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Atheistic Right Missile Testing
Posted: Aug 2 2006, 02:04 PM
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General Vinson couldn't think of anything better, and he said as much to his Khazaronian counterpart. As the operation got underway, General Vinson asked General Landon if he'd received the picture that he had transmitted to him.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 2 2006, 03:47 PM
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General Landon nodded to his counterpart. "That I did." he said solemnly. "After my revulsion was over with, I came to realize that this was nothing more than an attempt at scare tactics by a weak and sophmoric enemy. There is no sophistication in them and we shall prove as such when we crush their cities under our boot heels." He paused for a second, realizing his anger was getting the better of him.

Shaking his head clear, General Landon paused for a few seconds, then continued. "It probably goes without saying that this will eventually leak to the international press, if it hasn't already. I reccomend telling them the same thing, that these are scare tactics and nothing more. Once they are defeated, we will try them accordingly for their crimes."

General Landon then turned and whistled sharply. A second later an aide of his, dress in green camo, walked into the tent. He relayed to the aide his commands that he had just recently discussed with General Vinson. "I want those men relieved ASAP, understood?"

The aide nodded, saluted, and left.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Aug 2 2006, 06:51 PM
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The Atheistic Right Propoganda had not been laying around doing nothing while their opponents strategised. They had been in developement of a video. A video that made... well It's probably better if you see it first.

The video was being played... IT started off with a shot of a nice idealic, peaceful backdrop. Somewhere proportidly in Atheistic Right. Exact details of its location are sketchy. The vide suddenly changed to the rolling of tanks of all the nationalities that had tanks and some troops that looked like special forces, no nationality identification was on them.

The special forces lined up a shot and took it, you heard the scream of a woman in the distance. The scene suddenly changed, it is from the stationary Atheistic Right forces, who's tanks gleamed in the sun while their opponents had all been stained in blood and dirt.

To the side of the tanks near them but not too close armoured-personnel carriers arrived, they dropped their oppenings and many ten's of thousands of troops seemed to emerge from the APC's. However the their opponents also had ben. The APC AR troops engaged the enemies.

Many fell in a battle where one soldier yelled, "KILLERS OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN" as he engaged the enemy but was soon shot down by fire. The same special forces that where seen at the begining where coming up behind the enemy troops, sneaking around. They were'nt AR troops but as the enemies of AR started to seemingly win the battle the special forces got into Atheistic Right uniformsAnd had chopped off the heads of Atheistic Right soldiers and where lobbing them into the Atheistic Right forces.

Then the action froze as that photo that was publicly sent to all AO nations appeared on the screen, it looked like the image became enhanced, just the faces while the other portions of the photo became blury. And what looked like Lamonian Military ID's cameup on the screen. Each ID saying that the people in the photo pretending to be Atheistic Right where in fact Lamonian Special Forces.

The throwing of heads spurred the Atheistic Right troops on and turned the tide of the battle forcing all opponents into their ships and away. The Atheistic Right military forces stayed on the shore and celebrated as the enemy ship fled in disgrace.

The video was distributed throughout Atheistic Right in it;s entireitym the video was also distributed internationally throughout AO, however it ended at the identifying of the Lamonian Special forces.
Atheistic Right
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Posted: Aug 2 2006, 08:04 PM
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Having recieved each of the AR's propaganda videos, the Myrtannian Armed Forces Intelligence Command (MAFIC) had decided that something needed to be done to counter the material. While the Lamonians, Khazaronians and other Allied forces went about planning military strategy, Myrtannia had already started producing its own counter-propaganada. Utilizing the thriving filim industry based in Niniisto, the Allied States intended to fight psychologically as well as physically. If the AR Propaganda machine wanted to fight a war of images and words, MAFIC intended to give them that war. It's first video, distributed in full to AR and the rest of AO, was as follows:

The scene opens with what appears to be a bombed and cratered urban area, smoke rising from myriad buildings, fires raging in some as the camera panned from one side of the street. A few civillians ran about looking for cover, as AR troops strolled down the street without a care in the world. It was as if they were oblivious to the destruction around them, and simply having a jolly old time. A man with blood trailing down one side of his face approached one of the soldiers, limping a little as well. He begged for help; he said his son was trapped in the rubble.

