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Coronation in Khazaron
Posted: Aug 21 2005, 04:25 PM
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"Welcome to Khazaron, Your Highness." Stone shook hands with Falcon. "For a moment, I was begining to think that it would just be Lamoni and Nedalia honoring the First Archon. That's when I saw your little stunt on tv. What was that all about, anyway?"
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 21 2005, 04:31 PM
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Donny Stack turned on the news in his suite and witnessed the Falcania entrance himself. As a Nedalian, even Stack was impressed. However, as nice as it would be to meet up with President Stone and the new guest, Stack was here with one purpose: to set up a new alliance between Khazaron and Nedalia, one that would hopefully be as powerful as the SAAS and the FLMS one day. It was a baby step, but it was the most important. He had not talked about the matter with any of the Khazaronian leaders, but it was a subject that was going to be brought up very soon.

Stack continued to think about the approach. Should he be direct, or should he first test the waters before jumping in? Either way, the issue had to be brought up. With the volatile nature of the AO nowadays, countries such as Khazaron and Nedalia couldnt afford to be left ally-less. What happened to Latao could easily happen to anyone of them, and Latao was more powerful. It was an important matter.
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Aug 22 2005, 03:17 AM
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QUOTE (Lamoni @ Aug 21 2005, 04:25 PM)
"Welcome to Khazaron, Your Highness." Stone shook hands with Falcon. "For a moment, I was begining to think that it would just be Lamoni and Nedalia honoring the First Archon. That's when I saw your little stunt on tv. What was that all about, anyway?"

"Well, ever since my intervention in Zekhistan, I haven't been the Neo Jihadi's flavour of the month. And they bombed my plane. Fiendishly intelligent bomb. Still, my own fault really, I should have checked the main pylons. At any rate, I like to arrive in style, so maybe it wasn't necessarily such a bad thing." He let go of Stone's hand. "It has been an absolute delight seeing you again, but I really need to take a shower. That old T-1 was surprisingly cramped, I shall have to ask Jay Industries to design me a new one. Ta-ra." He walked along the corridors to his room, number 2531. "Ah, my lucky number!" He stepped in, stripped and jumped straight into the shower.
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Aug 22 2005, 01:56 PM
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Stone was completely ready for the event, but since it was still hours away, he was bored. Entering his hotel room, he noted that there was an internet connection. Grinning now, he went online and checked out all of his old online haunts that he hadn't had time to look at since his election. This kept him quite busy for a while, until he heard the alarm from the clock. It was time to go to the event.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 22 2005, 04:41 PM
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Falcon stepped out of the shower and into another immaculate suit. He picked up a cane from the corner; ebony, with exquisite white-gold and sapphire inlays. He opened his door, adjusted his crevat, and began to walk down the magnificent staircase. He entered the bar. "I would like a pint of your finest mead, if you please" he told the barman. 3 bullets rang over his head, he leapt off the stool, squeezed the handle of his cane, rolled and fired the pistol at the three snipers concealed in the shadows. He stood up, reloaded and replaced the pistol in his cane, adjusted his crevat again and sat down, looking at the shattered glass. "Perhaps another pint." He sighed. "I have problems, Mr. Bartender. It's tough being a national leader, everybody wants to pay people to kill you."
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Aug 23 2005, 06:33 PM
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The sound of the gunshots brought the Lamonian Vremya gaurds running with weapons drawn. When they finally made it to the bar, they saw several bullet holes, three dead snipers, and King Falcon drinking while talking to the bartender. Seeing that nothing seemed to be going on now, the gaurds holstered their weapons, but left one of their number in the bar, just in case something else happened.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 23 2005, 07:14 PM
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The First Archon was busy in the old presidential palace, making sure everything was set up for the coronation later that night. The guards where in place and even some snipers had been set up on the roof area, just in case any individuals should wish to try their luck at making a run for the building. Metal detectors and armed guards where placed at every entrance and where instructed that no-one was to be let by, even the First Archon. Standing towards the back of the ball-room where the coronation was to take place, First Archon Khara didn't even notice his aide Johnathan running up, out of breath. Turning to look at him, the First Archon seemed a little annoyed and sighed. "Yes, what's the matter?" He said, half expecting the aide to mention some trivial ordeal about the seating arrangements; Johnathan always tended to worry to much.

