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An Offer of Allegiance and Friendship
Posted: Jan 11 2012, 02:16 AM
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To: Ronnand Warst, Chairman of the Nation, The Free Kingdom of Falcania, Jayla, and New Nestia and Other Appropriate Parties

From: Her Royal Highness Estrianii Raelea Vega, Royal Princess of the Vegai Peoples and Presidente Commandante of the Draggonnii Socialist Empire of Andossa Se Mitrin Vega.

When the tragedy in Sorthern Northland first drew our attention, we responded with little thought of what the region as a whole would think of our efforts. It is certain that we never figured to find an unexpected friend in the midst of the chaos. However events unfolded that brought our nations together in a search for survivors, missing personnel, and answers that have not been found as of yet.

Survivors are few and far between as nuclear fallout continues to wreak its destruction on life in that part of the region. All that can be done now is to await what will eventually bloom and grow from the darkness of this time.

Without the aid provided by your forces we surely would still be searching for one of our own. That your own forces offered up two of their own in exchange for one Vegai is a testament to your integrity and your respect for the life of others. For that we owe you a great debt of gratitude. It has been overlong since the Vegai have been so honored and for that we offer to you our eternal friendship.

It is our desire, my personal desire, for you to accept this invitation to visit Errion Vega where we can discuss in detail all that is needed to bring our nations together under articles of alliance both military and economic. This act would be of major importance not only to our own great nations but to the rest of Atlantian Oceania as well. With the SDL crumbled and the SAAS in tatters, we have a rare opportunity to begin to reshape the allegiances of the region.

I humbly await your reply.
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
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Posted: Jan 13 2012, 02:11 AM
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"This is quite exciting, isn't it?"

It was. This was the first time anybody had fuelled the royal jet since the first day of the civil war.

"Oh, did Ronnand check to make sure nobody put a bomb in the engine?" Falcon chuckled. He had been a gawky youth when the war broke out, but the twenty years since it had ended had seen him moulded into a charismatic leader with a good sense of humour. The people liked Falcon. They had to. It was the tenet upon which the Falcanian way of life was predicated. He thought back to his wife and young daughter; if he died, then she would have to ascend to the High Throne. It was not a conversation he relished having with her; the poor girl was only 12.

"Four hours to Errion Vega, right?" His chief advisor, Marrk Aran, nodded. Falcon sat back in his chair. "I wonder what the princess is like in person?"

"I understand she's quite hard to get a handle on, your High Majesty. Much like yourself, if I may be so bold."

"You may, Marrk, even if it's not true. Everyone knows me as the King of Falcania. And everyone I've ever met outside our coasts has an opinion on Falcania. They think we're brash, annoying, stupid and weird."

"I wouldn't say that, sire."

"You'd contradict your King?"

"Don't torture the poor boy," Harper smiled, from the opposite seat. Captain Pawl Harper had been the royal bodyguard since before the civil war. He'd served on the frontlines of Quicksilver since day one. Falcon smiled. "Sorry."


The jet touched down in Errion Vega, and the first visit in thirty years by a Falcanian royal to another nation began.
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Posted: Jan 16 2012, 07:10 PM
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Estrianii Raelea Vega waited on the tarmac as the plane from Falcania prepared to disembark. Her Royal Guard had argued against her decision to do so, but she had been insistent. This was the first official meeting od Heads of State in Errion Vega since long before the isolation and was to be her first visit with anyone on this level. If she was able to admit it, she would have known herself to be a little on the nervous side.

Everything was ready. She would personally welcome King Falcon and provide escort to the Royal palace where accommodations for him and his staf had been made ready. It was the fist time since the Autoctator’s visit a lifetime ago that the East Wing and Garden would play host to guests.

Tonight there would be dinner and festivities. Mace Kinoz’gh would perform as well as Ezrai Kai’gul, the most popular band in ASMV. She hoped the Karaoke and Punk music would not offend the King, but she was most definitely out to prove that the DSE was no longer an antiquated beast set on tradition rather than an Empire set and ready to move forward into a new era of AO diplomacy.

