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A New Dawn
Posted: Apr 12 2005, 03:19 PM
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The mist was slowly receding in the sunlight as three craft approached the island, nearly silent and, seemingly, gliding, twenty feet above the water. As they approached the island, nearly two-hundred feet out, the craft descended to ten feet, the crests of waves hitting the hardened silver and black metal plating. Without a second wasted, fifteen heavily armed bipeds practically flew out of the leading craft, landing on the beach in complete silence, only the noises of the tropical forest and the crashing waves to accompany the humming of their shimmering blue blades.

The leaves rustled as a small man, compared to the newly arrived creatures at least, who stood at about two and a half meters off the ground, came tumbling out of the forest. Four small red laser dots immediately converged on one spot on his forehead, right between the eyes, coming from four weapons, seemingly like human firearms, but distinctly different in appearance. As two of the bipeds approached him, he fell on his knees and silently screamed, as if something was attacking him, but nothing was visible around him beyond the laser dots on his forehead. Finally, after almost a whole minute of apparently unbearable pain, he pointed towards a low mountain further into the forest and collapsed, blood running out of his nose, ears, mouth, and eyes. The two bipeds at the front of the formation signaled the rest to move forward and 45 more bipeds jumped out of the three craft hovering by the shore.

As each team moved into the forest, two moving diagonally to pre-designated points arranged via satellite, with the other team moving straight forward to the base of the mountain that the man had pointed to. All of the groups were completely silent as the moved forward and did not even use hand signals. All sentients they came across collapsed in front of them, or, if that proved unsuccessful, were quickly killed by the blue blades each warrior carried. The island was in for a new dawn.

(ooc: next installment later tonight, this is on one of the 3 islands a bit down and right of my territory.)

This post has been edited by Holy Saints on Apr 12 2005, 03:20 PM
Holy Saints
Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: Apr 12 2005, 05:17 PM
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The first team of the bipeds fanned out and slowly crept through the brush next to a monolithic structure at the base of the mountain. The building was covered in overgrowth, plants overshadowing it almost entirely, with the shiny black stone barely visible beneath the foliage. None of the plants actually touched the structure, and there seemed to be a constant two meter barrier between the building and all the plants around it.

The two bipeds that had ‘interrogated’ the man at the beach got up and slowly approached the structure. They kept their blades on in case a threat was to appear, but otherwise seemed completely at ease. They stopped a few feet short of the base of the steep steps leading up to the top of the structure, which barely appeared above the tree-line. There they knelt, promptly bowing their heads to the ground. After a few moments, they got back up and ascended the several hundred foot high steps, slowly and surely.

At the top of the steps they knelt again, this time for almost a half an hour, and walked up to the two large sheer doors at the front of the additional structure at the apex of the original, larger, structure. They both placed one of their four fingered hands, two thumbs and two fingers all in all, on a round indent in each door. The doors emitted a low hum and designs all over them shimmered in a blood red color.

The doors opened revealing a large room, one end of which was bathed in a faint green light. The two creatures walked into the room, their yellow eyes glowing in the relative darkness. They turned off their blades completely and approached the object emitting the green light; a crystal. One of them picked up the crystal very gently, pulled out a small metal casing with electric bands coursing all over it, and, very carefully, placed the crystal inside the padded box, where it hovered about a centimeter from each surface.

The two bipeds exited the structure and slowly descended the steps, rejoining their comrades at the bottom of the structure. They started walking back towards the beach, but stopped halfway at a large clearing they had encountered earlier, at which they began setting up a small camp. The two other teams were also setting up camp elsewhere in the forest, and darkness descended soon afterwards. At the first team’s camp, a small communications device was set up and they conveyed the communiqué to the mainland concerning the status of the mission. By next day they expected at least two colonial parties to arrive along with a small guard of The Conclave’s Templar Corps. The island was an immensely important site for The Conclave to obtain, considering the immense and immeasurable success already achieved there. So far the Expeditionary Force had only explored one twentieth of the island, and it was incredibly likely that similar sites occupied at least five other locations on the island.
Holy Saints
Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: Apr 16 2005, 02:05 PM
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A low thud resonated all around the forest, traveling immense distances on the island, reaching a small party of “pirates” with their own landing party on the opposite side of the island from the biped’s camps. The thud came from a fairly large structure appearing through a shimmering blue circular opening on the ground. The bipeds had transported a gateway to the island to quickly and safely transport more materiel and personnel to their location. Now the real takeover of the island could be accomplished.

