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Ignorance is Bliss
Posted: Aug 27 2007, 01:33 AM
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95X Corporation ("95X"), has become aware of another nation within the Atlantian Oceania Region which has chosen to aggressively ignore the current and/or proposed military actions of any other nation in the region, including - but not limited to - 95X Corporation's subsidiary, The Provincial Dictatorship of Scottfire ("Scottfire"). This nation, The Incorporated States of Sarzonia ("Sarzonia"), which was engaged in conflict with The Free Kingdom of Falcania over a proposed territorial claim, ceased to exist for quite some time, and is now making the above-mentioned claim.

Anywhere in this document, if 95X appears alone for sentence clarity, it applies to both 95X and Scottfire.

Therefore, 95X reluctantly accepts Sarzonia's requests, and immediately ceases to recognize Sarzonia as a nation.

As such, it is ordered:

All travelers in 95X from Sarzonia are hereby required to leave the country immediately. Any 95X citizens in Sarzonia are to return to 95X immediately. Permission to enter 95X by any Sarzonian citizen or national for any purpose is hereby denied. Any Sarzonian identification, including but not limited to passports, drivers' licenses, and visas, are considered null and void in 95X, as Sarzonia is no longer considered a valid issuing authority.

All commercial or private transportation services, whether goods or passenger, by air, by land, or by sea, between 95X and Sarzonia, or vice-versa, must cease immediately. Any such vehicles currently in transit between the countries listed must turn back immediately. If refueling of a vehicle registered to 95X or Scottfire is necessary, it must be accomplished in a country recognized by 95X.

All international events, including but not limited to sporting, commercial or governmental, are subject to restriction. 95X will not recognize "one on one" events between itself and Sarzonia, even if part of a larger event. If an event occurs within Sarzonia, it will be treated as if that event never existed. Likewise, Sarzonia is prohibited from attending or participating in any event occurring in 95X or Scottfire.

Any and all communication services between the countries is also to cease and must no longer be possible, as we no longer recognize that the country, its government, its businesses, or its people, exist.

The only communication which 95X or Scottfire will accept from Sarzonia is an official communication stating that it will, permanently, from that point forward, accept any and all actions by any and all other nations, positive or negative (the only exception will be the obvious, warranted, occasional ignorance of bona fide n00bs). Only at the time that Sarzonia sincerely makes such a request, this order will be repealed.

Anything not covered by the letter of this order is covered by the spirit of the order.

As this is an international order, any other nation which chooses to recognize it in full may do so under the legally perfected method of their nation, and contact 95X to let us know. (OOC: Simply post a reply that your nation accepts, signed by the leader of your nation; if applicable, include any parliament/senate/cabinet/popular/etc. vote necessary under your nations' laws.)

As passed unanimously by the 95X Board of Directors:
(signed) Jason Barbur, President, Board Chairman
(signed) Walter Richerson, Board Vice-Chairman
Senator in Training
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Posted: Aug 27 2007, 08:14 PM
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Although not entirely selfless, the support of the 95X Corporation has nevertheless received great praise from the King, government and people of the Free Kingdom.
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Aug 27 2007, 11:00 PM
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The Free Republic deplores the move made by 95X to further deepen the existing conflict between Sarzonia and Falcania. In a time where the region is split into three military conflicts, now is not the time to spread further distrust between AO nations.

This action further decreases the chances of a peaceful and equitable settlement on the issue by the two parties involved. It was with the regional situation in mind that the Free Republic made the (still standing) offer to diplomatically mediate the dispute over Diamindokere.


President Stinson
Free Republic of Lamoni
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Posted: Sep 4 2007, 08:50 PM
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The island was so beautiful, surrounded on both sides by pristine waters, its beaches pure and untainted. That was the official view of the island that was formerly the home of a naiton known as Diamindokere. Though that nation had dissappeared, interest in the island had not. Not by a long shot.

Arguments had erupted of late between Falcania and Sarzonia over the island, and conflict seemed possible. Even with many nations informing Falcania that they would not stand for its illegitimate claim to the island, that land's King insisted on claiming it. Despite some of the more powerful nations in Atlantian Oceania disputing the claim, King Falcon had displayed a pig-headed unwillingness to listen to reason.

