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The Republic Falls...
Posted: Jan 9 2005, 12:55 PM
PMEmail Poster
Note: Puppets should not be used as additional wartime support. Please see: Roleplaying Etiquette: Puppets in War Discussion

It was a gradual process, destined to happen eventually. Life in the Libera Respvblica of Novvs Atlantis was great. Too great. The economy thrived; citizens of Novvs Atlantis earned more than any other nation's citizens and could afford more luxuries.

Education was at its peak. People from across Atlantian Oceania flocked to Nova Roma to study at the renowned Ludus Magna. Novvs Atlantian architects, scientists, engineers, professors, lawyers, surgeons, etc. All were hired by various nations to perform what their own citizens could not.

The military controlled much of the Inner Cove area of Atlantian Oceania. The Lucifer system kept any nations at bay and the legions maintained peace and prosperity throughout the nation and in the surrounding area.

Freedom was at its greatest height as well. Citizens could vote on anything from what font would be used in the next law to what nation fruit would be imported from.

It was easy to see that Novvs Atlantis was the most prosperous of all nations in Atlantian Oceania. However, that prosperity came at a cost of corruption. Senators soon started looking out not for their people, but for themselves. Morals and values were washed away by the influx of wealth and the gap between rich and poor widened exponentially.

Riots occurred daily, welfare spending increased, taxes rose, corruption increased, values disappeared, and piracy disrupted trade; on the outside, however, it appeared that Novvs Atlantis was just as prosperous as ever. Unfortunately, it was clear something was wrong when the Imperator announced a policy of isolation.

It was his plan to bring about a great change to Novvs Atlantis. He saw it when he first took office. Hell, he saw it when he turned 12; the Republic was, at best, an ineffective way of controlling the masses. He knew it would happen; the Republic would rise to a height of untold greatness, and then implode on itself.

But, he had a plan. His first step was to get Novvs Atlantis out of Atlantian Oceania affairs. A war would ruin his restoration, so he convened with the Senate and convinced them that isolation would increase wealth; obviously, it worked.

Secondly, he had to get rid of the Republic. He admired the way Augustus dealt with his Republic, letting it remain, if only to give the people the illusion of freedom. In this case, however, the Senators had gotten out of hand. The Imperator would have to start over; assassination was the only way. The Praetorians were, of course, loyal to the Imperator, but there was the problem of covering up the murder of some of the top political figures... all 300 of them and their families. It took some thinking, but the Imperator figured it out. He would charter a cruise off the coast of Lamoni, rig a yacht with several tons of explosives, and send it straight into the cruiser, hopefully incinerating all the Senators.

At home there would be chaos, new Senators would be elected, but the Imperator would rise up and begin the process of reform. It was executed flawlessly.

Divorce rates dropped as laws were enacted that made it much more difficult. Piracy was crushed as new corvettes cruised the seas, ruthlessly destroying any pirates. School attendance was made compulsory and nearly half of all tax denarii went to supporting education. Prostitution was outlawed. The Religio Romana was reinstituted as the national religion and the Imperator lead the daily rites and rituals to the gods.

The Imperator's plan had worked wonders. Soon, Novvs Atlantis was returning to its former glory. Sign up rates for the military increased as rumors spread (no doubt created by the government) that Lamoni was responsible for the murder of the past Senators. Patriotism and loyalty to the state increased ten fold and daily attendance to gladiatorial games skyrocketed.

The Imperator, however, was dealing with being crowned king. The newly-elected Senators were tying to pass acts that would make the Imperator king and would give him complete control over the nation. He refused the title of king, but kept the title of Imperator. He accepted control over the nation in the great Concession Act of 2758 (ab urbe condita). The Senate was retained, which to the everyday citizen made the whole Act appear pointless; the everyday citizens still believed that the Senate had control over the nation.

Soon the Imperator began traveling more, visiting the various cities of Novvs Atlantis to boost his image. Propaganda was spread that Lamoni was in fact responsible for the slaughter of the past Senators and the eruption of Mount Roma was proof that the gods were angry.

The Lucifer system and its sister satellites were redirected from their last target of the former island of Tachbe to the nation of Lamoni. Fortifications were erected along the N.A./Lamoni border, garrisons were setup, factories and shipyards soon began turning out their respective military products, and the R&D rats in the deepest level of the Citadel were doing their best to make improvements on existing gauss technology and think of new weapon systems.

