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The Allied States moves to annex Southern Legalese
Posted: Aug 1 2005, 07:58 PM
PMEmail Poster
Post 1 - Let Slip Loose the Dogs of War

...Location: Norwich, Kingdom of England, Former Clan-Legalese border
...Time: 12:13 PM, March 8th, 2080

He always hated the damned lights. Even after twenty years of broadcasting, he never got used to the lights. He bought some fancy shaded contacts to use for broadcasts, but he never got used to the lights. Maybe it was the things he seen on battlefields scattered across the world. Whatever the reason, senior correspondant Michael McKay stood at the outskirts of Norwich, just on the border to former Legalese. Behind him, battalions of the new C-3 Crawler tanks marched across the border, accompanied by thousands of infantrymen. Overhead, a FJ-31C Highlander IV attack jet flew over the brigade.

"Hello, I'm senior correspondant Michael McKay with the Atlantian Oceanian News Network, and I'm here at Norwich on what used to be the Clan-Legalese border. Behind me, you see the beginnings of the 7th Army group advancing into former Legalese. In an announcement today, General Yosef Lethinen announced that the 7th through 10th Army groups were being deployed to former Legalese in attempt to essentially annex Southern Legalese into the Allied States.

"Ever since the collpase of the Legalese government into anarchy after an anarchist rebellion in the South, UN troops have been stationed here in an attempt to prevent further violence, but have failed rather spectacularly in that aspect. Anarchist leader Cory Joseph has fought against three succesive attempts at restoring a Legalese government to the South, and is reportedly saying that he will fight to the death against the foregin invaders.

"General Lethinen has also announced that UN troops, who he called 'mercenaries,' will be forcibly removed if they do not evacuate the region in two weeks. He said, quote 'Their incomptence is a disgrace to any military organization anywhere, and if they won't help the peole there, then we will.' UN General Ali Al-jahad has said that they will resist the barbaric attempts at imperialistic action by the Lowland Clans. Given the anti-UN track record of the Allied States, these threats on both sides are deadly serious. General Lehtinen has said that AORDO will not be asked to participate in the action, and no nation in Atlantian Oceania will be forced to break their UN ties by Allied State request.

"This region of Legalese has seen more conflict in recent memory than any region in Atlantian Oceania. After the anti-laywer rebellion in a nation that has always had a penchant for legal jargon, the attempts to cleanse all lawyers from the region was violent and near total. Since then, the Anarchist faction has been waging a bloddy guerilla war against the two hundred thousand strong UN contingent.

"The Allied States State-Senate approved military action in an emergency session this morning. Delegates from the Meditteranean Coalition had this to say:" *flash to the State-Senate press room* "We have seen the reports just as well as the public has, and we have experienced this kind of suffering for ourselves, and we simply won't stand for it any longer." *Flash back to Norwich* "The State-Senate has begun organizing a new government for the region, called the Legal Republic that will be a ninth member in the Alliance.

"Many of the government-in-exile have been rumored as joining this venture. But for now, we wonder how many of it's own the Allied States will be willing to send off to there deaths again. But after decades of peace, the Allied States will once again send out their young men and women to try and bring peace to another region in the world. Will it work? We'll find out in the weeks and months to come."

OOC: This is essentially an open military RP, with my goal of eventually annexing the southern part of section 20 on the map. If you want, you can roleplay as your own military forces in the conflict, as the Anarchists, or as the UN troops. Please though, try to keep it intelligent and god-modless, or you will be asked to leave the RP. Pretty much any part you want you can play, but you'll need to contact me by telegram for some background information on your part. And note, these UN forces aren't the good guys, no one really is.

Edit: Also, if no one joins, I'll just write the whole RP myself.

This post has been edited by The Lowland Clans on Aug 1 2005, 08:06 PM
The Lowland Clans
Royal Scribe
Posts: 116
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Posted: Aug 3 2005, 12:13 AM
PMEmail Poster
OOC: As it is, er, was, my land, I call the Anarchists!

