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A Nation Rises
Posted: Oct 9 2006, 12:46 PM
PMEmail Poster
While the President of Myrtannia was busy infurirating allies, Prime Minister Winfred Watte was busy preparing for the Temple Rededication again. It was finally time for that ceremony, the most important in Yihsrael's breif history. A symbol of the nation's faith that would not be torn down this time. The Yihsraeli Army would gaurantee that.

As his motorcade drove toward the Temple, he also had another thought. If Myrtannia got itself booted out of the SDL, that did not neccessarily mean Yihsrael's joining would be out of the question. He was prepared to return the favor the SDL had done his nation, and there was the possibility he could send some troops to assist them. Somehow, Yihsrael would help them in their hour of need just as they had helped the people of Yihsrael's lands in theirs. His thoughts were interrupted as he saw before him the new Great Temple directly in front of the motorcade:

user posted image

He had to take a moment to collect his thoughts again, but it was a wonderful sight to his eyes. Yihsraeli troops were at nearly every imaginable vantage point, and the security was top notch. At least as much as the Yihsraelis could do on their own - for the moment, Watte had asked the Myrtannian forces to keep their distance. The last thing Yihsrael needed now was for the nations who had pledged their attendance to change their minds on account of one man's uninformed nationalist agenda. Porfirio Trahin was not the sort of man Watte was used to dealing with, and the Prime Minister wished that Holton was still in the Triangular Office.

Casting his sentiments about Trahin aside, Watte exited his car and, accompanied by his security detail, headed up to the Temple. The soldiers there, dressed in ex-AR uniforms that now bore the Star of David on the left arm, saluted the Prime Minister sharply as he approached. Already, quite a few other Yihsraeli officials had entered the Temple's outer villa (that was one way of describing it). Amongst them was Watte's newly appointed Secretary of Defense, Bernard Yankovic.

Yankovic had been forwarded the BSIS intelligence on AR leftovers, and found it was a little troubling. BSIS estimated that the Rightist militia/terrorists numbered in the thousands, and that they had gotten a hold of many AR military small arms. In the areas thought to have the greatest Rightist presence, there had been a rash of armed crime - probably the terrorists confiscating supplies. The municipal police hadn't been able to stop these robberies, so now the Yihsraeli Army was positioning itself like a cat ready to pounce. Given the order, they would storm any suspected Rightist strongholds. On top of that, BSIS had discovered that the code name for the Rightist leader was 'Bronze Lion'. What was it with the Rightists and feline code names?

For the meantime, Winfred Watte waited for the various diplomats to arrive, and he stood near the Temple entrance ready to greet them. While wearing a formal suit, he also had donned his prayer shawl and yamulka - this was, after all, a religious event not seen in a very, very long time.

"We're supposed to have former Lamonian President Stone here, as well as the Milchaman, Bazalonian, and Delesan delegations... if I've forgotten anyone, I apologize in advance," Watte thought quietly aloud. He'd find out if he had once the honored guests began to arrive.
Scribe in Training
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Posted: Oct 9 2006, 01:14 PM
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The Royal Family jet, escorted by serveral F-16 was headed for Yihsrael. The Family included King Edward III, Queen Alexandra I, and heir to the Delesaian crown, Prince Leo VI.

In the cockpit of the squadrons f-16 leader, get attempted to gein contact with the Yihsrael ground control.

"This is Royal Delesaian Escort Alfa, I repeat this is Royal Delesaian Escort Alfa, we are requesting to land. I say again, we are requesting to land."
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Oct 9 2006, 01:41 PM
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The Delesan aircraft could see a pair of J-11/A fighters sporting a khaki colored paint job giving them a once over. These were both from the Yihsraeli Air Force, imported from Myrtannia (who supplied most Yihsraeli military equipment that wasn't salvaged from AR). After making sure that the plane seemed safe, they radioed their people on the ground with the all-clear. The approaching planes were who they said they were. At least they beared Delesaian markings, so as far as the J-11/As could tell they were safe.

Moments later, a response came sharply over the radio to the F-16 leader's radio, "Delesaian Escort Alfa, this is YAF Airfield Yerusalayim. You are cleared to land, I repeat, cleared for landing. Proceed to runway two, over."

This post has been edited by Yihsrael on Oct 9 2006, 01:43 PM
Scribe in Training
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Posted: Oct 9 2006, 02:01 PM
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ooc: so now my people are there for the ceremony at the Great Temple
Royal Scribe
Posts: 181
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Posted: Oct 9 2006, 06:52 PM
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The Bazalonian embassy was almost bare, appart from the guards and a skeleton staff just finishing up some final moving duties. It seemed that the entire staff of the embassy was on their way. The BSIO trainers had looked at the various defensive plans and had approved the allocation of resources. While BSIS and BSIO where certainly worried that the security was not sure. The Yihsraeli's had done the best with their resources and it was and now it was just a matter of wait and see.