"Somebody just tried to kill King Falcon II."Johnathan finally said in a gasp of air. The First Archon's face changed from mildly annoyed to angry. Stepping up close to his aide the First Archon looked him straight in the eye. "How may I ask this shooter managed to get past the border detail or the guards at the airports, or for that matter THE GUARDS AT THE DAMN HOTEL!" Shouting at the last part drew the attention of some nearby workers. The First Archon sighed and pulled his aide aside to where they where out of sight. Putting his hand up to stop Johnathan from speaking, the First Archon smiled slightly. "Never mind. You can redeem yourself by tracking this man, or men, down and eliminating them. Get the Special Service on it." Johnathan nodded and ran off.

In election related news, it was begining to circulate that Alexander Dinu had won the election for First Archon by just 2% of the vote. After the coronation later tonight, it was expected that the First Archon would officially pass on his title to Mr.Dinu.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Aug 23 2005, 08:42 PM
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"Sir, we have got the latest intelligence on the results of the elections here," proclaimed Stack's assistant.

"Well, get on with it then, what are they?" replied the impatient Stack. He had been waiting for this.

"We have received word that Alexander Dinu has won it by a margin that could be as little as 2% - 3%."

"Can't say I'm suprised. Are our sources reliable?"

"Yes sir, very."

"Good work, then. I need to get ready for the coronation. I must be one of the first to congratulate Alexander."

With that, Stack dismissed his assistant and began getting ready. The coronation was merely the ceremony; the big event was actually the dinner afterwards. Thats were all the politics would begin and end; deals will be made and deals will fall short. Stack remembered his objective well; now, he knew exactly who to approach.
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Aug 24 2005, 11:31 AM
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King Falcon finished his pint and adjusted his top hat. He then proceeded out of the hotel, pressing a button on his cane to summon a limousine. He stepped inside, readjusted his crevat, and took out his mobile phone. "Take me to the coronation ceremony."
"But sir, it's not until tonight!"
"Yes. But I'm sure there will be a decent pub nearby. Chop chop!"

He then pressed a speed-dial on his phone. "Ah, my dearest Khara, I hear the news of my attempted assassination has reached you. Not to worry. I'm not exactly everyone's flavour of the month at the moment. The Neo Jihadi have had it in for me since my father's intervention in Zehkistan, an operation which I led, by the way. Every single last one of the Terri people want to kill me too, by simple dint of the fact that I'm Falcanian, and we didn't take kindly to their occupation of our country 50 years ago. It could have been an environmental protester, we aren't so keen on each other since my law classing their actions as terrorism. Might even be someone who doesn't like my nation's glowing spring water. Such are the woes of a national leader. Your successor will get used to it, as I'm sure you have. Anyway, my private bodyguards are interspersed amongst the ceremony, several not looking like bodyguards. At any rate, my father started flying skilled bodyguards into this country 10 years ago, as part of Operation Orange Juice, and I have kept up this practice since. Lord Crimson, I recall, is one of my bodyguards. Oh crap, this is a secure line, isn't it? Good. Anyway, I will see you at the coronation. Ta-ta!"

This post has been edited by Falcania on Aug 24 2005, 11:31 AM
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Aug 24 2005, 01:28 PM
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Looking at one of his aides, President Stone asked what the latest intelligence was on the elections for First Archon.

"Our sources predict that Alexander Dinu won by about 2%, sir. Our sources are good, sir. After all, we ARE allies." This was said with a lopsided grin.

For his part, Stone was darkly wondering when they'd started sending him aides fresh out of college. "Very well, send a congratulatory message to Mr. Dinu, and our hope for continued good relations between our two nations. You may deliver it yourself." That ought to get rid of him for a little while, Stone thought.

