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Taking Back What's Ours
Posted: May 4 2005, 04:15 PM
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Marcus read the report regarding Sarzonia's last response with disgust. "Goddamn it Mike, are you trying to start a war here?" was his response to Hargrove.

Meanwhile, Luther tried to put a point on it: "Wouldn't you be angry if a bunch of settlers from another country settled on your land, and then when you went to get it back, they wouldn't do anything about it?"

"Yeah, I would, Luther. But surely we can do this without a war. Any ideas?"

Luther handed Marcus a sheet of paper. "Try sending them both this"

Marcus read:


To: Sarzonian and Chacorian Leadership
From: Marcus Davies, Consul
Judicial Republic of Legalese

Re: Chacorian Citizen Settlements in Northern Sarzonia

Ladies and Gentlemen:

It seems clear that Sarzonian territory is not in any danger of un-provoked invasion as a result of the settlement of Chacorian citizens in the north.  While we concede that Chacor may not have a legal responsibility to remove these settlers, assuming that they are considered ex-patriates of Chacor, we implore both sides to make the movement of the Chacorians back to their home land as peaceful as possible, rather than treating them as criminals, provided that they do not resist violently.  We hope that the Incorporated States of Sarzonia will be satisfied with the peaceful return of these properties to their former owners, and remind them that violent actions will result in a response from the FLMS, as well as a request by this member from then AORDO to intervene.



"Hmm", said Marcus after he was finished, "do you think that's a little harsh?"

"Perhaps," responded Luther, "but it's what we need to say."

"Alrighty, then. Let's send it."

Luther smiled. "Yes, sir, right away."
Back in Black
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Posted: May 4 2005, 07:27 PM
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Telegram to Legalese, Chacorian, and Sarzonian Goverments:

Ryloss would like to offer it's assistance in removing Chacorian citizens. We have assets in the area, the ability to co-ordinate it, the resources to execute it, and neutrality of being a third party. It is our hope this can be settled peacefully, and our intention to do our best to insure that settlement.
Scribe in Training
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Posted: May 4 2005, 07:46 PM
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"I remind you that the Chacorans illegaly invaded our territory," Sarzo said with disgust as he read the telegram from Legalese.

"I'm getting really sick and tired of this FLMS," he snapped at no one in particular. Going to his laptop, he typed out a message to send to Davies:

QUOTE (UNSENT message)
We consider the refusal of the Chacoran government to arrange for the removal of their riffraff from our soverign territory to be an invasion. We would consider any response from you and your 'FLMS' to be an act of war against Sarzonia. Hope you guys will enjoy a nice sandwich of tungsten rods and SLBMs.

Before he could click send, he saw First Partner Jay Tyler look at him with a disapproving glance. Thinking more carefully, he softened his reponse considerably.

QUOTE (Official Message)
Our priority has been to ensure that the Chacoran citizens are removed promptly from Sarzonian territory. We find the Chacoran government's estimates to be woefully inaccurate. According to our figures, roughly 75,000 Chacorans have inhabited territory belonging to the Incorporated States of Sarzonia.

We would have every right to consider their presence in Sarzonia to be a formal invasion and would, if provoked by them respond by forcing them to depart using miltiary action. I would like to remind you of two things, however. One, as fellow members of AORDO, we have already asked for the organisation's assistance in removing the infestation of Chacorans from our territory. Secondly, any "response" from the FLMS could be construed as an act of war. I would rather not reach that point.

If Chacor can arrange for the timely departure of their citizens before our deadline, nothing further will come of this border incident and we will allow them to go their own ways. We have been more than generous in giving their people six [NS] months to return. We could have evicted them far sooner and would have been in the right.

Once again, I would prefer to avoid war, but if we are forced into it, we will fight with every resource we have available to us. The choice is yours.

Sarzo clicked send this time.

This post has been edited by Sarzonia on May 4 2005, 07:47 PM
It's all about the Navy.
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Posted: May 4 2005, 07:56 PM
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Official Telegram (CONFIDENTIAL)

To: Marcus Davies
Consul, Judicial Republic of Legalese
From: Thomas Douglas
Deputy Prime Minister, Democratic Republic of Chacor
Subj: Chacorans in Sarzonia

Warmest Greetings,
The Government would like to once again reiterate that we have no right to do anything about them. We will issue a police bulletin for immediate arrest upon entry into Chacor, but it is impossible for us to do anything while they are overseas.

