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Regional Map 4.0
Posted: Jul 16 2012, 10:00 AM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
Our current cartographer is Andossa Se Mitrin Vega

Nations with grayed-out abbreviations are puppets. Brown areas are ex-nations which are reserved for various reasons. The numbered regions are unclaimed.

There is no defined scale for the map; each nation can decide how much land their area on the map represents.

How to Acquire a Homeland:
1) To Acquire a homeland, you must reply in this thread noting the location you which to inhabit. A Homeland will not be granted unless you first post In the National Information Forum a little something about your nation. - Example 1 - Example 2 -

2) When responding in this thread, you must decide which area of the map you would like to settle. Simply tell us which area you would prefer to settle into uing the handy numbers. You can see which continent is which with our also-handy Landmass Info )

3) Link to your RP when requesting land in this thread

4) Nations in breach of the Flag Legislation will not be granted land until after they have updated their flag.

user posted image

This Nation List was last updated on July 22nd, 2013. For an up to date Nation List, please look through this thread for ASMV's posts.

95X -  95X
ABM -  An Blascaod Mor (Snorth)
ALF - Alhenfi
AMV -  Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
ATY -  Antaly
AUD -  Audioslavia
AUS -  Austenersey
BAZ -  Bazalonia
BET -  Bettia
BLO -  Blouman Empire
BRI -  The Bear Islands
CAR -  Carpathia and Ruthenia
CCS -  Confederation of Common States Protection Zone
COM -  Commerce Heights / Paripana
COS -  Cosumar
DEM -  Demot (Valanora)
DAS -  Dorian and Sonya
DOD -  Dominion of Drakia
FAL -  Falcania
FAR -  Farfadillis
FUR - Furellum
EYS -  Eystrck [semi-protected]
GEI -  Geisenfried
GLA -  Glascovia
HUT -  Hutt River
HYP -  Hypocria
IAC -  Israeli Apartheid Client-State
IBX -  Ibex
IND -  Inis Na Dun (Snorth)
JAY -  Jay Industries
JFC -  Jeru FC
KIS -  Kishrael
KJD -  Kjeligsted
KHY -  Khytenna
KIN -  Kinitaria
KOR -  Ko-Oren
KRY - Krytenia
KUI -  Kiryu-shi
KZP -  Kagdazka and Pazhujebu
LAH - Lahoa
LEO -  Leorudo
LGL -  Legalese
LLA -  Lalo Limahina
LMU -  Lemurian Oceania
MAN -  Mantenwic
MCK - Mckarthya
MIL -  Milchama
MIS -  Misrantis
MKV -  Maklohi Vai
MRQ -  Maraque
NAI -  Naitpyge
NBT -  Northern Bettia (Bettia)
NCD -  New Cloudsdale
NEL -  Nellietopia
NEO - Neo Lemmitania
NGP -  New Gordonopia
NMS -  New Montreal States
NOJ -  Nojika
NWG -  New West Guiana
OSI -  Osarius
PAC -  Pacitalia
PGN -  Paragon
SCA -  Scandonia
SKS - Secundus Kasius
SNO -  Sorthern Northland [uninhabitable]
SPG -  Sportgirls
STB -  Starblaydia
SVC -  Savski Venac
SVN -  Svengarda
TCH -  Tachbe [uninhabitable]
THA -  Thatius
TIS -  The Inevitable Syndicate
TLI -  The Lymryck Isles
TUR -  Turori (Vilita)
UND -  Undisputed Atols
VAL -  Valanora
VET - Vettrera
VIL -  Vilita
WAP -  Wapakoneta [Regional Council]
WAR -  Warkus
WGT -  Wight
WHT -  Whittoria
YEL -  Yelvoldia
ZIR -  Zirakul (ASMV)

Neo Lemmitania

Undisputed Atols – CTE (Color Still on UA due to paint issues)

Endangered Map Claims
Austenersey – CTE
The Bear Islands – CTE
Jay Industries - CTE
Lahoa – CTE
Lemurian Oceania – Balder
Sportgirls – CTE
Yelvoldia - CTE

Note: The map on my computer is 5500 pixels wide. Save it and zoom in if you need to.

This post has been edited by Vilita on Jul 22 2013, 10:54 AM
Also available in purple
Posts: 1877
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Posted: Jul 19 2012, 01:29 AM
PMEmail Poster
Update Made

Fixed mistake with Carpathia & Ruthenia
Added Naitpyge
Added Monizhamena
Changed Former Krytenia to FKR Designation.

