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Crosaibi Council :: Delegate Elections Begin!
Who is your choice for the next AO Regional Delegate to the United Nations of NS?
Ambassador John McKay of Bazalonia [ 12 ]  [52.17%]
Lord Rodrigo Marquez of Starblaydia [ 8 ]  [34.78%]
Seth Adams MP of The Islands of Qutar [ 2 ]  [8.70%]
Abstain - [No Sufficient Candidate] [ 1 ]  [4.35%]
Total Votes: 23
Posted on Aug 6 2006, 11:53 PM
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Outside, little was changed. The historic district of Crosaibi, just off the Lonngeylin peninsula and just off the foothills of the Liguon mountain range has long been one of the premier tourist destinations for the traditionalists of Atlantian Oceania [ - Vilitan Map - ]. Rich with history, a visit to Crosaibi is like a walk in the path of both Vilitan and regional history, both through architecture and in lifestyle.

It was, however, new history that was to be written as the first Crosaibi Council convened. Just off the old courtyard and in the shadows of the famous Marine World Park stadium, home of Marine Coast United, the well secured underground forum of Crosaibi began welcoming representatives from throughout Atlantian Oceania.

While at first glance, no senior officials from Vilita or Turori seemed to be present, the halls were filled with Vilitan Orbital Intelligence Agency (VOIA) operatives, clearly prepared for double duty as both servant and security guard for the affair.

The first to arrive was none other than the candidate from Bazalonia, Ambassador John McKay. Quickly a VOIA operative wlecomed McKay with what would become a standard address throughout the evening.

Greetings Ambassador.

We are pleased to welcome you here to the Great Forum of Crosaibi. For many a year now, the forum has remained enclosed from the elements, but we do hope you find our accomodations more than satisfactory.

Of course, the matter at hand being the elections for the new representative to the United Nations on behalf of the Atlantian Oceania Region.

You will see the box just at the front of the room. You may cast your vote just to the side where it will be placed into the box by one of our operatives to prevent any ballot stuffing. You may approach the box at any point to cast your vote, but please remember, once it is cast your decision must be final, so please do take care to vote wisely.

We will be allowing the candidates to make a single presentation here in the lower section of the forum, however we are encouraging all interested parties to participate in open question and answer sessions throughout the event. The voting process will conclude in precisely 168 hours time. At this point no more votes will be accepted.

At current, there are three suggested candidates for the position. These candidates are:

Ambassador John McKay of Bazalonia
Lord Rodrigo Marquez of Starblaydia and finally,
Seth Adams MP of The Islands of Qutar

You may also choose to officially abstain to the voting process if you feel no sufficient candidate has been found. Should the abstanations carry the vote on 168 hours, the results shall be discarded and a new session shall be held. Should a candidate not aforementioned choose to stand then this candidate should join their peers and preparing an open statement to be presented in the lower section of the forum, However said candidate must consider that the ballots are open and votes cast fore shall not be ridden on the new candidates behalf.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate our staff will be at your service at all times, and please do enjoy your stay here in the Great Forum of Crosaibi."

Without allowing time for a response from the Bazalonian Ambassador, the VOIA operative swept back towards the entry way to tend to the next incoming representative.
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Posted on Aug 7 2006, 12:36 AM
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John McKay, looked back to the VOIA Operative with a slight puzzled look. before going to the ballot area before casting his vote. The VOIA operative checked the vote for validity and then put the single vote in the ballot box. He made his way to a stage-type area where he presumed was to makke his presentation. He sat down on the side of the stage and waited for more people to come before making his presentation.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted on Aug 7 2006, 08:25 AM
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From the desk of Ug-Mt Robber Captain

Questions from Az-cz

Seeing as how we are a nosy bunch of gnomes we have a number of questions for the potential candidates. We'd like to state that this is only a first batch and we will probably be back with more soon.

1. Please state clearly your countries views of religion versus science.

2. How will you vote on UN issues relating to what are in someplaces "victimless crimes" such as drugs, pornography or euthanasia?

3. How do you feel about crimes comitted in the name of a greater good?

And perhaps most importantly

4. Will you help us spread our native Az-czid sports?

These are our current round of questions. We will be sure to have more.