Within two hours, several dozen of the bipeds came out of the gateway, and exactly two and a half hours after it had been placed there, a being came out which made every other biped bow down and rest their head on the ground. He was in a beautifully designed, completely black armor, with two scabbards on his hips, each holding what seemed to be a mix of a scimitar and a reaper. Simple blood red robes flowed down from the gold plated opening for his neck, covering most of his armor when he stood still.

An aide quickly stood up and gave him a data-pad containing all the information assembled concerning the island. A few minutes after Fenix gave back the data-pad to the aid, a low hum was heard on the horizon and six small fighters blasted over the campsite. They had been ordered to patrol the island, and they had a small observer science vessel to conduct different scans of the island for energy signatures and possibly other beings on the island.

Soon enough, they found three energy signatures immediately above the forest at similar sites to the temple already found. They found two faint signatures several hundred feet under gigantic mounds in the middle of the forest. They also detected encampments of humanoid creatures all over the island, one fairly large with an estimated population of 3,000 persons, all the rest with only a few hundred to a thousand at maximum.

They also recorded a feed of the “pirate” ship at anchor about 40 meters from the island, which had set up a small camp a few dozen meters inland as well. It seemed the ship was trying to contact some of the small humanoid encampments for supplies or to loot them. The pirate’s strength was estimated at 1,500 total, on ship and on land. Fenix ordered a party of thirty Templar, one translator and six Heavy Strike Infantry to the biggest of the humanoid encampments, and ordered a group of 45 Templar, Tassadar, and two translators, along with the six aircraft in the sky to go investigate the pirates’ activities. A small Shadow Patrol would go in first and capture about five pirates to determine their purpose and how well armed they were. They all hoped this could be ended quickly, with little noise and end with a settlement of the bipeds in control of the island.

This post has been edited by Holy Saints on Apr 16 2005, 02:05 PM
Holy Saints
Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: Apr 16 2005, 05:13 PM
PMEmail Poster
OOC: I plan to send my own forces into the island, THS. I'll RP it a little later.
Emperor in Training
Posts: 486
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Posted: Apr 17 2005, 05:45 PM
PMEmail Poster
“What do you think, Commander?” asked President Bren.

“I think we should mobilize about 2,000 of our troops, 500 of them NGM, and have them shipped over to the islands just south of here, sir. They are important strategically and for the safety of our nation.” The Commander answered, very sure of his answer.

“Very well, then. What do we know about these islands?”

“Well, a recent expedition, albeit a very small one, shows small communities, humans, which went against our theory that some other species populated the island. In any case, we shall face little resistance against them, if any at all.”

“I see. Well, I leave in your hands, just don’t destroy the budget with this little escapade. They are, after all, just two small islands off of our coast.”

“Yes sir, understood. I shall get General Broward on it immediately, and give him the necessary funds.”

Commander Horacio excused himself, and stepped out of the office. He ordered his escorts to contact General Broward, a highly gifted explorer with a very militaristic way of going about things. The Commander knew that he was the man for the job, but there was thing bothering him, something he hadn’t told the President. A few days ago, Nedalian patrol boats spotted a very technologically advanced hovercraft landing on the island, believed to be from Holy Saints. It was this single incident which spurred the Commander to convince the President to send troops to the very same island. He did not know what Holy Saints was up to, but he was going to take no chance. What worried him was the technological superiority displayed by the country across the canal. Nevertheless, he was convinced he was doing the right thing.

General Broward was already in the office when the Commander arrived. Seated on the guest leather chair, Broward had no idea why the Commander contacted him with such urgency. All he heard was that he was to ship troops to the southern island, known only as Temple Island by Nedalia.

“General, its good to see you made it here so quick. There is no time to waste.”, the Commander commented.

“Yes sir, please continue.”

“I did not tell the President, General, I just told him that in the name of national security, we should at least have a military presence on Temple Island, but….but it seems the country of Holy Saints has made advancements onto the island.”

“Yes sir, I heard. I also hear they technology is far superior to anything we have ever encountered.”

“Indeed, which is why I am going to ask you to dispatch NGM fighters to the island as well.”