Updated Nations List 7-18-12

95X - 95X
ABM - An Blascoad Mor (Snorth)
AMV - Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
AUD - Audioslavia
BAZ - Bazalonia
BET - Bettia
BRI - The Bear Islands
CAF - Cafundeu
CAR - Carpathia and Ruthenia
COM - Commerce Heights / Paripana
COS - Cosumar
DEM - Demot (Valanora)
DAS - Dorian and Sonya
EIT - Estresse Intense (Cafundeu)
FAL - Falcania
EYS - Eystrck [protected]
FKR - Former Krytenia (semi-protected)
GEI - Geisenfried
HUT - Hutt River (Ipeland)
HYP - Hypocria
IAC - Israeli Apartheid Client-State
ICE - The Icemark
IND - Inis Na Dun (Snorth)
IPE - Ipeland
KUI - Kiryu-shi
KYO - Kyrosis (Osarius)
KZP - Kagdazka and Pazhujebu
LEO - Leorudo
LGL - Legalese
MAN - Mantenwic
MIL - Milchama
MRQ - Maraque
MYS - Mysrantis
MZA - Monizhamena
NAI - Naitpyge
NBT - Northern Bettia (Bettia)
NEL - Nellietopia
NMS - New Montreal States
NOJ - Nojika
NWG - New West Guiana
OSI - Osarius
PAC - Pacitalia
SCA - Scandonia
SNO - Sorthern Northland [protected]
SPG - Sportgirls
SPT - Septentrionia
STB - Starblaydia
SVC - Savski Venac
TBQ - The Butterfly Queen
TCH - Tachbe [protected]
THA - Thatius
TUR - Turori (Vilita)
UTS - Urbis Tractus
VAL - Valanora
VET - Vettrera
VIL - Vilita
WAP - Wapakoneta [protected]
WGT - Wight
WHT - Whittoria
WTQ - Wihsirmir Taoul di wer Qumadosfan (ASMV)
ZIR - Zirakul (ASMV)
ZRB - Zarbli

As per a comment made by Vilita when asking me to add Krytenia's former holdings back onto the map stating he may have plans for part of them as well as part of EYS - These holdings in the goldish color have always been protected since my arrival here in AO as they were already gone even then(Snorth was recently added). Yet Sarzonia and Krytenia were not deemed to need a protected status. That doesnt bother me but it makes me wonder why we choose to protect the others and keep them from being resettled as well. Any good answers?
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: Jul 19 2012, 05:26 AM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
QUOTE (Andossa Se Mitrin Vega @ Jul 19 2012, 02:29 AM)

As per a comment made by Vilita when asking me to add Krytenia's former holdings back onto the map stating he may have plans for part of them as well as part of EYS - These holdings in the goldish color have always been protected since my arrival here in AO as they were already gone even then(Snorth was recently added). Yet Sarzonia and Krytenia were not deemed to need a protected status. That doesnt bother me but it makes me wonder why we choose to protect the others and keep them from being resettled as well. Any good answers?

WAP - See 'Regional Council' -

EYS - See Map Archive - it wasn't labelled for quite some time. Also See SUPER old maps ( ). On SUPER old maps, Vilitan lands used to extend onto the mainland. Even moreso than on the map I just linked, but that one is so ancient I try not to link it anywhere as it starts losing continuity (though not evolution) if i go farther back than the one i just posted. That land remained 'protected' by Vilita for a time before being gifted to the nation of 'Eystrck'. When Eystrck dissolved, VOIA installed a big fence around the land, installed some monitoring equipment and posted signs telling ppl to KTFO... or something like that... just incase they needed it - or at least to be able to influence who shared a mainland border within slingshot range of Turori.

TCH - Back in a time where these forum saw 100 posts in a day, when Sports RP was a compliment to the Region building, Interregional Incidents etc, Tachbe symbolizes the turning point of that, after the glassing of Tachbe, an influx of more peaceful, sporting nations cropped up in AO sort of like a post-hiroshima Japan tongue.gif Ref:

SNO - Due to the similarity to and proximity to the above, I also see this Civil War in Southern Northland as an IC marker of an important time in the regions history. Ref:

Obviously, one would not *want* to inhabit TAC or SNO due to the presence of radioactive isotopes likely in the waters there, Tachbe having been 'glassed' would be accessible minimally, but if someone borders up to these lands and has a good RP story, its not to say they couldn't start intruding inthere.

