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Troubles Ahead
Posted: Oct 23 2007, 06:03 PM
PMEmail Poster
Hangyeong, Han Empire

They were five men, dressed up in foreign costumes. The guards standing at the Academy of Foreign Affairs became tense and awaited their arrival at the desk, hoping to prevent another random foreign terrorist from wrecking havoc in the lobby. It had been a long time since the last one, but still the memories were plain and vivid, as if it only happened yesterday.

But these men were not interested in war - well, perhaps they were, but not against the Han. They were unclean folk, beards longer than their arms, fingernails longer than their beards, a drooling trail of saliva longer than their fingernails and beards combined. They were messy, and if anything, it was likely that you could track their progress from the airport to the Office. The man with the shortest beard (and hence the shortest nails) approached the desk and mumbled some words to the attendant. The attendant politely tapped the sign in front of him: "한국어에서 말하십시오." (Please speak Korean). The man nodded and started a fluent passage in Korean: "We would like to speak with Count Han Seungsu." This startled the guards and the attendant, who replied: "I'm sorry, but he is not in right now. I can leave him a message."

The man nodded. "We come from a land far away, and we need your help."

The attendant nodded back and replied, "I'm sorry, but the Academy is not open for offers of aid and assistance. If you would like to have aid and assistance, please contact our Office of Aid and Assistance."

"But our people need help. We are barbarians from abroad, and we have worked hard to find our way here, to seek the great Han Empire."

The attendant looked with a twisted gesture of confusion. "But why didn't you talk to your neighbors?"

"That's too easy."

The attendant nodded. "Well. Our Office of Aid and Assistance would be glad to help you."

"But we want the Han."

"What do you mean?"

"Our people have agreed that we want the Han to rule over us, to bring the vessels of civilization to our people and free us from ignorance and stupidity."

The attendant passed a wary gaze at the guards, who contentedly gazed the opposite direction, wanting nothing to do with these weird folk. She tried to explain to them: "The Empire does not wish to encroach upon your people's independence, but if you would like to have our help, why would want us to rule over you?"

"The Han have been known for many years as the bearers of civilization. At least among our people, we had heard from local traders that the Han were a civilization of vast fortune, wealth, and success. We had long understood these things, but never sought them for ourselves. But now, we have seen reason, and we will need your help to bring us to civilization."

The attendant was dumbfounded. What to do? "I will see if I can get the Count to talk to you."


May it please His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor Gwangmu:

Five barbarians came from a land abroad, and hae asked for aid. As I understand it, they do not desire the things that is customary of the weak and new states - but they desire instead civilization. In this manner, they have voluntarily offered to surrender their sovereignty to you, if you would be as great and sagacious the sovereign of their land as you are the great and sagacious sovereign of our land. I have personally found no reason to deny their requests, and as I see fit, we have many opportunities to demonstrate the superior civilized nature of the Han by bringing up one barbarian federation from infancy to maturity.

How does His Imperial Majesty see this?

His Humble and Loyal Servant,
Count Han Seungsu
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Oct 23 2007, 11:39 PM
PMEmail Poster
Hangyeong, Han Empire

The Emperor was led forward, after his request to meet the men from abroad who desired his attention. It was a long trip covered in drool and as the Emperor met the men from afar, he turned to his courtiers and said: "Take this men and have them properly groomed."

After refusing to have their heads shaven and nails trimmed, the five men consented to the Emperor's hygienic requirements, on the condition that they would be guaranteed an audience with the Emperor. They had transformed into properly groomed men, with proper fitting clothes and neatly arranged facial features (although the oldest man was still dribbling). They returned to meet the Emperor, who was immensely pleased with the progress of their appearance. The Emperor then invited the guests to a tea and asked them plainly: "What precisely do you desire from us?"

"We desire the return of civilization to our people."

The Emperor looked to Count Han Seungsu, who was in attendance. The Emperor continued to ask them: "You say the return of civilization. Why?"

"Our people were never civilized, but we have had many encounters with civilization, and after a long time of not having had any civilizations, and our people have fallen into disarray."