The revolution happned without warning. Southland and Bekknia fell first, both to the Anarchists. Then the Senate House was destroyed, killing half the Legalese Senate. Finally, Marcus Davies simply disappeared, and Legalese lost its head. The North adjusted, and for the most part, local governments filled the gap left by the missing national government. However, woe was to those who lived in Legalese's south.

The Anarchists made their base in Sagdineo, which was in ruins. The once-proud city, capital of Bekknia, and the sole Legalese port on Bekk Lake, fell quickly, but not without a brutal cost. The police force eventually gave in, as the Anarchists stormed the City Hall and Regional Council Buildings, destroying everything possible. They then moved on, tearing and looting, until they reached their goal, the Courthouse, the symbol of all they hated: the Law, Lawyers, and those who allowed both to exist.

However, they found an odd fact: they could not get the Courthouse to burn. Try as they might, the Sagdineo City Courthouse would not fall. Hence, alternate plans were made for it...

Months later, the former Courthouse still stood, now the headquarters for the People's Liberation Army of Legalese. Headed by Cory Joseph, their goal was quite simple: topple the legal systems, codes, and ways of life that had stifled the Legalites for so long. While their efforts in the North -their overt ones, that is- had to be called off, the struggle in the South was going somewhat successful, as the UN "peacekeeping" troops fell left and right.

Still, one had to wonder if that would change. The Northern regions, despite their cordial relationship with Starblaydia, had seen things suffer, as the Lord Protector's government noticed the influx of lawyers entering the purple-shaded lands. Meanwhile, the South had another nation to potentially deal with...

Captain Jim Masters stood behind his communication team, monitoring the situation in Plainsville. The former captial of Southland had fallen just recently, and stood as the main line in the battle with the United Nations troops. Masters had to wonder why the United Nations thought it was their business to jump into a non-member state's affairs, but quickly realized that any attempt to rationalize the thinking of the UN was quite pointless.

"Captain!" was the call that interrupted Masters's thoughts. He turned to the door, to see one of his aides present. "Johnson!" said the Captain. "What are you doing here? I sent you off-duty hours ago. And what is that you're carrying?"

Masters gestured to the small package under Johnson's arm.

"Sir," said Johnson, "I have some important news for you and Commander Parker."

"Well then, speak up soldier."

Johnson told him the report. "I also got it on tape here, Captain." Johnson indicated to the package he was carrying, handing it to Masters.

"Johnson, good work," said Jim. "I'll take this to the Commander right away. Dismissed!"

As Johnson left, Jim looked at the tape, for a moment. Johnson taped over his wedding video for this? though the Captain. He then went down the hall, to what used to be the judge's chambers, and knocked. "Captain Masters here, for the Commander," Jim added.

"Enter," came the simple response.

Jim entered to the smell of burning paper. Commander Cory Parker sat beside the fireplace, tossing a book into the fire. "And that, Captain," said Parker, "Was the Civil Law of the Bekknian Region. Damn thing's gonna burn for weeks. What can I do for you?"

Jim pulled out the tape. "Sir, one of my aides brought this report to my attention, and I felt it was imperative that you saw it now."

Masters inserted the tape into the player, and the AONN logo came up on the screen.

"So," said Parker after the tape was finished, "the game is afoot, and the Allied States want to play? Over my dead body! Captain, prepare the troops, we have a new enemy to look out for."

Before Parker could say another word, another man in a PLA uniform crashed into the office. "Sir, we're under attack in Plainsville!"

"More UN troops?" asked Masters.

"No sir, they came from the Allied States."
Back in Black
Posts: 431
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Posted: Aug 3 2005, 12:33 AM
PMEmail Poster
Post 2 - I Shall Walk Through The Valley of of the Shadow of Death...

...Location: Streets of Plainsville, Legal Republic, Captial of Southern Region
...Time: 4:21 PM, March 10th, 2080

The explosion rocked the ruined streets, collapsing one building while the debris in the shockwave took out three more. "Damned rocket jockey's," muttered Staff Segreant Dan Jacobs. His squad was assigned to take down the rear portion of a former bank that was housing anarchist leaders for this section of Plainsville. Ever since the start of the invasion, bastards like these were slowing them down. People wouldn't turn them in because they weren't sure what our security was going to be like, they knew the terrain better than the Clanners, a whole bunch of reasons.

