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Once Upon a Time... (A Historical RP - Closed Lam)
Posted: May 6 2007, 07:35 AM
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Just as soon as it looked like Marcus would get to sleep the lights went of and the door opened once again and the door was slammed shut and re-opened , this process was repeated a number of times to ensure that Marcus indeed would be awake. However there was also some scuffling about people whispering and trying their best to move some heavy weights from out of the room. It didn't take much imagination to guess what they were removing.

The same voice that spoke before spoke once again. "This would be so much easier and better for you if you just answer these simple questions. It's not like an inquisition... well... yet. Who are you, who do you work for and how come you were in the sovereign Airspace of the Atheist League?"


The Lamonian forensics crew were taken straight to the building in question, being driven in BFP vehicles with the Lamonian equipment in the back. They arrived to find the building taped off while an initial survey by the Bazalonians were under-taking. There was one Bazalonian that stepped forward that would by custom be the man incharge of the scene. He waited for the lead Lamonian to identify himself before doing anything else.


The Bazalonians had arrived at the crash site and were looking for any survivors that could have been there. They didn't find any but there were certain indication of one survivor being hauled off in some kind of 4 wheel drive. Photo's were taken to be sent back to base and then the conference call was started, back at the headquarters they started the teleconference with the field team.

"Agent Henries, this is the Commisioner, what have you found out there?"

"We have certainly identified the craft, and have found no surviviors, however there are indicitions, that indeed that there was one perhaps more survivors that have been moved to locations unknown by persons unknown. Photo's are being uploaded know, with our preliminary investigation it looks like a 4x4 utility vehicle was used to transport this unknown survivor to the unknown location where they are being held. Coronor and the TSBB to take the craft back to civilisation."

"Okay, thank you, Agent Henries. Keep the connection going and I'll open up this discussion for questions from our guests."

Eating A Bazalope Burger
Posts: 774
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Posted: May 7 2007, 05:25 AM
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Markus would not give this man the satisfaction of an answer to his questions. Instead, he asked yet more questions of his 'host.' "Where and what is this place? What is your name? Why are you acting like the sovereign ruler of the territory of a sovereign nation when you are not? How many followers do you have? How well are you armed, and how did you procure these weapons?"


The head of the Lamonian forensics team was Dale Payne. He introduced himself to his Bazalonian counterpart, and waited to see what would happen.


"Is there anything about the wreckage that would arouse your suspicions?" This was asked by the head of the Lamonian Crisis Team, Ruth Paterson.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: May 8 2007, 07:16 AM
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The voice cackled, for longer than one might expect,

"Weapon's? What Weapons?"

There was 2 claps and the lights went on once again this time the man was in the room and Marcus could see him but that didn't help seeing for all Marcus knew he could be anywhere. However one thing that immeadiately drew his attention was the fact that he was holding a double barrelled shot gun.

"oh, this weapon. I could show you if you want but I would prefer you just answer the questions." his voice was calm even pleasant but there was indeed an underlying threatening tone.

Just how much more could he push, the man obviously wasn't afraid to use the shotgun


"Nice to meet you, we are currently dusting for finger prints and other methods to determine frequency of use. Once we have done that we will prioritise the areas of heavy usage first and work through those. The whole house has been photographed and so you have free range in the rooms that we have done a basic sweep for the purposes . Currently 3 rooms have been done but the others shouldn't take that long."
He lead them through the house and to the three rooms that had been done. A sort of Kitchen, a dining room and a living room.

The living room had been converted into some sort of meeting room.


"Not that I can tell but the appropriate aeronautical engineers would be able to say for certain. It looks like it just fell to the ground after a major failure that would consistant with a SAM. I'm uploading pictures now, they should be visible on the screen any second now."

And indeed, photos of the tracks, drag marks as well as numerous images of the downed plane appeared on the screens in the room where the conference where being held. The photo's confirming what had been said.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: May 9 2007, 04:46 AM
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"Oh, this weapon. I could show you if you want but I would prefer you just answer the questions." The voice of his tormentor had a dangerous tinge to it, but Markus felt that he had the upper hand. If there was one positive thing about mandatory military service, it allowed people to see things more clearly in stressful situations.

Markus' voice was strong and full of control as he felt the pain of his injuries fade as his body was begining to heal. "Even if I were to answer your questions, you would kill me. The corpses that were in here earlier are proof of that. Of course, if you were to let me go, I would instantly report what has happened to me so far when I reached a method of doing so. I doubt that your group or whoever you really represent would last very long if Lamonian or allied troops were to find you. So why don't you do what you came here for, before I shove that thing down your throat and pull the trigger."


