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AOCC2 Rosters and roleplaying thread
Posted: Feb 27 2007, 09:22 PM
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RP Cutoff for Draw Six
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Posted: Feb 27 2007, 11:50 PM
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The Mynia Daily - 27 February 2007

Amarenthe reaches quarterfinals with a spotless record

With another tight victory over Ubundi, who proved to be Amarenthe's toughest competition in the group stage, we're now heading into the AOCC2 quarterfinals with a spotless - that's right, spotless - record.

All right, we're bragging a little.

But Amarenthe is one of only two out of sixteen teams with a 6-0 record, and it's worth a little pride. Our team is doing a good job of proving that last year's second place finish wasn't a fluke, and if we keep this up, we might be looking at a similar result - though coach Sean Loughen is warning against overconfidence.

"We did pretty well, no doubt about that, but it's so easy in any tournament to get cocky - and it's so easy to slip and wind up flat on your back before you know it. The group stage, with no disrespect for our competition, wasn't too bad; Ubundi gave us the hardest match on day three, with an 8-7 final after ten ends, and giving us another go earlier today with 6-4 finish and scoring one late in the last end. But now that we're into the quarterfinals, you've got to expect that it's going to get a hell of a lot harder.

The effort was already there, but we're going to have to step it up a bit; our international experience is still severely limited."

Amarenthe's next match is Thursday, 1 March 2007 in the Arena dell' AeroPacitalia in Timiocato - let's hope for a win to bring in the new month. We're facing Krytenia, the second-place finisher from Group C, with a 3-3 record so far. Ubundi, who finished second to us with a 2-4 record, faces Manhatten Prime, the Group C leader - and the only other team that finished undefeated. Bazalonia, first from Group A, versus Group D second Myrtannia, and Milchama faces Ereeland to complete the day.


Day Six results:

Ubundi 4, Amarenthe 6 (10 ends)

0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 [ 4 ]
1 0 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 [ 6 ]

For another story concerning Amarenthian curling, see page E3


The Mynia Daily - 27 February 2007

The girl knows her rocks
Eric Britton

And we're not talking the sparly kind you women wear on your fingers. Or stick on little metal pegs through your ears. Not that they don't look lovely, ladies, really, we appreciate the time and effort you put into looking wonderful for us. Really. Especially you honey. Am I still on the couch?

No, we're talking the curling rocks - and Kayley Brian, the sole female representing Amarenthe in the AOCC2 who's seen ice time so far, knows how to throw them.

"It's been good so far," Brian agrees, "And I'm having the time of my life here in Pacitalia."

So how are the boys treating their lady companion?

"They're being good. My boys are a ton of fun to be around and play with, and boy are they skilled. I was a little nervous coming into this, as the only new team member this year and the only girl, but they're family now, and it's awesome to represent the Amarenthian women internationally, along with Shaelynn [Corinnagh]."

Good to have you out there, ladies. We're wishing you the best.
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Posted: Feb 28 2007, 10:06 AM
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"Have a seat," Downie said, gesturing to the chair in front of his very cluttered desk back at The Woodstock Daily Mail's newsroom. West nervously sat down, not sure what to think of Downie's demeanor.

It seemed entirely too much like putting on airs, like an editor who would seem collegial but then rip you a new one. Downie took a look at West and allowed himself to think for a second. He was genuinely trying to convey something that wasn't seeming to get across to West. That was a cause for concern, but it's one he decided he would deal with another time.

"I see the Spokes lost to Milchama," Downie said. "They're 3-3."

"Yes, sir."

Downie nodded. He glanced back at the match report and clicked his mouse. He then looked back with that smile that seemed to make West squirm.

"Seems like we've got some potential at this curling," Downie said. "But we just didn't have enough of what it takes to succeed." West was too nervous to respond, so Downie decided to.

"Unlike you."

West's eyes widened.

"You've got the potential," Downie said. "And you've got more than plenty of what it takes to do well in this business," he said, breaking into a genuine smile. "I truly enjoyed reading your copy. Besides the fact it was clean," he said with a chuckle, "it had some personality to it. We've gotten a lot of calls from people who picked up the sport here because of your stories."

"Wow that's great," West said, finally allowing himself to smile.

"I've got another assignment for you now," Downie said. "Bob Tracy's leaving The Daily Mail to go to that new sports weekly in Portland. We're going to need someone to cover the Wild. I want you to be the man."

