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Meeting of the Archons
Posted: Apr 26 2005, 10:37 PM
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The First Archon quietly sat down at the head of the table in the conference room just adjacent to his office. He quietly nodded to all of the Regional Archons present and then cleared his throat.

"Well gentlemen, let us begin the proceedings. First on the agenda is the military. How stand our divisions?" First Archon Khara paused and then looked around the table at each of the other Archons, finally one of them stode up.

"Excuse, Excellency." It was Philip, Archon of Amaria and the second most powerful person in Khazaron next to the First Archon. "But after some reviews of our military units in this province and the others throughout the Dominion, we have come to the conclusion that the civil war has left us woefully lacking in manpower and technology."

The First Archon nodded. "And what, pray tell, is advised that we do to rectify the situation. We must strengthen our military lest foreign invaders and opportunists try to revisit the chaos of a year ago upon us. Do you propose a draft?"

Archon Philip shoke his head vigorously. "It's not just our numbers Excellency, our production centers and almost all of our industry is gone. Even with government regulation and careful planning, our industrial sector is on the brink of collapse. I'm afraid Excellency, the only potent course of action at this point is to possibly seek outside help to revive our industry. At least the weapons manufacturers."

Those sitting around the table stode in silence and fear for a few moments as First Archon Khara stared at Archon Philip. The room became filled with an almost palpable sense of fear. Many knew that the First Archon was not very keen on seeking outside help and that he thought of it as a sign of weakness to not be self-relient.

Beads of sweat began to trickle down Archon Philip's forehead, then the First Arhcon cleared his throat and smiled, causing several people in the room to jump. Chuckling to himself the First Archon folded his hands on the table and nodded.

"Very well then. As I am sure you all know this course of action is not the one I would prefer, but extraodrinary circumstances call for extraordinary action. I will die before I let this country sink back down into the darkness it came from. She is destined for great things, and if we must ask another for help in order to get us started on that road, then so be it." The First Archon turned from the assembled people and looked directly at Philip again.

"I am putting you in charge of finding anyone willing to help us Philip, is that clear?" Philip nodded. "Yes Excellency." Archon Philip raised up from his seat and saluted the leader. "I'll get started on it right away." Archon Philip said as he turned and left the room.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Apr 27 2005, 01:03 AM
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At the sound of the short lived 'beep', Emperor Brakiss of Nojika, looked at his datapad to see who it was that was attempting to contact him via hologram. Recognizing the jumbled group of letters and numbers, the Emperor pressed a small button that would permit the request.

A moment later Grand Moff Kator's holographic image appeared on the holo-transmitter in the center of the room. He looked towards the Emperor and spoke, "A transmission, my Lord, from the nation Khazaron. They seek support to begin rebuilding their military and civilian facilities. Shall we reply?"

After a brief moment of silence and a few flickers of the hologram, the Emperor looked up from his datapad, which displayed information on Khazaron, and spoke, "Indeed. Inform the proper government officials that Nojika is willing to provide some of the necessary funds or otherwise equipment that will be needed in this reformation."

"Yes, my Lord. It will be done."

This post has been edited by Nojika on Apr 27 2005, 01:05 AM
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Integrity Messenger IMAOLYahooMSNTop

Posted: Apr 27 2005, 01:10 AM
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The sexiest Foreign Minister of Oceania, Latao's Nadia Pumia wasn't amused to hear, that the first nation who greeted the new country was one of these destructive autocrats.

She thinks it's important to show presence of the freedom-loving democratic nations and sends out a welcome telegram in the name of the Confederacy of Latao and the FLMS-alliance (Federation of Like-minded States) in the hope, the youngest state in the neighborhood will be an open nation, respecting liberty and civil freedoms.

The telegram includes best wishes for the future way of Khazaron and a small Info Brochure of Latao.

Signed, National Executive Committee Latao
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Posted: Apr 27 2005, 09:59 AM
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A loud knock came on the door. First Archon Khara looked up from his desk, glasses resting gently on his face, a large sheet of papers in his hand. "Come in." the First Archon said as he continued to look over the papers.

Regional Archon Philip entered and bowed. "Excellency, I have another response. This time from one of our neighbors in the region."

The First Archon nodded and toke off his glasses. Smiling, First Archon Khara leaned back in his chair and folded his hands. "Indeed? I was just going over some offers from other nations in the world. From whom does this new offer come from?"

