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Meeting in Kafra: Part Deux
Posted: Jul 29 2006, 05:50 PM
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Falcon nodded. "Exactly. Unprepared is exactly the word. The Falcanian Air Force is about to get a big expansion, and not just in numbers. I was going to save this until later in the meeting, but I may as well tell you know. For a while, now, Jay Industries in association with Paladin Tech have been doing research into airship technology to replace the navy which we sold. Progress is going well, but we are nowhere near ready to start production. If you start training now, and Viannor sees red, war will be declared before we can start producing these airships. And without airship technology, winning the war will be a difficult task from the Falcanian perspective."

He paused. "I'm not saying preparedness is a bad idea. I'm just saying we should wait for the opportune moment."
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Jul 29 2006, 06:27 PM
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Having remained silent as he took in the various other nation's opinions on current events, President Holton of Myrtannia frowned. They were speaking as if conflict with Starblaydia and its SAAS allies was a certainty. Common perception in Halosen was that diplomacy could be used to prevent any such catastrophic conflict. The MDF was only engaged in military action around Atheistic Right to defend the homeland from an attempted invasion. The reaction to the SDL decision had been largely negative for the president - the people would lynch him if war with the SAAS came for the SDL.

Finally, he stood to offer his take on the situations at hand, "Ladies and gentlemen, this is Myrtannia's first Strategic Defense League meeting, and already I am dismayed at the words I have heard.

Myrtannia agrees with the SDL opinion that the secessionist movement in Chacor is a dangerous one for nations in that part of our region. The idea of their possessing nuclear weapons is hardly welcome news. However, it is the opinion of the Myrtannian government that with the SAAS recognizing the rebel government, the situation is out of the Allied States' hands. Not only is this part of the region as far as can be from the home islands, but they are no threat to Myrtannia. Any action partaken by the Myrtannian Armed Forces in response to this, even under the SDL banner, would not be tolerated at home. We are a democracy, after all.

Already with the situation with Atheistic Right, the MDF is fully occupied at the moment. Only because a reported attempt at invasion of the second island territory have our armed forces responded. As stipulated in our agreement to join the SDL, Myrtannian troops will not be used should war come with the SAAS.

What I said dismayed me was the talk of certain officials here that war with Starblaydia is a certainty in the future. I and the Allied States of Myrtannia do not feel that way. A region-wide war would be absolutely disastrous and catastrophic, and Myrtannia wishes to have no part in such a conflict. Should such a war erupt, and the SDL entered open warfare with the SAAS, I am certain that the National Congress would vote Myrtannia out of the League and declare neutrality. I myself would likely be thrown out of office and replaced by an isolationist candidate elected by the people.

Myrtannia has no desire or taste for war that is not in her self-defense. If you make war with Starblaydia, she will not stand with you. I feel that we should avoid such a war as long as we possibly can, and use diplomacy to defuse the tensions."
Experienced Senator
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Posted: Jul 29 2006, 07:37 PM
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'Oh well, I forgot we had some nice tidy little Confederate-type idealist nations here,' thought PE Kingsley. He sighed, and began to speak again.

"Diplomacy will solve nothing here. What we have here are two bodies, positioned opposite to each, and the status quo cannot last. There will be movement on both sides. And if it were Tiberius Starblayde on the other side, this wouldn't be an issue. But when, my dear President Holton, was the last time you read an intelligence briefing on Lady," Kingsley scoffed at the word," Viannor, hmmmm? Perhaps you would like to hear what ASIS has to say about it?" Kingsley flipped open a folder and began to read. "Here we go: After what little analysis of the subject we were able to perform with such limited information, we have discovered that Viannor has become increasingly isolated and unstable. Should the rumors of the power of the Inquisition be anywhere near true, we recommend that the Alliance take measures determined by the Commander-in-Chief to exterminate with extreme prejudice to avoid the maximum projected deaths in the inevitable regionwide war.

"You know how often ASIS has used that designation, Mr. President? Twice. Two times in over two hundred and eighty years. Once was for rebel leader Bojan Vasil, who lead a rebellion against the Alliance which caused the deaths of millions of civilians in the Mediteranean Coalition, and against Viannor.

"And honestly, do you think anyone standing in this room wants the closest thing to apocalypse we will ever see in our lifetimes? What kind of insulting isolationist propaganda is that? Perhaps you are familiar with some more commonly known elements in physics? Like if you shake up a carbonized beverage, it will eventually build up enough pressure to explode? Right now, we are that point. The longer we wait, the worse this war will become. It will be fought sooner or later, and no nation will be able to stay neutral. One of the great President-Elects of the Alliance, Winston Churchill, said this: 'The appeaser is the one who feeds the crocodile hoping it will eat him last.' There is no appeasing Viannor. The time will come sooner or later. If the SDL is defeated, I doubt that ASPIRE or any other group of nationst will be able to mount an effective defence against the Starblaydi military machine. Viannor will come for the Allied States of Myrtannia, whether it be sooner or later, Your time will come.