"The Wild!" West was taken aback by this. It was the premier beat for The Daily Mail sports staff. In fact, it was one that Downie himself volunteered to take on when Tracy turned in his resignation, but the paper's managing editor told him the sports editor shouldn't be taking on a beat with all the responsibilities of putting out a newspaper.

"The other writers and I, and the editorial board were discussing it," Downie said. "We all feel you've got the potential to be a great one and we think you'd do well there. Your curling stories proved that, especially since you took on a sport you didn't know at all and you did well with it. People we know who do know the sport were very high on your stories. If you can do that well with a sport you know nothing about, we'd like to see you work with a sport you've won collegiate awards for covering."

"Thanks!" Downie looked at the broad, high-wattage smile that formed on West's face and nodded.

"Now get to work, kid!"
It's all about the Navy.
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Posted: Feb 28 2007, 03:06 PM
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Manhattan Herald – 28th February 2007

AOCC2 Update – Frozen Chips End Group Stages With Perfect Record

Krytenia 13, Manhattan Prime 14 (17 ends)

4 0 0 3 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 [ 14 ]
0 3 4 0 0 3 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ 13 ]

Manhattan Prime have edged past old footballing rivals Krytenia in a painfully close 14-13 win to maintain their spotless record of 6 wins out of 6 in Group C.

The Frozen Chips seemed to be off to a fantastic start when Kowalski picked up 4 points in just the first end, but the team then saw themselves frozen out for 2 ends whilst their opponents scored 7 points in quick succession. The teams proceeded to trade points, with Brown and Hopkins scoring 3 each for Manhattan Prime and Krytenia picking up an additional 6 points to leave the score 13-13 going into the 11th end.

The game then took a bizarre twist, with 6 no scoring ends in a row before MP clinched the winner with Kowalski picking up the vital point.

Manhattan Prime has reached the quarter finals in their first Curling tournament, and now face the runners up of Group B; regional newcomers Ubundi in Nortopalazzo. Krytenia also progress to face Amarenthe from Group B, the only other team with a perfect record thus far.

First: Pete Kowalski - age 22
Second: Chad Brown - age 25
Third: Jimmy Hopkins - age 26 (Vice)
Fourth: Owen Westwood - age 28 (Skip)

GROUP C - Final
1st -- Manhattan Prime [ 6-0, 58F / 35A / +23D, 18 pts ] [ Q / G ]
2nd -- Krytenia [ 3-3, 60F / 43A / +17D, 9 pts ] [ Q ]
3rd -- Demot [ 2-4, 32F / 43A / -11D, 6 pts ] [ E ]
4th -- Quakmybush [ 1-5, 21F / 48A / -27D, 3 pts ] [ E ]
Manhattan Prime
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Feb 28 2007, 04:29 PM
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UNCtv Sport

Giconi Nthanda: From the UNCtv Headquarters in Ubundiville, this is your host Giconi Nthanda and you're watching UNCtv Sport.

Let us start with the big headline that Ubundian sports fans have been looking forward to since earlier this month. Our Team Ubundi has qualified for the quarter-finals of the Atlantian Oceania Curling Championship II despite a six to four point loss against second-seeded overall Amarenthe in Nortopalazzo, Pacitalia.

And, joining me now to discuss Team Ubundi and the AOCC2 is the editor of the Ubundi Sport Journal, Luc Wicklif. Welcome, Luc!

Luc Wicklif: It is great to be here!

Nthanda: To start off, what do you think of Team Ubundi's performance in Group B of the AOCC2?

Wicklif: Considering them being newcomers to the AOCC2 and other curling tournaments, I would say brilliant. Coming in with little experience in Atlantian Oceanian sporting events, Team Ubundi faced a tough group of teams – among them, as you said earlier, second-seeded Amarenthe and sixth-seeded Az-Cz.

In the beginning match of the AOCC2, Team Ubundi crushed equally ranked Nojika in a fourteen to one blow-out and continued on to give Az-Cz and Amarenthe a difficult opposition, nearly defeating Amarenthe.

Nthanda: Compared to some of the other teams competing, Team Ubundi seemed quite up-beat and positive throughout the beginning matches. Do you think this helped?

Wicklif: Oh, without a doubt! Just listening or reading over the team's various interviews and press conferences, anyone could tell they felt good and confident all the way through, even after losses. Losing confidence can really hurt a team's performance, as we've seen in the AOCC2.

