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Operation Galactica
Posted: Oct 3 2006, 08:47 AM
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A haggard, hollow and solemn man sat slumped in the chair, facing the camera. He was a broken man, one who had tried to do his duty, to follow his orders, even in the midst of the greatest of dangers. He had failed in his task, and now he had accepted the consequences, his mind finally relented to the enormous, unrelenting, supernatural power that had arrayed itself against him. He had lost, and this was the price of losing.

He barely managed to look up at the television camera pointed at him, such was his shame at the actions he was about to perform. He knew there was no other way out for him, he was going to die, and it was to be the quicker of the two options made available to him. His mouth hung open slightly as he tried to build the courage necessary to say the words he had been given. The camera crew merely stared at him with cold, hard eyes, arms folded tightly across their chests, they knew this man had lost, and they knew just what was going to happen.

Finally he spoke, a broken, shattered voice compared to what it had been just a few days earlier.

"My name," the man said, building his courage back up again to say his own name to the world, "is Jonathan Parker, I am from the Kingdom of England, of the Allied States of The Lowland Clans. I am Sargeant, part of the Allied States' Department of Homeland Security. Five days ago, my team of four other members entered Starblaydia with a mission to assassinate Lady Viannor Starbladyde, the Lady-Protector of Starblaydia. Our mission failed, and we were captured. We will now be subject to due trail and process, free and fair in the traditional manner of Starblaydia. I know that because of our actions, there will be consequences for the whole region. Melinda, I am sorry. I make this statement of my own free will, and may the Lord have mercy on me and my men."

The screen faded to black, slowly fading back up again to reveal the face of Lady Viannor. Her eyes shone like obsidian jewels, placed delicately and precisely on pearl trays, but to look in them was to feel despair on a scale thought unimaginable.

"Atlantian Oceania," she said, with crisp words ennunciating every letter, "forces from the Allied States of The Lowland Clans have illegally entered Starblaydia on a mission of murder writ large. This is no mistake, not a diplomatic misunderstanding to be covered over with the sweep of an Ambassador's hand: this was an attempt to murder the leader of a sovereign state. There can be only one reaction to this outrage. As of this moment, Starblaydia and the Strategic Alliance is at war with the Alliance of Nine States.

"You have made a grievous error, President Kingsley," Viannor's eyes burned with rage, "and your people shall pay dearly for it."

OOC: A little bit of immediate reaction to that message, perhaps, then the sudden 'suprise' attack from Starblaydi forces into Legalese which takes place as this message is released to the world.
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Posted: Oct 3 2006, 10:14 AM
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It was quiet and peaceful inside of the palace library. All of the staff and cabinet knew the place as the sanctum sanctorum for the patriarch. Most couldn't blame him either, it was pretty much the only place he could go and be guarenteed not to be assaulted by a variety of ministers and sub-ministers for his opinion on various matters of state. Every so often he just liked to sneak away for a few hours and relax next to the things that had been his constant companions since even before the Six-Month War that brought him to power, books.

Sitting in a rather large leather reading chair, he calmly turned the page on a dusty looking old tome. Reaching over to a nearby stand he grabbed a glass sitting there that was filled with rum and toke a drink, placing it back down on the stand and flipping another page. A contented sigh began to escape from his mouth when the sound of the library doors flinging open and slamming against the wall disturbed him from his daydreaming.

Immediately Khara rose from his seat, the book still in hand, his anger beginning to rise. He walked out towards the pathway that cut through the large cases towards the door. Standing their between the the two sides of the library, his stature was dwarfed by the bookcases. He began marching down the path towards the door, already seeing a figure running down towards him. Halfway down the path he noticed that it was his Minister of Defense, Michael Arani.

This caused him some pause, as it was a strange thing indeed for his minister to be this eratic in behavior. He'd expect such behavior out of his aide Johnathan, but not somebody as level-headed as Michael. Crossing his arms he stared at him, still very angry.

"You had better have a damned good explanation for thi..." Khara said.

"Starblaydia has declared war on the Lowland Clans!" he shouted as he reached Khara.

Khara stood there for a moment, feeling as if he had been hit by a truck. After what seemed like eons of silence, he turned calmly turned his attention back towards his minister.

"Put all armed forces on High Alert. Whatever reserves we have that aren't active are to be activated. Mobilize the eastern fleet and have them on standby. I'll contact the SDL headquarters in Kafra and notify the Archons that I am calling a special session of the Assembly."