The Emperor nodded. He extended his hands to the men before him, and asked them for their names.

"I am the only one with a name," answered the man, apparently the youngest and the most fluent in Haneo (Korean). The Emperor nodded again, seeing progress being made. "Why are you the only person with a name?"

"Because I am the only one who has seen civilization."

"Well then, what of your companions? How do they come across civilization?"

"This is their first time. We are tribal chiefs from a land far away, a once prosperous land, but now turned fallow. Rumors of war preceded the Great Migration, and then suddenly, civilization left us."

The Emperor was mildly amused by this, as if listening to folk tales. But he was still upset that he had no names. "Well, I must ask for a name, if I am to continue this talk."

"Yes. Pardon my manners. I have only been graced with a small touch of civilization, and I am still learning of it. I am called Ping Dimitrios Salil-Stanislav, but please call me Ping."

"Yes. Ping. But please continue. How did your people come to lose civilization in the first place?"

Ping continued. "For many years, our people have lived in peace with another people. They were the bearers of civilization, but rumors of war forced them to flee. And we were left in the dark. It was a scary time, but now that we are here, we can try to restore civilization for ourselves."

"Who were these people who brought you civilization?"

"We do not know, but they were very friendly to us."

"Then how did you come to know of the Han?" the Emperor asked.

"We met traders who talked a great land far abroad. They were speaking of many things, but when our ancestors talked of them, they perpetually said 'Han' - which has led us here."

"Interesting. So you want us to bring the vessels of civilization to your people then?"

"Indeed, sir." Ping was obviously very new to this system of hierarchy. But the Emperor was keen to forgive it in the willing student of civilized man - the barbarian turns human once again. He then stood up, saying, "I shall deliberate long on this, but I am pleased so far to see that you are trying to become a civilized people. But if I need more information, I will ask it of you. But for now, please stay in my humble grounds and await my final decision."
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Oct 24 2007, 08:43 PM
PMEmail Poster
Hangyeong, Han Empire

The Emperor thought long on this matter, and came to the final conclusion that would ultimately shape the future of the people in this land.

He brought Ping to the Imperial Chamber and in the presence of the Imperial Scribes, he spoke: "It is my firm and sincere desire to see civilization restored to the people from a land far away, to demonstrate the superiority of civilization, and further to bring the people from darkness to the light. Even as the location of these people remains unknown, I am authorizing the formation of the Imperial Colonial Foundation, to help bring civilization to these people. By the right vested in me, I am also declared Ping Dimitrios Salil-Stanislav to be King over the new land, in righteous order as a regent to his people in darkness."

Ping nodded, uncertain of what to do. It was at this point that an Imperial advisor came beside Ping, and told him - "When the Emperor has finished making his decree, it is custom to bow to the ground and acknowledge his majesty." The advisor taught Ping how to bow, but it did not exactly go as expected - Ping thought that "bow" referred to the rear end of his body, and instead of bowing, sat down on the ground. Uncertain of the honorifics, he farted as well. The Emperor then thought to himself - 'Heaven has brought barbarians to test my patience and my virtuosity. Oh, may it be over soon!'

The advisor spent a good 15 minutes teaching Ping to bow to the Emperor before he got it right, but taking on his learned habits, he burped. The Emperor, despite the excessive flatulence of his new king, was pleased with the result and dismissed the court.

Now king of the land, the Imperial Advisor introduced himself to King Ping: "I am Jeong Dojeon, and it is my responsibility to help coordinate the return of civilization to your people."

Ping nodded and asked him: "What is it to be King?"

Jeong smiled, realizing that he had a long way to go bring Ping up to date.
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Oct 25 2007, 05:50 PM
PMEmail Poster
Hangyeong. Han Empire

Ping was practicing the manners of being the King of his land, while Jeong was busy learning how much he had to teach. So far, it seemed that Ping was rather knowledgeable about things, but not customs. He knew what it meant to be "respectful" but the act of being respectful always seemed suspended in a bottle of urine. His companions were worse; they knew nothing, and one of them seemed to like to know nothing. But not only was Ping learning much, he was eager to learn. By the end of the week, he had learned how to speak more fluently, how to address people with titles, who to address with titles, and how to be courteous to people with titles. It was with confidence that Jeong introduced Ping to the Emperor once again.