Also, the Ubundian people are giving Team Ubundi a massive base of support. If you look to the stands at Team Ubundi's matches, it seems as if you're watching a match back home in Ubundi, not in the Arena dell' ABNAmro in Nortopalazzo.

Nthanda: I see. Now let's look at Team Ubundi's performance yesterday night. Here was the final scoreboard:
"Ubundi: 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 [ 4 ]
Amarenthe: 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 [ 6 ]"

Wicklif: Team Ubundi faced a two point deficit going into the fourth end, and they were only able to score one point then. Amarenthe then scored another in the fifth end to increase their lead to four to two, and although Ubundi scored one in the sixth to decrease the difference to one, Amarenthe then scored a point in both the seventh and eighth end to take control. It looked as if there might have been some hope in the tenth and final end, but Team Ubundi managed to only gain one point.

Team Ubundi did well, but Amarenthe did a bit better.

Nthanda: Here are the final standings in Team Ubundi's Group B and the upcoming schedule for Team Ubundi:
"1st -- Amarenthe [ 6-0, 49F / 29A / +20D, 18 pts ] [ Q / G ]
2nd -- Ubundi [ 2-4, 48F / 43A / +5D, 6 pts ] [ Q ]
3rd -- Az-Cz [ 2-4, 46F / 48A / -2D, 6 pts ] [ E ]
4th -- Nojika [ 2-4, 31F / 55A / -24D, 6 pts ] [ E ]"
"Ubundi v Manhattan Prime
[ Arena dell' ABNAmro, Nortopalazzo, Antigonia, Pacitalia ]"
How do the quarterfinals look for the Team?

Wicklif: Team Ubundi's quarterfinals match against Manhattan Prime will be quite tough. Manhattan went unbeated in Group C, which included Krytenia, and performed even slightly better than Amarenthe. If the Team can keep focused, I believe they have what it takes to taste victory and the semifinals.

Nthanda: That's all we have time for tonight. Thank you for joining us, Luc.

Wicklif: Thank you for having me on.

This post has been edited by Ubundi on Feb 28 2007, 04:36 PM
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Posted: Feb 28 2007, 06:51 PM
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While the BazSports people were doing there live broadcast thing from Palestrato, whatever that means. The Curling team were slightly stunned, not only had they qualified for the knockout rounds, and not only had they qualified at the top of their group. Which was an amazing feat in itself but there was one more thing. After finding the schedule for the upcoming Quarter final, they found out they were up against.

Myrtannia, but not just anywhere they were right here at the Palestrato Santo Bernardo in Monterio, Pacitalia. This was going to be a big test for the Curled Bazalopes, Myrtannia are the number 1 ranked team in the tournament, however that does not mean anything, what does matter is that they had qualified for the Quarter Finals. Any of the teams, would be able to mount a decent Challenge and now that it is knock-out, all the efforts of the past 6 matches will mean nothing unless The Curled Bazalopes can beat the Myrtannians, but certainly the Myrtannians can beat the Bazalonians.

The team were left wondering about the result of the upcoming match. Each of the members in between their usual practice session, Jerry was wondering through the city looking at the various sites and came upon by accident the University of Margheria, there was an open field where the requisite numbers of people playing a game of Ultimate, A group of 4 students were hacky sacking as well as some sort of a study group sitting down on the grass working together.

And then an idea hit him, no it was not to join a Pacitalian university, but there was something else, something he did while at University that would perhaps give them the edge that they needed, and no neither is drugs. Jerry made his way into the CBD of Monterio and bought some items that he needed, the next night everything was ready. They just had to wait for the Quarter Final.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Mar 1 2007, 12:47 PM
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Team Myrtannia Qualifies for Knockouts; Bazalonia Awaits

PACITALIA - AOCC 2 has been an eye-opening experience for the second Team Myrtannia in curling, if nothing else. They've seen that just because they're number one in the pre-tournament regional rankings doesn't mean they're gauranteed to win their group. A loss to Vilita/Turori earlier brought that about, though that team had won two in a row including that match.

After recovering from the loss with a return to form against Jasi'Yun (10-5, 10 ends), Team Myrtannia found itself still very much in the runnning for the group title. Ereeland toppled V/T in their second meeting, setting up the biggest match of Group D. And unfortunately for the teens in blue and orange, that's where reality hit them like a speding brick in the face.