With Sarzonian military action likely, I would like to request a full deployment of FLMS troops in Chacor along the border with Sarzonia. This is a dangerous time for the Crystilakeran Channel and nations around it. We hope a peaceful ending can be found.

Tommy Douglas
Senator in Training
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Posted: May 4 2005, 08:18 PM
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News release: "With the official go ahead from the Sarzonian goverment, Rylossian troops have begun transporting the Chacorian squatters off of the disputed territory, acting with the authority of the Sarzonian goverment, the rightful and legal owner of the land."

< 0511 Hours, Portland-Sarzonia>

The Lieutenant drew his sidearm, confirming the address in the dim pre-dawn light. He pointed it in the air, and fired it three times, then walked to the light tank nearby, and the tank commander, seeing him with his night-vision goggles, took them off, hitting the searchlights, and tossing the Lieutenant the microphone for the tank's megaphone.

"Attention, Chacorian Illegal Residents! As of this moment, you are hereby served a notice of eviction. Exit the building with your hands in the air, immediately. Do not bring any possesions with you. You will be transported to a holding facility to await a flight out of Sarzonia. There, provisions for the transport of your possessions can be made. You have 5 minutes to comply."

The Lieutenant waited, trying not to appear nervous to his men, who were standing ready in front of the apartment block with riot gear, tear gas, and the like, in case this group was going to make this difficult. The truck drivers, in their trucks, gripped the wheels with white knuckles, praying their thinly armored vehicles wouldn't come under fire.

(OOC: Chacor, if you want to RP out how this incident goes, feel free, otherwise, consider this just a post showing how they're being handled.)
Scribe in Training
Posts: 21
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Posted: May 4 2005, 08:38 PM
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Marcus read Sarzo's message, as well as the other telegram, and reached for the computer:



Throughout this process, you have mixed reason and irrationality.  I responded to the situation in the hopes of peace, and I trust that if the AORDO works alone in the process, it may be achieved.  However, from the beginning, you have mixed a hope for peace with thinly-veiled threats of invasion into Chacor.  As the government of Chacor has not committed any wrong in this instance,  we urge you to not take that step.  Besides, even with the number of Chacorians who chose to leave their borders in the hopes to settle on land that was at that time unclaimed (because you chose to leave), it is a stretch to call it an "invasion", especially with the lack of military nature of the settlers.  In short, any attempt to use force against Chacorian territory will not be tolerated.

But let's be honest, this does not have to go that far.  Please back off from Chacorian Territory, and let the AORDO and (if you are willing) Rylossian forces handle the deportation of these unwanted visitors.  I have no problem with you getting your land back.  There's just no need to start a war over it.


P.S. You should stop on by, especially during our World Cup match.  Just leave the nukes at home ;)   Johnnie is welcome as well, in the usual seat.

(Secret IC... FLMS members only)
Marcus also made a text to Williamson:


Talk to the others

He just hoped that everyone would come to their senses here.
Back in Black
Posts: 431
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Posted: May 4 2005, 10:54 PM
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"Mobilise the Ready Reserves."

"But Mr. Vice President, you don't have the authorisation from President Sarzo!"

"Doesn't matter. It doesn't look like those vermin are leaving here anytime soon."

John Newman paced in a slight orbit around his desk at the military command centre in Saugerties.

"Looks like the FLMS is going to mobilise."

"And you're willing to risk a war against a full alliance?"

"I hope those AORDO folks aid us in this mess," Army Chief Antonius Santius said. The Sanctaphraxian grimaced when he saw the mobilisation efforts.

"Even with the Ready Reserves called up, I don't think we can win wars on this many fronts. Not without the reforms in the army--"

"I'm sick and tired of hearing you bitch about our army," a deputy Vice President piped in. David Johansson was one of the loudest voices that opposed reforms for the army that Santius was pushing for ever since he arrived in Sarzonia. Eventually, Santius would be able to point to facts, but right now, the Navy was still Sarzonia's darlings. The Navy would take care of it. It always had.

"I could walk all over our army with 100,000 Sanctaphraxian troops," Santius said with a grimace. "Our men and women haven't seen a battlefield except on the History Channel. We've got to make major changes in our army."

"Right now, we've got a larger problem," Vice President for Naval Operations Kathy Bunhall said, forcefully cutting off discussion before it got heated and nothing got accomplished. "We've got to focus on getting those bloody Chacorans off our property before we've got a full-scale war on our hands."

