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Syndicatian State of Emergency
Posted: May 30 2013, 02:09 PM
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Atlantian Oceania Cartographic Institute: Magnaeus, The Inevitable Syndicate.

“Well? It’s been quite some time since you recovered the Meteoricon, and we haven’t seen any positive change in the climate of the country. Sea levels are still rising, and the sea water is beginning to make it’s way inland. Are we ever going to get this thing working?”

Andrew Browne was sat down, looking at the two scientist arguing amongst themselves. To his left, a woman from the weather institute, and to his right, a member of the SIA’s Advanced MacGuffins Chapter. He was starting to develop a headache over the whole thing. It had been two months since they recovered the Meteoricon from the hands of Ahlenfi, and diplomatic talks hadn’t gone to well. The Emir was hopping mad that the Syndicate had stolen the artefact, but various payments of Syndicatian taxpayer money were working to keep him quiet. One wrong move, however, and the whole thing could blow up in their faces.

“It’s not as simple as that!” The SIA agent explained, “The machine itself is incredibly complex, and wasn’t designed for usage in the Syndicate. Also, years of being left unattended have completely ruined the damn thing. We’re trying to reverse engineer our own, for usage here, but it takes time!”

“We don’t have time!” retorted the Weather Department Representative, “We’ve had reports of an earthquake event in the Crystalikere Channel, with a resultant Tsunami headed straight for us! This, combined with the rising sea levels, is enough to wipe out several low-lying partitions!”

Andrew stood up. He hadn’t been told about this one. “How many?”

“I’ll just show you the map.” The scientist pulled out a large map of the Syndicate, and layed it on the table in front of them.” As you can see, we’ve made some subtractions of any land that is lower than 2 metres below current sea level.”

user posted image

“2 metres? It’s expected to rise by that much? Oh god." Andrew looked in horror at the great tracts of land that were missing from the map. "We need to evacuate everyone that’s there immediately. When is the Tsunami expected to strike?”

“It’s a while away yet. We have about 24 hours.”

“I’ll address the nation right away on the emergency channels. We also need to warn West Guiana, as this looks like it might impact them. I’m not sure whether they’ll flood, as the land on their border is higher than ours, but still. Warn them. And every other nation too.”

Andrew bust out of the thinly veiled secret agency building, and rushed for the nearest broadcasting station.

Stations paused their scheduled streaming, and switched to the emergency signal. A shrill, piercing tone sounded out of the country’s television sets, and Andrew Browne tapped a microphone, and began addressing the nation.

“This is an emergency broadcast. Andrew Browne speaking. The Syndicate is in a state of emergency as reports that a catastrophic tsunami event is headed for our shores. Members of the following partitions are heavily advised to evacuate immediately: Coulomby, Montfer, Belkshire, Clarke’s Point, Bosenshire, Port Lemony, Moorsbend, and Turingate. Citizens of those partitons should stay with friends and family as far away as possible, and pack all of their belongings. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you may not be going back for quite some time. Citizens of Eastport, Gatesby, and Hardypoole are advised not to travel to any of the surrounding counties via car or bus. Everyone should stay on alert for further instructions. Thank you.”

The camera clicked as the broadcast ended. Andrew sighed. “Now all we have to do is hope everyone makes it out of this alive.”

Stephen Jones, his right-hand-man, also sighed. “Yeah. We’ve done everything we can, though. And at least there aren't any major cities that are being washed away!"

"How can you think like that in a time like this, Jones? We're in a crisis!"

"Truth be told, I like to block out fear with humour. My parents live in Clarke's Point, Andrew. I hope they're okay."

"I'm sure they'll be fine. We've given everyone ample time to escape... Haven't we?"

This post has been edited by Inevitable on May 30 2013, 02:10 PM
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Posted: May 30 2013, 02:40 PM
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OOC: Conversation between Minister of Foreign Affairs, Lumako Koralokapai, and his assistant Tulano.

"Sir, I have urgent news."

"Tulano, can't you see I'm in a meeting?"

"Sir, The Inevitable Syndicate is under a severe tsunami warning. Several counties are expected to flood."

"Well I know about the tsunami, we picked it up a day ago."

