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Growing Unrest In Druidish Lands
Posted: Oct 15 2004, 07:01 PM
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Looking over the latest election results from NEWI Cefn Druids, President Matt noted the coming race between Griffiths and Van der Haart.

"Personally, I think that the only way that Griffiths could lose that race is if he does something dumb. I don't think that he will." President Matt stated.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Oct 28 2004, 08:14 AM
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*we are floating on the seas of Atlantian Oceania in a little fishing boat. I know, it's a silly thing to do, but we're doing it anyway. We appear to have lost the signal from our Druidish contact, and are flicking through all the known frequencies we can when we hear the following message through the mass of interference. It wasn't in the usual Druidish tones, so forgive us if we make an error...*

"...and NEWI Cefn Druids has re-elected Geraint Griffiths for another term of office ahead of Trevor van der Haart..."

*at this point, the waves are bashing the side of our boat so hard, we can't hear anything else. Which begs the question, "What the hell are we doing on a boat in the first place?"*
NEWI Cefn Druids
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Posted: Nov 17 2004, 07:49 AM
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The Daily Druid

By Owen Morgan

The NEWI Cefn Druids elections for the 23 regional houses have shown how Druida have been making significant gains all across the country. Of course, most houses still had the same leaders, but their majorities were all reduced. It meant that the PDP still held 12 houses, the Socialist Party 9 and the Anwir Cymru Party just one.

But the most significant change came in the Bekkshore region in the far east of the country, where Druida won control of the house wita a massive majority, even bigger, in fact, than the one they have in their current homeland.

The win in the Bekkshore region is especially significant, as the region is already under shared rule. Currently, it is run 50% from Cefn, 25% by Druida and 25% by the regional house. However, Druida's policies in the election included a bid to make the Bekkshore region a part of their nation.

As they now have 50% of the control over the area, it seems more than likely that there will be a referendum in the region over which nation they wish to be part of - NEWI Cefn Druids or Driuda. Polls show that if such an election were to take place today, Druida would win hands down and NEWI Cefn Druids would be forced, under their own terms, to annex the land to Druida.
NEWI Cefn Druids
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Posted: Nov 18 2004, 09:40 AM
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The Tribune Tribune
Serving Druid Tribune and the surrounding area

By Trefor Iffyl.

After giving the people of Bekkshore a referendum on which nation they wish to be a part of, NEWI Cefn Druids or Druida, the voters there have voted by over three-to-one in favour of joining Druida. All in all, 78% of Bekkshorers voted in favour of the change, as opposed to just 22% wishing to stay NEWI Cefn Druidish.

The results of the referendum mean that the geography of the region has changed rather significantly, as shown in our diagram. NEWI Cefn Druids is no longer on the banks of Bekk, as Druida has expanded to take up the entire east coast. Druid Tribune, formerly under shared control despite being home of the Druidan government, is now 100% Druidan.

More significantly, the result will ring alarm bells in Cefn, where a rather complacent Geraint Griffiths seemed sure that Bekkside would remain Druidish. He has basically been made too look a fool by Margaret Smith, something that not many people can say about themselves. If Druida continues growing in popularity across the Druidish Lands at this rate, then it could all end up Druidan in a matter of a few years.
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Dec 7 2004, 09:44 AM
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The Daily Druid

By Owen Morgan

In just a few months time, the people of NEWI Cefn Druids will be going to the polling stations. But this time, it is much more than choosing a government. They are, in effect, choosing who they see themselves as.

On the one hand, we have the current President Geraint Griffiths of the People's Democratic Party. Despite the party's name, a large proportion of the Druidish people do not feel that the party represents them. Strong policies favouring business have always been the order of the day, largely neglecting the needs of the people.

On the other hand, there is Druida. The nation of Druida, under the leadership of Margaret (previously Trevor) Smith, has grown in popularity in recent years, especially as people have watched the economic changes in the former Flexsys Cefn Druids that have led to a much narrower gap between rich and poor. Indeed, despite not having as strong an economy as themselves, the People's Republic of Druida is being seen by many as a perfect example of how life in NEWI Cefn Druids should be.