"I say get 'em out while the getting's good," Newman said. "Once they're off our property, we won't care about their hellforsaken lands."

"You know that means war with several countries John."

"With who? Latao? We could crush them into next week without losing a speck of kevlar. Lamoni? Please. My grandmother could beat their entire military with a rolling pin and ten giant curlers. Druida? And their assortment of pies?"

"Legalese. They're the ringleaders of that FLMS."

Our football team just beat theirs. We can do the same on the battlefield."

Just then, the phone rang.


"John, what's going on over there?"

It's all about the Navy.
Posts: 577
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Posted: May 5 2005, 12:11 AM
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OOC: Sarz, you didn't see the bottom part, remember? tongue.gif

Marcus's phone rang. "Yes?"

"Sir, we are recieving reports about the settlement dispute", said the voice on the other end.


"We have no reports of incidents so far, though it appears that Ryloss, and not the AORDO have taken the active role in it."

"Alright, then. Thank you for the information." Marcus hung up, and thought for a moment, before making his next moves:

Secret IC (if you're not listed, you didn't see it tongue.gif ):


To: Thomas Douglas
Dep. PM, Democratic Rep. of Chacor
From: Marcus Davies
Consul, Jud. Rep. of Legalese
Re: Settlement Dispute


At this time, it appears that the reallocation process has begun.  Here's to everything ending peacefully.  If you need assistance at/upon crossing the border, let me know.  In addition, after talking with President Jordan of Giustizalia, I think that they'd be willing to assist in the logistics of settling the open space between your two nations, should you choose to occupy it.



After forwarding it to Marcia for sending, Marcus pulled out the secure texter.

Meanwhile, at his desk in FLMS headquarters, George felt his mobile device vibrate. He pulled it out, and read what was written:


Disregard the previous message.
Back in Black
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Posted: May 5 2005, 01:58 AM
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"Good evening, you're watching Chacor News Today. We start with Breaking News that the Premier has been ousted in a non-violent coup for not doing anything to end the Chacoran-Sarzonian tensions. Thomas Douglas, ex-Vice-Prime Minister takes over the position until the next elections in three years."


To: Marcus Davies
Consul, Judicial Republic of Legalese
From: Thomas Douglas
Prime Minister, Democratic Republic of Chacor

Warmest Greetings,
I thank you for your telegram. It is my pleasure to inform you that the Chacoran Parliament has voted to amend the Penal Code and Constitution as a result of this case. As I will not let my Government have any official contact with Sarzonia for now, I would like to request FLMS cover for Chacoran police making their way into Sarzonia. Alternatively, you can tell that tyrant Sarzo to let us in to arrest who we can.

Please do inform Sarzo that we will not be liable for any damage done to property while forcibly removing these, shall we say, immigrants. Also tell him that we are not removing minors under 19, the legal Chacoran age, unless they surrender willingly. They will have to be put under FLMS observation in Sarzonia, as the Constitution was not amended to include the possible forced arrest of minors.

IT seems to be working out just fine, although I've gotten reports that the South [of Chacor] may be coming under cross-border fire. As you say, here's to a peaceful ending.

Senator in Training
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Posted: May 5 2005, 02:01 AM
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[Breaking News bar disappears for a second, then reappears]

"We've just gotten word that southern Chacor has come under heavy cross-border fire from Sarzonia, and we can confirm reports of at least one, I quote, "explosion". There are as yet no reports of casualties although the CIBC (Constitutional Investigation Bureau of Chacor) have said they are investigating the matter."
Senator in Training
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Posted: May 5 2005, 08:51 AM
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"John, I want an explanation and I want it now. What in hell is going on over there?"

Newman replayed the dialogue between Sarzonia and the FLMS countries. Unseen to Newman, Sarzo shook his head vigourously.

"Unbelieveable, John. What's this I hear about shooting?"

"Rylossian troops are rounding up Chacoran citizens and are arranging for their deportation from Sarzonia."


"Yeah. We have a mutual defence pact of sorts with them, remember?"

"Oh, that's right." The nature of the pact was such that Rylossian troops were permitted on Sarzonian soil and Sarzonian warships could sail in Rylossian waters without penalty. It was an unusual agreement, to be sure, but it played to each country's military strengths. Sarzo began silently thanking Janis Hedge, his Vice President for Business and Commerce for that one. He also owed Rear Admiral Barbara Tucker of the Portland Iron Works a big favour.