Archon Philip walked over and stode directly in front of the desk. "From Emperor Brakiss of Nojika. We don't have much intelligence on them yet Excellency, but what we do have indicates that they appear to be a technologicaly advanced country."

First Archon Khara's eyebrows perked up at the mention of advanced technology. "Interesting. Inform them that I am interested in hearing what kind of proposal they have in mind. Ask them what they would have in return for some of their technology."

Archon Philip nodded in affirmation at the First Archon's words and bowed, leaving the room.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Apr 27 2005, 11:02 AM
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A lletter from the Office of The First Archon of The Dominon of Khazaron

Dear Emperor Brakiss of Nojika,

I greet you on behalf of my people and am sending you this letter to thank you for your offer of aid to my people. I would like to work out some sort of trade with your government for some of your technology. I can offer little in the way of tangible goods or services as our industrial society is on the verge of collapse.
Perhaps you would care to have the mining rights to some of the fringe areas of our country, where previously we had found it next to impossible to work in. I am sure with your technology you could easily mine the place, and due to the lack of previous interest in it, I guaretee a good return on it.
Another possibility might be for you to have exclusive trading rights with us, or perhaps you would like the use of on of our ports? I await your reply either way.

First Archon James Khara
The Red Devil
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Posted: Apr 27 2005, 01:05 PM
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"My Lord," Isaac said, "a new nation has emerged within the region."

"Khazaron?" The Lord-Protector, Tiberius Starblayde, asked.

"How did you know?" Isaac said, as the Foreign Minister, Lord Isaac M.C. Chisoko was supposed to be in on this sort of thing before his master.

"Being the head of one of the most powerful nations in the region has its benefits, Isaac," the Lord-Protector smiled, "I trust you have a diplomatic greeting message prepared?"

"Yes, my Lord."

"Then dispatch it,"


First Archon Khara
The Dominon of Khazaron

On behalf of the Lord-Protector of Starblaydia, the benevolent Lord-Protector Tiberius Starblayde, may we welcome you to the great region of Atlantian Oceania. Our sources tell us that you are in need of defence. May we first offer you the shielding wings of the armed forces of the Protectorate itself, while your fledgling nation finds it feet in the world.

Our industries also produce a variety of defence equipment, which you may also be interested in.

Lord Issaac M.C. Chisoko
Foreign Minister,
Protectorate of Starblaydia.

OOC: Take a look at the Regional Map and claim yourself a chunk of territory, then we can work out who your neighbours are. Welcome to AO!
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Posted: Apr 27 2005, 04:49 PM
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When the anouncing buzz came from President Stone's hand held computer, he glanced at who was sending him a communication (the foreign minister), and aknowledged the call.

"Sir, the nation Khazaron is requesting support in rebuilding their civilian and military industrial infrastructure. What shall I tell them?" The foreign minister liked to get to the point, which was fine with President Stone.

"Tell them that the Free Republic can send them building equipment and materials with which they can build their own infrastructure. Then, inform the appropriate governmental departments."

"Very well, sir." The foreign minister then cut the connection in order to carry out the President's orders.

OOC: The Free Republic bids you welcome to AO.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Apr 27 2005, 06:53 PM
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First Archon James Khara
The Dominion of Khazaron

The Emperor has ordered a small group of scientists and other professionals to travel to your land and begin work there. These men and women should be able to provide your country with detailed schematics and data to begin to move your country in a positive direction. Nojika currently has no use for any minerals that may be mined on your soil, but the Emperor does appreciate the offer and instead will be providing sufficient equipment so that your people may survey your land for minerals and begin the extraction process.

In time, when Khazaron has begun to blossom, we would like to begin negotiations for trading rights and perhaps for a port for Nojikan military use.

Should further assistance be required, the Emperor has expressed his desire to stand by your nation and provide what is needed to stimulate Khazaron.

May our futures be bright together.

On behalf of the Emperor,

Grand Moff Terek Kator
The Empire of Nojika


OOC: As Starblaydia said, check out the regional map and choose a piece of land! Welcome to AO!
Senator in Training
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Integrity Messenger IMAOLYahooMSNTop

Posted: Apr 27 2005, 07:44 PM
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Hmm? I sense a new presence, Executor. It seems to be... in a strangled and despairing state, sir. The message we recieved indicates that their infrastructure is shot, the prefect of intellegence, however, reports that several nations have lent support already. We need only to send a kindly diplomatic call.