While Myrtannia may well have been looking forward to a knockout spot already, Ereeland took the ice and forced them to wake up from that daydream. The nuns took an early lead and ran with it, forcing Team Myrtannia to play catch up all the way. Not even a late two-point end could rouse the orange and blue to being close enough to threaten the Errish.

In the end (of the match), Ereeland took away a big 10-6 win that punched a ticket to their first AOCC Quaterfinals appearance. Myrtannia was left vying with Vilita/Turori in the final group match for second place and that elusive knockout seed. A day of closed-door, intensive practices paid off for Team Myrtannia, who came out ready to curl.

They showed it early, scoring four points in the first three ends, which by itself would have been enough to put away V/T. The V/T curlers secured two points over the next two ends to cut the lead in half by halfway through the match. That would be as close as they got, as Team Myrtannia went on a late rally and held the V/T team to just one point in the final five ends. This concentrated attack ensured Myrtannia's progression to the Quarterfinals with an 8-3 victory.

Elsewhere in the group, Ereeland made an easy time of it in pounding Jasi'Yun to secure Group D's top seed. So much so that the match ended early; it was called after eight ends.

Finishing second place in Group D, Myrtannia (4-2) now finds itself paired with the top seed from Group A. That would be Bazalonia (5-1). Save their one stumble against Milchama by all of one point, the Curled Bazalopes have been just about perfect this AOCC. That could pose problems for Team Myrtannia, who are just now seemingly finding their groove again.

"They're an excellent team, no question about it. We're going to use our day off to make sure we're ready for anything the Curled Bazalopes can throw at us," said vice skip Renaldo Givliani.

In other Quarterfinals match-ups, Amarenthe (6-0) takes on Krytenia (3-3), Ereeland (5-1) faces Milchama (3-3), and Manhattan Prime (6-0) goes up against Ubundi (2-4). From our perspective, Amarenthe - the runner-up last AOCC - is too strong for Krytenia and will sweep them aside en route to the Semis. Manhattan Prime has done VERY well for themselves, and should continue the trend against Ubundi, the team with the worst qualifying record. Ereeland/Milchama could get pretty interesting, but we feel the Errish tendency to actually play some defense will carry them into the semis.

As for Bazalonia/Myrtannia, we're going to be cautiously optimistic. The top ranked team in the region just barely edges out Bazalonia in extra ends, 9-8. But predictions have been way off before, and that won't change now.

All of the Quarterfinals action will be carried on SNM, due to the cancellation of the National Rodeo Clown Chess Tournament.
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Posted: Mar 1 2007, 03:09 PM
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Harvey Baze reporting live from Green Square in St. Peter's. Just behind me is the Furious Colleen Pub, where the house is packed. So packed that they don't have room for us tonight. The reason for the spike in patrons is easy to discover if you ask around.

"Our Sisters of Hope Abbey are kicking buttocks and taking names! All in the name of the Lord of course," fan Brigett Thomas told us.

The curling nuns have indeed done well for themselves in their first AOCC appearance. A win over Vilita and Turori by such a decisive margin (7-1) has turned out to be a sign. Meaning a sign that Ereeland had all the gears running in fine order. In a crucial Draw Five contest, Ereeland faced regional power Myrtannia for first place in Group D.

What was expected to be close ended up being another solid performance by the Holy Sweepers. Myrtannia beat the sweepers in the eleventh end last time. This time, the Sweepers were ready and the Myrtannians had their heads in the clouds. The scoreline from Draw Five:

Ereeland 10, Myrtannia 6 (10 ends)

ERE 2 0 2 1 1 0 2 0 0 2 [ 10 ]
MYR 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 [ 6 ]

The Holy Sweepers did their damage early, leaping out to a commanding 6-2 lead in five ends. Myrtannia got some back with a two stone sixth end, but the Sisters answered with their own two stone end. After that Myrtannia scored its final two stones to get within 8-6. That preceeded another two stone end in the tenth for the Holy Sweepers. All in all, a 10-6 win over the region's top ranked team is nothing to shake a broom at.

This was the win that locked up a quarterfinal spot for Ereeland, but didn't gaurantee the group. While Myrtannia battled Vilita and Turori for survival Ereeland battled to secure the group. Their opponent in the sixth and final group draw: Jasi'yun, coming off an upset of Vilita and Turori.