The Lamonian forensics leader worked out an agreement to work together with his Bazalonian counterpart, and people soon started to group together in work groups.


"We would like to see the wreckage as soon as possible, if that can be arranged," Ruth requested. "Otherwise, the pictures themselves do indeed show what you say that they do. We will still go over them, you understand."
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: May 9 2007, 08:59 AM
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"YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT." The man yelled, his voice suddenly to the other extreme very soft and mild. "Do not presume you know what has happened nor what we will do." the man said as he pumped the shut gun and fired it, not at Marcus but at the mirrored wall behind him. The Mirror exploding in many fine splinters , some of which got Marcus. The man stormed out but the door remained open, there it was almost an open invitation to follow.


After examining the rooms the meeting table caught the eye of one of the Lamonians. There was something not quite right about it, what exactly that was in uncertain but the Lamonian would certainly like to look in more detail at the meeting table.


"Thank you Agent Henries, Secure the scene and wait for further instructions."

"Roger, Agent Henries out."

"I thought so, We have helicopters ready to take you to the crash site. Each will be piloted by the best of our military and everyone's on high alert. We'll find whoever did this."

Eating A Bazalope Burger
Posts: 774
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Posted: May 10 2007, 03:56 AM
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After waiting a minute to make sure that this wasn't some sort of trap, Markus looked out the door. There was no one in the hall, so he decided to do some exploring. Since that man had kidnapped him from the wreckage, he had no real desire for another meeting. At least, not without a gun of his own.

Eventually, he found what looked like an elevator. There was what looked like a gaurd there, so he avoided it. After he walked down another corridor, he saw a symbol on the wall. It looked like the outline of a nation with an stylized symbol.


The Lamonian forensics technician took a closer look at the meeting table. There was something wrong about it, but he couldn't put his finger on it. He was studying the table so intently that when another person called his name, he started, placing one hand on a certain spot of the table. Suddenly, there was a loud mechanical bang in another part of the building, and the two ran towards the source of the noise.


The Lamonians were flown to the crash site on the Bazalonian helicopters. When they got there, it looked exactly as advertised; a big hole in the back from where the SAM presumably hit the plane. In the middle of the wreckage was the badly burned remains of what looked to be a briefcase. A flashlight was used to determine that all of the papers inside had been reduced to ashes. Once the Lamonians had seen what they wanted to see of the wreckage, they gave the go ahead to send the wreckage to the experts for analysis.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: May 11 2007, 06:43 AM
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Marcus felt the sting of a mosquito, which was strange because a mosquito would seem so out of place, however while it felt like a mosquito it wasn't, a minature dart hit him in the dack of the neck.

A few minutes after looking at the insignia of the Atheist League Marcus would find himself becoming dizzy and dis-orientated, another few minutes after that he would start hallucinating and finally in 10 minutes he would collapse onto the floor unconcious.


The noise wasn't much a new field forensics person was struggling with the cases and other things that he had been loaded up with and had dropped them causing an almighty noise. Good thing, however nothing was damaged, and so when he returned to the table he looked at it... It seemed slightly thicker than before... and that black line didn't look like it was there before.

It wasn't a black line but a small opening that had come open when the pressure had been put at the right place. Inside he could see a peice of paper. Once he got it out it read...

Three Baza's were looking for food
But in the Jungle a Lion there stood
They waiting seeing if he came
but this Lion was not tame
The lion pounced ready to devour
and enjoyed the bazalopes Flavour
Now, in his stomach they lay
While he lies in the hay


It wasn't long but the main focus of the experts was to get the bodies out of the crashed air plane getting the number of people on board from the Lamonians they sert about reconstructing the bodies to identify them and to see indeed if anyone was missing. It would be a painstaking effort but one that would eventually pay off.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
Posts: 774
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Posted: May 12 2007, 04:03 AM
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As Markus was hallucinating, he thought he saw two people coming over towards him. Fairly certain by now that he had been drugged, he wondered if the two of them were real or not. By the time that he had gotten those thoughts out in any sort of coherent form, he fell unconscious.


The forensics tech had found the note in the hidden spot in the table, and was reading it aloud while the other forensics tech was looking to see if the table could be made to open up wider. It proved to be a futile effort, and the so-called poem was equally as baffling. Calling over a Bazalonian forensics tech, they gave him the note in order to see if HE could make any sense out of it.


