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Posted: Sep 6 2006, 11:49 PM
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Nyriads Ready To Prove Themselves

QUOTE (Project Erosis Field Report)

Project Erosis - Phase IV
Field Test Progress Report
Breann Mikkola, Supervising Controller

The 4th phase of the Erosis project is now set to begin. As you well know, phase III was based around the Nyriad Test Group’s participation in the Women’s World Cup. Those tests went very well as the subjects of the tests performed very well in that competition, but the time has now come for an upgrade in the competition level that will challenge our subjects. The AOCAF was the only logical choice.

Now the Nyriad Test group will face quite a challenge in the form of the mighty Starblaydia and the host squad from Lamoni. Now we have a chance to prove that the Erosis project has produced the desired results once and for all. But do not be surprised to see the subjects struggle against the top sides in the group. Our project has produced great results in most areas of testing. However we have not been able to solve the issues of individual speed with this group. Add to that a lack of experience that both top sides have, and you see the beginnings of the quandary.

But all in all, things should go very well and our test group should move into the knock-out stages fairly easily. But it does remain to be seen just how good the test group will perform with the tougher level of competition.

More to follow as the tests get under way.

This post has been edited by Vilita on Sep 7 2006, 10:47 PM
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: Sep 6 2006, 11:54 PM
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Was your last post before this, something that would be public knowledge or no? It seems like it was broadcast and if it is I want to write a response RP, but if it's secret, than clearly I won't. Let me know. Thanks

Senator in Training
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Posted: Sep 7 2006, 12:17 AM
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OOC - Technically that is a field report from the Supervising Controller of the field test group to the Erosis Project Directors. This isnt common knowlege just yet, but some slight insight can be gained from my nations facts on the NS site when you pull it up. That is general knowlege - or at least rumor of it. biggrin.gif
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
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Posted: Sep 7 2006, 12:20 AM
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Ok. The ASMV news network logo threw me for a loop.
Senator in Training
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Posted: Sep 7 2006, 12:24 AM
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(OOC: See my roster post for name correlation.)

"I assure you, sir, we have checked over the plane, thoroughly, and there appear to be no snakes on this plane," assured the flight attendant.

"Vell, you never can be too careful now-a-days, un-huh," said Brai Trus. He nervously dangled what appeared to be a snake-bite kit, bag of airline peanuts, and a barf bag half filled to capacity in his hands. Backup defender Olore Steva sat next to him, silently praying that Trus got one of the three mixed up with another.

Atlantian Oceanic Flight 816 to Lamoni for the start of the Atlantian Oceania Cup of Association Football. The players couldn't wait to get back home, rest for a change, and hopefully never get called up to play again by anybody. Stowe Erroe sat inattentively, noting that once all this football stuff was over, he'd finally have time to get back to planning his mother's death.

"Can you believe this ****? Playing in the AO cup and the Cup of Harmony at the same blasted time?" asked Blace Oraor of Erroe. Erroe simply sat and stared, despondent, wondering if a short sword or a dagger would be more effective.

"And did you see who else ve got in our group? Ve got Az-Cz and The Mice of Miceland! I can't believe that, after ve already played them in the Baptism of Fire," continued Oraor.

"Vasn't one of those teams a bunch of mice?" queried Cler Bestov.

"I thought that vas Lexington SC," replied Jerro Smiss.

"I thought it vas Marion Oaks 2," added Trolo Culur.

"It couldn't have been both Lexington SC and Marion Oaks, idiot," said Smiss.

"I don't think that's vhat he meant," Bestov said.

"There's mice on the plane?" asked the startled Trus.

"There's no ********* animals on the plane!" shouted the flight attendant from another room.

"Vait, vait, vhich country are ve from?" asked the now incredibly confused Culur.

"Tocapa," added what was now an indistinguishable voice.

"I thought ve vere from Turori."

"Did ve ever go to Turori?"

"No, ve vent to Vuam and Isma."

"Who said Vilita?"

