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International Affiliations
Posted: Dec 30 2011, 07:25 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
I thought it would be good to have a go-to thread for people to describe their International Affiliations, including Master/Puppet Nations, Allies and Enemies or Sporting Rivals, etc.

The Tropics of Vilita

Status: Is a Master Nation

Major Puppets:
Relations: An independant island off the coast of Vilita with amicable relations with Vilita, a relatively open border policy and often working in concert

Formal Allies:
None Currently Acknowledged (Turori Excluded)

Formal Enemies:
None Currently Acknowledged

Sporting Rivals:

Relations: One-word inactive RP'er that would always beat us down.

Relations: Regional Rivals that frequently met in knockout round elimination matches in AOCAF and U21 competition
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Posted: Dec 30 2011, 09:22 PM
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The Free Kingdom of Falcania, Jayla and New Nestia

Fully incorporated nation with no puppets since 2004.

Falcania is the generic term; Jayla and New Nestia are territories that are formally part of the Kingdom but are devolved to some degree. Falcania, in the context of the original island containing the capital, is sometimes referred to as "The Old Country" to clarify. An analogue is England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland comprising the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island.

Historically, Falcania was part of the Federation of Like-Minded States. This short-lived organisation was formed to counter the Strategic Alliance of Autocratic States, but soon proved ineffectual. Its founding members were Lamoni, Legalese, Chacor, The Holy Saints, Latao, The New Atlantians, Bedistan, Falcania, and Neo Atlantis Colony. Druida also joined the alliance before its demise. Falcania remains the only member of the FLMS remaining in the region.

Subsequently, Falcania was one of the four founding members of the Strategic Defence League. After the conflict in Latao, the nations of Falcania, Lamoni, Nedalia and Khazaron became the core four members of this alliance. Other nations in the SDL that Falcania enjoyed cordial relations with were Bazalonia, Bettia, Sarzonia, Myrtannia, Krytenia, The Lowland Clans, Oliverry, and Delesa. Falcania remains the only core member of the organisation still residing in AO, and many other nations also left. The SDL no longer effectively exists, though its treaty has never been repealed.

Subsequent to the annexation of the nation of Former Diamindokere, now known as New Nestia, diplomatic relations with Sarzonia became somewhat strained; however, Sarzonia's influence was later pivotal in funding the victorious Loyalist faction in the Falcanian Civil War.

The four core members of the faction enjoyed a very close relationship; corporations from Falcania, Lamoni and Nedalia together formed the tripartite arms development initiative known as Paladin Technologies. Many highly successful arms ventures were developed here; notably, the AH-5 "Condor" attack helicopter, and the Zimorodok experimental weapon, a combination ballistic missile, cruise missile and torpedo.

Later, Lamoni began procuring large stockpiles of weapons on foreign aid and credit; this was publicly frowned upon by several nations, including Falcania, where many critics felt that this went against the original intentions of both the SDL and Paladin Tech. Tensions arose between these two nations as a result. Lamoni later left the region.

Falcania became a very insular nation during the years of the civil war. As previously mentioned, Sarzonia helped fund the Loyalist faction, and it is rumoured that agents of Bazalonia were instrumental in helping the early Loyalist resistance.

We are currently in the years immediately following the war. Falcania emerged from its cocoon into a very different region. Recent developments in Sorthern Northland have resulted in a good relationship with Vilita, and interestingly, with the nation of Andossa Se Mitrin Vega.
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Jan 2 2012, 03:03 AM
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The Draggonnii Socialist Empire of Andossa se Mitrin Vega

Major Puppets : None

Formal Allies : None Currently Acknowledged.
Unexpectedly Good Relations with Falcania at present
Former solid allies with Hypocria
Former Member of the now defunct ASPIRE

Formal Enemies : None Currently Acknowledged

Sporting Rivals: None and everyone all at once.
No real rivalry yet everyone loves a good ASMV match/game

Special note: Starblaydia and ASMV share a distant past that has, as of yet, to be discovered.
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
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Posted: Jan 3 2012, 11:27 PM
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The Judicial Federation of Legalese

Puppets: None

Formal Allies: None currently, the nation having undergone a long period of isolation. Formerly a member of the Federation of Like-Minded States. Arguably, a portion of the nation has been controlled by a nation in both of the major alliances, the Strategic Defence League and the Strategic Alliance of Autocratic States, though the state as currently formed has not been a member of any organization.
Past relations have been positive with a number of their neighbors, especially Starblaydia (during the first and second reigns of Tiberius, the former prompting a city to be named after him), as well as with a number of defunct nations. Arguably, Legalese also has relations with the fellow sporting nations in AO, though the level of political friendship is debatable.

Formal Enemies: None currently recognized, though the woman known as Viannor Starblayde (should she still be alive) is considered a war criminal by the Judicial Federation, and any nation providing her safe harbor shall gain quick recognition as an enemy. (OOC: While I consider Operation Galatica as happening over 100 years ago, the theory is that some elements of her, er, condition have gotten out by now, and thus it is suspected that she remains among the living, even if a few generations have passed since those days)

Sporting Rivals: None formally. Biggest rival from the past is a nation that suddenly disappeared, in an odd fashion.

