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Taking Back What's Ours
Posted: May 5 2005, 03:58 PM
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Sarzonia, I believe we settled our OOC differences In fact, I still have the telegrams you sent me from 3 months ago.

And I wasn't angling to rejoin Haven, so all this drama talks I have no clue what you are talking about. My question is, you being one of the anti-Doujin voices, was it all OOC or IC?

The only reason I left the region was because of AMF.

Nevertheless, I'm disappointed that you have reverted back to hating my guts OOC, even after our numerous telegrams to eachother trying to work over our differences, in which the end result was (from what you said to me), at least what I believed to be, that we did in fact work out our OOC differences, and while you were going to continue your IC relations with Doujin as you have, that OOC things were on the level.
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Posted: May 5 2005, 04:37 PM
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"Despite our standing in the background on this issue to date," said the Lamonian foreign Minister, "The Free Republic supports a peaceful resolution to this crisis, but will act to aid Chacor if war is declared. Thank you."
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: May 5 2005, 05:35 PM
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<E-mail from Lord Tenal to President Sarzo>


Sorry about the alarm with Chacor, some Chacorans weren't where they were supposed to be when we came to pick them up. Turns out some Chacorian tabloid spread a rumor the holding camps were really concentration camps, and we were killing all we rounded up.

They got their hands on some weapons somewhere, and launched an attack against one of our facilities. Light casualties, no fatalities, and they've been routed. We've pursued them all the way to the Sarzonian-Chacorian border, and have them encircled. We're trying to take them alive, if possible. Not sure why they're firing at Chacor, I'll have my units double check their positions to make sure they haven't crossed Chacor's border, and if they have, I'll issue a formal apology to them.

However, the deportation of the Chacorian settlers will have to be delayed, all flights carrying them to neutral territory have been diverted, until the extent of this little insurrection can be cleared up, all Chacorian's in Sarzonia are being declared POW's. We'll make sure they're treated well, to avoid any flak from the international community, but we need to weed out any conspirators among their ranks before we release them.

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Posted: May 5 2005, 11:15 PM
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[Secret IC: E-mail from Sarzo to Lord Tenal]

I am disappointed that the Chacorans have resorted to violence in our attempts to ensure their removal to the disperal camps and they were under the mistaken impression that we were holding them in concentration camps.

I would like to ask that your government assure the Chacorans that they will not be sent to concentration camps and that they will be treated well in their temporary arrangements until they can be relocated to Chacoran soil.[/secret IC]

"My fellow Sarzonians, fellow members of the Atlantian Oceania Community. As you are well aware, we along with our Rylossian neighbours have endeavoured to remove a population of expatriate Chacorans from Sarzonian territory. That effort has unfortunately met with violence instigated by the Chacorans who were under the mistaken assumption that we intended to put them into 'concentration camps.'

"Rest assured that I would never do that to the Chacoran people. We are striving to ensure the safety of the people until we can arrange to have them transported back to Chacor. We believe we can best ensure that safety by moving them to centres where their needs can be provided for and we can protect them from potential violence.

"We would like to address the Latin government's continued slander of us in the wake of our recent tensions with them. Their government has shown its true colours: Those of a bigoted, hypocritical, aggressive reigime that is more concerned about revenge than they are about ensuring the peace and tranquility of this region. I remind you that we were forced to threaten military action only after their president was shown on television brandishing a weapon and suggesting launching an invasion.

"We would prefer to have the Chacoran expatriates returned to their rightful territory in a peaceful manner and avert a potential crisis. However, provocative words such as those by the Latin President bring those attempts at peaceful resolution into jeopardy. History will be a harsh judge of Latao's words and actions."
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Posted: May 5 2005, 11:59 PM
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[OOC: Sarzonia! The bit about sending police in was a CONFIDENTIAL telegram! RP to come.]
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Posted: May 6 2005, 12:03 AM
Victor bristled at the recent developments. "Do the Lataoians just want to start a war or something? It's time to put a stop to all this", he grumbled. The Giustizalian President went to his computer:


To: Mike Sarzo, Incorporated States of Sarzonia;
Tommy Douglas, Democratic Republic of Chacor;
Lord Sero Tenal, Ryloss
CC: Marcus Davies, Judicial Republic of Legalese

Re: A Call to Summit


Our Island appears to be teetering on the edge of peace, yet I commend all of you for doing your best to keep the situation peaceful.  At this moment, however, there are many issues that need to be discussed regarding the removal of the settlers, especially regarding those who do not wish to be moved.

With that in mind, I would like to hold a summit to discuss the issues associated with the situation in Northern Sarzonia.  You are all welcome to meet in the beautiful capital of Giustizalia, Tazilik.  Also present may be Consul Marcus Davies of Legalese, who will serve simply as an observer.

I hope to hear from all of you soon, and may we have a peaceful resolution to this situation.