And in a way, Spartuns could respect standing by one's claims in the face of overwhelming odds. If reason was on your side. Yet the young King of Spartuh, believed there was no reason behind it; not after the events that had transpired immediately following the Kingdom's arrival in AO.

Spartuh had moved to AO based on the notions that it was a smaller region compared to its first, and had reportedly an active international community. Also, there was rumored to be a war there, and what were Spartuns but warriors? The Oracle had confirmed the decision to move, and so it had been done.

Yet after such a momentous move, another visit to Olympus, and the Oracle, had been in order. The older woman had known Leonidas was coming, and had been prepared to answer the question of where Spartuh should settle. Her answer had been clear and concise. Even now, the Oracle's words resounded with the female King (an official government title for the royal head of state - the Queen was supposed to mind the house and bear children only).

"Spartuh must find a home where it can easily defend its people. It must also be in such a place where it is not isolated from the rest of the region.. it must be near enough to other nations so trade might flow between our nations. Such a land exists, by the will of the Gods, in an island of the Diamonds... go there, and trust in the Gods."

And so, the Spartun Kingdom began to take hold without official notice of foreign lands. Yet it could not continue to go unnoticed with an aggressor nation potentially prepared to claim the land themselves. So, an official ceremony was held at the island's highest point to officially proclaim a Spartun presence there.

Simultaneously with the raising of the Lambda there, a message was sent out to embassies across the region, proclaiming Spartuh's rightful claim to the island. Included in it was aggressive language that asserted the religious reasons for claiming the island. The Gods themselves had guided Spartuh to the island, and by that right it should be Spartun. It would also, they claimed, end the Falcanian-Sarzonian dispute by placing a neutral land there.

Nations were invited to visit the capital of Sparta, to discuss the situation with King Leonidas in person.

A simpler message, broadcast across the region over radio contained only three words....

"THIS.... IS.... SPARTUH!!!"

(More to follow)

This post has been edited by Spartuh on Sep 4 2007, 08:52 PM
Posts: 13
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Posted: Sep 4 2007, 09:22 PM
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Highlights From A Message to the Region of Atlantian Oceania

To all nations of Atlantian Oceania, and all their peoples: greetings and salutations to all from the sovereign Kingdom of Spartuh. It is with great honor that we settle in your region, one with much history and activity itself. As a nation with much history and culture as our own can respect and wishes to be part of such a region.

We have been guided here not only by this rich culture and history, but also by the will of the Gods who have guided us for centuries. They have led us to great triumphs over all previous foes, and we trust in their will. Our faith is unwavering, and the will of Zeus cannot be deterred by the works of men alone.

Our religious leader, the Oracle of Olympus, has proclaimed that the Gods will us to move to the former island of Diamindokere. By their will, will have begun our efforts to relocate Spartuh to this island which we feel is ours now. We have been guided to head to a land that is easily defendable, yet close to other nations so that we are no longer politically isolated in the region. An island of the diamonds, the Gods told us - Diamindokere. The Greek people have always been a seafaring people, and this island would allow us easy access to continue that tradition.

We also offer a solution to the ensuing disputes of nations over the island formerly known as Diamindokere.

Falcania, having been informed by both Lamoni and Starblaydia that they have no legitimate claim to the island, are not considered by Spartuh to be the true owners of the island. With that kingdom and Sarzonia arguing over the island and rightful claims, the Strategic Defense League is threatening to fight itself. The war in the region is already killing enough peoples without another violent conflict erupting.

And the Kingdom of Spartuh, thereby, offers an option to prevent either nation from taking the island as part of an Empire. We offer a neutral, sovereign and free nation rather than the expansionist tendencies of certain Kingdoms which will remain unnamed. A simple solution to the argument - let Spartuh claim the land, and thus end the foreign claims.

We ask all nations who savor freedom, sovereignty, and the divine right of a people and their King to choose their destiny to support the Spartun claim. And, thereby, join us in rejecting the illegitimate claims of agressive foreign rulers whom seek to defy the will of the international community.

