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The 23rd AOCAF Cup: RP Thread
Posted: Jun 29 2008, 09:25 AM
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Now With Added Bekk!
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Posted: Jun 30 2008, 05:00 AM
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Once More Tilting At Windmills
Starblaydia aiming to slay the sixth giant

AOCAF Fifteen. AOCAF Sixteen. AOCAFs Seventeen, eighteen, nineteen and twenty. Twenty-one and twenty-two, thrown in just for good measure. Starblaydia have been trying to extend their record of Five Regional Titles far longer than many nations have actually been playing football. The Fourteenth championship was the last time they lifted the trophy, when they made their own record of five times champions of Atlantian Oceania, top of the tree of this particular Confederation of Association Football. They are, still, the most successful team in the history of the largest and longest running regional tournament in the world and this will be their twenty-second attempt at the title, a challenge that they have been successful at a record five times. Now, as they cross the Bekk to the closest thing to a Home tournament since AOCAF4 - their first championship victory and also first international trophy ever - Starblaydia prepare with renewed vigour and enthusiasm having fought their way to a victorious Third Place last time around.

Now, back up to a relatively high ranking of fourth in the Region, Starblaydia can offer a relatively good case for a genuine title challenge once more. Though knocked down to the pot of second seeds thanks to West Starblaydia being placed into the top pot as hosts, Starblaydia will be making it their number-one aim to leapfrog 3rd-ranked Pacitalia and qualify in first place from a group that also contains debut nation Oceaniaus and lowly Kosovoe. In fact, it could well be the final Group Stage match - where Starblaydia face Pacitalia - where the Group Winners are finally decided. It should be a simple case of these two nations going through, but in which order? Kosovoe may present some form of challenge, while the presence of Oceaniaus is really a complete unknown. Starblaydi fans will be expecting two wins and a draw, at the very least, if not a total of nine points from the Group stages. Pacitalia, of course, will be Starblaydia's greatest test of this initial stage, but should Lex Panarii's young side - with just three players aged thirty and none older - overcome the Blue Foxes there will be further dangers in the next few rounds.

So, to see who and what Starblaydia may face in the following rounds, we present our totally unofficial, seemingly at-random predictor for the 23rd Atlantian Oceania Confederation of Association Football Cup...

Group A

West Starblaydia

Our first upset in the first group, as we think that West Starblaydia will have a role to play in denying Lamoni a place as the A1 side, handing Demot the position of Group Winners. The plucky westerners, however, will ultimately lose out on a qualification place, though not without a tense and exciting fight to the last.

Group B


Not quite by the numbers here, Starblaydia should be able to make the smallest of upsets by overcoming the minor difference in the rankings and top the group over Pacitalia, with Kosovoe and Oceaniaus nowhere.

Group C

West Pocono

Here it is by the numbers, though Bazalonia may find it tricky to out-pace Milchama for the second qualification spot. This may come down to who takes the most points from West Pocono, but former champions Hypocria should breeze this group.

Group D
Manhattan Prime


Again, going with the rankings as defending champions 95X storm through, with Manhattan Prime holding off the usual healthy challenge from Bettia's Aroras. This, however, is the group where some super-unlikely conditions may well end up rearing their heads, so if Manhattan Prime and Bettia go through because 95X couldn't hit a Kerecan cow's arse with a banjo, then don't come crying to us because your bookie has taken your money from you.

Quarter Final Predictions
Pacitalia to beat Demot
Starblaydia to beat Lamoni
Manhattan Prime to beat Hypocria
95X to beat Bazalonia

Semi Final Predictions
Starblaydia to beat Pacitalia
95X to beat Manhattan Prime

Final Prediction
Starblaydia to beat 95X

How, of course, could a Starblaydi paper predict the final outcome as anything other than a victory for the white-and-purples? With the position that Starblaydia find themselves in, surging back up the regional rankings and cementing their place among the top twenty nations in the world, there is evidence to be optimistic for the first time in a good long while. Starblaydia should make the Semi-Finals as their target - the same target they had always set themselves during the glory years of Starblaydi football when the AOCAF had barely reached its teens. Hope, as always, springs eternal, and Starblaydia could well make it into a reality.
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Posted: Jun 30 2008, 04:30 PM
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Please note, for RP purposes, AOCAF Cup XXIII takes place before WCXLI.

Go West, Young Men
Westerners search final once more

AOCAF Eight. AOCAF Nine. AOCAFs Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen (at home), fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen (here again), eighteen, nineteen and twenty. Twenty-one and twenty-two, thrown in just for good measure. And you think it's hard to be a Starblaydi fan?!?