"Aren't Vilita and Turori the same?"

"No, Turori's part of Vilita."

"Then vhy isn't it called Vilita?"

"Enough!" shouted a now fully-enraged Erroe. "Look, ve're from Tocapa. Ve're going to Lamoni. Ve've never been to Vilita, or to Turori, vhich is a colony of Vilita from my understanding. Does anybody have any questions?"

"But then vhere did the mice come from?"

"Mice? Vhere? Dear grim ve have to get off this plane!"

"No one's getting off until ve get to Lamoni!"

"Are you sure they vere mice?"

Erroe now began to tune out the irrelevant melodies being played by his teammates. "Maybe on the flight back I can crash the plane into my mother's house," muttered the disturbed forward.

"Vhat did you say?" asked the nearby Jayk Heshar.

"I said I'm going to crash the ******* plane."

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Posted: Sep 7 2006, 02:34 PM
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Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Sep 7 2006, 07:09 PM
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OOC to Az - the logo was put in strictly out of habit and shouldnt be there. I cant edit it out. Opps. have to watch that next time.
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
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Posted: Sep 7 2006, 11:47 PM
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user posted image

Necromancer Push Bettia In Opener

Queen Sonya Sabre was more than happy for the relaxing visit to regional friend Lamoni. This was far better than all the security and such issues that normally surrounded her visit to foreign soil to watch a Sylvanaes squad in action.

And the Necromancers were to test their magic against the top side in the group on the very first day. This was quite a match. And the first time D&S had faced Bettia (as far as anyone remembers). So what would the match have to offer? A far closer result than Bettia would have liked to see.

The scoring was slow to begin as both sides were a little out of sorts and attempting to adjust. Melonie Gaffer would change that in the 41st minute on a somewhat sloppy shot that slipped past the Bettian keeper. The first half ended with D&S up on the favorite 1-0.

But that would not last very long. Bettia would take the pitch with a vengeance as the second half began and keeper Cierra Samantha had her hands completely full trying to stop the onslaught of shots. Five minutes played and Bettia had taken a 2-1 lead. Things looked as if they would quickly get out of hand.

But the Necromancers can play some defense. Horacio Wais and Lupe Tatu made their presence felt as they took it upon themselves to even the flow of the match. Tatu’s set-up for Gaffer in the 62nd minute would see the Necromancers pull even with Bettia.

Back and forth the match would go as each side tried to capitalize on their chances, and neither finding much success. But in the end it would be the experience of Bettia that triumphed in this one. A goal in the 83rd minute would seal a 3-2 victory for the best side in the group and the Necromancers were left defeated and trying to find the silver lining.

It wasn’t hard to find. A 2-3 result with Bettia was a very positive start to things here in AOCAF XVI. That and the fact that we didn’t get hammered like Neu Amerika did against Hypocria. That one was brutal - and that might be an understatement.

Next up for the Necromancers is a match with Aurendia. If the positives from the match today carry over to that one we should manage a nice win.
Dorian and Sonya
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Posted: Sep 8 2006, 01:17 AM
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OOC - Thanks Vil

QUOTE (Project Erosis Field Report)

Project Erosis - Phase III
Field Test Progress Report
Breann Mikkola, Supervising Controller

Things were not what we had expected today. All of our tests to this point had involved human opponents so our training had been set accordingly. Unfortunately our subjects had to face a group of “Bigulated” Mice. (We really need to check into obtaining that technology) and the test group seemed to struggle with the whole concept.

And things were very ugly early as those mice took a 2-0 lead and looked to put us away without a fight. But our subject made their adjustments in the second half and Raisa Pyun would pull us within a point in the 70th minute. And then  the Nyriads group attempted to get the score that would even things up. And in the 86th minute, Reagan Smythe looked as if she would get that score. But then the unthinkable happened. Smythe tripped over the tail of one of those freak mice things. Despite adamant protests that this was indeed a penalty, no card was shown. Miceland pulled off the upset.

