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Once Upon a Time... (A Historical RP - Closed Lam)
Posted: Apr 20 2007, 06:50 PM
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(OOC: This RP is not happening now but is basically the creation of Atheistic Right in it's original form all that time ago. It's also the story about the creation of the relationship between Bazalonia and Lamoni)

Marcus Hampston was an individual that those that saw him admired, he took a position of leadership in the Atheists League of Bazalonia. A group that generally shook their heads at disbelief at the religiosity of the nation in it's various forms but had basically kept to themselves, however this was not to last for long.

Marcus started what the members of the ALB thought as a renaissance, they started to not only receive more members but Marcus started encouraging them and started to lay a strong foundation for events that would happen in the future.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Apr 21 2007, 04:35 AM
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A group of Lamonian diplomats were outside of the region of B5Tech (Lamoni's former region before we moved to AO); and the plane that they were flying on had just landed at a government airfield in the nation of New Texas, which was in the region known as Texas. The Free Republic and New Texas had enjoyed friendly relations for a long while (even at the time period of this RP), and this would be an enjoyable stop on their multi-nation diplomatic tour.

As they waited for their diplomatic limos to arrive, the Lamonian diplomats were conferring with each other, for they had some leave time to use in New Texas as well. Well, they weren't conferring so much as eagerly trying to agree on what they would have time and inclination to see while on leave in New Texas. They'd stay in their group with New Texan protection, of course; but that didn't temper their enthusiasm one bit.

Finally, the diplomatic limosuines arrived, and the diplomats were whisked off to their hotel.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Apr 22 2007, 05:32 AM
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For the vast majority of Bazalonians the ALB was a fringe religious group that was treated as being fairly innocuous, but with Marcus Hampstead now at the head things started to change.

The ALB started to head down the dark and twisted paths that inhabited his mind.Only small minor "organisational" changes occured, nothing major. but soon one by one over a number of years these changes started to raise concerns of the more intelligent and sensible members of ALB.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Apr 23 2007, 04:29 AM
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It had been a good time for the Lamonian diplomats in New Texas. They had gotten to conduct their relatively minor 'official business,' and had enjoyed the party that had been held in their honor by the New Texan government. The Lamonian colony nation of KD7MPG had once sheltered itself in the region of Texas, and that was how the Free Republic had become friends with this nation.

The party was what you would expect from Texans; BBQ and beer. At least they had decided to leave their six-shooters at home, one of the junior members quipped; to the amused chuckles of the diplomatic team. They would be flying to Hamptonshire next, which promised to be an adventure.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Apr 27 2007, 04:06 AM
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The Lamonians could definitively sense a smoldering distrust as they were led through the streets of Obsidia, Hamptonshire. They knew from their briefing materials that Hamptonshire was a touch xenophobic, but they didn't think that it would still be this bad after the Pacitalians and Oceanians had established a presence there.

At the least, the Lamonian delegation had the rare priviledge of meeting the Hamptonshire Tetracameral monarchic cabinet, but that produced only limited results.

Not entirely happy with their results, the diplomatic delegation headed off to Euroslavia next, where they would hopefully find better results.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: Apr 29 2007, 03:11 AM
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Many of the desenters that had left the Atheist League of Bazalonia returned to their normal life as for them it was a mater of merely disagreeing on some of the non-violent organisational aspects he was bringing in.

But there was one man, by the name o Gregory Firth, a man that managed to see where Marcus Hampstead was leading the group, and despite the fact that should he try and do anything about it he'd be turning against the people he had known for so long he could not in good concious let them turn down this path. but what he could do.

He tried to reason with them, but he was dismissed it seemed they had already started to treat him as a prophet of a god that according to all their beliefs do not exist. He was shunned from the group...

So... the only think left was to see the autorities, The BFP perhaps they could do something about it...

