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Spread your wings
Posted: Jun 5 2007, 04:45 PM
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King Falcon surveyed the first print edition of The Wanderer. The Falcanian Press still maintained the tradition of the Stop Press News, in a little column on the back page, containing the news too sudden to be included in the main printing. However, as the man who, according to legend, was descended from the woman who laid the world like an egg in the colossal nest of the universe, Falcon was entitled to an advance copy of tomorrow's paper.

The news wasn't good. Another slum collapse. The country was stretched to breaking point. This was the third such incident this week. The public were complaining, as the public were wont to do. There was an outcry for something to be done. What to do, what to do...

He began to peruse the region map. There was a tiny diamond to the north, which symbolised a dark spot in Falcanian foreign policy. There was, however, a chance... he would have to consider his next move on "Spot 3" carefully.
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Jun 21 2007, 05:23 PM
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Johnteh Lynnen, editor-in-chief of The Wanderer, sat in his chair, shuffling through the reports and drafts he'd been sent. The big news was obvious: The King's U-turn on expansion policy.

Needless to say, this was quite a sensation among the Falcanian press. The last expansion attempt had been a shocking morass of bad foreign policy, and now the King was attempting to have another stab at Former Diamindokere. Well, fair play to him. The official statement was expected to be presented tonight - the press conference was in ten minutes.


The King stepped up to the podium, notable for his simply-cut suit next to the resplendent finery of the Falcanian Military Brass flanking him. He adjusted the single stalk microphone and began to speak.

"I stand before not just the assembled chicks and gentlemen in the room this evening, but before the collective minds of the entire region. And I stand before you all, not to request, but to announce. In 72 hours the skyliners will begin to ferry Falcanian citizens to the new territory. You may call it Area 3, or Former Diamindokere, if you wish. In three days time, however, it will be known by its new name: Falcania. You have these three days of notice to protest. That shall be all."
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Jun 23 2007, 12:51 AM
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Not again.


With Sarzonia already eyeing the tension building up against Luslyvania, the last thing Sarzonians wanted was the threat of another war. However, an incursion, even from a nation that was at least on paper an ally was far from welcome.

As Vice President and External Affairs Officer Grant Haffner was quick to point out to President Mike Sarzo and the rest of the Cabinet, alliances on paper weren't worth a whole lot these days. The Fourth Fleet would have to mobilise, along with the Third Incorporated Army. And unfortunately, the mobilisation would be offensive in nature.

"Do you think it'd do any good," Sarzo asked.

"It can't hurt. Besides, if Falcon wants to escalate, it'll be his doing, not yours," one advisor said.

"I doubt that," Sarzo said. "Hopefully, the rest of the SDI will be on our side in this dispute."

"Would that it only remains a dispute rather than an outright declaration of war," Senior Vice President for Defence John Newman countered. "One possible war is all we can really afford."

"If we play our cards right," Sarzo responded, "there will still be only one imminent war."

"But what if we don't," Haffner asked.

"If we don't, well, we're going to clean their clocks. After we collect all the feathers and incinerate them."

Damn that's bold.

Official Statement, Incorporated Sarzonian Government

The Incorporated Sarzonian Government notes with extreme alarm the movement of the Falcanian government toward the island of Diamindokere. We are prepared to mobilise the full might of the Incorporated Sarzonian Military to prevent the unwelcome advance of Falcanian military and political assets if necessary.

We hereby warn you King Falcon, do not try us. Alliance or no, we will be fully prepared to defend our landmass from invasion. We will only warn you once.

Sarzo then turned to Haffner.

"Get ready to draft our letter of resignation from the Strategic Defence Initiative."


"You heard me Grant. Just in case there's any question about our seriousness, we need to back up our words with actions. Once this is done, resigning from this alliance will be the least of Falcania's worries."

"Whatever you say, boss."
It's all about the Navy.
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Posted: Jun 23 2007, 03:16 AM
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Falcon sighed. He'd been over a barrel from day one. Had he done nothing, the housing crisis would have gotten out of hand. Had he pussy-footed around the issue, he'd have got nowhere. His only option had been a hardline stance on the occupation and even then the Sarzonians had the gall to get pissy. Carefully he began to draft a letter.


Falcanian Foreign Office - Outgoing Message to Incorporated States

The King notes with great worry the extreme defensive stance that one of its strongest allies is taking against a necessary Falcanian action. The territories that are soon to be occupied have no other claim laid against them - checks have been made with the official region cartographers of Commerce Heights. Secondly, there is a passage of water between this island and your continent - and as anybody would tell you, a ruler would have to be a fool to go against the Sarzonian navy.

This is not an act of war. This is a necessary action to prevent more deaths due to overpopulation in Falcania.
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Posted: Jun 23 2007, 03:40 AM
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After reading the Falcanian statement, President Stinson felt a headache coming on. Why did this rupture have to reappear NOW of all times? This one time, just this once, he would give King Falcon the sensible alternative.