In his final act before the war, the Imperator sent a transmission to his ally Xile, and so we are here waiting for the response of the Xilian leader.
Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
Posts: 244
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Posted: Jan 9 2005, 02:47 PM
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*THS Regional Defense and Surveillance HQ*
'Sir, we're picking up activity from the Lucifer system'
'-explicitive removed-, what's happening now?'
'Sir... it has focused on Lamoni. Intel also reports a buildup of NA forces on the border with Lamoni. Also NA has increased its military strength several times over.'
'It was only a matter of time... that power hungry fool...Send word to the Minister of Defense and the Governor.'
'Immedietally, Commander.'

*Moments later, Government offices, Tromso*
'Minister, we have a message from the RDS. There is much increased activity in NA and the Lucifer system has been repositioned... on Lamoni.'
'Whats the status of the fleet?'
'Operating at full, only 2 cruisers are offline. They're in the shipyards around Tartaric IV'
'Good. Move the III and VII flottillas in system right outside of NA's sensor range.'
'Of course sir, I'll alert the Space Admiralty. Anything for the planet-side forces?'
'Tell the command to prepare their troops and up training. We may be in for a big war here.'
'At once.'

*The residence of the Governor*
'NA is beginning to become to aggresive. Send out an official response to NA's offices.'
'Yes, sir.'

<Message; Incription: None>
::Recipient; NA Government Offices::
-- Message --
According to our intellegence reports, your government has begun offensive actions against Lamoni. Cease and desist, or prepare to meet the full force of consequence.
-THS Governing Offices
-- End Message --
<End Message; Incription: None>
Holy Saints
Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: Jan 9 2005, 05:03 PM
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Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
Posts: 244
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Posted: Jan 9 2005, 05:10 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
In the hallowed halls of the Lamonian government, an aide approached the President. "Mr. President, intelligence reports that NA has moved their Lucifer system on to us, and are massing troops on our border."

President Matt Stone thought about it, and said: "Move us to DEFCON 3 (war-warning), recall all military personell, cancel all military leaves, have our fighters aggresively patrol the border area without going into NA airspace, activate Tempo (EMP generating bombs/missles) to make sure that Lucifer stays in hell, issue a strong statement to the NA leadership denouncing their aggresion, get word to our allies in Termaria, get word to AORDO in order to see what they can do about the threat, and to send troops, ships, and planes. Send in the defense council, and put our WMD's on standby. We will not be caught with our pants down."

The aide, who was also a Colonel in the Lamonian Army, snapped a salute, said "Yes sir!," and went out the door, yelling instructions at passers-by.

The President knew that NA had been declining for a while now, but they would have to be crazy to attack Lamoni, especially since Lamoni had never invaded NA. The only inponderable in this situation was Xile. Would Xile join in on NA's side? With that thought, the President walked over to the war room, saw that the Defense Council (President, Vice-President, Foreign Minister, Defense Minister, Joint Chiefs, and the head of Intelligence) had gathered, and told the Foreign Minister to draft a message to Xile, warning them to stay out of any possible war between NA and Lamoni.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Jan 9 2005, 07:19 PM
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In reaction to the latest aggressive move by Novvs Atlantis, the Sarzonian government has ordered any citizens of Sarzonia in NA to return to Sarzonia at once. In addition, any NA citizens in Sarzonia are being given 36 hours notice of eviction from Sarzonia. Any previous trade agreements that may exist between our two countries are declared null and void.

We strongly advise both sides not to violate Sarzonian neutrality in this conflict, but we also urge both of you to seek a diplomatic solution.
It's all about the Navy.
Posts: 577
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Posted: Jan 9 2005, 11:32 PM
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President Lauir had to messages before him. He had of course gone over the correspondence from NA thoroughly, but the recent message from Lamoni really stuck in his craw.

He had of course been ranting for a while. "It is a WARNING for us not to intervene. Can you believe this? A WARNING! Perhaps Mr. Stone has not been properly schooled in the etiquette of foreign relations, but issuing ultimatums to another country is certainly not a way to gain amicable concessions from them."

