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The Dragon Awakens
Posted: Jun 29 2008, 03:00 PM
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To all the nations of Atlantian Oceania: it is with great honor that I announce the official arrival of the Holy Empire of Zongguo to the region. After much discussion between the Council of State and the Son of Heaven (the Emperor), it has been decided that Zongguo will begin allowing foreign embassies to the Imperial City and surrounding areas.

Zongguo has much to offer its neighbors, including growing industries in information technology and arms manufacturing, as well as a strong economy ready to begin investing in foreign markets. Our culture is different from that of the predominantly western nations of this region, but we feel it is not something that will prevent healthy relations between our nations. At the invitation of the Son of Heaven, Emperor Sun Li, all nations interested in establishing relations with Zongguo and perhaps assisting in the further modernization of the Imperial Armed Forces are welcome to send representatives or even fellow heads of state to discuss such matters.

We ask that any visiting digintaries please observe local custom and follow the instructions of the Imperial Minister of Foreign Relations upon arrival. This will make visiting officials' visits much easier, I can assure you. Zongguo wishes to learn about other nations, and invites foreign visitors to learn about its own.

Wu Xiaoping,
Chancellor of the Holy Empire of Zongguo
Scribe in Training
Posts: 15
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Posted: Jun 29 2008, 05:23 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
To: Wu Xiaoping
Subject: International Relations

In the spirit of international co-operation and, as one of the foremost nations in the region, Starblaydia would like to open full diplomatic relations with Zongguo to continue our tradition of good relations with Han nations. I would like to propose an embassy exchange as the formal beginning of both diplomacy and international friendship. We will take the opportunity to pre-reserve the Holy Empire of Zongguo a plot in Saevion Civic Plaza in our captial, Jhanna, in anticipation of ties with your nation.

Lady Aurora Jansen
Foreign Minister
Protectorate of Starblyadia
Starblaydia Triumphant
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Posted: Jun 29 2008, 07:40 PM
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QUOTE (Starblaydia @ Jun 29 2008, 05:23 PM)
To: Wu Xiaoping
Subject: International Relations

In the spirit of international co-operation and, as one of the foremost nations in the region, Starblaydia would like to open full diplomatic relations with Zongguo to continue our tradition of good relations with Han nations. I would like to propose an embassy exchange as the formal beginning of both diplomacy and international friendship. We will take the opportunity to pre-reserve the Holy Empire of Zongguo a plot in Saevion Civic Plaza in our captial, Jhanna, in anticipation of ties with your nation.

Lady Aurora Jansen
Foreign Minister
Protectorate of Starblyadia
Starblaydia Triumphant

Subject: Re: International Relations

The Empire is deeply honored to accept the proposition of establishing full diplomatic ties with the Protectorate of Starblaydia. We accept also the proposed embassy exchange, and anticipate the arrival of the Starblaydi envoy in the Imperial City. Upon their arrival, the exact location of the Starblaydi embassy will be determined, though it can be divulged now that it will be in a special diplomatic compound established by the will of the Emperor in recent months.

According to the Council's decision, however, we request that a Starblaydi official meet with Zongguoese foreign ministry officials to formally establish ties between our two nations. A formality, but neccessary to officially carry on with diplomacy.

We await your representative's arrival.

Wu Xiaoping
Chancellor of the Holy Empire of Zongguo
Scribe in Training
Posts: 15
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Posted: Jun 29 2008, 10:19 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
Foreign Ministry of the Free Republic of Lamoni

To: Wu Xiaoping
Holy Empire of Zongguo

From: Tanya Ley
Foreign Minister
Free Republic of Lamoni

As one of the foremost nations in the region of Atlantian Oceania, the Free Republic would like to extend full diplomatic relations and an embassy exchange to the Holy Empire of Zongguo.

We have reserved a space at 713 Summer St. NE for your embassy, if you so desire; and would be willing to have Zongguoese builders assist in the construction of your embassy.

As a gift to your government, we would like to present you with a book set on Lamonian history and culture that is as full and complete as our historians can make it.


Tanya Ley
Foreign Minister
Free Republic of Lamoni
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Jun 30 2008, 06:26 AM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
QUOTE (Zongguo @ Jun 30 2008, 01:40 AM)
QUOTE (Starblaydia @ Jun 29 2008, 05:23 PM)
To: Wu Xiaoping
Subject: International Relations

In the spirit of international co-operation and, as one of the foremost nations in the region, Starblaydia would like to open full diplomatic relations with Zongguo to continue our tradition of good relations with Han nations. I would like to propose an embassy exchange as the formal beginning of both diplomacy and international friendship. We will take the opportunity to pre-reserve the Holy Empire of Zongguo a plot in Saevion Civic Plaza in our captial, Jhanna, in anticipation of ties with your nation.

