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Factbook of Ko-oren
Posted: Apr 1 2013, 04:39 AM
PMEmail Poster

Overview.......................................... p.2
- Demographics................................. p.3
History.............................................. p.4
Climate & Environment

- Maps
- Cities
- States
- Topography
- Land Use
- Traffic
- Water
- Energy and Mining

- Sports
-- Football
-- Baseball
-- Other
- Religion

- Overview
- Parliament
- Cabinet & Ministers
- Constitution

Coins & Banknotes

This post has been edited by Ko-oren on Apr 1 2013, 02:30 PM
Scribe in Training
Posts: 34
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Posted: Apr 1 2013, 04:44 AM
PMEmail Poster

Long name: The Meritocratic Republic of Ko-oren
Short name: Ko-oren
Government type: Meritocracy, small democratic influences

People and culture
Official Language: Ko-oran
Demonym: Ko-orenites (derogatory: Kites)
Population: 331.033.446
Major Cities: Sraltlur, Ko-oren City, Tangku
Life Expectancy: 79,6

Currency: Korona
Major industries: Education, Public Transport, Book Publishing, Tourism

Capital: Ko-oren
Government Type: Meritocracy
Ruler type and name of ruler: President, Akiranar Nembus
Legislative Body: All ministries' Department of Legislation

Geography and Climate
Agreeable sea climate
(Summer avg) +24 C
(Winter avg) -7 C

Cold land climate
(Summer avg) +10 C
(Winter avg) -18 C

Agreeable land climate
(Summer avg) +27 C
(Winter avg) -12 C

Hot sea climate
(Summer avg) +34 C
(Winter avg) +7 C

Military & Foreign Policy
Ko-oren has a non-intervention policy and does not even have an army for national defense.

Internet top-domain: .ko
(.gov.ko - Government
.edu.ko - Education
.org.ko - Non-governmental Organisations
.net.ko - Personal websites
.ao.ko - Regional related websites)
International dialing code: +17

This post has been edited by Ko-oren on Apr 1 2013, 04:57 AM
Scribe in Training
Posts: 34
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Posted: Apr 1 2013, 04:56 AM
PMEmail Poster

The entire country of Ko-oren is made up of one big island and a number of smaller islands. Out of the hundreds of islands, 15 are inhabited. The biggest, the island of Ko-oren, has 10 states. The four next biggest all are their own state. The remaining 10 islands are two states: Vnoskjulung in the North, with 3 islands, and Ong in the West, with 7 islands.

The entire country has a population of 331.033.446, which is a growth of 7,45% over the last census. This is mainly due to immigration which is not as strict as under the old census' policy. The biggest growth was recorded in Kthosl state, where also capital city Ko-oren City is located (+55%), Sishinova and Rabth (both +21%), states that had enough work but not enough people to do it. Lower educated immigrants have settled in these states especially.

The 15 states are divided into four regions. The Northern and the Southern region are most populated (146.946.671 in the North, 145.133.111 in the South), and East and West are not very populated (25.455.135 in the East, 13.498.529 in the West).

Vnoskjulung - 9.219.482
Rabth - 12.413.458
Jeknolr - 17.440.201
Kthosl - 14.291.577
Othushun - 93.581.953

Aj Uin - 2.551.503
Maethoru - 9.843.006
Ka Uin - 893.210
Ong - 210.810

Arelothun - 135.123.001
Engbrothun - 10.010.110

Sishinova - 9.212.821
Hogone - 6.932.192
Kangutsu - 4.652.012
Uzhotu - 4.658.110
Scribe in Training
Posts: 34
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Posted: Apr 1 2013, 02:30 PM
PMEmail Poster
Mankind first came to Ko-oren by boat, they most likely did so 6,000 years ago. They arrived in the Northern region, but quickly diffused over the main island. Settlements were found around the bay of Ko-oren and they tell us that mankind went from the North, around the bay in the West, to the South were agriculture started. In the North, people were still hunter-gatherers, because there was no need for agriculture. In the South, climate was a bit harsher and it required people to stay in one place more. This still meant that civilization and technology developed faster in the North, though the South was not far behind. It is even likely that the two groups were still communicating via boats over the bay. The Western region, which does form a land bridge between North and South, was too cold for any settlement, was impossible to inhabit and therefore was not the way the North and the South communicated. Eventually, the North started agriculture too and they soon built cities around the bay, that flourished due to agriculture, fisheries and religion started to come up.

About 5,000 years ago, people in the South started going eastward and came to the four big islands that are now Kangutsu, Uzhotu, Hogone and Sishinova. At the same time, the Northern people started pushing settlements into the cold Western region. In the bigger cities in the centers of the North and the South, religion, culture and science flourished. It is estimated that around this time all temples were built that are now the famous ruins scattered around the land. The people did not pass their time doing warfare, but as the North and the South still felt relatively close together, were rather friendly with each other despite their distance. Even linguistically, the two groups could easily communicate (especially around the bay area).

