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Ultimatum To The Nations Of Atlantian Oceania
Posted: Jul 14 2004, 10:59 PM
PMEmail Poster
With a vast array of military technology and manpower at their fingertips, the nations of Xile, Novvs Atlantis, and Abattoir have declared theirselves the supreme rulers of Atlantian Oceania. For this reason, the following demands must be met to stop the outbreak of war.
  • Taxation must be paid to the sovereign nations according to nation size and economy
  • All militaries outside the empire are to be restricted to infantry of less than 10,000, navy less than 1000, and air force less than 100
  • All rulers will be allowed to run domestic affairs, as long as they do not interefere with empirical policy

Transmissions have been sent to the nations of Vilita and The Holy Saints promising them a share of the taxable wealth and a neutral stance in the procedure. They will not be attacked unless retalliatory action is required.

All nations who do not comply with this policy will be destroyed.
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
Posts: 358
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Posted: Jul 15 2004, 08:48 AM
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QUOTE (Xile @ Jul 14 2004, 10:59 PM)
With a vast array of military technology and manpower at their fingertips, the nations of Xile, Novvs Atlantis, and Abattoir have declared theirselves the supreme rulers of Atlantian Oceania. For this reason, the following demands must be met to stop the outbreak of war.
  • Taxation must be paid to the sovereign nations according to nation size and economy
  • All militaries outside the empire are to be restricted to infantry of less than 10,000, navy less than 1000, and air force less than 100
  • All rulers will be allowed to run domestic affairs, as long as they do not interefere with empirical policy
Transmissions have been sent to the nations of Vilita and The Holy Saints promising them a share of the taxable wealth and a neutral stance in the procedure. They will not be attacked unless retalliatory action is required.

All nations who do not comply with this policy will be destroyed.

[OOC: Third time's the charm, I hope.]

The Incorporated States of Sarzonia does not recognize the "supreme rulers" of the illegal empire. Any attempt to coerce Sarzonia to comply with your rules will be met with force.

[OOC: I'm getting the Hell out of Dodge. I have just left the region because of this particular RP and the ugliness on the NS message center. I want no part of this particular RP since I'm already in the middle of two wars IC. Though I seriously doubt you will get 20 countries to be cowed.]
It's all about the Navy.
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Posted: Jul 15 2004, 11:57 AM
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OOC: This is ridiculous. But if anyone else is stupid enough to go along with it, then here goes...

IC: *We are in the office of new Druid President Geraint Griffiths, where Griffiths is being briefed by one of his advisors.*

Griffiths: "Anything else?"

Advisor: "We have reports from Xile that they rule."

Griffiths: "What do you mean, they rule?"

Advisor: "It says here that Xile, Abattoir and Novvs Atlantis have declared themselves supreme rulers of the region."

Griffiths: "You're winding me up... give that here..."

Advisor: "It says exactly what I've just told you."

Griffiths: "But... these demands are absurd! Surely they infringe upon our freedom as a nation."

Advisor: "Indeed, sir."

Griffiths: "So what options do we have?"

Avisor: "I have a list we've drawn up here... Number one - fire the ignore cannons."

Griffiths: "Too risky, it would mean that everyone would have to do it for us to survive."

Advisor: "Number two - leave the region."

Griffiths: "We could, we're new around here. But then we'd come across as weak, and we are far from it. In relation to our population size, we are the strongest nation in the region. It's just a case of the big boys picking on the little guys here, surely."

Advisor: "Well, number three - get together with the rest of AO and protect ourselves from the oppressors."

Griffiths: "That's a good one, as long as we lead it. We are by far the strongest nation outside of these oppressors, so we'd have no option but to... any more?"

Advisor: "Only to comply."

Griffiths: "I'd rather trap my genitalia between a crocodile's jaws than do that. They're oppressing nations that could easily be their allies if they wanted to. So, I guess an alliance it shall be."

Advisor: "Right, well Starblaydia have declared the same stance as us, and are willing to be our first partners in this resistance. Unfortunately, we've lost Sarzonia, they felt like their military power was stretched enough as it is, what with them fighting two wars already."

Griffiths: "But they don't need to have a strong military, they just need to say they're with us, I'm sure others would rally round to help if they need it."

Advisor: "Quite, sir."

Griffiths: "What about the rest?"

Advisor: "Well, we've not heard anything as yet, but if we can get Vilita and Crystilakere to back us, then they'll be laughed out of town."

Griffiths: "Right then. Seeing as the first two nations to join up are from around the Lake That We've Never Had A Name For, or Bekk as the Blaydes like to call it, then we shall be the Bekk coalition."