Ping stepped forward and bowed to the ground, and stood back up, keeping his head bent forward. The Emperor waited for about 5 seconds, to hear for any flatulence; hearing none, he spoke with much approval: "King Ping, you have made much progress in your etiquette, and I am very pleased that you are learning well. Jeong has told me many things about your learning, and it seems right for me to have chosen you as king of your people. But before we can get to the heart of our business, I would like to know more about your people, and where they live."

Ping was eager to tell the Emperor: "Oh Heavenly Regent of Heaven, who Majesty knows no bounds throughout all under Heaven! I am most honored to present to you the ways of my people and the land that they inhabit, by the grace of His Most Gracious, Most Merciful, Most Honorable, Most Sagacious Regent of All Under Heaven!" With each new honorific applied, Jeong felt himself sinking in his clothes as the Emperor's face grew red. All the while, Ping seemed to have no end in his honorifics. "May it please His Most Gracious, Most Benevolent Imperial Majesty to know the nature of my people and their land, that I have prepared a Most Excellent Chart and Map of our lands upon this gratuitous sheet of parchment, as ordained and confirmed by His Imperial Grace. Would His Most Excellent and Awesome Imperial Majesty wish to see and hear the contents of these Most Fulfilling documents and increase His Great Awareness of All Under Heaven?"

At that, the Emperor burst out laughing, to alleviate the growing redness on his face. Ping was scared and wet himself, thinking that the Emperor's laughs were a mark of great disdain. Jeong, himself concerned, felt relieved to see that the Emperor was laughing; but as soon as he saw the traditional mark of wetness in Ping's pants, Jeong quickly rushed in front of the King and bowed courteously, saying - "May it please His Imperial Grace, I must excuse us from your presence, that we may render a proper account of these things requested."

The Emperor, still laughing, calmed down. He didn't notice the wetness, and perhaps it was good that he didn't, as he nodded. As they left, he said to Ping: "I think you must understand that I am a very humble man, and that while I am willing to hear honorifics, please do not make me feel like I am god, because it makes me very uncomfortable. But I was pleased that you made a great effort to honor me. But perhaps we ca talk about your people later?" Ping nodded, as Jeong was politely shoving the King out the door. Once out of the Emperor's sight, Jeong arranged for Ping's clothes to be redressed, and they returned to the Emperor. Having learned the way to address an honorific, Ping was more comfortable in his discourse.

"Heavenly Emperor, may it please you to know that our people have long had no written history, and that the only ways to communicate our history was orally. Even when we had encountered civilization, we took no note of writing history. For this, I cannot say that people know accurately whether our people have lived there for thousands or hundreds of years. For certain, it was a long time and many generations. We lived in peaceful cooperation with the people known to themselves as 'Zile' - under their own benevolent ruler. Unfortunately, they were turned away and rumors of wars brought them to bear the burden of pain; the majority of the people left the country, and fled in the chaos. We remained in the wilderness, hoping and anticipating their return. But they never returned. So we set out in search of the bearers of civilization, who from our oral history were called 'Han'. I do not know why, but I can see why they would call the Han the seat of civilization. So many rules... But as you can see from the map, this is the land of our ancestors, and this is the land of our kingdom."

The Emperor nodded and dismissed the lot. He was more troubled than he was before, but it wasn't because of the progress of civilization - rather it was the cost.
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Oct 30 2007, 09:26 PM
PMEmail Poster
Hangyeong, Han Empire

Ping - having taken up the ways of civilization - was presented by his Imperial Advisor, Jeong Dojeon, to the Emperor at a time much later. There, he showed the Emperor his full regalia, including his four accomplices.