4,000 years ago, small tribes left Ko-oren on all sides to go to what are now Ko-oren’s colonies. They remained hidden here for another few thousand years, only to be discovered by Heilar Garagun in the late 1400’s (1,400 CE). On the mainland, people developed a written language, astronomy, religion, culture and a way to document all this. There are libraries that originated from about this time. It is even likely that many people had access to these, especially those that lived in towns. The people even had very detailed mechanisms to keep time and coordinates. There was an efficient system to inform everyone in the country (both North and South) via road and sea.

3,000 years ago, cities in the Northern and Southern region started to grow and there might even have been a city that was close to 150,000, that grew to 250,000 over the course of 500 years. The only problem here were diseases, but through hygiene, efficient evacuations and so forth, epidemics were kept to a minimum. The same was true for fires, and moreover, many cities had stone elements that prevented fires.

2,000 years ago, culture was on the rise. The standard of living was extremely high compared to many other civilizations, and the Ko-orenites resorted to literature, but also architecture and medicine. The biggest cities around this time were Sraltlur and Tangku, both with a size of over 1 million. The first experiments with electricity and steam engines were conducted. The temples that were built 3,000 years earlier were often in ruins by now, and replaced by many structures and Ko-orenite Animistic temples that are still in use now. Roads were now often made out of stone, and even had pillars with near settlements and distances on them. It used the same set of coordinates that was used 2,000 years earlier. Philosophy was at its top here, and the ideologies that were developed in this era are still the basis for the ideologies now.

1,000 years ago, writers and artists were thinking about life outside of the archipelago. Ko-oren has never been in touch with any other civilization, meaning that the people have always lived in involuntary isolation. Science-fiction, steampunk themes and electricity were important around this time. The first government was installed, and even ministries and departments that exist now, have their history in the governments of this era. The national flag and anthem are said to be of this period, too.

1461 CE: Heilar Garagun sets sail to discover what is beyond Ko-oren. He finds Irithoren, Arhoren first, then Taloren, Skyvinduryoren and Thaulandi. Lastly he finds Zakhoren, before the first contact of Ko-oren with the rest of the world.
1654 CE: Egil Alfheim reigns over Ko-oren as a monarch. Despite the meritocratic government, he has the official title of king and head of state as the highest person in Ko-orenite Animism.
1944 CE: Ragnar Skiringsal, of the same tribe as Alfheim, is the first democratically chosen leader of Ko-oren. Only those with high education were allowed to vote, meaning he still fits with the meritocratic ideology.
2000 CE: Daidalus Eribias is the first of only three leaders in the Union Era. In this era, colonies are treated as part of the country. After some rebellion in mainly Zakhoren, the Union as such was disbanded. The Union Era also had the first female leader of the country: Aureolin Eos.
2011 CE: Akiranar Nembus is the first leader of the Meritocratic Utopia of Ko-oren.
Scribe in Training
Posts: 34
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Posted: Apr 2 2013, 09:36 AM
PMEmail Poster
The climate of Ko-oren is quite diverse because of the size of the country and the fact that is lies open to sea influence. Generally, the bay has relatively warm water, which made the entire bay area more liveable than the rest of the country. Further inland, the Western region is too cold to live in, the Southern region is good to live in despite the scorching hot summers, and the Northern area can be just too cold and too wet to live in, in some areas. But because of the warm water from the bay, the North and the South are very liveable, and even the coastal area of the West is inhabitable. Currently, the climate of the four regions is as follows:

Agreeable sea climate
(Summer avg) +24 C
(Winter avg) -7 C

Cold land climate
(Summer avg) +10 C
(Winter avg) -18 C

Agreeable land climate
(Summer avg) +27 C
(Winter avg) -12 C

Hot sea climate
(Summer avg) +34 C
(Winter avg) +7 C

The Eastern region, composed of the four islands in the east, is by far the hottest. The easternmost two islands are almost completely overgrown, and have some of the most diverse plantlife of the entire country. Flowers and trees found here are generally not found anywhere else in the archipelago. The region is also very humid, and there is a regular monsoon.

The Southern area has a land climate, but most of it is suitable for agriculture. Only in the middle of the region, there are desertlike areas that cannot be used for anything, they are usually over 40 degrees in summer and under -10 degrees in winter.

The Western region is extremely cold, but forested and has stable weather. Weather is not quick to change, though the entire area is mountainous, or at least hilled.

The Northern area is the area with the most gradual temperature changes. As it is flat, the weather can change quickly, and the region has more precipitation than most of the rest of the archipelago.
Scribe in Training
Posts: 34
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Posted: Apr 4 2013, 05:47 AM
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