Lady Aurora Jansen
Foreign Minister
Protectorate of Starblyadia
Starblaydia Triumphant

Subject: Re: International Relations

The Empire is deeply honored to accept the proposition of establishing full diplomatic ties with the Protectorate of Starblaydia. We accept also the proposed embassy exchange, and anticipate the arrival of the Starblaydi envoy in the Imperial City. Upon their arrival, the exact location of the Starblaydi embassy will be determined, though it can be divulged now that it will be in a special diplomatic compound established by the will of the Emperor in recent months.

According to the Council's decision, however, we request that a Starblaydi official meet with Zongguoese foreign ministry officials to formally establish ties between our two nations. A formality, but neccessary to officially carry on with diplomacy.

We await your representative's arrival.

Wu Xiaoping
Chancellor of the Holy Empire of Zongguo

Subject: Re: Re: International Relations


As Foreign Minster for the Protectorate of Starblaydia, I would make it my personal honour to lead the first foreign delegation to visit your nation. Accompanying myself and my staff will be our proposed ambassador, Dr. Lee Tze-Shu, notable not only for his achievements in the field of Nuerology but also as the father of Starblaydi international football player Wen Tze-Shu.

We look forward with great anticipation to our meeting.

Lady Aurora Jansen
Foreign Minister
Protectorate of Starblyadia
Starblaydia Triumphant
Also available in purple
Posts: 1877
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Posted: Jun 30 2008, 11:55 AM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
I'm half-tempted to take offence at this infringement of our waters, but realise that nobody would get the joke.

This is said out of character as under the new regime, you're essentially ignored, but it's so damn difficult to actively post to ignore somebody. Sometimes it's hard being a dictatorship.

Hi guys.
Winging It Since 2004
Posts: 776
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Posted: Jul 2 2008, 12:30 AM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
I'm half-tempted to take offense at this infringement of our waters, but realize that nobody would get the joke.

OOC: You don't have a wet Navy, right Falc?
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Jul 2 2008, 06:35 AM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
It was more a pop at Sarzonia's whole "you're infringing on our territories" stance the second time I went for Spot 3.
Winging It Since 2004
Posts: 776
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Posted: Jul 2 2008, 10:38 PM
PMEmail Poster
An official Letter was drafted by the Bazalonian Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, dispatched through his department to the Chancellor


To: Chancellor of the Holy Empire of Zongguo; Wu Xiaoping
From: David Rhys []
Subject: Diplomatic Overtures.

On behalf of the people and government of Bazalonia, I would like to welcome your nation to the region. We look forward to the potential strong friendship that might develop between our nations. We would like to offer space in our capital city for the establishment of an Zongguo embassy on Bazalonian soil and we would also like to have constructed (if necessary), a Bazalonian embassy.

We will expect this to form the basis of continued efforts to engage a trade agreement between our nations and further solidify friendship within the sphere of Atlantian Oceanian politics.

Eating A Bazalope Burger
Posts: 774
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Posted: Jul 3 2008, 12:57 PM
PMEmail Poster
QUOTE (Starblaydia @ Jun 30 2008, 06:26 AM)
Subject: Re: Re: International Relations


As Foreign Minster for the Protectorate of Starblaydia, I would make it my personal honour to lead the first foreign delegation to visit your nation. Accompanying myself and my staff will be our proposed ambassador, Dr. Lee Tze-Shu, notable not only for his achievements in the field of Nuerology but also as the father of Starblaydi international football player Wen Tze-Shu.

We look forward with great anticipation to our meeting.

Lady Aurora Jansen
Foreign Minister
Protectorate of Starblyadia
Starblaydia Triumphant

Subject: Re:Re:Re: International Relations

Foreign Minister Jansen,

As Chancellor of the Empire, and on behalf of His Imperial Majesty, the Son of Heaven, I welcome your personally leading the first foreign delegation to visit Zongguo. The Emperor himself is particularly honoured that a nation of the stature of Starblaydia will be the first to do so. We both believe that there is much common ground to be had between our two nations.

I can now inform you that the proposed ambassador to the Protectorate of Starblaydia will be Gen. Wen Dezhong (ret.). The General recently retired after a long and distinguished career in the Imperial Army. Emperor Sun Li feels that he will make an excellent ambassador to Starblaydia.

We also look forward with much anticipation to this historic meeting.


Wu Xiaoping
Chancellor of the Holy Empire of Zongguo
Scribe in Training
Posts: 15
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Posted: Jul 3 2008, 01:14 PM
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QUOTE (Lamoni @ Jun 29 2008, 10:19 PM)
Foreign Ministry of the Free Republic of Lamoni

To: Wu Xiaoping
Holy Empire of Zongguo

From: Tanya Ley
Foreign Minister
Free Republic of Lamoni

As one of the foremost nations in the region of Atlantian Oceania, the Free Republic would like to extend full diplomatic relations and an embassy exchange to the Holy Empire of Zongguo.

