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Oliverry claims South Osettian terrotiry
Posted: Aug 12 2005, 04:32 PM
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Oliverrian president Sam Gagnon's office, August 17th 2012

Advisor Jim Tremblay: "I just discovered that the South Osettian land was presently under any sovereignty. As this nation is near our one, we should claim this territory."

President Sam Gagnon: "Well, it can be a good idea. But we should try to be part of an alliance before doing so. I feel that we will need to use the arms."

Advisor: "Yeah. You're surely right. But, this might help us establish our reputation in the Atlantian Oceania."

President: "Well, let's ask the parliament then."

Advisor: "Why do you always ask the parliament before taking any decisions? According to the constitution, the parliament is there only for national decisions. Every international decisions are to be taken by you. But, to claim some land, you have to..."

President: "Yeah, I know, to ask the war council, but, following the 2009 decrete, the parliament is the war council. But, following the February 3rd 2010 war, the war council is made of the president, the minister of army, the 3 major generals of Oliverry and, after the Limbrogidlia secession. of the Prime minister of Limbrogidlia. So, what do we do, consult the war council, or the parliament?"

Advisor: "We should ask the war council as we will only need 40% of the votes for a war to be declared."

President "Then, let's consult the war council."

6 hours later, at the same place...

President: "Welcome everyone. Now, men, we need to take a decision about the South Osettian claiming: Do we claim this territory or not? My spies heard that Hockey Canada is also interested by this land. So, I think that war will be needed. Anyone for this war?"

Jacques Larive, minister of army: "I suggest that we accept this. Oliverry will not suffer any loses, as we are sure Hockey Canada will not invade Oliverry. If they do, then we will invade them. So you shoudl vote yes for this."

President: "Anyone against?"

*Long silence*

President: "Ok, so we claim this terrotory, and everyone that will also claim it will have to be at war against us. In case there are any invasion of the South Osettian land, let's send the troops at the south and invade them to the north. Good luck major generals. Lead us to that victory."
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Aug 12 2005, 09:27 PM
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At the Hockey Canadian Government region in the Captial of Otnorot.

Vice-Minister Evgeni Malakov steps up to the podium with the recent news about the South Osettian loss of land and potential conflict with Oliverry. "Everyone please sit down. Yes even you Yuri. We have something that could change our border and extend our Atlantian Oceanian trade. The aquisition of the nation of South Osettia."

Minister of Karela Markus Vinokouziak rises to speak freely. "But what about this Oliverrian interest in this land? Couldn't this lead to an open war?"

Malakov: "I pray this won't lead to war. But our quick population rising and extended military should be enough to establish a foothold on the island and eventually take it."

Vinokouziak: "Do we really want to risk war? Our last conflict with Jaghur nearly sent us into nuclear arms. I won't stand for this."

Malakov: "You've been trying to resist war for over 40 years Markus. You have been very lucky our government has not taken actiona against you. I do not wish for war but for an easy aquisition of the land."

Vinokouziak: "We would need a vote from all members of Parliament of at least 95 percent to overrule the Prime-Dictator if she was to be against the war."

Malakov: "We all know the procedures and will vote quickly. Everyone agreed?"

Everyone: "Agreed"

3 Hours pass with little deliberation.

Malakov: "Now the other threat is Oliverry. Any potential intelligence has been sorted out with and been deported. All Oliverrian immigrants will be refused or detained for future notice. We want to make this as gentle as possible."

A Random Member of Parliament stands up. "Gentle! Our forfathers weren't gentle gaining independance! We should take South Osettia by force but not set foot into Oliverry!"

Another member gets up. "He's right! We take the north of the island and we'll dominate the terrain where snow and ice lay. Our Air Force and Army is brilliant! The navy however is in question."

Malakov: "Perhaps assistance from the nation of Sarzonia?"

Vinokouziak: "I don't think we should. If we ally ourselves with other nations Oliverry will do the same forcing innocent nations into this. We should keep this one-on-one."

Malakov: "So it's settled then. Our Air Force will establish a foothold in northern South Osettia for our Army to set up forces."