Robber Captain

PS. For those who are unaware Robber Captain is the highest ranking governmental leader in Az-cz.
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Posted on Aug 7 2006, 02:31 PM
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OOC: We normally have presentation threads for this.

IC: The Lamonian representitive sat in the front row of seats, waiting for the presentations. He knew that he would vote for either Bazalonia or Qutar, but he wanted to hear what each delegate candidate said.

OOC Admin Note: With the current delegate on the verge of (And now confirmed as a ceased nation) The format was altered slightly to ensure the swiftest resolution and to minimize layover time between the official loss of our former delegate (Who again has now ceased) and the induction of a new delegate in one weeks time.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted on Aug 7 2006, 03:24 PM
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With the Bazalonian representative sitting idly by on a chair on the stage and with there being an open set of questions on the floor from an outside Az-Czzer official, Rodrigo hopped up the small set of steps to the stage and walked briskly to the podium.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen," he said with a broad smile, "for those of you not aware, my name is Rodrigo Marquez, and I am currently Starblaydia's ambassador to the United Nations. With my nation and her policies well known in Atlantian Oceania, it seems the first thing for me to do is to respond to the Az-czzid questions."

He picked up a piece of paper sitting on the podium and glanced over it.

"First of all," he began, "religion has long had no official place in Starblaydia's society, though around a quarter of all Starblaydis count themselves of one religion or another. That would lead me to conclude that, generally, science is victorious over religion three-one in normal time." Another cheesy smile. "As for voting on any issue, the United Nations Delegate for the region of Atlantian Oceania has long voted whichever way the majority of Ambassadors have done, a policy first suggested, if you remember, by my predecessor, Lord Benjamin Mackey - may he rest in peace.

"'Crimes in the name of a greater good' is certainly a strong talking point for most people, though the way we deal with things in Starblaydia are simple: a crime is a crime. The 'greater good' is often a subjective, personal object that can quite quickly be justified by anyone with a good PR man, but the essential fact still remains: a crime is a crime.

"The spread of sports, however, is, for once, a question that a prospective delegate can answer with a straight answer. Starblaydia is one of the proudest and most-glorious sporting nations in the entire world - perhaps the greatest, at least in the sports we participate in. Two recent World Cup Championships in football to go with a record five AOCAF titles in this very region - not to mention the Champions League title and Under-21 victory. Five Cherry Cup titles in Ice Hockey only add to our prowess. Sporting glory should be spread around, and this is something every Starblaydi is committed to. Thankyou."
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Posted on Aug 7 2006, 08:00 PM
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John decided to let the Starblaydian representative to go first and then put his views forward.

John got up from the seat and addressed the nations that had so far assembled.

"First, I'd like to thank the Starblaydian Delegate for their answers. And it is time for my answers.

"Within Bazalonia both science and religion are important. Science, a methodology of creating a hypothesis and testing that hypothesis out through controlled experiments, and religion, something that describes what science can't. Things that we can neither see, feel nor hear but has an impact on the way we live our lives. The issue with science and religion is determining the boundaries. Is evolution pure science, a mixture of science and religion or is pure religion, is the concept of a creator pure science, mixture of science and religion or pure religion. These are the questions that we struggle with.

As for the second question, we have firm views about Euthanasia and Recreational drugs and believe these tear at the fabric of society. And I have in my tenure as Bazalonian Ambassador to the UN have voted along these lines. But if I do get elected as Regional Delegate, I will not be representing Bazalonia, but I will be representing the whole region, and as such I will be voting not according to what Bazalonia wants but the region, in this case we are similiar to Starblaydia, we willl hold votes in which members of Atlantian Oceania will vote and the option with the most votes, yes, no or abstain will be duplicated in the United nations itself.

As for "crimes committed for the greater good", our point is how can "being bad" be for a greater good? If you murder someone because you are sure they will turn out to be the latest tinpot dictatorship to strive for world domination. Murdering that person is still wrong. However, if in that very same tinpot dictatorship there is an underground movement that wishes to topple the government, which would surely be illegal and a crime then I would have to see how they go about achieving it. There is nearly always a better way of acheiving a goal for the greater good than than commtting crimes and as such you are not commiting the crime for the greater good you are committing a crime for crimes sake not for the greater good.

