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Resurrection, In a Way
Posted: Dec 16 2006, 08:47 PM
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It hadn't taken long for the unified socialist dream of the Neu Amerikan people to be shattered by the light of day. When an unidentified media source exposed the Chief Socialist's plans for military action into the unclaimed wilds to the southwest, mass riots began. The Crimson Army, divided along ethnic lines, refused orders to put down the numerous risings that began all across the nation. In a matter of weeks, the great Socialist Union ceased to exist as more than a notion of things past.

As the different peoples returned to whatever lands they saw as being fitting the heritage, one decided to end the sectarian spats. The Errish, formerly an ethnic minority in the SUNA member state of St. Pyotorsburg, suddenly found themselves in control of their destiny. With so many people leaving for former Druid lands, the Bekkside coast was now dominated by peoples of Errish or similar descent. It was only natural then that these people form some kind of nation out of the ruins of the failed Socialist Union.

So, in the months that have passed since the SUNA's death, the Errish people formed an interim government. Things began to stabilize, and with the economy holding at a respectable level more people began to return to the formerly Neu Amerikan lands. Soon, the Proclamation of the Errish Republic was sent out across the lands to announce the formal formation of a government. Long downtrodden by the ethnic majority of Neu Amerika, the Errish were now the ones in charge. In an election held after the proclamation was ratified by the interim parliament, Donald Cregan narrowly won the Presidency over a slightly to the right opponent.

Now, President Cregan sat at the same desk that the St. Pyotorsburg Head Socialist had once occupied. TV cameras salvaged from a former state-run television station stood before him, along with booms and microphones. His secretary made the countdown silently with her fingers. Finally it reached zero, and his first television appearance was on. State Department officials had assured him that SUNA sattelites had been tweaked to serve Ereeland. They would carry his broadcast to anyone in the region who happened to be watching.

"My dear Errish brothers and sisters, and friends across Atlantian Oceania watching this evening, today is a historic one. After so much suffering and turmoil, our land has finally come to a peaceful state once more. No more does the Socialist Union dominate our lives and being. In the past days, the people of our young republic have chosen their leaders for the first time in history," he began the address, his typical Errish lilt giving it a unique flavor, "And today, I officially announce the formal existance of the Republic of Ereeland to the region and the world."

"For our friends in foreign lands who do not yet know of us, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Donald Cregan, and I am the president of the Republic of Ereeland," the Errish head of state said, "My people have long been under the bootheels of other nations, but no more. This day, the Errish people are finally and forevermore free. We welcome diplomatic relations with every nation in this wide region of ours."

Cregan paused for effect, and finished, "In the coming days, things will change for our Republic. But if we work together for the good of our nation, fortune will smile upon us. Goodnight."


Meanwhile, in Nephi, Lamoni the hastily appointed Errish ambassador to the Free Republic was nerovus. Michael O'Connell knew what he had to do, but this was very new to him. How did you greet a foreign diplomat when you were visiting them? Ambassador Trautski had been an expert about these things, but he'd dissappeared a week ago. No one had seen him since. Most likely Errish nationalists removing another cog of the old Socialist Union machine.

Ambassador O'Connell was sweating in his borrowed suit, but knew that this mission was of grave importance to Ereeland. He bore all the pertinent information in a reinforced steel breifcase that only he could open. If all went well, the Lamonian state minister or perhaps even President himself.
Scribe in Training
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Posted: Dec 17 2006, 04:01 AM
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President Stinson was filling out paperwork in the Octagonal Office when his secretary buzzed him on the intercom.

"Mr. President, the ambassador from the Republic of Ereeland is here."

The Lamonian National Intelligence Agency (NIA) had alerted him to the Errish broadcast, and he thought that establishing diplomatic relations with the Errish might be a good idea. After all, they could strike at both Starblaydia and Footballia from Errish land.