Randalf Herr was eagely excited to go and see the temple but combined with his Ambassadorial duties and the fact that he didn't want to spoil the grandure of the dedication of the Great Temple. He was in his Verona Lear designed to handle limpet, manhole cover bombs not by absorbing the impact but funneling the energy out the sides of car.

Anyway the entourage a arrived. All in all about 30 Bazalonians where there, obviously the chief of those was Randalf.. He was in awe of the temple and knew that the upcoming ceremony was something that he would never forget.

"Be prepared for something special guys" was all he said to the mixed group as they found there seats. Randalf wanted to meet some of the other ambassadors so he stood a bit off and waited for the rest to come.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
Posts: 774
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Posted: Oct 9 2006, 11:46 PM
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Since he wasn't formally part of the Lamonian government anymore, Stone couldn't use government aircraft, but his name recognition DID get him special service on LamoniAir. As the Lamonian aircraft landed at a Yihsraeli civilian field, the plane taxied to a jetway, and Stone debarked. The Lamonian embassy was kind enough to provide him with an official driver and limo. With that, he was off to the ceremony.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Oct 10 2006, 12:18 AM
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Despite the security the Yihsraelis had put together, the Rightists of the Bronze Lion had been able to set up their operation reasonably well. The three operatives the Bronze Lion had put in place were ready to do their duty for the cause. If the Yihsraelis thought they could just waltz in and take over what was rightfully Atheistic Right, they had another thing coming. So far as the Bronze Lion knew, no one was the wiser to his very existance.

That meant the fools in power had a very nasty surprise coming their way. His three men were in various parts of the city that the Enemy had renamed Yerusalayim, having planted IEDs in some of the busier areas of town. They had explosives on their persons (concealed of course) and were to detonate them when the signal was given by the Bronze Lion. This would be in the form of their cell phones going off. While that might be ill-advised for their safety, it would ensure that their weapons were used, one way or the other.

The Bronze Lion himself had already infiltrated the area near the Temple. There was a hill overlooking the hideous monstrosity the Jews had erected, and it was a perfect spot for a picnic. Or a sniper. Smiling at that thought, the Bronze Lion watched the Temple grounds through binocs from a concealed position amongst the trees atop the hill. He could see dignitaries already arriving, and one in particular caught his eye. Matthew Stone - the man's face was instantly recognizeable to the Bronze Lion, who blamed Stone in part for the downfall of the Great Lion. What a wonderful target that warmonger would make! Take out two birds with one stone, he mused in delight. Today would be a great day to be Rightist.
Atheistic Right
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Posted: Oct 10 2006, 12:40 AM
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Once the foreign dignitaries began arriving, Winfred Watte was a very busy man. First, not just the King but the entire Royal Family of Delesa arrived, which surprised the Yihsraeli Prime Minister. Not one to discard politeness, he rushed to greet them all, and quite eagerly at that. It wasn't every day that one got to meet an entire family of royals.

After they were seated, he didn't have any time to relax before the entire Bazalonian delegation arrived. Amongst them was the Ambassador, whom Watte had never been able to meet in person more than breifly. All in all, he counted at least 30 Bazalonians, which was pleasing to him. They honored the Federation by their presence, and he was glad to have them in attendance.

Approaching Randalf Herr, he extended his hand, "Ambassador Herr, welcome to the Great Temple! It's a pleasure to see you in attendance for our great ceremony today... the Temple rebuilt; it's an astounding sight to behold, isn't it?"

Just then, the Lamonian representative arrived, and it was as promised. The former President, Matthew Stone himself, had arrived via mostly civillian methods. Watte smiled and nodded in his direction, wishing he could welcome the man himself. The Secretary of Defense resolved the situation by moving to greet Stone.

"Mr. Stone, welcome to Yihsrael," he offered his hand, "My name is Bernard Yankovic. I'm the Federation's Secretary of Defense. How was your flight over from Lamoni?"
Scribe in Training
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Posted: Oct 10 2006, 05:26 PM
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"Oh my god!"

The delegate from Milchama, was amazed. They had done it. They had built the Temple in Jerusalem again! The Third Temple. The Romans had destroyed it in 70 CE yet now 2000 years later here he stood witnessing history as they were about to open it, again. The Cohanim were getting ready to make the first sacrifice and here he was a Levi outside not there and helping. He quickly ditched security and ran to help the Cohanim.

He got there without harm and was the first to watch their hands as they sacrificed a cow to the heavens for the sins of the people the past 2000 years and prayed to bring in the message.

Meanwhile everybody in Milchama was singing, the third temple had finally come!

Royal Scribe
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Posted: Oct 10 2006, 09:42 PM
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Once all the delegates from Lamoni, Bazalonia, Delesa and Milchama were present, they were guided to their seats. The ceremony that so many of the faithful had been waiting for was about to begin. The Great Temple was to be reopened for the first time in thousands of years. While the chief Rabbi of Yerusalayim, accompanied by other important holy men, performed the ritual sacrifice of a cow to atone for the sins of the people for the last 2000 years or so, the Yihsraelis in the audience made no effort to hide their emotions. All seemed to be in awe of the spectacle, and the immensity of its meaning.