“Sir, you are aware that the NGM fighters take no prisoners, be it civilian or military.”

“I understand, all I can do is ask them is if a battle was to occur, to keep civilian deaths to a minimum. But I feel we have no other choice…we must take this measure. I have no idea of the intentions of Holy Saints.”

“Very well, sir. I shall dispatch troops, both Army and NGM, first thing in the morning. Will we have air support?”

“I want to keep this low key for now, so currently, no.”

“Understood, sir. I bid you a good day.”

“You, too General.”

The General got up and advanced towards to the door, nervous about the expedition he has been asked to lead. The Commander, still seated in his chair, was just as nervous, fearing only the worst….
Emperor in Training
Posts: 486
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Posted: Apr 18 2005, 12:10 AM
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A small blur moved across the backdrop of the forest, just a few feet from the flames of the campfire at which a group of 7 pirates were sitting. Several more blurs were moving in, completely silent. The pirates were completely oblivious of their predicament until the last second, and not a single one was able to utter a sound. Two lay on the ground headless and the other 5, two of them apparently officers, seeing as they were better dressed than the others, were escorted away from the area into the shadows.

About three hundred meters away Tassadar, along with a small squad of Templar, was waiting for the Shadow Patrol to come back with the prisoners. The five men were pushed into the group and sank to their knees as powerful mental waves overwhelmed them. Tassadar was thankful that they had already set up a beacon back at the base camp, otherwise these creatures wouldn’t have submitted at all, and rather would have panicked. As he quickly extracted the information he wanted from them, a low hum was heard from one of the THS aircraft patrolling the area as it zoomed overhead. It had spotted something on the horizon and the Conclave was expecting a full report from the six aircraft in less than 20 minutes.
Holy Saints
Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: Apr 18 2005, 10:14 AM
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Broward has sent in, for now, 5 units, each containing 100 soldiers, around 20 of them NGM. There had been no encounters as of yet, considering they had just landed on the island, but NIA HQ in Kafra were keeping close tabs on the forces that had ascended to Temple Island. There was a certain level of nervousness that everyone could sense; a sense of fear, perhaps. This could very well represent the first military battle with an outside force Nedalia has ever had. Nevertheless, Broward knew it must be done.

"Anyword from Operation Temple Savior?", Broward asked?

"Yes sir, we're with them every step of the way, thanks to the wavelength frequency. But if you're asking if they've made any contact, with natives or, not yet sir."

"Alright then. I'm heading back upstairs to my office. Alert as soon as anything happens."

"Yes sir."


Unit 2, as they were known, landed on the island first. They made it across the passage safely, although the leader of the NGM group within the unit sensed that they might have been spotted. Quickly, he ordered the unit to delve right into the forest, as deep as they could get, and he spread the word to the other units. General Optam, the NGM leader of Unit 2, quickly motioned his hands towards the forest and the unit began moving. The other units were going to land in a matter of minutes, so the area had to be secured by then. After advancing what seemed about 40 meters in the forsest, General Optam spoke up.

"Alright, men. The other units will be landing very shortly. We MUST secure the landing spot. Split up into 5 groups of 20 each and meet back at the landing spot in no more than 10 minutes. Move, move!"

All 5 groups disappeared into the forest. Hopefully, there wouldn't be any deadly encounters...
Emperor in Training
Posts: 486
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Posted: Apr 18 2005, 08:39 PM
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As soon as the report of biological signatures reached Tassadar, he requested four Shadow Patrols to go investigate and cause havoc as necessary. The six aircraft had returned to their base a few hundred kilometers away; observers, however, were still in the air and cloaked, so far disregarding the new arrivals and focusing completely on the pirates.

Screams were heard from one of the pirate’s encampments as they met a squad of Light Strike Infantry, who quickly cut down the pirates in a flurry of blue blades. Sporadic rifle fire was heard from that vicinity as several more squads of Light Strike Infantry attacked the pirates. Further into the pirate’s camps low gurgles were heard as men choked on their own blood after their throats were opened with a deft swing of a silent blade. Confusion hadn’t spread behind the ‘line’ yet, but the pirates had already lost about 70 men to the fighting.

Further across the island, the four Shadow Patrols were closing towards the biological signatures found earlier.