Fifteen competitions have passed since the West's last AOCAF Cup final appearance, beaten by their eastern rivals in the long dead nation of South Osettia. Fifteen abject failures. And, let's face it, it's unlikely to be a sweet sixteen. Given top seeding by dint of being tournament hosts, the West face an uphill struggle against Demot and Lamoni for a place in the quarter-finals.

Manager James Flynn is expected to name his squad tomorrow morning.

This post has been edited by West Starblaydia on Jun 30 2008, 04:32 PM
Now With Added Bekk!
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Posted: Jul 1 2008, 04:13 PM
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OOC: This should be taken completely in jest, as I've been guilty of breaking the fourth wall on more than one or two occassions - witness my first WC squad having the very RL-based David Bentley and Samir Nasri in it, to name just the famous ones...

Fictional Characters Named in Foxes Squad
Online game goes too far in Pacitalia

LIFE, they call it, said to be the Lame Imitation of Fair Existence, though no-one seems to really know what the acronym stands for or even if it indeed has a meaning. Sometimes referred to as 'RL', though it is beyond this reporter to tell you what that means either, it is a game which has taken up the lives of far too many residents of our nation. In Pacitalia, however, the online geekery disease has even spread to the national football association. Let me elaborate a little.

LIFE, to explain properly, is an online game in which players from around the world, especially in Atlantian Oceania, imitate sovereign nations, guiding them through the perils of elections, wars, diplomacy and even sports, crazy as that sounds. One nation in this game is known as the Netherlands (a quick check of this website reaveals that even among the 75,025 nations in 9,163 regions on our little mudball there is no such nation as Netherlands), and they appear to be some sort of ex-colonial power with a highly liberal parliamentary democracy and a keen interest in football, with orange also being their national colour.

Looking at the Blue Foxes roster brings few surprises: Giurimano, Bordellatta and Zolà being among the names we would have expected to see. Seeing a new Manager's name, one M. Van Basten, is unusual, but nothing too unlikely until we see what nation he is supposedly from. Then, it gets worse, we find that two Pacitalian players supposedly come from fictional clubs within a fictional nation! One sounds like a cleaning product and the other was at the front of the queue when they were handing out the letter 'e'. Perhaps these are all players of LIFE, and have banded together in some sort of joke at our unknowing expense.

Either that or there are some hefty sports-minded internet geeks out there who want to mess with our minds. Whatever the reason, it's best left unmentioned by the rest of us.

This post has been edited by Starblaydia on Jul 2 2008, 01:42 AM
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Posted: Jul 2 2008, 12:55 AM
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Lamoni starts the AOCAF with a bang

The Hawks are off to a good start in their 20th AOCAF competition; defeating Septentrionia by a scoreline of 4-1. While the scoreline was pretty much what everyone who has had AOCAF experience would have expected (an experienced team crushing a new...ish team), for the Hawks, it is business, not personal. Three more points, and a chance to prove the Starblaydi prediction of a second place finish in Group A wrong.

Group A should be interesting, with Septentrionia, W. Starblaydia, and Demot rounding out the group. Lamonian bookies see the Hawks finishing at the top of the group, with W. Starblaydia and Demot slugging it out for the second place finish; while Septentrionia might finish third if the Western version of the 'Blaydis or Demot were to fare worse than expected.

In any case, this match was also the debut of the new Lamonian 'home' kit that was designed by Ediraf. Having observed them for the first time today, we must say that they look especially well done. During the practice sessions, no members of the press were invited, and there was rampant speculation of a new kit for our AOCAF squad, but no one had been able to confirm the rumors until the team came onto the field for the match.

So far, the Hawks look to be in good shape for their next match against neighbors Demot, one of the higher ranked teams in Group A. This should be a good match, but end up with a Lamonian victory. After that, a final match with the AOCAF hosts will determine if Lamoni retains the top spot, which we are expecting that they will. Demot has been fairly mediocre during past AOCAFs, and W. Starblaydia should not be able to produce much of a challenge.

Lamoni - 4
Septentrionia - 1

This post has been edited by Lamoni on Jul 2 2008, 12:56 AM
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jul 2 2008, 07:13 AM
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Starblaydia throw down the guantlet

One more and it would have been a joint-record, equalling Starblaydia's 8-0 defeats of Obsidianus and Krytenia. That, however, is just about the only thing that can even approach 'disappointing' for Starblaydia about this match. Goals were shared rather neatly around Starblaydia's forward line, with one grabbing a hat-trick, her strike partner and also their newly-installed captain both bagging a goal each, too. On came Diamontii Di Bradini to nick herself a goal too, as well as an unlikely seventh from a Right-Back making his debut for the senior side.