King of Spartuh, and Protector of the Greek People
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Posted: Sep 4 2007, 09:38 PM
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TO:  Leonidas, King of the Sovereign Kingdom of Spartuh, and Protector of the Greek People

FROM:  President Stinson, Free Republic of Lamoni

King Leonidas:

The Free Republic of Lamoni sends it's greetings.

We also believe that having Spartuh claim the island of Diamindokere would allow the nations of Sarzonia and Falcania to finally stop yelling at each other like teenagers.  Therefore, we will make it publicly known that we support Spartuh's claim to Diamindokere.

We shall also send our Foreign Minister; Tanya Ley, to your capitol of Sparta.  It is our hope that positive diplomatic relations will be quickly established between our two great nations.

We await your reply.

Truly yours,
President Stinson
Free Republic of Lamoni
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Sep 5 2007, 02:13 AM
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To: Leonidas, King of the Sovereign Kingdom of Spartuh
Falcon II, King of the Free Kingdom of Falcania

From: General Alejandro Ajamdáneqo, Commander-in-Chief of the Capitalizt Defense Alliance

We reject Spartuh’s assertion that the status of the former Diamindokere was in dispute prior to their arrival in Atlantian Oceania—at that time, Falcanian settlers had already landed on the island, and Sarzonia was too busy attempting to deal with a rebellion to interfere. Therefore, it is our position that the island belongs to Falcania.

However, in the interest of finding a peaceful resolution to this dispute, we invite Spartuh and Falcania to send a delegation to meet in our headquarters in Aeropag, Unified Capitalizt States, where we will try to help in finding a mutually-acceptable solution.

This post has been edited by Commerce Heights on Sep 5 2007, 02:15 AM
Commerce Heights
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Posted: Sep 5 2007, 02:56 AM
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To: President Stinson, Free Republic of Lamoni
From: Leonidas, King of Spartuh and Protector of the Greek people

The Kingdom of Spartuh recieves your greetings happily, and finds your proposal of diplomatic exchanges agreeable.  As guided by the Oracle, we must not isolate ourselves from the rest of the world.

We are also heartened to find Lamoni's stance on the Sarzonian-Falcanian situation to be in line with what is generally considered here to be reason.  If both sides choose to argue sophomorically over the rightful ownership of the island, let another party claim it and end the dispute for good.  If neither can find a reasonable middle ground, then neither shall prevail in claiming this island outright.

We look forward to the opportunity to share our culture and history with your foreign minister when she arrives.  It is our hope that other nations will send representatives similarly in order to better establish relations with peoples from all backgrounds.

King of Spartuh and Protector of the Greek people


To: General Alejandro Ajamdáneqo, Commander-in-Chief of the Capitalizt Defense Alliance
From: Leonidas, King of Spartuh and Protector of the Greek people

It is with sadness that we find your nation rejecting the argument put forth by the Kingdom of Spartuh regarding the situation between Falcania and Sarzonia.  However, reason also dictates that we be willing to acknowledge differing points of view.  However, it is still this Kingdom's firm belief that the arguments against Falcania's outright claims for annexation of former Diamindokere  are strong and bear much consdieration on that nation's part.

If both Lamoni and Starblaydia are rejecting Falcania's claim, then surely there must be something disagreeable about the idea.  We will not back down from our claim to the island, and reject the notion that the island is Falcanian.  There are more people on this island formerly of Diamindokere than Falcanian, we believe, as well as now over 80 million free Greeks who are citizens of Spartuh.  We must protect them and the homeland that the Gods have sent us to.

However, we are willing to discuss the issue with the concerned parties in a completely neutral location.  If peace can be had, then we must endeavor to work towards that goal, should we not?  Spartuh is willing to offer the native Falcanians who have made settlements on the island visas in order to facilitate the transition to a Spartun government.  We are willing to accomodate them, rather than simply expelling them from our island.

We are also prepared to make accomodations with the Kingdom of Falcania if they are willing to acknowledge our sovereignty and the will of our Gods for us to be here.  Spartuh is willing to negotiate the terms, rather than spill blood.