The soldiers looked at each other, then laughed and shoved the man down, apparently injuring him further. As the man cried out in pain, the soldiers moved on, walking past the burning hulk of a car without paying the slightest attention to it. Then, they spotted a pregnant woman across the street, scurrying about as fast as she could in order to reach some form of protective cover. One of the soldiers pointed her out, and the other suggested they see which one of them could hit her first. Both raised their rifles and aimed, and one fired, hitting the woman in the leg, causing her to fall to the pavement.

Laughing evilly, the second AR soldier aimed for her head (the shot switches breifly to that of the rifle's sites trained on her), but never got a chance to fire. The sound of gunfire erupts, and the shot switches to the two AR soldiers falling to the ground as a mixture of Allied troops moves forward. Where the AR soldiers' uniforms were bloodstained and filthy, the uniforms of the Allied soldiers were perfectly clean and neat. Two of the soldiers, a Khazaronian and a Bazalonian, fired and took the vulgar AR troopers down. Another pair of soldiers, these two Lamonian and Myrtannian, approached the wounded pregnant woman, who looked up at them fearfully.

Rather than firing, the Lamonian spoke with concern about the woman's wound, and knelt down to dress it. The Myrtannian assisted, and then picked the woman up in her arms and carried the woman to a safe location inside a building that hadn't been too badly damaged. Inside, more Myrtannian soldiers were caring for wounded Atheistic Right civillians who had been wounded, one of them sharing a joke with a young boy, who seemed to be happy now that he was safe.

The shot then returned to the street, where the fires were dying out as more Allied troops moved into view, amongst them more Khazaronians, some Lamoni airborne troopers, Bazalonian infantry, and a Myrtannain T-99.

A voiceover then announced, "The government of Atheistic Right does not care about its own people. Government officials hide in safety while their people suffer. Needless civillian deaths have and will occur so long as they are allowed to control the country. The allied forces now engaging the corrupt government of the cowardly Lion want to help the people. "

Other materials were dropped into AR by the MAF - leaflets with effectively the same message as the video, as well as ones with the slogan 'Great Lion? Try Cowardly Lion.'- over most major Rightist cities. All were designed to decrease public support of a government that had left them to the wolves.


Meanwhile, the MDF was moving close to the buffer zone being established by other allied troops, having encountered little to no enemy resistance. The Myrtannian troops were being cautious, taking neccessary steps to not be ambushed. That was the last thing the MDF needed right now, as the din of battle drew ever closer.

Soon, the Myrtannian forces would link up with SDL forces, and the push against the AR military would truly begin. It was only a matter of minutes now before they would reach the Lamoni/Khazaron joint force. The commander of the MDF expeditionary force, a Colonel Andreas Bonzo, decided it was time to try and contact his nation's allies.

"Lamoni command, please come in, this is Orange Cavalry," he called into a radio in his vehicle, "We are approaching rendevous position, would like to confirm your position, over."
Experienced Senator
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Posted: Aug 2 2006, 08:58 PM
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The Royal Federation had decided not to send any ground troops to invade Atheistic Right, but they had found some new targets of importance...

It hadn't taken them too long to find the transmission points of the propaganda that was spewing from Atheistic Right. Now, another flight from the Specialized Naval Tactical Strike Force launched from the aircraft carrier Victorious and began their flight over AR. Not too long later, they reached their coordinates for the target, the primary center for the spreading of Atheistic Right propaganda over Atlantian Oceania. And in little time, the bombs came falling down. If there were any other transmission sites, they would soon be hammered as well.
Dedicated Scribe
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Posted: Aug 3 2006, 02:20 PM
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"Lamoni command, please come in, this is Orange Cavalry," he called into a radio in his vehicle, "We are approaching rendevous position, would like to confirm your position, over."

