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Krytenia Withdraws
Posted: Jul 28 2004, 02:20 PM
PMEmail Poster
QUESTION: What would Krytenia bring to the region as AO Delegate?
ANSWER: Krytenia shall use the Delegate's block vote to enforce the position of the AO majority. Krytenia shall only use this vote if over 75% of the Region's UN members vote as majority.

QUESTION: Will Krytenia have its own views on proposals?
ANSWER: Yes. The Region shall be informed of these through the UN Forum, however these opinions are those of Krytenia only, and Krytenia will vote (or abstain) as above.

QUESTION: Will non-UN nations be allowed to voice their opinions?
ANSWER: Yes, however these opinions will have no bearing on the Delegate vote as they will not be voting in the UN on the issue.

QUESTION: What if we change our minds about appointing you if you are elected.
ANSWER: Then there will be another election, and if I am defeated, I shall step down.

QUESTION: I have a question about the campaign.
ANSWER: Post it here, and ye shall be answered.


This post has been edited by Vilita on Aug 1 2004, 11:40 PM
Now With Added Bekk!
Posts: 661
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Posted: Jul 28 2004, 09:36 PM
PMEmail Poster
Your views on the following would be appreciated...

Any other type of social structure
Gay Rights

and anything else you feel pertinent.
Punch-Drunk Psychosis
Posts: 358
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Posted: Jul 29 2004, 01:45 AM
PMEmail Poster
Yes, I would also like to inquire about your stance on some things:

Worker's Rights
Union Laws (This ties in to the above, but is technically a seperate issue)
Social Security

And please don't just say you support or denounce any one of the last four, explain why or your solid solutions to these commonly discussed problematic areas of society.
Scribe in Training
Posts: 37
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Posted: Jul 29 2004, 04:57 PM
PMEmail Poster
Krytenia On Socialism
Socialism, in totality, is unfeasible in my opinion. The fact is, for everyone to get the rewards OUT, then everyone must be willing to put the effort IN, and lethargy is endemic amongst the people. However, the nationalisation of utilities such as gas, water, electricity and telecommunications, can be beneficial to society, as this means there are single, unified providers of essential services.

Krytenia On Communism
Let's face it, true Communism cannot exist in life. Mankind has, for centuries, nay millenia, been reliant on strong leaders. It is human nature that some lead and others follow. And not only human nature - the concept of the "Alpha Male/Female" is prevalent in the animal world as well as the human one. As such, Communism goes against the way mankind works.

Krytenia On Capitalism
The freedom to choose is an undeniable right that should be given to all citizens. This should also include the right to choose between different brands of soup, or makes of car. Competition in industry means more choice and value for citizens. Of course, Capitalism should be limited. Globalisation reduces choice by imposing a brand upon the masses, which in effect is tyranny by industry. It is only by finding the right mix of corporate freedom and personal freedom that Capitalism can succeed in the democratic sense.

Krytenia On Abortion & Euthanasia
Abortion and euthanasia are, in effect, the deliberate and pre-meditated termination of life. As such, I believe that they should NOT be legal unless the following mitigating circumstances apply:

:::The foetus was a product of rape or similar sexual assault, AND the mother of the foetus (or her parent/guardian if under 16) has given consent for termination.

:::The only allowable reasons for euthanasia are if the deceased-to-be has given express written permission, signed by their doctor and next of kin, or if the patient is brain-dead.

Krytenia On Equal Rights
All citizens should be allowed to work and live without being discriminated due to race, creed, colour, nationality, gender, or sexuality. In addition, on the issues of gay rights, the homosexual community should have as much right to marry their partners as as heterosexual couples. Of course, most current religions would not accept these marriages, however, as long as they were civilly recognised, this would be sufficient in the eyes of the law.

Marturia, I shall reply to your requests later this evening.
Now With Added Bekk!
Posts: 661
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Posted: Jul 29 2004, 05:49 PM
PMEmail Poster
Kryteniam, a few points I wish to discuss.

"Socialism, in totality, is unfeasible in my opinion. The fact is, for everyone to get the rewards OUT, then everyone must be willing to put the effort IN, and lethargy is endemic amongst the people. However, the nationalisation of utilities such as gas, water, electricity and telecommunications, can be beneficial to society, as this means there are single, unified providers of essential services."

You don't understand the basic workings of any system if your objection is : "for everyone to get the rewards OUT, then everyone must be willing to put the effort IN". Is this not true in EVERY system? You have to work and you get rewarded. That is a basic principle.