"Sir, it's projected to intensify when it hits TIS."

"Ok, well what can we do to help?"

"Well, sir, we could offer refugee assistance, meteorological assistance, probably disaster relief when it's over."

"That's a lot. Let's start with an offer to get people out of there. They can wait it out in Maklohi Vai, and then we can send them back. Let's see, do we have some planes we could use?"

"6 planes for 450 people each."

"Offer that. We'll see how they respond. If they ask for something else, clear it with me first."

"Yes sir, Mr. Minister."
Maklohi Vai
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Posted: May 31 2013, 04:55 AM
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"The Vaians have offered their support, in the form of several planes for displaced refugees, Administrator."

This was fantastic news. Andrew, along with various members of the Syndicatian government, had set up a base of operations inside the Magnaean Broadcasting Centre, to deal with the various incoming calls and messages from those in affected areas. He'd already mobilised the Air Ambulance and Coastguard to take people to higher ground, but any help from other nations was much obliged.

"Tell them we'll take the planes. Clear access to various airfields in rural areas. That should be where the people with the most trouble getting out will be."

"Right away, Administrator."

Andrew looked out of the window at the dark skies above. It was normally this bad, but now the weather had a sense of foreshadowing for the events to come. They only had 12 hours before the tsunami hit. He just hoped the effects wouldn't be too catastrophic.
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Posted: May 31 2013, 12:33 PM
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Savski Venac, Belgrade

It was a rather sunny day in Belgrade, people finally could get on the streets and enjoy the spring weather. Marko Gajinovic, the president of Savski Venac( OOC:Dictator) was on the Kalemegdan fortress.Kalemagdan is a medival complex and one of the most preserved medival fortreses in Savski Venac.
Marko Gajinovic was attending the annual Kozaklarschina that marks the begginig of spring.
During a speech he was holding, one of the members of the Savski Venac Army came to hime and whispered something to him. Marko Gajinovic finished his speech but didnt stay any longer. He apologised to the crowd and hurried to the car that was waiting for him.

"How bad is it?"

asked Marko one of the soldiers that were in the car.

"The weather forecast says that the waters will rise 2m above sea level"

"Jesus Christ! I hope that they will evacuate everyone on time. How much time do they have?"

"12 hours comrade ataman!"

"Call the Minister of Internal affairs and the Minister of External affairs, they need to come to my office ASAP!"

Marko didnt notice the speed that the car was going, they were fast it seemed almost like they are on a race track, other drivers were swearing others got frightened and bystanders were amazed by the skill of the driver in the black car that was passing by them fast.
They arrived in front of the presdental pallace in minutes. Marko rushed in and found the two ministers waiting him in front of his office.One of the ministers asked

"Comrade Gajinovich! What happened? We heard the news but we dont..."

"Please, comrade , I will explain, no need for wasting their time."

The ministers entered the office of Marko Gajinovic and sat down on the tow chairs in front of a large wooden table.

"Comrades, you have heard the news. In 12 hours a tsunami will strike the coasts of the Invenetable Syndicate. It has been forcasted that the water levels will rise up to two meters above sea level. As the president of the PFR Savski Venac and a citizen of this country it is my duty to help and protect the neighbouring nations of AO from disaster."

the minister of foreign affairs wasnt very happy with this

"Comrade Gajinovich,you must remember we are not in good relation with the Syndicate since the Leorudo crisis, I suggest..."

"What do you suggest comrade? What? To make an emergency meeting? Do you know that it will take up to 2 hours to make one? We are losing time comrade!
We must help them!"

Marko Gajinovich was outraged, but the minister was brave enough to continue bringing up his argument

"But comrade ataman(OOC:Ataman is the highest millitary rang in SV), they never helped us, and once again ...

"Stop this! Are you human? Or are you a mindless politician? Those are people ,for Christs sake, people from flesh and blood just like us! We should help them, we dont want another hostile country in AO do we? Now, Peter how long would it take for your firemen and rescue teams to get ready and board a plane for the Syndicate?"

The minister of internal affairs, Peter, answered

"Depends how many you are sending?"