Victor Jordan
The Allied States of Giustizalia

Victor clicked send, hoping that they could get things calmed down a little in the south.
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Posted: May 6 2005, 12:23 AM
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Marcus saw the message CC-ed to him, but paid no mind. He was going to Giustizalia for other reasons, anyways. But for now, he needed to contact Williamson...

Hours later, George closed the door to his office behind him. Also in the office were delegates from Latao, Lamoni, Falcania, and Chacor.

"Gentlemen," said the Legalese delegate, "I'd like to discuss the settlement issues in Chacor for a moment. As we know, the removal process has begun with some shooting. However, the two parties at odds here are not Sarzonia and Chacor, as anticipated, but rather between some rebellious settlers that don't want to leave, and Rylossian forces assisting in the move. As we also know, Chacorian police officers are attempting to facilitate the move. I've also been informed that their northern neighbor on the island, Giustizalia, is calling for a meeting for those four to handle matters on their own, which I think is a wonderful idea."

"In other words, what we have here is a situation that does not require intervention by the alliance. In fact, I further attempts to get involved," continued Williamson, as he shot a look at the Latin delegate, "may in fact turn this situation into one of a more serious matter, which we should avoid."

"So," concluded George, "I suggest that, if the Chacorian delegate agrees, we back off for now. We should always be ready to send assistance if needed, but for now, we should stay out, unless we really are needed."
Back in Black
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Posted: May 6 2005, 12:36 AM
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To: Victor Jordan
Allied States of Giustizalia
From: Thomas Douglas
Democratic Republic of Chacor
Re: Summit

Warmest Greetings,
Chacor would like to see a peaceful end to this conflict and thus will be participating in the summit, represented by myself. I hope to hear of Sarzonian participation, but you can tell the Rylossians I said get out of our face.

Tommy Douglas

(OOC: Ryloss, nothing personal, just RP wink.gif)
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Posted: May 6 2005, 08:00 AM
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In the AORDO main announcement hall in the AORDO HQ in Tabeck, Starblaydia, the AORDO Chief Aerys Fyreskar stands to give out his prepared statement to the members of the Press from across the region:

"Ladies an Gentlemen, distinguished leaders of Chacor, Latao, Legalese, Nedalia, Ryloss and Sarzonia, I am Aerys Fyreskar, President of AORDO, Lord-Commander of Starblaydi Armed Forces and a General in the Starblaydi Army.

"I have been watching the proceedings with a growing sense of disbelief and horror. From Sarzonia and Ryloss' striking of their borders in the past, to Chacorian citizens settling in the then-unclaimed area of their own accord, to the re-claiming of land by the governments of Sarzonia and Ryloss.

"The answer to this situation is uniquely simple. With the growing threat from the Federation of Like-Minded States against the Incorporated States of Sarzonia, I hereby request the removal of all Federation troops from the landmass, whether they're on AORDO or FLMS business.

"I also request that Sarzonian and Rylossian forces withdraw to their respective and undisputed areas of territory or embassy grounds. The only troops remaining in the disputed area must be non-Federation-aligned AORDO forces. Currently that consists of the Protectorate of Starblaydia and the Nation of Abattoir. Fitting, indeed, that the cheif AORDO and U.N. representatives are the only nations calming this situation down, rather than inflaming it.

"AORDO will perform its duties on behalf of the region. Chacorian citizens who have unjustly claimed Sarzonian lands will be removed from the homes and farms they have taken, with these places returned to their rightful Sarzonian owners. Once removed, they will be handed over to Chacorian authorities for the proper legal processes to begin. Only then can Sarzonian citzens return to their homes, and the Sarzonian forces can regain control of the territory.

"This situation, brought about by the selfish acts of a few greedy Chacorians, has nearly been the spark for a war within this region thanks to all parties involved throwing their supposed international weight around. I hope this matter will be resolved peacefully, as it always should have been.

"Furthermore, in light of the declarations from the Confederacy of Latao, I will be instigating processes to remove the Confederacy from the Atlantian Oceania Regional Defence Organisation, pending full investigation and enquiry into their actions. The betterment of peace in the Region is valued by both the Regional Council, AORDO and the Strategic Alliance, though not, it seems, by the members of the Federation of Like-Minded States. That is all I have to say. I'll take any questions now..."
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Posted: May 6 2005, 09:49 AM
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OOC: Chacor, if there's a warlike situation going on, any country with even a moderately decent intel satellite network is going to spot any kind of mobilising by an would-be enemy and if you're gathering police together, that's going to be noticed. Since we're in the middle of an RP and it looks like we're about to get into negotiations, I'll let that part go.

TO: Victor Jordan
Allied States of Giustizalia
CC: Thomas Douglas
Democratic Republic of Chacor
FROM: Mike Sarzo
President, Incorporated States of Sarzonia
SUBJECT: Negotiations

Sarzonia would be willing to attend talks in Tazilik with the idea of ending this period of tensions between our countries on the condition that Ryloss is permitted to send its own delegation as a full and equal partner in the talks. I must insist on their presence at the talks as we have a mutual defence arrangement that allows Rylossian troops on Sarzonian soil and Sarzonian warships in Ryloss's soverign waters. The arragement allows each country to patrol the other's territory as if it were their own.

