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Xilian Troops March On Lieno
Posted: Aug 6 2004, 05:03 PM
PMEmail Poster
Tyranvs stood at the holomap, several flashes lit up in a few of the cities of Lieno. He sighed, turned to his Tribvnvs Laticlavivs, and began to speak.

“These pockets of resistance will prove to be a problem for Xilian forces. But if they manage to regroup… They could form an effective fighting force… Possibly even push Xile out of Lieno with the right leader. Something I doubt will occur Tribvne, but we must quell these barbarians to insure it does not happen. Ready a cohorte of Lancearii for an aerial insertion at…”

He points to a mountainous region between the Lienosian cities of Dratera and Toidina.

“…These coordinates.”

“Yes sir.”

The Tribvne begins to type up a command when a message flashes up on his screen.

“Sir, you should take a look at this.”

Tyranvs walks over to the desk and bends over slightly to read the message.


TO: Legatvs Legionis Lvcivs Pvblicivs Tyranvs; Novvs Atlantis
FROM: Lieutenant David Carter; Xile
SECURITY CLEARANCE: Omega-9z3y247c5w

...General Dorian Hadilla shot...

...Critically wounded...

...Starblaydia suspected...

...Requesting military intervention...

“Damnit. Just what we needed, another bastard to fight, and of all nations, it had to be Starblaydia. Praised be the gods Tribvne, praised be the gods. I’ll get on the line with the Imperator and the Senate, in the mean time, get that cohorte… no make that three cohortes of Lancearii to Lieno as soon as possible.”



Name: Gladiatorial Glory

Description: A group of Roman-age re-enacters have been protesting outside the capital for the construction of colosseums and to allow gladiatorial combat to replace death row.

Validity: Does not apply to nations with low to non-existant crime/nations who have banned the death penalty


[option]"You can't possibly be going along with this... can you?" inquires civil rights activist @@RANDOMNAME@@. "This is outrageous! The people of @@NAME@@ deserve better than this! Killing those who kill is no way to solve the problem! The real answer lies in larger and more luxurious... I mean palatial prisons! Of course this has nothing to do with the fact that my mother Martha Steward is in prison herself... Think of the people, and ban the death penalty too!"
[effect]Government funds are now being used to construct mansion like prisons after the ban of the death penalty.
[stats]Taxes increase moderately, civil rights increase dramatically, death penalty is banned, crime increases dramatically*

[option]"Ave, friend of Rome!" Salutes Roman re-enactor Publivs Novivs Romanvs, who notes the lack of the letter "u" in the Latin alphabet. "Let us build these grand colosseums! However, fighting shall take place not only against ravenous @@ANIMAL@@s but also against fellow death-row inmates! Invite the people of @@NAME@@ to witness the carnage, for a price of course, even play it on Pay-per-View! Then, use the proceeds to compensate the victims of the criminals... or to fill the government coffers! It shall be a glorious solution to death-row, and to crime itself! GLORY TO THE GODS!"
[stats]Taxes increase moderately, crime decreases significantly, public apathy decreases,***

[option]"These two loonies deserve to be shot." Exclaims @@NAME@@ police chief, devout Family Dudefan, and paraplegic @@RANDOMNAME@@. "The true, the best, and the only answer lies in the police force. If you give us jurisdiction to shoot first and ask questions later then you'll see the crime rate drop like a rock and with a policy like this we can utilize a smaller police force which means a little weight off of the taxpayers' backs. Of course, you know, you'll get the pinko-commies complaining about civil rights and what not. But you know what? I say we shoot them too! Yeah! BRING IT ONNNNNNNN!"
[effect]An SS-like police force roams the streets mowing down any vagabonds who dare break the law.
[stats]Taxes decrease moderately, crime decreases dramatically, civil rights decrease dramatically


*Crime increases because people know that prison life is better than life in the hood, or the slums, or on the streets.

**Not sure really.

***I didn't put a civil rights decrease because the people fighting in the colosseums are going to die anyway even if there are none.

I am aware I cannot submit this until I have 500 million people, but I figured I might as well write it now when I have time to edit and whatnot.

This post has been edited by Novvs Atlantis on Aug 6 2004, 05:31 PM
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
Posts: 244
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Posted: Aug 8 2004, 08:42 PM
PMEmail Poster
The Prime Minister read the report in his, somewhat shocked, somewhat concerned, but a little amused.