Vinokouziak: "So we're going to attempt to take South Osettia expecting resistance?"

Malakov: "We'll enlist men, use our armed forces and use much of what we have to take the island. We will keep forces here in case of Oliverrian invasion."

Vinokouziak: "It's open war then?"

Malakov: "Yes. We declare war on Oliverry for possession of South Osettia."

Vinokouziak: "I will prepare General Tikhonov. He will be in South Osettia by morning."
Hockey Canada
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Posted: Aug 13 2005, 08:16 AM
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Let is be known that any foreign force around the former South Osettian territories with aggressive intent will immediately be listed as a target for the Starblaydi Armed Forces. The Protectorate of Starblaydia will not stand for aggressive acquisitions of territory so close to her own borders and as such will take steps to ensure that small, warlike nations will not vent their aggressive intentions within our zone of influence.

On behalf of the Lord-Protector of Starblaydia,
Lord Ricardo Gomez,
Minister of Communications,
Protectorate of Starblaydia.
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Posted: Aug 13 2005, 12:54 PM
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When he received the letter, Oliverrian Foreign Affairs Minister shooted it to the President. Once he finished to read it, he called his war council for a meeting.

2 hours later...

President: "Members of the war council, look at this letter I just received from the Starblaydian minister of communications, which is the representant of the lord-protector."

30 seconds later...

Limbrogidlia Prime Minister Xilit Kaluw: "Well, we should maybe cancel the war and propose to Hockey Canada a diplomatic meeting between mr. Gagnon and Hockey Canada's prime minister to share the territory."

President: "Yeah! We should maybe consider this. But, what will happen with Starblaydia? We should maybe write them back to describe them our stance."

Major-General Gariepy: "Wait a minute. You're saying that we should repatriate the army? This is impossible."

President: "You do what I order you to do, right? If you don't, I downgrade you to general. So, for once that Limbrogidlia gets a good idea, let's follow it. First, let's write a letter adressed to Starblaydian Lord-Protector himself. After, I'll personally write a letter to the Hockey Canadian leader. The best thing is that we were good friends before this conflict."

Major-general Danis: "Wait a minute: Isn't Starblaydia actually in war against Latao? Why would they spend some military units to attack us then?"

President: "That's something I found very strange too. But I wont take any chances with this. We don't need to lose any other people in this. So, now, let's write and send the letters to Starblaydia and Hockey Canada."


To: Lord-Protector of Starblaydia, Tiberius Starblayde
From: Oliverrian war council

Dear Lord-Protector, we are writing you to inform you about our stance in the South Osettian war. Oliverry will remove their troops from there. A diplomatic meeting will be held between Hockey Canada and Oliverry to determine the share of the territory. So we ask you to not shoot any Oliverrian soldier your soldiers find on thier way.

With all our respect,

President Sam Gagnon, President of Oliverry-Limbrogidlia
Prime Minister Xilit Kaluw, Prime Minister of Limbrogidlia
Jacques Larive, minister of Army
Major-Generals Guillaume Danis, Turbide Gariepy and Francis Houlon


To: Prime Minister of Hockey Canada, Ondrea di Lorenzi
From: President of Oliverry-Limbrogidlia, Sam Gagnon

Dear Prime minister,
As you know, Starblaydia wants to be implied in our conflict. So, what I propose is that we 2 meet here, in the Oliverrian President's office, in Marshalliston, to discuss about how we could rule this conflict in a pacific way.
I'm waiting for your response.

With all my respect,

President Sam Gagnon, President of Oliverry-Limbrogidlia

Once both letters were written, President Gagnon sent them by exprerss courier.
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Aug 13 2005, 04:29 PM
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"We say 'jump'," Ricardo chuckled, "they say 'how high?' and 'where to?'. I love it!"

"Come on now, Ricardo," Tiberius said, "we're only trying to increase the peace."

"Of course, my Lord."

"We shall let them have their meeting," Tiberius continued, "and let us all hope they don't start shooting each other. Keep the Navy and Air Force on a higher alert level, of course."