Checking to see that the tranmission was encrypted - it was, a Lamonian communications specialist replied. "Orange Calvary, one moment." A different voice came onto the circuit. "Orange Calvary this is Ironhorse Six (OOC: Lt. General Vinson). Stand by at rendevous position, we are sending guides to bring your commander and his command to us. Aknowledge."
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 3 2006, 07:51 PM
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Another propoganda video was produced... It was in the format of a live news feed and had no where near the production quality of the others...A beautiful female reportor was standing by the destruction of a building

"Hi, I'm Racheal Blake, and here I am standing outside the latest War Crime committed by the allied invaders. What you can see behind me are the ruins of what was a bustling Atheistic Right company. The business owned by civilians, run by civilians and operated by civilians was a thriving producer of many of the nations television shows. We have some film of bombing." - Rachael

A extreme wide shot saw a indestinguishable plane dart through the frame, a missile was launched as the camera started to zoom in on the missile as it fell to the ground. The missile landed and exploded the building.

"Here among the destruction and the death of innocent civilians our nation has cried out to the international and just like when Atheistic Right was invaded by Collonie, the international community has turned it's eyes away and blocked it's ears to our cries. I'm here with the owner of the building behind me, Raphael Toort. Raphael what was happening inside when the missile hit?" - Rachael

"This missile hit while in production of one of Atheistic Right's favourite drama, Hugh - The Relgious Detective, a series dedicated to showing how so called "super-natural" has a scientific explanation." - Raphael

"So, there was no connection between your business and the military?" Rachael

"We just make Television shows, and that's it." - Raphael

"Thank you, Raphael. I also have a person from the nations military for some questions. First can you confirm that the target of this attack was a civilian target?" - Rachael

"Yes, Rachael, there where was no military equipment or personnel at all or has there ever been on this site." - un-named military

"So which nation do you think did it?" - Rachael

"Does it really matter? all these aggressive nations have attacked us and our way of life. In a sense they all have done it." - un-named military

"There has been claims by the enemy that the government has abandoned us, what is your take?" - Rachael

"Have we as a nation ever relied on the government. We fight because we are being invaded and our way of life being attacked. I fight to get these inter-lopers out of Atheistic Right, to maintain our life and our right to determine for ourself what we do." Un-named military

"Well, thank you. This has been Rachael Blake reporting live."

Atheistic Right
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Posted: Aug 3 2006, 09:17 PM
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((OOC: You do realize I said all major transmission sites, right? So that video isn't going anywhere.))
Dedicated Scribe
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Posted: Aug 3 2006, 10:32 PM
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QUOTE (Geisenfried @ Aug 4 2006, 12:17 PM)
((OOC: You do realize I said all major transmission sites, right? So that video isn't going anywhere.))

OOC: Looking back at the RP... " the primary center for the spreading of Atheistic Right propaganda".. which was also the main propoganda recording centre. Hence why it was shot as a live news production because they didn't have the facilities for the slick productions that they had before. However there would be others... admitedly. I'm going to change tact on Atheistic Right propoganda.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Aug 4 2006, 01:06 PM
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A group of Lamonian soldiers was waiting at the rendevous point for the Myrtannian Calvary. They had the job of escorting the commander of the Myrtannian forces to the allied command post, as well as escorting the Myrtannian units to the front lines where they were badly needed.

One of the guides, whose name was Lt. Lars Larson; heard the rumble of engines, and saw that the Myrtannian forces had arrived right on time.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Aug 4 2006, 01:50 PM
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While the Lamonians where out escorting the Myrtannian VIPs to the allied HQ, the Khazaronian Crimson Guards where out on a mission to take out any remaining broadcast facilities they could find, to prevent the flow of the midnless propaganda that the Atheistic Righters had been spewing forth into the region. Five men of the elite force had been given over totally to this task alone, provided with backup from the elements of the Khazaronian Airforce that where based on the aircraft carriers Invictus, Carain, and Sairion. The Crismon Guards would locate a position that AR was using for broadcasting propaganda, paint it with a laser targeting device, and then the bombers would fly in for the run.