An aide snickered, but quickly covered it up with a cough. Adonis had not heard him of course, but the irony in his statement was considered somewhat humerous to all present.

"That bastard doesn't think I know what his game is. We know good and damn well that those weapons found in Krytenia were Lamoni issue. He is lucky the issue has peaked in the public sector yet, or this may have been a problem much earlier." Adonis stopped for a second. "Alexi, tell the media department to begin some... investigative reporting... and have it on the 6 o'clock news. Might as well give the people a justifiable cause for this. Withdraw all deployed troops, and have our sattelites monitor the situation on the Lamoni border. Tell our ambassadors to retain the neutral stance in all negotiations."

"Send a telegram to Novus Atlantis. Tell them we need about 20,000 standard issue uniforms from their army. We are not going to put ourselves fully in the heat of things yet, but we need to let NA know we are serious about our previous commitments. Make sure that the troops sent are not carrying anything of Xilean issue when they leave. Let's not make the same mistake Lamoni did."
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
Posts: 358
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Posted: Jan 10 2005, 04:54 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
On Radio Lamoni:

We have just recieved word from the government that it will allow AORDO inspectors to count Lamoni's stocks of Psipronian weapons, which we were falsely accused of giving to anti-Xilean rebels, in order to show that we have done no such thing. The government will also allow the inspectors to witness the meltdown of said weapons to demonstrate the government's commitment to regional stability. This proposal has been sent to the AORDO President, where it will be decided if AORDO will take us up on our offer or not.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Jan 10 2005, 05:46 PM
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The National Secretariat of the National Assemblies fax machine buzzes and hums. The young deadlocked delegate sat reading the Hedon News paper looks confused at his watch. It's so late he thinks to himself as he walks over and rips the paper from the machine. He rubs his eyes, yawning as he skims over the contents of the fax.

Urgent Facsimile:

TO: National Secretariat
FROM: National Secretary - Anarchist Federation of The Free Republic of Lamoni


It has been reported that Novvs Atlantis is threatening the safety of our nation and we are calling for advice on the matter. The bourgeois rulers are shaking with fear and are calling on nations of the region to help defend its sovereignty. Are we to support the bourgeoisie in their actins or oppose it.

We await your decision.

The delegate turns and runs to the phone. He calls down to the other delegates sitting and relaxing in the Secretariat house. He relays with haste the communication just received and it is decided to convene an emergency meeting of the National Assembly.

After a few cups of strong coffee and a long and well needed visit to the toilet the other delegates arrive and meet in the assembly hall. The facsimile is read out. The first to speak is Abe Kauf, recently returned from Taaru. People turn to listen intently.

"Comrades the questions we must ask ourselves is two fold. What will we achieve by supporting bourgeois military operations and how will that effect our ideological purity. The answer friends, is not simple. The Free Republic of Lamoni is a relatively democratic nation compared to that of Novvs Atlantis. Our international struggle for destroying capitalism and creating an anarchist region may very well be hindered by any occupation that may happen in Lamoni. Fighting the forces of Novvs Atlantis will be more difficult than fighting the liberal force of Lamoni politics. However, our ideological purity will be damaged by the fact that we as anarchists are not compatible with that of those who serve to exploit and oppress the workers - can we exploit this situation for our own gain? We are not strong enough"

The debate goes on into the night. Pizza is ordered and delivered as the delegates argue, shout and discuss this great problem. It is decided that consensus within the regional assemblies is necessary to pass the motion of support.

The delegates, having become exhausted return to their homes as the secretariat urgently informs the regional assemblies to discuss and vote on the matter. The country is informed of the debate and the population of Emagol throw themselves into the proceedings. Cafe's, bars, universities and communes begin to discuss with enthusiasim the great question. Should we help Lamoni defend itself.

The news stops, the paper is paused on the presses, televisions are switched on across the nation and the delegates convene once again within the national assembly. Each regional assembly is linked together on the large screens constructed for national votes. The 54 assemblies in turn begin to give their result. One of the delegates turns to the person next to him shaking with excitment "The last time we required consensus on an issue was 22 years ago." The hall falls silent as the first assembly representative steps forward, his face becomes illuminated on the large screen, the tension is high....
Posts: 9
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Posted: Jan 10 2005, 06:50 PM
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Prime Minister Antoine Tariskany sat in his office, papers overflowing on his desk. News from the incident had of course been globally broadcast, and the newly elected official had no clue of what to believe. It was true that there had been conflict between Abattoir and Xile in the past, but recently the two nations had collaborated to create an almost equal trade balance between the countries. So did his country really have anything to worry about in the conflict?