In the main village of the island, Fenix was setting up relations with the natives but was wearing thin of patience for their inferior awe at the bipeds that had arrived on their previously insignificant island. Engineers arriving from the mainland were scouring the area above the two underground sites, under heavy guard. Fenix was hoping that all of this could be ended quickly so the last crystals could be recovered without too many losses or fuss. So far his hopes had held true, the pirates were no match for the highly disciplined personnel facing them.
Holy Saints
Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: Apr 20 2005, 09:27 AM
PMEmail Poster
The soldiers moved seamlessly through the jungle, blending in with the surrounding perfectly. Infantry was still landing on the beach, and the immediate area was secured. General Optam was expecting 500 men total, with no naval or air support, and so far just about 400 had arrived. There would be no rest tonight for the NGM, as each soldier who hit the beach was given instructions, most likely to join a group already in the forest. They would have to set up a small camp in this location when the rest of the NGM arrived, if only to be able to situate a landing zone for supplies. No one knew how long this operation was for, or the enemy they were facing, if there was one. For now, they were just supposed to secure the area.

“You got a lock on the target?”

“Yes…how many do you count?”

“13, and they are definitely not civilians.”

“What do they look like?”

“Pirates. Kill the 6 pirates on the left, we’ll keep the other 7 alive.”

Bazooka mounted on his shoulder, a he fired the S-to-S missile, aimed directly in the pirate get-together. Blown to pieces as the missile hit, the soldiers moved in and captured the rest with no resistance.

“Take them back to camp, and warn the General that there most likely is more in the area.”

Back at the landing location, another soldier approached the General.

“Sir, there seems to be more of those strange beings arriving on the island. They’re obviously here for a reason, but it seems that they are seeking something.”

“Hmmm…gets more confusing by the second,” answered General Optam.

The last of the infantry were arriving, and all of the NGM were on land. It was time to move in and start securing the island. About 1 hour and 34 minutes had elapsed, and the groups had begun returning. As soon as everyone had returned, General Optam was going to order a push to the island’s main village.
Emperor in Training
Posts: 486
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Posted: Apr 21 2005, 09:09 AM
PMEmail Poster
Commander Horacio wanted to waste no time. While the units on Temple Island were capturing, questioning, and securing, he had already organized a 2,500 strong army, ready to be shipped out to the smaller island to the east, known ironically as East Island. The Commander figured if they were coming for Temple Island, then he might as well cover all tracks and not even give them a chance to advance onto East Island.

From what was known, there was about 6,000 indigenous natives on the island, although very little resistance was expected due to the fact they had no arms. The NGF (Nedalian Ground Forces) weren't going to oppress anyone, or even kill anyone unneccessarily. The Commander was simply thinking forward, and setting up a solid military presence of the island...He had to fight the Holy Saints somehow, otherwise they would just run over the area.

"Commander, 'Operation Go East' is ready to be implented, its just waiting on your word of approval."

"Sergeant, 'Operation Go East' is a go."

"Yes sir, once I inform the men in charge of the operation on the ground, we expect to be landing on East Island in no more than an 1 hour and 20 minutes, sir."

"Good Job, Sergeant."

The Commander looked out his window into the horizon. The sun was already showing signs that it was going to come up. The night had been a long one, one could only guess what the day was going to hold...
Emperor in Training
Posts: 486
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Posted: Apr 21 2005, 06:40 PM
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As soon as the reports came back about Nedalia’s incursion on to the island, Fenix requested an additional fifteen hundred, combat-ready, High Caste Warriors, of all different classes. These forces were set up and ready by morning. Space imagery had shown head signatures of ships heading toward the eastern island, and a small group of sixty Conclave Special Guard Infantry, Templars, and Heavy Strike Infantry had been dispatched with promise of air cover from the First Command of the Conclave.

On the top of the small mountain, with a dominant view of the island, sat three groups of Precision Infantry, known to humans as snipers, preparing their scopes and weapons to begin a wave of terror on the Nedalia troops known to be heading for the central village, from which Fenix had pulled out of once the Shadow Patrol reports came in. These Precision Infantry were known to never miss a target. After about twenty minutes of their reign of terror, a general assault on both the pirates and the Nedalia troops reported on the island would begin.