In order to counteract any attempt by the Atheistic forces to shoot down the bombers, not only where they given fighter escorts, but the other remaining Guard forces, 15 in all, where re-directed to go and focus on local positions in the designated areas that where known to have AA guns and SAM batteries. They would attack those areas, with the intent of disabling them, just prior to a strike by the bombers.

As for the expedition force at large, they where fortifying their postion next to the Lamonians and entrenching their howitzers in key positions to make it difficult for the AR forces to launch an assault on the allied postion. Tanks began rolling up to the Khazaronian positions, prepping for the moment when they would be given the order to move out.
The Red Devil
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Posted: Aug 4 2006, 07:15 PM
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With the total air superiority of the enemy a large immovable target was just inviting to be bombed... but what about a movable studio? A studio in a truck, a truck that broadcast on the radio, for short bursts then moved onto a new location. This was the plan for the new Radio Right propoganda station that was being fitted out. Being inside a van it was not as powerful broadcast station as it could have been or really wanted to be but it was still a functioning propoganda tool that could be used.

The first broadcast in it's entirety.

"This is Lamarack Darwinson, broadcasting to you through Radio Right. The only remaining voice of truth through this war. Today saw the destruction of another Atheistic Right broadcasting tower and another complex. Why are they destroying these things? Simple, they do want the truth about what they are doing to spread out. I can't talk for long I'll be targetted by the planes. And so this is Lamarack Darwinson signing off for Radio Right."

Atheistic Right
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Posted: Aug 6 2006, 04:54 PM
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The Lamonian guides had escorted the Myrtannian VIPs to the allied command post while the Myrtannian forces joined with the Lamonians and Khazaronians.

One Lamonian communications officer was attempting to keep track of AR communications, and stumbled across the following.

"This is Lamarack Darwinson, broadcasting to you through Radio Right. The only remaining voice of truth through this war. Today saw the destruction of another Atheistic Right broadcasting tower and another complex. Why are they destroying these things? Simple, they do want the truth about what they are doing to spread out. I can't talk for long I'll be targetted by the planes. And so this is Lamarack Darwinson signing off for Radio Right."

The communications officer made a note of this, and lost interest in it.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Aug 8 2006, 04:01 PM
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Starblaydia had what she wanted from Atheistic Right. The nuclear weapons were destroyed or confiscated, their scientist creators captured and taken back to Starblaydia to work for a new nation. The nuclear complex itself was now a smouldering broken mess, bodies lay everywhere.

The men, women and children - families of the scientists and base personel - had all been summarily executed by KERES agents, not a soul was left alive. Incendiary explosives were laid everywhere of importance and Starblaydi forces retreated back to their helicopters and cargo planes.

The trip back to Starblaydia would be a long and perilous one, having to pass so close to the now black-listed nation of Krytenia. God only knew what was going to happen when a Starblaydi Battlefleet passed along that channel.

What would happen to any of those Myrtannian/AR soliders should they enter the base, however, was a little more obvious.
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Posted: Aug 8 2006, 04:36 PM
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With the majority of AR forces being beaten back by the allied offensive, and what passed for a government in the country having collapsed, the Khazaronians settled themselves into a patrol routine. The first order of business was to bring what order could be brought back to the beleaguered people of the nation. To that end the Khazaronian infantry, with close support by armor units and a fly-over patrols by the air force, began securing and rebuilding areas of ruined cities.

Once a city was liveable again, it was opened up as a refugee point for those who had been left homeless by the war. Rotating patrols where established in the refugee camps, and in the roads in-between for as far as their numbers would allow.

Meanwhile, the Khazaronian General contacted his allied counterparts and asked as to how they wished to proceed with the rest of the effort in AR. He suggested that it may be best to allow them to relocate to new homes, as their current one was almost completely gone.
The Red Devil
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