As for the spreading of Az-Cz sport, I have to agree that Sport can certainly be a unifying experience for those involved and should be spread around, but it seems our friend the Starblaydi candidate has been somewhat mis-leading. Unless there was a UN proposal mandating something in relation to an Az-Cz sport, Kleptochase for example. Then there is nothing that can be done by the power invested into the office of regional delegate. I call the Starblaydi delegate to put his money where his mouth is and invite an Az-Cz delegation to Starblaydi for demonstrations of Kleptochase. Which I have just been informed that an invitiation will be sent to Az-Cz for a Kleptochase delegation to come to Bazalonia."

"Oh, and finally one more reason, the diplomatic arm of AORDO, the Atlantian Oceania Regional Defense Organisation, will be run by the Regional Delegate. Do you want someone who has actually been in the bear-bit that is the international diplomacy of the UN and has experience or would you like AORDO to be essentially another arm of the Starblaydi military?"
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted on Aug 8 2006, 12:26 AM
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Crosaibi, Vilita

It took Dr. Mohamed Jamaa an overnight trip over Nova roma to get to Crosaibi. As he woke up at the International Hotel, he wondered about the adventures the day ahead had for him, after all, this was his first time in Vilita.

As the Hiiraanese delegate picked up his coat to, he faced his assistant, who was gladly spending the night with him. she was a full figured lady who looked to be around 25. She had a small skirt and a blue jacket to reflect the Hiiraanese flag.

"Who is at forum now?"

"we have already send 2 members of our delegation to listen to the speeches of the nominated officials sir"


he looked at mirror to tighten himself before he left the hotel.

"by the way Fatima, you were great last night..."

This post has been edited by Hiiraan on Aug 8 2006, 12:31 AM
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Posted on Aug 8 2006, 04:12 AM
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QUOTE (Bazalonia @ Aug 8 2006, 02:00 AM)
"Oh, and finally one more reason, the diplomatic arm of AORDO, the Atlantian Oceania Regional Defense Organisation, will be run by the Regional Delegate. Do you want someone who has actually been in the bear-bit that is the international diplomacy of the UN and has experience or would you like AORDO to be essentially another arm of the Starblaydi military?"

"Um, excuse me, John," Rodrigo said after McKay finished, "AORDO is run by a triumvirate of representatives from Vilita, the UN Delegate's home nation and Starblaydia - voted in as President previously. Never mind all the other member nations who send representatives to Tabeck. How can a Regional organistation that Strblaydia sends its own troops to be "another arm", as you put it, of our military?"
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Posted on Aug 8 2006, 06:52 AM
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"The facts behind that statement...

First, Starblaydia is already the 'President' or 'Chief' of the AORDO

Second, AORDO is headquartered in Starblaydia and full of Starblaydi personnell

and so if Starblaydia was to become the regional delegate the follwing things would happen...

Starblaydia would take 2 out of three seats on the so-called tri-umvirate, with the third being taken up by the founder delegate. With 2 out of three seats Starblaydia would have complete control of the AORDO, a different perspective provided by a third nation would not reach the AORDO Council. AORDO is to represent the region not the SAAS or Starblaydia. Be the AORDO President or the regional delegate not both.

Another part of my platform for this position is to restore neutrality in the AORDO, AORDO needs to be politically neutral, and pardon me, but being headquarted in the most prominent nation of the SAAS is not politically neutral. I propose the moving of AORDO headquartersto a neutral territory, not Bazalonian, should I be choosen as the delegate, not Starblaydian but in a place such as a section of land shown on Atlantian Oceanian maps as plot number 17, According to our historians dedicated to the history of Atlantian Oceania plot 17 had never been inhabitted by any nation and so it's status as neutral is un-deniable.

Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted on Aug 8 2006, 09:28 AM
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"Now, come on, Richard, the AORDO council is made up of every nation within AORDO, the three posts at the top are permanent administration seats for three nations, Founder, Delegate and Chief. Complete control is not possible in such and organisation as AORDO. It is there for the foundation and stability of the entire region, internal Starblaydi policies can have no more effect on AORDO's actions than the machinations of any other member.