Advisor: "But what about if anyone else joins up?"

Griffiths: "I don't know. Perhaps we should just leave ourselves nameless for now."

Advisor: "OK then."

Griffiths: "Oh, and get on to some of our allies from outside the region. I'm sure they'd want justice to be done."

Advisor: "Good idea, sir."

Griffiths: "Right. Anything else?"

Advisor: "Oh, our football team got knocked out of the World Cup."

Griffiths: "It was an achievement for that bunch of misfits to even get there. Anything more?"

Advisor: "That's all for now, sir."

*We leave before the advisor sees us. I mean, we're not supposed to be here...*
NEWI Cefn Druids
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Posted: Jul 15 2004, 12:41 PM
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QUOTE (NEWI Cefn Druids @ Jul 15 2004, 11:57 AM)
Unfortunately, we've lost Sarzonia, they felt like their military power was stretched enough as it is, what with them fighting two wars already."

[OOC: I also said that any attempts to coerce us to follow their rules will be met with force. I could always launch a few quick strikes and send some of the navy that's home to protect our waters over to blockade Xile.

I'm not interested in fighting on three more fronts since I'm already in two wars.

In addition, the personal attacks on the NS board are just ridiculous. Even more than this particular RP, that's a reason I'm leaving the region.]

We support the efforts of the Bekk Coalition.

This post has been edited by Sarzonia on Jul 15 2004, 12:42 PM
It's all about the Navy.
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Posted: Jul 15 2004, 12:45 PM
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OOC: I find this equally ridiculous, if not more so.

IC: In the palatial setting of the Lord-Protector's Residence, Lord-Quaestor Lucius, head of the Starblaydi Inquisition, hurried through the high hallways of the mansion-come-fortress. The information he carried on his display would surely shock the Lord-Protector, and that was never a good thing.

As the Venator security guards swung open the heavy double doors, Lucius saw the Lord-Protector sitting serenly in his high-backed chair, Inquisitor Vianorr hovering beside him.

"Ah, Lord Lucius," the Lord-Protector, "I believe you have some information for me."

"Yes, my Lord." Lucius plucked up the courage, it was now or never. "Xile, Abattoir and Novvs Atlantis have declared themselves..."

"Supreme Rulers of Atlantean Oceania, by any chance?" The Lord-Protector interrupted him. "You really should keep up to date with current events, Viannor here and I have been working on this matter since lunchtime."

Viannorr's smug smile told Lucius that she would have his job before too long. The Lord-Protector continued

"I've been in personal contact with President Griffiths and he isn't going to stand for this buffoonery either. I've allowed him to be the head of a little lakeside Coalition we're forming. Now, go do something useful and contact Diminix, see if they want in on this operation. A visit from the Starblaydi Grand High Inquisitor should be enough to make them take notice. Go on, off you pop."

Lucius made his goodbyes and walked out of the room, noting the Military High Command coming the other way. He heard the beginnings of military operation plans being made behind him.

"...the time to announce Project Horizon's capabilities, perhaps?"
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Posted: Jul 15 2004, 12:51 PM
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(OOC: See what it takes to get something happening here? Yes, its ludacris - but atleast you people are actually replying to something. As for a response I don't have one yet, nor the time atm - trying to eat and type b4 work. Also, I do not believe I insulted Sarzonia on the message center in any way, but if I did I am truly sorry.)

This post has been edited by Xile on Jul 15 2004, 12:52 PM
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
Posts: 358
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Posted: Jul 15 2004, 01:59 PM
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I have noticed a lack of guidelines involving limits on armor divisions.
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 81
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Posted: Jul 15 2004, 02:27 PM
PMEmail Poster
QUOTE (Xile @ Jul 15 2004, 12:51 PM)
(OOC: Also, I do not believe I insulted Sarzonia on the message center in any way, but if I did I am truly sorry.)

[OOC: Did I say someone was insulting ME personally? No I didn't. However, I don't want to have to be around a bunch of people who are going to start hurling grade school barbs at each other when they likely wouldn't do it if they met the person face to face. It's that kind of asinine behavior that makes me just leave and not look back.

I have enough problems in my life away from the computer screen and I don't want to be a party to any more ON the computer screen. I figured when I was invited to join this region that when the country inviting me mentioned it was a very selective region that there would be profoundly more mature happenings in this region than I was used to in the region I came from. Unfortunately, recent events suggest otherwise.