"We will offer 500 men,and try to send them before the tsunami strikes, and that means as soon as you can.

"They will be in the Syindicate in 10 hours comrade ataman."

"Good, offer them them 10 boats that will be used for search and rescue operations, they should arrive there after the tsunami. The millitary will offer 500 soldiers and 15 helicopters."

Savski Venac
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Posted: Jun 1 2013, 07:35 AM
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"Andrew. Just got off the phone from Savski Venac."

"Savski Venac? What do they want?" The Administrator said, confused.

"To help."

"Really? I guess there is some humanity left in this world after all. What do they have spare?"

"Well, according to recent reports, 500 rescue crew, 10 rescue boats, along with 500 members of their military and 15 search helicopters."

"Brilliant. When do they arrive?"

"About 10 hours."

"That gives us time to mobilise them around the country before the waves spread inland. Good. Any news from the major cities?"

"Yes. We've set up shelters and refuge points in any major halls available. People seem to be flocking to stadiums such as the Flynn Arena and The Bird Cage."

Jones piped up. "I've phoned the ILA - they've postponed all domestic football fixtures until further notice. The stadiums will remain refuge points until this is all over."

"Good, good. We might be able to make this work. Have the Vaian planes arrived yet?"

"They claim to be landing now. We sent them to Dysenside for re-fuelling."

Suddenly, the Administrator received a call on his eye glass. He picked it up.

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Posted: Jun 1 2013, 07:43 AM
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"Hello, Administrator Browne. This is Erdun Molothai speaking."

"How the heck did you get my number?" The Administrator cried.

"I have my ways, just as you have yours. You took many things from my great country. You took our chief of police. You took our ancient artefact. We've been having troubles too, of the opposite kind."

"And what do you want me to do about it, Emir?"

"We want the Meteoricon back. And we want it back now. Sandstorms have ravaged our country, as you know, and the international community has not listened. Well, look towards your city of Dysenside, and listen to this!"

Molothai dropped the call, and turned towards his men. He was sat in the War Room of the Imperial Palace, a map laid out in front of him. He muttered some instructions to his associates, and smiled. This was it. This was the beginning of his ultimate triumph.
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Posted: Jun 1 2013, 07:56 AM
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Chaos ensued in the Emergency Cabinet Room. After the call from the Emir, reports that two of the Vaian planes that were en route to Dysenside had been shot down by artillery from across the border. Ahlenfi was trying to sabotage any chance of aid getting to the Syndicate. And with 4 hours to go until the Tsunami hit, a war was not what the country needed right now.

"What the HELL was that?!" the Administrator shouted, shocked to the core after seeing the video footage of the two planes dropping out of the sky. "We don't need this right now!" I've stationed the army to attempt to evacuate everyone out of the possible flood areas!"

"It seems Ahlenfi finally snapped. I mean, one of our rogue agents did kill their chief of police, and we did steal an important ancient artefact..."

"That's irrelevant, Arnell." The Administrator addressed the Moderator of Foreign Affairs.

"It's really not. If they wanted to, Ahlenfi could put out the spin that it's all our fault they're going to war."

"Were they using the Meteoricon? No. Did I tell Agent 9¾ to kill the Chief of Police? No. So, how is this in any way my fault? They're the ones that have been running around, mistreating their people, actively encouraging gun crime, and generally being nuisances. Do you know how much our transport department has to pay Synclair Automotive to update their Systems for Ahlenfi, because they can't be bothered to do it themselves? It's a lot!"

"I know. Which is why you can put that spin on events should you attack them. The question is... Are you going to attack them?"

"We don't have the man-power. All of it is on our rescue effort. But after this? Yes, I would love to. Shut down the borders to Ahlenfi." Andrew said, his voice dropping to a whisper by the end.

One of the Moderators chimed in. "But sir, there are probably thousands of Syndicatians in Ahlenfi right now, and vice versa..."

"I don't care. The Syndicatians that are over there might not have a home to come back to, and the Ahlenfi people over here should be thankful we respect their rights..."

"I'll make the required calls, then." said Jones. "This is going to be a tiresome couple of weeks..."
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Posted: Jun 1 2013, 07:03 PM
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OOC: Is Ahlenfi a puppet or a main nation?