Their previous contest was an 8-2 drubbing by Ereeland in the third draw. This match would prove to be different in one respect - it would not go the full ten ends as normal. The scoreline:

Jasi'yun 3, Ereeland 10 (8 ends)

JSY 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 [ 3 ]
ERE 0 2 0 0 2 2 2 2 [ 10 ]

As you can see by the score this was a very lopsided contest. The Holy Sweepers wanted to take the group, and no one was going to stand in their way. Jasi'yun got a quick one stone lead in the first and went on to lead 3-2 heading for the fifth end. That's when the Errish Sisters took command by scoring four consecutive two stone ends.

The match was called after eight ends and gave Ereeland a big seven stone victory, 10-3. It also won the group for the Sisters of Hope Abbey. In other action Myrtannia beat Vilita and Turori to secure passage through to the QFs. So what do the knockouts look like? Here is the official QF schedule released by the Pacitalian officials:

Bazalonia v Myrtannia
Amarenthe v Krytenia
Milchama v Ereeland
Manhattan Prime v Ubundi

It's intersting to note that Ereeland's next opponent is Milchama. This sets up a contest between the Jewish Warriors of Milchama and the Catholic nuns of Ereeland. That alone may make this the game to watch in the quarterfinals.

Since I made predictions for the group stage, I may as well do some for the knockouts. I feel that Bazalonia will end Mrytannia's tournament early, while Amarenthe stays unbeaten in a close one with Krytenia. Manhattan Prime remains undeafeted and will face Ereeland in the semi finals.

The local government in St. Peter's has erected a giant television screen that you can see behind me for the quarterfinals. Errish citizens will be able to watch the Milchama v Ereeland match on this screen in Green Square live as it happens. This is Harvey Baze signing off from Green Square in St. Peter's.
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Posted: Mar 1 2007, 08:17 PM
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RP Cutoff for knockouts - quarterfinal stage
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Posted: Mar 2 2007, 12:57 PM
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Manhattan Herald – 2nd March 2007

AOCC2 Quarter Finals – Kowalski Sucker Punches Ubundi

Ubundi 2, Manhattan Prime 6 (9 ends)

1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 [ 2 ]
0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 [ 6 ]

Manhattan Prime has convincingly defeated Ubundi in AOCC2, to progress to the nation’s first sporting semi final in any sport since unification in 2005.

Continuing their strong record of 6 wins on the trot, the Frozen Chips killed the game in just 2 high scoring ends. Ubundi starting strongly, clearly determined to progress by grabbing a point in the opening end. Pete Kowalski showed his desire was equally strong, responding by grabbing 3 points in the 2nd end.

3 tense no-scoring ends followed, with both team’s sweepers looking uncharacteristically nervous and jumpy, leading to mistakes and very defensive play as both sides were desperate not to let the other score again.

Ubundi broke the deadlock in the 6th end, grabbing another point to pull Manhattan Prime’s lead back to 4-2. Skip Westwood’s two ends likewise proved scoreless, but cometh the hour, cometh the man – Pete Kowalski stepped up to throw for the 9th end, and proceeded to deliver a sucker punch to the Ubundian team, scoring 3 more times to record a convincing 6-2 win.

With public interest at home in sport exploding, the semi finals, and a draw with Ereeland in Sambuca beckon. Manhattan Prime’s opponents are also in good form, having defeated Milchama in the quarter finals, but the team’s morale has never been higher.

First: Pete Kowalski - age 22
Second: Chad Brown - age 25
Third: Jimmy Hopkins - age 26 (Vice)
Fourth: Owen Westwood - age 28 (Skip)
Manhattan Prime
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Mar 2 2007, 07:32 PM
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After an amazing performance in the Group stage the Curled Bazalopes choked in the quarter finals. Maybe it was facing the top ranked team in the region, perhaps it was the stress of a knockout match, perhaps it was the quarter-final curling curse. As in the first Winter Olympiad the Curled Bazalopes were knocked out. Despite this, the team had alot more experience and interest in Curling was renewed in Bazalonia. Local leagues started to ban together to form regional leagues. Perhaps it's not much longer until a fully national curling league is formed like there is for it's sporting cousin, Lawn Bowls.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
Posts: 774
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Posted: Mar 3 2007, 01:15 AM
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Myrtannia Eliminates Bazalonia, Faces AOCC 1 Finalist in Semis

MONTERIO, Margheria, Pacitalia - When all was said and done on Thursday evening, Myrtannia showed that apparently they are ranked number one in regional curling for a reason. Fourth place finishers in the last AOCC, Team Myrtannia finished second in a competitive Group D behind Ereeland, and drew Group A winner Bazalonia in the Quarts. There was speculation at home that the team would be on board the next flight to Halosen even as the match was almost underway.

