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Lamoni gets new military equipment
Posted: Mar 6 2008, 03:39 AM
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Report by Colonel Natasha Krell (Lyras):

Based purely upon the per annum budget presented, and ignoring considerations of population or alliances, I do

hereby submit the following report for consideration.

Total sizing:
To ensure a per-soldier parity with more militarised states, and to guarantee forces the technological

sophistication to match one's opponents in the technologically advanced and aggressive/confrontational

political situation that is the norm globally, the preposition is advanced that a total combined army (no

consideration herein being given to naval or fixed-wing air forces, at this stage) of 30 regular divisions be

established. Reserve forces equalling this, at the very least, are strongly encouraged, however equipping them

from extant surplus or gradual forward purchase is greatly preferrable to destroying the national equilibrium

by rampant military overspending.

Of the 30 divisions proposed for the regular army, the suggested break down is advanced as follows, with a

tentative allocation of numbers for future ease of discussion:

Mechanised Infantry: 19 (1st through 12th divisions, then 19th through to 25th)
Armoured: 6 (13th to 18th)
Artillery: 3 (26th, 27th and 28th)
Air Defence: 2 (29th and 30th)

The above force structure further subdivides, per division, on the following basis:

Mechanised Infantry Division
6 Mechanised Infantry battalions
4 Armoured battalions
4 Artillery battalions (mixed)
4 Aviation battalions (attack helicopters)
4 Support battalions
1 Engineer battalions
1 Intelligence battalion
1 Signal battalion
1 Divisional support battalion

Armoured Division
3 Mechanised Infantry battalions
7 Armoured battalions
4 Artillery battalions
4 Aviation battalions
4 Support battalions
1 Engineer battalions
1 Intelligence battalion
1 Signal battalion
1 Divisional support battalion

Artillery Division:
3 Mechanised battalions
3 Armoured battalions
8 Artillery (MRS) battalions
4 Aviation battalions
4 Support battalions
1 Engineer battalions
1 Intelligence battalion
1 Signal battalion
1 Divisional support battalion

Air Defence Divisions:
5 Mechanised Infantry battalions
6 Air Defence battalions
3 Artillery battalions
4 Aviation battalions
4 Support battalions
1 Engineer battalions
1 Intelligence battalion
1 Signal battalion
1 Divisional support battalion

Each of the above stated battalions should be established with the table of equipment detailed below:

Armoured Platoon
3 x LY4A1

Armoured Company
4 x Tank platoons
Company command section (2 x LY4A1, 1 x Armd Rcvry)

Armoured Support Company
Air defence platoon (3 x LY220/219 Shepherd)
Engineer platoon (Armd Rcvry, Mine warfare and EW)
Medical platoon (3 x LY219 Ambulance, Mobile Level 2 treatment facility)
Recon, Surveillance and Target Acquisition (RSTA) platoon (1 sect ATVs, GSR sect, UAV sect)
Signals platoon (2 x LY219 Cmd variant, 1 x Armd Rcvry)

Armoured Battalion
BHQ (1 x LY219 Cmd Variant, 2 x LY4A1)
3 Armoured companies
1 Armoured support company
1 Mechanised infantry company

Lyran Mechanised Section (Doctrinal)
Number 1 Scout (ER AR44)
Number 2 Scout (AR44)
Section Commander (CPL) (AR44)
Section 2IC (LCPL) (AR44)
Gun (LY19 LMG)
Number 2 gun (AR44)
Number 1 Assault (AR44)
Assault gunner (LY19 LMG)
Number 3 Assault (AR44)
Number 4 Assault (AR44)
LY219 Ironheart (Light IFV variant)

Mechanised Infantry Heavy Weapons Section
Section Commander (CPL) (AR44)
Section 2IC (LCPL) (AR44)
First MG (LY60 14.7mm HMG)
First MG assistant (AR44, Spare LY60 Ammo, tripod, C2 sight)
Second MG (LY60 14.7mm HMG)
Second MG assistant (AR44, Spare LY60 Ammo, tripod, C2 sight)
AT Missileer (Javelin III, 4 missiles)
AT Missileer (Javelin III, 4 missiles)
AT Missileer (Javelin III, 4 missiles)
AT Missileer (Javelin III, 4 missiles)
LY219 Ironheart (APC variant)

Lyran Mechanised Infantry Platoon
3 Sections
Heavy Weapons Section

Mechanised Infantry Company
3 Mechanised platoons
CHQ (2 x LY219 Command variants)
Mortar platoon (3 x LY516/219 Stormdrake, 1x LY219 IFV)
DFS platoon (3 x LY219 MGS, 1 x LY219 IFV)

Mechanised Infantry Support Company
Engineer platoon (LY219 Armd Rcvry, Mine warfare and EW)
Air defence platoon (3 x LY220/219 Shepherd)
Anti-armour platoon (2 x LY219 ATGM variant, 1 x APC + 12 pers AT section)
Medical platoon (3 x LY219 Ambulance, Mobile Level 2 treatment facility)
Recon, Surveillance and Target Acquisition RSTA) platoon (1 sect ATVs, GSR sect, UAV sect)
Signals platoon (2 x LY219 Cmd variant, 1 x Armd Rcvry)