Minister Arani nodded quickly at Khara and then ran off, still much for him to do.

After his minister departed Khara let the book in his hand drop as his head sank. As it flopped to the ground with a loud noise that reverberated across the library, the cover for it stared back up from the ground.

"The Art of War" by Sun Tzu.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Oct 3 2006, 11:01 AM
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Huh. Yeah.

What was it good for?

Repelling a tyrannical evil bitch-queen ruler of an otherwise great nation, for a start. Saving political friends, and strengthening bonds with your two best allies in the region. Furthering technology. Many reasons.

King Falcon II sat in his office, where he had been spending increasing amounts of time lately. He spun around in his chair thoughtfully. Menzsae was dead. So was Bren. However he hated to admit it, Khara wasn't in the best shape, and would go soon. Then Stone.

Falcon stood, standing out of the great window over the smoggy streets of Mathdon. For the first time, Falcania was fielding a military capable of participating in a major conflict. At a time like this, discussion was required. He picked up the phone. "Martha, get me through to Bren."

"Uh, sire, President Bren is-"

"Yes. Yes of course." He paused. "Just get a message to Kafra. An urgent meeting is required. Contact the core members first, Khara, Stone, and, uh-"

"President Dala'a, your highness?"

"Yes. Get on with it!" He snapped and smashed the reciever down, cradling his head in his hands. He felt old, and alone. He picked up the reciever again. "And please get Field Commander Hack in here, please," he asked gently. He slumped back in his chair, a broken king.
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Oct 3 2006, 11:28 AM
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"President Dala'a, you've got King Falcon on the line..."

"Patch me up, immediately. And please tell Commander Horacio to.."

"He is already on his way, President."

OOC: Brief I know. The time will come when I'll have the time for a full on RP.
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Oct 3 2006, 01:06 PM
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The phone rang. Martha patched Dala'a through to Falcon. "Dala'a, my dear, I'll be brief. War has broken out, and the SDL needs to be united. Call a meeting, the core SDL nations need to discuss the issue at hand before the rest of them get here. You, me, President Stone, and Patriarch Khara. At Kafra. I'll be there aroundabout midnight. That gives four hours. I'll be there." Silently he put the receiver down, pulled on his coat and walked out of his office. "Martha, have Hack meet me on the runway. I'll be boarding the Starling."
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Oct 3 2006, 05:29 PM
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Prime Ministers Office, St. Myhre

It very quiet, except for the tapping of the rain on the many windows. Tha large office was dark apart from the small lamp that lite up the table top and near by objects, which included a man, in a very large brown leather chair. The mains tie was pulled loose and blazer tossed to the side, crumpled on the floor. His arms layed dangled and lifeless to the side, and in one hand remained the bottle of Famous Delesa Whisky, which started as a full bottle less then 2 hours ago. The man muttered to himself. At first it was yelling and he tossed objects across the room, but now the energy was gone, and he was reduced to a lifeless object, supported solely on the chair. But the rain soon put Lester to sleep. The bottle fell with a silent thud on the carpet.

There was a knock on the door, and General Gordan Brigman walked in, soaking from the storm that ragged outside. Behind him, he closed the giant oak doors. He removed his peak cap and overcoat and hung them up. Then then undid his blazer buttons and loosened the tie around his neck. He peered up at the man that was the Prime Minister 3 hours ago when he recieved news about the declaration of war. He walked over and picked up the discarded bottle and finished it with a single swig. He then replaced the cap and placed it on top of the messy desk. He sat down in on of the two chairs opposite of Lester.

"Dont you worry sir, its all taken care of...."

Yorktown Harbour

The 1st Carrier Group had just returned from a peace keeping mission, and with them, they brought several thousand soldiers from Terra Delesa, and Nova Delesa. They had been redirected enroute to pick them up.

The soldiers were rookies. The only ones that had seen a war or something close were the NCOs that had fought for or against the Commonwealth during the Kreatvye-Delesa War. And those men were not too thrilled. Other then them, the officers were new to the ranks, and had only been training as a police force to control the civilians in their respective countries, now Incorperated States of the Commonwealth.