We would be willing to allow a delegation from Legalese to serve as the official observer from the Federation of Like-Minded States and a delegation from Starblaydia to serve as the official AORDO observer. However, I must request that Sarzonian peacekeeping forces be allowed to supervise any policing action that is forthcoming from AORDO to ensure the safety of territory that rightfully belongs to us and to any Sarzonians who may be in that particular area.

We believe the FLMS must do a better job to ensure that certain member nations do not cause the alliance as a whole to be cast in a negative light. Were it not for the impetuous words and actions of the Latin government, this situation might have met a resolution far earlier. We are disappointed that we have not yet seen action by the alliance to prevent Latao from casting a black mark on its reputation.
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Posted: May 6 2005, 10:08 AM
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Assembled Gentlemen, Mr. Sarzo

This is is not a question, if someone likes a nation or not or how it acts as part of the international cummunity in Atlantian Oceania.

Fact is, as a regular member of AORDO and FLMS, any international binding decisions made by these organizations require the approval of the Confederacy of Latao.

It's also a known fact to the world, that it was the actions taken by the decision-makers in Woodstock that made Sarzonia a dubious dark nation, that is being watched with suspection.

Since there are citizens of the state of Latao residing in the area, we will ensure our people will not be abused ever again by the Sarzonia-myrmidons. To guarantee their security, Latin citizens are protected directly by forces of the Latao Military Police.

Thank You
Latao NEC
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Posted: May 6 2005, 11:02 AM
To: Mike Sarzo; Tommy Douglas; Lord Tenal; Lord-Protector Starblayde; Marcus Davies
From: Victor Jordan
Re: Meeting in Tazilik


I thank PM Douglas and President Sarzo for their swift reponses, and their willingness to find a peaceful solution. If you haven't noticed, I have added Starblaydian Lord-Protector Tiberius Starblayde to the invitation list, though it may be just as fitting to send General Fyreskar instead.

To address some concerns about the meeting:

-First, I feel that it is essential that the nations that are directly involved in the situation should be the ones most directly involved. That is why I anticpate that most of the negotiations will happen between three or four parties: the Sarzonian delegation, the Chacorian delegation, the Rylossian delegation, and my own delegation, who will be represented by myself and Secretary of State Triaree.

-In addition to us four, I feel that it would be helpful to have an outside observer, hence the invitation extended to Consul Davies of Legalese, who will be present for other talks as well. I also invite Starblaydia at this time as an outside observer, and one whose general leads the AORDO peacekeeping forces currently in Sarzonia.

-Lastly, there have been some issues with certain members of the FLMS seemingly causing trouble. I hope that the members of said alliance who will be involved in this discussion can deal with that. While it is admirable to stand behind your fellow member-state, this is not a situation where they, nor the SAAS, needs to be presently involved.

I look forward to seeing you all in Tazilik.


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Posted: May 6 2005, 01:20 PM
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On behalf of the Lord-Protector of Starblaydia,

In regard to the proposed meeting:
Foreign Minister Lord Isaac M.C. Chisoko will be sent to the Tazilik Conference, owing to the fact that the Lord-Protector's schedule is unaccountably busy at this time.

In regard to Latao's opinion of AORDO:
If the esteemed members of the NEC, specifically Roger Omsec himself, would care to browse through the actions already taken by AORDO, they will find that they have all been proposed and initiated by Lord-Commander General Fyreskar. He, as you may have noticed, is not responsible to the Latin people, nor is Latin himself. Any Latin troops operating uncalled for in Sarzonian, Chacorian or Rylossian territory are there completely on the orders of the Latin government and should be treated as such by those respective governments.

AORDO actions, through precedent, have not and never shall require or even request the official support of the Confederacy of Latao. Latao's ejection from AORDO due to its words and deeds now seems inevitable.

Lord ricardo Gomez,
Minister for Communications,
Protectorate of Starblaydia
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Posted: May 6 2005, 04:19 PM
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Assembled Delegetations:
The FLMS shall then protect our citizens residing in the area.

Thank you.
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Posted: May 6 2005, 04:29 PM
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To: Latin NEC
From: Consul Marcus Davies
Subj: Your citizens in Sarzonia

Members of the NEC:

Let's address your concerns about any of your citizens in Sarzonia.

Oh, wait, they were already expelled months ago, after your last dispute with them. Any that weren't were sent to Chacor, and then returned to Latao, if I recall.

To put it simply, We are getting quite sick and tired of your meddling. If there is a stray Latin in Sarzonia, they will be safe, no doubt, unless they've chosen to act like the NEC, and cause trouble.

So, one final time, I ask you to do the alliance, Chacor, Sarzonia, the AORDO, and everyone else a favor, and shut up.


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