Things look tough now. The next test is against Nojika. The test group should perform better against human opponents. More to follow after the results are in

End report.
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: Sep 8 2006, 06:18 AM
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Az-cz Scroll

Gnomes earn draw in first ever AOCAF match

In the game against Nojika Az-cz played hard and earned a draw, a very happy result for the team.
Nojika proved to be a hard opponent and both sides took a while to figure each other out. Without the play making of Pizelkaxrovsky, who had been chosen for the Cup of Harmony squad instead, the Gnomes struggled to make attacks early. They were back on their heels but Zax-Im and Hubertino were able to keep the defense strong for most of the first half.
However right before the end of the first half Sim-Blr showed the nerves of his first start and allowed the Nojika player to take the ball and fire in a quick goal on Dn-Zf. Both teams slowed the pace down for the last 3 minutes of the half.
At halftime Menegroth pushed the offense forward bringing on Lur-Mn for Sim-Blr. This attacking formation proved to be a strength against Nojika. The offense put on the charge and you could see the Nojika defenders wearing down.
Although they held the Az-cz attack at bay for quite a while in the 78th minute If-Wt finally set up Bub-Rub for the equalizer. For the rest of the half Az-cz looked much better and seemed almost certain to score again, but they just couldn't find the goals. If they had a bit more time they could've earned three points, but as it is came away with a well deserved point.
Next up is Miceland, the big suprise of the opening day, stunning Andossa Se Mitrin Vega. That result means that if there is a winner in the game that team will be well positioned for qualification.
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Posted: Sep 8 2006, 06:55 AM
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MC: Joining us today for our first AOCAF press conference are coach Menegroth, captain Zax-Im and man of the match Bub-Rub.

Menegroth: I'm pleased with todays performance. We earned a point and we looked to be the better team. Those are both big accomplishments. At any rate we've proved that we won't roll over in the face of other Atlantian Oceania teams. I'm proud of the team.

[translated from "Aye, t'wer reet grand. Gorrus point, laddie. Yer ken Gnomes were best on t'pitch, that be grate. Auger'fe future agin t'others, me laddies, grand!"]

Az-cz reporter 1: Compared to your experience with Starblaydi players how do the Gnomes compare?

Menegroth: In terms of raw talent they're just as good. You can see how they could become an elite squad. Of course they don't have the knowledge yet, but this is definitely a country to watch.

[translated from "Ahh nay bad, laddie. Agin t'auger're reet, smashin' later on. They no ken a Kruti fay'a Lugnut, but ye wait.""]

Az-cz reporter 2: How does this set up our qualification chances?

Menegroth: It's not great, but it doesn't hurt. Now there's a lot of pressure on the Miceland match. We need at least a draw, and probably a win to put ourselves in good qualification position.

[translated from "Nay bad, be reet. They roden no namby, level o'thashin for pay advaancin'."]

Az-cz reporter 3: Zax-Im, how does captaining this squad compare to captaining the World Cup squad.

Zax-Im: It's interesting. I have to do more with my actual footballing and less with my leadership on this team. Players like Hubertino are the younguns rather than a true kid like Kn-Dg.

Az-cz reporter 4: What's the outlook for the Miceland match?

Zax-Im: Quiet confidence. We know we can beat them. This is a huge match. In many ways you can argue that it's more important than the Baptism of Fire semifinals. Either way, both teams know what the other can do. We're hoping to pull further ahead in our friendly rivalry.

Az-cz reporter 5: Do you think it's unfair that you've got put together again?

Zax-Im: No. This is the first time we've actually been in the same group for a competition. Yes it's the fourth match in a very short history for both countries, but I don't have a problem with that. We're please by their success and hope the same is true from them.

Az-cz reporter 6: How does this goal compare to the others you've scored?

Bub-Rub: It's different, but it's one I'd rank very high. Hopefully I'll prove my striking prowess throughout this tournament.

Az-cz reporter 7: No connection to football, but are you worried about your father racing?