The point being, This land has a 'story' behind it that any new occupant or neighbor to would have to be consistent with for the purposes of regional continuity, where other land that is free to take, the history of the land is entirely local so doesn't require any special consideration or cooperation - so can just be 'claimed' independently.
Posts: 1300
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Posted: Jul 19 2012, 10:40 AM
PMEmail Poster
Thanks for the links. For those of us who were not around during that time, they provide excellent historical information. And they also help to inderstamd just how important to AO they were.
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: Jul 19 2012, 12:02 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
QUOTE (Vilita @ Jul 19 2012, 10:26 AM)
Obviously, one would not *want* to inhabit TAC or SNO due to the presence of radioactive isotopes likely in the waters there

Speak for yourself, irradiated wasteland is prime real estate in the Free Kingdom.
Winging It Since 2004
Posts: 776
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Posted: Jul 19 2012, 12:33 PM
PMEmail Poster
Also worth mentioning that if we respect the ending planned by Sarz & The Holy Empire, Sarzonia just simply vanished, practically written out of (recent) history. It'd seem odd to have protected their land.

That said, in some ways, I think the re-shaping of Cyanea "protects" it in another odd way - arguably, Whittoria is not taking Sarzonia's old land, but rather appeared on a massive island that is part of a three-island chain that's there (and depending on your IC memory, has "always been there"). Somewhere in the Julian Sea - we think - lies the lost nation of Sarzonia.
Back in Black
Posts: 431
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Posted: Jul 21 2012, 01:20 AM
PMEmail Poster
That's an awesome way to think of it. I hadnt quite thought of it like that. Thanks Legal
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: Aug 4 2012, 07:21 PM
PMEmail Poster
I'd like to claim 8 as my homeland.

A little something about Farfadillis:
Farfadillis was founded by a group of travellers from Scandinavia, a region which existed a long time ago. And it wasn't exactly founded, this is the story:
Scandinavians found an island which had lots of fruits and had very fertile land, they wouldn't survive until they found something better, they had run out of food. So they decided to stay in it, they called it Scandinavian Dillis Colony. Dillis (the captain of the ship which discovered the island) decided to call back Scandinavia and tell them they had found a very useful island that could come on handy on a near future. It was populated and work started, they sewpt Indigenous people the mos evil way possible: torturing them.
The colony had its come and goes but it settled well, until Scandinavia was attacked by a country which also no longer exists, there's no written evidence of which country it was, the only thing there's evidence of is that Scandinavia was attacked and destroyed, entirely. With Scandinavia's dissapearence, many survivors started coming to the Scandinavian Dillis Colony, but, to avoid being found by the country which destroyed their homeland, they decided to change its name to simply "Dillis", the country had lots of problems after Scandinavia dissapeared, mainly on trade, the pupulation lived poorly for some time.
But, as time passed, a spanish-speaking conqueror called Farf Adaeles came and offered aidance from its country (some people think it was Spain, however, it hasn't been proved) at the exchange of becoming their colony.
The Dillish people accepted as there was no other option. They would've eventually died of hunger.
Again, the country settled well, traded with the country some people believe was Spain and became economically powerful, and independent.
After becoming economically independent, Dillis decided to become independent.
But, in honor of the man who had saved them from dissappearing 2 centuries ago, they named themselves Farfadillis (FARF Adaeles). There were some civil wars since then, but they weren't really important.

This post has been edited by Farfadillis on Aug 4 2012, 07:24 PM
Dedicated Scribe
Posts: 71
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Posted: Aug 4 2012, 08:54 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
Where's 8?

Tiny island. Found it. Never mind.

This post has been edited by Falcania on Aug 4 2012, 08:55 PM
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Aug 5 2012, 03:16 AM
PMEmail Poster
I'm formerly the Pacifican Federation. I'm playing the Protectorate of Port Hawthorne. I would like to claim territory #15.

History of Port Hawthorne:

Originally founded as a port city to encourage commerce between the United Kingdom and Pacitalia. Port Hawthorne flourished from city-state to a striving nation through economic expansion. Port Hawthorne gained its full independence in 1910 as a constitutional unitary democratic republic. Hawthornites celebrate diversity in their society.
Pacifican Federation
Posts: 9
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Posted: Aug 5 2012, 02:10 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
You should probably use the port hawthorne account and ensure the factbook is updated through it smile.gif
Posts: 1300
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Posted: Aug 5 2012, 06:33 PM
PMEmail Poster
I haven't created a new account because I can't find the "Register" button. I just found it more simpler just to use the account I already have.
Pacifican Federation
Posts: 9
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Posted: Aug 5 2012, 06:59 PM
PMEmail Poster
Sorry about that. I didn't realize that I did *create* an account for Port Hawthorne. Please note that I have *retired* the Pacifican Federation and won't be playing it.

Under my former account I would like to claim #15 as it is dictated undeclared.