We have reserved a space at 713 Summer St. NE for your embassy, if you so desire; and would be willing to have Zongguoese builders assist in the construction of your embassy.

As a gift to your government, we would like to present you with a book set on Lamonian history and culture that is as full and complete as our historians can make it.


Tanya Ley
Foreign Minister
Free Republic of Lamoni

To: Tanya Ley, Foreign Minister, Lamoni
Subject: Diplomatic Relations

Foreign Minister Ley,

On behalf of the Empire, I hereby accept your proposal of an embassy exchange and extension of full diplomatic relations between our two nations. We are appreciative of your offer to allow Zongguoese builders assist in the construction of our embassy in Lamoni, and further propose that Zongguoese architects put forward the design of the embassy as well. This will make it truly Zongguoese, and not simply another glass-and-steel monstrosity.

The Lamonian embassy will be located within the secure walls of our newly constructed diplomatic compound, near the Imperial City. As per a decision made by the Council of State regarding the establishment of diplomatic relations, we request that a Lamonian official meet with Zongguoese foreign ministry officials to formally cement a diplomatic relationship.

In addition, your proposed gift of comprehensive books on Lamonian history and culture is also accepted. As a return gesture, we would like to present you or your appointed representative with the most comprehensive historical records thus far compiled by the Empire's scholars, historians, and experts.

Hu Tze-Shi
Foreign Minister of the Holy Empire of Zongguo
Scribe in Training
Posts: 15
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Posted: Jul 3 2008, 01:34 PM
PMEmail Poster
QUOTE (Bazalonia @ Jul 2 2008, 10:38 PM)
An official Letter was drafted by the Bazalonian Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, dispatched through his department to the Chancellor


To: Chancellor of the Holy Empire of Zongguo; Wu Xiaoping
From: David Rhys []
Subject: Diplomatic Overtures.

On behalf of the people and government of Bazalonia, I would like to welcome your nation to the region. We look forward to the potential strong friendship that might develop between our nations. We would like to offer space in our capital city for the establishment of an Zongguo embassy on Bazalonian soil and we would also like to have constructed (if necessary), a Bazalonian embassy.

We will expect this to form the basis of continued efforts to engage a trade agreement between our nations and further solidify friendship within the sphere of Atlantian Oceanian politics.

From: Hu Tze-Shi []
Subject: Re: Diplomatic Overtures.

Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Rhys,

On behalf of the Empire and the Son of Heaven, Emperor Sun Li, I graciously accept Bazalonia's welcome to Zongguo. I am responding due to Chancellor Wu being occupied in preparing for the first foreign delegation to visit Zongguo. We would very much like to establish full diplomatic relations with and an embassy in Bazlaonia. If possible, we would like to offer the assistance of Zongguoese builders and architects to construct an embassy in the Bazalonian capital city, but only if a building has not been selected for such a purpose already.

Buildings have already been constructed in the new diplomatic compound near the Imperial City in Zongguo for use as embassies. To this end, one of these buildings will be allotted for use in establishing a Bazalonian embassy on Zongguoese soil.

Regarding a trade agreement, I am confident that something can be arranged. That will be a matter which you will want to discuss with Chan Leifang, our Minister of Trade. As per a decision made by our Council of State, we request that a Bazalonian official visit Zongguo and meet with Foreign Ministry officials in order to formally establish diplomatic relations between our two nations. At that time, if you so wish, trade can be discussed, and Minister Chan made available for such talks.

Hu Tze-Shi,
Foreign Minister of the Holy Empire of Zongguo
Scribe in Training
Posts: 15
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Posted: Jul 5 2008, 09:00 PM
PMEmail Poster
Chancellor Wu Xiaoping was a very busy man. Having been the man to announce Zongguo's opening to foreign relations, as well as to enter opening talks with Starblaydia, he'd been entrusted with organizing the official welcome for that nation's envoy. Normally his job entailed interior and domestic issues, but this was too important of a matter to entrust merely to the Foreign Ministry. The Son of Heaven, Emperor Sun Li himself, had ordered the Chancellor to organize the welcoming personally. Since it was the Emperor's will, it would be done.

While Foreign Minister Hu Tze-Shi worked on establishing relations with the other two nations to have contacted Zongguo thus far, the Chancellor had been micro-managing every last detail for the Starblaydi visit. They'd been the first nation to contact Zongguo, and so their visit was to be as well-ordered, even grand, as possible.