On the docks it was a scene of total chaos and mayham. The officer attempted to organize then troops, but they spread far and wide, trying to get there hands on the weapons they had been promised. Or that was the case until Major General Cody Myhers arrive. And with him came an entire regiment of military police. The police jumped from the trucks, pushing and shoving the soldiers to get on the trucks. 2 soldiers didn't want to until they got there weapons, but were soon out numbered and forced onto the trucks, bound like cattle. Others that might have decided against. Once the trucks were loaded, and the tanks commanded by proper crews, the Maj.Gen. spoke into a mike, wired through out al the trucks in speakers,

"Let me ne the second to welcome you to Delesa, as im sure, you meet the police first. If not, Hi, and welcome. See, i'll be your commander of this....-explicitive removed- rag-tag civilian group who claim to be soldiers. This is my camp, so my rules. If you follow them, and obey my orders, we'll get along fine, if not, there will be punishment. This is my house and i dont like rude guests. Other then that, thats hit the road." And with that the trucks jolted forward and into a long line, headed for the newly established basic Foreign training camp, just outside Yorktown. But the officers were headed to the Royal Officers School in Russograd. They were replaced but officers that had seen the terror of war, and were battle harded, most likely against the fathers and brothers of the Nova Delesa troops they planed to train. But once the officers were done the plan was for them to return and replace the Delesaian officers. Bbut that wasnt going to be for a while. But back at camp, the trucks stoped with a sudden break and the troops were pulled and pushed off the trucks by the MPs.

"Alright my guests, go put your stuff away and get back here in 15 minutes in full PT gear. We are going for a run." The MPs and Officers herded the trooped like cattle to there new commpany barracks. They returned after 25 minutes. "Alright, lets go."

"To where?" yelled a voice out of the crowd.

"To Yorktown ofcourse!" yorktown was ofcourse 23km away. Myhers put a Major in command. After this first run, the commpanies would do every thing differently, as some would go to the range, others to the gym, and the rest to classes. Meanwhile Cody retired to his office and picked up the phone. "Yes sir, i have them now. They are rookies for sure. But I'll break them into fighting machines. Yes sir they will be ready to fight with the rest. Ofcourse Gordan, this isn't my first time, you know that. Alright, there will be a report sent tomarrow morining.
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Oct 3 2006, 06:15 PM
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Overlord Torm XV sat down to his work, large stacks of papers in front of him to be signed or looked over, or whatever. One of those usually worked fine. Suddenly, Ruç Reñat, his foreign advisor, burst into his office

"Sir! The Starblaydis have declared war on The Lowland Clans!"

"Hmm, I guess you were right, shouldn't have joined the Alliance."

"I guess so, my Lord."

"Be quiet. Any way we can get out of this, or at least stall?"

"No sir. Article 4 is quite clear that any attack on a member nation requires a declaration by all other member states."

"Damn, I doubt we could claim that an assasination attempt isn't an armed attack...Alright, get out of here, go do something useful."

Torm pressed the button for his secretary. "Get Xort [Helç Xort, the Internal Advisor] to set up some media event or something, and get me Kopiñas [Xet Kopiñas, the War Advisor] in here, we need to get the military mobilized, get ready to defend the coast from the Lowlanders."

Now, he thought I need to think of some way to keep those -explicitive removed-ing Rorçn from revolting and -explicitive removed-ing up all this. They probably will find some way to, though.


"Ladies and gentlemen," began the Overlord, "a state of war officially now exists between Starblaydia and the evil, conniving Lowland Clans. Under the terms of Article 4 of the Lavingrad Pact, we must therefore announce that a state of war exists between the Empire and The Lowland Clans also. Mobilization has begun, and we wish that all of you will continue about your lives as normal. Thank you."

(OOC: I don't know how to write some sort of rousing, patriotic speech, so pretend it was something more along those least a bit closer.)


"Now that the evil Empire is officially at war, it will have its hands full. We can strike quickly and seize back our sovereignty."

"No, should we not wait, and allow the Army to get fully embroiled in the conflict? They are just beginning mobilization now, they could easily wipe us out on the way to Starblaydia, before it could get going, and we might not get back up this time. We must gather more support in the countryside."

Messengers were sent out from the cave then, to all the villages and cities in Rorçnyun, or all the loyal ones. These messages read:

Brothers and sisters!  We have been oppressed, segregated, and trampled upon ever since these evil Footballians came here 1300 years ago.  We must take the oppurtunity of this war to prepare, and to rise up!  This brief message will suffice for now, and we will send more when the revolution is ready.