Nodding seriously this time (which didn't really help, in Stone's mind), the aide rushed off to complete his assignment.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 27 2005, 04:19 PM
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As the time for the ceremony approached, Stone headed for the place where the coronation was to be held in his limo. Apparently, it was going to be held in the old Khazaronian Presidential Palace, which had been taken over by the current Khazaronian government. The ride gave Stone the chance to rehearse the 'historically friendly relations between our two governments' speech that he was going to give at the dinner afterwards. As Stone was rehearsing the speech, he felt the limo suddenly and unexpectedly stop. When he looked up, he saw that the limo had stopped at a security station. 'After the attempts on the life of King Falcon, I guess that they won't be taking chances,' Stone thought.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 28 2005, 02:49 AM
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"I know, isn't it a nuisance?" Said King Falcon, who was being strip-searched. "I don't know. Why would I want to kill myself?" He batted away a security guy with a probe. "Back off. I'm armed."

"Oh yeah? What with?" Sneered the security man.

"625,000 armed men. You forget, I own a country. Or, more directly, a handgun in my cane. I would suggest standing back, I'm a very powerful man."

He shrugged off the guy and went over to Stone's limo. "Can I hitch a ride? My limo was unexpectedly bombed while I was in a pub. Fortunately my chauffeur was not harmed. I don't know, some people these days."
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Aug 28 2005, 07:13 PM
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Wondering how King Falcon knew exactly what he was thinking, Stone opened the passenger door to his limo, and let King Falcon in.

"The First Archon must be pulling his hair out if I know him. This many attempts on the life of a friendly head of state inside his territory is going to drive him nuts." Stone said this while he was being searched by security. After the check was over, the limo with President Stone and King Falcon inside finally made it to the former Presidential Palace in time for the ceremony. Meanwhile, the two national leaders kept up the chitchat that heads of state tended to engage in.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 29 2005, 05:14 AM
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Whenever someone lets someone as unpopular as I into his country, he must expect potential assassinations. Or failed attempts. Still, nobody's killed me yet. I did get a bullet in the leg a few weeks ago. Old age is catching up on me.
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Aug 29 2005, 10:34 AM
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The First Archon approached both King Falcon and President Stone at the checkpoints and smiled politely and bowed slightly. Then he turned to his guards standing at the entrance and gave them a rather sharp glare. "I'm sure they've been through enough gentleman, especially His Highness. Let's allow them a chance to rest before the ceremony." He said to the guards. They both nodded and allowed President Stone and King Falcon to pass, only them as the rest of their party was searched.

Turning to face the two leaders once again, the First Archon sighed. "My apologies gentleman, but with the recent outbreak of war in Latao, and the only recent end of our civil war here, we can't be to careful when it comes to security." The First Archon had changed since the leaders had meet at the airport. He was now wearing a white suit with gold trim along the edges. (If you've ever seen Babylon 5 the suit is basically a white version of the command staffs uniforms, with a gold trim instead of blue.) Motioning for the two men to follow, he lead them down the center aisle of the chairs that had been assembled before the stage that had been erected. In the center of the stage, ontop of a oaken podium, sat a beautiful silver crown with four points. Embedded on the top of each of these points where rubies, and embedded in the band that circled below the four points where small diamonds. (The rubies represented the blood of the people of Khazaron, that the Patriarch was to protect, the diamonds the wisdom he was to use to do so, and the four points of the crown represented the four corners of Khazaron over which he rules.)

Showing them to a spot at the very front of the seating arrangements, the First Archon then turned and smiled at them again. "Here are your seats gentleman. I apologize for being so brief and leaving no time for discussion, but we are already running a behind schedule due to the security checks. If you'll excuse, I must go see if Mr.Stack and his party have arrived yet. I must save them from this nightmare of red tape that I have created." With that the First Archon turned and worked his way back towards through the ever-growing throngs of people that where assembling.
The Red Devil
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