"Of course, my Lord."
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Posted: Sep 14 2005, 10:36 AM
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After the meetings in Oliverry, General Tikhonov and Evgeni Malakov are flying back to Hockey Canada.

Malakov: "Well, wasn't that a joke."

Tikhonov: "If you mean the meeting or the service on the plane, I hope it was."

Malakov: "South Osettia is practically a gold mine for resources and future industry. It in Hockey Canada's hands would be perfect. A new territory."

Tikhonov: "Either way, Oliverry wants it as well. Besides, we're still gaining aquisition of land just south of Oliverry and west of Starblaydia."

Malakov: "Starblaydia has been waiting for a conflict to get into for a while. They'd jump at the chance to go to war with both Oliverry and Hockey Canada."

Tikhonov: "Things could get a bit nasty with them."

Malakov: "Getting into a war isn't exactly something we want to do, but South Osettia would be very valuable."

Tikhonov: "Starblaydia hasn't even shown interest in the land! They just want to fight, or furthermore- act like the peacekeepers."

Malakov: "Either way they're a third party in this now. We officially declared war on Oliverry in South Osettia, not between our nations on our own land."

Tikhonov: "Think we should send some guys over there to get some land?"

Malakov: "That would be safe."

Tikhonov: "We'll establish a foothold on South Osettia soon sir. But we won't try to take the whole island. Oliverry may need a good chunk of this land."

Malakov: "We'll let them have some, we want to be fair."
Hockey Canada
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Posted: Sep 14 2005, 11:57 AM
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President Gagnon: Ok guys. This meeting was pretty bad, I agree. But, we must make them sign a non-agression treaty. I mean, we won't lose any men on this island because a bunch of communists want it...

Xilit Kaluw: Yeah! We must sign a non-agression treaty and, then, negociate the land with them. I already have a proposed borderline between both nation. I think it's fair for both nations. If we get Hockey Canada to sign this non-agression treaty, then, we will be able to share the territory. Anyone remembers how it was before when Limbrogidlia wanted to secessionate right? Then, with some negociations, we came to an agreement to the share of the territory. It has to be the same for this island. Anyone agrees with me?

*The members of the war council applauds*

President Gagnon: Ok. We must renegociate with them. If we reinvite them to a meeting, but this time, in Rubbermade, then, after, we make them sign the non-agression treaty. After, we propose them the land sharing proposal and, we make them accept it. If they don't then, we try to ally with someone and destroy their outpost. Sorry, but it has to be done.

Major-General Danis: For once, you got a very good idea mr. Gagnon. We will also need to destroy Starblaydi forces, which will not be very easy. We will need some nukes and...

Mr. Kaluw: NO NUKES!

Major-General Danis: Ok. Then, we will need to do an attack plan. But for now, just reinvite Hockey Canada for another meeting...
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Posted: Sep 19 2005, 10:38 AM
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Tikhonov: Well, they request yet another meeting in order to keep peace. Meanwhile Druida to the south of us wants the southern part of Land 12 but we want the Northern part to connect with Starblaydia and Lake Bekk.

Malakov: Why shouldn't we? If we can give old South Osettia to Oliverry and get them to support our campaign in Northern Land 12 it will settle this dispute once and for all.

Tikhonov: Be that as it may it may not get much support from other countries in this little agreement.

Malakov: I'll propose the idea to the Oliverrian council and Starblaydian council (if the Starblaydis show up) and get their opinions.

Tikhonov: Good then; only under one condition.

Malakov: That is?

Tikhonov: If awarded the rights to the Northern part of Land 12 we will pull out of South Osettia. If not we will remain in northern South Osettia.

Malakov: That may not be the right thing to do.

Tikhonov: For your sake, it's the only thing to do.

Malakov: Yes General.
Hockey Canada
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Posted: Sep 23 2005, 11:24 AM
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At the "Reunion de Rubbermade"....

President Gagnon: Look, we know about your plan to expand your territory. We will support this at the condition that Hockey Canada removes their troops from South Osettia and leaves Oliverry South Osettia. Are you ok with this?

This post has been edited by Oliverry on Sep 23 2005, 11:25 AM
Royal Scribe
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