-Rorçn Revolutionary Committee
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Posted: Oct 3 2006, 08:32 PM
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President Sean Holton was not having a good term in office. He had been elected with a record landslide, but ever since the mess with Atheistic Right, public support for his presidency had been slipping. The Myrtannian people didn't like seeing their Defense Force taking part in military action that wasn't in the United Isles' self-defense. He'd managed to convince them that the pre-emptive strike into AR had been to stop an impending invasion of Myrtannia, but the public wasn't happy all the same. Minimal casualties had softened the blow, too.

Then had come the establishment of Yihsrael in the former lands of AR, which had brought up his support a bit. Not nearly as much as he'd hoped. He was still in hot water over the decision to join the Strategic Defense League, though the Congress had merely ammended the Constitution to strip the Presidency of the alliance-making power. If the SDL ever got itself into a regional struggle against the SAAS, he'd be up the river without a paddle. Worse than that. He'd be recalled, voted out of office, and replaced by an isolationist candidate.

Just then, Mohammed Akbar-Maheed, the Minister of State and Foregin Affairs, rushed in looking as if he'd just seen a ghost. After him came Tariq Sha'Kar, the Minister of Defense, who looked annoyed more than anything. Vice President Jett stepped in as well and took a seat in the back of the room. Akbar-Maheed sat before the President, as did Sha'Kar.

"Mr. President, sir... Starblaydia... " Akbar-Maheed stammered.

Holton raised an eyebrow and asked, "What about Starblaydia? I know Pacitalia eliminated them from the U21 Football Cup."

"No, they..."

"They've declared war on the Lowland Clans," explained Minister Sha'Kar, "Apparently our 'allies' attempted to do in Viannor, except their plan didn't exactly pan out the way they'd hoped. Sir, I've never trusted them... after the way that they shunned your concerns at the SDL meeting. Shunned Myrtannian concerns, really. Now they may well have unleashed Hell on Earth, or at least a region-wide war. An AO War."

"AO War..." Holton tried the sound of that, and shook his head. He didn't like it. Too many innocents would die, the region could be torn apart in the process, and Myrtannia dragged into a conflict that did not concern them. The President slammed his fist on his desk, "Those idiots! Why do something as stupid as this, and make the whole Region pay for their failure?"

"Sir, Viannor is a maniac..." Vice President Jett interjected.

"This conflict does not concern the United Isles - Starblaydia has not threatened Myrtannia, and the Lowland Clans apparently started the snowball rolling. If they are at fault, Starblaydia is within its rights to declare war in response," Akbar-Maheed added in, having regained his composure, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but Starblaydia may be in the right here."

"We can't rush to judge the Lowland Clans yet. This could easily be Starblaydi propaganda to justify more devious aims of Viannor. If the SDL goes to war, we should at least try to support the effort," Jett argued, and seemed to have Holton's attention.

"Whatever comes of this, we must act first in the interest of the people of the United Isles of Myrtannia. In a conflict so far from our borders, what can we really do to support the SDL anyway? If we don't support the SDL effort, we'll be branded as cowards who don't have the guts to fight, ridiculed by our own allies. If we do join a fight, our people will turn on us and then all we have worked for will be for naught. It would be a cold day in Hell before the National party regained power," Holton reasoned, "For now, we will remain cautiously neutral. Let us wait to see what Starblaydia does. Then we can judge what we should do."

Looking to Akbar-Maheed, he said, "Mohammed, send messages to Nephi and Kafra, let them know that we wish to call an emergency meeting of the SDL assembly. If we all discuss a course of action, Myrtannia can decide what is best for its national security."

"Of course, Mr. President," Akbar-Maheed nodded.

"Tariq, get the United Isles Commandoes ready. They might be able to help the fight if we can't send our conventional forces in. If we stay neutral, see if there are volunteers who can then be sent in attached to the Lamonian special forces," Holton instructed his Minister of Defense.

"Right away, sir," Sha'Kar answered.

"Rob, stay here, we have some... Yihsraeli matters to discuss," Holton added.

Jett smirked a bit and nodded, "Of course, Sean."
Experienced Senator
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Posted: Oct 3 2006, 08:44 PM
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The Bazalonian Prime Minister Alvin Recko was the first Bazalonian to see the movie.. however it only seemed minutes that the news had also picked it up. While there was no word from the government about how it would react the news stations where already running stories about Bazalonian involvement in the upcoming war.

However the media knew it and the government knew it, Bazalonian involvement in the war was inevitable infact the Prime Ministers script writers had a speech ready for him within 30 minutes of seeing the video. He had also quickly scheduled a national address and 1 hour after the video first broke that the Prime Minister addressed the nation.