Team Myrtannia banished those thoughts with a strong start to its second-ever Quarterfinal match. Last time around, the orange and blue curlers knocked out Iksonic in their first KO match. It was going to be a bit tougher this time, but they still managed to make a strong showing early.

Sachiko Noia helped score two points in the opening end, and set the trend for the offensive display that followed. It wasn't one-sided either, as the Curled Bazalopes came right back in the second with their own two-point performance. Come the third end, it was Myrtannia again with two points, this time courtesy of the on-ice tactics of Ellyn Mockler. Then came the fourth end, when Bazalonia again swept one home to draw closer at 3-4.

"Halfway through the match, we were still tense," said vice skip Renaldo Givliani, "We knew Bazalonia had a good team, and they certainly weren't going home without a fight today."

Taking control momentarily, Myrtannia scored one point in the fifth, and another in the sixth to go ahead 6-3. Then came another Bazalonian rally, an amazing display of curling ability when they scored thrice in the seventh end to make it all even once again. A three point lead became even-Steven going into the eigth end.

And then came Team Myrtannia's rally. Using the offensive tactics that are the brainchild of coach Luangxay, the youngsters in orange and blue dominated the Bazalopes in the next two ends. Each one saw Team Myrtannia strike home two, leading to a comfortable 10-6 lead heading into the final end. Bazalonia tried to make something happen, but only managed one point by the final sweep.

The win ensured that Team Myrtannia stays in Pacitalia for another few days, and guaranteeing them no worse finish than fourth. A highest-ever finish (such as third?) isn't completely out of the question either. But veteran curler Filiberto Luangxay says he intends to keep the team's heads out of the clouds.

"We've got our toughest matchup yet coming 'round the corner, and we need to be focused and ready. Our team underestimated these guys last AOCC, and we paid the price, big time," the coach commented on SNM's Curling Tonight porgram.

'These guys' Luangxay referred to are the as-yet unbeaten team from Amarenthe, runners-up to Dorian & Sonya in the inaugural AOCC. Amarenthe surprised a heady Myrtannian team in the Semi-Finals then, and now might be the favorite to progress to the Final. It's also a matchup of two regional curling powers: Amarenthe is ranked second, while Myrtannia is ranked precariously at first.

Sachiko Noia offered this point of view, "We can't take anything for granted at this level of competition. Amarenthe has performed extremely well, so we're going to be at the top of our game to get past them."

Domestic odds-makers have Amarenthe as an early 1 point favorite over Team Myrtannia. In other knockout action, that Amarenthe side eliminated Krytenia 4-3, while Manhattan Prime easily ousted Ubundi 6-2 in nine ends. The surprise of the tournament, Ereeland's nuns, continued to play well. Ereeland put an end to Milchama's stay in Pacitalia with a close 6-5 victory. They face Manhattan Prime on Saturday, and the Chippers are the early 3 point favorite to advance.

Just a reminder, don't forget to catch all the Semi-Finals highlights on Curling Tonight - every matchday night at 1:30 AM, only on Sports Network Myrtannia.
Experienced Senator
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Posted: Mar 3 2007, 02:23 PM
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Harvey Baze reporting from Green Square in St. Peter's. It was a grand scene in the city center on Thursday for the live curling broadcast. On the big screen, no less. Seating was hard to come by as citizens occupied the Square for the biggest sporting event in Errish history. Well, maybe not the biggest. Important at least.

The sponsors of the event handed out free drink and snacks to fans, and souveniers were sold at several tables. As always all proceeds for the souveniers went directly to charity. Of course, the purpose of the big screen was the main reason Errish sporting fans made their way to the Square.

The Atlantian Oceania Championship of Curling 2 quarterfinal contest between Ereeland and Milchama. As Group D winners Ereeland's Holy Sweepers faced stiff competition from the Group A runners up. On the big screen, every aspect of the match was broadcast - right from the national anthems. In Green Square volunteers raised Milchaman and Errish flags up as each anthem was played. The cheer was deafening when 'A Soldier's Song' concluded.