He presented himself with his Han name - 平獅凌 (평사릉). It brought out a few laughs from the crowd. He presented the names of his fellow leaders and introduced them. Finally, he unfurled the banner of the Colony - an awkward mix of purple and green with the Sam Taegeuk of the Empire settled on the center. Finally, the name of this new colony was to be declared, whereupon Ping declared to all the Han name of this new land:


To understand what the courtiers heard that day, it is best to understand what Ping said - Tae Pal Heui Yeon. "Tae" meaning "great"; "Pal" meaning "eight"; "Heui" meaning "pleasure"; "Yeon" meaning "reason"; altogether it can mean "The Eight Great People of Pleasure and Reason". It was perhaps too elaborate to mean that, but the Emperor was curious at why Ping chose these characters than any other available to him.

"What does this mean to you?"

"His Imperial Majesty, I have sought a word that our people call the land, and I only can reflect one word - Tempalhiyon. I made as close as I could a name in Han that reflects our ambitions by bringing civilization to our land. And as it is in our land, we have 8 nations, each vying to breathe free. And we all seek the pleasures of civilization - hence, the eight tribes seeking pleasure and reason."

"Ah." The Emperor was not satisfied. There were numerous other ways to say the same thing. Why Tempalhiyon? "Then what does Tempalhiyon mean as your people have said it?"

"Tempalhiyon actually means place of flatulence, and at times, it can really stink. But in our culture - if it can be called that - flatulence was an invitation to our guests to join us. It was impolite if we did not pass gas while our guests were staying with us, for it is in these times that we share everything with the world. Hide nothing and share everything. I hope that His Imperial Majesty understands this."

The Emperor was on the verge of laughter, but his composure had to remain high today - the scribes were recording the event on video, on tape, and by writing. It would be an embarrassment for the Emperor to demonstrate a nature unfitting of the Heavenly Regent. But he thought of this rigidity - was it necessary for civilization? Perhaps not...

"In the power vested in me, by the Divine Mandate, and by the people of the Empire, I hereby pronounce you as King and Absolute Sovereign of the Celestial Regent's Colony of Taepalheuiyeon! May it be known that King Pyeong Sareul - otherwise known as Ping Dimitrios Salil-Stanislov - was pronounced this day in the cocmpany of many people, and in his own kin. May they flourish and benefit from the reign of the King Pyeong."

Applause rang throughout the courtroom, as an advisor approached the Emperor from behind. "May it please His Imperial Majesty, we've finally found the place known formerly as 'Zile' - we request His presence immediately." The Emperor, following the ceremony, followed the advisors back to the grand map of the land formerly known as 'Zile' and he surveyed it on the wall-screen. "Where is this land?" A zoom out revealed that the land was smack dab in the middle of the highly civilized Atlantian Oceanic Region. The Emperor nearly dropped his jaw after that. "They came all the way over here from there? Why didn't they pick out a neighbor?"

"As they had said, they knew of us. Heaven knows how they managed the trip; Heaven knows why they managed the trip. But we've received prime real estate there, and the bad news is that the neighbors might not be nice."

"Great! The first thing that I've got to do is to defend this piece of territory?" The Emperor paced himself. "Why didn't we know of this in advance?"

"Well, we kind of expected that it would be closer to home. But the good news, if there is any, is that we've got a few friends nearby. Our football team has actually surveyed some of the nearby lands on their World Cup tours, so we could simply have one of the IFA coordinators help us find the land and bring them there."

The Emperor immediately shook his head. "I've already had enough to think about inviting barbarians into my house. Now I'm sending athletes to help me set up a new country? This is utter non-sense."

"Well, we do have one very good candidate. He was the head of the Security Detachment from the World Cup 37 Qualification Tour, and he was largely responsible for the tour security. He is a retired Sergeant Major from the Army, so he has significant military experience. I think we should add him to the King's present retinue."

"Well, in that case, we will see what we can manage out of this." He pointed a finger at the man. "I want you to ensure that everything goes smoothly. If it doesn't, make it."
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Nov 2 2007, 10:56 PM
PMEmail Poster
Hangyeong, Han Empire

Jeong Doheon received word from the Imperial Offices of his mission, and he nearly gasped at hearing it.

"Why are we going through so much trouble to make this work?"