"I come here today to address the nation in a moment of national crisis, Viannor Starblaydi the ruling Despot of Starblaydia has made allegations in pretense of declaring war on our allies, The Lowland Clans. Footballia has been dragged into the war by being stupid enough to sign the Lavingrad Pact. We all know the video statement that has been released by Viannor. I do not trust Viannor enough to dig a hole let alone. 'We will now be subject to due trail and process, free and fair in the traditional manner of Starblaydia'. What my question to Viannor is where are the other 4 members of this alleged hit squad? The most likely answer is that they have already been executed. Viannor does not know meaning of the words 'due trail and process, free and fair'. The SDL must not delay, I have already put our military on high alert, contacted the low land clans in regards to planing and as soon as the statement is finished I will be engaged in talks with other members of the SDL. The Lowland Clans, let me assure you of one thing. You will have Bazalonia's support in this time of need. Thank you."

and with that he stepped down and borded BAZ-001 on his way to Khara...
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Oct 3 2006, 09:38 PM
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Message from the Consigliera degli Governmenti
Democratic Capitalist Republic of Pacitalia

Ladies and gentlemen,

A short time ago a public broadcast from the Protectorate of Starblaydia has confirmed what we all assumed was imminent: regional conflict. In response to an attempted assassination of Lady Viannor the Starblaydi authorities have retaliated by declaring war on The Lowland Clans, thus drawing both the Strategic Alliance and the Strategic Defence League into conflict and possibly many other non-aligned states.

I cannot accept, the Pacitalian state and its people cannot accept, the foolish actions that have led to all-out conflict, that which is unnecessary and intolerable. Our very security, both as a nation and as a region, is threatened by the sheer immaturity presented as cool logic or calculated attrition. But, alas, all it has led to is the imminent destruction of culture, of civilisation, of peace and stability. And for what?

I do not condone assassination attempts, not at all. What I mean to say is that it is most inefficient to declare war over something comparatively trivial. I do not profess to know everything about Starblaydi culture but correct me if I'm mistaken when I say no country really considers going to war to defend one person from endangerment. No, it is for the collective good of the state, the well-being of its people, and, regardless of the importance of said person, in the most cost-effective, justified and realistic manner possible. This does not profess any of these characteristics.

So, I, as head of state and government pro tempore of the Pacitalian republic, duly urge both sides of the conflict to come to some sort of temporary ceasefire so that we can avoid unnecessary destruction and death. I know it goes against the nature of many, the urge to get revenge, the desire to avenge and settle grievances in a physical manner. But it is important for us, and for the lands we leave behind for future generations, that this conflict is solved quickly with full attention and preference for peace and stability.

Pacitalia would provide the ideal, neutral setting for such a settlement - we cannot seriously consider war before all diplomatic avenues have been exhausted, and it is for certain that they have not yet been so. I insist upon a peaceful settlement. Think about it. I have, though there hasn't been much time to do so, and there isn't much time to make up our minds. Time is always, always precious.

I sincerely hope a large majority of this region will accept my perspective instead of blindly following their comrades into a pit of human tragedy. Humanity does not benefit from war, no matter the circumstance. We have learned from the past, now is the time to put those lessons to use and bring peace and stability into fruition.

Thank you.

Sincera in domina bene,

Albinanda Serodini
Consigliera degli Governmenti
Democratic Capitalist Republic of Pacitalia

This post has been edited by Pacitalia on Oct 3 2006, 09:39 PM
The best place on earth.
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Posted: Oct 3 2006, 09:59 PM
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"Robber Captain, sir, what do you think of the Starblaydi declaration?" asked Ju-Ro, one of his staff

"It doesn't really concern us." answered the Robber Captain Ug-Mt.


"No. I'm pretty certain we'll be safe. While Nedalia might be involved we have no reason to get involved. If anyone wants to attack they can use the water or the unihabited land to the south of us."

"But what about attacks directly on us?"

"Not going to happen. In a situation of war does it really make sense to commit resources to attacking neutrals?"

"Not really."

"It just creates more problems for them."


"But we'd prefer the region not to disintegrate into war, so we're going to sign on with Pacitalia against the war."


Announcement to all of Atlantian Oceania:

We the people of Az-cz declare ourselves oficially neutral in these hostilities and join with Pacitalia in asking for a ceasefire and diplomatic relations. Verily war in this situation seems like a totally uncalled for situation. All out attacks is a response greatly out of scale to the ill act originally done. No one life is worth all of the lives that will be cost in a full scale Atlantian Oceania war, not even the life of a great leader like Lady Viannor.