Notes: Clearly, I need to interact more.
Back in Black
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Posted: Jun 28 2012, 03:07 PM
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Israeli Apartheid Client-State

Status: Puppet

Master NationState
Free South Califas (10000 Islands)
Relations: Neither country formally recognizes the other, due to ideological conflicts over issues like ethnic cleansing. However, the personal allegiance of individual South Califans is deeply divided between the IACS ruling class and the alleged victims of ethnic cleansing. IACS is not wildly popular in FSC, and relations range from chilly to hostile, but support of the Federation enjoys a smaller minority in IACS domestic politics. Their distance, and FSC's presence behind the so-called "TITO Curtain", has prevented the governments from engaging in violent conflict.

However, the longstanding federal ban on trade which would benefit any known human rights abusing organization means that economic war rages on, as the agriculturally and infrastructurally abundant region formerly represented by Southern California, USA, has turned inward for electronics, wines and specialty foods that were once imported from IACS.

South Califas law compels the Federal Assembly to treat any proposed international legislation which has been vocally supported by the FSC delegation as a limit on its own powers. In practice, the WAGA delegation continues to block federal embargoes against any specific nation, because the delegation of the 12th Federal Assembly has reaffirmed the FA's traditional stance in favor of free-trade law which would ban trade restrictions based on point of origin alone. So there is a peculiar situation in which both nations are in all-but-open trade war, but only IACS has declared an embargo, as it is not a WA member and has no dog in that fight.

Other Major Puppet:
Free University (Esportiva)
Relations: Full diplomatic relations. Free University is a sovereign academic institution which is neutral on human rights abuses and ethnic cleansing. This policy is controversial domestically, but will probably continue to be embraced, as it is considered economically vital for attracting students, teachers, workers and business owners, and politically important for maintaining consulates available to all students.

Free University has students, teachers and staffers from everywhere; IACS is no exception in either direction. However, a large number of for-profit IACS businesses set up shop in Free University food courts, leading activist student groups of the time to decry the school's departure from its left-anarchist roots. Also controversial has been the FUniv crackdown on protesters, strongly supported by the current IACS government.

Relations between Free University and Free South Califas: Warm and familiar to the point of routine. FUniv first caught FSC attention when its 10000 Islands Studies program published a renowned study on sociolinguistic variables across the archipelago. First San Luis Obispo County, then Los Angeles and San Diego Counties, then Santa Barbara County, then Riverside County, then the Federal Assembly began sponsoring Califan WA and law scholars in droves to emigrate to Free University. Once there, they led a successful push to found the School of South Califas Law. The SSCL has rapidly expanded with an influx of federal credit-hours. Enticed by the foreign government cheese, the school added classes on WA law specifically tailored toward students seeking employment in South Califas. Rhetoric within the extremely (some say overly) democratic Federal Assembly can be quite heated toward Free University, which more revolutionary constituencies see as perfidious and greedy. Mostly, though, the rewards of increased legal scholarship keep relations warm.

Formal Allies and Enemies:
None currently acknowledged; IACS prefers to focus on domestic combat so as not to jeopardize its massive military aid from abroad.

Sporting Rivals:


None yet; will definitely participate on AOCAF, AOHC etc. Probably not in WC; more likely to participate in friendlies than other interregional competitions.

Free South Califas

Friendly rivalry with Ko-Oren and Anollasia, the other active sporting nations in TKI. The nation they most encounter in sports is Maineiacs, who beat them by 1 point in team archery in the Olympics, have rowed against them, etc., and are in their group in the inaugural South Califas Roller Hockey Internationale. As it is a 4-round group stage, they will also see Bordurian and TaQud a lot before all is said and done. The next closest thing to an early rivalry is WCQ60 Group 12, particularly Bostopia, who they had a shocking 0-0 result against; and Unibot, whose WA delegation caused a stir in WA-minded South Califas when they flagrantly violated TKI regional lobbying regulations while the two soccer teams were playing against each other in the qualifiers. Unibotian WAGA delegates who chanced the trip to see their game in Free South Califas were arrested and questioned about the incident, which led to the successful recall of the entire WA delegation from FSC just months before the 12th Federal Assembly came to order, not to mention a few nasty brawls at the stadium. Other than all that, there is not much in the way of rivalry for South Califas yet.
Israeli Apartheid Client-State
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Posted: Jul 4 2012, 04:55 AM
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This nation is not a colony of Bears Armed: Its current inhabitants were actually searching for that other country when they found these islands -- which had previously been uninhabited -- and decided to stay for a while...
However, having come into contact with Bears Armed since then through the field of international sport, they are now a member of the 'Ursian League' which is a loose alliance of Ursine (and friendly-to-Ursine) nations that BA was instrumental in founding.

This post has been edited by The Bear Islands on Jul 4 2012, 04:55 AM
The Bear Islands
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Posted: Jul 20 2012, 12:05 PM
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I'm slowly abandoning New Pebble Island and switching to Leorudo, so yeah....uh, I don't really have any AO allies or enemies yet, but I'm always open to a RP.
New Pebble Island
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Posted: Jul 20 2012, 12:53 PM
PMEmail Poster
You know Vil, this would be an easier thread if we could actually edit it, you know. I generally agree with your limited edit-window policy, but otherwise, it's easy for info to get super out-of-date quickly. Same reason I wouldn't consider wanting to have an Embassy thread, a la Starblaydia's.
Back in Black
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Posted: Jul 21 2012, 10:54 AM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
I'll look into it smile.gif
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