The door of the plane opened and soon the unmistakable form of King Falcon emerged. She took a deep breath. “Here we go.” She whispered to herself.
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: Jan 16 2012, 10:02 PM
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The heralds stepped out first, holding aloft their brass pipes. The persistent tones of the Falcanian National Anthem, "Beneath the Skies", began, as King Falcon stepped down the stairs. Fanfare was always important, he mused, as he stretched his wings after the long flight. Absent-mindedly humming, and stroking down his long plumage, black to match his formal businesswear.

"Dah dah, dah dah, dum dum dee dum dum, beneath these ancient skies..." The princess was standing there, in person. He liked that. Falcon was definitely showing his age... he was now 40, and life expectancy in Falcania was 51. Of course, having the Falcanian National Corporation paying for his medical bills would give him a better chance than even the richest executive, but it was still a sobering thought to see someone so young in charge of a nation.

You were just a lad when you took the crown, he thought to himself. You're just getting older than you'd like to think about.

By the time he reached the end of his train of thought, he had reached the bottom of the staircase, and realised that he was standing right in front of the princess. He dropped to one knee, bowing his head deeply. "Your Royal Highness, it is an honour to be entertained in your domain."
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Posted: Jan 20 2012, 01:39 AM
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“The honor belongs to the Vegai” Estrianii bowed deeply herself. Old Master Uryon had never been able to convince her that a Lady should curtsey. “It is my privilege to welcome you to the heart of The Draggonnii Socialist Empire and my great pleasure to be your host in Andossa Se Mitrin Vega, City of the Mother Star.”

Her advisors, whom she chose to ignore more often than not, had advised her that King Falcon was getting on in age yet the ‘man’ before her showed little signs of such a thing. ‘Distinguished’ would be more of her choice as a description. “Shall I show you to the Royal Palace? You will have some time to settle in before the festivities begin. And please, business can be talked of tomorrow. I wish to know more of you and your people, in your words and I will try as best I can to do the same.”

The drive to the palace went as smoothly as could be hoped for with crowds gathered all over the city to gain a glance of the King. Like it or not, this was perhaps the most important day since she had helped overthrow the isolationist government and restored the Empire to its historically socialist roots. The two talked of their people and life in general, each striving to keep the conversation light. Estrianii found herself liking King Falcon. He seemed to have a ‘hum-ho’ demeanor that reminded her of her grandfather. It was refreshing to know that all rulers were not complete asses. She admired his feathers without saying so. She was unsure of the proper etiquette on the matter. Wings had been a wonderful gift from whatever God watched over the Falcanians. The pale blue scales that now covered the back of her neck and spread down over her shoulders were quite beautiful in their own right and yet they were not nearly as grand as those wings.

She was just wrapping up telling King Falcon of the night’s ball as they pulled up in front of the Palace. “I am sure that you will find your accommodations more than satisfactory. Feel free to make use of the garden as well, it is yours while you are here. I will have someone inform you when dinner is ready. I am sure that you will not want of conversation from that point. My Ministers can be quite eager to talk.” From the quick smile he gave she knew he understood all to well the truth of that last statement.

And she was off to make sure everything wad going ahead smoothly.
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: Jan 20 2012, 09:00 AM
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When they were alone, Pawl sat down with his King. "This is dangerous, you know. You know what the papers will say."

Falcon turned, amused. "Please go on."

"Well, you trust me to be honest, don't you? It's the way they do everything here. The Princess is a dictator. She is. The government is everywhere. I heard the income tax was in the high nineties. It'll remind people of the Protectorate. You fought that regime, you overthrew it, and millions died for that cause. They won't want to see you in bed with another dictator."

"Just because you want to take her to bed," Marrk Aran muttered. Pawl looked up angrily, but Falcon silenced them with a wave of his hand.