"Squad, on me!" he yelled against the staccato gunbursts of small arms. "Alright, hook up to channel six-pont-three-niner, the lieutenant's got encrypted orders for us on the net." The Allied States was one of the most advanced combat systems ever developed by the States. Integrating through a series of small routers and recivers hooked to each system, the system could link the entire AFAS if done correctly. Orders could be received, warnings given anything your heart could dare well please.

Here, the plans for the bank were drawn up, each squad's attack patterns designated with coded arrows. The Anarchist leaders were supposed to be down near or in the vault. this used to be a highly secured bank, immune from most inventories and such thanks to the legal minds of this country. No one knew what was there, but most of the higher ups, including the captain of his company, assumed that it was weapons and communications equipment. Lots of it.

His squad was to enter the back quickly and quietly, engage only if discovered. They were to inflitrate and secure a rear stairwell that had been damaged by rocket artillery fire, and was right above the sealed vault, blow the roof, and secure the vault. It was a difficult job, but they were Tactical Incursion Squad troops, and they were the ones who did the hard jobs. "Alright Marines, let's move out!" They filed out of the second story they were on and moved back down to the alley. They began moving slowly across the roads surrounding the bank.

It took almost five tense and agonizing minutes to get into position. They had to double and triple check three different patrol routes whom they could cross at anytime infiltrating the back. Thanks to the rocket jockeys though, the trip wires that had once littered the approach to the bank were now gone, and the mines with them now just dust in the well turned soil. He signaled ready through the net. Whne the go order came, he didn't have to tell anyone. The front of the bank erupted in glorious fire, concrete shattering underneath the massive blow inflicted by the B-3C Kearny III bombers.

Jacobs could hear the creaking of the C-3H Croawlers advancing on the bank. Small arms fire chattered through out the streets. He watched as lights blinked out in the frontal assault, providing the much needed distraction as snipers the squad had in their sights turned and left their occupied windows. Only three anarchists remained on guard at the rear. Jacobs nodded, and then all dropped simulatneously. The squad charged ahead, with McAllen and Oppenheimer double tapping the two grunts to ensure their passing. They slammed themselves into the side of the building. Sergeant Yani Jonivich kicked down the door, and Privates Whitebear and Kedding tossed HE grenades into the room. The muffled thump followed by two screams, and the team dove through the windows, and Whitebear, Kedding and Jacobs all went through the door.

He signalled room secured and they continued through the building. With Private Jennings running point, they advanced to the listed maintenance entrance. He burst through the door, surprising the to guards. They both weren't fast enough to react. The stairway was small and concrete. Damp from being almost two stories below ground the dust was loose and falling everytime an artillery round landed within a hundred feet of the building.

Down two flights of stairs, four more dead guards no alarms. Good so far. They reached the section with closest access to the vault. Jacobs motioned to his demo man, sergeant Kevin MacAdder. He moved along the wall, ear pressed against it like a doctors stethoscope. He gently knocked against the wall in places. He drew charges from his pack and placed them against the wall at seemingly random intervals along the wall. He wired them together and armed teh detonator. Ten seconds. The team scrambled up the stairs. The explosion blew the wall right into the wault. the steel had been so weakened that it shattered under the sudden heat and pressure. The team advanced down into the vault.

Dead anarchists littered the room. There was nothing if anything left of the vault itself. A makeshift table was impaled into the adjacent wall, and papers scattered all over the room. Dan Jacobs was about to declare the room secure, when he saw to flashing red lights. He looked up at the roof and yelled, "You have got to be -explicitive removed-TING ME!" That was the last he he said as the flames ripped through the bank, sending the whole building up, and then sending the remains crashing down to the surface.

...Location: Green Zone, Outskirts of Plainsville, Legal Republic
...Time: 7:06 PM, March 10th, 2080

The Lieutenant marched into the Colonels office with the reports. "Here you are sir, all sites leveled by high-explosive charges after successful incursions. Apparently a team was spotted early, and they had time to inform and booby trap every building we attacked. On the bright side, sir, none of the anarchists survived." The lieutenant shifted in his boots. He knew that was a bad trade off, seventy-three good TIS Marines for a bunch of orderless ass -explicitive removed-s.