However, there is one catch. Druida wish to unite the entire Druidish lands as one nation under the Druida name. However, the PDP wish to keep the nation of NEWI Cefn Druids intact, and that is their major selling point to many people. So what are the the pepole of NEWI Cefn Druids? NEWI Cefn Druidish or Druidans. The support Druida is receiving, especially amongst the heartlands of the current official opposition, Trevor van der Haart's Socialist Party, suggests that they are probably favourites right now. van der Haart himself has even pulled out of this one, making it very much a two horse race. However, many people are still proud to be NEWI Cefn Druidish, and even though they are desperate for change, they are not thought to be willing to give up their national identity. HOwever, only time, and the ballot box, will tell.
NEWI Cefn Druids
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Posted: Dec 9 2004, 10:40 AM
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The Daily Druid

By Owen Morgan

The hopes of Druidan President Margaret Smith becoming president of a united Druidish Lands were given a boost yesterday when head of the Football Association of NEWI Cefn Druids, the Former Minister for Lost Things, threw his hat into the ring.

The Former Minister is angry that Smith's plans would lead to the end of NEWI Cefn Druids, while he also opposes the pro-business policies of current President Geraint Griffiths and the backing down of Socialist candidate Trevor van der Haart. He will run as an independent.

However, the Former Minister is seen by most analysts as more of a threat to Griffiths' hopes of re-election than the man he considers his main opponent, Smith. The main reason why Griffiths was thought to be in with a shout was because of his strong belief in keeping NEWI Cefn Druids, as opposed to uniting the Druidish Lands under Smith's plans. This was the main reason that many were voting for him, as they strongly opposed his policies but did not consider themselves Druidans.

With the Former Minister now in the race, these are the people who seem most likely to defect. Those looking for a policiy change and willing to become Druidan are generally seen as less likely to change back to being NEWI Cefn Druidish.

The Former Minister is also expected to gain votes from many football supporters across the country. However, this will again struggle to make inroads into Smith's support, as most Druidans support their adopted country anyway.

And so, what seemed like a close battle for the presidency could now have been turned into a virtual walkover for Smith. And with Druida bidding to host World Cup 20 with their Starblaydi neighbours from over Bekk, many in NEWI Cefn Druids might also see the possibility of these finals in their nation as just another selling point to an already popular party.

This post has been edited by NEWI Cefn Druids on Dec 9 2004, 10:43 AM
NEWI Cefn Druids
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Posted: Dec 12 2004, 12:03 PM
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The Tribune Tribune
Serving Druid Tribune and the surrounding area

By Trefor Milford

There was a tradgedy unfolding on the Bekk Lake just off Druid Tribune last night, as a plane exploded and landed in the water, killing all who were on board.

It is not completely known who was on the plane, though it was one owned by the Druidan government. The search for the black box recorder of the plane is under way in order to see why exactly the plane crashed, as well as unravelling a lot of other secrets about the plane, such as who exactly was on board and where it was heading.

The sad news spread rapidly across the area. The Druidan football team, who had earlier flown through the same skies on their way to another nation by the side of the Bekk Lake, Starblaydia, didn't look up for their game very much, though it also seemed to have a similar effect on their opponents, with the two nations being in such close proximity to each other. Their game, a 0-0 draw, means that Krytenia have to make up a goal difference of 7 betwee nthemselves and the rainbows to dislodge them from their qualifying berth.

But, for a change, football is not what is on the mind of most Druidans right now. Instead, Druida is a nation in mourning after the shocking sights of the plane just minutes into a flight from the Druid Tribune Historical Aerodrome. Our thoughts are with the friends and relatives of those sadly departed.
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Dec 14 2004, 08:06 AM
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Apologies to a fair few of you who won't understand this, as part of this storyline has been played out in the NS World Cup thread. So before I'll go any further, I'll update you on how we have got to where we are...

President Trevor Smith originally employed a scheme in which people would change their name to Margaret to bring hte Druidan football team good luck. However, the scheme was shown to be a coimplete scam, and cost the government billions. Smith was one of just 42 Druidans to go ahead with the name change.

