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Coronation in Khazaron
Posted: Aug 9 2005, 01:48 PM
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From: His Excellency, James Khara, ruler of the Dominion of Khazaron

To:Rulers of Atlantian Oceania, especially Starblaydia, Latao, Lamoni and Nedalia

James Khara would like to cordially invite all leaders of the Atlantian Oceanian region to his coronation in Archon City. The time for a new dawn in Khazaron is at hand, as the birth of new government will hopefully lead to the birth of new prosperity for her people.  James Khara would hope that all leaders of the region would join in this celebration.

A special invitation is extended to the nations of Starblaydia, Lamoni, Latao and Nedalia, in light of the current situations going on between their countries. It is the sincere hope of James Khara that these nations will put there differences aside for at least one day and celebrate.

Please notify the Khazaronian Office of International Affairs if you plan on attending the coronation.
The Red Devil
Posts: 515
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Posted: Aug 9 2005, 01:56 PM
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From: The office of the President of the Free Republic of Lamoni
To: Khazaronian office of internal affairs

President Stone would welcome the chance to attend the coronation of James Khara in Archon City.  As our two nations are in the process of building bigger economic and military ties, we wish to continue in that spirit of mutual trust and understanding.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 9 2005, 08:27 PM
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Mr. Donny Stack would be honored if Khazaron receive him.
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Aug 10 2005, 07:06 AM
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Facing the barbaric act of violence, that damon of a terrorist dictator Tiberius Starblayed has now performend against the nation of Latao and Lamoni, no talks will take place with these people.

The Confederacy urges the international community to see the real face behind the mask of dictator Tiberius Starblayed and his terrorist regime.

With the incredible act of killing and wounding more than 20 Latin and Lamonian diplomats, the doomed regime of Starblaydia has finally gone too far.

All talks are cancelled. Latao's nuclear nukes stay where they are.
Posts: 535
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Posted: Aug 16 2005, 10:09 AM
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Since the completion of the talks in Lamoni, both the Loyalist and Government officials of Khazaron have returned home and begun the process of setting the new National Assembly. The First Archon's office had authorized the building of a new building to house the legislature, as well as a new palace to house the First Archon. The Loyalist forces began working with government officials to set up election centers across the Districts of the country, while helping any would be candidates register and get on the ballot. Many people registered at first, but after the first few rounds of voting in the smaller towns and cities, each District only had around six or so candidates running for their seats. As soon as the last few Districts completed their first round of votes, the final stage for electing a new National Assembly could begin.

Meanwhile, the position of First Archon was preparing for it's transition from an autocratic ruler, to a democratic one. The First Archon would become the leader of the new Khazaron legislature, and would be elected directly by the people. The current First Archon, James Khara, would officially pass on the title to the winner of the election after his coronation. So far there had only been three major candidates to step forward into the election process. Alexander Dinu of the Democratic Alliance Party, Kevin Marin of the Nationalist Party, and Stephen Naraj of the Economic Reform Party. While voting was still going on, and techincally the polls where still open for other candidates to place themselves in the running, it seemed as if it was going to be a close race between Alexander and Kevin.

As for the coronation preparations, the First Archon's office had been busy since they had arrived back from Lamoni. Security preparations had already begun around the old Presidential Palace, which had served as the First Archon's residence. The coronation would take place there and would be presided over by the Chief Arbitrator of Khazaron. Already an invitation had been sent out to the leaders of the region, but so far only Lamoni and Nedalia had offered to send represenatives to the coronation. The Regal Lion, Khazaron's luxury hotel, was being prepped for the arrival of the delegates both from international areas and from across the nation.
The Red Devil
Posts: 515
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Posted: Aug 17 2005, 02:43 PM
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(OOC: I'm going to date this as just before the Latin war)

As President Stone's plane landed at the Khazaronian airport, he saw the greeting party, and noted that from what he could tell from a moving plane, it looked up to international standards.

When the plane finally stopped, the Vremya gaurds that had already flown over verified the area as safe, and without further ado, the cabin door was opened by a Major of the LAF. He and another major then headed down the steps to be able to meet President Stone at the bottom of the steps.