Address by Munako Lumakonapani, Minister of Defense, to a cabinet meeting closed to the public

"It has come to my attention that two of our emergency relief planes on the way to help potential tsunami victims in The Inevitable Syndicate have been fired upon by Ahlenfi artillery. The dictatorial regime in that country has determined that it places its own prestige over the value of human life. They are psychopathic in that regard. Gentlemen, how do we respond?"

The President responded, "We should engage in diplomacy with them. We cannot fight wars based off idiotic attacks."

"I agree, sir. What about further assistance to TIS?"

"Send it discreetly. Ahlenfi won't get to it."

"Will do, sir."

"Now, just send out those planes. And call Ahlenfi, we need to talk. Also call the Administrator in TIS. We need to make sure we're on the same page in terms of responding to Ahlenfi."

"Will do, sir."
Maklohi Vai
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Posted: Jun 2 2013, 09:21 AM
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Just four hours to the tsunami, Marko Gajinovich was in the government of Savski Venac main chamber where he was holding a speech during the meeting of all the ministers.

"Our men will arrive in a few hours in the IS. However, we have recieved news that the planes of the nation of Ahlenfi has shot down two planes that were bringing aid to IS. Both planes were from Maklohi Vai. The reasons for his are unknown. None of the nations from AO have responded to this, yet."

"What do you propose comrade Gajinovich?"

asked one of the ministers

"I would suggest that we continue to send our help to the IS and show our concerns with the attack of Ahlenfi"

"Thats enough! I have had it with this comrade Gajinovich! For gods sake, our men are out there. Would you like some of our men to die? Would you like them to die because of those Syndicatians? Well I say no! I say that they dont need help at all!
Also who did decide that our me should go to the IS? The government! No! You did!
In the revolution you promised prosper, democracy and equality! I dont see any of that! This nati... "

The minister of foreign affairs bursted, he was interupted by Marko

"I did every single thing I promised! Of course, today I had to react quick because it would be late if I arranged a meeting with all of you, and I think that would be a big waste of time because most of us agree that we should send help to them! "

Marko was enraged, his face was red like an apple.

"Well they dont need help! They..."

"That is enough! Out of the room! NOW!

Marko was pointing with his hand twoards the doors of the main chamber.
The minister looked frightened. But still he said:

"I will propose new elections to the national assembly as soon as I can!"

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[SIZE=7]Politika daily newspaper[/SIZE=7]

The government of Savski Venac concerned about the Ahlenfi attack
The government of Savski Venac has announced today that the recent attack of Ahlenfi millitary planes on the planes of Maklohi Vai that were carrying aid to the Inevetable Syndicate.The prime minister of the government of Savski Venac, ataman Marko Gajinovich said that the attacks of Ahlenfi arent reasonable and that even if it has some problems with the IS it should sovle it via diplomatic talks.

Savski Venac Minister of Foreign affairs killed!
Mikhail Ivanovich Rotov, was killed in a carcrash near the National Assembly of Savski Venac. The police has reported that a large truck has hit,head on, the car of Mikhail Ivanovich. It is said, by an unofficial source that the truck's sterring weel was damaged before and malfunctioned seconds before the incident.
" This is a terrible loss for our nation, Mikhail Ivanovich was one of the best politicians we have ever had" said Marko Gajinovich while he was addressing the public in response to the incident.
Savski Venac
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Posted: Jun 2 2013, 11:16 AM
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OOC: It's a puppet. Go nuts.

"Members of the Burgess Coastguard have reported the wave is imminent. They've already erected flood defences."

"Good on them. How goes the evacuation? We still have time before the water flows inland..."

"Those who have decided to evacuate have done so. However, a select few have decided to stay, thinking they can brave it out."

"Ugh. There's always a few, isn't there? Anything else to report?"

"Maklohi Vai wanted to talk to you, concerning the Emir. They think we should engage in diplomatic talks first. Which is fair enough, really. The Danubians have also arrived, and has expressed concern on the attack."

"Right. That's fair enough. We've been engaged in diplomatic talks for the past few months, after the things that happened, but anything we can do to delay a conflict would be nice."