"This is simple enough. Our armies fought side by side against those insurgents in Snorth, and at heart, she's a revolutionary. She overthrew a regime, just like we did. So what about our differences? It's our likenesses that draw us together. Falcons and dragons," he mused. "That'll make the region sit up and take notice."

His two friends fell silent. His rhetoric came naturally; that was how he stayed popular. It was a simple principle; if a man would come to blows with his brother rather than endure the rule of the King, then the King would do well to stand down, before the militias burned him out.

"And that's why we've put together this treaty. I'll be interested to see what she makes of it personally."

"And procedure be damned, right?" Marrk handed Falcon the folder.

"You'll learn quick, Marrk. Diplomats and politicians get in the way. I'm sure Ser Malcomb will be pleased that his stipend is on the rise, but that's later."

Falcon took the folder containing the treaty, and set off in search of the Princess.
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Posted: Jan 22 2012, 02:13 AM
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Estrianii opened the folder containing the treaty. She had expected to hammer out the details tomorrow and yet she knew that if things could be settled quickly the announcement could be made to both nations and the region in general tonight. Something as simple as that surprise now rather than in a day or two would carry massive implications with it. A united ASMV and Falcania would open some eyes.

She eyed King Falcon as she moved to the large desk in her private office and motioned for him to join her.

“Why waste time with bootlicking lackeys who would do nothing but clutter this” she tapped the treaty “with rubbish that means absolutely nothing. Better by far to settle things ourselves and have it done properly.”

She caught his quick smile of approval. Now to show him she was no slouch in things diplomatic.

They talked and argued points of the treaty for the better part of the afternoon, each gaining the emphasis they desired. The courtier arrived telling them that dinner would be ready in the next half hour. “That would seem to be it. It is solid for both of our great nations.” King Falcon nodded his agreement. “Just one more thing…we really should discuss an officer exchange program…”
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: Jan 22 2012, 02:55 PM
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"Ah yes, you got that memo too..." Falcon chuckled. "I understand some of our men bonded in Snorth. All very touching." He patted a pocket. "I had their names here... Captain Blackard, of 4th Company, Delta Batallion, of the 7th Regiment Skymarine, and lower down the leagues, in that same company, a young Corporal by the name of Mossi. Section 22C, apparently. I get confused with all these details, it was all much smaller during the war." He smiled, and sat down. "You know what sets Falcanian soldiers apart from others? It's not the physical differences. It's that they're not really soldiers. They're warriors. Oh, sure, they wear uniforms, and carry guns, and march about going "hut-too, hut-too," but really, when a Falcanian makes a difference on the battlefield, he's running towards the enemy with a blade and a shout. We've been doing that since the way, way olden days." He leaned back in his chair. "Have you heard any of our myths? They always end the same way. Some dispute is raised, and then a mighty warrior fights for something. Sometimes he dies. But it's all about the warriors."

He steepled his fingers. "You know, there are those amongst my entourage who are nervous about this alliance? They say our nations are too different. You are a benevolent autocrat, guiding the people by your own principles; I preside over a corporate anarchy, who would raise the militias and march on my palace if they didn't agree with me. Your people favour their stability; mine their freedom. Our nations are not alike, at least at first glance."

He waited for her reaction, before continuing. "But of course, I know that's irrelevant. Because all people want the same things, in differing amounts. And we both want the best for our people, no matter how we may decide to enact that. We believe that tomorrow should be better than today. Our similarities lie beneath the surface of our differences; as the strong wall lies beneath the different tiles of the mosaic.

"I believe this is the most exciting thing to happen in the region for quite some time."
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Posted: Jan 24 2012, 01:55 AM
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“Benevolent Autocrat.” The Primcess chuckled softly. “Only since no one has dared to cross me as of yet. Zirakul is an uneasy peace and the Mara Kai seem to have been assimilated into the DSE without issue. Like yourself, I benefit from a populace who, at least for now, adore me. The trick is maintaining that state of things.”

“And first glances can be deceiving. I could not have phrased it any better myself.”