Coming down the steps, Stone was pleasantly suprised to see Alexander in the crowd alongside the First Archon. It appeared that the talks had really borne fruit, unlike the recent ones between Latao and Starblaydia. Still, he smiled and waved for the cameras as he walked down the steps toward the waiting greeting party.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 17 2005, 07:42 PM
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The First Archon and Alexander smiled and bowed to President Stone as he stepped off of his plane. There was a generous compliment of Khazaronian military guards surrounding the area, to prevent any ne'er do wells from spoiling the Presidents' reception. Walking over, with Alexander by his side, the First Archon extended his hand and smiled broadly. "Welcome to Archon City, Mr.President. I trust you had a plesant flight?" First Archon Khara said. Out of the corner of his eye he could make out Alexander glad-handing some of the additional members of the President's entourage before coming back to where the First Archon and President Stone where. "Yes, I understand weather has been rather chopy around Khazaron of late."Alexander said.

As the leaders where engaging in conversation, several members of the Khazaronian press had gathered nearby and where franctcially taking pictures of the leaders. Also, several television cameras had been set up as well, with a generous compliment of reporters standing by, recounting the scene to their audience. This new turn of events in Khazaron had become quite the media event.

As for the elections in Khazaron, the elections of for the National Assembly had finished, with the final layout looking like this.

Nationalist: 10 Seats
Democratic Alliance:8 Seats
Economic Reform:5 Seats
Federal: 3 Seats

The election for First Archon was still to close to call and the final decision would have to wait until the results from Jamar District where in. As it stode right now, Alexander Dinu and Kevin Marin where neck and neck. Stephen Naraj of the Economic Reform Party had dropped out not long ago, when it became clear the people where voting for either the Nationalist or Democratic parties, not suprising, given the polarizing events that had taken place in the country.
The Red Devil
Posts: 515
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Posted: Aug 18 2005, 05:54 PM
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"The flight was very pleasant. Given the stressful times that we live in, what with the coming war in Latao; it was nice to have a chance to relax. I'd like to see what progress is being made in Khazaron due to our economic alliance, if that is possible. I'd also like to offer Khazaron embassy space in Nephi, especially if Khazaron is willing to have a Lamonian embassy here in Archon City." Seeing Alexander coming back into the conversation, President Stone greeted him again, and asked him how things were going.

When the meet and greet session at the airport tarmac was over, President Stone's limo took him to his hotel room where he enjoyed a pleasant nap before the ceremony was to begin.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 18 2005, 07:29 PM
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The First Archon smiled at President Stone. "Of course Mr.President, we would be most agreeable to sending an ambassador to your beautiful capital. And you are also most welcome to send one here as well. We are still trying to finish some last bits of construction on the center of the capital, the new Assembly building and the palace mostly, but Embassy Row should be finished not long after those. We can arrange for some fine accomadations for him until more permanent arragements are done."

As for Alexander, he nodded and smiled broadly at President Stone. "I am doing fine Mr.President. Things have been very busy here lately with the elections going on. To tell you the truth, no matter the outcome, I'm looking forward to some relaxation afterwards."

When President Stone excused himself, the First Archon nodded. "Have a good rest Mr.President, we'll join you at the Regal Lion as soon Mr.Stack and his party are arrived."
The Red Devil
Posts: 515
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Posted: Aug 18 2005, 07:58 PM
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Stack's reputation in Kafra had grown substantially since being one of the key players in negogiating the peace in Khazaron, enough for him to influence a full funded government trip, led by him ofcourse, to Khazaron to meet up with the delegates that were at the Lamoni talks, including President Stone. However, there was another objective this time, one that took careful planning and consideration from the Nedalian government, but one that all felt was a neccessary step. Khazaron was deemed the perfect initial partner in the project.