But the real show was yet to come. The Holy Sweepers had taken Group D seemingly out of nowhere. Milchama fought its way through to the knockouts with a .500 record. Nobody was quite sure just what to expect when the first end finally got underway. It was a close contest, but the fans in the Square needn't worry. The official scoreline:

Milchama 5, Ereeland 6 (10 ends)

MIL 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 [ 5 ]
ERE 0 1 2 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 [ 6 ]

Things got underway ominously when Milchama cast the first scoring stone of the match. Was this going to be the end of the line for the nation's favorite curling nuns? The Sisters of Hope Abbey responded in a manner that cast away those doubts of success. Over the next two ends they knocked three stones home to surge ahead of Milchama 3-1.

Milchama came back with another two stones to draw even at the halfway point. The Sweepers responded in kind to go back up by two. After Milchama cut the lead in half, the Sisters put home a miraculous two stones in the ninth end. At the start of the tenth Ereeland led 6-4. Or should it have been 7-4? The scoreline makes this unclear. Whatever the case Milchama could only come up with one stone in the final end. Victory went again to the Holy Sweepers.

Back in St. Peter's the assembled curling mob went absolutely bonkers. You'd think that St. Peter's FC had just won the Errish Cup or something. Festivities continued for another hour or so before people started to head home. A similar setup is planned for today's semi final match - big screen and all. Event goers are advised to arrive half an hour early in order to get a seat.

With the victory Ereeland joins Myrtannia, Amarenthe, and Manhattan Prime in the semi finals. While the two highest ranked nations in AO duke it out, our beloved Sisters of Hope Abbey take on the unblemished Frozen Chips. With Olympic experience Manhattan Prime has a slight advantage in... well, experience. But the Holy Sweepers have been on a roll, and rankings wise aren't far behind the Chips.

A sober fan identified as Parker O'Toole offered his take on the match, "Frozen Chips? What in the blazes is a Frozen Chip? Whatever it is, our Holy Sweepers'll sweep them off the ice."

An oversized banner proclaiming 'EREELAND HOLY SWEEPERS v MANHATTAN PRIME FROZEN CHIPS' has been raised up at Green Square. The national flags are ready to be raised during national anthems. Before the broadcast, the ladies' choir of St. Peter's cathedral will be singing the Errish anthem as part of a free concert. Win or lose, the curling nuns have found a place in the minds of Ereeland.

This is Harvey Baze signing off from Green Square in St. Peter's.
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Posted: Mar 3 2007, 09:27 PM
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Manhattan Herald – 4th March 2007

AOCC2 Semi Finals – Nuns Outdone as MP Reach Final

Ereeland 4, Manhattan Prime 7 (10 ends)

0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 [ 4 ]
0 0 2 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 [ 7 ]

Manhattan Prime has defeated Ereeland in the semi finals to progress to the AOCC2 final, leaving the average Manhattanite on the street wondering “The final? How did that happen?!”

The atmosphere had everything the semi final of a major tournament deserves; two sets of fanatic fans, gigantic flags and colourful banners, and plenty of noise. Manhattanite fans widely found their counterparts from Ereeland to be fantastic sports, and both sets of fans mixed well, with plenty of fans meeting at local pubs before and after the game, and several drinking contests being spotted against our new friends. A large Pacitalian contingent was also seen at the game, cheering on their Manhattanite allies and sporting banners reading “Timiocato Chippers”, and “MP for the Gold, Sambuca Fan Club”.
Clearly the Frozen Chips had won the hearts of the hosts as well, despite little being expected from them at the beginning of the tournament.

With the first end finishing scoreless as both teams felt each other out, the Holy Sweepers grabbed the first point of the game in the 2nd end.
Chad Brown responded with 2 points in the 3rd end, and Jimmy Hopkins grabbed another 2 in the 5th end to put the Chips 4-1 up.

Owen Westwood had a fantastic game, scoring 3 points in his 2 ends to leave the Holy Sweepers trailing. Although they rallied admirably with 2 skillful points in the 10th end, it proved to be not enough, and to the roar of their delighted support, Manhattan Prime took the game 7-4.

The MPNN has reported coverage attracted the highest viewing figures for any event since Manhattan Prime’s first successful space launch in 2005, and several Pacitalian bars offered free beers for every end MP won, and quickly found themselves packed out with Manhattanites who couldn’t get game tickets.

