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Presidential Palace Incinerated
Posted: Aug 15 2004, 08:39 PM
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Curious about what was going on, but grumbling about the lost chance for relaxation, President Matt got out of the spa, showered, put some clothes on, and walked down to the war room in the bunker portion of the Presidential Palace.

The bunker was the result of suspicion, and caution. The food and water supplies, (which were constantly rotated), were large enough to sustain a staff of thirty for five years. The bunker was DEEP underground, with escape tunnels whose entrances were not only skillfully camoflauged, but the tunnels also had explosives in them, should an enemy attempt to storm the bunker that way. The rest is highly classified history.

When President Matt entered the war room, all of the military officers in the room stood up and saluted him. Returning the salute, he asked Defense Minister John Barak to give him an update on the latest regional crisis.

"Well Mr. President," Barak began, "Starblaydia has a carrier battle group out in the middle of the war zone, and is telling everyone that they are there to gaurd the peace. Novvs Atlantis is landing troops here, here, and here," he said as he pointed at the map. "Abattoir and Krytenia have already incinerated the Xile Presidential Palace, as you know. We are of course watching the tactics of all parties, which will give us an advantage should we have to go to war against any of the involved nations."

Just as the Defense Minister was about to go on, an Army officer came over and said, "President Matt, you have a phone call from Ainorpisp."

"Thank you, Major. You may return to your post." Matt said this as he was handed the phone by the Major.

"Aye, sir!" The Major said as he left.

President Matt lifted the phone to his ear and greeted the Ainorpispian leader...
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Aug 16 2004, 01:13 AM
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Inside the AAF base's command center, Honored Leader Kain and Air Marshal Harrington had been reviewing the Air Force's strength. Seeing the P-51s at the airfield had made the Honored Leader curious about how much the 'majority' of the AAF was indeed propellor. In actuality, the ratio of modern jet-to-propellor aircraft was almost 50-50, with a slight majority being the alternative fuel prop aircraft. Just as Kain was going over the statistics for the AAF's main jet fighter-interceptor, the F-32, she was informed that Lamoni's President Matt had been reached on the phone.

Brushing a lock of hair out of her eye, she greeted her nation's ally, "Hello, Mr. President, I trust you are well despite recent... events? I'm not really all that good with small talk, so I suppose I should get to the point, eh?"

Looking over at the map of Atlantian Oceania, she focused her attention on the Xile/Krytenia region before continuing, "I'm going to assume you already know about the situation mounting between Xile and Krytenia. We've only just heard about it, and would like to know if you have any further information. I would also personally like to know what Lamoni's intentions are regarding the incident."
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Aug 16 2004, 02:16 PM
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Crystilakere Act on Peace

In an effort to keep increasing hostilities to the West out of Crystilakere, the Crystili government has declared an accord of peace with all active nations in Atlantian Oceania. Named in the accord were Abattoir, Ainorpisp, Aquiliana, Feeky, Krytenia, Lamoni, NEWI Cefn Druids, Nojika, Novvs Atlantis, Pedriana, Rendition, Sarzonia, Starblaydia, Taaru, Turori, Vilita & Xile. Notably excluded from the Declaration of Peace were the nations of Exham and Stralphi. The Crystilakere government has assured that no invasive actions would occur against any nations named in the peace accord by Crystilakere sponsored forces unless provoked by a high-level threat or attack on Crystilakere main land.

Crystilakere High-Commander and AORDO Presidential Nomineee Darkablid Wolf was unavailable for comment but is believed to be wary of the threat of Krytenian Aggression and the effect it could have on the Crystilzonian landmass. With Krytenia's Eastern shores just miles accross the Crystilakere Channel from the Southern Crystilakeran Peninsula, Defensive Measures including High-Perception Radar and Anti-Aircraft machinery were quickly shipped out from Diamindokere. The Crystilakere government had had enough of the Inter-Regional Tachbe & Soul Expression affairs, and was not about to be the unlucky losers this time around just because they happen to be on the same geographic region as the elevated activity.

Rumor has it that Wolf has sent representatives to Abattoir, Krytenia, Starblaydia and Xile to discuss options for a resolution. No word has yet been received from the representatives.
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Aug 16 2004, 02:35 PM
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Starblaydia welcomes Peace Accord

user posted image

The Lord-Protector of Starblaydia has welcomed Crystilakere's Accord of Peace as 'a bold and true statement for peace in the region'. Starblaydia does not wish to be the instigators of any Regional conflict, as we are desperate to maintain the peaceful nature of Atlantian Oceania.

Starblaydia is currently maintaining a heavy Naval and Aerial presence in along the borders between Abattoir/Krytenia and Xile/Novvs Atlantis, in case of any trouble. Those units are there as peacekeepers, and will act as a barrier to the opposing sides who are slowly sinking towards all-out war.

