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Taking Back What's Ours
Posted: Apr 30 2005, 12:11 AM
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With Sarzonia returning to Atlantian Oceania after a brief exit from the region, nearly 2.4 billion Sarzonian citizens were eager to reclaim their old homes and lands. However, they discovered something unpleasant.

"Look, there are Chacorans living in my house," Schoolteacher Lindsey Cudniff said with a look of anger building.

"My farm is in ruins thanks to those Chacoran scum," Jebediah Hostenlerder said in between shifts of his pipe in his mouth.

Before long, word of the encroachment came to President Mike Sarzo's attention.

"That's an outrage," Sarzo said angrily. "We're going to have to do something about it."

From a makeshift leanto, Lieutenant General Wade Wilson, the commanding officer of the Second Incorporated Army reviewed the numbers and the mechanised units with a grimace. He knew his bunch had performed poorly in a recent combat exercise and he would have to get them to improve. And now, there was a possibility that they would have to undergo a live test of their skills by firing shots in anger.

"Looks like we're going to have to deploy. F*ck," Wilson grumbled.

Sarzo decided to give the situation an attempt at a diplomatic solution first before resorting to taking back Sarzonian land by force.

Official Statement, Incorporated Sarzonian Government

We are aware that the rogue nation of Chacor has taken the liberties of siezing territory belonging to the Incorporated States of Sarzoina. We are only going to say this once: We expect any territory previously belonging to Sarzonia to be returned to her within six NS months or we will be forced to win back what is rightfully ours.

Ten kilometres from Sarzonia's current and temporary border with Chacor, the Second Incorporated Army began to conduct combat exercises, while the First Fleet under Fleet Admiral Stephen Marcus prepared to set sail with Rear Admiral Matt Lance and the Sixth Fleet providing support. The Army Air and Naval Air units began to mobilise and practice strafing runs to get a round of practice against their would-be opponents, while the naval ships prepared to set up shop in international waters 12.1 nautical miles off the coast of Chacor.
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Posted: Apr 30 2005, 05:48 PM
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OOC: Don't mind me, Sarz, but why did you leave for Haven and come back so relatively-soon? I would usually have TG'd you this question but I'm sure I'm not the only one around here who'd like to know.
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Posted: May 1 2005, 10:46 AM
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OOC: Well, Doujin was angling to rejoin Haven and there was a LOT of extra drama from people who wanted him to rejoin and a lot of too-harsh comments directed toward me for being one of the anti-Doujin voices. When the tenor of those comments got entirely too personal, I just said to hell with it and returned here.
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Posted: May 1 2005, 01:06 PM
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OOC: Actually, I'd like to know why you skipped out in the first place.

IC: Consul Davies entered the Consulate of Foreign Relations. With the Supreme Court falling to the wayside, the Senate allowed Davies to start this office. Sitting at the desk was the new Consular, Luther James Hargrove.

"Counsular," said Davies, shaking the hand of the man who briefly assisted George Williamson at the Alliance Council, "How do you like the new office?"

Hargrove smiled. "It's not the FLMS chair, but I like it indeed. You got the message, I presume?"

"Of course. The Sarzonians are back, and they're not happy with Chacor, and probably not Latao either."

"Don't they know the Latins revoked the deposit rule? And what did the Chacorians do?"

"I don't know if they care about that, to be honest, though I hope we can work out a deal there, if the extradition of the Latins who've been incarcerated doesn't work. As for Chacor, apparently there has been some settlements built on the other side of the Crystilakerean Channel."

Marcus thought for a moment. "Send out a memo to Sarzonia, welcoming them back, and hoping we can re-start a pleasant relationship. We'll worry about Chacor later, and hope they can work something out. However, Luther, watch this situation very carefully, and alert Williamson as well."
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Posted: May 1 2005, 08:05 PM
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OOC: I originally left because I didn't want to deal with Doujin and I was going to a region with other people I RP with most frequently. Little did I know that Doujin would leave hours after I did. I wanted to make a concerted effort to RP in the new region and get involved; however, when there was talk that Doujin wanted to return and I publicly opposed it, I was publicly vilified by one person in particular and it got abusive.

With Doujin having removed himself from this region and with me quite frankly being "homesick" if you can call being in a particular "region" of the NS game "home," I returned.

I'd like to keep this thread free of OOC comments from now on unless they directly relate to the prospective RP. Thanks.

I have to add a postscript that Doujin and I have had a history of hostility and he said some things to me that gave me good reason to hate his guts OOC, and when he came into this region, it looked like he was pulling some of the same old BS that he always did... BS that contributed to the reasons I hated his guts in the first place.

This post has been edited by Sarzonia on May 1 2005, 08:06 PM
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Posted: May 2 2005, 05:31 PM
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"Sarzonia?" Asked Lord-Commander Fyreskar, "In a ground war? What next, Druidans throwing frag grenades and not custard pies?"