We also submit the nation of Az-cz as a place where negotiations can be held as a safe place for members from both sides to discuss. We have friendly relations with countries on all sides of the conflict and can play a neutral and fair role.

Again we urge all countries in Atlantian Oceania to consider deeply what they are doing before more regrettable actions occur.


Robber Captain Ug-Mt
Senator in Training
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Posted: Oct 3 2006, 10:56 PM
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President Stone's plane was just landing back in Nephi after his trip to Demot when he received the news. Starblaydia had declared war against The Lowland Clans, and the regional media had already started up a firestorm.

Knowing that he didn't dare fly to Kafra with a region wide war starting, Stone instructed a video conference call to be placed to King Falcon, as well as the leaders of Khazaron and Nedalia. The SDL would have to make a response to this, and Stone was fairly confident of what it would be. He might have trouble remembering things, but this is something that no one could forget.

On top of that, he released a statement to the media:


We have heard from Starblaydia that a five man squad from The Lowland Clans has attempted to assasinate Lady Viannor.  We suspect that the so-called TLC commando that was displayed is really some Starblaydi sleeper agent that was used to generate instant suspicion on The Lowland Clans; and by extension, the SDL itself.  Therefore, the Free Republic will support it's friends in The Lowland Clans, as stated in the SDL charter.  Starblaydi lies will not deter the Free Republic from defending it's allies when they need us the most.  Accordingly, the Lamonian Army is being mobilized on war alert, and the Civil Gaurd is instructed to report to their war-time posts.  Further mobilizations are likely.  If Starblaydia or any SAAS nation is foolhardy enough to attack either The Lowland Clans or any other SDL member, the Free Republic will declare war.  We will not protest, we will not JUST cut off what little trade remains, we will MAKE WAR.


Matthew Stone,
Free Republic of Lamoni
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Posted: Oct 3 2006, 11:48 PM
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Khara walked in from into his office, shutting the door and collapsing into his chair. He was exhausted after having just come from a meeting with top members of the Ministry of Defense, discussing possible actions to be taken if things continued down their current path. The door to the office opened again and Danielle Uram walked into the room, gently closing the door and taking a seat opposite of the Patriarch.

Pouring himself a drink of water, Khara downed the whole thing and started staring at the light as it refracted inside the crystal. "You know, alot of what Pacitalia and the others are saying makes sense. But the realist in me knows that one way or another we'll get dragged into this. It's like seeing a boulder rolling towards you, yet being unable to move."

"Why don't we wait for the other League members, before we decide on a definitive course of action highness." replied Danielle.

"I suppose your right. My concern is that if we wait to long we may loose any initiative that would be vital in fighting the Strategic Alliance."

"You speaks as if the war is already here."

"Isn't it? If not, then somebody should tell the Starblaydi and Lowland Clanners. Either way, we wait for the SDL."

Just then Khara noticed a blinking red light on his desk comm pad. He tapped one of the buttons and a screen slowly rose on the left side of the desk, just above the keypad. The face of President Stone appeared on it and Khara gave a half-hearted smile. "Mr. President, I thought you might call. Let me save us both some time by first stating that while a meeting is necessary, due to circumstances involved with the renewed tensions in the region, and my country's current conflict in the former Nova Roma, I will be unable to attend personally any meeting of the SDL."

Khara's face then came to with the spark of a realization as he turned from the screen and looked at Danielle. "Get on the phone to our embassy in Jhanna, tell them to be on their guard and ready to leave if necessary, but to not do anything to agitate the Starblaydi. As for their embassy here, have State Security keep an on them for me."

Danielle nodded and get up from her chair, taking out her cell phone and stepping towards the back of the room as she dispatched her orders. Meanwhile Khara turned his attention back to the screen. "As I was saying, I will not be able to make it. The best I would be able to do is video conference or to send one of my aides or minsiters. Not to far from now the National Assembly will be demanding some answers from me and I must devote my energy to that. Our armed forces stand at the ready though, shoudl they be needed.

On a related note, what say you to the offers of Pacitalia and the other neutral countries? I must say it would be preferrable to watching millions die, but I have a feeling this may be one dam that plugging our fingers in it will fix."