Mechanised Battalion
BHQ (2 x LY219 Command Variant)
3 Mechanised infantry companies
1 Mechanised infantry support company
1 Armoured company

Artillery “Gun”
1 artillery piece (either LY300 or LY516/219)
1 LY219 ammunition carrier/loader
6 personnel

Artillery “Gun platoon”
HQ “Gun” (not actually a weapon... LY219 IFV)
3 Guns

Artillery “Gun Battery”
3 Gun platoons
1 Mechanised infantry platoon

Artillery Support Battery
Engineer platoon (LY219 Armd Rcvry, Mine warfare and EW)
Air defence platoon (3 x LY220/219 Shepherd)
Anti-armour platoon (2 x LY219 ATGM variant, 1 x LY219 APC + 12 pers AT section)
Medical platoon (3 x LY219 Ambulance, Mobile Level 2 treatment facility)
Recon, Surveillance and Target Acquisition (RSTA) platoon (1 sect ATVs, GSR sect, UAV sect)
Signals platoon (2 x LY219 Cmd variant, 1 x Armd Rcvry)

Artillery Battalion
3 Gun batteries (1 x LY516/219, 2 x LY300 OR 3 x LY300)
1 Artillery support battery
BHQ (2xLY219 Cmd variant)

In this context, I feel that artillery divisions deserve special mention. Frequently overlooked, the LY300

Manticore is perhaps the single most frightening piece of equipment on the battlefield anywhere in the world

today. Divisions of Manticores can wipe out fleets, tear gaping holes in a nation's national infrastructure, to

say nothing of the high levels of saturation fire available. Manticore divisions often function as the weapon

of choice for a theatre commander, as they allow him to pick a target, hit it from a thousand kilometres away

(Here Colonel Krell is obviously being expressive. She most certainly knows that the range of a BGM-109 is

2500km, given that she cited that figure herself in her previous report – Field Marshal Ward), and all without

disrupting his or her own operational level manoeuver forces, and completely impervious to any viable form of

counterbattery fire. Manticores in general, and when coupled with cruise missiles in particular, are a highly

effective battlefield technology, and one which I cannot recommend more highly.

With reference to air defence divisions, each individual battalion of air defence forces would be equipped with

the LY471 Skyguard, as per generic layout specified within the LY471 information, however the additional units

and equipment of divisional and brigade level would be held in reserve at each level, controlled by

brigade-organic support battalions and division-organic support brigades, as appropriate. The slightly heavier

load of combatant forces attached to air defence brigades is in acknowledgment of their uniquely important role

within the battlespace, and thus their considerably greater value as targets to hostile forces.

Taken in concert, each division is able to conduct offensive and defensive operations, by day or by night,

regardless of season, weather or terrain, to seek out and close with the enemy and neutralise or destroy them.

Combined arms emphasis enables any given opposing force element to be engaged by the most appropriate friendly

force element, and a preponderence of hardened, mobile ground-launched anti-ship systems will, in and of

itself, go a long way towards securing the Lamonian coastline.

Skyguard needs no further discussion above that which I submitted in my prior report. I am gratified to learn

of Lamonian intentions to purchase the system, and feel personally that they will derive much benefit from it,

either domestically or abroad as part of expeditionary units (The good colonel reacted very enthusiastically, I

am told, to the stated Lamonian intention to purchase the Skyguard. Colonel Krell has long been renowned as one

who loathes civilian casualties, accordingly of all systems covered, Skyguard is perhaps that which she most

strongly advocates – Field Marshal Ward ).

The organic support elements to each division will simplify the logistic stream greatly, enabling Lamonian High

Command, for example, to despatch just the 15th Armoured Division, should they so choose, or (at the higher

end) 1st, 2nd, 8th and 11th Mechanised, 13th and 14th Armoured, 27th Artillery and 30th Air Defence, without

having to seperately detail what would otherwise be a fairly length supply chain. This will also enable each

division to internally support, as far as logistics is concerned, a factor which considerably increases long

term force endurance in operational conditions.

Should the Lamonians wish to talk to me directly, I would be happy to, and if they require or desire specific

training on the weapons featured and the integration required to operate most effectively, then I will detach

Captain Lachlan and his company from my unit here in the Dictatorial Republic of Sumer to assist in that


As always, should further questions be asked, I will endeavour to respond satisfactorily.


Colonel Natasha Krell
Commanding Officer
Lyran OPFOR Element
Dictatorial Republic of Sumer

TO: CinC Task Force Epsilon
FROM: Lyran Governmental Trade Department


Based on the report attached by Colonel Krell, I have prepared a total costing for all equipment specified in

the report. The total purchase is extensive, but, if extended over several years, should not put undue strain

on a defence budget the size of the Free Republic's.

Should the recommendations of Colonel Krell be implemented, I will forward a submission to Executive Command

for financial considerations and a delay of payment.