Daymon Callind found himself free in the box after just four minutes, stepping away from a defender who had his eyes on the incoming ball, from debut player Ricky England, and not on where the Starblaydi striker was. Callind, with a small leap, headed the ball down and into the net: welcome to international football, Oceaniaus. Defensive frailties were exposed a few minutes later as Lubii expertly turned past a defender to break free into the box and slot the ball under the body of the 'keeper diving at her feet. Starblaydia were already cruising, the five-time AOCAF champions showing all their experience and desire against a side playing their first international match. Starblaydia were fairly lucky at the beginning of their international adventure, as they only lost 2-1 in an away match to a vibrant Vilitan side. Here, however, the difference in class was obvious and Lex Panarii is not a man to let his side perform at anything other than 100%, so Starblaydia kept on harassing the newbie team and showed them no mercy.

Lubii, in particular, had her skills on razor-sharp form as she netted two further goals to mark an excellent hat-trick, though the second and third made a sandwich of Batou Nakamura's free kick. Lubii took a right-footed volley for her second goal from a high Kuu cross, while she had to switch to her left to squeeze the ball in at the back post after a header from Callind had been saved by the goalie, palmed across the face of goal for the speedy striker to get her foot to first. The hour mark came and went and Starblaydia were five-nil up. Kuu brought out the showy tricks to keep the crowd excited, while new player England put cross after cross into the box to test the Oceaniaus defence. This proved fruitful for Di Bradini as she came on after sixty minutes for the hat-trick hero Lubii and scored after being on the pitch for just twelve minutes. Even substitute defender Peter Movalinen got on the scoresheet, making a big splash as he stabbed home a loose ball in the box that resulted from a corner. Few players - defenders especially - start their careers with a goal, but young Movalinen is one of them, and that can only help in his charge to dislodge the veteran Chang-hwa and the versatile Carlito Di Bradini in the Right-Back spot.

Whatever the future, the present is Starblaydia thumping seven goals past a nation and putting down a challenge to the rest of the teams who have come to West Starblaydia to take the 23rd AOCAF Championship.

Final Score from Draconium Arena:
Starblaydia 7 (Seven) - 0 Oceaniaus
(Callind 5, Lubii 12, 31 & 53, Nakamura 38, Di Bradini 72, Movalinen 79) - (None)
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Posted: Jul 2 2008, 10:13 PM
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The Atlantian Oceania Cup of Association Football, better known as AOCAF, is well underway in 'West Starblaydia' or 'Krytenia'. I never really know what to call it now especially with Krytenian rebels starting to take various action against the West Starblaydian government. But who really cares? we're not here for the politics we're here for the soccer.

The Bazacubs, the team being sent to the AOCAF while the Bazalopes face of in the 41st World Cup saw in their first match a strong performance. Demolishing new comers West Pocono at Bromham 4-0. The only other team to better this result was the Starblaydi RAWRCRUSH Machine lead by manager Lex Panarii with a performance so strong this report has run out of adjectives. A 7-0 performance, luckly for the Bazacubs the Purple Menace is in a different group. So now it's an excuse to have a look at how the various groups are going, starting with the hosts.

Group A -
West Starblaydia

The only thing for certain in this group is that Septentrionia will not qualify, but even that is still possible as Lamoni and Demot drew in their first match, Western Starblaydia, Lamoni and Demot are all expected to be fighting fiercly to take the 2 spots. Although West Starblaydia is at home and is the higher ranked side (and so are obviously favourites) You can never count against the figting spirit of the Lamonian or Demotian squads.

Group B -


It's the battle of the big guns, to be honest this group is basically already decided Pacitalia and Starblaydia (the original, and perhaps the best) will go through, the only question is, who's on top, my money is on Starblaydia. With Kosovoe and Oceanious battling to avoid the wooden spoon. Both Pacitalia and Starblaydia showed why they are amung the best in the region with strong shut-out wins. The only question is will the Blue Foxes hold out against the Purple Onslaught or will they just be road kill?

Group C -

West Pocono

In this group it's projected that Hypocria and Bazalonia will progress to the finals, however no one can rule out Milchama as a real challenger, and once again West Pocono is seen as being the whipping boys of this group. Coming up on the next matchday for the Bazacubs will play against Milchama. In which both Bazalonia and Hypocria are expected to clinch births in the Quarter Finals. The Bazacubs greatest challenge will be on the last match day of the group stage facing Hypocria, no one is sure how this will end but you can never discount the Bazacubs.