Good, send a nice and warm one, they don't need any unnecessary harshness in tone, nothing seems to be amiss.

At once, Executor. Prefect Aldranis begins typing a small official communique to the diplomatic offices of Khazaron;

<<::Subject; Welcome!::>>
<<:::Recipient; Khazaron Diplomatic Offices:::>>
Welcome to Atlantian Oceania! We dearly hope you enjoy the region and its vast amount of culture, societies, cordial neighbors and the like! To step off relations on the correct footing, we invite Khazaron to establish an Embassy and any Consulates you deem necessary within The Holy Saint's borders. In light of your message hinting at a monetary crisis within your nation, we would gladly pay for these diplomatic quarter's establishment, with your eventual payment, of course, but that could be worked out via contract. Once again, Welcome, and we hope that all Khazaronians enjoy the region!

It is complete, Executor. Their offices should be recieving it momentarily.

I think it wise that we also begin to open up a little in this region, we seem a bit stiff necked. Let us begin inviting several more nations to Ambassadorial apartments.

Of course, Executor. We shall extend invitations momentarily.

Holy Saints
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Posted: Apr 27 2005, 09:51 PM
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Interim-president Tiresan started when he opened the door to his office and noticed papers laying on his desk.

He quickly scanned the area, and jerked a passing aide to his side by the collar.

"What is that on my desk? Didn't I tell them to bring all matters to me personally in a verbal medium? I want things straight from the horses mouth, not from a typist!"

The aide was slightly taken aback and took a moment to think his answer out.

"Sir, ummm... that is a message from the nation of Khazaron. That is why noone came and read it to you."

Karl's furious glare slowly softened.

"Oh" he said, released the aide back into the fray of buearacratic work.

He hated handling diplomatic work, one of the few reasons why he missed President Adonis Lauir.

maybe i can use our new alliance to exact a more expedient release of the president...

He stopped musing and scanned the message and called his typist, obviously not noticing the irony or hypocrisy of doing so.

"Alright Vickie, we already have some other nations offering assistance, we don't want to overkill the thing. Send them a message offering the help of Xile and the Lavingrad Pact whenever they ask of it. Don't offer anything specific, that could get them antsy."

He paced the room a bit. Victoria Maydn looked up, awaiting his next flurry of speech. She noticed his pacing stop abruptly, and reading her hands on the keyboard again.

"Also give them a little information on the Lavingrad Pact, of course making us look grand. Downplay those FLMS pansies a bit. If they are coming into the region, they might as well get to know the basics of power in the region. Make sure they know that power is centered around our Pact, and that those FLMS nations are merely combining to struggle for survival."

He smirked and walked out of the room.

Victoria sighed and typed out the message. She had a knack for conveying the meanings of the new president through less brash words. She finished typing, and carried the message to be transmitted.

(OOC: Check out the FLMS and Tariskany Calls ... Lavingrad threads for more information on those organizations. You can basically read this as my crude message, don't feel like getting too flowery on this one. Oh, and WELCOME TO THE REGION of course.)

This post has been edited by Xile on Apr 27 2005, 09:53 PM
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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Posted: Apr 27 2005, 11:25 PM
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(I decided to copy over some posts I made over on the NS forums. I don't know if I should just switch all my posts over to here, or keep posting in both, since now nations outside our region and inside are getting involved. Seems a little confusing, maybe I'll have a clearer perception if I sleep on it. Anywho, on to the posts!)

A large ciruclar oak table sat in the middle of an ornately decorated hall. What once served the President of Khazaron as his personal dining hall, was now being used by the First Archon and his aides and fellow Archons to call meetings.

First Archon James Khara stood up and cleared his throat, raising in his right hand a collection of several papers.

"My fellow citizens, we have recieved several offers of support, both from here in our region of Atlantia Oceania and abroad in the world. Needless to say, it would be woefully inefficient and costly to have them all show up on our doorstep one by one. Therefore, I propose that we send out a new message, and invite all delegates who are interested in helping our people to a conference in Archon City, or a neutral ground if there are problems, and discuss the matter of re-building Khazaron there. With all options set before us, we will find the true way out and follow it to freedom and glory for our people. How say you?"