Lieutenant-General Aleksandr
Lyran Governmental Trade Department
Protectorate of Lyras

TO: Free Republic of Lamoni
FROM: CinC Task Force Epsilon


According to previously outlined requests, I hereby submit the report on ORBAT and equipment recommendations,

with my blessing.

Field Marshal Edmund Ward
Commander in Chief
Task Force Epsilon
LNS Longsword

This post has been edited by Lamoni on Mar 6 2008, 04:05 AM
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Mar 6 2008, 03:49 AM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
LY4A1 Wolfhound MBT:

LY219 Ironheart:

LY220 Shepherd:


TRA-92 Eiko:

LY300 Manticore:

LY219/516 Stormdrake:

FGM-148 Javelin:


This is a basic post to announce the upgrading of the Lamonian Army. I've bought all the equipment from Lyras (who looked over what I could afford, so Star can go yell at him if he doesn't like it); who is letting me pay for it over several NS years. And, I now have the most advanced army in AO.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Mar 7 2008, 02:34 AM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
LY471 Skygaurd:
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Mar 7 2008, 04:19 AM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
QUOTE (Lamoni @ Mar 6 2008, 09:49 AM)
I've bought all the equipment from Lyras (who looked over what I could afford, so Star can go yell at him if he doesn't like it); who is letting me pay for it over several NS years. And, I now have the most advanced army in AO.

Do? You have the 'most advanced army' that anyone has actually announced thus far.

As for actual competitive war RPs, when was the last time AO had one of those, if ever?
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Posted: Mar 7 2008, 01:37 PM
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As I already stated, i'm not ONLY active in AO, Star. There are lots of such RP's on Jolt. I figured that it would only be fair to post about my new military purchases here in my own region.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Mar 7 2008, 01:49 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
Congratulations, you have numbers.

Do they do an RP ability storefront?

Just for the record, I'm mightily pissed at your disloyalty to Paladin Tech. The AH-5, possibly our proudest export, accomplishes the same role as the TRA-92 yet at a fraction of the cost.
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Mar 7 2008, 02:04 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
QUOTE (Lamoni @ Mar 7 2008, 07:37 PM)
As I already stated, i'm not ONLY active in AO, Star. There are lots of such RP's on Jolt. I figured that it would only be fair to post about my new military purchases here in my own region.

Enjoy the II wankfest.
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Posted: Mar 8 2008, 04:19 AM
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Falc: If you are referring to this thread, it's an OOC post. Well then, we'll just have to put PT's stuff through the NS Draftroom and see what's said about it, won't we? Also, the Eiko can do a lot more than the stated abilities of the AH-5.

Star: Well, it is active in II, and I actually enjoy it.

This post has been edited by Lamoni on Mar 8 2008, 04:20 AM
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Mar 8 2008, 06:23 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
QUOTE (Lamoni @ Mar 8 2008, 09:19 AM)
Falc: If you are referring to this thread, it's an OOC post. Well then, we'll just have to put PT's stuff through the NS Draftroom and see what's said about it, won't we? Also, the Eiko can do a lot more than the stated abilities of the AH-5.

Depends entirely on the pilot and gunnery officer. I guarantee a trained Falcanian flight crew in an AH-5 will beat any other chopper.
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Mar 8 2008, 10:37 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
QUOTE (Falcania @ Mar 8 2008, 04:23 PM)
QUOTE (Lamoni @ Mar 8 2008, 09:19 AM)
Falc:  If you are referring to this thread, it's an OOC post.  Well then, we'll just have to put PT's stuff through the NS Draftroom and see what's said about it, won't we?  Also, the Eiko can do a lot more than the stated abilities of the AH-5.

Depends entirely on the pilot and gunnery officer. I guarantee a trained Falcanian flight crew in an AH-5 will beat any other chopper.

Really? How about we test that theory with an exercise, Falc?
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Mar 10 2008, 05:06 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
I'd be delighted. Live ammunition testing acceptable?
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Mar 11 2008, 02:06 AM
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Trying to blast each other out of the sky for real, Falc? Let's do it. Do you want to set up the thread, or should I?
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Mar 11 2008, 04:18 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
If you're ready to be taken down, then sure.
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Mar 11 2008, 04:33 PM
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We will see who takes who down, Falc.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Mar 31 2008, 01:30 AM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
I'm attempting to work out an "Ore for Fighters" deal with Imperial Isa.

The fighter that he's offering for my Air Force:

FFR-31 Sylphid

Accommodation: One
Length: 18.80 meters
Wingspan: 13.77 meters
Height: 5.01 meters
Weight: standard take-off weight 11, 876 kilograms; maximum takeoff weight 35, 660 kilograms
Powerplant type: FNX-5010-H/J Phoenix Mk X turbofan x 2
Powerplant output: 9, 677 kilograms; afterburner 12, 644 kilograms
Cruise Speed: Mach 1.4 (altitude 14, 400 meters)
Maximum Speed: Mach 2.7 (altitude 14, 400 meters)
Fuselage Load Limit: 9 G +
Maximum Altitude: 18, 000 meters
Armament: 20 mm Vulcan Gun x 1; internal hardpoint x 7; external hardpoint x 2 (usually for drop-tanks)
Democratic Maniac
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