To that end, the Chancellor had arranged for an honor guard of the Imperial Army to greet the envoy that was supposed to be led by the Starblaydi foreign minister. Not only that, but the best-trained military band to welcome them with their national anthem, and most likely perform the Zongguoese national hymn as well upon the Chancellor's arrival. There would literally be a red carpet to welcome the Starblaydis, as well as the Imperial City's best catering to provide food for the diplomats at their historic meeting back at the Chancellery. A tour of important sights in the City had been arranged as well, including the Historic Imperial Naval Yard, which housed decommissioned warships of the Imperial Zongguo Navy.

Chancellor Wu simply hoped that the other details he'd planned - including the preparations at the building that would be the Starblaydi embassy - would be acceptable to the visiting guests. There had been rumors that the Emperor, or possibly the Crown Prince, would pay a visit to the envoy as well. That would certainly make things more complicated from a security standpoint. However, Chancellor Wu trusted the Order for Domestic Harmony's agents to handle that sort of thing. All he could do now was wait.
Scribe in Training
Posts: 15
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Posted: Jul 6 2008, 02:13 AM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
To: Tanya Ley, Foreign Minister, Lamoni
Subject: Diplomatic Relations

Foreign Minister Ley,

On behalf of the Empire, I hereby accept your proposal of an embassy exchange and extension of full diplomatic relations between our two nations. We are appreciative of your offer to allow Zongguoese builders assist in the construction of our embassy in Lamoni, and further propose that Zongguoese architects put forward the design of the embassy as well. This will make it truly Zongguoese, and not simply another glass-and-steel monstrosity.

The Lamonian embassy will be located within the secure walls of our newly constructed diplomatic compound, near the Imperial City. As per a decision made by the Council of State regarding the establishment of diplomatic relations, we request that a Lamonian official meet with Zongguoese foreign ministry officials to formally cement a diplomatic relationship.

In addition, your proposed gift of comprehensive books on Lamonian history and culture is also accepted. As a return gesture, we would like to present you or your appointed representative with the most comprehensive historical records thus far compiled by the Empire's scholars, historians, and experts.

Hu Tze-Shi
Foreign Minister of the Holy Empire of Zongguo


Foreign Ministry of the Free Republic of Lamoni

To: Hu Tze-Shi
Foreign Minister
Holy Empire of Zongguo

I would like to visit the Holy Empire personally in order to cement the diplomatic relationship between our nations; and can arrive at any time that is convenient to you via aircraft.


Tanya Ley
Foreign Minister
Free Republic of Lamoni
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Jul 6 2008, 07:45 AM
PMEmail Poster
QUOTE (Zongguo @ Jul 4 2008, 04:34 AM)
From: Hu Tze-Shi []
Subject: Re: Diplomatic Overtures.

Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Rhys,

On behalf of the Empire and the Son of Heaven, Emperor Sun Li, I graciously accept Bazalonia's welcome to Zongguo. I am responding due to Chancellor Wu being occupied in preparing for the first foreign delegation to visit Zongguo. We would very much like to establish full diplomatic relations with and an embassy in Bazlaonia. If possible, we would like to offer the assistance of Zongguoese builders and architects to construct an embassy in the Bazalonian capital city, but only if a building has not been selected for such a purpose already.

Buildings have already been constructed in the new diplomatic compound near the Imperial City in Zongguo for use as embassies. To this end, one of these buildings will be allotted for use in establishing a Bazalonian embassy on Zongguoese soil.

Regarding a trade agreement, I am confident that something can be arranged. That will be a matter which you will want to discuss with Chan Leifang, our Minister of Trade. As per a decision made by our Council of State, we request that a Bazalonian official visit Zongguo and meet with Foreign Ministry officials in order to formally establish diplomatic relations between our two nations. At that time, if you so wish, trade can be discussed, and Minister Chan made available for such talks.

Hu Tze-Shi,
Foreign Minister of the Holy Empire of Zongguo

To: Hu Tze-Shi []
From: David Rhys []
Subject: Re: Diplomatic Overtures

Thank you, we have plots available for the construction from scratch of embassy's as well as already vacant but constructed plots, we'll assign you a vacant plot and when construction is ready we'll expedite necessary government processes for the Zongguoese contractors to help get the embassy constructed with as little hastle as possible.

I am sure that whatever the plot provided that it will meet the needs that we have, also having discussed this with the Cabinet and the Prime Minister, David Hawdon. The Prime Minister has expressed interest in being apart of this first formal delegation.

Of course, The Bazalonian Federal Police, Protection and Escort Division would like to go over security details , and look at collaboration but of course it would understandable if this was not currently doable.

Once these formalities are completed, we would appreciated if a face-to-face meeting with the Zongguoese Minister of Trade, Chan Leifanh, could be arranged.

Thank you
Eating A Bazalope Burger
Posts: 774
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