But we also refuse to acknowledge this island as being under the ownership of Falcania, as that nation's claims to it have been questioned and rejected by what we understand to be most nations of Atlantian Oceania.

King of Spartuh and Protector of the Greek people
Posts: 13
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Posted: Sep 5 2007, 04:41 AM
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To: Leonidas, King of the Sovereign Kingdom of Spartuh

From: General Alejandro Ajamdáneqo, Commander-in-Chief of the Capitalizt Defense Alliance

It is our understanding that the island was uninhabited prior to Falcania’s arrival there. However, since that information was provided by Falcania, it is possible that we have been misinformed.

If a CDA facility is not suitable for negotiaions, would you consider a base of the Capitalizt Coalition for Coöperation in Protection, a military organization with a strict policy of non-interference in affairs outside of the Unified Capitalizt States, to be sufficiently neutral? Alternatively, is there somewhere on the island itself that we could meet?
Commerce Heights
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Sep 5 2007, 10:50 AM
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Foreign Minister Ley had arrived in Spartuh after the long flight. While diplomats were supposed to be used to long flights, that didn't make them any more enjoyable.

While her plane was taxiing to the designated spot, she looked out the window, seeing the Spartan flag (she didn't know what it was yet) on a mountain.

When the normal "airstairs" had been wheeled up to the plane, the Foreign Minister left the plane after the security people had done their job, making sure that no one was attempting an assasinaiton. Tanya was ready to meet the people of Spartuh.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Sep 5 2007, 11:02 AM
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The Falcon's Foreign Office rejects the claims made by the dubious nation of Spartuh, and would like to highlight that in the months since first landfall, some two billion settlers have by now happily restarted lives on the new territories. They point out that the land is now Falcanian soil and wish that everybody would shut up about it now.
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Sep 5 2007, 06:50 PM
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The Kingdom of Spartuh officially rejects the Falcanian claim of 2 billion settlers upon the island it was guided to by the Gods themselves. Our best experts on the subject have conlcuded that, based on all available evidence, there are not two billion Falcanians on this island. We also object to Falcania's aggressive, sophomoric name-calling, in referring to our sovereign, independent state, as 'dubious'.

And the claim of the Falcanian nation needing to expand due to population is, by all accounts ridiculous. As has been stated clearly several times, there is NO SCALE to the AO map, therefore, Falcania may very well be much larger than is displayed on the map. Therefore, there is no need for this expansion, and violation of the national sovereignty of Spartuh, as well as the invasion of the island's native population, left over from Dimindokere by Falcanian 'settlers'. Falcania may have claimed that the island was uninhabited, but this too is ridiculous to claim.

When a nation the size of Dimindokere ceases to exist formally, its population does not simply vanish into thin air. It is also foolish to believe that they simply went to other countries. Saprtuh made contact with those remaining, who expressed a stong disliking for the Falcanian settlers.

Also standing to this day is the fact that the Falcanian claim to the island has been almost universally unrecognized, and more recently almost universally oppposed. The reality is that over 80 million Spartuns and free Greeks have arrived on the island. And they will not abandon the home that Zeus himself guided them to.

To: General Alejandro Ajamdáneqo, Commander-in-Chief of the Capitalizt Defense Alliance
From: Leonidas, King of Spartuh and Protector of the Greek People

The Kingdom thanks you for your diplomatic response, and willingness to discuss these matters.  It is unfortunate that the Falcanian government remains so immature, sophomoric, and pig-headed as to pretend we don't exist.  

What troubles us further still is the Falcanian claim that the island was uninhabited - there were natives of Dimindokere remaining on the island... they all couldn't just vanish, could they?  It is insane to think they could.  The remaining ethnic Dimindokerans have expressed strong, vehement distaste for the Falcanian settlers, and a desire to join our Kingdom as a semi-autonomous collective.

We have already extended, and hold open, the idea of talks on the island itslef, in our capitol of Sparta.  The Kingdom would be singularly honored if you would be in attendance, though we fear that the Falcanian government will continue to ignore reality and not turn up.