"Show him in," the President commanded, and watched as the Errish Ambassador came into the Octagonal Office. President Stinson noted the nervous expression of the Errish Ambassador, and offered some Lamodka after having the Ambassador take a seat. Just before the door closed, Lamonian Foreign Minister Tanya Ley walked into the room. After all, you just can't have a high level diplomatic meeting without the Foreign Ministry knowing of it.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Dec 17 2006, 07:14 PM
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It wasn't just the Lamonian President and Foreign Minister present with the Errish ambassador either. Slipping in behind Tanya Ley was a woman in a crisp looking business suit that didn't quite give off the air of a diplomat. Dark sunglasses obscured her eyes, making it even more likely that she wasn't here for diplomatic roundabouts.

With recent troubles in Yihsrael involving anti-Rightist offensives by the Yihsraeli Army alongside elements of the MDF, along with the constant problems of the War, the Myrtannian embassy staff were constantly busy these days. Therefore, the most senior Myrtannian in the country employed by the government had been sent at the request of the Lamonian government. The Lamonians might recognize her immediately, since she'd been training alongside Lamonian special forces for the past months.

"Sorry I'm running a little late, President Stinson," she apologized formally, then nodded to the Foreign Minister and finally the Errish ambassador, "Lt. Gen. Belkowitz, UIC, reporting for an urgent diplomatic meeting at your request, Mr. President."
Experienced Senator
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Posted: Dec 18 2006, 03:38 AM
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"Lt. General Belkowitz, you already know myself and the Foreign Minister, I assume." Getting an affirmative gesture from Belkowitz, Stinson addressed the group.

"I've already sent out a message to our Bazalonian friends, and they will be along directly. In the meantime, (President Stinson indicated the Errish ambassador) why don't we let the ambassador tell us about 'conditions' in Ereeland."

To: Bazalonian Foreign Ministry
From: President Stinson, Lamoni


The presence of a high level representitive from your government has been requested in the Lamonian Octagonal Office on <insert time and date> for discussions of 'mutual interest.'

Andrew Stinson,
Free Republic of Lamoni

This post has been edited by Lamoni on Dec 18 2006, 03:38 AM
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Dec 18 2006, 04:18 AM
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Any high level official that goes away unexpectedly is going to face suspicion about the motivesbut however using the excuse that "this was planned and for security reasons not divulged" with the reason of the visit being to "Strengthen our already close bond with the Lamonians" The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade himself travelled to Lamoni

To was unsure what exactly ythis "mutual interest" was but believed it was somehow related to the war.

He was directed through the halls of the building and directed into the Octagonal Office

The door was opened and in the office was President Stone, but also two other people who where totally unknown to him.

"President Stone." he said and waited to get introduced.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Dec 18 2006, 02:29 PM
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President Stinson gave the Bazalonian an odd look. "Former President Stone died in Yishreal by sniper bullet months ago."

Now looking away from the Bazalonian (in order to purposefully NOT see the reaction of the Bazalonian Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister. He'd allow some face saving, if it got the job done.

"Now, I have brought you all here first to hear about conditions in the Republic of Ereeland from their ambassador (a nod towards the person in question), and then... let's just say that you won't be bored. Mr Ambassador, would you care to begin?"
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Dec 18 2006, 04:33 PM
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"Stupid!" the minister exclaimed he had been to Stone's funeral as he also palmed himself on his forehead. He looked towards the two other people, one of them had to be the Ambassador of some country. He waited trying to get a clue of who these people infact were.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Dec 18 2006, 05:44 PM
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Ambassador O'Connell wasn't put at ease by the entrance of the Lamonian Minister of Foregin Affairs. Her presence in addition to that of President Stinson just made this whole meeting that much more difficult for him. If anything he was more nervous when another woman entered the office after Minister Ley. The fact that she was military didn't make his job any easier. Then came the Bazalonian, who seemed to be at least as clueless about his surroundings as O'Connell himself was. That much did help ease his nervousness a little. Not much, but a little.

O'Connell loosened his tie a little to stall for time, but the Lamonian President had twice asked him to explain conditions in Ereeland. It was showtime.

"Ehrm.. well, gentlemen.. and ladies," he started, correcting himself after glancing at the Myrtannian, "Conditions in the Republic of Ereeland are stable and improving. The Socialist Union's leftover infrastructure has successfully been modified to fit our needs. Our economy has stabilized at a respectable level, and our military forces have new recruits streaming in for training regularly. All in all, the Republic is healthy enough to fill completely the vacuum of power left when the SUNA ceased to exist."