"The Emperor has already made it true. We cannot turn against our own words, otherwise we will tarnish our honor. Besides, they have come for sincere help, and we should not turn them away after so much trouble we both have incurred. Besides, the Emperor does desire to test the strength of Han civilization. If we can convert these barbarians to reasonable folk, we can be assured of the Divine Mandate, and we can improve our prestige further still. This region is firmly established with many active neighbors, which can also help to expand our diplomatic contacts beyond our own borders."

Jeong was not so convinced, but if things were meant to be that way, he thought - so be it. He looked to the two new people joining King Ping's retinue - formerly Sergeant Kim Gyeongcheon and Shin Sunnam, an advisor that the Emperor apparently liked enough to tag onto the royal retinue. Apparently, this was a high enough priority to tack on a career soldier, which usually indicated that someone was going to be fighting somewhere along the line. It was typical for the career soldiers to don their military attire when called for Imperial service; but Kim Gyeongcheon appeared rather old in his uniform. Perhaps it was the old style of the uniform that brought him memories of decades past, coupled with his white hair and beard. As for Shin Sunnam, he was apparently an academic - apparently he was an organizer of sorts.

Jeong Doheon nodded to both of the men, and they nodded in return. "I presume that we must work together." They nodded again, silent still. Jeong sighed - "Then we have a lot of work to accomplish." He quickly reviewed their credentials and noted that Sergeant Kim was in fact the designated navigator, in part for his previous knowledge of the terrain. The report even suggested that Kim had visited the place formerly known as "Zile" but as Jeong read further, he quickly came to doubt this, as there was no obvious opportunity for him to visit the territory, aside from his brief excursions to the region during the football qualifications tours. Shin was indeed the academic, noted as the "man who brought the minds to make this project more feasible" - he was essentially the scapegoat who would receive all of the blame if things went wrong. Chances were that he already knew and that he was inclined to work hard to make that things did go right.

"As you may or may not know, I am Jeong Doheon, the Emperor's advisor to King Ping. It is to my knowledge that you have been selected likewise by the Emperor to accompany the King in his triumphal return to the people of Taepalheuiyeon, and establish there the foundations for a state that can be admired throughout the world. We are set to return via naval and aerial exchange on board His Imperial Majesty's vessels. Seeing as we are three men of talents, I have decided in His Royal Majesty's interest to appoint each of you to positions worthy of the King's Grace. Kim Gyeongcheon - you are no longer a retired Sergeant Major of the Imperial Army of the Han Empire, but rather an appointed Marshal in the service of His Majesty's Armed Forces of Taepalheuiyeon, in alignment with the Imperial Army of the Han Empire. You are tasked with the management of His Majesty's armed forces and the security of the state of Taepalheuiyeon. Do you accept this appointment?"

The newly-appointed Marshal nodded and answered affirmatively: "Yes, sir."

To Shin Sunnam, Jeong said, "I am appointing you His Royal Majesty's Advisor on Internal Affairs. As you have selected for your talent at handling people and making impossible projects work, I think that you are best adept for this task. You are tasked with the most difficult and most arduous of criterion of success, that is the formation of a civilized state in Taepalheuiyeon. Do you accept this appointment?"

Shin had the chance to say no, but he nodded affirmatively: "Yes, sir."

"Very well, then. I am currently the Imperial Advisor, hence I answer to the Emperor and the King. The positions that you have accepted are like mine, except that you are also answerable to me, as an intermediary between the Emperor and the King, and yourselves. For this reason, you must be cautious in how you address the King or the Emperor, for it is by maintaining this hierarchy that we are best able to manipulate the formation of the state more easily and less painfully. But as I am not a Royal or Imperial Authority, there is no immediate need for formal titular honors, unless the King is present, in which case, please use the standard honorary (His Excellency). Are we understood?"

"Yes, sir."