Then there's Novvs Atlantica and Lamoni. Both sides seem to be pitted in a propaganda battle and it seems that the nations of Atlantian Ocean could only believe the country which seemed more credible. With his past experiences as Interregional Affairs Advisor, he had evidence that both sides could be ploying for any support they can gather.

So his only option at the moment seemed to be clear. He opened up his communicator, and promptly posted, one simple but quite coherent statement.


We remain neutral until further evidence provides Abattoir reason to intervene.

This post has been edited by Abattoir on Jan 10 2005, 06:51 PM
Pinprick of Apathy
Posts: 398
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Posted: Jan 10 2005, 06:54 PM
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*THS Regional Defense and Surveillance HQ*
'More activity, sir'
'This isn't gonna end well. Send word up top this instant!'
'Yes, sir.'

*Governing offices*
'Sir, we need a course of action now. How will we respond to further agression?'
'Take away all leaves, set the security status to code beta, and send notice to the reserves that their skills may be needed. Send out the engineers and call in the II and IX flotillas to enter beside the III and VII flotillas.'
'Of course, Minister.'
Holy Saints
Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: Jan 11 2005, 03:50 AM
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Florianopolis Dept. Of Foreign Affairs has issued a Caution advisory to any of its citizens residing or visiting NA to consider an immediate departure. In addition, travel advisories are posted cautioning against visits to involved border regions of Lamoni. Currently, diplomatic relations with both involved countries remain unaffected.
Posts: 12
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Posted: Jan 12 2005, 05:45 PM
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The Imperator strode through the Arcus Magnus, or Great Arch, of the Citadel. It was an impressive building. Nine floors resided above ground while the other ninety resided below. It wasn't the tallest structure in Nova Roma, or the deepest. However, it was the safest.

Reinforced concrete and layers of meter thick Titanium-A plating were constructed between each subterranean level after the first. If there were to be a direct nuclear strike on Nova Roma, the above ground portion of the Citadel might survive, it would be uninhabitable for a few thousand years, but it might survive. Unquestionably, however, sub-levels five through ninety-nine would survive, with the lowest levels not even experiencing the slightest shake from the blasts.

Air purification systems, a water treatment/recycling center, a small hydroponic farm, and three extremely large recreation rooms, along with the labs, computer rooms, and dormortories, made the Citadel quite the place to live during a nuclear holocaust.

The Imperator stopped at the executive chamber (now referred to as the throne room) and entered. He reclined into the gold throne, closed his eyes, and summoned up the daily news reports.

AORDO was at it again, determining what to do, who to support, etc. Various nations issued news reports either creating rumors or telling their own version of the truth to gain support for whoever the governments wanted to fight for and troops were called in from all over the world to return to their home region.

Several nations had declared neutrality, but one nation in particular had caught his eye. The nation of The Holy Saints, an interstellar nation with command of a vast array of starships. It would be a tough fight. The new Felix fighters were updated with an improved gauss rifle and life support systems to travel beyond Terra's atmosphere. Their rounds wouldn't be able to dent a capital class cruiser, but that wasn't what the Imperator was aiming for.

Generally, he was a man who liked to solve the problem not treat the symptoms; however, it would be impossible to destroy the carriers and cruisers of THS; therefore, he would have to aim a little lower. The dropships that would be reinforcing and resupplying THS forces would have a tough time getting through a Felixian blockade once the war started.

A message flashed onto his data pad, no doubt the one from Xile.

"20,000 uniforms? An interesting plan. Praetor, summon up the generals and see if we can't accomodate our Xilian brethren with some uniforms... 20,000 of them, to be exact."

"Yes, Imperator. Anything else?"

"Indeed. I'd like this message sent to Xile, send it the old fashioned way via the paper trail. Here it is."

The Praetor recieved the message in the envelope and scurried out. Imperator Tiberivs Siricvs Caesar sat up and began planning for battle.