A young volunteer rushed up to the Administrator's office cubicle. He was out of breath.

"Sir, it's hit. We sent to reconnaissance drones out, and they've confirmed. We... We also sent the drones over the border. Found some more artillery lined up a few miles in. Then the drone went dead."

Andrew stood up, and slowly clapped his hands. "Alright, this is it people! It's hit! Man those phones, and anything you want clearing goes through me, understand?!"

People scrambled to man various stations, while others engaged in talks with emergency service personnel. This was going to be a long night.
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Posted: Jun 2 2013, 12:02 PM
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Somewhere, in the Syndicate skies...

5 Antonov An-124 planes were getting ready to land. They were carrying 1000 men that were going to aid the Syndicatian people , they also had supplies that are going to be needed.

"Flight leader, we have the green light to start landing."

"Roger that"

"Plane five, there is something comming at a high speed from your left."

"Negative I cant see it through the window, but I can see it on my radar. Could be a malfunction flight leader."

"Roger that, anyone else has this on their radars?"


The misslie slammed into the cockpit of the plane and exploded. The plane started falling dow and fell apart in mid-air.




And then the rocket hit the wing ripping it off the side.


This, plane like the preivous one, fell apart. Some of the soldiers fell out of the plane and plunged into abyss


The planes quickly started to turn and tried to hide.
Another missile came from he clouds and hit one of the planes in its tail...

Savski Venac
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Posted: Jun 2 2013, 01:07 PM
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((OOC: TIS, I'll be shooting you a TG about that war thing. But for now, tsunami. Also, assumed this happened a little earlier--I had to leave in the middle of typing this and it hit while I was away D: ))

Somewhere deep in the Fligsive Technology Museum (one of the more popular museums, consider the nation's obsession with science), an antique telegraph started tapping away. One of the senior staffers happened to be nearby, cleaning the case that showcased a prototype of the Eyeglass. He walked over and began to translate. After all, who works in a museum without knowing Morse code?

To Whom it May Concern:
The news of an incoming Tsunami have reached us at the Ibex Foreign Ministry.
We understand that many Syndicatians are in extreme danger.
In recognition of this, our mutual border has been temporarily opened.
Refugees are assured they will be safe from any rising waters on our sands.
Safe return across the border is guaranteed following the crisis.
However, accommodation in the meantime will not be provided freely.
Refugees can either pay for their own hotel room;
Or provide migrant work in the mines and utilize company housing.
Please spread this message to the proper authorities.

"Oh, my! I have to get this message to the administration..."

This post has been edited by Ibex on Jun 2 2013, 01:10 PM
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Posted: Jun 2 2013, 01:58 PM
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The now nick-named 'Syndicatian Mega Crisis Safety and Sort Out Centre' (SMCSSOC, or 'smacksock' for short), was in a state of chaos. Telephones were ringing left, right and centre, and the Administrator really wished he hadn't got up this morning.

"Sir, Danubian planes over the country..."

"Sir, Maklohi Vai on the phone. They want to talk about..."

"Administrator, we've just had reports that the media want your stance on the latest football results..."

"Sir, That Savski Venac issue is actually quite a problem..."

"Administrator, it seems that local shops in refuge areas are running out of food."

"Power is down in Wozinitz. It's a good job the WGPC has been and gone..."

"Sir, ILN really want to know your stance on the football..."

Andrew had had enough. He banged his fist on the table. "Everyone, quiet!"

The whole room fell to silence. "Much better. Now, one at a time, please?!"

One of the many phones began to ring. Andrew marched over to it and picked it up. "What do you want?"

"Er, hello?"

"Who's calling?"

"Oh, it's me, Graham Monroe. I work at the Fligsive Technology Museum. I've just intercepted a message from a- oh, gosh, what was it. An Ibex?"

"Ibex? As in, the nation next door?" Andrew pulled up a chair. "Go on..."

"Well, they've basically said they understand the danger, and as a result, they've opened the border. Claim you can ship some refugees over there. For a price, of course."

"Of course." The Administrator sighed. "And that price is?"