Not a moment of time was wasted, and once the first of the enemy troops entered the village, his head was blown off with a single bullet going thirteen hundred kilometers per hour. Soon full out war on the island would begin, Fenix was not in a mood for joking around when he had to secure the crystals. The task force sent to the eastern island was due to arrive there shortly before the human forces. There they were tasked with setting up a warp gate and receiving re-enforcements to smash the Nedalians.

This post has been edited by Holy Saints on Apr 21 2005, 06:40 PM
Holy Saints
Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: Apr 22 2005, 12:16 AM
PMEmail Poster
As soon as the soldiers entering the village saw what happened to the Phillip’s head, they immediately retreated back into the jungle. Zeroing on where the shot came from, General Saunders, in charge of the unit being led into the village, split the group into two. Unit One was to wait in the area until further instructions, and Unit Two was to head up towards the low mountain a short distance from the site of the very first battle in Nedalia’s existence in the outside world. Saunders contacted General Optam, who was setting up base on the northern part of the island.

“Optam, we have heat. It appears snipers from the mountains…they know we’re here and they are ready to take us out.”

“Son of a bitch…Did you already sent troops to the mountain to destroy them?”

“Yes, and I’ve held off entering the village. You’ve got to contact Drown and tell him to be ready for a battle as soon as they land on East Island.”

“I’ll get on it right away. I’m going to contact HQ in Nedalia. We need more men.”


Back in Kafra, President Bren was called up by the Minister of Defense, Gerard Louvre.

“Mr. President, we are on the verge on full-scale war with Holy Saints. One of our soldiers has gotten his head blown off by THS snipers, and the NGM will be taking no chances. Operation Temple Savior and Operation Go East have both become invasion of the islands.”

“This is not the way we want to go. This is not in our best interest. I must try a diplomatic approach. Leave me be.”

“Yes sir,” Minister Louvre said, exiting the Presidential Office.

President Bren thought for a little while, then proceeded to begin typing the telegram he would be sending to THS:

Today marks the first Nedalian soldier to have died from the bullet of another nation. I implore to reconsider your actions before it is too late, there must be a diplomatic solution to this. As of yet, we have not had any contact, and I suggest we sit down and discuss what is that is going on in these islands south of Nedalia. I urge you to consider my position, because we WILL fight back and we WILL move mercilessly and fearlessly against your positions on Temple Island and East Island. Reconsider your actions, and stop this hostility.


The troops began landing on East Island, ready for combat. Landing on the western coast of the island, the Nedalian troops moved quickly to secure the area. General Drown had ordered the troops to shoot at will and annihilate any THS forces they might find. They had already spotted the landing site of the THS forces, and for now, it did not appear they had too large a force. The soldiers stood by for the General’s orders.

“Optam, this is Drown. We’ve surrounded the THS landing area, are we confirmed to move in?”

“Yes General. Move in, and leave no prisoners. Take no chances.”


With one movement of his hand, the soldiers began firing upon the THS landing zone. The Nedalian forces began to move in on all sides…

OOC: I’ll leave it to you to decide how many losses I inflicted, best way to keep it reasonable I think.
Emperor in Training
Posts: 486
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Posted: Apr 22 2005, 12:26 AM
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The Latin Confederacy observes the latest developments in this area with constant worry. In case you with any talks on the issue, Latao offers its diplomatic services to arbitrate between the parties.
Think of the lives of your fellow people.

Nadia Pumia, Latao Foreign Minister
Posts: 535
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Posted: Apr 22 2005, 01:09 AM
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The Conclave deems Nedalia's actions most reckless, as our takeover of the islands is an inevitability. What moved you to interfere with our matters still baffles us, and our forces are far superior to what you can bring to the ground. Surrender before you lose too many lives.

(ooc: just to site: my forces have some futuristic technology(basic shielding, lets say 2-3 bullets to take it out) due to the fact my race is alien and landed on the planet with previous knowledge of higher technology, hence the hovercrafts, energy blades, energy bolts, etc.)


300 Heavy Strike Infantry quickly and silently dashed through the forest once reconaisence reported the enemy moving back. Observers in the air noted the larger concentrations of enemy combatants and sent the coordinates to the squad leaders. Soon the bipeds began unsheathing their blades and slowed in approach as they neared the enemy. At last they blades hummed to life and the Infantry ran at the enemy. Full out hand to hand combat had begun, but a number of enemies had escaped and was moving around to attempt to reach the snipers and take out the vantage point. The snipers weren't alone, dozens of Light Strike Infantry were dug in around them.