From an IC standpoint, I'm currently in two wars, one of which I didn't want to be involved with from the beginning. No country can afford to fight a war on three fronts (or more). No country can afford to fight wars back to back to back. If I weren't in the wars I'm in now, I might be interested in joining the coalition militarily. But that coupled with the insults on the message center just cemented my decision to leave the region.

If this ridiculousness stops, I might consider returning, especially considering the fact I was interested in running a football champions tournament and competing in the AOCAF tournament again. But I am really fed up with all the drama.]

This post has been edited by Sarzonia on Jul 15 2004, 02:29 PM
It's all about the Navy.
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Posted: Jul 15 2004, 06:19 PM
PMEmail Poster

It has come to our attention that what boils down to an attempted military coup of the region. Krytenia does not recognise this coup, and as a nation close to two of the Unholy Trinity, have invested in powerful IGNORE cannons for this purpouse.

Krytenia has also decided not to join the "Bekk" alliance, as it is a peace-loving nation and will not be dragged into any conflict, diplomatic or otherwise. Krytenia instead takes the Vilitan Third Way, which believes in a large and peaceful region - diplomats from Krytenia are on their way around the world extolling the virtues of Atlantian Oceania as we speak. Krytenia's current hosting of the Cup Of Harmony could well bear fruit in this matter.

Now With Added Bekk!
Posts: 661
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Posted: Jul 15 2004, 07:03 PM
PMEmail Poster
QUOTE (Xile @ Jul 15 2004, 12:51 PM)
(OOC: See what it takes to get something happening here? Yes, its ludacris - but atleast you people are actually replying to something. As for a response I don't have one yet, nor the time atm - trying to eat and type b4 work. Also, I do not believe I insulted Sarzonia on the message center in any way, but if I did I am truly sorry.)

I don't know exactly who was making attacks against Sarzonia, but anyone who leaves here for Stevie Nicks fans probably deserved any hazing they endured.

[OOC: I don't know if this is your disgusting idea of humor, but I don't find it even remotely funny. mad.gif

I'm going through a lot of -explicitive removed- in my offline life. I don't need a single piece more in a GAME that is supposed to be a way to take my mind off troubles in real life.

Your apology is NOT accepted in light of your subsequent jibe at me.]
It's all about the Navy.
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Posted: Jul 15 2004, 09:08 PM
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The Delegate of Crystilakere, backed by the Armed Forces of the Army Nation of Diamindokere, with the Full Support of The entire United Nations, stands tall in the face of these outlandish steps taken by the nations of Xile, Abattoir and Novvs Atlantis.

The Delegate of Crystilakere, along with the Nation of Sarzonia, lie in the Eastern most region of Atlantian Oceania. We do our best to remain peaceful, while still taking the full brunt of Easten entry into the region. While other nations, such as Novvs Atlantis and Xile, are moving land masses around like clay and some inventing lunatic weaponry far ahead of our times, while the technological advancements are welcome, Crystilakere, with the support of peaceful Nations such as the Founder, The Tropics of Vilita, wish to express our desire that these technological advancements be better researched as to the effect they can have on bettering the quality of life within Atlantian Oceania, instead of tearing it apart. Crystilakere, as the longest standing member, and last of the Original 12 members of Atlantian Oceania, other than the Tropics of Vilita, has seen many nations come and go.

While at times, Crystilakere is absent at Regional meetings, or our Embassies doors are closed for months at a time, We are always aware of what is going on around us. We have watched out support dwindle from 17 endorsements, down to 8. But we have not complained, nor tried to start a war, because we are not at odds with any members of the region. The members that Crystilakere may not have been in support of have all weeded themselves out with their actions, such as Mitsunne Konno and Soul Expression.

The Delegate of Crystilakere anxiously awaits the return of the Disputed Territories of Salmantic to the Regional Forum, and urges the nations of Xile, Abattoir, Samonina, The Holy Saints and Sarzonia to take the first steps in the restructuring of the Regional Government system.

We formally request the nations of Xile, Abattoir and Novvs Atlantis to stand down for the time being, and compensate any nations in which you have downset in your brief egoistic surge.

--The Delegate of Crystilakere
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Jul 16 2004, 01:18 AM
PMEmail Poster
[OOC: Sorry Sarzonia, would you like a -explicitive removed-ing tampon? I could give a -explicitive removed- less about your -explicitive removed-ing IRL problems, and it was you who said you didn't want to bring them up in a game. So why are you? Get the -explicitive removed- over it. Sorry for being so damn blunt, but your 'holier than thou' attitude is really pissing me off. Its all in fun, take it that -explicitive removed-ing way.]