He walked over to his desk and with a jovial laugh, paged one of his interns, "Yes, Martha, send someone in here to deliver a message for me, tell them to pack for a trip. I want this sent personally."

Lavinsky licked the enveloped then stamped it with the national seal, pocketing it before the IA advisor entered the room.

"Good evening Prime Minister" he nodded as he closed the door behind him, he had a feeling this meeting would be somewhat secret.

"Hello there Austin, have you heard the news?"

"Yes, sir. I suppose with Hadilla on the brink of death, we don't have to worry about that assassination incident anymore."

"Exactly my thoughts my friend. I think it's about time we become regionally oriented again don't you think?"

"If that's what you wish sir, the decision is up to you, I've told you my stance on it." he retorted.

Aron licked his lips, he didn't like when people did not agree with him, however, this was the perfect time for action.

"You know what to do Herring, order the bombing of New Babylonia. Try to get the capital building, maybe we can catch President Lauir sleeping."

"Yes sir..." and with that Herring left the room.

Tomorrow would be very interesting.
Pinprick of Apathy
Posts: 398
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Posted: Aug 12 2004, 04:58 PM
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Defence Minister Nigel Olafsson watched the radar screen as the dozen or so blips moved westward.

"Commander Liebnitz, any word on the unidentified fleet?"

"They've replied to our message. Apparently, they're an Abattoir bombing squadron. Headed for Xile, sir."

"Are they not in league with Xile, Commander?"

"It would appear not, sir."

"Excellent. Remove the troops from the Abattoir border."

"And what about the Xilians?"

"Mavericks. They deserve everything they get." Olafsson paused. "Our Air Force have been begging for some proper 'manoeuvres' for months. Tell the Abattoir squadron they have a dozen fighters ready to scramble at a moments notice."

"Anything else, Minister?"

"Oh yes. Phone AFB Lakeheath and get Tango Squadron to wake up and suit up."

"Yes, sir!"

Defence Minister Nigel Olafsson continued to watch the blips as they progressed slowly across his screen. This could be a most satisfactory day. Most satisfactory indeed.
Now With Added Bekk!
Posts: 661
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Posted: Aug 12 2004, 05:13 PM
PMEmail Poster
The radio bleeped in to headquarters, "Bomber one to HQ, target acquired...requesting permission to proceed."

"Bomber one this is HQ, deploy cargo and return to base. A Krytenia Squadron will be escorting you across the border. Good luck."

The pilot gripped the release and applied pressure. He watched as thousands of pounds of explosives hurdled to the ground. In just moments, the building would be reduced to rubble...

Pinprick of Apathy
Posts: 398
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Posted: Aug 12 2004, 06:11 PM
PMEmail Poster
The Comms room at AFB Lakeheath was buzzing with excitement as Tango Squadron relayed the situation in New Babylonia.

"Base, this is Tango One. Do you copy?" Squadron Leader Harry Quique's voice boomed through the speaker.

"Tango One, this is Base. What is your situation?" The reply came from Comms operator Kevin Schultz.

"Base, we have a renegade. Tango Six has broken formation and broken comms. I repeat. Tango Six is renegade."

Schultz quickly ran his fingers down the squadron roster. There it was, Tango Six: Charles Nwoko. "Oh hell," came Schultz's reply, "he's out for blood. We are never gonna get this one to turn round, Tango One. Tango Six is Tango Uniform, avoid at all costs."

"Roger that, Base. Tango One out."

Elsewhere in the Comms room, a television was picking up a satellite feed from New Babylonia. A single, small plane could be seen heading downwards toward the city. Schultz had one eye on the television as he worked; there was no doubting this was Nwoko, mad with grief.

Just then, a voice rang out on the speaker.

"Base, this is Tango Six. Tell that Xilian motherf****r I'll see him in hell. Over."

The message cut out abruptly, and Schultz immediately turned his attention to the Xilian broadcast. He watched as Nwoko's plane slammed full pelt into a large office block, with a suitably loud explosion. Schultz managed a wry smile as he wiped a tear from his cheek. Give that sucker one for me while you're there, he thought.
Now With Added Bekk!
Posts: 661
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