"Very well. We have one day to prepare the voyage. If you have anything to do before then, please prepare them now or else wait until our return home. Since these are barbarians, I have the expectation to arrive upon hostile and foreign terrain, with little or no civilized manners of urbanization. Therefore, the first thing to establish once at our destination is to manage our communications. In the company of His Imperial Navy, we will have two DHGT-90 vessels in our company, escorted by a convoy of more DHGT-90, SYH-83, and SGCH-84 vessels. We will be accompanied by a company of Marines from the 2nd Expeditionary Division - 100 soldiers. We will also bear a collection of 24 Imperial Scribes, Scholars, and otherwise important personnel in the management of daily affairs; also 14 engineers, scientists, and otherwise important personnel in the management of infrastructure and geographical survey; also a company of 42 auxiliary persons, to provide basic services to the colony group; also of course the Five Taepal leaders, including King Ping. Our supplies will include sufficient food, water, materials, resources, fuel, and important items for approximately 30 days. In that time, we will determine the precise nature of our mission and how much work will be required. Until that time, we will meet at the harbor in Cheonjin. Understood?"

"Yes, sir."
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Nov 5 2007, 03:16 PM
PMEmail Poster
ooc: I will need help trying to figure out how my ships are going land on my territory without violating half a dozen territoriality laws... It's kinda stuck in the middle.
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Nov 5 2007, 06:48 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
OOC: Your best bet would be to contact the nations that you think that you might want to pass by, and have them participate in the RP. I would suggest going by Nedalia, but that is up to you.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Nov 13 2007, 04:26 PM
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A short and pulsed reply came from Milchama authorities, as the Imperial convoy was parked outside their territorial waters. It was going to be a tricky ride but they received the response:

Sorry for the late response I don't check NS proper very often, particularly during busy times in my life. You can go through my waters and I may do a RP or two but don't count on it. Also if you land on our land (Which is all the way up to the south part of the Holy River) we will fight you.

Perhaps it was a miscued interpretation of the transcript, but Jeong Doheon perceived that the response was minimally adequate.

It would be some time before they reached the almost mythological lands of Tempalhiyon.
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Nov 14 2007, 11:10 PM
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OOC: Not that I mind you posting my whole TG but that was supposed to be OOC not IC at all.

The IC would be more like:

Have fun but don't go near the south of the Holy River or you WILL (not might WILL) be ripped to shreds by our military.
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Nov 15 2007, 12:30 PM
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Just as the convoy was about to leave, an attendant came back to Jeong Doheon, yelling - "You've got the wrong message!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Jeong Doheon turned around to face the attendant. Standing at the bridge of the ship, he glanced at the real message:

Have fun but don't go near the south of the Holy River or you WILL (not might WILL) be ripped to shreds by our military.

He laughed and said, "And this changes what in our plans? We've got the picture - land north, not south. Besides, we can track our movements."

"Yes, sir."

"Well, thank you for bringing me the real message. Now get back to your tasks and alert me if the Nedalians also reply. otherwise, we'll be straddling the waters the whole way through."
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Nov 19 2007, 02:44 PM
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The radar on the boat showed the land approached, and after verifying that they had finally arrived, Jeong Doheon brought King Ping to the stand to verify for himself.

"Yes, this is my land."

"Well, you weren't kidding when you said land of flatulence."

The place was a dead swamp, and the gases being extruded from it were horrific. Soldiers on board were starting to become nauseous, with the waves and the smell. But King Ping seemed unaffected by it all. He was almost pleased to smell the air.

"Civilization has its merits, but it doesn't smell right sometimes," he said.

"Civilized people prefer at times not to smell at all."

"Then how does one appreciate the odor of food and drinks?"

Jeong Doheon noted that comment and said nothing more.

Since the ships were all landing vessels as well, the convoy spent some time trying to find a suitable location to land. Radar showed that the land was stinking and swampy, but dry land was hard to find. The helicopters went out and sought a ground to land at. It would be a long time before any land would be found that was reasonably dry.
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Dec 18 2007, 07:35 PM
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After a long long long long long long long long while, the convoy found suitable ground. King Ping landed first on the beach, consecrating the ground as "Ping's capital" - which translated as "Pyeonggyeong." It was a pretty name, but it was all solid ground and no city. Jeong Doheon turned to his escorts and bade them to do his bidding.

"Build a city that the Emperor himself would imagine inhabiting."