"Now Chacor is offering to send their police in to arrest their citizens."

"I don't know about allowing armed Chacorans into Sarzonian territory."

"If we keep an eye on them, we can make sure they don't try anything funny. I'd rather defuse the situation than have a border war that could lead us to a war against the entire FLMS."

"If we keep an eye on them. I suggest we do that so those imperialist bastards from Chacor don't think they can steal any more of our land."

"Very well."

QUOTE (official message)
Sarzonia will agree to allow Chacoran police officers to enter Sarzonian territory to facilitate the removal of their citizens from Sarzonia on the condition that they consent to monitoring by Sarzonian police and military units. Each police officer shall be permitted to bring no more than a hand pistol with no more than seven rounds of ammunition.

In addition, any Sarzonian citizens currently in Chacoran territory are ordered to depart for Sarzonia or her territory within the next 72 hours.

John Newman
Vice President for Defence
Incorporated States of Sarzonia

Newman clicked send, hoping this step in the direction of concession would be enough to help prevent full-scale war.
It's all about the Navy.
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Posted: May 5 2005, 12:12 PM
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QUOTE (Chacor @ May 3 2005, 01:06 AM)
(OOC: I don't remember giving permission for anything of this sort, but I'm not against it.)


To: Federation of Like-Minded States (henceforth known as FLMS), Atlantian Oceania Regional Defence Organisation (henceforth known as AORDO)
From: Felix Gordon, Chacoran Consul to Lamoni and FLMS Representative; Henry Aspotal, ex-Chacoran Ambassador to Sarzonia
Subject: Request for Help

The Democratic Republic would like to request assistance from the FLMS and AORDO to counter any illegal manouveurs that may be made in the near future by either Sarzonian or Rylossan forces.

The Democratic Republic would like to note that this land was taken over peacefully with no harmful intentions on the departure of Sarzonia from the region, and the Government does not appreciate Sarzonia's claim of a rogue takeover.

We would also like to request that FLMS member nations help us as per the charter of the FLMS, as we have been attacked in a matter we feel has not been provoked by the Government. The entry of Chacorans into Sarzonian land is not condoned, but we have no right to restirct their movements per the Chacoran Consitution.

Finally, we hope an agreement can be worked out on neutral soil with the Sarzonians.

Give it back to him. Falcania will take the overspill until you return to your previous territories.
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Posted: May 5 2005, 12:34 PM
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The Free Lands of Nedalia will offer up to 1,000 peacekeeping forces, if needed, to be distributed along the Sarzonian-Chacorian border in order to calm the situation down. This, ofcourse, is up to both the Sarzonians and Chacorians to accept, and if both of them do, we will gladly begin dispatching the forces, who will be led by General Optam, the same man who led the Nedalian forces in the Battle of the Southern Islands.

Dewars Strand
Minister of Foreign Affairs

This post has been edited by Nedalia on May 5 2005, 12:35 PM
Emperor in Training
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Posted: May 5 2005, 12:56 PM
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The Confederacy of Latao
Member of AORDO
Member of FLMS

Honored Folks of Atlantian Oceania
As a nation, having an open bill with the Incorporated States of Sarzonia, we have observed the situation carefully, but kept in the background so far.

Now, that the issue is taken officially to the AORDO-council and the FLMS is involved, Latao clearly stands that it will not support any Sarzonian aggressions in no event.

We have seen the real character of President Sarzon’s regime, this is just another act of this well-known terrorist regime and its myrmidons.

The Confederacy of Latao will not follow any AORDO-requests regarding this issue and fully supports the FLMS - where needed using military options.

We urge Sarzonia to think carefully about every step it takes, as a war, raised by the incorporated states of Sarzonia will lead to the downfall of this doomed regime.

National Executive Committee Latao
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Posted: May 5 2005, 01:29 PM
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Speaking on behalf of the Nedalian Leadership, I denounce the wrong choice of words chosen by the Latin NEC, and urge them to control their obviously hostile, imperialistic intentions. Already having dealt with Latao, Nedalia asks the Latin NEC to stop using words to incite a war that, so far, looks like it can be avoided. We urge you to join the others in seeking a diplomatic solution to the situation.

Dewars Strand
Minister of Foreign Affairs
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