Now Smith has another hair brained plan. Legend has it that in the far away nation of Melmond, there are some Voodoo Dice that bring luck to the holders. Smith had sent the collection of Margarets, known as the Margaret Army, to recover tham for Druida. However, as you may have just seen, this ended with catastrophic results...

Anyway, back to the usual programming...

*President Margaret Smith is in his office. Unexpectedly, his unnamed helper rushes in...*

Unnamed helper: "Sir, sir, I've got it!"

President Smith: "Got what?"

Unnamed helper: "The black box recorder, sir! From the Margaret Army's flight!"

President Smith: "Well why didn't you say that. Come in, let's play it back."

*The unnamed helper sits down and starts playing the recording back to the president.*


Voice: "Airport control, this is flight DRU00X to Cali in Melmond, are you receiving?"

Airport control: "Receiving you loud and clear, DRU00X."

DRU00X: "We're just looking for permision to take to the runway to take off."

Airport control: "All is clear ahead for you."

DRU00X: "OK, thank you...
       Ladies and gentlemen, this is your pilot speaking, this is the Druidan Government flight from Druid Tribune to Cali.
       It's going to be a long flight, so make sure your all comfortable, and I'll hand you over to your cabin crew for the journey..."

President Smith: "Well, it's not very exciting, is it?"

Unnamed helper: "It isn't supposed to be exciting! This isn't just some joke they've made up!"

President Smith: "Oh, right. I thought you'd recorded some radio show for me."

Unnamed helper: "I only told you two minutes ago!!! This is the recording from the Margaret Army plane crash!!!"

President Smith: "Actually, now you mantion it, you did say something about that, didn't you?"

Unnamed helper: "Mr President, it would help if you kept quiet, that's all."

President Smith: "Well, you're the one that's going on!"

*Unnamed helper just stares back at the president.*

President Smith: "What?"

*Unnamed helper points at the recorder and they continue listening*


DRU00X: "Airport control, are you receiving?"

Airport control: "We are, DRU00X."

DRU00X: "There seems to be a lot of noise coming from behind us...
       like some kind of rowdy crowd..."

Airport control: "What do you mean?"

DRU00X: "Just like a rabble."

Airport control: "Well, get back to me if you start having any problems, OK?"

DRU00X: "OK."

Airport control: "Over and out."

<Just as airport control cease communication, a loud crash is heard.>


DRU00X: "What the..."

Intruder: "GO ON! DO IT!!!"

DRU00X: "But we can't do that! Can't you see we're flying this plane?"

Intruder: "Not any more, you're not!"

<A series of about fifteen loud bangs are heard.>

Intruder: "Right then, let's get out of here!"

<It all goes silent for a few seconds.>

Airport control: "DRU00X, this is airport control, do you read me?"


Airport control (more frantically): "I repeat, DRU00X, this is airport control, do you read me???"

<Again, nothing.>

Airport control: "DRU00X, ARE YOU THERE!!!"

<At this point, we here a crashing sound and that's it. The recorder goes dead.>

President Smith: "So... what are we going to do now?"

Unnamed helper: "What do you mean, what are we going to do?"

Presidnet Smith: "About the intruder? I mean who was he?"

Unnamed helper: "I don't know! Why would he say that? He's not a complete idiot, you know. Not like those other morons that were on the plane with him."

President Smith: "They weren't morons! They were just committed to the cause!"

Unnamed helper: "Jeez, you'll never listen, will you."

President Smith: "Come on, they died for the cause! How much more committed do thye have to be?"

Unnamed helper: "I don't want to go on, there's a bigger issue at stake here."

President Smith: "There is?"

Unnamed helper: "Yes of course there is!"

Presidnet Smith: "Well, what's that, then?"

Unnamed helper: "Security! Your security!"

President Smith: "Uh?"

Unnamed helper: "Well, why would anyone want to blow up a government plane on a mission that you had specifically sent out?"

President Smith: "Er..."

Unnamed helper: "To get at you, dummy!"

President Smith: "Oh."

Unnamed helper: "Well, either that, or they don't want our football team to do well."

President Smith: "You're going to have to explain again."

Unnamed helper: "Well, why were they going to Melmond in the first place?"

President Smith: "For the dice."