They will not take any pre-emptive or first-strike offensive action, but will act in defence of any attacked nation, be it Abattoir, Xile or Starblaydia itself.

We hope that our presence, along with diplomatic efforts for nations such as Crystilakere, can help to defuse the situation before any more bloodshed is caused.

Starblaydia Triumphant

Lord Ricardo Gomez
Minister of Communications
Protectorate of Starblaydia
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Posted: Aug 16 2004, 06:42 PM
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Krytenia Agree Diplomacy Is The Answer

After much discussion with the Council of Ministers, Chairman Everton Davis released the following statement:

The Krytenian Government has decided that enough blood has been shed in a conflict that could easily have been avoided. We also took a rash stance in becoming aggressors in this conflict. Bearing these facts in mind, Krytenia has decided that talk rather than action is the best way to resolve this incident, and extend a welcome to Xile and Novvs Atlantis to do the same.

Neither Xile nor Novvs Atlantis had a spokesperson willing to comment at time of going to print.
Now With Added Bekk!
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Posted: Aug 16 2004, 06:49 PM
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The Federation, at this moment, refuses to agree to peace talks. Troops will continue flowing to the island of Aethyrea and our naval fleets will remain on level IV alert.

All airspace above Novvs Atlantis and Aeythrea will be restricted to allied and Novvs Atlantian aircraft only. Any other aircraft detected in said airspace will be shot down.

:Praetor Gaivs Falxivs Marivs
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
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Posted: Aug 16 2004, 07:46 PM
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"Hello, Mr. President, I trust you are well despite recent... events? I'm not really all that good with small talk, so I suppose I should get to the point, eh?"

Looking over at the map of Atlantian Oceania, she focused her attention on the Xile/Krytenia region before continuing, "I'm going to assume you already know about the situation mounting between Xile and Krytenia. We've only just heard about it, and would like to know if you have any further information. I would also personally like to know what Lamoni's intentions are regarding the incident."

"The Free Republic has indeed heard of this conflict, and is keeping a careful eye on it. We..." President Matt was interrupted by an Army Staff Seargent handing him an intelligence document detailing the latest events. "It seems that Krytenia is agreeing to use diplomacy for the moment, but that Novvs Atlantis is still sending troops to Aeythrea in support of Xile. Abattoir and Krytenia bombed the Xilean Presidential Palace earlier, but there are indications that Xile's leader could still be alive. Starblaydia has sent a carrier group and other aircraft into the middle of the conflict to act as peacekeepers. We still have no word from Xile or Abattoir as to how they will react to Krytenia's decision to negotiate. As for the Free Republic itself, we are staying neutral, and keeping an eye on the situation. That pretty well sums up the situation, Honored Leader Kain. Is there anything further that Lamoni can do for you?"

This post has been edited by Lamoni on Aug 16 2004, 07:47 PM
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Aug 16 2004, 10:38 PM
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::Transmitted from Xile Military Command Center::

Peace treaties are not being discussed at this time.  A horrible attack has taken place and nothing but reparations and talk of vengeance have occoured since that time.  Xile continues to send troops to Aethryea to increase the military build up and defense of the area.  Any planes other than Novvs Atlantian, and even those without expressed consent of military command will be shot down without hesitation.
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
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Posted: Aug 17 2004, 04:03 AM
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QUOTE (Lamoni @ Aug 16 2004, 07:46 PM)
[QUOTE]Starblaydia has sent ... other aircraft into the middle of the conflict to act as peacekeepers.[/i]

OOC: No we haven't. Just the Carrier group. If you can detect reapid-reaction stealth aircraft circling above Starblaydia in case of any trouble in the conflct area then you've got better radar than... well... than what feasably exists.
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Posted: Aug 17 2004, 04:19 AM
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"My Lord, Xile and Novvs are threatening to shoot anyone down, and that includes us!"

<Admiral, can a Carrier group get by without launching aircraft?>

"Err, yes."

<Good. Don't launch any aircraft. You won't be defenceless.>


The Lord-Protector vanished from the screen before Admiral Clarke could formulate a response. Now they wouldn't have any aircraft in the sky, so no aircraft to get shot down, at least. But then again, they had no counter-attack capability.

"Comander, bring those Tomcats back down to the deck. Clear the skies in case some psycho decides we're a threat... Yes, Commander I know. Make sure every defence is running at high alert, and get the escorts to warm up their tomahawks, they can fire those quicker than we can launch aircraft."

This is beginning to annoy me, Clarke thought, Somebody's going to die, and I'll be damned if its one of us.

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Posted: Aug 17 2004, 09:16 AM
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(OOC: Fun, Abattoir should be posting soon.)

This post has been edited by Xile on Aug 17 2004, 09:17 AM
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
Posts: 358
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Posted: Aug 17 2004, 09:18 AM
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"Sir, Kyrentia is asking for a diplomatic end to the situation, and with Starblaydia patrolling the key battle spots, it's going to be difficult to launch an attack on either Xile or Novvs Atlantica" commented IA advisor Austin Herring.