To: President Sarzo, Sarzonia; King Falcon, Falcania
From: Tanya Ley, Foreign Minister, Lamoni

The Free Republic notes with alarm both the recent expansionist moves by Falcania, and the resultant tough stance of the Incorporated States of Sarzonia.  Therefore, we offer King Falcon a sensible alternative.

Should King Falcon wish, sufficient lands can be found on the lands north of the Holy River of area 22.  If this location is not suitable, areas 8, 12, 1, 21, 17, and 9 are also open for a wholesale move of the Falcanian nation from it's present location.  We realize that area 9 is "next door" to the Incorporated States of Sarzonia, but we believe that a peaceful consensus could be realized if both parties are willing.  The Free Republic is also willing to host talks regarding the matter.

Should King Falcon not take advantage of this offer, then the Free Republic shall declare neutrality in any hostilities, while maintaining friendly relations with the Sarzonians.

This post has been edited by Lamoni on Jun 23 2007, 03:43 AM
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jun 23 2007, 01:02 PM
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Goddamn it. Just 12 hours had passed and Falcon needed a drink. He began to scribble a reiteration to hand to his secretary.


Falcanian Foreign Office - Outgoing Message to Incorporated States

I, King Falcon, would personally like to stress the fact that there is no military venture in the new territories of Falcania. To place emphasis on the peaceful nature of the Falcanian outgrowth, there will not be any military escort for the settlers. Should you wish to engage in hostilities, you shall be firing upon innocent, unarmed Falcanian citizens, who are just looking for somewhere to live. It is your decision as to whether the murder of thousands of civilians shall be upon the hands of one of our strongest allies.

Sincerest regards, King Falcon II
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Posted: Jun 23 2007, 01:35 PM
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Son of a bitch.

Sarzo angrily banged his fist against the desk in the Gray House. Oh well, he thought.

Then he had another idea. He picked up the phone.

"Kathy Bunhall."

"Kath, mobilise the First Fleet and set a course for Diamindokere. And have Admiral Ben Newman and the Second Fleet set course for Falcania."


"If Falcanian transports are going to get through to Diamindokere, they're going to have to get through the best-led fleet the ISN has to offer. And having the second best fleet right on Falcon's doorstep will surely get our message across."

"But Mike!"

"I'm sure Admiral Marcus will know what to do."

To wit, Flag Admiral Stephen Marcus would know. He was the standard bearer of the ISN after the retirement of Admiral of the Incorporated Sarzonian Navy Marcus Patinkin retired to civilian life. He had been through two of the tensest periods in the Sarzonian nation's life and he came through them. Now, he was about to lead the way for the ISN once more.

Aboard his flagship, the ISS Isslemere, he frowned at this latest assignment. He thought he'd be on his way to coordinate the naval blockade of Luslyvania, but this was very different.

"Regional politics," Marcus muttered.

"What are we going to do, fire on the transports?" Commodore Elise Spencer asked. She was the second in command of the fleet, but her flagship, the ISS Nieland lay several kilometres away from Marcus's ship.

"Elise, I think you'd know me better than that," Marcus said with a sigh. He was right. In fact, Spencer and he dated during their academy days. He briefly flashed back wistfully to the day when he was on bended knee with a glittering gold ring balanced delicately between his right thumb and index finger. Alas, that was not to be.

He shook himself out of his brief reverie about what might have been and about the Fleetwood Mac-esque reality of having his ex-girlfriend under his command. Now wasn't the time to think about old loves.

"Then what," Spencer asked.

"We order them to retreat."

"And if they refuse?"

"Fire a warning shot across their bow. Prepare to board them if necessary. We won't take lives, but we will either turn them back or house them in Sarzonian prisons."

Spencer shook her head. She hoped he was right this time.

Meanwhile, Sarzo drafted his own response to King Falcon.

Official Message, Incorporated Sarzonian Government

Frankly, King Falcon, your nation's housing shortage isn't my problem. The problem is that your "solution" is a direct attack on Sarzonian interests. As I said, I'm only going to warn you once. There is no room for negotiation on this point. Keep your people away from our landmass or the consequences will be dire.

In all honesty, I don't give two -explicitive removed-s about anything Commerce Heights cartographers say. Any land that close to the Incorporated States of Sarzonia is off-limits for expansion.

Sarzo grimaced after he sent the message. He thought ruefully that if things exploded, he would surely have arrived at one way to "solve" the Falcanian overcrowding problem. He still hoped it wouldn't come down to that.
It's all about the Navy.
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Posted: Jun 23 2007, 02:24 PM
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OOC: *slaps forehead* Sarz, we're Falcanians. In case you hadn't noticed, we don't use water-based ships. We use air-based ships. Ones which fly too high for you to board.

