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Baptism Of Fire Cup :: Alternate Rp Thread
Posted: Jul 17 2004, 09:06 AM
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BoF Matchday 1 Results

Vilitan Region


::GROUP A::--------------------

Spurland .. 0 - 0 .. HypercapitaliZm
West Pacific .. 3 - 1 .. Minas Trith

Team             Won  Drawn  Lost  For  Against  GoalDiff  Points
West Pacific       1      0     0    3        1         2       3
Spurland           0      1     0    0        0         0       1
HypercapitaliZm    0      1     0    0        0         0       1
Minas Trith        0      0     1    1        3        -2       0

::GROUP B::--------------------

Sarzonia .. 3 - 0 .. The Water Cooler
Ruslana  .. 1 - 3 .. Kylaai

Team              Won  Drawn  Lost  For  Against  GoalDiff  Points
Kylaai              1      0     0    3        1         2       3
Sarzonia            1      0     0    3        0         3       3
Ruslana             0      0     1    1        3        -2       0
The Water Cooler    0      0     1    0        3        -3       0

Liverpool England Region

::GROUP A::--------------------

Finrods 1 Northbank 2
Taokoualu 1 Zangara 1

Region 1 Pts W D L GF:GA GD
1. Northbank 3 1 0 0 2: 1 1
2. Taokoualu 1 0 1 0 1: 1 0
3. Zangara 1 0 1 0 1: 1 0
4. Finrods 0 0 0 1 1: 2 -1

::GROUP B::--------------------

Bluesonia 0 Jonestan 1
Hazlia 0 Ebon Hawk 1

Region 2 Pts W D L GF:GA GD
1. Jonestan 3 1 0 0 1: 0 1
2. Ebon Hawk 3 1 0 0 1: 0 1
3. Hazlia 0 0 0 1 0: 1 -1
4. Bluesonia 0 0 0 1 0: 1 -1

If you do not have access to the NS Forums, you may RP in here and it will count, until you gain access to the Real Thread ( )
Posts: 1300
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Posted: Jul 17 2004, 09:47 PM
William handed the Finalised Roster to The D’Yaho, the Minster of Sport. After skimming it he smiled.


Water Coolian First Year Roster:
Executive Manager: William Hizario
Junior Managers: Hewlet Icston, Packard Macakado

(Number, Age, Years with the Team, pay grade)

-Jalak Irdo (1-23-5-A+)
-Yur Colstadt (2-25-3-cool.gif
-Leo Arnotam (3-20-1-C)
-Jordro Sith (4-19-2-cool.gif

-Aurlis Ouchet (5-29-4-A)
-Maxi Kickuo (6-26-3-cool.gif
-Eldridge Haugaard (7-23-2-C)
-Jewell Koiner (8-31-6-A+)
-Gayle Mearing (9-27-4-A)
-Lino Herrand (10-22-2-cool.gif
-Zack Muthana (11-18-1-C)
-Lindsay Parinas (12-30-10-A+)

-Douglass Neall (13-23-2-C)
-Kristofer Icardo (14-25-2-C)
-Alonso Ivrin (15-26-4-cool.gif
-Herb Fehnel (16-29-3-cool.gif
-Luigi Bozinovich (17- 21-3-A)
-Lesley Bestine (18-26-5-A+)
-Garret Kulbacki (19-19-1-C)
-Oswaldo Ingargiolo (20-22-2-cool.gif

-Filiberto Coriz (21-20-2-C)
-Virgilio Fie (22-23-5-A+)
-Deangelo Jaggie (23-25-6-A+)
-Britt Kruyt (24-19-1-C)

“It’s going to be a good team this year, isn’t it?”

“I hope so Sir. So er… Do we have approval? I mean, we need funding, and our uniforms…”

“Yes, yes. The funds will be made available. Good luck.”

Smiling William left the room.


Uniforms: The Water Coolian teams uniforms are as follows: The shorts are field green with a sky blue check on the left front leg and the right back leg. The jersey is mainly white; however a strip of blue and a strip of green go down the middle of the front and back. A logo of Credit Dauphine, the teams platinum sponsor is on the breast, and on the back centred.