King of Spartuh and Protector of the Greek People

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Posted: Sep 5 2007, 07:17 PM
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There was probably a good reason why "Spartan hospitality" was generally considered an oxymoron. A people who'd based their entire culture around fighting for centuries, they'd had to rely on the other Greek cities to assist with less than combative things upon the Unification. Today, the Spartuns had learned some manners that one would think they'd have learned years before. Of course, there was always an advisor in the post of Undersecretary of State, just in case a lapse in judgement happened.

Just hours after the proclamation of the Kingdom's move to Atlantian Oceania, the first foreign delegate to visit had arrived at an airport just outside the city of Sparta. Arrangements to welcome the Lamonian had been made in order to show that Spartuh wasn't just about bloodshed, fighting, and glory in battle. Even if they'd been made hastilly. King Leonidas had made it clear that she wasn't going to tolerate a sub-par reception for the Foreign Minister.

Even so, the welcoming commitee consisted of an honor guard of a Royal Army squad, wearing their battle dress uniforms and helmets. There was much tenseness in the atmosphere, as if they expected at any moment to see violence break out. And by their body language, the Spartun regulars would've welcomed it, too. Nothing did occur, though, and the Lamonian foreign minister was escorted to a waiting military all terrain vehicle, where more soldiers waited.

It was a good twenty minute drive into the city's heart to the Royal Palace, where the King herself waited. Everywhere about the city, the crimson banner with gold lambda either hung or flew proudly, making it clear to any outsider that this was the national symbol. The palace itself wasn't large, but boasted columns and steps in the classical Greek tradition. Yet it was a newer structure, just built in the old style that was prevalent in all government buildings in Sparta.

The palace itself was a stark white, in contrast to the crimson cloaks worn by the soldiers lining the steps. While equipped with automatic weapons, they were dressed in traditional Spartan armor, complete with cloaks and helms, and held spear and shield as if they'd stepped out of the past. These men were the Royal Bodyguard, part of three hundred of the Kingdom's best warriors who'd been selected to protect the King. The more mundanely dressed soldiers escorting the Lamonian foreign minister got down and opened the side door for her to exit the vehicle.

Once she dared to venture up to the top step, she'd be able to see the grand double-doors that led to the palace interior. And out of those doors would come more traditionally dressed Spartuns, three on either side, flanking their King. Their King, about a good foot and a half shorter than the tallest bodyguard, was also in the traditional armor, but was noticeably.. female. She looked to be 13 or 14, and had her reddish-brown hair pulled back into pigtails, yet another thing that seemed out of place about her. Yet the posture she showed couldn't be mistaken for anything other than a warrior's, and her chestnut colored eyes were deep and intelligent.

Upon seeing the foreign minsiter, she stepped forward more and awaited a greeting.
Posts: 13
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Posted: Sep 6 2007, 01:26 AM
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The Falcon's Foreign Office sends a copy of last week's census, with individual and personal details censored for privacy, which tallies the island's population as currently 2.16 billion people. It would also like to point out that the territories were uninhabited for many years prior to settlement, and no nation held a valid reason for opposition. The Spartuhn claim that former Diamindokerian nationals were found and interviewed is, quite frankly, false. Falcania's valid claim to unoccupied territories has been officially recognised by a number of nations, including the Capitalizt Defence Alliance, a proud and upstanding nation who the Foreign Office point out hold a regional responsibility and authority over the cartographical administration of the region - that is to say, they draw the maps. They would also like to point out that we inhabited the territories many months before you laid a claim to them, and indeed the CDA acknowledged this expansion.

If it is merely territory you desire, then feel free to inhabit anywhere else in the region. I can recommend Territory Area 6.
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Sep 6 2007, 01:56 AM
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The Free Republic would like to point out that a nation's population does not automatically vanish when a nation "officially" dies. Otherwise, a nation can't be taken to the region of Lazarus and reborn.

Also, your claim to Diamindokere has been rejected by most nations in the region; including Starblaydia, Sarzonia, and Lamoni.

Your "settlers" have been offered temporary visas in order to facilitate their removal from Spartuh's island of Diamindokere, Falcon. Nothing more.

Finally, we feel that King Falcon is denying reality.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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