Group D -

Manhattan Prime

Another group where the last seed is not expected to have much impact on the group at all, but where it could be anyones from the top 3, Bettia, the 3rd seed have already gained 3 points from the top seed 95-X which has blown the group wide open, who knows what's going to happen in this group but it is certainly going to be exciting.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Jul 3 2008, 01:19 AM
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Manhattan Prime 2-0 Kereca
Dreygo 54mins, Takamura 79mins

The Chippers have got off to an excellent start in their opening game in Group D, defeating Kereca 2-0 in the first international match between the two countries.

Lining up in their usual 442 formation, and eager to show off their new kit, the Manhattanites played a crisp passing game in the Stanton sunshine, and looked fresh and in good shape. Felix DeSilva was soon testing the Kereca defense, whipping a dangerous free kick into the box from just outside the area, only to see it plucked from the air by the grateful opposing goalkeeper.

It is a tribute to the hard work put in by the Kereca back line that the newcomers to AOCAF were able to keep the score at 0-0 for so long, against a former champion no less. It took until the 54th minute for the Chippers to pull ahead, when Vykk Dreygo was pulled down in the penalty box in an over vigorous challenge, and promptly converted the spotkick. A second goal was added 11 minutes from time when midfielder Takamura headed in a rare goal to put the game beyond doubt for Manhattan Prime.

In the other game in Group D, champions 95X were defeared 3-2 by Bettia at the Munitis Stadium in Norton.
Manhattan Prime
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Posted: Jul 3 2008, 03:00 AM
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AOCAF Match Report

van Basten earns first competitive win as Blue Foxes boss
Zolà makes incredible save to fire up Pacitalian attack in the second half

WEST STARBLAYDIA (PSN) -- Abro Zolà made eight saves on a surprisingly deadly but ultimately unsuccessful Kosovoan attack, and a seemingly rusty Blue Foxes side got by their first opponents 3-0, delivering a first competitive win for new manager Marco van Basten.

It was van Basten's first competitive match since joining the Blue Foxes last month. The FdFP announced his hiring following a four-year period at the helm of the Dutch side, and ironically, faced the Oranje in his first match as Pacitalian manager, playing to a 1-1 draw in a friendly at Amsterdam ArenA.

The Pacitalian starting keeper (and new team captain)'s increasingly lightning-quick reflexes and his incredible punch save appeared to motivate the front four to drive the ball harder forward and deliver some results. Indeed, until the 59th minute stop of Kosovoan striker John Doe's rocket, Pacitalia generated three shots on target out of a total of five attempts. van Basten's half-time team talk appeared to have done nothing, at least for the next quarter-hour, to spur the 'Foxes to create more chances.

One hour in, van Basten appeared to be fed up with the effort thus far. He took off left-side holding midfielder Giordano Muntefeora and left-back Angelo Bordellatta to attempt to cut down some of the manipulation on the right side of the Kosovoe attack. van Basten brought on usual left holding mid Ferdinando Imperino to take the place of Muntefeora, leaving fans to wonder whether the Pacitalian manager had been too hasty in giving the 23-year-old his first international cap. Muntefeora was profoundly sulky on the bench and was seen exchanging words with Marco van Basten and assistant manager Veranace d'Amantano less than five minutes after the substitution (but it appeared to be a positive conversation). In sharp contrast to Muntefeora's reaction, Bordellatta -- replaced with Tiberiu Manescu -- seemed to take the switch in stride.

The offence was still clearly lacking and Zur'azuli supporters screamed for more effort. Six minutes after the double substitution they were finally rewarded with a hard-fought strike. Blue Foxes striker Ambrosino Giurimano, earning his 70th international cap for his country, put Pacitalia on the score sheet with his unprecedented 40th international goal. In his third attack of the match, he dribbled forward toward the left corner marker and into the 22-yard box, then, suddenly, effortlessly, switched back the other direction, throwing off Kosovoan defender Bill Smith and opening a hole in the defence. Il Sorcére, "The Magician", then let off a swift, richly spun missile - it evaded the desperate fingertips of the keeper and sailed into the top left corner of the net. Giurimano's finish was indescribably signature and finally gave the 'Foxes the lead they had craved for over an hour.

After that, the Kosovoe defence seemed to crumble given its initial concession of the tournament. The match tempo quickly crescendoed and the Blue Foxes attack found itself with more pitch space and less pressure at the corners, allowing them to put in several well-aimed crosses. In the 73rd minute, just when it appeared he was going to be run out of bounds, Andolfabio Vunghiasso lobbed a killer cross from the left and met the foot of Giurimano, who redirected the streaking set-up low and to the right, past the keeper, to double the Pacitalian lead.