And then there are those important utilities that should be nationalized, do you not see the logical consequence of that action? How do you pay for those utilities? Taxation, or make the people pay for the pleasure directly. Either way, the people are forced to pay for basic necessities, I would say this borders on human rights violations, although the U.N. doesn't recognize that in their definition tongue.gif . The way Socialism pays for these things is through the profit made from industries producing non-necessities and selling them to the people. I understand your arguement for competition, but the truth is not as you think. Many different brands are, made, yes, but the products are not better. Many companies will cheaply make goods that fall apart after the first few uses because it is profitable. Companies will fire black workers because they don't work as hard as whites do. Some companies will put drugs in their food or drink products to addict users to their product or make it taste better at the expense of human health.

Although I am sure you primary arguement will be that if the State has a monopoly, then it can overcharge workers. This is true, but if the State did this, the people would be unhappy, work ethic would decline, and many other bad side effects would come about.

In conclusion, Capitalism is a dangerous system and it must be controlled completely. Since it is based on the ideals of greed, selfishness, and the incorrect fabrication known as human nature, its mere existence is a threat to all human, plant, and animal life. Socialism is the only solution to this problem. Whether Communism will ever grow from it, I cannot say, but I can say without doubt that Capitalism will fail because it is totally and completely immoral, oppressive, and corrupt. Controlling it only slightly will have less adverse effects than pure unregulated Capitalism, granted, but would be subject to a heavy burden on all people in general.
Scribe in Training
Posts: 37
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Posted: Jul 29 2004, 06:57 PM
PMEmail Poster
You don't understand the basic workings of any system if your objection is : "for everyone to get the rewards OUT, then everyone must be willing to put the effort IN". Is this not true in EVERY system? You have to work and you get rewarded. That is a basic principle.

I'm not disputing the principle, merely that Socialism relies so heavily on it that it is a fault. It is said that a chain is only as strong as its' weakest link. In Capitalism, these "chains" of workers are relatively small; if one breaks, there are plenty more around. In Socialism, these chains are much longer, so a weak link has more of a detrimental effect.

And then there are those important utilities that should be nationalized, do you not see the logical consequence of that action? How do you pay for those utilities? Taxation, or make the people pay for the pleasure directly. Either way, the people are forced to pay for basic necessities, I would say this borders on human rights violations, although the U.N. doesn't recognize that in their definition. The way Socialism pays for these things is through the profit made from industries producing non-necessities and selling them to the people.

In a Capitalist society, businesses pay tax too. This tax is paid out of profit made from industries producing non-necessities and selling them to the people. Tax these businesses a little more, and hey presto! Money to spend on nationalised utilities. Yes there will be some price rises elsewhere, but these are on non-essential items.

I understand your arguement for competition, but the truth is not as you think. Many different brands are, made, yes, but the products are not better. Many companies will cheaply make goods that fall apart after the first few uses because it is profitable. Companies will fire black workers because they don't work as hard as whites do. Some companies will put drugs in their food or drink products to addict users to their product or make it taste better at the expense of human health.

I have pointed out the sentence in italics here. If they don't work as hard, they're gonna get fired!
You say about companies that make cheap and nasty goods. Name one company in real life that does this and has been going for over 20 years. Shysters will come and go. Yes, some people are gullible, but they have chosen to fritter their money away on junk and, quite frankly, it's their own fault.
Products are rigourously tested to make sure they are SAFE and FIT for human consumption.

Although I am sure you primary arguement will be that if the State has a monopoly, then it can overcharge workers. This is true, but if the State did this, the people would be unhappy, work ethic would decline, and many other bad side effects would come about.

At no point did I even suggest anyting about a State monopoly. In fact, my views implement a mix of State and business in industry.

In conclusion, Capitalism is a dangerous system and it must be controlled completely. Since it is based on the ideals of greed, selfishness, and the incorrect fabrication known as human nature, its mere existence is a threat to all human, plant, and animal life. Socialism is the only solution to this problem. Whether Communism will ever grow from it, I cannot say, but I can say without doubt that Capitalism will fail because it is totally and completely immoral, oppressive, and corrupt. Controlling it only slightly will have less adverse effects than pure unregulated Capitalism, granted, but would be subject to a heavy burden on all people in general.

If Capitalism is completely controlled, it is even more dangerous. Controls over freedom of choice merely tilt the balance into the hands of Totalitarianism, not Socialism as you suggest. Controlling Capitalism whilst still leaving free trade and freedom of choice open can, if properly implemented, lead to a morally adept society, with democratic and political freedom, and a system of checks and balances (Socialist and conservative principles) that will make corruption extremely difficult indeed.