After the sacrifice, the chief Rabbi read from the Talmud, again with all of the faithful in attendance solmenly praying along. Finally, the next portion of the ceremony began - the tying of the ancient tradition of the Temple with the new structure, and the nation that had rebuilt it. Upon the Rabbi's instruction, Yihsraeli soldiers raised the flag of Yihsrael above the Temple. While not part of the ceremony itself, someone from the Yihsraeli contingent spontaneously broke out in song - singing the national anthem of Yihsrael, HaTikvah:

"Kol od balevav P'nimah,
Nefesh Yehudi homiyah,
Ul fa'atey mizrach kadima,
Ayin l'Tzion tzofiya,
Od lo avda tikvatenu,
Hatikvah bat shnot alpayim,
Li'hiyot am chofshi b'artzenu,
Eretz Tzion v'Yerushalaim.
Li'hiyot am chofshi b'artzenu,
Eretz Tzion v'Yerushalaim. "

Translated as 'The Hope', it signified the hope that one day the Jews would return to their home - now, they had not only done that, but they had rebuilt their Temple. Their return home was complete. Tears of joy flowed openly from Winfred Watte's eyes, and he was not the only one to be seen as such. When the New Star of David reached the top of the flag pole, a gust of wind began to make it flap proudly. After the national anthem, Watte took a deep breath and walked up the steps to make his official speech to the assembled countryment and foreign delegates.

"My dear friends, today is a historic and glorious day for all the faithful of the Jewish faith. It has been two thousand years since the Temple last stood in the capital of a Jewish state. Two thousand years of hardship, anguish, and suffering the likes of which mankind had never seen before. There were also moments of triumph for mankind, but religious conflicts ran rife. For too long, only a single wall of this Temple has remained standing. The government of Atheistic Right toppled the wall, and sought to bury the ruins of the Temple. Their efforts have failed," Watte spoke, "For today, the Jewish people have returned home, and our Great Temple has finally been rebuilt. Today, we pray to God to atone for all that has occured since the destruction of the last Temple. We also celebrate the restoration of the Temple and its new connection to our people. It will forever remain a testament to our devotion to our faith and God."

Watte was about to continue his speech, but emotion got the better of him, and he had to pause for a long moment. This occasion was so momentous that he was unsure of whether he was worthy to be officially reopening the Temple. Finally, he took a deep breath and made an effort to conclude the speech.

"Therefore, with our God as my witness, and with the blessing of the Chief Rabbi of Yerusalayim, I officially rededicate the Great Temple of Yerusalayim in the name of all the Jewish people," he added, abridging his speech so as to avoid another emotional pause. Just as he was about to kneel and pray before the door to the Temple's inner sanctum, a sharp noise broke the spiritual silence. Then another noise a second later - Crack! Crack!

Before anyone realized what had happened, Winfred Watte fell, clutching his arm - which was bleeding. Screams of terror rose from the crowd too - someone else had been hit as well. As Yihsraeli soldiers rushed to attend to Winfred Watte and the other man who'd been hit, still others spotted movement on the hill next to the Temple.

The cry came down from the battlements, "SNIPER!"

More soldiers moved in to shield the dignitaries and also keep everyone as calm as they could. Those who'd spotted movement on the hill charged out of the Temple and up the hill with their rifles drawn. On the other side of the hill, Army soldiers had recieved word of the sniper and were charging up the other part of the hill. An attack helicopter moved into position to support them as well.

"My God... they've hit the Prime Minister... and Matthew Stone! Get an ambulance! Hurry!" a soldier shouted, as sounds of gunfire rang down from the hill top. Not the single-shot weapon that had been heard moments before, but automatic weapons - the Yihsraelis had found their sniper.

Ambulance sirens were heard screeching their way toward the Temple, while in the distance a pair of explosions were heard. Whatever was going on, one thing was obvious. Yihsrael would not be going to war overseas.. they had a war at home now..

(More details to follow later..)
Scribe in Training
Posts: 17
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Posted: Oct 11 2006, 01:16 AM
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The 3 plain clothes protection detail reacted quickly was the 2 single shots rang out diving and covering the Ambassador from the shots. Other Bazalonians hit the ground and covered their heads it was apparent that the Prime Minister of Yihsrael had been hit but no-one else had apparently been hit by the second shot.

The Yihsraeli security forces soon surrounded the delegation and it soon apparent who the second casualty was, Mathew Stone ex-President of Lamoni had been also shot and the security forces split on the dual task of defending the delegation and finding the purpertrators of the assasinations.

Many members where still in shock, and so was Randalf who was thinking.. "****. who do I send the condolences too now."
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Oct 11 2006, 07:06 PM
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Stone was laying on the ground where he had been shot. He was disoriented from the gunshot, and was going in and out of consciousness. He could see people running around and shouting, but couldn't focus enough to see what they were doing. Fighting it all the way, he fell into that last oblivion of death.
Democratic Maniac
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