The Lamonians were watching the gruesome task of the Bazalonian forensics technicians who were piecing their co-workers back together. Meanwhile, Ruth Paterson was making a report to the Lamonian President, Vice-President, and Cabinent via an encrypted cell phone. If someone took the biggest, baddest supercomputer, and gave it a decade or so to run; then they MIGHT be able to break the encryption. Also, everything that she was talking about would seem normal to any local listeners, so she felt free to make her call in a room where there might well be Bazalonian or other bugs.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: May 12 2007, 07:41 AM
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"Wakey, Wakey" said a man as a bucket of Cold water was thrown over Marcus. Who was now tied down in a chair.

It was the same man that had the shot gun... "Marcus, you've been naughty... but you had infact have given us at least enough of what we want for you stay alive. You never know. You might come in useful when dealing with the Lamonian troops as you so eloquently put them."

"You see, All we want is for the Bazalonian government to capitulate to our terms... They should be finding them about now.. but you see these Bazalonians seem to like their delusions and it takes a great leader to cut through the false illusions these guys have set up for themselves and bring the truth crashing down on their heads. This was the only way that we could have done this, and I'm sorry but until you have shown us that we can trust you. We need to ensure that you are here so the last brick of reality call fall and crash their delusions and bring them into the light of the Truth."

The man's speil was felt with emotion and indeed seemed genuine, but the question is would Marcus believe this?


"Hmmmm" said the Bazalonian technician "Well, we are looking for 3 individuals that vanished... so they are most likely the Bazalopes or Bazas a nickname commonly used here in Bazalonia. And well The group we are thinking did it are run by a man that calls himself 'The Great Lion' ... so perhaps he ate them.. no, that can't be right. We would have found bones, blood something no. The exidence doesn't support that...
But what if he metaphorically absorbed them, the poem also seems to be obsessed with food.... I dunno. But perhaps if we do proper testing back in the lab we could find more information."


What could be tactlessly called a meat puzzle had finished all the parts of the bodies had been meticulously put back together. Counting the fulll bodies there was 1 less person than the numbers that the Lamonians had gave. There was nothing else that could be found. Indeed it seemed that a Lamonian had been kidnapped however there was no clue as to who it was and for the most part fingerprints had been burnt away. Leaving the only options of DNA Testing or Dental Records.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: May 13 2007, 04:14 AM
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"but you had infact have given us at least enough of what we want for you stay alive."

Markus wondered WHAT precisely, it was that he had given them. He couldn't remember telling or giving them anything. He had had training on what to do if captured, so he was fairly sure that he hadn't talked while drugged, either.

He also didn't believe the spiel of 'bringing the light of truth to the Bazalonians.' For one thing, it was a variation on a central theme that ALMOST ALL terrorist groups gave as a 'reason' for their false causes.

Regarding what the odds on various situations were, he only asked one question. "What is this great false truth that you are so prepared to inflict violence in it's service?"


The Lamonians agreed that this would be a good idea, seeing as how there wasn't all that much of an alternative.


The dental records and DNA profiles of all those on the plane were faxed over to a Bazalonian fax number that Ruth Paterson had read off of the corresponding machine. They would do everything in the realm of possibility to determine who was missing, and where he had been taken.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: May 13 2007, 07:58 PM
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The man smiled, his reading of the Lamonian was that he was indeed questioning whether he had anything let slip, good that was his purpose and so when the Lamonian asked his he burst into laughter, not evil maniacal laughter but true laughter as if he had just heard a really funny joke.

"You, see, ah, sorry, what's your first name?"

"You know when children have imaginary friends, it's a coping mechanism to help them adjust to the world them, a figment of their imagination and when they grow up and can process the information better then they no longer have use of these imaginary friends and leave them behind in their childhood. You see, these Bazalonians are still stuck in their childhood and it's up to us to provide the kick up the pants they need... What do you know of Evolution?


Dozens tests where run on the paper, fingerprints tests for invisible forms of ink. It seems they had hit a brick wall until the Mass-Spectrometer produced interesting results.

"Okay, so here we have the sample of the paper. We ran it through the works and bubkus... however we did get one result from the mass-spectrometer. The paper had been subjected to high quantites of a gass which had bonded into the paper itself that's why the other test negative the ..."