As Stack stepped off the plane, he was greeted with cheers and smiles. He had envisioned the Khazaronians as a delightful bunch, and he was not mistaken. Both Alexander and the First Archon were standing side by side, a welcome sight indeed for Mr. Donny Stack. He extended his arms out, but then changed his mind and proceeded to hug both politicians. There would be much to discuss when they sat down together.
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Aug 18 2005, 08:30 PM
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The cameras, both phtographic and video, all focused in on the three politicians hugging and laughing with each other. The First Archon briefly motioned to the cameras and smiled at the awaiting press. "Well gentleman, I hate to rush things along, but Mr.Stack must be tired after his long flight. I have a limo waiting by to escort you to the Regal Lion, if you like. The coronation will be tomorrow night, with a dinner party afterwards at the dinner room of the new palace. It's still under construction, but thankfully enough has been done for us to enjoy a nice meal and discussion. Right this way please." With those words the First Archon lead Mr.Stack and his party to the limo and waved them off. Then, both Alexander and the First Archon boarded a limo and left to finalize preparations for the coronation and to hopefully find out the results of the elections for First Archon.
The Red Devil
Posts: 515
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Posted: Aug 20 2005, 07:59 AM
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*People look overhead. a smoking plane soars through the sky, and a guy with an orange/blue parachute jumps out. As he floats gently to earth, it is seen he is wearing an impeccable suit. He hits the ground, rolls, shrugs off his parachute and hands it to a bodyguard, who has mysteriously appeared next to him. He adjusts a grey crevat and looks to the plane, which has spiralled into a dive. He winces as it crashes and explodes.*

"Good afternoon" says King Falcon II. "Glad I could make it. Shame about the plane, rest assured a cheque will arrive in the next few days to cover it. So, First Archon, eh? Well done, old fellow. Now, is there a limousine somewhere? I need to freshen up after that air disaster."
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Aug 20 2005, 02:19 PM
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Just as the First Archon was getting ready to step into the limosine to head back to the central district of Archon City, several of his nearby bodyguards began running over to, attempting to shield him while pointing their weapons skyward as something came into view. Turning to see what the rucus was about, First Archon James Khara turned to witness King Falcon II descend in his parachute. Several of his guards began to rush to the area where King Falcon II landed, nervously pointing their weapons at him and his bodyguard. Letting out a somewhat frustrated sigh, the First Archon pushed past his bodyguards and waved off his men who where brandishing their weapons.

"Please forgive them Your Highness, my men are a bit jumpy of late. What with the war with Latao coming and the recent end to our civil war here. As for a limo, I'm afraid all we have left is the one for myself and Mr.Dinu. We were not expecting anyone else to show up, so we only had a three limos here. But, you are more than welcome to share our limo with us. We would be more than happy to drop off such a prestigious guest at the Regal Lion. Afterwards, we can arrange for a limo of your very own. Is that satisfactory?" The First Archon said, smiling and offering his hand to King Falcon II.
The Red Devil
Posts: 515
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Posted: Aug 21 2005, 12:52 AM
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(OOC: That's great, Falcania!)

Waking up from his sleep, Stone showered, shaved, and did all those other sundry things one does before a big international diplomatic moment. Turning on the tv in his room, he was just in time to see what appeared to be someone jumping out of a badly damaged plane at the very airport that he had flown into. More curious now than anything, Stone kept watching as the man landed, and the plane crashed. When the television cameras finally revealed who the man was, Stone wasn't sure if he should be amused or... what, precisely. It was King Falcon II of Falcania, a Lamonian FLMS ally.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 21 2005, 02:41 AM
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Falcon grinned. "I like to arrive in style. I thought a T-1 would be enough, but little did I know that the Neo Jihada had bombed the main pylons. My foreign minister will be looking into that, preferably with a torch and a gun. Your limo would be excellent for the moment, old chap." The limo stops by the Red Lion. "Oh, the Red lion! I am phenomenally impressed! I must visit Khazaron more often!" On the landing, he shakes hands with President Stone. "Ah, President Stone, how good to see you outside the FLMS boardroom!"

This post has been edited by Falcania on Aug 21 2005, 02:45 AM
Winging It Since 2004
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