"My name is Michael O'Connell, and I've been appointed the interim Ambassador to Lamoni by President Cregan. I'm still a bit new at this, so bear with me," the reluctant ambassador went on, "The military situation is what President Cregan has asked me to discuss with you all today. At the moment, the Republic of Ereeland's armed forces are about one percent of the population - around 230,000 troops total between the Army and Air Force, with a Lake Navy to protect our shores from hostile Bekkside neighbors. Most of our weapons and equipment are former Sociliast Union issue, converted for use in defense of Ereeland."

"As you can imagine, should Strategic Alliance forces, such as Footballia or Starblaydia, engage us in conventional warfare, we would be sunk. However, there is a growing number of Errish people forming paramilitary organizations. What Crimson Army weapons the government hasn't tacked down are believed to be in such groups' hands. Now officially, the Errish government won't condone or support them, but neither will we use government troops to disarm our own citizens. That would be asking for another uprising," O'Connell stated, but then grinned a little, "It may be of some use to you to know that public sentiment in Ereeland is staunchly anti-Starblaydi. Their imperialist nature and actions since the war's beginning have driven some Errish to the point of wanting to take action. Footballlia is viewed in the same way, to a lesser extent. Unfortunately, the same national sentiment prevents us from formally aiding The Alliance of Nine States..."

"Their... shall we say Anglo-British nature is also at odds with the Errish nation. However, Starblaydia is generally seen as the greater evil, and the greater threat to our national security. Knowing the odds of a military campaign, President Cregan will not risk outright war against this Muave Menace. We believe that with some prodding, the largest of the paramilitary groups may willingly engage in anti-SAAS actions," O'Connell further explained, "This could include cross-border raids against Starblaydi or Footballian targets and the interruption of SAAS shipping on Lake Bekk. As the groups responsible, under the banner of the Errish Republican Army, would not be representing the Errish government, chances of war would be lessened. Any foreign ships in Errish waters would be in violation of Ereeland's official neutrality of the moment, and be considered a declaration of war."

"We believe it would be prudent for the ERA to begin such anti-SAAS actions to aid the anti-imperialist war effort, and to lessen that group's numbers as well. Ereeland would also be open to the idea of the Republic being used as a staging point for an invasion of Footballia when and if war is formally declared. A two-pronged attack could be possible - one from the sea and one from land via Ereeland. In all of this, Ereeland must appear to be the victim, not the aggressor," O'Connell concluded, "Any thoughts, ladies and gentlemen?"
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Posted: Dec 19 2006, 06:57 PM
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From The Jhanna Chronicle:

Starblaydi Government Recognise Ereeland
New nation rises from Communist corpse

Out of the ashes of a defunct regime destroyed by it's own hypocritical decadence has come a newborn nation: from the Social Union of Neu Amerika comes The Republic of Ereeland. The military regime previously in place was brought down by the repressed people it claimed to represent, and when military action was called upon, the people rose up against their cruel oppressors and brought an entire nation down. Should Starblaydia ever become so tainted and corrupt as to force it's people into military action that they could not countenance, may the same thing happen. Lady Starblayde's government, however, rules with the consent, approval and delight of the Starblaydi people from Tabeck to Farça and at all points in between.

The new Ereeland President, Donald Cregan, issued a statement calling for relations with all nations, one which Starblaydia will duly answer, according to Foreign Minister Lord Isaac Chisoko. "Starblaydia has always strived for good relations with her Bekkside neighbours, and this nation will be no different to the status quo. We will extend the hand of friendship and diplomacy across the waters to Ereeland as we did to Neu Amerika." Diplomatic efforts are already being made to the tiny new land, with results expected to be pleasing


To: Errish Foreign Minister
From: Lord Isaac Chisoko <>
Subject: Diplomatic Relations

On behalf of Lady-Protector Viannor Starblayde, I would like to invite your nation to establish an embassy in the Protectorate of Starblaydia. We look forward to cordial relations with our Bekkside neighbours, and anticipate a positive reply from your fledging and flourishing nation.