Twelve minutes later, the match was put out of reach. Right-side attacking midfielder Massimo da Scupeta, enjoying only his fourth appearance on the starting XI for the senior squad since being promoted from the U21 system in 2006, bolted up field with five minutes to go and spotted central mid Michelangelo Mascagnano. Masca nailed down a true masterpiece, again fooling Smith to open up a wide space in the centre of the 22-yard box. Using Giurimano as somewhat of a shield, to block his shot intentions from the Kosovoan keeper, he fired just inches right of the Pacitalian striker's forearm. The Kosovoan keeper, John Smith, was no match for it, biting the other direction and leaving the net wide open for Mascagnano's finish, which hit its target with a satisfying flexing of the back mesh.

With a victory under their belts and a share of the group lead with the always-dangerous Purple Peril of Starblaydia, who destroyed Oceanious 7-0, you would expect the Blue Foxes to be confident heading into the next match against that very same Oceanious squad. Perhaps they are. But there's nothing coming out of the dressing room but Marco van Basten's tentative disappointment with his side's effort.

"For most of the starting side it was a forty-five-minute effort, and in this style of football, at this level of football, that's not acceptable," van Basten remarked post-match. "We have some things we need to address in the back four, and on the left side of our defence. Obviously we need to be more aggressive in releasing the ball from our opponents. We aren't being more forward and firm in our tackling, which worries me. Tackling someone does not guarantee a foul; that's the job of the defence. I think a lot of it comes from the fact that they are just afraid to be penalised for serious challenges, so we don't tackle, and that's how your opponent will create chances. We saw this today."

van Basten continues to reject questions about his views on the state of the national squad, and what he inherited. He is especially careful to refuse to comment on his opinion of his predecessor, Sergei Saganyarov. Saganyarov left the post in May to take over at Unione in Timiocato. He also refused to comment on whether, indeed, he had prematurely placed Muntefeora in the starting XI -- but all indications point to the 23-year-old once again starting for his country on matchday two.

From AOCAF 23 in West Starblaydia:

Pacitalia 3
user posted image Giurimano 65', 73' | Mascagnano 85'
user posted image San Sebastiano 41'
Muntefeora (LDM), Bordellatta (LB)
Imperino (LDM), Manescu (LB)

Kosovoe 0

This post has been edited by Pacitalia on Jul 3 2008, 03:17 AM
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Posted: Jul 3 2008, 06:24 PM
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Making Records and Breaking Hearts
Starblaydia annihilate Kosovoe

In no way are these home matches. Despite the westerners having the name of Starblaydia in their nation, there is certainly some bitter rivalry swinging in both directions sides of the Bekk. In particular the growing numbers of Western Starblaydi wearing "AOCAF ABE" T-shirts: 'Anyone But Easterners. Though the ever-present contingent of white and purple-clad fans make their presence known at every opportunity, they are outnumbered massively by the Westerners in their home nation, and the mutual loathing is plain to see.

Breaking down those barriers, mostly through sheer disbelief, is Starblaydia's goal-scoring record in the tournament so far. Sixteen for, Zero against. Four years ago Starblaydia couldn't even manage that many goals for in eleven matches as they clinched Third Place, never mind getting that number in just two. Their record in Bazalonia was an even 15-15 for and against, and Lex Panarii has described his side's current performances as 'Shock and Awe'. Shocking defences and Awesome Starblaydi attacking it seems. Starblaydia's fans seemed as dumbstruck as the rest of us, but they will be hoping for something more than the scoreboard-breaking antics we've seen so far: One more AOCAF trophy than they presently own.

"Oh my God, we can't believe it,
We've never scored this many goals before!"

Final Score from Draconium Arena:
Starblaydia 9 (Nine) - 0 Kosovoe
(Lubii 10, 46 & 54, Callind 18, Kuu 24 & 31, Nakamura 57, Stafador 79, Myung-Bo 88) - (None)
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Posted: Jul 3 2008, 10:27 PM
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Manhattan Prime 1-2 Bettia
Katakana 19mins

A dramatic end to a close game in the Harbour Stadium handed victory to Bettia yesterday, as they defeated the Manhattanites by two goals to one.

After securing victory in their opening game, the Chippers were understandably confident going into their second, whilst their opponents had also opened with three points, leading to an open start of play, and a chance for both sides' flair players to strut their stuff.