And build they did.
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Dec 23 2007, 10:15 PM
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The city was still very small, but despite this, plans were coming along very nicely. Under Jeong's management, King Ping's reign was very smooth. The honest truth was that Jeong ruled the country, but Ping trusted Jeong to make the right decisions, and so far they were just that. Jeong's choices have been increasingly popular, so much that King Ping unilaterally appointed Jeong Doheon as Prime Minister. Jeong was at first surprised by this move, not expecting that the King would know enough of civility to do such a thing, but apparently, even the King of the Barbarians could be tamed easily and quickly.

But there remained the matter of bringing civilization to the people of the country. So far, progress was limited to the city, a semi-modern urban stretch comprised of some 100,000 people. But considering that two years ago, the land was unproductive and useless, the sudden rise gave indication to two things - the people of Taepalheuiyeon would embrace civilization as eagerly as they took it, but the rate of their advance would not exceed the rate of their ability. The city would soon become overfilled with people. It was necessary to move out into the country and seek new land and expand the city and the country.

"Sir?" the now-Marshal Kim Gyeongcheon said. Jeong Doheon turned to face him, smiling. They sat at the Prime Minister's table where a hot kettle of tea awaited them. "I have heard news that you wished to see me?"

"It is true," Jeong said, pouring a cup for his guest. "As you may have noticed, the city has grown magnificently in the past two years, and your men have ably and competently trained the new police and armed forces of this country. I am very pleased with your progress."

"But progress is not met with new demands," the Marshal replied.

"It is true." Jeong stood up and walked to a map of the country claimed by King Ping. The peninsula region was named for King Ping's capital, but the rest remained wild wilderness. "We have made progress here, but the remainder of the territory remains wild and savage. These people are docile folk, but evidence of a more harsh civilization remain. They lie scattered across the land, and tales of their exploits continue to flood to us."

Jeong stroked his bread, and turned back to face Marshal Kim. "If we are to succeed in establishing His Imperial Majesty's mission here, we must successfully colonize the country and make the people citizens of the Kingdom of Taepalheuiyeon. To succeed, the Army of Taepalheuiyeon must make its mission to explore the territory beyond the capital and make it safe for habitation by civilized citizens of the Kingdom. Having successfully made trained soldiers, I believe that your next step is to send these valiant soldiers into the country and establish bases of operation to ensure the safety of the people and the country."

Marshal Kim nodded. It wasn't the act of a seasoned commander, but of a typical sergeant doing his duty. It made him the best candidate as chief of the military, because he would do precisely as the Prime Minister would desire; in what manner was up to him. "Do you have a preferred location to open the country to habitation?"

"Indeed, I do. Our best mode of transportation has traditionally been by sea. We have elements of the Imperial Navy to support us, and the land hasn't been opened to roads and strips. I've looked along the coast, and I believe this location here is our next best candidate." Jeong pointed at a spot on the map. Kim stood up and walked to the map, looking at the point. As he looked, Jeong handed him a slip of paper with geographic coordinates. "I have this location plotted as the newest city of the Kingdom, and it seemed fit to name it 'Ssushi' (i.e. 'Water City'). I have already scouted the location, and according to our surveys, the land is suitable for habitation. There are bluffs overlooking the sea at the mouth of a navigable river there. I personally chose the eastern bluffs as a suitable location to host a military installation, while the western bluffs would be more suitable for a civilian habitation. If you can manage this, I will have you dispatch a battalion there to assess the situation on the ground and determine if it is viable. If it is, I will send contractors to begin building. Shin Sunnam has managed the interior aspects of this country very well, and I can only see that the Emperor was wise to send him to me. Whatever you will need, he can have it done."

"I will survey the situation myself before I commit any men. It is sometimes different from a naval perspective than a ground perspective, so a quick survey will do well before we deploy any troops. In due time, I will have the men nonetheless."

"Good. I will meet you when you have settled the terrain."
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Dec 23 2007, 10:16 PM
PMEmail Poster

This post has been edited by Tempalhiyon on Dec 23 2007, 10:16 PM
Royal Scribe
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