Mascot: The team’s mascot is a giant Panda. Several team members honestly believe that the panda brings the team good luck. However independent experts are still validating this spurious claim.

Playing Style: The Teams playing style is highly defensive. With strong emphasis on goal defence. However that said, the offensive side of the team is also highly capable.
Holy Empire of the Water Cooler
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Posted: Jul 17 2004, 09:49 PM
((Opps, assume all cool.gif to be B ) . This message is from the HEWC.
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Posted: Jul 18 2004, 04:18 AM
PMEmail Poster
[CENTER]BoF Matchday 2 Results[/CENTER]

Vilitan Region


::GROUP A::--------------------

Spurland .. 2 - 0 .. West Pacific
Minas Trith .. 2 - 4 .. HypercapitaliZm

            --  W  D  L   F: A  GD  Pts
HypercapitaliZm  1  1  0   4  2   2    4
Spurland         1  1  0   2  0   2    4
West Pacific     1  0  1   3  3   0    3
Minas Trith      0  0  2   3  7  -4    0

::GROUP B::--------------------

Sarzonia .. 1 - 0 .. Ruslana
Kylaai  .. 1 - 3 .. The Water Cooler

             --  W  D  L  F  :A  GD  Pts
Sarzonia          2  0  0  4   0   4    6
Kylaai            1  0  1  4   4   0    3
The Water Cooler  1  0  1  3   4  -1    3
Ruslana           0  0  2  1   4  -3    0

Liverpool England Region
Finrods 0 Taokoualu 1
Bluesonia 3 Hazlia 2
Northbank 0 Zangara 0
Jonestan 2 Ebon Hawk 0
Group C        Pts  W   D   L  GF:GA  GD
1.  Northbank   4   1   1   0   2: 1   1
2.  Taokoualu   4   1   1   0   2: 1   1
3.  Zangara     2   0   2   0   1: 1   0
4.  Finrods     0   0   0   2   1: 3  -2
Group D        Pts  W   D   L  GF:GA  GD
1.  Jonestan    6   2   0   0   3: 0   3
2.  Bluesonia   3   1   0   1   3: 3   0
3.  Ebon Hawk   3   1   0   1   1: 2  -1
4.  Hazlia      0   0   0   2   2: 4  -2
Senator in Training
Posts: 233
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Posted: Jul 18 2004, 09:39 AM
Never having participated in organized sports before the people of Bluesonia held a nationwide “American Idolesque” Showdown of the Soccer Stars with the top vote getters at each position getting the starting nod and the runners up getting bench time. All of these men are eagerly awaiting the ability to represent their country on a grand scale.

Bluesonia Deltamen
Coach: Son House Assistants: “Mississippi” John Hurt, and Robert Johnson

Roster (starters in bold)
24 McKinley Morganfield (Stoval): Morganfield (26) had the best showing in net of all the soccer stars, but his landslide victory isn’t necessarily due to his talent alone, for weeks all any junior high girl could talk about was how “dreamy” he was.
1 Alphonse Jones (Delta Town): A bit older at 38 he surprised the viewing audience wi surprising agility and quickness for an old feller.

44 Johnny Winters (Chicago): Quick, thin and pale is how many describe Winters, at 21 he has boundless energy and an eagerness to learn the game that set him apart from everyone else in the contest.
62 Son Seals (Memphis): Seals (22) held his ground remarkably well in all the staged events and proved to have the mind, and leg strength, to get himself out of some sticky situations.
74 “Blind Lemon” McGee (Jackson): McGee (18) earned the nickname Blind Lemon on his father’s farm in Jackson where from some reason they always said, “man, that boy is faster than a blind lemon” Pure speed but very little know how, his quickness can get him out of trouble but he relies on it too much sometimes getting way out of position.
16 Memphis Slim (Jackson): Slim (27) is a big man without much speed, his size and strength are great assets but when tested against a consistent rush he was prone to exhaustion.
20 Taki Andrianakos (Denver): Born and raised in a Greek family Andrianakos (25) grew up in a soccer culture and is one of the few people on the Deltamen’s squad who has actually played competitively before. However being born into a soccer culture doesn’t Guarantee skill and his poor play was nearly his downfall, but his mind for the game shone through and earned him a bench position.
17 Marcelo Duran (Albuquerque): Another big defender, along the lines of Slim (26) Duran showed little skill in the game but proved to be a great motivator from within the clubhouse which earned him this spot.