"That will be all lieutentant, thank you." The colonel reutned his salute as the lieutenant left. Just another day in a warzone, though the colonel. A Valley of Death they called these streets. Damned anarchists and incomepent UN peaceniks. If they hadn't forced us to do this...but that decision was gone now.

...Location: Allied States Intelligence Agency Headquarters, Graham City, Scottish Republic
...Time: 1:42 AM, March 11th, 2080

He looked at the picture a second time, and a third. Something just didn't seem right. Then it happened. He saw it, and was scared -explicitive removed-less. "Everlasting -explicitive removed-stopper!" he exclaimed quietly. The whole office turned and looked at him. He never swore, not ever. One of his teammates looked extremely pained at the desecration of his beloved Gobstoppers. "I think I have something," he said to the room.
The Lowland Clans
Royal Scribe
Posts: 116
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Posted: Aug 3 2005, 06:23 AM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
OOC: Bedi's changed the full AO map and, as far as i can guess, it looks like a line starting under Sagdineo, right through the middle of Legalese City and then direct to the coast just under that rather-bulky peninsula. An IC is also post coming after I've done a bit more background in 'The Legalite Situation'. But, for now, here's a handy map.

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Posted: Aug 3 2005, 06:13 PM
PMEmail Poster
OOC: for further reference, Plainsville is the Blue Dot, and the was the site of TLC-Anarchist battles above.

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Back in Black
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Posted: Aug 7 2005, 08:41 AM
PMEmail Poster
OOC: Sorry I haven't made a post in the last couple of days, I'm back in Taiwan and very jetlagged, so it could be a couple of days before I get back into posting.
The Lowland Clans
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Posted: Aug 9 2005, 03:29 AM
PMEmail Poster
Post 3 - A Wolf in Olive Drab

...Location: ASIA Headuarters, Graham City, Scottish Republic
...Time: 10:12 AM, March 11th, 2080

Jason Grey stood uneasily as the senior directors filed in the room. Having gathered little information over the last nine hours or so, he was exhausted. He watched as they all took there seats, and began flipping through the briefing packets he had hastily prepared. He coughed, and without looking, the Chief Intelligence Director motioned for him to begin. He took a deep breath, and began.

"Well sirs, this really began when I was trying to build a profile on the UN-"

"Call then mercenaries, please," said the CID calmly

"Yes sir. The mercenray general, Ali Al-jahad. As I was going over one of his pictures in the profile, I noticed a resemblance to an old ADK warlord who Elite Advancement Rangers took down as part of the attempt to pacify the ADK mainland and prevent the warlords from reforming the republic and combining their forces against us. His name was Muammar Al-saqtar. I ran a couple more searches, and found that they are one in the same."

He paused as he saw looks passed around the table. At this point, the CID looked up at him and asked, "How the hell did he avoid getting waxed by the EARs?"

He shifted nervously and answered truthfully, "We have no idea. He disappeared for months afterwords, no sightings of him by any of our agents, no word of his comeback on the warlord from, so we really have no clue how he managed to avoid the attack. What we do have is a timeline of what happened after he reappeared. His first appearance was enlisting in UN peacekeeping forces as a colonel from Turkey. After performing very well in a couple of engagements, he was promoted to command the 43rd Peacekeeping Army.

"He lives with his troops, not family connections or girlfriends. Celibate as a catholic priest as far as we can tell. No personal weakness of any kind. But we haven't had much. Plus, there have been some very sketchy rumors coming from refugees across the border that something is quite right in peacekeeper held territory. Rumors of mercenary troops raping and pillaging, acting in sadist ways, some have even heard of ethosidal treatment of all who oppose mercenary actions...we're currently working on more substantial reports, but we're gonna need personnel aid."

"You've got it," said Senior Director of Personnel Intelligence

"Alright, get this to the press. Thank you, Mr. Grey, your dismissed."
The Lowland Clans
Royal Scribe
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