stadium 2 early, and seemed to have grown in size since their last appearance at the Milchama match. Their bright orange shirts, replica kits, Sun Burst banners, and obnoxious signs were more than welcome to the Myrtannian side, who faced a must-win match against the group's AOCAF newcomer.

Also missing in action in the previous match had been the starters, held out of the Starblaydia match in order to keep them rested for the final two matches that the Dryads actually stood a chance of winning. The difference between the reserves and the starters proved to be extraordinary. Where the reserve defense allowed six goals against the defending champions, the starters returned to hold the Qutar side to only one.

That goal would come late in the first half, at the 40' mark. First, though, the Dryads went on the attack, led by a very focused assault by their forwards. Deeann Massetti managed to dribble around and past the Qutar defenders, and then passed it accurately over to September Rollock. Rollock then passed it to Dania Figary, who took a shot, which was barely deflected by the Qutar goalkeeper. Rozalynn Gabino got to the ball first, headed it back at the net, and sent the black and white sphere sharply into the upper right corner.

For the first time in AOCAF XV, the Dryads struck first, leading 1-0 up until five minutes before halftime. At that point, the unsually fiesty Islands of Qutar side managed to sneak through and score a huge equaliser that put hope of reaching the knockouts on their first try within reach. Going into the half, it was tied at one goal apiece, but the Dryads weren't satisfied.

"We knew that we needed to beat these guys and get back on the right track. No missing the knockouts for us, even if we face a group winner there - we're not going down in the group stage again," Dania Figary told the press, "We've come too far to let ourselves fall to 1 for 3 on attempting to reach the second round."

And coming out into the second half, the Dryads' mentality seemed to be working in their favor once more. For the rest of the match, the IoQ offense couldn't penetrate the Orpha Mega-led defense of the Dryads. Myrtannia again controlled the ball and tempo of the match, pressing the attack at every opportunity. Several shots on the opposing goal narrowly missed going in, but once again something had to give. That something proved to be the new captain, who found some daylight late in the match.

With time ticking away, Figary managed to cut through the defense like a razor blade, and found herself one-on-one with the goal keeper. She fake a movement to the left, then booted the ball past him to the right to put the Dryads up. The Dryads Army erupted into cheers for the first time since day one, and shortly thereafter, the match ended. After a scare by the Islands of Qutar, Myrtannia emerged with the all-important victory and three points.

Now that passage through to the last 16 is a certainty, the Dryads are playing for positioning against Pacitalia on Day 5. It will be a rematch of the third place match of AOCAF XIV, where the Blue Foxes prevailed 2-1. Whoever wins the match will secure second place in the group, while the loser will have to watch Milchama and the Islands of Qutar to figure out where they'll end up. Strange as it seems, the winless Qutar side still have a slim chance of getting through to the knockouts. A win against Milchama would give them 3 points to Milchama's 2, and allow them to leapfrog the Warriors.

A draw would give Qutar 1 point, but also give the Warriors 1 as well, for a total of 3, sending the Warriors through to the round of 16 in fourth place from Group Verona. A Milchaman victory and either a Pacitalian or Myrtannian victory would send the Warriors through in third place with 5 points. A draw in the Blue Foxes-Drayds match and Warriors win would give Milchama a chance at second.

"The easiest way to finish respectably is to beat Pacitalia," coach McNany explained, "So we're going to focus heavily over the next 24 hours on doing just that. Lots of videos, practice, food, more practice, and even more practice."

Myrtannia is 0-0-2 all-time against Pacitalia, but the Blue Foxes have also been having a dissapointing group stage performance. A 0-6 thrashing by Starblaydia and a 3-3 draw with Milchama preceded a 4-1 win against Qutar leaves the Blue Foxes in a similar situation as Myrtannia faces. However it ends up, both will see the round of 16, it's merely a matter of what seed they secure. The Dryads have a decent shot at securing second, if they can contain the Blue Foxes long enough to get ahead. Whatever happens, AIR 4 will be there to provide the action.

The final from stadium 2:

Myrtannia 2 - 1 Islands of Qutar
(Gabino 34, Figary 88) (40)
Experienced Senator
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Posted: Jul 20 2006, 08:31 PM
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Verdena be Representin'

Thats right folks, take a look at the charts; 4 different groups, with 3 of the leaders from the southern continent of Verdena, and two of them (Nedalia and Bettia) having gone undefeated. The other leader is the WCC President (Starblaydia) who shot down the proposed Hyp-ror-ions of the Cup of Harmony, so a certain feeling of resentment resides.

Bettia topped their group ahead of heavyweights Bedistan and hosts Bazalonia with impressively solid displays. Hypocria conceded a few more but also scored a few more, finishing first in the toughest group, ahead of Krytenia, Oliverry, and the Lowland Clans. As for Nedalia, well, 17 goals scored, 2 conceded, perfect 4-0-0 ahead of last tournament's runner-up Lamoni and Legalese. Starblaydia, on the other hand, scored 19, conceded 1, with a perfect 4-0-0 ahead of Pacitalia, Milchama, and Nedalia's 2nd round opponents, Myrtannia.

Nedalia, who exited WC29 in the group stages, were able to field a full A squad, captained by Constantine. However, legends such as Nene, Hardman, Point, and Khadra were not on the pitch; indeed, the famed "2nd Generation" retired after the World Cup, leaving what many thought would be roles that could not be filled.
However, their replacements have been more than adequate, especially Jesmin Il-Mohafet, who has probably the toughest role to fill, that being replacing Nene.

Out of Nedalia's 17 goals, he has scored 4 and assisted 4, in 4 games. The Lions leading scorer, to the suprise of no-one, has been Jimmy Kelly, who has notched 6 goals, but perhaps the most impressive player has been the captain himself, determined to lift himself to becoming one of Nedalia's greats. No longer overshadowed by the 2nd Generation members, he now has the center stage all to himself. What Constantine does with it, is squarely up to his talents.

For now, though, Verdena is showcasing perhaps the best football in the region.
Emperor in Training
Posts: 486
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Posted: Jul 20 2006, 09:27 PM
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(OOC: What is going on with all these VERY unlikely upsets!?!?!)


The AOCAF XV wild ride continues for the Hawks, as they fell 2-3 to Legalese, and barely qualify for the knockouts at fourth place in group 1. While the Hawks have failed to make it into the knockouts before, they've always managed to grab more than two points before now. Scoring is also down, and many people are starting to wonder about the future of the Lamonian AOCAF program. Past Lamonian AOCAF teams have brought the Hawks all the way to second place in AOCAF XIV, and seventh in overall AOCAF rankings. Either this team steps it up in the knockouts (starting with Hypocria), or they'll be sent home to the worst reception of any Lamonian AOCAF team in history. Lamoni has made the AOCAF knockouts more times than not, but one has to wonder about what direction that this AOCAF squad is taking.

The Hawks have drawn in matches that they should have won HANDILY, and even lost to a team that they should have easily defeated. Hopefully, this was just a one in a million AOCAF quirk, and will be fixed as soon as possible. Accordingly, Lamoni will be changing it's AOCAF style modifier to +3 for the upcoming knockout match. It is hoped that this offensive style will enable the Hawks to score enough goals to win these matches. Since everything is so confusing through the group stages, why can't matters take one more big surprise swing, and allow Lamoni to win the AOCAF cup? Far fetched, I admit; but wierder things have happened.

Lamoni - 2 Max Mathieson (30), Erik Galasso (35)
Legalese - 3 (25, 32, 33)
Democratic Maniac
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