"Working in their mines... Or paying for a hotel, of course. But they'll be safe..."

"Right. Thank you very much Mr. Monroe. We'll be sure to bear it in mind."

Andrew put the phone down. And sighed again. At least Ibex weren't pulling an Ahlenfi and kicking them while they were down.

"Sir, about those Danubian planes... Some were flying over the country, and were hit by Ahlenfi missiles. No survivors."

Stephen Jones stepped in. "Really? Blimey. That's terrible. We need to do something! I'm sorry, but diplomacy simply hasn't worked. If Ahlenfi want to get their hands dirty, then we must retaliate before they start marching towards Fligsive!"

"Administrator, have you seen this? This was just posted on the internet 15 minutes ago. It seems to have blown up..."

The smacksock team looked towards a projector, and watched the video.
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Posted: Jun 2 2013, 02:02 PM
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The camera phone shook, and the wind blew, as Emir Erdun Molothai stood at the balcony of the Imperial Palace, greeted by thousands of Ahlenfi people below. The camera zooms in to his blurry face, and he says the following:
“People of Ahlenfi! A great tragedy falls before us! The country that calls themselves “The Inevitable Syndicate” have made a foolish mistake by not giving us aid to help the sandstorms, they have squandered it themselves! And now, when they are in crisis, the international community helps them! And to make matters worse, they have cursed our country. My sources tell me that it was the Syndicatians that killed the chief of police, Abdulkareem Almasi. This has driven the country into chaos, as Almasi was a charismatic figure that was loved by the people, but also knew how to enact justice. His death has brought bad times for the Ahlenfi people. The sandstorms which we were protected from by the Gods now ravage the country on a daily basis. In the two months that the Syndicatian Administrator has left, 1700 people have died due to the sandstorms. It was the Syndicate that cursed us, by stealing our knowledge of the gods!

I’m not going to lie to you - years ago we found an artefact that had the means to control the weather. It was left here, as a gift, to our ancestors. It was our birthright to have this artefact! And the Syndicate have taken it from us! It now sits atop their drab city, with their fat cats gloating in the fact that they stole it from us! And do they give us aid in this time, to help us combat the sands? No, they don’t. Because the Syndicate are evil. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why we must fight! We must fight for our birthright - the knowledge of the gods! We must fight to show them we are a capable country! And this is why we are declaring war on the Syndicate! To show them they made a mistake in stealing from us, and giving nothing in return! We will take everything! We will take their land, their women, their children! But most importantly, we will take their spirit, and they will not touch ours! For Ahlenfi, the greatest nation in the world!”

There was a roar from the crowd, as they erupted into a chant of "Ahlenfi Prevails", storming out of the courtyard of the Imperial Palace and out onto the streets.
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Posted: Jun 2 2013, 02:17 PM
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"Ah." Said the Administrator, as he sat, mouth agape at the video he'd just watched.

"Yeah, it's been viewed over 200,000 times in those 15 minutes. ILN have leapt on it, and have posted a story."

"It's all over social networking sites. Even has a hashtag: #Fligsives... Well, it doesn't bear repeating."

"That's a bit rude, isn't it? What happened to #SyndicateTsunami?"

"Oh, that's still around, and we have been checking it to find people in distress."

"Right. Well, all of our permenant Army forces are on the ground, helping refugees... And the navy are currently rolling out of Burgess, into flood affected areas..."

"That gives us the Air Force to play with..." said a voice that Andrew hadn't heard in a while.

Harriet Williams, Commanding Officer of the Syndicatian Army, entered the room.

"Ms. Williams. When and how did you get here?"

"A few minutes ago. Helicopter. Heard you were having a hard time. I also heard about the Vaian planes. And the Danubian planes. Time to assemble an army, methinks!"

"We could at least give it a few days... Let the storm stabilise, let people rehabilitate..."

"Well, now is the perfect time to use those refugees for something! They've been displaced, and may as well fight in the meantime! Problem solved!"

"I'm not enacting conscription until we can be sure that Ahlenfi are on our doorstep. And until I know that everyone is safe, and willing to fight."

"Well, one of those two criteria is already met."
Dedicated Scribe
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