Khara let out a frustrated sigh as he poured himself another glass of water and had a drink.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Oct 4 2006, 12:15 AM
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16 Canford Street, Presidential Offices and Residence, Graham City, ASN

President-Elect Kingsley paled as he saw the video. His chief of staff, Andrew Jons, sat in his office in the 16 Canford residence. The video stopped, and Jons replayed it a couple of times before stopping it. For a while they both just sat in silence. Jons knew Kingsley very well. Andrew Jons was a very quiet person, but he had a way of simply knowing people. This trait alone made him the best person Kingsley had worked with over his long career. From Prime Minister of England, to head of the Alliance party in the State-Senate, to President-Elect of the Alliance, Jons had been one of the few things that kept it all from going to hell in a hand basket. As Kingsley was digesting the information, Jons summoned the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the SecState, the SecDef, SecJus, and SecHes into the small office, which barely fit the large crowd. Outside, it was snowing, and it was growing dark. The orange light from the lampposts illuminated the heavily-armed Royal Blue and White Regiment guards outside.

Kingsley motioned them all to sit, and turned to face the window. He said, while looking wistfully out the window. "Where did this man come from?" He asked, anger barely under control. His teeth clenched and everyone in the room knew heads would roll if they didn't navigate this minefield carefully. Secretary MacIntyre answered, "Well sir, we've checked this Jonathan Parker, and he is indeed a sergeant from the Army, detatched from Intelligence to the Department of Homeland Security. After that, we can find no trace of him. It's like he just disappeared off the map." Jons brow furrowed. Kingsley slammed his fist down on the table and yelled at the top of his lungs: "SO WE HAVE NO IDEA HOW THIS MAN GOT INTO STARBLAYDIA CLOSE ENOUGH TO SHOOT HER?"

"No sir. I've talked to all of the deputy directors, and we've had no one know anything about it. Everyone is pretty much in shock. There is no way this was done by the intelligence branches in this government," said SecJus Aidan Oppel. "I dont understand it. We've canvassed the rest of the armed forces for people who've simply disappeared but we can't find any." MacIntyre jumped in again, "There's another thing. Our intelligence agencies have no where near the power to do what was done. To get close enough to Viannor's Castle in Quercus to shoot her, that's simply insane."

General-of-the-Armed-Forces Myers waved off the two cabinet secretaries. "I think that the most important thing to deal with right now is to deal with the invasion and military matters. Why it happened can take a back seat at this moment in time. We need to deploy another three army groups to the north soon, if not yesterday. Our forces in the Legal Republic are our urban combat units, and we don't have the ability to fight an open war. We need to get the navy out to sea, to get them interdicting between the Starblaydi mainland and former Aquiliana."

John Kingsley returned to his desk and rubbed his face, trying to remove the sleep from his eyes. It was long ago that he had any meaningful rest. "I'm sorry for yelling. It's just so tough..." he trailed off. He breathed deeply and sat up in his chair, and stared out into the group of assembled people. "General, you have my permission to redploy the Army. We don't have much time before the troops roll through Legalese." Kingsley rose, and so did the rest of the men in the room. "Gentlemen, today I will take a request to the Congress of Alliance to declare a state of war exist between Starblaydia and the Alliance of the Nine States. We didn't want this and it was thrust upon us. Go get our young men ready, this war is going to be very, very dirty."

The Joint Chiefs and the SecDef and SecJus all left. Only Jons, Keller, and Kingsley remained. "Andrew, get the speechwriters in here, we've got a speech to write. Now, Margaret!" he yelled to his secretary, "Get me those correspondances that have been put out in the last couple of hours. And some coffee would be nice too, we've got a long night ahead of us."

Joint Session of the Congress of Alliance, Capitol District, Graham City

Kingsley walked down the isle to the podium. The flags of the member-states flew high behind it, with that of the Legal Republic's lowered to half-mast in remembrance of the people who were sacrificing their lives to save the population. He saluted the flags, and ascended to the podium. He stood in the level below, looking up at the Moderator the Chamber and the President of the State-Senate, and began the ceremonial prayer and greetin, and requested to address the gathered assembly. They recognized the President-Elect, and he stepped up to the podium, loaded his speech into the display plate, and looked out into the assembled representatives of the Allied States.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, proud representatives of the Allied States and to all those watching at home, I am sad to have to address you under these circumstances. Earlier today, Viannor, Lady-Protector of Starblaydia, aired a tape on regional television with a man declaring that he was an agent of my government, sent to assassinate her. I have no words to express my feelings when I first watched that tape. But that is not why I am here.