Kingsley took a deep breath, delivered a searing look to Holton, and turned to Falcon. "Yes we see your point. Perhaps a meeting of our top levels of military to begin planning an integrated SDL force? We have already offered our and orbital technology to the battle, and the Alliance keeps it's promises. We need to accurately assess the strengths and weaknesses of our military force. We volunteer to serve as a host to this meeting, should the other nations accept it." Kingsley glared at Holton again, and sat back down.

This post has been edited by The Lowland Clans on Jul 29 2006, 07:38 PM
The Lowland Clans
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Posted: Jul 29 2006, 11:41 PM
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Holton glared back and responded, "The main concern for us is not provoking Starblaydia into a conflict if it can be helped. If Viannor is truly as unstable as your intelligence suggests, then any presence of SDL troops or units too close for her liking could touch off a war. It is not just the cost of lives, but the financial implications of war that are of concern. You use Winston Churchill as an example of defiance against autocracy, yet in the war he is most famous for, his nation was virtually bankrupt by the end. Yet another end that Myrtannia will not face should war come."

"In the event of conflict, we can only provide assistance to the League in the form of some financial support and medical facilities. But in such a war, we would be forced to keep a qouta of how many Legaue soldiers were admitted to care in our facilities in order to keep said facilities open for Myrtannian citizens. We are fortunate to be so far from the only active SAAS nation."

"Yes, I see your point, but the Myrtannian people may not be so understanding. The MDF will stand and fight if enemy forces attack us. Should we be attacked, Myrtannia will fight to the last man, woman, and child. We may lose, our lands occupied, but we will fight to the death rather than see our islands under the boots of another nation."

"In short, in any conflict, Myrtannia's contribution would be small and limited even beyond that. We will not be able to send any troops for joint exercises, for two reasons: first, as stated before, they are engaged in battle in an attempt to stop a potential invasion by Athiestic Right. Second, there would be massive protests and riots should Myrtannian troops be sent even for training excercises on the other side of the region."

Having finished, Holton glared at Kingsley for a long moment, then nodded to the MDF general who had accompanied him. As the general rolled her eyes, the President walked out of the room. He felt insulted, and probably wasn't going to be coming back anytime soon. That left her and her small staff to deal with the conference.

Standing up and looking apologetically to PE Kingsley, as well as each of the other leaders, she idly brushed a stray strand of black hair out of her eye, and explained, "My apologies for the President's outburst. I am General Hui Maung of the Myrtannian Defense Force, President Holton's military aide for this meeting. Unfortunately, I believe the President is more concerned with his falling chances of re-election rather than the big picture. I can personally identify with Mr. Kingsley's stance rather than the President's, and gaurantee that President Holton was.. over-exaggerating greatly. If you are to hold joint military exercises, units of the Myrtannian Armed Forces should be able to join in. You can count us in."
Experienced Senator
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Posted: Jul 31 2006, 04:39 PM
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Khara let out a slight frustrated sigh as he saw President Holton walk out of the meeting room. Turning to General Hui Maung, he smiled. "While that is pleasing to hear, I would like to say that, in partial agreement with President-Elect Kingsley, that we are not looking for war in this League, rather that we are preparing for a worst-case scenario. I know for a fact that the Dominion is most keenly interested in finding a way to avoid any type of full-on war with the SAAS. After all, should one occur, we will find ourselves with a rather formidable opponent in not only Starblaydia, but their allies to the southwest of us, Nova Roma.

I have no wish to see people go off and fight and die in my name when I have not exhausted every possible avenue beforehand to keep them in a peaceful world. However, I realize that to go into the future without a planning for the worst, would be suicide."

Patriarch Khara paused for a moment, loosing himself in thought for a bit, before continuing on.

"I suppose what I am saying is that we are trying to prepare for everywhere eventuality in this day and age. As hard as it may be to predict the actions of someone as unpredictable as Viannor, we must give it our best shot and react accordingly."

Khara then sat back down, taking another sip from his glass of water.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Jul 31 2006, 06:15 PM
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"I certainly agree with Patriach Khara, we need to be prepared to go to war but we should not be eager. Unless Starblaydia, with Viannor at it's helm, makes agressive moves then neither should we. After all, we are a defensive organisation. Not to say we always fight on our own land, but we only fight to deal with imminent risk not down the road."