Background of the Republic of Port Hawthorne

Port Hawthorne is one of Foringana's oldest trading ports. Port Hawthorne proven to be significant asset to the East India Company as their central hub in the Atlantian Oceania. It was established by the East India Company in October 1612 as Fort Hawthorne. The site of the original trading post (now Port Hawthorne City) is located within 75 miles from the Pacitalian city of Pamagento. On it's centennial its birthday it was declared a Port. Several other cities surrounding Port Hawthorne were established.

Port Hawthorne is one of Foringana's oldest trading posts. Port Hawthorne was founded by the East India Company as their central hub in the Atlantian Oceania as Fort Hawthorne in October 1612. Fort Hawthorne quickly expanded and became industrialized. Nearby townships were founded to support the every growing Fort. On it's centennial birthday King James VI declared it a Port Colony of Hawthorne, Port Hawthorne for short.

in 1845, Port Hawthorne would declare its independence as a nation.
Port Hawthorne
Scribe in Training
Posts: 25
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Posted: Aug 8 2012, 01:59 AM
PMEmail Poster
95X - 95X
ABM - An Blascoad Mor (Snorth)
AMV - Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
AUD - Audioslavia
BAZ - Bazalonia
BET - Bettia
BRI - The Bear Islands
CAF - Cafundeu
CAR - Carpathia and Ruthenia
COM - Commerce Heights / Paripana
COS - Cosumar
DEM - Demot (Valanora)
DAS - Dorian and Sonya
DOD - Dominion of Drakia
EIT - Estresse Intense (Cafundeu)
FAL - Falcania
FAR - Farfadillis
EYS - Eystrck [protected]
FKR - Former Krytenia (semi-protected)
GEI - Geisenfried
HUT - Hutt River (Ipeland)
HYP - Hypocria
IAC - Israeli Apartheid Client-State
ICE - The Icemark
IND - Inis Na Dun (Snorth)
IPE - Ipeland
KUI - Kiryu-shi
KYO - Kyrosis (Osarius)
KZP - Kagdazka and Pazhujebu
LEO - Leorudo
LGL - Legalese
MAN - Mantenwic
MIL - Milchama
MRQ - Maraque
MYS - Mysrantis
NAI - Naitpyge
NBT - Northern Bettia (Bettia)
NEL - Nellietopia
NMS - New Montreal States
NOJ - Nojika
NWG - New West Guiana
OSI - Osarius
PAC - Pacitalia
PHT - Port Hawthorne
SCA - Scandonia
SNO - Sorthern Northland [protected]
SPG - Sportgirls
SPT - Septentrionia
STB - Starblaydia
SVC - Savski Venac
TBQ - The Butterfly Queen
TCH - Tachbe [protected]
THA - Thatius
TUR - Turori (Vilita)
UTS - Urbis Tractus
VAL - Valanora
VET - Vettrera
VIL - Vilita
WAP - Wapakoneta [protected]
WGT - Wight
WHT - Whittoria
WTQ - Wihsirmir Taoul di wer Qumadosfan (ASMV)
ZIR - Zirakul (ASMV)
ZRB - Zarbli

Removed Monizhamena CTE - fact book unposted
Added Port Hawthorne
Added Farfadillis

Fixing Error. For some reason Dominion of Drakia was removed from the map before I began updates. According to precedence set with Demot, Drakia’s land has been restored. This however leaves Naitpyge without a home. I am contacting that user via TG to find them a new home.
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
The Dragon's Herald
Posts: 372
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Posted: Aug 8 2012, 04:05 PM
PMEmail Poster
Alright. Don't know how well this'll go over, but I plan on putting it forth anyway. First, I'd like to point out that Estresse Intenso (EIT), Cafundeu's puppet, has ceased to exist. I contacted Cafundeu via TG, and he has no plans to revive or further the nation. So, if nothing else, EIT should probably be removed from the map.

As you might guess, I'm pointing this out because I'd like to put an expansion claim on some of the former lands - mainly the southern portion. I took the liberty of making a rough map of what I'm hoping to claim, subject to general approval.

user posted image

As for roleplaying the expansion, well... don't know how well others will like this, but I've been working on a general history re-vamp of my country, slowly but surely, so as to better expand upon how the country came to be. I was hoping in lieu of an RP wherein I play peacekeeper and slowly annex/assimilate a nation-less region, I could instead just integrate the territories within the context of my country's historical growth. It'd be a bit of a ret-con, I admit, but... it'd make things easier and more congruous on my end.

I admit I don't know how soon I can get all of that fully RP'd, especially with the WC going on and me not wanting to spend the entire day on some of this NS stuff, but it's something I would like to get done in the near future. Getting this sorted out would definitely help on that end.
Dedicated Scribe
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