The Manhattanites were to open the scoring in the 19th minute, when Ethan Smith showed great vision and awareness to thread a dangerous through ball to Katakana, who promptly converted the chance, pulling the Chippers ahead.

Bettia were quick to equalise, netting in the 26th minute from a freekick, when defender John Clarke was penalised for a rash challenge on a Bettian winger. After that, the game was entirely up for grabs and both sides had numerous chances. The Bettian side came closest, hitting the post just before half time, but the Chippers too pressed their opponents hard in search of a winner.

Final victory was to go to Bettia however, when a winning gol was grabbed from a successful corner kick, mere minutes from time, lending the match a dramatic finish.
In the other game in Group D, 95X thumped Kereca 5-2 in Norton to set up a dramatic final group game - with Bettia having securing their place in the next round, Manhattan Prime and 95X are both playing for the right to be the final qualifier from Group D.
Manhattan Prime
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Posted: Jul 4 2008, 02:25 AM
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AOCAF Match Report

Confidence trick
High-scoring, high-flying Blue Foxes join Starblaydia in the knockouts

WEST STARBLAYDIA (PSN) -- A top-class four goal effort from Ambrosino Giurimano led the Blue Foxes to their second win in the group stage, 7-1 over Oceanious, resulting in a berth in the tournament's last eight.

Pacitalian manager Marco van Basten was noticeably much more pleased at his side's effort following a tentative 3-0 win over Kosovoe four days ago, and the Blue Foxes showed confidence and a strenuous, cagey commitment through the entire ninety minutes of play. van Basten started Tiberiu Manescu at left back in place of Angelo Bordellatta, who put in a sub-par effort at the position in the previous match.

Unlike the previous match, where Pacitalia's offensive effort seemed to be spurred by a brilliant 59th-minute Zolà save, the Blue Foxes had their first chance just seconds after the opening whistle. "Giurimano, da Scupeta, Mascagnano, Vunghiasso, Mascagnano, Giurimano, Vunghiasso"... the passing was already sublime, already frank and direct, and just 115 seconds into the match, resulted in a goal for the Blue Foxes. Fabi -- as the fans affectionately call left attacking midfielder Andolfabio Vunghiasso -- crossed in, weaved through the right-side defensive gauntlet and peeled off a wide-angle shot that curved high around the outstretched fingertips of the Oceanious keeper to put the Blue Foxes up 1-0.

The second-minute goal was Vunghiasso's 19th conversion for his country and the quickest score at the tournament so far.

Three minutes later, with momentum already firmly on-side, the 'Foxes struck again as Giurimano entered the box and drew forward the Oceanious keeper. He flicked the ball left to Vunghiasso, who evaded the tackle of the right back, and, with mere centimetres left in-bounds, jammed the ball back to a waiting Giurimano, centred in front of goal. Il Sorcére potted his third of the tournament, redirecting the pass low to the back left corner of the net with the outside of his left foot. Calls for offside by a desperate Oceanious defence went unheeded by the referee, and Giurimano lifted his arms in triumph and jogged to the corner marker to celebrate the doubling of Pacitalia's lead. Five minutes in, the Blue Foxes already enjoyed a two-goal cushion.

Perhaps two quick strikes and the euphoria of a rapidly established lead distracted the Foxes, as, not a heartbeat later, Oceanious were on the counterattack, the team's streaky left forward blasting past Chimano San Sebastiano, deking out Semih Mansur and, finally, pushing the ball into the corner behind Antonio Linguera de Sà. In what many observers of the match say was talent unlike anything they had ever seen from the Oceanious front three, a lightning-fast pass to the centre of the 22-yard box found its mark. The pass tricked the back four and put them on their heels, resulting in a poor challenge from Sergio San Cristobál to deaden the play.

The referee was quick in awarding the penalty shot because of San Cristobál's poorly-timed and poorly-executed challenge, and the Oceanious left forward easily converted to halve Pacitalia's lead and put the country on the score sheet for the first time ever in an AOCAF tournament. It was remarkable attacking football; not even ten minutes in, already three goals between the teams, the Blue Foxes with the advantage. van Basten shouted for discipline and caution from the sidelines, but the Foxes continued to look visibly shaken by the sudden change in match momentum.

However, the back four seemed to have taken to heart their manager's advice to tackle more confidently and challenge more often -- to free up the ball and create counterattacking chances. San Cristobál more than made amends for his seventh-minute folly, executing a flawless sliding tackle that jarred the ball free of the foot of the Oceanious central striker and sent it ricocheting forward to Manescu ahead on the left. The beautiful tackle did not directly result in anything significant but it was a heartening display of determination for the Pacitalian defence. As a result, the Foxes' attacking four seemed to feel more able to push up and start digging for opportunities at their opponent's end.