"I am here because through this event, our livelihood is being threatened. Our stability, our liberty and freedom, our very way of life, stands opposed to the terror and oppression that is represented by Starblaydia and her government. The foundations of our philosophy, political and civilian existence stand thoroughly opposed to anything that Starblaydia has to offer. Viannor's accusations against the Government of the Alliance are completely unfounded. We have been framed, unfairly presented as a source of evil and conflict in this region. But more importantly, Starblaydia seeks to destroy the one thing that we have that they can never destroy.

"Our freedoms, our liberty, stand threatened today. There is a conflict coming to this region that will put the very foundations and beliefs on the line. We must stand strong. We must look at our neighbour and fight for them as if they were your own son. The friends and family you have, all of this will be threatened by this coming conflict. Our resolve must remain strong. Remember your sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, and our strength and history. All these things, are under attack today, not simply our nation.

"This is not a war of nations, but a war of ideologies and war of civilizations. This is a war between the forces of right and the forces of terror. The forces of construction and forward progress against the forces of destruction and of darkness. You and I, every citizen, must now stand here, upon this time and place, to decide what they believe in. Do they have the courage to stand, fight and die for their freedoms and beliefs, or shall we capitulate like cowards and weaklings?

"It is for this very purpose, that I come before this noble body. All the things represented by body, it's sense of honour and reputation as a fair and reasonable body, governed by freedoms and decency, and uniting together with each other to form a better and more perfect union, stand threatened today. I ask that this Congress of Alliance, to declare a state of war in existance between the Alliance of the Nine States and the Protectorate of Starblaybia, and their allies the Empire of Footballia. I call upon our allies within the Strategic Defence League, to honour their word and come to our aid in this time of trouble and impending darkness.

"Today, the Alliance of the Nine States has a date with destiny. I ask where do you stand. Do you stand with the forces of good and reason and hope and nobility? Or do you stand with the forces of oppression and darkness and hate. This day will be remembered in history by generations long after it. The question for you in this body, for those citizens watching and listening today, is how do you want history to remember you?

"God Bless the Alliance, and God Bless all of you. Today I make a stand. Stand with me."
The Lowland Clans
Royal Scribe
Posts: 116
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Posted: Oct 4 2006, 03:04 AM
PMEmail Poster
City Centre, Liverpool England
Thomas Douglas, outgoing Liverpool England Prime Minister and current Chacoran Prime Minister, sat in his office. He was only still here because his replacement Michael Harley was in Vilita; he had been appointed interim PM until Harley's Cabinet was approved by Parliament. But he had more things to worry about. He was still Prime Minister of Chacor - and since the recent overhaul of the Chacoran Constitution meant there hadn't yet been elections for a Head of State, he was, de jure, it.

He rubbed his head, before an aide reminded him that there was a sitting of Parliament. "You know what? I'm not attending it today." He got on the phone back to Chacor with his deputy Prime Minister James Martin-Gibson.

"James. Update."

"Well, Starblaydia, as you know, has declared war with the Lowland Clans. The worrysome thing here is that they're just a body of water away from us. However, we have relatively positive relations with Viannor - especially after Djacor-Rysonia, even though hundreds upon hundreds of them died from the plague... surely that came in from Ryloss - so I'm confident that we're safe for now."

"You know, sooner or later something's gonna have to happen... release a statement at once."

"Will do, Thomas. How's things going there? Packed?"

"Yeah, almost done here."

Official Release
Prime Minister's Office, Hubana, Chacor

It is with a heavy heart that we in Chacor watch the ongoing events in Starblaydia and The Allied States unfold. There is no question to us that use of force is unnecessary, although we outright condemn the attempted assassination of a political leader - not to mention the Sovereign - of a nation.

We hope the two sides will closely consider the Pacitalian alternative proposed. Bloodshed is not... can not... be conducive for the region. However, it is almost certain, as shown by recent events, that this will no doubt be a futile plea. For what it is worth... the Government of Chacor is hereby offering aid to both the Allied States and Starblaydia's citizens should the need arise.

Also, as a precautionary measure, all Chacoran citizens in either territory are asked to contact their nearest embassy, envoy or consulate within their area.

The Government of Chacor would also like to emphasise that during the course of any military action, any aggression on Chacoran embassies, envoys or consulates by any party will be treated as an act of war.

Hopefully this can be resolved without the need for arms.

James Martin-Gibson
Acting Prime Minister
The Democratic Republic of Chacor

This post has been edited by Chacor on Oct 4 2006, 03:08 AM
Senator in Training
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