"Abbey.... "
"Yes, sorry, Bonded to the paper... drum-roll please is 1,1,1,2-tetraflouroethane. Better known as R-134a. Used mainly as a refridgerant in domestic fridges and car air conditioners. Also used to blow plastic foam... in canned air *grabs a can and plonks it on the table.. "Great for blowing dust away from circuit boards, cleaning solvent, as a delivery method of pharaceuticals and in air driers..."

OOC: Wiki

"However to get this effect you need to subject the paper to it's liquid form, as it dries it bonds to the paper. This couldn't have been subjected to Room temperature and pressure for more than a second before it becomes a gas."


"We can't account for Markus Sorzozcky, it seems that he was kidnapped by the people that shot down your plane. The coronor is ready to release the bodies so you can repatriate them as soon as possible."
Eating A Bazalope Burger
Posts: 774
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Posted: May 14 2007, 03:29 AM
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Markus remained silent when asked for his name; but tried to pick the truth out of the spiel. He didn't like what he had heard so far.

To play along, he gave an accurate description of evolution, wanting his captor to get to the point.


A random Lamonian forensics tech was wondering why the paper had been treated with the chemical. Evidently, he had thought out loud, because everyone else in the room was looking at him with odd expressions on their faces. Needless to say, this was the man that would accompany the bodies of the Lamonian diplomatic staff back to the Free Republic.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: May 14 2007, 07:31 AM
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"Right, Hmm... Still I would like your first.. but.. oo. I know how about I just call you Charles. A nice neutral name Charles... So you mind being called Charles... Well, Charles it is."

"You see Charles, I was born in Bazalonia, my parents where doing their best under the repressive religious organisations sponsored by the Bazalonian government and so being forced into the position they were in my father worked himself to death and my mother was killed by an agent in this global conspiracy. Everyone here from the guards to the man himself, The Great Lion has suffered at the hands of this global religious conspiracy and that indeed the light and truth. That will come crushing down the artificial constructs created by these groups to merely act as crowd control making us all sheep. Once we do that... not only will be free from the agents of this conspiracy but so will Bazalonia and a new age will be born, a new Bazalonia free and glorious in it's sight."

The man really seemed to believe everything he had said, not letting Marcus have word in edgeways.... until now.


"Yes, well, ask them that when you find them. For the meantime I'd look at the various sources of R-134a that you can find starting with the most obvious. See if there is a cut or break where liquid R-134a would flow. Whatever it means, whereever you find that cut is where you'll find it."
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: May 15 2007, 03:59 AM
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"Charles" saw in this man's eyes that he thought that he was telling the truth. So, he decided to ask a question. "I was reading Lamonian intelligence reports on Bazalonia as we flew over the country... until the SAM hit our plane. The reports stated that Bazalonia has religious freedom. Even for those who have NO religion. So what I am trying to ask is... are you absolutely CERTAIN that religion is at fault for the death of your parents? A religion can't make one work themselves to death, and i'd like to know more about how this 'religious conspiracy' killed your mother."


Now chastened, the random Lamonian Forensics agent went to go find the source(s) of R-134a. Maybe he could redeem himself if he made a big discovery, he thought with embarrasment.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: May 15 2007, 09:44 PM
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"Ooo, yes they can. If they make it feel like you have no other option, they angled guilt, religions are very good at manipulating guilt. A good father works, and works hard and long hours to feed and care for a family he never sees. It's their fault, it's all their fault.

They gave us no option but for something dramatic we needed to make a statement and statement we have made. The conspiracy must be starting to shake in it's boots, soon it's walls will come crumbling down and everyone will see the truth. This so called religious freedom is nothing more than a smoke screen, while on paper we are 'free' (he used the quotation mark finger movement.) on practice is another matter The Christian majority dominates and are in league with all the others, they push and push and push their religion knowing it all to be all false a way to merely keep the masses in control. A form of Mind control manipulating others into doing their bidding all of it. The conspiracy is not only here in Bazalonia but global... Though once we break it here... A chain reaction will occur freeing the world of this evil World Order."

It was more of a tirade than anything else, but at least Marcus was able to gain an insight into these people.


The Lamonian found a cut in the pipe that carried the coolant around in the back of the fridge. The cut was not that hard to find but you had to be looking for it. They didn't notice that the fridge wasn't cold because there was nothing in it and it was unpluged from the wall.

He also found a key... A strange key one that didn't have an immediate obvious use, nothing that had a lock was locked...
Eating A Bazalope Burger
Posts: 774
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