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A New Dawn
Posted: Apr 22 2005, 11:06 AM
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The losses to the eastern island task force were mounting, but just as the battle seemed lost, 45 Heavy Assault Aircraft appeared in the sky. They began strafing the Nedalian forces on the ground and began bombing their landing zone with various plasma-based bombs, incinirating much in their path. An additional four hundred infantry had been called on to get to the island.
losses: 67 dead, 24 wounded and fighting.

(sorta haphazard, in school)
Holy Saints
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Posted: Apr 22 2005, 11:18 AM
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Nadia Pumia, Latao Foreign Minister

Appreciated war-parties: I have bought in the issue into our discussions in the National Executive Committee.

The gremium agreed to offer what's in our power to stop the bloodsheet on these islands. Let me state, that we wonder how far both parties go for such two islands.

We are willing to organize bilerate or multi-lateral talks between the parties, if they agree to stop any violent actions for the time of the talks.
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Posted: Apr 22 2005, 11:28 AM
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"Where the hell are those Anti-Aircraft Artillery Guns!" screamed General Drown as he witnessed soldier after soldier crumble and die underneath the mammoth explosions.

"They just arrived, they are being loaded as we speak. They should be ready to go at any instance!", the soldier shouted back.

Nedalian forces were taking cover wherever they could, with the THS planes effectively pushing the troops back, closer to the landing site. The AA artillery were loaded up, and had already began sending a barrage of AA missiles into the sky. The THS forces were on the verge of losing the battle before the planes appeared, but with the AA artillery now intact, plus the additional 1,000 NGM soldiers having arrived, the troops began to push, slowly and cautiously, back to the THS landing zone.

The THS Heavy Assault Aircraft now had the Nedalian Anti-Aircraft One Artillery to contend with; no easy matchup. If they did not start retreating the planes, surely they would start dropping from the sky. The officers in command had already witnessed the THS armor at work, and despite AA missiles having direct hits at the aircraft, they were still flying. They couldnt resist every missile thrown at them, however, and before long, they would start falling.

(Nedalian deaths on East Island now eclipse 500, around 3,000 men remain)
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Apr 22 2005, 11:31 AM
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We urge both parties to start talks before even more lifes are lost. The current situation would allow diplomatic actions, since both parties seem to control one island, but we must hurry - time is against us.
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Posted: Apr 22 2005, 11:32 AM
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Ms. Nadia Pumia,

As stated before by President Bren, you needn't try to convince us to hold talks; we are already willing. It is the THS with whom you need to speak to. We are on the islands simply in a stated need for defense; we cannot, and WILL not, allow those brutal beings to surround us and hold us hostage on our southern and western borders and shores. We are willing to agree to a cease-fire in order to begin talks. We await your prompt reply.

Dewars Strand
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Apr 22 2005, 11:37 AM
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As the nation of Nedalia shown the will to stop the bloody killings and seriously wishes to talk, we invite both parties, including the Holy Saints to bilateral talks on neutral ground in the city of Luciaria in Latao, where both parties may explain their states.

During the talks, the war zone area is being observed by Latin forces, as we want to prevent further violent actions closely to our own territory.
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Posted: Apr 22 2005, 12:39 PM
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We ask Latao to only name the date and location, and we shall attend. We also have no problem with a Lataon peacekeeping force during an agreed cease-fire. I do hope that THS can think a bit more maturely than assuming this is an act of fear. We are taking these actions simply because we do not like seeing living beings die through unneccessary bloodshed.
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Apr 22 2005, 12:58 PM
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Very well then. Latin ships and jets are on their way to establish a demarcation zone between the islands.

Please note, that our troops are armed for self-protection.
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Posted: Apr 22 2005, 04:33 PM
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After an initial heavy retreat thanks to the Heavy Air Assault Aircrafts which attacked Nedalian troops, the soldiers began marching forward again, thanks to the AA Artillery. General Drown had received word that Latin forces were on their way, but till then, Drown would take no chances. He ordered the push to continue, the final target being the dimensional gate the Holy Saints forces had set up. Once that was eradicated, it would effectively destroy Holy Saints chances of occupying the island. What Drown was worried about was the fact his men were falling in large numbers. The aircrafts did a big number of the Nedalian troops, but the NGM kept all the units under control and turned the thing around.