Unnamed helper: "Which were for what?"

President Smith: "To help the team's results."

Unnamed helper: "Exactly."

President Smith: "But who would want to do that?"

Unnamed helper: "I know someone. Not only might he be after you, but the football team as well..."
Royal Scribe
Posts: 130
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Posted: Jan 5 2005, 10:10 AM
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The Daily Druid

Will fly into Cefn later for final rally cry.
By Trevor Manley.

Leader of the party of Druida and president of the People's Republic of Druida, Margaret Smith, will fly into Cefn today for the final rally of this election campaign. Smith has been reasonably quiet throughout the campaign, what with having a nation to run already, but his support across the whole of the Druidish lands is that great that he hasn't really had to do that much, his supporters have done that for him. Indeed, it is thought by some that he is travelling to Cefn more for a victory parade than a rally, but other experts suggest that the race is still close between himself and the Former Minister for Lost Things...

- - - - - - - - - - -

Meanwhile, on a plane somewhere above Eastern NEWI Cefn Druids...

Unnamed helper: "You mean to tell me you're not at all nervous about the result?"

President Smith: "Why should I be? You've seen for yourself the support I have all over the Druidish Lands. Obviously, if I'd have had more time on my hands, we would have walked it, no doubt. But we'll still win."

Unnamed helper: "Oh. Well, I'm going to get a drink to staedy my nerves. Want one?"

President Smith: "No. I'll be fine, thanks."

*As the unnamed helper leaves for a different area of the aircraft, a shadowy figure, face covered by a balaclava, emerges from behind a chair, and creeps up on President Smith...*

Shadowy figure: "Not nervous, eh? You should be."

President Smith: "Why... what... uh?"

*Shadowy figure pulls out a gun.*

Shadowy figure: "You should know by now that it isn't safe for Druidans to fly. What a mistake. You really are as stupid as they say."

President Smith: "Please... don't..."


*The shadowy figue collapses on the floor*

Unnamed helper: "Sir, I wondered what I should do with this empty bottle."

President Smith: "You... saved..."

Unnamed helper: "Well, as you always say, that's what my job is. Now to get this monster unmasked..."

*They pull off the shadowy figure's balaclava, only to find...*

President Smith: "Oh my god!"

Unnamed helper: "Sir, you're doing it again. You're atheist, remember?"

President Smith: "Sorry. But it's..."

Shadowy figure: "...The Former Minister for Lost Things. I know. But it was the only way. Our only hope."

*With this, the Former Minister for Lost Things grabs a parachute.*

FMfLT: "But don't worry. When you tell the world, they'll never believe you. It'll make you look a fool, and I shall cruise to victory."

*And with that, he opens the doors, and jumps.*

President Smith: "He's right, you know. Dead right."

Unnemed helper: "Don't be stupid sir. The whole thing's on the security camera up there. He hasn't got a leg to stand on!"

President Smith: "He.. hasn't?"

Unnamed helper: "Of course not. Come on, once we land, we'll tell the people down there, and that'll be the end for him, and the Druidan Lands will be united as one!"

- - - - - - - - - - -

The Daily Druid

NEWI Cefn Druids to join Druida within the week.
By Trevor Manley.

A landslide victory at the polls for Margaret Smith of Druida has been the result of an eventful day in Druidish, or should we say Druidan, politics.

Firstly, an attempted assassination of Smith by his main rival, the Former Minister for Lost Things, was officially confirmed by Cefn-Mawr Police. Indeed, it was confirmed that he is also under investigation for the disappearance of the Druida football team, the shooting of Trevor Kallins and the crashing of the plane of the Margaret Army.

The result of this saw a sharp decline in the Former Minister's support, and he ended up in a lowly fourth place, even behind the racist Druidish Party's David David David. Outgoing President Geraint Griffiths came second, with just 18% of the vote, with Smith polling 71%.

So I guess this is the end of our nation of NEWI Cefn Druids. We've had a topsy turvy history, but for the masses, teh last couple of decades hasn't exactly been the best of times, and a new start under the flag of Druida is just what the people of this nation needed. NEWI Cefn Druids is dead. Long live Druida!
NEWI Cefn Druids
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