With the re-energised Giordano Muntefeora and teammate San Sebastiano a buttressing bulwark at midfield, right attacking mid Massimo da Scupeta calmly scooped up an errant Oceanious passing attempt just past the half-pitch line, firing a 40-yard laser beam to Giurimano. The Pacitalian striker managed to collect the ball just as the Oceanious back three attempted to trap him offside; once again, the referee didn't bite, leaving Giurimano to approach the net unchallenged. He expertly sought and found his target with a whistling finish to the heart of the mesh as the keeper fell to the right, looking (incorrectly) for a low, soft attempt. Giurimano's second of the match and fourth of the tournament restored the Blue Foxes' two-goal lead; it was 3-1 in the twentieth minute.

Nine minutes later, Giurimano once again found himself with an open pitch, ahead of the opponent's defence, thanks to an identical pass, this time a 55-yard rocket from Muntefeora. Giurimano collected the spoils, hastily gathering the ball after it bounced away from him, glancing off his left foot. But with no one to challenge him but the keeper, he simply had to run forward onto the ball. The Magician slid a shot low and to the right past the Oceanious keeper to put the Blue Foxes up 4-1; he was promptly mobbed by his teammates who dogpiled him in recognition of his third international hat-trick. The Blue Fox fans, in unison, chanted "Sorcére!", simply awed by the incredible display from the Pacitalian striker.

Commentator Phil Morris remarked on-air: "I'd love to say this match is signed, sealed and delivered but, bless it, we're only half an hour in." True enough, just twenty-nine minutes into the Blue Foxes' second group stage test, the fans were enjoying the afterglow of a fifth strike from the two squads. It was incredible attacking football, but increasingly just from one side.

The fans (pity them) would have to wait until the second half for more scoring. Marco van Basten used his team talk to push the Blue Foxes to be more cautious and continue pressing with crossing lobs and attacking into the corners. He substituted the exhausted looking Vunghiasso to start the second half, replacing him with the tenacious Diego Tomás. The Margherian native and emerging FC Athalone star helped reinvigorate the Pacitalian attack after their short halftime rest. It took seven minutes for the Blue Foxes to add to their lead; once again, Giurimano was up to take the tally, adding his fourth and final goal of the match and sixth of the tournament off a superbly executed Diego Tomás corner.

In the 61st minute, following his incredible fourth effort, van Basten subbed off the Pacitalian striker for Adrian Manoliu, under the canopy of a roaring, deafening standing ovation. Giurimano waved and gestured with open arms to the crowd to show his appreciation and was greeted at the sideline by an ecstatic coach.

Manoliu, a player widely tipped to become the next great Pacitalian striker, wasted no time trying to fill the shoes of Il Sorcére, whacking a shot off the bar seconds after coming on, then sending a second whistling just over. His third attempt, shortly thereafter in the 65th minute, was high and wide; the 23-year-old FC Marsa striker was undoubtedly keen to make a lasting impression at his first senior international tournament.

Two minutes later, Diego Tomás' corner -- Pacitalia's eleventh of the match -- found the foot of a forward-surging Semih Mansur. The right back converted with an arrow-straight laser to the top right corner of the net, threading the needle past six leaping, desperate Oceanious defenders. A five-goal lead in the 67th minute, 6-1, seemed to finally suggest the match was drawing to a close, and, indeed, the tempo began to slow as the players on both sides began to show a bit of late-match fatigue.

van Basten made his final substitution in the 70th, reversing his substitution from the first match. Tiberiu Manescu was removed in favour of Angelo Bordellatta, who proved once again how volatile he can really be. After putting in a poor performance against Kosovoe, Bordellatta shined under a fresh pair of legs and a better attitude, stuffing six different -- albeit feeble -- Oceanious attacking attempts.

On the seventh attempt, Bordellatta formulated the start of a brilliant counterattack, shuffling the ball away from the Oceanious right forward and sending a lob straight to a streaking Massimo da Scupeta. The right midfielder curved forward into the 22-yard box, in the 81st minute, to collect the arcing missile, control it, and fire off a scorcher from 30 yards out, hitting his target to put the match to rest, seven goals to one. The strike was da Scupeta's third in five appearances for the Blue Foxes, following his promotion to the senior squad in 2006.

Next up, the Blue Foxes face their first serious test of the tournament in Starblaydia, a squad that has been consistently above-par at AOCAFs and which plans to win a record sixth trophy this year at AOCAF 23. The match will decide the group B winner; both teams qualified for the knockouts, but both teams are 2-0-0 heading into the match and the result will determine who goes where come the quarterfinals.