The Prime Minister looked at the map on his desk, showing what activity had taken place in the past couple of day. Little sleep had deminished his usual cynicism, and at the moment he just sat with a loss of words.

"Well, it would be impossible to withdraw now Austin. I've worked too hard and waited too long for a situation like this to come up, and I would rather face certain defeat than be scared from the field" Lavinsky commented.

"However, I would like to set up neutral peace talks with whomever is willing. When the Crystilakere diplomats arrive, send them in. Round up a few delegates also, and send them out to Lamoni, Ainorpisp and Starbladia" he continued.

Aron Lavinsky had been Prime Minister of his nation for a good three years, and his job was certainly in no danger at the moment. He also knew that this campaign would more than likely be a huge black eye for him, but the end would hopefully justify the means.

"Yes sir, I will send the diplomats in right away. I will return if any new news comes across my desk. Good day" Herring answered.

Lavinsky picked up the phone and dialed for Kyrentia's leader.
Pinprick of Apathy
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Posted: Aug 17 2004, 07:47 PM
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OOC: No we haven't. Just the Carrier group. If you can detect reapid-reaction stealth aircraft circling above Starblaydia in case of any trouble in the conflct area then you've got better radar than... well... than what feasably exists.

OOC: Just to settle the confusion, Lamoni has been experimenting with using lasers (LADAR) instead of radio waves (RADAR).

IC: After getting no response from Ainorpisp, President Matt put the phone back, and then walked over to an Air Force Major.

"Major, how is our LADAR project working?," President Matt asked.

"Other than the power scaling problems that limit the LADAR to 50 miles on the airborne test platform, everything seems to be working perfectly, Mr. President. Everything should be in readiness for our sweep into Lemnos (OOC: island west of Lamoni), sir;" the Major replied.

"Excellent, Major. With Lemnos under our control, Lamoni will need not live in fear that a hostile power will cut off our shipping. Since no one owns Lemnos, no one should object, but put the military on alert just in case, Major."

That earned Matt a "Yes sir!," and a salute.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 18 2004, 07:50 PM
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Just as she'd been about to answer President Matt's question, Honored Leader Kain of Ainorpisp heard the phone line go dead. Grumbling, she knew it was on the Ainorpispian end of things that the phone line had failed. It had happened before, and it happened again now, much to the new head of state's chagrin. Before she could comlain about this particular base's phone line, one of her aides came in with a message 'fresh from the presses' as one might say.

"Ma'am, this was just received from NIS headquarters," the aide informed her, referring to the Naitonal Intellegence Service, "It has to do with the Xile/Krytenia situation."

After reading the message, Elana Kain nodded slowly and finally looked up from the sheet of paper several moments later, "So Abattoir wishes to begin neutral peace talks, and will be sending a diplomat here? That's interesting. Hopefully, we can help broker a peaceful solution to this mess before it gets any bloodier. Tell their leadership that our Minister for Foreign Affairs will meet their diplomat upon arrival."

"Yes, ma'am," the aide responded, running off to carry out the Honored Leader's instructions.

Then, turning to Air Marshal Harrington, the Honored Leader ordered, "Though I doubt anything unfortunate will come our way, I'm going to put the Air Force and Navy on at-ready status. In addition, I would like to have some of our F-32s in the air to patrol in our area, just to be safe."

"Yes, ma'am," Harrington saluted, then went to work to fulfil her leader's requests.

"I must return to the capitol to address the people, so may the Golden Path guide you all," Kain announced to those present, then headed back to her waiting car to return to the Capitol.
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Aug 18 2004, 08:13 PM
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Getting an update from the NIA (National Intelligence Agency) about Abattoir desiring to hold neutral peace talks, President Matt fumed about the notoriously lousy phone system in Ainorpisp.

Grabbing one of his aides, President Matt told him, "I am tired of having the line accidently cut off when i'm talking to our Ainopispan allies. I want you to go to the headquarters of our various telephone companies, get their estimates for installing a satillite phone system in Ainorpisp, and then fly over to Ainorpisp in order to present the cost estimates for such a national phone system. Hopefully, they will agree to let us install the system. Your job is to get them to at least consider the possibility."

The aide nodded and left, off to do his assigned duty.

Looking to another aide, he said, "When the delegate from Abattoir arrives, I want him to be immediately escorted to the office of the Foreign Minister. No delays. I want to know what Abattoir is going to offer us."

"Yes sir!," came the response from the aide, and he ran off to see to his instructions.

Turning to an Army Colonel that was just about to go off duty, President Matt told him, "I want you to draft a letter of demarche to the Ainorpispan government, telling them that we are sending an envoy. Make certain that they get it before midnight."

"Yes sir!," the Colonel replied.

With that, President Matt turned back to maintain a close eye on the situation.
Democratic Maniac
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