Bub-Rub: Yes, but it's his life. If he wants to risk in a high speed car, who am I to stop him.

MC: Alright, one more question.

Az-cz reporter 8: Any ruffles for the next match?

Menegroth: Nope. We're running my system for now. I don't see any reason to deviate from the plan.

[translated from "Nay, laddie, ye ken me stragema, ye basitds."]

OOC: Translations edited in (completely unrequested) by Starblaydia - Dwarves just dunnae talk like that, laddie. - Star
Senator in Training
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Posted: Sep 8 2006, 08:39 AM
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A Miceland ESF agent was there as a watcher, observing the match between the
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega match. There was something odd about the team, the mice getting 2-0 up on a supposedly strong team. Last time the Mice acheived such an uspet 1-0 against Tadjikistan, that scoreline was the result of an uncontrolled magical discharge that resulted in the majority of the match being a game of statues rather than a game of football. But this was different, the Nyriad squad, which apparently replaced a more normal River Dragon squad for the Vegans where totally reacting in an unusual manner. Fievel Churchmouse and Charity Fieldmouse managed to fairly easily get past the Vegan defense in the 23rd and 41st minutes of the match.\

After the half-time break the Nyriad squad seemed to ramp up, no further goals where scored until the 70th minute where a much improved Raisa Pyun scored a goal getting the ball past Pinky WinslowMouse, the goal keeper. In an un-precented event a member of the Nyriad squad had tripped over Reepicheap's Tail. Meagan Smythe it was. 'Reep' was trying moving to a position to prevent a cross to another member of Nyriad squad and well, meagan either mustn't of been looking or purposefully took a dive over Reep's tail. The Nyriad squad protested and claimed it was a foul but the referee ordered that there was nothing un-toward on behalf of Reepicheap(as the tail was obviously trailing behind on the ground) and that the mice should not be penalised for their physicality and for matters that they could not control.

The ESF agent, an unbigulated mouse, felt a hunch that strange things where going on with the Nyriad squad particularily why that squad was choosen over the Vegan's standard B-Squad the River Dragons. Being careful to keep out of sight of the squad and associated peoples he followed, trying to findout more than just Nyriadian tactics for the AOCAF.
Scribe in Training
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Posted: Sep 8 2006, 10:02 AM
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New blog entry: Coffee and Chatrooms in Nephi

Here goes nothing! Greetings to everyone from Nephi, Lamoni! They even have internet cafes over here, so I'm able to update my blog from the other side of the region, isn't the internet great? Anyways our squad has flown into Lamoni and, I have to admit, most of us were a little worried about what we might be going into. This ain't exactly the country with the greatest reputation, you know, they've not hosted anything bigger than a church sale for as long as anyone can remember, so to pull off a tournament like the AOCAF will be a real challenge for them.

They say everyone is poor here, but everyone I've seen look pretty rich, but I've not been allowed out much. To use this internet cafe has cost me a thousand rushanas (the money they have over here) an hour, but don't worry, thats only like four credits. I was worried for a minute there! Someone offered me some free Lamodka yesterday ew! no thanks!! I don't think the Gaffer, Mister Evans, would like us doing that very much, so we don't.

Everyone's looking forward to the Tocapa match, despite the fact only Paul Noble can point to it on a map, he's a great guy and can still mix it up even though he's thirty-five. His World Cup experiences will be really really useful, and already he's told us stories about the World Cup 28 Final against Bedistan, and how the team came together to beat them. I was only eleven at the time, but I still remember that really clearly. I always wished I was Jaime Oberlander when I was a kid, but now I have a different kind of outlook on football. Hopefully I can do well against Tocapa, then have the team go really well in this tournament. We're the best side, by far, so we can really win it - number six! wow.

Anyways, must dash, otherwise this blog entry will cost me another 25p!