Drown looked up at the rising soon. It was now about 10 AM, and the battle had raged on for almost 5 hours, since the break of dawn. Gunfire broke out on Temple Island about an hour or so earlier than the East Island battle, but, from what General Optam had told him, it was a much less intensive affair than what was going on here. Drown had also called in for an additional 1,000 troops which were due on the island in less than 30 minutes, bringing the pre-battle total to 4,500. After this one though, Drown would be lucky to see 3,700 still standing.

Nedalian deaths on East Island: 712….3788 troops fighting, including reinforcements.


After word had come from Nedalia HQ in Kafra that Latin forces were coming in as peacekeepers, Optam called back all advancements, including the group that was sent to the mountain to destroy the snipers. Instead, he barricaded the road leading out of the central village and to the northern coast, stationing troops there. He had called all other groups back to the areas around the base set up in the north, not wanting a repeat of the East Island battle simply because he did not possess that many AA Artillery guns.

Unbeknownst to most, however, was his dispatch of NGM fighters in the jungles of the island. It was what they were skilled at, guerilla warfare, and it was going to be put to use. They were to remain hidden, and, unless the enemy advanced past the comfort zones of the NGM fighters, they were not to kill, simply observe and report. This way, he would know what was going on in the island without endangering the soldiers. He calmly waited on the arrival of the Latin troops, cautiously optimistic…

Nedalian deaths on Temple Island: 12
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Apr 22 2005, 05:11 PM
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Through the portal on the main island, a force of 10,000 bipeds was ordered, and would trickle in over three hours. Fourteen drop-ships would be sent to about 5,000 feet above the eastern island and jettison 1,200 drop pods into the island from which 2,400 highly trained Special Offensive Operations Infantry would begin their assault. These units were ordered to exterminate with all necessary brutality and leave nothing but THS forces alive, the drop was expected within 40 minutes.

Another 2 wings of Heavy Assault Aircraft were called in to plasma bomb every sign of humanoid biological life on the main island. The 10,000 infantry would then comb the island for remnants. The wing of aircraft above the eastern island was down to 32 fighter bombers, but they had begun systematically destroying the enemy SAM sites. Fenix wanted nothing but the extermination of all possible opposition, and the Conclave had given him full authority to do so. Not a single humanoid would be left alive by nightfall, this was a certainty.

*Psyonic Broadcast to Nedalia Personnel and Latao Personnel in their respective diplomatic Corps*
Move all forces belonging to Nedalia and Latao before they are destroyed. You are merely objects in the way of our re-claiming, and if you do not capitulate within the hour your forces will be exterminated if on the islands or in the airspace directly around the islands by nightfall. This is your last warning.
We are still baffled by both of your nations' meddling. We see no point to your waste of valuable resources on something that does not concern you in the least.
Holy Saints
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Posted: Apr 22 2005, 06:39 PM
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Message directed to THS, and also presented to Latao:

To the Personnel of THS,

You perhaps seem to forget that we are closer to the islands than you are. You also seem to be amusing yourselves thinking what we have on the ground on the two islands represents the force of our military. You are sadly mistaken.

We ask you, what is it that you are reclaiming? The islands never belonged to you, and nor did they belong to us. If you would so kindly look at a map infront of you of AO, you would see that if presented with the two islands, THS would effectively block the southern coastline of Nedalia, thus leaving us with no direct access to the ocean. This we cannot, and will not, ever accept. Trade would have to go through THS before it reached our southern shores, effectively putting us at your mercy were you to occupy the islands. So as you can see, it does affect us greatly, and not in the least as you so claim. Considering your brutalistic measures you seem to want to take, Nedalia as a whole might as well crumble and die if we allow your nation to do as it pleases.

From the tone of your message, your nation seems rather threatened, and ready to assault the island with all force neccessary. So in order to protect Nedalia, Commander Horacio, with the permission of the President, has already given the order for a fullscale invasion of both islands by Nedalian forces. The Strundanne AFB is on call, waiting for one order to fly our bombers into the afternoon sky and begin bombing of your positions on the islands.