Adonis Laiur: Whats the outlook thus far?

General Liason: Well, nearly all of the region stands against us. I was hoping atleast some of the weaker nations would stand down to avoid the outbreak of hostilities. It appears not. If we do a pre-emptive strike we may have the advantage of slight suprise. I say we have about a 50-50 chance of surviving the onslaught after that, and a decisive victory could take years if it could be achieved at all considering of course that the larger nations of the region did not jump in. However, if we scrap some of the pesky 'rules of engagement' and make try to lower their morale we could get the weaker nations to surrender quickly, giving us time to plan against the larger ones. Still, I say we wouldn't have a clear-cut victory and of course there are the political barriers and whatnot...

Adonis Laiur: I was never one to walk into a battle I did not think I could win. We can not simply back down for no apparent reason though. To do so would show weakness and could draw the others against us. We need a diversionary tactic, wool over their eyes if you will. It would have to be something big of course...

General Liason: Bomb the Senate building! It's a perfect plan. We could draw sympathy from the others and get rid of a few political opponents as well. Not to mention the support we'd gather from the populace. We could even blame it on those damned Old Babylonian holdouts. It would give us a cause to leave this agenda for domestic reasons, without losing face at home or in the internation community.

Adonis Laiur: Brilliant! Make it happen general, but be sure to use the upmost caution in drawing the blame. It doesn't have to look like the real thing, it has to BE the real thing. You've seen what the VOIA has been capable of so far...

General Liason: Yes sir, I'll get right on it.

Adonis Laiur: Oh, and be sure to remind our allies in the Senate to take an early lunch.
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
Posts: 358
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Posted: Jul 16 2004, 04:31 AM
PMEmail Poster
QUOTE (Krytenia @ Jul 15 2004, 06:19 PM)

Krytenia has also decided not to join the "Bekk" alliance, as it is a peace-loving nation and will not be dragged into any conflict, diplomatic or otherwise.

Notes that NEWI Cefn Druids is also a peace loving nation that has never entered into a war in it's history. Unless throwing pies at someone counts.

Advisor: "Sir, they're thinking we're entering into a military alliance, here."

Griffiths: "Military? Do we have one of them?"

Advisor: "Aparrently so. And it is one of the biggest in the region."

Griffiths: "Yes, but they were never exactly a "military", more a bunch of likely lads with pies to throw at enemies counted."

Advisor: "Well aparently, it does."

Griffiths: "Dear oh dear, another mess we're going to have to sort out."

Advisor: "But is this a military alliance we're going into here?"

Griffiths: "Of course not, don't be so ludicrous! What are we going to fight them with? A pointy piece of pie crust? No, our alliance is political, nations looking to find a peaceful end to all of this."

Advisor: "And how do you plan to do this?"

Griffiths: "Simple. Don't throw the pies, share them. The Druid pie industry is unrivalled in the region. Seeing as we only have about 2% of our army equiped for a real war, and only that since we came into power the other week, it'd be our only option."

Advisor: "But, sir, we do have another option."

Griffiths: "Oh yes, and what is that?"

Advisor: "It's the ignore cannon, sir. It has been widely used around the region against this ludicrous plot."

Griffiths: "Well I must have got it wrong. Get on the phone to Starblaydia, see if they're willing to fire it."

Advisor: "Sir, you could go in person. It's not that far away."

Griffiths: "Well phone them to tell them I'm coming. And tell them why."

Advisor: "Yes sir."

Griffiths: "Is there anything else that needs doing?"

Advisor: "Well, Sarzonia have declared their support for our efforts, but their official stance is to firew the ignore cannon."

Griffiths: "Efforts? We're not puitting any effort into this."

Advisor: "Well, at least they returned from the region of Stevie Nicks fans."

Griffiths: "Well, it would be too embarrasing to stay."

Griffiths chuckles at his own joke, while his advisor fakes a couple of giggles.

Griffiths: "Anyway, get on the phone to Starblaydia, tell them our plan."

Advisor: "OK, sir."

This post has been edited by NEWI Cefn Druids on Jul 16 2004, 04:33 AM
NEWI Cefn Druids
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Posts: 91
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Posted: Jul 16 2004, 10:08 AM
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Stralphi has decided to join the "Bekk" alliance to stop an imperial rule.
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Posted: Jul 16 2004, 02:26 PM
PMEmail Poster
(OOC: As it seems you all wish to ignore this issue, perhaps you could come up with something better to get the region active?)

This post has been edited by Novvs Atlantis on Jul 16 2004, 02:32 PM
Nova Roma
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