"Not to say that we should not make plans and prepare for war, because that would be irresponsible of us to our nations and to the SDL as a whole, but we should not make plans to GO to war. Theres a subtle difference there."
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Jul 31 2006, 08:35 PM
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OOC: Yes, Oliverry, you're in smile.gif

It was only the beginning of the meeting and feelings were already hurt. This wasn't the way to form a united voice, and Yasmine Dala'a was determined to atleast try to get President Holton back on the floor.

As discussion continued on the stance against Starblaydia, President Dala'a whispered a quick word into Commander Horacio's, leader of the Nedalian Army, ear and silently excused herself, stating she would be back. To her delight, her exit was almost unnoticed thanks to the passion of the discussion at hand.

After witnessing his President exit the hall, Commander Horacio took his stand, saying:

"With all due respect to all of you, but Starblaydia is not the issue here, atleast not directly. The situation in Chacor has spiralled out of control, and now the rebels have claimed nuclear possession, revealing the two faces of Starblaydia. They lead the destruction of Atheistic Right, rightfully or not, but are willing to accept the rebellious state in Chacor admission into the SAAS despite them publicly stating that they have nuclear capabilities.

Ladies and gentlemen, that is the issue at hand. Although not a member of the SDL, Chacor has directly communicated with us, asking for our united intervention in the matter. At the very least, we owe them an explanation of what our future course of action will be, no matter if we stand idly and watch the rebellion or get militarily involved."

Outside of the SDL Council Hall...

"President Holton, I urge you, please come back in," stated President Dala'a slightly out of breathe after having to catch up to the Myrtannian leader. Behind her stood her personal bodyguards.

"Come now, President, surely it wasn't that big a problem! Kingsley, brash as he might be, was stating his opinion, albeit slightly degradingly. The bottom line is, you are part of the SDL, and your voice is equal to all that in the room. It is as much worthy of consideration as any one of the rest of us. Please, join me back in the Council Hall."

This post has been edited by Nedalia on Jul 31 2006, 08:36 PM
Emperor in Training
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Posted: Jul 31 2006, 09:20 PM
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Khara sat and listened as Commander Horacio spoke. "I think the best situation for Chacor and their dealings with the sepratists is to focus on inspection of the nuclear holdings they claim to have. I believe Lady Viannor's governments spoke of sending over some investigators, so perhaps we should too. That, at least would be start to soothing the situation. No offense to our friends in Chacor, but what concerns me most is not that these are rebels, but that they are rebels that claim to have nukes.

As far as the Dominion is concerned, the issue within Chacor is an internal problem of theirs. However, with things like nuclear weapons, the potential for damage outside that local sphere is much greater, and therefore, we take a greater concern. If we were to be persuaded that there was no malicious intent in these weapons, or that they were properly regulated, then our concerns would with the parties invovled would be much less."

Khara shifted his eyes over to the Sarzonia representative, realizing that his nation and the Chacorans had never had the friendliest of relationships. He, Khara, had been trying to steer things in regards to Chacor into a direction that would hopefully be acceptable to Sarzonia, as well as the whole alliance.

(OOC:I'm going on the assumption that even though Sarz hasn't posted, that his nation would have a rep already here.)
The Red Devil
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Posted: Jul 31 2006, 10:46 PM
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OOC: thanks for the precision... I was relying on the Wiki for information and, seeing as it was not updated...

IC: "Thanks for precision... Oliverry will soon need military weapons and things to defend itself... In the last budget, I was able to keep some money for defense. With that money, my government was able to take control of the Bazalonian base located in Oliverry. Don't worry, it was in the agreement I had with Mr. Hawdon that stipulated that when we could be able to afford it, we could make this base ours. My 'ministre de la défense' was also able to fund advertising for the hiring of volunteers in the Oliverrian Army, which saw a boom in the army and created 10 new army bases all around Oliverry."

Mr. Twaxlit said. He then drank some water and continued talking...

"That leads me to the Viannor problem... she is certainly a threat to all Atlantian Oceania and even to her allies. My secret services (OOC: they will be merged in the SDL's very soon to be in compliance with the charter) told me that some of Starblaydia's allies are seriously worried about Viannor. She is the main reason why I'm telling you this.

About the Chacorian issue, we got the same trouble in Oliverry in the beginning of the 2010s(OOC: Note that it's year 2027 in Oliverrian time) with Limbrogidlia. The Limbrogidlian Liberation Forces, which had both a paramilitary and a political wing, was funding a Civil War, which actually happent in 2009. But, the government negociated with the LLF before they could pass an Act of Independance and gave the Limbrogidlian government its own country under the protectorate of Oliverry. I was part of the LLF's political wing and even attended the negociations, remember that I'm Limbrogidlian, so I know what happent. To summarize, the key about the Chacoran situation is negociation. Not by us, as Patriarch Khara said, it's an internal affair, but if this discussion can help Chacor resolve their problems, why not discuss about that?" Twaxlit concluded.