This post has been edited by Falcania on Jun 23 2007, 02:25 PM
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Posted: Jun 23 2007, 04:13 PM
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OOC: Hate to break it to you, but that sounds too FT for me. I ignore that sort of technology.
It's all about the Navy.
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Posted: Jun 23 2007, 05:25 PM
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QUOTE (Sarzonia @ Jun 23 2007, 09:13 PM)
OOC: Hate to break it to you, but that sounds too FT for me. I ignore that sort of technology.
The Hindenberg was FT?
Commerce Heights
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Posted: Jun 23 2007, 11:34 PM
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A large bout of swear words, that would have made even the most seasoned sailor blush, came from the office of Foreign Affairs at the palace. Sitting behind her desk, looking at the reports of the latest developments between Sarzonia and Falcania, Minister Danielle Uram was turning every shade of crimson, looking as if she wanted to strangle the papers she was holding. After a few moments passed she placed the report back on her desk, clasped her hands and let out a sigh. As if things weren't already stressful with the growing refugee problem from the old Nova Roman territories, and the ongoing war against Starblaydia, they now had to deal with a possible division in the SDL itself. Not exactly something that was looked forward to during a conflict.

While military decisions where quite often left to the Ministry of Defense and the Patriarch, Danielle knew that acting fast on this would be the best course of action. She also knew the Patriarch, and Defense Minister Arani well enough to now what action would be considered appropriate. She picked up a phone and dialed the Lamonian foreign minister.

"Yes, I would like to speak to Ms. Tanya Ley. This is Minister Uram calling from Khazaron. It's in concern to the Falcanian issue."

After waiting a minute or two for the call to be transferred, Danielle began her already mentally prepared spiel.

"I'll cut right to the chase, this is about one of the worst possible developments for us to have right now. We need to try and nip this in the bud. I propose we offer a sit down to both parties and try to work things out so we don't see a widening rift in the League. If Viannor and her cronies see us arguing like this, well, it wont exactly do wonders for our morale in the ongoing conflict."
The Red Devil
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Posted: Jun 24 2007, 02:56 AM
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Foreign Minister Tanya Ley had been half expecting this call.

"I'll have someone fax you the offer that we sent to Sarzonia and Falcania." After a nod at a staffer, a copy of the message to both Falcania and Sarzonia was sent to the Khazaronian Foreign Minister.

She picked up where she had left off in her reply. "If you'll pull up the file that we just sent you..." a pause, "can see the offer that we made to King Falcon. One might think that this type of solution would be obvious with the huge open spaces in the region right now, but I guess that the mutation might have messed with their minds. We have received no response from either Sarzonia or Falcania about our missive, and it is looking like we will have to fulfill our publicly stated response of remaining neutral while backing Sarzonia. King Falcon doesn't need area three when he can just move to another place in the region; so all that his expansionism can do is provoke Sarzonia. What is the position of the Dominion on this matter?"
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jun 27 2007, 02:41 PM
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Official statement of the Capitalizt Defense Alliance

We, the Capitalizt Defense Alliance, recognize that the group from Falcania seeking to settle on the island formerly occupied by Diamindokere is peaceful, and constitutes no military threat to the Incorporated States of Sarzonia, the Unified Capitalizt States, or any other state in the area. We have confirmed through multiple independent sources that no claim has been made by any nation on the island prior to the claim by the Free Kingdom of Falcania, and recognize that the Falcanian claim is valid.

We will not tolerate any attempt by the Incorporated States or any other nation to prevent people from exercising their legitimate rights on their own property in a foreign nation. Should the settlers be attacked by the military forces Incorporated States, we will recognize this as an act of aggression against the Falcanian people and a breach of the Strategic Defense League’s charter. In an effort to help prevent such an occurrence, our naval and air forces will escort the settlers and, if necessary, defend them. We will coöperate with the SDL in fighting any nation who would place their xenophobia above their treaty obligations and common sense.

General Alejandro Ajamdáneqo
Commander-in-Chief, Capitalizt Defense Alliance
Commerce Heights
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Jun 28 2007, 03:49 PM
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The loading docks were abuzz with activity. The logistics were phenomenal. The former population of the area had left quickly, and there were still towns, and small settlements. At a glance, all it needed was a population to use it, water to flow through the pipes in the grand plumbing of a society. However, the settling would be difficult. Establishing a remote government, extending the law - it would take a great amount of resources.

And with only 36 hours remaining until the ships took to the sky, and Sarzonia on the illogical warpath, his allies milling around in their bureaucratic fashion, and houses collapsing all the while, it was going to be anything except easy. Ironically the only true ally was an unknown factor in Falcanian politics, the Grand Capitalizts.
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Posted: Jul 15 2007, 10:15 AM
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"Chicks and Gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. In 12 hours we will be taking off. After the flight, you will be free to begin your new life, in a blissfully peaceful, fertile location. Currently the preflight checks for every vessel in this flotilla are taking place. It is an understandably large job, and we are being most stringent for your safety. In the meantime, please enjoy the facilities in your cabins and in the central living areas on each deck. That shall be all."
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