Manhattan Skip Owen Westwood took a moment from celebrating to hail his opponents - “they gave us a good game out there, and they were damn good sports. We hope to see them again at the next tournament, and I’m sure it’ll be a classic game” he commented.

Whilst Ereeland face Amarenthe for the Bronze Medal, one last hurdle awaits our boys; top seed Myrtannia in Timiocato on Monday. Can the team go all the way and bring the cup home to Manhattan Prime? Certainly the whole nation will be behind them, and the President himself has sent a letter of good luck to the team in Pacitalia.

First: Pete Kowalski - age 22
Second: Chad Brown - age 25
Third: Jimmy Hopkins - age 26 (Vice)
Fourth: Owen Westwood - age 28 (Skip)
Manhattan Prime
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Posted: Mar 4 2007, 11:21 PM
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Woodstock Daily Mail

Once more unto the breach, Pacitalia

By Dave O'Halloran
Daily Mail Staff Writer

TIMIOCATO (4 March 2007) -- Even though their team was eliminated at the end of the group stage, Sarzonian supporters have steadily made their presence felt in the knockout stage matches by the hundreds and later thousands in the arenas.

In some cases, Sarzonian supporters have taken to the odd seeming sport in droves, with the Sarzonian Curling Federation the obvious beneficiaries. Organisers of the AOCC3 Spokes side are optimistic they would have no trouble fielding a team.

"We think we'll even be able to make some cuts or develop a reserve side after what happened in Pacitalia," said a spokesman for the SCF. "After we had to struggle to field a team for this go of it, we don't foresee that being a problem next time around."

The Sarzonian team finished the group stage with a 3-3 record, which most observers would have been thrilled about considering the country's lack of pedigree in the sport. The team finished 15th among the 16 teams competing in points scored with 22, an average of 3.67 per game.

"We just were never in sync offensively," said first Charlie Orem. "We need to look at the tapes and see what we did wrong. More importantly, we need to see what other teams did well and learn from it."

While the team's offence was anemic, the defence kept the Spokes alive until the group stage finale against Milchama. Sarzonia's 24 points allowed tied with Ereeland for the fewest conceded in the tournament.

"I can't say enough good things about our defence," said skip Mathew Renney. "If we could only have scored a few more points, we'd be in the thick of things in the knockouts."

Officials at the Arena dell' AeroPacitalia in this nation's capital are estimating that a full 6,200 Sarzonians may be in attendance for tomorrow's gold medal match between Manhattan Prime and Myrtannia. They've confirmed the mailing addresses of 5,700 tickets already purchased as coming from Sarzonian homes.

"It's huge," said one ticket broker. "They've averaged maybe 2,400 supporters in the stands even when their team flew back to Woodstock. But there's definitely a spike in interest."

The broker said he couldn't account for which team supporters were cheering for, saying he didn't keep close track of those calculations. However, several media outlets are reporting a definite rooting interest for most Sarzonians they spoke to.

"Manhattan Prime," several university students shouted when asked who they supported. That response came consistently, according to several journalists in the work room of the Arena dell' AeroPacitalia. According to a straw poll done in the work room, 84 percent of the responses were from Sarzonians who cast their lots with Manhattan Prime.

Most sober Sarzonian responses cited the political climate involved in Manhattanite-Sarzonian relations being close before President Mike Sarzo's abrupt resignation last August. Others simply cited Manhattan Prime's underdog status entering the tournament.

However, several Sarzonians who said they planned to attend the final said they were doing so for another reason, one they said was even more important than a sporting event.

"We're making a statement about our hopes for Paci-Sarzonian relations," said David Leslie, who is on holiday from Saugerties. "We may not have won a title on the ice, but politically, we have much to gain from being there even without our team."

Laura Crofton, a former aide to Deputy Senior Vice President and External Affairs Officer Grant Haffner, said she was attending the match as a guest of Pacitalian Prime Minister Fernando Chiovitti. She said "ideological differences" led to her departure from Haffner's office, but External Affairs thought highly enough of her work to continue giving her assignments. Unconfirmed reports indicate that Crofton would be the likely pick for the next ambassador to Pacitalia should the two nations restore full diplomatic relations.

"I'm hoping I can just send away for my clothes," Crofton said, laughing. "I like it here; plus, I believe it would be a hugely positive step in the right direction for us to restore relations in the wake of Operation Pentacle."
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