"Do bear in mind that you're also creating untold numbers of new powers and creating all-new areas of control for the Delegate position, which up until now has managed to busy itself more than enough with the important matters of the United Nations, you also propose moving the AORDO Headquarters to an uninhabit spot of land in the surrounded by the heartland of the Strategic Defense League? Come now, Richard, that is perhaps the most ludicrous suggestion I've heard so far. If the Headquarters was to be moved - a decision that would waste millions upon millions of Credits, or whatever you use in Bazalonia, and uproot thousands of military personnel and their families for no reason other than your own paranoia - it should be placed only in Wahpakhoneta, the geographic centre of the region, home to the AO Regional Council and a completely neutral territory already run by the region itself.

"But that debate is for another time, and running a campaign based on an anti-the-other-guy platform is surely above the likes of United Nations Ambassadors."
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Posted on Aug 8 2006, 10:41 AM
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<A man stands up and walks into an empty space so he can be seen>

El-Hj: Umhm..... may I interrupt. I am the ambassador to Atlantian Oceania from Az-cz. Sorry about our questions by proxy earlier. We're a little new to this international coalition stuff. We've got that worked out. A question for Starblaydia, if you were to be elected how would you fill the three seats on the council. Whether or not everyone can take part in the debate, leadership is important and it doesn't seem fair for two leadership spots to be occupied by the same country. Would you abdicate one of your spots in such a situation?
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Posted on Aug 8 2006, 10:57 AM
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"In the event of winning this Delegacy - Mister Hj, is it? - General Fysreskar and myself would receive one vote between us, assuming we have arrived at a common ground insofar as an AORDO decision. Think of the benefits, of course, if two members of the council were free of time zones, differing language, culture and so on. Issues brought to AORDO's attention could be dealt with swiftly and without hassle."
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Posted on Aug 8 2006, 11:33 AM
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El-Hj: No offense taken, but for future knowlege, we Az-czzers don't separate our names. We always adress each other by full name. So the correct address would be Mr. El-Hj, although we usually use positions rather than titles like Mr. or Mrs. So the most correct would be ambassador El-Hj.

As for your actual point. I suppose that it would be more efficient. But if efficiency was the only thing we were looking for it would be more efficient to give all of the decision making to one person and left them make all the decisions. I understand that you might prefer such a line of thinking, but there are those of us who would prefer a more balanced distribution of authority, and am not as worried about efficiency. It is precisely the hassle which there needs to be some of, rather than unilateral Starblaydian action.
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Posted on Aug 8 2006, 02:22 PM
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Lord Dorian Sabre, King of the Sylvanaes Kingdom and husband to the well known Queen Sonya, walked into the room and quietly asked his first set of questions:

"Debate has circled the UN over the issue of "Human Rights" for a long time. Niehter side of the argument seems to make any headway. My questions are:

1 What is your definition of Human Rights?

2 Do these so-called "Human Rights" extend to people of other races such as Elves, Gnomes, Falcanians and the like?

3 How is it fair to classify things as "Human Rights" that surely involve people of other races?

4 What will you do to actively put a stop to the misclassification of UN Proposals and Actions that leave far too many loop-holes when it comes to this issue and how different nations can use them for their own agendas? What will you do to standardize the wording of such proposals?

5 In your own opinion, is this matter worthy of pursuit?

The King stood patiently awaiting an answer.
Dorian and Sonya
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Posted on Aug 8 2006, 06:35 PM
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Having recently arrived to this new region, Alexander Al Thera, the nephew to his royal emperor Adrian Al Thera and imperial ambassador of the empire, merely studied the conversations and questions. Having spent a fair deal of time in the viper pit of the UN, he didn't wish that position on any sane mind.

Clearing his throat, he addressed the body.

"Greetings esteemed regional members and honored candidates. While we have only recently arrived to this fair region, we would like to present questions to the candidates.

First, how are you going to deal with the massive agendas being constantly pushed through the UN by uninformed but well meaning delegates?

Secondly, how many nations outside of this fair region do you have the ability to call upon in order to get the agenda of this region onto the UN floor?

We as an empire are not concerned with any of your personal politics, but would like to be assured that you can set those personal agenda aside when ideas within the region gain enough support to warrant its being brought to the UN. Frankly, we would like to know if you seek this position to promote the politics of the region or would this be a stepping stone to promote your own personal politics?'

At that, Alexander sat and waited for his questions to be addressed.
Al Thera
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