Having said all that, we continue to stress that we would rather not be involved in a fullscale battle. The lives that have been shed on both sides should have sent a message to you. The Latin forces have come, on their own free will, to present a solution to this problem. We ask you not to involve them as they have done nothing but attempt to remedy this situation. We will not stand and watch as you attempt to kill forces who have come in order to help us end this disastrous outcome, for both of your nations.

Reconsider your actions. Agree to the ceasefire so we can sit down and talk. In the end, it may be your own lives that you save.

Dewars Strand
Minister of Foreign Affairs

This post has been edited by Nedalia on Apr 22 2005, 06:41 PM
Emperor in Training
Posts: 486
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Posted: Apr 22 2005, 07:25 PM
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[i]Just accept the fact that it is our reclamation, and seeing as no tarrifs are in place in THS territory meaning your nation would not be restricted in trade. We only wish to procure the islands, no more. We are sure that if Nedalia pulled away their forces from the islands we could work out a reasonable agreement on travel in the sector. As long as your troops are in the vicinity of our artifacts we see you as a threat, one that cannot be allowed to exist on these sacred islands. We must remind you that it was your offensive action of invading the islands which made conflict at all apparent. We have only reacted as deemed necesarry to protect our artifacts.

If Nedalia continues offensive actions, the current active forces of THS would be mobilised to quarter strength. This, compared to your full mobilisation capabilities, is an incredebly disproportionate number. Leave us alone and let us take these islands and your nation will not be crushed under a bloodied fist. Maybe once your nuisance of a force has been pulled out we can talk, but until then our forces on the islands are at war. If you continue aggression, you will only end up with dead bodies, you cannot stand up to our nation's military power. We hope you understand this all depends on Nedalian forces being retreated, otherwise no talks may be initiated.
Holy Saints
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Posted: Apr 22 2005, 07:46 PM
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*Respond to Message*

Once again, it is not a matter of convincing us that you will allow travel to our southern shore, and that you will not be a threat to us. You have already proven otherwise. Since you talk tough, we will simply reply with tough actions. You can take your huff and puff tactics away, they don't work with us. We, as a nation, have overcome alot more than what you present. Do not be fooled.

May we remind you that you fired the first shot, and may we also remind you that you invaded the islands with no stated reason. Ofcourse we sent troops to the island, had you annexed the islands, you would have completely sealed off our southern shore, an unacceptable action taken by your forces. Any country would have done the same. We have repeatedly called for a cease-fire, a cease-fire you continuely ignore. Do not try to place the blame on us.

We have no idea of these crystals you talk about, nor do we have any interest in them. Since you pride yourselves in your advanced technology, then claim your crystals and transport them to Holy Saints mainland. I'm sure you can manage that, can't you? Call the ceasefire, and our soldiers will not fire a single shot as you search for your crystals. But, again I stress, you will not be allowed to stay on the islands permenantly. Claim your artifacts, we have no problem or interest in that little endevour.

Again, we attempt to reach to you and again we implore you to call the ceasefire. We have no problem, once the ceasefire is called, for you to go on your little exploration mission for your beloved crystals. However, make no mistake, the losses you will incur if you do not will make you think twice.

Dewars Strand
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Apr 22 2005, 08:21 PM
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edit: post to come later, don't feel like whooping ass right now.

This post has been edited by Holy Saints on Apr 22 2005, 08:27 PM
Holy Saints
Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: Apr 23 2005, 03:26 AM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
On the “island talks”-meeting, the Latin delegation puts its cards on the table:

Before we begin, please sign these contracts, that nothing discussed in here will leave this room.

Gentlemen, thank you for coming.
Since THS is not the only one capable of using clear words, I’ll make it clear and quick as well:
We expect, that The Holy Saints cede the island in the middle of the sea-channel between Latao and THS to the Confederacy of Latao. Otherwise, we will enter the war at the side of Nedalia, which we all know would bring The Holy Saints into serious trouble. In the other case, Latao recognizes the islands as territory of THS.
Not to comply with our will would be a bad idea for said reason, as we have the power of the FLMS and the Empire of Nova Roma behind our back.

As you see, the cards are newly shuffled.

Thank you, that's all.
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