She picked up a stack of papers from her desk. “The VDF would be proud to accept Captain Blackard and Corporal Mossi. Knight Marshall Ioniq Du’lissi is prepared to have them placed in the 177th Furrozzii who will, for the immediate future continue to monitor areas of Sorthern Northland and unclaimed territory in the same vicinity. Captain Ardoin Al’sha and Captain Berul Caern’jiu have both made requests to serve with Falcanian forces. The former worked with Blackard and Mossi. The second was the rescued soldier. With your approval they will be reasigned.”

“Now how about some dinner?”

Will add more later
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: Jan 29 2012, 11:26 PM
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OOC- Sorry it took so long to get back to this

Dinner had gone far better than she had hoped. The few Falcanians present had been the center of attention. The Presidente Commandante inside her smile a huge smile. It seemed the differences between their peoples were of little consequence to either side. And now it was time for a speech, and an official welcome to the DSE for her guests.

“Honored Officials of the DSE, I extend my thanks in making our honored guests feel welcome in our nation. It has been overlong since such a visit has been made to Errion Vega, but I assure you that it will not be so long before more visits are made. Today the Draggonnii Socialist Empire and the Kingdom of Falcania entered into a mutual alliance that will benefit both nations on many fronts as well as send a message to our neighbors that we are prepared to usher in a new era in Atlantian Oceania politics. With our combined resources, we can truly set the standard in regional power and influence”

She paused as cheers filled the Great Hall of the Royal Palace. “Now it becomes my pleasure to present to you King Falcon himself!” She motioned to her guest to come forward…
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: Feb 6 2012, 12:16 AM
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OOC- Sorry to be away from this to this extent, hosting the NSWC.

Just wondering how to wrap this up and get the Alliance up and running.
I do plan on allowing full use designation of the naval base at Falcione for Falcania to use as a northern base of operations. I also have a great plan for the Headquarters that I will post soon. Be back to all this soon.
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: Mar 4 2012, 08:14 PM
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OOC- this will conclude this thread unless anyone chooses to keep it going. I will now open the alliance thread.

Estrianii stared at the ceiling, unable to find sleep. It had been a wondrous day. Tomorrow the details of the treaty would be made public to all the world and the other states of AO would see the new direction of both great nations concerning regional politics and intervention.

The new Headquarters for the Confederation of Common States would be built right here in Errion Vega. What that would mean as for as any regional influence would mean was anyone’s guess. The Vegai were well respected, but this was a new step forward.

Tomorrow’s itinerary… Unveil the new Alliance and its primary benefactors. Unveil plans for the new Headquarters of said alliance and the timetable to have it up and running. Grant Falcania the rights to use the naval and air bases as Falcione as their own and prepare the VDF forces in Falcione to move to their new home at Loire. Set forth an official request for a Draco-Falcani Police Zone along the border of Sorthern Norhland. And dinner with Jahirii’s parents to announce their engagement.

Not a bad days work…If she could get some sleep first.
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: Mar 4 2012, 09:42 PM
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"Falcione... that's a nice touch, isn't it?"

"I should say so, sire." Pawl helped Falcon with his case. "From a military perspective, it's a boon. Power projection in the north of the region? I hear High Marshal Pack is planning on rebasing the 2nd Division Skymarine, and the FAV Feather Command there."

"Ah, strategy, strategy," King Falcon said, settling into his chair on Starling. "We should really draft up a proposal to grant them use of FMB Devil's Bay, it's the decent thing to do." The Falcanian Military Base had been bombed heavily during the war, and had yet to be rebuilt. "We can put in some piers, or something, so they can moor their ships."

"I'll have that drawn up, sir."

"And what about that police thing?

"I understand LawCo are interested," Marrk Aran piped up.

"Well, they would be..." Falcon smiled. "I hope our new allies are OK with us contributing to a joint police force with a mercenary gendarmerie."

"It'll get the job done, sire." Aran smiled.
Winging It Since 2004
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