"Its a very distinct possibility, my Lord."

"Crap." The President of AORDO sighed, "It doesn't help the matter that Chacor and Sarzonia are both members of ARODO. Should Sarzonia invade, Chacor can call on us to do the first useful thing since the Anti-Xilean Fatwah people in Krytenia. But then again, Sarzonia could be calling on us to eject Chacor from what they see as 'their' land."

"You'd get the 'region' to go to war with Sarzonia?"

"No, of course not," the General waved his hand dismissively, "we'd just pacify the disputed territory with our grey-hats and stay there until the disagreements were sorted out."

"You want me to put that to the disputing parties?"

"Sounds like a good plan," the General smiled.
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Posted: May 2 2005, 06:13 PM
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To: Atlantian Oceania Regional Defence Organisation
From: John Newman
Vice President for Defence, Incorporated States of Sarzonia
Subject: Assistance requested

The Incorporated States of Sarzonia hereby requests the assistance of AORDO in the removal of Chacoran citizens from rightful Sarzonian territory in the wake of our return to the region from a very brief sojurn.

We believe the fact that Chacor has not made a good faith effort to return our rightful territory to us speaks volumes about their government's imperialist greed in spite of our heretofore peaceful relationship.

We sincerely hope that the AORDO can handle our request with the most reasonable dispatch.
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Posted: May 2 2005, 09:28 PM
President Jordan and Senate Majority Leader Herb Patterson were discussing the Sarzonian/Chacorian issue to the south of them:

Jordan: Herb, I'm not sure if we want to get in the middle of this scenario yet, but I wonder if we can come up with a compromise. Has the Senate thought of anything?

Patterson: Well, it has come up in the State Committee. The only thing we can think of is suggesting that the Chacorians either stay in Sarzonia and naturalize, compensating the land owners for their homes; or for Chacor to annex the fairly vacant space between them and us here, and move the settlers here.

Jordan: You know, that might work. Why don't I send them telegrams on that?

Patterson: I don't see the Senate objecting, Mr. President. Good luck.


To: Mike Sarzo, President
Incorporated States of Sarzonia;
Chacorian Government

Regarding the Chacorian Settler Dispute:

Gentlemen (and Ladies):

While we do not wish to get in the middle of the potential conflict, the Allied States of Giustizalia wish to propose a possible compromise to the issue at hand:

1) Allow the settlers to offer compensation to the displaced Sarzonians, effectively buying their property.  However, Sarzonia will rule over the area, so the settlers will have to abide by the laws of Sarzonia, and come to a workable agreement with the former landowner.

2) There is an area of unoccupied land between Chacor and Giustizalia.  If Chacor would like to open it to settlement by the Chacorians in Sarzonia, then Giustizalia will not object to the annexation of this unclaimed area by Chacor.

Best of luck to both parties, and may a deal be reached without violence.


Victor Jordan
Allied States of Giustizalia

This post has been edited by Giustizalia on May 2 2005, 09:30 PM
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Posted: May 2 2005, 11:33 PM
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Press release: Earlier today, Lord Sero Tenal announced that Ryloss's armed forces have been deployed to occupy and secure the old Rylossian homeland. 3 Corps are being brought in by sea, and Rylossian embassies in the Chacor-occupied Sarzonia will be protected by a company of light infantry reinforced by a platoon of armor and a platoon of artillery each.

Lord Tenal declared his full support of Sarzo in his desire to remove the Chacoran presence in Sarzonia, terming them "-squatters and transients."
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Posted: May 3 2005, 01:06 AM
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(OOC: I don't remember giving permission for anything of this sort, but I'm not against it.)


To: Federation of Like-Minded States (henceforth known as FLMS), Atlantian Oceania Regional Defence Organisation (henceforth known as AORDO)
From: Felix Gordon, Chacoran Consul to Lamoni and FLMS Representative; Henry Aspotal, ex-Chacoran Ambassador to Sarzonia
Subject: Request for Help

The Democratic Republic would like to request assistance from the FLMS and AORDO to counter any illegal manouveurs that may be made in the near future by either Sarzonian or Rylossan forces.

The Democratic Republic would like to note that this land was taken over peacefully with no harmful intentions on the departure of Sarzonia from the region, and the Government does not appreciate Sarzonia's claim of a rogue takeover.

We would also like to request that FLMS member nations help us as per the charter of the FLMS, as we have been attacked in a matter we feel has not been provoked by the Government. The entry of Chacorans into Sarzonian land is not condoned, but we have no right to restirct their movements per the Chacoran Consitution.