In short, it is not Socialism that is required, but Social Democracy.
Now With Added Bekk!
Posts: 661
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Posted: Jul 29 2004, 07:30 PM
PMEmail Poster
"I'm not disputing the principle, merely that Socialism relies so heavily on it that it is a fault. It is said that a chain is only as strong as its' weakest link. In Capitalism, these "chains" of workers are relatively small; if one breaks, there are plenty more around. In Socialism, these chains are much longer, so a weak link has more of a detrimental effect."

This is not so, how have you come to this rediculous conclusion?

"In a Capitalist society, businesses pay tax too. This tax is paid out of profit made from industries producing non-necessities and selling them to the people. Tax these businesses a little more, and hey presto! Money to spend on nationalised utilities. Yes there will be some price rises elsewhere, but these are on non-essential items."

If you tax businesses too much, what do they do? Outsource! Ooh, the wonders of Capitalism. To keep YOUR nation afloat, you must tax businesses, heavily, it would seem. The will then move jobs to India to make more money and pay less tax. Unless you Socialistically tax the rich more than the poor, you are screwed. Then you are basically equalizing wealth so the only option for them left would be to give up their businesses and move elseware since they are not being trated fairly, in their opinion and then you are devoid of business.

"I have pointed out the sentence in italics here. If they don't work as hard, they're gonna get fired!"

Yes, but there is a clear seperation between working hard, working enough, and working below standards. If the whites work hard and the blacks enough, why should the latter be fired?

"You say about companies that make cheap and nasty goods. Name one company in real life that does this and has been going for over 20 years."

Ha, ha. That's easy. Ford and any other car company. They purposely make poor parts and overcharge for them so that the parts break quickly and need repair or need another one bought to replace it.

"Shysters will come and go. Yes, some people are gullible, but they have chosen to fritter their money away on junk and, quite frankly, it's their own fault.
Products are rigourously tested to make sure they are SAFE and FIT for human consumption."

Yes, but its never enough to simply regulate it because something will always slip through the fingers of the government.

"At no point did I even suggest anyting about a State monopoly. In fact, my views implement a mix of State and business in industry."

You hinted about it being an error of Socialism, or so it sounded, which it isn't. Your mixture does not work for the reasons I stated. Do you know how high taxes are in Britain because of their mixture?

"If Capitalism is completely controlled, it is even more dangerous. Controls over freedom of choice merely tilt the balance into the hands of Totalitarianism, not Socialism as you suggest."

It's not limiting choice. You can choose not to get it, if you like. The state is ultimately controlled by the populace so it will, in the best interests of the electorate, keep as many options available and prices affordable. The Soviet Union had multiple brands of things because it saw those new product areas as profitable for the State. It isn't hard to concieve, my friend.

"Controlling Capitalism whilst still leaving free trade and freedom of choice open can, if properly implemented, lead to a morally adept society, with democratic and political freedom, and a system of checks and balances (Socialist and conservative principles) that will make corruption extremely difficult indeed."

Possibly, but the chances of such a good system arising from the conglomeration of diametrically opposed economic systems, one based on greed (Capitalism) and one promoting the common good (Socialism), are very slim.
Scribe in Training
Posts: 37
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Posted: Jul 29 2004, 08:01 PM
PMEmail Poster
This appears to have gone way off topic. I am now going to ONLY answer questions that are relevant to the position of AO Delegate. My personal political views are unimportant on this issue, as I have already stated that I shall bow to the will of the Region in the position of Delegate.

The original questions you asked, Marturia, shall be answered in the next 24 hours.
Now With Added Bekk!
Posts: 661
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Posted: Jul 29 2004, 11:48 PM
PMEmail Poster
You wish to end this off topic debate. Fair enough. I don't really care if you answer my questions or not unless you are willing to discuss why our views are conflicting, if they are, of course. It is important for the other AO members to know what we stand for or else they'll be voting blindly. Take a look at Kerry for example. He is an enigma wrapped in an enigma. Who knows if he is even human? He hasn't clarified he position on that.
Scribe in Training
Posts: 37
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Posted: Aug 1 2004, 06:36 PM
PMEmail Poster
Having given much consideration, I have decided to pull out of the race for AO Delegacy and put my weight fully behind the Starblaydia bid.

Now With Added Bekk!
Posts: 661
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