On the eastern island, a fight had begun just as the warp gate was set up, and before a rocket burst into its side a full number of 142 various infantry had made it through. A wing of assault aircraft was called in to aid in defending the THS infantry in the area so they could set up another gate. Until then, about 45 minutes down the timeline, the THS forces were effectively on their own, and the first reaction had ended with 26 HSI dead, 12 wounded, 2 Templars dead and 6 wounded, and with no losses to the Conclave Special Guard which, because it had set up the landing zone, had dug in. Now just over 130 infantry were fighting for their lives.

Energy bolts and bullets zoomed across the landscape, and, unawares to the Nedalian troops, two small groups of the Conclave Special Guard infantry had been sent, cloaked, behind the enemy lines to try and damage the Nedalian Command on the island. Their cloaking devices would run out of energy within thirty minutes, however, so they did not have time on their hands. The first group peeled off and moved towards the front to create some havoc among the enemy troops before their cloaks died on them. The other team moved to the reported landing zone of the enemy to look for their commanders.

Back on the main island several hundred more re-enforcements poured through the expanded warp gate and another landing craft was sent to the eastern island with one hundred additional infantry aboard along with one heavy armored piece to break a hole in the enemy line before the air support came in.

This post has been edited by Holy Saints on Apr 22 2005, 01:10 AM
Holy Saints
Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: Apr 22 2005, 09:42 AM
PMEmail Poster
OOC: I armor all infantry with Hing, a lightweight yet very hard to penetrate mineral found in Mt. Hingdome.


Battling for their lives, Saunders called on the unit to begin its retreat back to the main camp on the northern part of the island. The THS were getting the best of this battle, and Saunders had no choice.

“Optam, the enemy is bringing unbearable heat. We’re coming home. And from the looks of it, I would call homebase and start bringing in reinforcements. These scum mean business.”

“I’m on it. What about the unit you sent to the mountain to wipe out the snipers?”

“Last contact with them was just before this attack. I warned to proceed with caution, and retreat if they found too many to handle.”

While Saunders was bringing his men back, Optam contacted Nedalia and asked for an additional 1,000 troops, this time all NGM. Serious enemies required serious soldiers.

Nedalia losses from village battle: 22 soldiers


The battle ensued, and the tactic had worked. The Nedalian forces were just too many in numbers, and they kept landing. There was about 1,850 on the ground with almost 700 more on the way, and from what Optam told Drown, he had asked homebase for an additional 1,000 NGM just for East Island (he would be asking for 1,000 for Temple Island as well). With those NGM troops was going to come anti-aircraft artillery, incase THS felt threatened enough to send in air support. For now, this was strictly a land-based affair.

What the Nedalians were not expecting was the sudden appearance of THS infantry from seemingly thin air. Word got back to the base quickly that the THS soldiers had some kind of invisibility shield on them. The Nedalian troops had to guess where the invisible soldiers were, shooting wildly in all directions. The fluid that sprayed after a hit, however, gave the Nedalian troops some idea.

“You’ve got to be joking me,” Drown said. “Stop all troops from advancing to the attack site and stay here and defend the base. We can’t have the invisible bastards running around causing havoc here.”

At the THS landing site, Nedalian forces were taking losses but the sheer number of troops had inflicted heavy losses on the THS as well. They had cornered the enemy, who was defended some sort of dimensional gate. One by one, the enemy was falling…

Nedalian losses so far in the East Island battle: 165 soldier, 3 of them NGM


President Bren just received word from the Latin Confederacy and immediately replied:

Dear Nadia Pumia,

We are, indeed, most disappointed that it has come to this. I personally sent out a message to THS in hopes of finding a diplomatic solution, only to be told that if I don’t retreat I will have my forces destroyed. I have no knowledge as to why THS decided to try and claim the islands, and in the sake of national defense, I sent troops over there as well. In all honesty, considering the brutality of these people, it has seemed like the proper choice. However, if you can find a diplomatic solution with THS, I will be more than willing to discuss it with you and them, and even meet. The ball is in their court.

OOC: Again, I will leave the losses up to you in hopes of keeping in reasonable.
Emperor in Training
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