The Archons and members of the Provisional Council nodded in agreement with the First Archon. Regional Archon Alchon Damarius stode up and smiled, gesturing to the people present around the table. "Excellency, I believe I speak for everyone here, when I say that you have our full support and the support of our regions."

First Archon Khara smiled and placed the papers down on the table. "Good then. Let us begin drafting a letter to be sent to all the nations that have offered aide to us. Let us gather them together, that perhaps we might find a way to save our infrastructure."

Several around the table began clapping at the First Archon's words, but one of the Minister of Finance rose up and raised his hand. "Excuse me, Excellency?" The First Archon nodded and motioned to the Minister. "The Chair recognizes the honorable Minister of Finance." First Archo Khara said.

The minister nodded and continued. "But once they arrive, how would we decide who's offer to take? And what if some of the delegates refuse to come because of other nations that are already coming. We have recieved offers of help from nations of differing idealologies, many of whom don't appear to get along."

The First Archon stode their for a moment, expressionless, possibly thinking to himself, then he smiled. "We will offer diplomatic and trade relations to those who agree to sign onto the delegation. We will also offer them a chance to be on the ground floor in building a new trade of port in our country, one that could thrive and bring billions of domins to the State and those nations involved in maintaining it. This new trade center will not only be a backup center of commerce for us, should something as tragic as the Fall of Archon City happen to us as it did to the Loyalists during the Civil War. Yes, this city will be a grand place, an influx of state-controlled capital."

The Minister cleared his throat and spoke again. "But wont our people see that as a sign that we are giving into the capitalists and the corporations?"

The First Archon smiled again. "Corporations are no threat, when the state is their to protect its people. As long as we keep a watchful eye on this possible endeavor, there will be no need to worry about foreign hands prying deeper into Khazaron. Besides, as much as it may pain me to say so..." the First Archon's face turned grim. "...we need the money gentlemen."

Everyone around the table nodded in agreement. "Well then, if there is no other business to attend to, then I will get to work on drafting the letter personally. Council dismissed."

This post has been edited by Khazaron on Apr 27 2005, 11:29 PM
The Red Devil
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Posted: Apr 27 2005, 11:26 PM
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From the Office of The First Archon of The Dominion of Khazaron

To Whom It May Concern,

Your nations have extended their hand to Khazaron in her time of need and she is greatful for it. However, due to the sheer number of responses we cannot, as hoped, meet with each of you individually.

Instead, we would like to call together a meeting of delegates from all the nations to meet here in Archon City. Once here we will hopefully discuss a package that could be mutually beneficial to all parties involved.

The thanks of a greatful nation go out to all who wish to partake. We await your reply.
First Archon James Khara
The Red Devil
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Posted: Apr 28 2005, 12:58 AM
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First Archon James Khara
The Dominion of Khazaron

Upon recieving the transmission from Khazaron, the Emperor has made the decision to send a Nojikan delegate to participate in your assembly. As of this moment, the Emperor has not decided who will represent Nojika, but it is a great possibilty that Moff Garok will be chosen. When more information is available about the participating nations and further important details are available, surely then we will know who will represent the Emperor. Until that time, I bid you and your people good luck.

on behalf of the Emperor, Grand Moff Kator
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Integrity Messenger IMAOLYahooMSNTop

Posted: Apr 28 2005, 06:11 AM
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"Bloody 'ell," Tiberius said, "another meeting?"

"That's what they appear to want, my Lord."

"Okay, okay. I just hate them," Lord Starblayde explained, "you wait a week for everyone to show up and then there's nothing productive after the first twenty minutes. Then everyone seems to get drunk."

"That's just the Strategic Alliance and Federation meetings, i think, my Lord."

"True enough." Starblayde smiled. "Who can we send to Khazaron, then? Viannor is in Assington, Carlito is in Latao..."

"Lord Chisoko?"

"He'll do," Starblayde said, "he is the Foreign Minister, after all. Send him."

"Yes, my Lord."
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Posted: Apr 28 2005, 04:08 PM
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When he finished reading the second message from Khazaron, President Stone thought about who he would send to the meeting. He finally decided on the Deputy Foreign Minister, as he felt that he would need the Foreign Minister right where he was.
Democratic Maniac
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