Our diplomatic servants are being prepared, and we would also like to invite you to name an Ambassador to Starblaydia, to be granted a building in Jhanna's diplomatic quarter.

- signed -

Lord Isaac M.C. Chisoko
Foreign Minister
Protectorate of Starblyadia
Starblaydia Triumphant
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Posted: Dec 20 2006, 12:11 AM
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Responding to the query by the Errish ambassador, President Stinson came up with a suggestion. "One thing that I think would help all of us is if Lamonian, UIC, and Bazalonian forces were to help train the new Errish military, with Errish consent of course. I would also like to propose a secret treaty between us that will enable Lamoni and Bazalonia to help defend Errish territory if Ereeland is attacked. Should Ereeland wish to help in the war effort against the SAAS nations of Starblaydia and Footballia, we can add that to the treaty as well. Any questions?"
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Dec 20 2006, 01:43 AM
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The minister nodded, giving his ascent to the words of the Lamonian president while he spoke, there was nothing from the Bazalonian perspective to add. The Errish could indeed be a valuable ally even if indeed it was only to provide a distraction to the Footballian and Starblaydi militaries.

They waited for a response from the Ereelans Ambassador

OOC: The current government of Bazalonia, the Conservative Aliance, is much more focused on what it wants rather than anything else. As such it sees Alliances and such purely as ways to get what it wants. Totally different to the way the Neo-Liberal government (Stephen Hawdon and Sir Richard Menszae) saw their role in international politics. The Neo-liberals will once again gain power after this war is over.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Dec 26 2006, 06:25 PM
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Still on edge a little, Ambassador O'Connell considered for a moment the Lamonian president's suggestion. While it couldn't hurt it also would look suspicious if a large number of foreign forces suddenly appeared in Ereeland. A pre-emptive SAAS strike was the last thing the new Republic needed. Still, the Army could use some non-SUNA training.

"I believe it's certainly possible to arrange the transportation of the mentioned forces to Ereeland. President Cregan shouldn't have a problem with it, so long as it doesn't appear to be a move against the SAAS. We can call them 'foreign advisors', I think. Just not all of them at one time or it'll look suspicious," he answered Stinson, as the ideas fell into place in his mind, "As far as your treaty goes, there shouldn't be a problem with that either. However, I am concerned about where the UIC forces come in if the treaty is only between Ereeland, Bazalonia, and Lamoni."


To: Lord Isaac Chisoko <>
From: Errish Foreign Ministry <>
Subject: RE: Diplomatic Relations

Your invitiation for an establishment of diplomatic relations and an embassy are much welcomed by the Republic of Ereeland. Any support we can recieve in our efforts to rid ourselves of the Sociliast Union past is appreciated. However, current circumstances may prevent the establishment of an official Errish embassy in Jhanna.

The current military conflict between Starblaydia and the Alliance of Nine States may endanger the staff we would send to your capital. President Cregan requests that should we send the new staff, that they be protected by a military detail. Paranoia on the Strategic Defense League side of things may prompt such nations to undertake hostile acts against our delegation for establishing relations with your nation. This fear is held by many Errish adminstrators, including myself and the President.

If this is suitable, I will recommend immediately to President Cregan that such a delegation be sent to Jhanna. We anticipate a positive, working relationship in the near future between our two nations. President Cregan has expressed interest in establishing economic relations with Starblaydia as well as diplomatic ones.

We await your response with anticipation.

- signed -
Gregory Desmond,
Foreign Minister,
Republic of Ereeland

This post has been edited by Ereeland on Dec 26 2006, 06:26 PM
Scribe in Training
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Posted: Dec 28 2006, 09:58 AM
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To: Gregory Desmond <>
From: Lord Isaac Chisoko <>
Subject: Re: RE: Diplomatic Relations

Minister Desmond,

We will be pleased to welcome your delegation to Jhanna to begin a new era of diplomacy, peace and trade between our two nations. We also fully understand your delegation's need for security during these troubled times. Had the Alliance of Nine States not viciously attempted to assassinate our benevolent leader, as has been well documented, these troubles would most certainly not have come about.