Claudio González is a nineteen year-old defender, playing at attacking left full-back or occasionally centre-back. He is currently the owner of the #3 AOCAF shirt and plays for Tribe Urjali ( in Liga Starblaydia . He will win his fourth international cap when he appears against Tocapa on Matchday 2.
Also available in purple
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Posted: Sep 8 2006, 01:36 PM
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Dryads Still Unbeaten Against Vilita, Get Draw

Boy, time sure flies fast, doesn't it? It seems like only yesterday that the Dryads were struggling through the group stage in AOCAF XV. Seems like only a week since they shocked the region by getting into the semi-finals before flaming out against Starblaydia. Well, the sixteenth AOCAF kicked off yesterday, the closest to home it's ever been for Myrtannia - this time around, it's in Lamoni.

Two consecutive berths in the knockouts doesn't seem to have been satisfying enough for the Dryads, as some major changes were made to the Myrtannian on-pitch strategy. With AOCAF XIV/XV coach America McNany on maternity leave, Rachell Gabino has assumed the reins of leadership for the team in orange and blue. Under her, Myrtannia has adopted an all-out attacking style offense that is hoped will get Myrtannia into the knockouts a third straight time, and make them more competitive with certain teams. To this end, the Dryads now have five starting forwards to lead the assault, all of them with some AOCAF experience.

"It's a different system, sure, but if you want to survive, you have to adapt. That's all there is to it," lead striker and team captain Dania Figary said, "If this gives us the opportunity to score more often, so be it."

Myrtannia's Achillies heel in AOCAF play has been an inability to score goals when it matters most. This was most clearly shown in their final two knockout matches in AOCAF XIV, when they scored a combined 2 goals to their opponents' 7. This time, coach Gabino wants to try and get the ball in the net more often. Another major change to the team is the exclusion of striker Deeann Massetti, veteran of three AOCAFs and Myrtannia's all-time leading scorer in inter-regional competition. After the infamous 'headbutt' incident in AOCAF XV, the excitable forward was left off the team on a somewhat controversial decision by coach Gabino.

"I talked with Filiberto (Nedina) and Tocarra (Khat), and we decided it was best for the team and the nation that we not select Deeann this time around," Gabino explained.

Facing Myrtannia is a group that could be contended as being the Group of Death, with their first match yesterday against regional founder Vilita. The Vilitans have more top three finishes than any other nation in AO history, but that doesn't seem to impress the Dryads much. In the only previous meeting of the two sides, Myrtannia shocked the Jungle Cats 3-0 in the round of 16 in AOCAF XIV. As we all know, the Dryads went on to defeat Bazalonia in the quarterfinals before falling to eventual champion Starblaydia in the semis.

Things didn't seem to have changed much for the Dryads as a defensive battle raged for the first 40 minutes of play. After back-and-forth play, something had to give, and it did when Vilita scored in minute 44. At the halfway mark, Vilita/Turori led 1-0. However, anyone who knows anything about Myrtannian footballers knows they can sometimes be too stubborn to give up. This was the case in this match as well.

Myrtannia opened the second half up with possession of the ball, and didn't let it go to waste. The attacking offense showed its first signs of activity when all 5 forwards made their way into the Vilitan half of the pitch. Then, with the midfielders coming up, it was purely a matter of time before the Dryads would get on the board. A couple of throw-ins later, it finally did.

The Dryads got a throw-in to September Rollock, who got past a Vilitan defender before passing it off to Dania Figary. Figary then performed a near-perfect cross right to Myong Tuman, who struck the ball home into the back of the net. The score tied at 1-1, the Dryads mobbed Tuman, who had scored her first goal in inter-regional play. For the rest of the match, both sides' defenses went to work again, holding the opponents' offense at bay.

As always, the Dryads Army made the trip to the AOCAF, this time in record numbers since the tournament is being held in regional neighbor Lamoni's stadia. The sea of orange (with some blue and white) was in full force, jeering the opposing players, cheering the Myrtannian side, and generally making a ruckus. Countless Sun Burst banners were either waving in the crowd or draped over guard rails, too.