8 “Mississippi” Fred McDowell (Arlington): Fast and fierce best describe McDowell (24) his zeal for competition is only overshadowed by his great, albeit raw, talent.
35 Nick Moss (Chicago): Moss (29) showed great ability and a good head for the game, he is one of only two Deltamen starters to have played the game competitively.
66 John Lee Hooker (Tupelo): Team Capitan The highest vote getter amongst all the contestants at any position, Hooker (31) was once a huge star in a country that only accepted him because of his athletic prowess, he spent many years in denial about this until everything boiling around him came to a head one fateful night less than a year ago. He has relocated to Bluesonia because he says “People are allowed to be blue here.” And vows never to speak of the fateful night again.
85 Eric Clapton (Oxford): Clapton (40) is the eldest member of the team and grew up watching, but never playing, soccer. As a result he has good smarts on field and can often times anticipate an opposing players moves.
13 George Ford (Atlanta): Ford (24) brings youthful exuberance and a willingness to learn every position and aspect of the game.
12 Larry Josef (Lincoln): Josef (25) is an example of why some things shouldn’t be left to the public to decide, his play is simply dreadful and he got through the contest on looks and charm alone.

77 Nerraw Narrow (Nashville): Narrow (26) is fast and strong, he seemed to pick up the game quickly but often times relies too much oh is athletic talent causing needless turnovers and lost opportunities.
88 Justin Anhorn (Kansas City): Anhorn (23) has the most speed and talent of anyone on the team but he is an inherently selfish player who tries to do everything himself.
19 Joe Kilverson (Pinnatonka): Kilverson (19) is young and seemingly tireless, no one doubts his energy or his will but there are many who doubt his skill and knowledge of the game.
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Posted: Jul 19 2004, 04:47 AM
PMEmail Poster
Day 3 Liverpool England Region
Finrods 0 Zangara 1
Bluesonia 0 Ebon Hawk 0
Northbank 2 Taokoualu 1
Jonestan 1 Hazlia 1
Group C        Pts  W   D   L  GF:GA  GD
Q   Northbank   7   2   1   0   4: 2   2
Q   Zangara     5   1   2   0   2: 1   1
3.  Taokoualu   4   1   1   1   3: 3   0
4.  Finrods     0   0   0   3   1: 4  -3
Group D        Pts  W   D   L  GF:GA  GD
Q   Jonestan    7   2   1   0   4: 1   3
Q   Bluesonia   4   1   1   1   3: 3   0
3.  Ebon Hawk   4   1   1   1   1: 2  -1
4.  Hazlia      1   0   1   2   3: 5  -2

This post has been edited by Liverpool England on Jul 19 2004, 04:47 AM
Senator in Training
Posts: 233
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Posted: Jul 19 2004, 03:52 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
[CENTER]BoF Matchday 3 Results[/CENTER]

Vilitan Region


::GROUP A::--------------------

Spurland .. 4 - 0 .. Minas Trith
West Pacific .. 0 - 1 .. HypercapitaliZm

            --  W  D  L  F:  A   GD  Pts
Spurland         2  1  0   6   0   6    7
HypercapitaliZm  2  1  0   5   2   3    7
West Pacific     1  0  2   3   4  -1    3
Minas Trith      0  0  3   3  11  -8    0

::GROUP B::--------------------

Sarzonia.. 4 - 0 .. Kylaai
Ruslana .. 0 - 1 .. The Water Cooler

             --  W  D  L  F:  A  GD  Pts
Sarzonia          3  0  0   8  0   8    9
The Water Cooler  2  0  1   4  4   0    6
Kylaai            1  0  2   4  8  -4    3
Ruslana           0  0  3   1  5  -4    0

Vilitan Regional SEMI FINAL MATCHUPS::

Spurland v. The Water Cooler
Marine World Park, Crosaibi Home of Marine Coast United FC
Sarzonia v. HypercapitaliZm The Shultis, Lonngeylin Home of Strike FC

Regional Semi Final Results will be Telegrammed
Posts: 1300
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