Security personnel are certainly permitted under standard our diplomatic regulations, and a nation's own military is always preferable for guarding an embassy. Rest assured that Starblaydia treats its diplomatic envoys with the utmost of respect, and protects guests to our nation at all times. As such, the passage of your delegation will be shadowed by Starblaydi Aerial and Naval forces, the finest in the region, en route to Jhanna.

Once this terrible war is at an end, I am sure ships of trade will be plying the great Lake Bekk between our two nations.

- signed -

Lord Isaac M.C. Chisoko
Foreign Minister
Protectorate of Starblyadia
Starblaydia Triumphant
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Posted: Feb 16 2007, 12:36 AM
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The meeting had lasted longer than anticipated, and Ambassador Michael O'Connell kept glancing at his watch. When the meeting seemed to be over, O'Connell stood and contemplated what to say. He'd need an excuse for leaving these foreign representatives so suddenly. President Cregan would be most upset if he was impolite to them.

"I.. *cough*.. I apologize, gentlemen.. and lady, but I must be running. I'll send your proposals to the President to see what he has to say about them. Until then, stay strong, my friends," he explained, then nodded to affirm it.

O'Connell then left the room and headed back for the Errish embassy where he could go about his business. Whether President Cregan would really agree to the suggested terms of friendship or not was a mystery. The man had his principles, some of which these ideas might get in the way of. In some ways things had been easier in dealing with the Socialist Union.


To: Lord Isaac Chisoko <>
From: Gergory Desmond <>
Subject: Re:Re:RE: Diplomatic Relations

Lord Chisoko,

After much delay, I am instructed by President Cregan to inform you that the diplomatic envoy from the Republic will at last depart for Jhanna. Mr. Marc Creviston has been selected as the Errish ambassador to Starblaydia by myself and approved by the President. He will be accompanied by his staff and a contingent of Errish army soldiers on a ship destined for the Starblaydi coast along Lake Bekk. We would send them by air, but all serviceable aircraft have been pressed into military service at the moment.

I now request clearance for this ship to enter Starblaydi waters, as well as making arrangements for the promised protection of the Starblaydi Air Force and Navy. It is our feeling that the enemies of our two nations would relish the opportunity to intercept this diplomatic mission. President Cregan suggests that the Errish navy escort the ship to the edge of Starblaydi waters. From that point, the Starblaydi forces could take over escort duties. That is, if this is agreeable to your government.

We would also like to express our distaste for the recent Krytenian offer of a bounty on Lady Starblayde. It is a sad time indeed when we have reached a point where nations feel such acts are neccessary. You have the promise of the Errish government that any individuals thought to intend harm to Starblaydi citizenry or property will be vigorously hunted and apprehended - should they pass through Errish property.


Gregory Desmond
Foreign Minister
Republic of Ereeland


Michael O'Connell returned to the embassy just in time to be told he had an important telephone call. As if his job wasn't hard enough. Now he had people demanding to speak to him on top of his newfound duties. His tune changed when he heard the voice on the other end of the line.

"O'Connell, what is it?" the Ambassador groaned.

"Bad day, Michael?" came the voice of President Cregan himself, "Look, I need you to pull the plug on the SDL idea."

"But... sir-"

"No buts, Michael. It's temporary for now, just while we feel out the Starblaydis," Cregan said, "And don't give me the foreign advisors line. We already thought of that, and it won't work. Don't need to invite them over to oversee our troops just to have the Starblaydis jump the gun and bomb us."

"Sir, I-"

"Or worse, face invasion."

"Right, sir."

"No foreign troops on Errish soil. That's the promise I made as President, and I intend to keep it. At least until the situation changes," the President continued, "And tell the staff there that we're closing our borders with the Alliance of Nine States and the frontier to the south. State security. Can't have more recruits for the ERA."

"No, sir."

"Then go do what I told you already, Michael! Time may not be a luxury we have."

"Right, sir."
Scribe in Training
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