"They make it all worth it," commented forward Sabra Nang, "To hear that deafening roar from our fans up there when we make a big play is one of the greatest rewards I can think of. It really keeps you going out there."

With the draw, Myrtannia is still undefeated against the regional founders in AOCAF play (AOCAF XIV: MYR 3-0 VIL, AOCAF XVI: VIL 1-1 MYR), and in good position to make an early run at the knockouts. Next up for the Drayds after a bye on Day 2 is Krytenia, the group's top seed and member of the top ten of AO in football. Despite this, and the fact that the two sides have never met in inter-regional competition, the Dryads feel confident of a good result.

"Sure, they've got the top ten ranking, and all that, but what about us? We're creeping up the rankings, we got a positive result in our first match, and I think we can handle these guys. I'm confident we can get at worst a draw, and I think a win certainly isn't out of the question. Of course, we'll have to work hard at it - Krytenia's no pushover," spoke coach Gabino, "But we're going to push ourselves hard on the off-day to prepare for them, and we'll be ready."

So, once again, the final tally from Lamoni:

MYR 1 - 1 VIL
(Tuman 51') (44')

(OOC: Please consider this my RP post for MD 3, as I have a bye on MD 2, and will be unable to post tonight or this weekend due to lack of internet access.)
Experienced Senator
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Posted: Sep 8 2006, 03:19 PM
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Hyppos Hit The Ground Running

Stephen Murtagh reporting from Karakan,

There is clearly no room for sentiment in football. As the men in blue and white squared off against their opponents the concept of “go easy on them, they’re new” didn’t enter into the equation. Instead Marcus Baxter’s charges produced a devastating display to record the nation’s biggest ever win in the AOCAF.

In truth the Hyppos we’re all over their opponents from the first whistle. It was as if they had an extra player. Mostly because they did. Was there a misunderstanding of the rules? Was there a virus in the team camp? Did some players miss the tractor over to Lamoni? We may never know why but for some reason Neu Amerika’s starting eleven featured just ten players. But as I said before, there really is no place for sentiment in this game.

Ten minutes in it was 1 - 0. Molinari released Regan down the right and his cross was turned home at the far post by Sousa. The second goal was also created down the right flank. This time it was Molinari who provided the cross, Gochnauer came through a ruck of players to punch but failed to get any real distance on the clearance and Bassano fired the rebound through the crowd and into the back of the net. Bassano was clearly relishing the amount of space he was being given in midfield and had all the time in the world to pick out Morinas in the box for the third. And when Sousa curled in a freekick for his second and the Autocracy’s fourth in first half stoppage time three points were assured.

As has happened so often in the past, the second half failed to live up to the first in terms of excitement. In fact it was Neu Amerika, still minus one, who came out the strongest and forced a couple of good early saves from Lomaia. But any real fight from the Socialists ended when Sousa’s corner was headed past Gochnauer by veteran centreback Webber.

Hypocria 5 - 0 Neu Amerika
Sousa (2)

In the other Group B match AOCAF holders and group top seed’s Bettia narrowly overcame a spirited effort from the Necromancers of Dorian and Sonya, eventually winning 3 - 2.

The HyperSport Upset of the Round

Group A - Andossa Se Mitrin Vega 1 - 2 Miceland
Sure, they may be famous underachievers but who would have predicted a win for the mice in this one? Of course the sexist among you might point to the female nature of the Nyriad squad as a potential reason for this failing. We, on the other hand, wouldn’t dream of even suggesting such a thing.

Next . . .

Hypocria (8) v Bazalonia (15)
Ah, Bazalonia. The BazaBs. Instigators of the humiliation that was AOCAF XIII. That most appalling of tournaments for the Hyppos that began with a defeat to then debutants Bazalonia. Sure we may have got some semblance of revenge with a 2 - 1 in Bettia four years later but the grudge remains. And with their nation's best players off at the World Cup the Hyppos have a great chance.
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