From AOCAF 23 in West Starblaydia:

Pacitalia 7
user posted image Vunghiasso 2'; Giurimano 5', 20', 29', 52'; Semih Mansur 67'; da Scupeta 81'
Vunghiasso (AM L), Giurimano (ST), Manescu (LB)
Diego Tomás (AM L), Manoliu (ST), Bordellatta (LB)

Oceanious 1
user posted image LF 8' (p)

This post has been edited by Pacitalia on Jul 4 2008, 02:34 AM
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Posted: Jul 4 2008, 03:06 AM
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Staying in first place

Despite being held to a one to one draw with Demot, the Hawks remain in first place in Group A, with only the hosts to contend with. As long as the Hawks manage a draw at the least, then they shall be into the knockouts; especially since Demot would have to increase their goal difference by four goals (and Lamoni would have to fail to score) in order to surpass the Hawks.

However, the Hawks will not be content to merely draw with W. Starblaydia, but will instead be looking for a win, which will solidify Lamoni's grasp on the first seed of Group A, if done by a large enough goal margin. The current political balance between W. Starblaydia and Starblaydia itself is nothing less than poisonous, and if there is a match between the two nations in the knockouts, then we would expect fireworks; as well as multiple red cards and injuries. We would also expect Starblaydia to win the match, but it will be hard fought, and close.

In any case, the goal by Demot was scored in the first half of the match, and Lamoni retaliated with a goal of their own in the second half. While not as exciting as the initial 4-1 victory over Septentrionia, the Hawks will still take the single point that the draw gives them.

In other news, both Pacitalia and Starblaydia have defeated their foes by margins of 7-1, and 9-0 respectively. This has certainly been one of the highest scoring AOCAF's in recent memory, perhaps in the AOCAF record. Either way, Lamoni is still very much in position for a first place finish in Group A, but at the moment, we do not know who their opponent would be if they remained so.

Lamoni - 1
Demot - 1
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Jul 4 2008, 04:43 PM
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The flash bulbs of the many cameras were adding their luminosity to the already overpowering TV camera lights, leaving the Starblaydi players and staff at the press conference completely dazzled.

"Lex, Lex!" Called one of the reporters, "how does it feel to have your team break a record that has stood since before World Cup 27?"

"Amazing," he replied simply, "I've always known that the talent pool in Starblaydia is just as good now as it ever has been in the past. Looking at the players we've got coming through - the ones who are developing into true stars and the current stars at the peak of their careers, along with the experienced veterans there to guide and mentor the younger ones - then we're in as good a place now, coaching and player wise, as we've ever had before."

"Does this prove you are potential AOCAF winners?"

"There's barely been an AOCAF where Starblaydia weren't potential winners, son," Lex said with a smile before elaborating, "it has only been recently, around the hiatus, that we weren't in the top four teams in the region for the first time in nearly a century, and even then were were still nicely inside the top ten. Coming into this tournament, based on the 40th World Cup excitement and our previous Third Place in the last championship we were possibly one of the pre-tournament favourites. With these two victories, we may not be the best team in the region, but we're certainly in the top one."

"Lubii, how do you feel to be the first Starblaydi to score a hat-trick in two consecutive matches?"

"Amazing," she said, as all eyes turned to her, "it's not something you expect to accomplish at any time, but for every goal you score, you're always after another one."

"Do you think you can win the AOCAF?"

"Of course," Lubii replied, "especially after the performances we've put it, you can't think any other way. If we didn't think we could win, there'd be no point in turning up."
Also available in purple
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Posted: Jul 5 2008, 03:29 PM
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Manhattanites Confident Before Group D Crunch Game

As the AOCAF champions 95X gear up to play former champions Manhattan Prime, confidence is high in the Manhattanite camp, with manager Sir Ian Pierce convinced that his team can achieve the victory they need to progress.

He held a brief press conference at the team's training camp in West Starblaydia today and seemed in high spirits. Asked if he was hopeful of progression, Pierce replied "Absolutely. I've seen the lads train today and they're looking the sharpest I've seen them for a while. Team morale is very high, and I'm very confident we'll get the result we need against 95X"

Pierce will have the luxury of a squad that is nearly at full fitness, and although the manager admitted that Takamura had picked up a slight knock in the previous game, he should be fit to play the defending champions.

Everyone here at the Manhattan Herald will be fully behind our boys in West Starblaydia, and hoping that Pierce's men can drum up some hope for our shattered nation.
Manhattan Prime
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