This post has been edited by Oliverry on Jul 31 2006, 10:55 PM
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Jul 31 2006, 10:59 PM
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Stone found a flaw in the argument.

"The Chacoran rebels have placed under Starblaydi protection, and are quite probably already in the SAAS. They have no real reason to allow SDL inspectors into their nuclear storage facilities, and Viannor would probably not allow us in either. We would have to drop paratroops on each suspected nuclear weapons cache, and then where would we be? I think that we should perhaps give consideration to giving supplies to Chacor. Perhaps bring Chacor into the SDL. I normally wouldn't suggest something like this, but if the rebels win, then all of Chacor would be under the SAAS thumb, and it would give Starblaydia the ability to land troops in Chacor in order to have them attack Sarzonia overland. Sarzonia has one of the best navies in all of Nationstates, but Navies don't win land wars."
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jul 31 2006, 11:35 PM
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"The Djacor-Rysonia situation ceased to be internal when they tested that nuclear weapon. Right now, with Viannor's decision to openly endorse the Djacor-Rysonians and their efforts to join the SAAS and begin a war with Chacor. That prospect immediately caused this issue to become an international issue. If it was internal, why would we be talking about it? Why would the heads of the largest strategic alliance of nations in Atlantian history, be meeting here to talk about it?

"But for now, I believe the main issue would be setting up a unified command structure in case of war and beginning to prepare our forces for conflict. I am officially proposing that as soon as possible, that a series of military exercises to be held in the island to the south of Nedalia, involving air, land and sea elements of the SDL militaries to be held as soon as permissible."
The Lowland Clans
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Posted: Aug 1 2006, 02:49 AM
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"Any government which has not been recognized by the majority of foreign governments, and only by one led by an unstable autocrat who would eagerly plunge the region into war, can be a threat to international security. Particularly when the 'government' in question believes it needs nuclear weapons to assert its sovereignty. The legal government in question is still Chacor. Should they fall under SAAS bootheels, we would by necessity need to enter the area in force to back up our Sarzonian brothers and sisters," General Maung.

"As such, the Myrtannian Armed Forces will consent to a field testing of a unified SDL force in training exercises. Most likely, we can contribute paratroops, perhaps an infantry or armored unit, and a small naval contingent."

Outisde the SDL Council Hall...

President Holton stopped as he heard the Nedalian head of state approach and sighed as she tried to convince him to return to the council hall. He had far too much on his mind, and this conference was not helping ease that one bit. If anything, it was making it worse. While he appreciated her gesture, Holton wasn't ready to face off with Kingsley again just yet.

"I risked my career to get the Allied States of Myrtannia into the SDL, and probably won't maintain my office if things keep going badly in the region. Two hostile governments with nuclear weapon capability, our armed forces attacking a neighboring nation, and my own vice president likely to run against me come election time," Holton sighed in frustration, "It's become almost impossible for me to do anything at home politically. And despite our contribution to disarming Atheistic Right, Mr. Kingsley still sees fit to insult us at our first SDL meeting. "

"At this time, I can't be in the same room as someone like that. General Maung can deal with any military details," Holton added, "Unless you can give me a good reason why I presonally am needed in the chamber immediately, I'd like to have a few moments to cool off, maybe consult with my cabinet in Halosen."
Experienced Senator
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Posted: Aug 1 2006, 02:23 PM
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An aide handed a communique to President Stone. After reading it, he found that he wasn't that surprised that THIS had finally happened.

"Excuse me fellow SDL members," he interupted. "Starblaydia has just called for new elections for the AO UN delegate, and is running a candidate. The Islands of Qutar are also running a candidate. It is my personal position that the SDL should also either have a candidate run, or back Qutar. Is anyone interested in the position?"
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 1 2006, 02:29 PM
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Patriarch Khara attempted to stiffle a laugh at the mention of the UN, then shoke his head. "While I don't hold a very high opinion of the organization, I would hate for it to become even more useless to the nations of this region by becoming dominated by a Starblaydi puppet master. It's bad enough AORDO is under their sway, but the UN too would be just horrid."

Khara paused for a bit, realizing he was going on a bit of a rant and smiled. "Forgive me, what I mean to say is that I concur with President Stone. On that note however, what do we know about the Islands of Qutar? Could they be trusted to be a fair representative for the region in the UN?"
The Red Devil
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Posted: Aug 1 2006, 06:20 PM
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"Actually, I have been thinking about that... I would like to nominate a Bazalonian representative as the regions Delegate. We have been active in the UN and have even got our own resolution through into international law. Resolution #166. I think John McKay our current Ambassador, would perform really well." presented the option to the SDL meeting.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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