Finally, we hope an agreement can be worked out on neutral soil with the Sarzonians.
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Posted: May 3 2005, 03:43 AM
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The Legalese Senate approved a statement, which was released by the Legalese Consulate (the office of the Consul):


The Judicial Republic will work with Chacor to seek protection from the threat of hostility, as per their standing in the Federation of Like Minded States.  While it is natural for Sarzonia to be attached to the land they abandoned, their tactics to regain their former territory could be exhibited in a more peaceful manner.  Upon legal consultation, we are of the position that there is room for both sides to manuver in this situation, as Sarzonia officially gave up its right to the land by vacating the region, yet Chacor never formally made any attempts, and seems to have no interest in the land, other than the protection of their citizens that have chosen to settle in the abandoned areas.  It is our hope that diplomatic options are considered by both parties, including the suggestions brought up by their northern neighbor, the Allied States of Giustizalia.  These possible solutions are also endorsed by the Judicial Republic.
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Posted: May 3 2005, 06:04 AM
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OOC: Continued off the back of here, AORDO is claming the situation down a tad.

And, Chacor, as for permission, isn't this far more interesting for the Region than a simple TG from Sarz saying 'can you ask Vil to let me have my land back, please?' ? Thought so wink.gif


Twelve C-130 Hercules aircraft , part of the Starblaydi Air Force's 10th Support Wing, made their final approaches into the largest of the airports within the disputed territory, supposedly owned by Chacorian people but re-claimed by the Sarzonian government.

Carrying mechanised troops, the occasional tank, plus lots of equipment. The 1st Mechanised Brigade and 3rd Light Armoured Brigade were well represented within the aircraft, their helmets covered in that special AORDO-grey to denote they were here on official business. As both parties had requested their involvement, they were sure they wouldn't be impeded. Now all they had to do was find a place to set up Headquarters.
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Posted: May 3 2005, 12:31 PM
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QUOTE (Sarzo)
"We would be willing to listen to the second option offered by Victor Jordan, the President of the Allied States of Giustizalia. However, we will NOT permit Chacoran citizens to remain on Sarzonian soil any longer than is necessary.

"We are willing to listen to a diplomatic solution, but not if that involves any Sarzonian territory changing hands. We take exception to the notion that Chacor can not control the actions of its citizens. Any government that makes that claim should not remain in office."
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Posted: May 4 2005, 03:04 AM
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Official Telegram
From: Tommy Douglas, Deputy Premier, The Democratic Republic of Chacor
To: Mike Sarzo, President, The Incorporated States of Sarzonia
Subject: Tensions

Warmest Greetings from Chacor,
It has come to light that a few Chacoran citizens - approximately fifteen hundred by government estimates - have settled into what used to be Northern Sarzonia. I understand that the Incorporated Sarzonian government would like to "reclaim" what is rightfully yours.

I would, however, like to point out Section 81©, Code 4.15 of the Chacoran Constitution, and the Chacoran Penal Code Section 14(d), which reads, "The Chacoran Government and prosecuting authorities have control over citizens (of Chacor) within the limits of Chacor. Any acts that may be seen as crime, delinquency or inappropriate behaviour committed outside of the nation can not be punished by the Chacoran Government or the respective prosecuting authorities unless it also breaks Chacoran law."

In this case, there is no clear passage in either the Constitution or the Penal code about assuming control of abandoned homes, and thus we do not have any right to forcibly remove them.

I hope that you understand the situation, and please do note that we are, and I am, doing the best we can to resolve the situation. I hope we have your co-operation.

Tommy Douglas
Deputy Premier
The Democratic Republic of Chacor

[EDIT: OOC: Star, What I meant is I never even said anything about a land takeover, nor had I given the go-ahead for such an RP. Anyhow, since this makes for some good RPing, I don't mind.]

This post has been edited by Chacor on May 4 2005, 03:06 AM
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Posted: May 4 2005, 09:13 AM
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[OOC: Odd... I thought you had claimed territory after I left the region. Maybe the intent was misunderstood.

As for permission, I'm usually just as strict about permission to begin such a RP, so I apologise for not notifying you.]

To: Tommy Douglas
Deputy Premier, The Democratic Republic of Chacor
From: Nicole Lewis
Senior Vice President for Internal Affairs, Incorporated States of Sarzonia
Subject: Removal of Chacorans

Since your government has chosen to cite its own penal codes as they represent the actions of their own citizens and seem to be distancing itself from the prospect of compelling its citizens to leave Sarzonia, it will fall upon us to take matters into our own hands. Your citizens must be removed from Sarzonian territory by the deadline previously given or we will consider it criminal trespass and will respond accordingly.

If you or your weak-kneed liberal government are so hell-bent on curbing your imperialist designs on territory, I suggest you move your transient freeloaders to the land Giustizalia is offering as a compromise to end this rape of soverign Sarzonian land. Otherwise, you may find that we'll take a lot more than "our" land if you don't remove your citizens by that deadline.

This post has been edited by Sarzonia on May 4 2005, 09:14 AM
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