Nova Roma
Fortified Caesar
Posts: 244
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Posted: Jan 12 2005, 06:29 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
In the Lamonian War Room, the Defense Council was running war games to determine the most probable course that a Novvs Atlantian invasion of the Free Republic would take.

The Defense Minister was worried about the resupply vessles of the THS forces. "If Novvs Atlantis were to come up with even an effective SAM belt in the right place, they could likely hit and at least damage the THS resupply ships," he said, the continued: "i'm sure that THS will have a counter for this, but one thing that military operations have shown me is to take nothing for granted.

President Stone thought about it for a second, and asked "What will we be able to do about it?"

After giving the matter his own second of though, the Defense Minister finally said, "We can REQUEST that our THS allies escort their supply ships, but beyond that... nothing reliable."

"Ooooookay..." President Stone muttered, "is there anything else that you people can think of?"

The NIA Director stood up from his position and stated, "Mr. President, we would like to send assasination squads into Novvs Atlantis with a new chemical that we have developed. It is called Succinylcholine; (OOC: ) what we are really giving them is an overdose of the stuff, and it will kill the victim with a massive heart attack, and metabolizes nicely. The doctor doing the autopsy will have to know EXACTLY what to look for, and once the drug is metabolized by the corpse, no doctor will be able to find it. The drug will be fitted into a device not unlike a combo pen, but which will look like a real pen. It will even be able to write." The NIA Director held up an example of the device. "What you do when you want to use the device to kill someone is push in the button on the top of the 'cap' that looks like a colored piece of plastic pen cap top, unscrew the 'pen,' stick it into the victim, press the button again, then pull it out and hide it. The best place to stick someone is in the buttocks, and the fastest that our agents were able to accomplish this was three seconds. The target's death will be most painful, but if done correctly, the enemy will think that the target truly had a heart attack."

"Do it." That was all that the President said to that. After that, dicussion raged about potential assasination targets, and how to get the assasination squads into Novvs Atlantis.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Jan 12 2005, 11:25 PM
PMEmail Poster
*Thorskjold SpacePort, outside of Tromso.*
A bright flame erupted from below the craft as it began it's ascent, the flame seemingly too hot for the landing platform, which in reality was sagging under the pressure from the rocket boosters. The ship was one of 600 other landing ships of all different sorts, all headed for the II, III, VII, IX flotillas on station in space. Each landing ship was carrying 3,000 to 15,000 men, women, and an additional 100,000 tons of equipment and supplies followed on barges which met with the ships in space. The ships passed by the huge Gauss System Platforms keeping orbit over THS. If war came, THS interplanetary forces were ready.

*Briefing Center, deep inside NordeFjell Military Base, in a unknown and ill developed area of THS territory*
'Update me on the status of our armed forces, please.'
'At last count, we had over 300,000 Pre-Modern armored vehicles, 120,000 Modern Armored Vehicles, and 10,000 Future-Generation, not publicly disclosed, armored vehicles up on full alert. Our reserve equipment boosts Pre-Modern numbers by 200,000 and Modern numbers by 50,000.
Our Air fleet is up to strength at 30,000 Planetary Only craft and 19,000 Interplanetary Craft.
Our Navy is running with just a few ships in the yards. we have 7 armadas protecting the coasts as of this moment and 6 armadas abroad being recalled.
All in all we should have quite an extraordinary force from the get-go, and if we fully mobilize we will at least double our strength. '
'Good. Prepare Patrols and limit trade to 100% necessary products, those convoys being fully escorted by 1 carrier fleet each.'
'Yes sir.'
'Good. Start new Creative Support teams to get advertisements, etc, ready if war comes to the homeland.'
'Of course...'
Holy Saints
Senator in Training
Posts: 246
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Posted: Jan 12 2005, 11:30 PM
PMEmail Poster
President Lauir delicately picked up the data crystal arriving from Novvs Atlantis. He still didn't quite have the hang of how to access the data, but after a few minutes of trial and error was always successful.

"It looks like the uniforms will be arriving shortly. Get the troops prepared for deployment. I want them sent out in different directions before converging again in NA. If anyone gets nosy, they can assume that these were just NA deployments returning on the Emperor's orders."

An aide rushed out to make the preparations.
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
Posts: 358
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