Meanwhile the planning for the first ever terrorist attack was underway, the BFP and BSIO were equiped but had no experience with terrorism and so for the moment at least their preperations where kept secret...
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: Apr 29 2007, 04:47 AM
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The Lamonians were in the middle of the flight to their next destination. Everyone was as relaxed as possible on a plane, and one geography buff noted that they were over the nation of Bazalonia. His name was Markus Sorzozcky, and he was the head of the diplomatic group. As he was bored, he made a mental note to check up on what was known of Bazalonia, as there might be a possibility of future diplomatic relations with that country. Of course, he had thought that about all the other countries that they had flown over as well. Things would happen as they happened.

Suddenly, there was a loud 'BANG!,' and part of the aircraft just peeled off, gliding away on it's own terminal trajectory. Missing a good deal of it's tail section, the plane was heading for the ground with no way to stop it.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: May 1 2007, 09:31 PM
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As soon as the moderates had left, the Atheistic League of Bazalonia went into a large and quick decent into madness.

Marcus Hampstead started to call himself the great lion and despite good security they managed to get access to one of the mobile sam units that were dotted around the nation.

The SAM struck the diplomatic plane of the lamonians who just happened to be over Bazalonian skies at the time... They didn't who they were but When the plane crashed they would soon be whereever it landed seeing what advantage they could get out of it.


"Sir, Reports of Civilians attack one of the Porcupines. Decently armed, they're underfire."

"What units do we have around it?"

"Nothing, sir time of peace."

"What the heck do they want with the porcupine anyway. Tell the Airforce to warn all aircraft in Bazalonian airspace, we've got some security issues."

Someone else rushed in, "sir the porcupine has been fired..."

"Bah.. to late do we know at what it was fired at?"

"It's not an aircraft we know of, I just got the air traffic control log. And it's a Lamonian diplomatic plane."

"****, Okay. I'll pass on Sir Richard..."

"Do we have any idea.. who did this and why the **** BSIO didn't pick it up."

"We're getting video now... It's being passed to BSIO now."

"Play it..."

They couldn't identify who it waas...

Meanwhile it didn't take long for BSIO to identify the group responsible as the ALB as well the DFAT was in panic, chaos... Sir Richard was having trouble finding contact information for the Lamonians and then getting all the information he cdould before finally ringing up his opposite Lamoni.


As the plane fell it crashed into the group, in the desert. about 10 minutes after crashing. A team in vans approached the group with fire extinguishers rated for petrol fires. They had laminated photo ID's saying that they were from the Foreign Minsitry, they started to search the plane for any survivors, but they were unsure if they would find any.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
Posts: 774
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Posted: May 2 2007, 05:26 AM
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Lamonian Foreign Minister Tanya Ley's desk phone rang just as she was preparing to go home for the night. Annoyed, she picked up the phone, and assumed her diplomatic mien in greeting whoever was on the other side of the line.

"This is Foreign Minister of the Free Republic of Lamoni Tanya Ley. Who is calling?" When she heard the news from her counterpart in a nation called Bazalonia, a Sir Richard; she blanched at the thought that an unknown group of terrorists had shot down a Lamonian diplomatic plane. She immediately requested permission for a Lamonian diplomatic/forensics/special forces/intelligence team to enter Bazalonia in order to find out what had happened, AND attempt to rescue the diplomats. As she did this, she filled out an e-mail for President Stone to peruse at his leisure; describing what she had done with their new Bazalonian diplomatic contact, and what had happened.


Markus Sorzozcky was pinned by debris from the crashed aircraft. He had seen a streak of smoke and fire hit them, and aided by his LAF training, knew that they had been hit by a missile of some kind. It didn't really make that much sense, if one were to think it over logically. Their aircraft had been legally identified as a diplomatic jet to all nations whose airspace that they would be in or near. Also, the Free Republic was not currently engaged in a war of any kind. Oh, there might still be Psipronians about after their nation had fallen, but why attack a diplomatic jet when there were better targets out there?

Markus blacked out after that last thought, fighting to stay concious long enough to at least yell at those who had shot them down.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: May 2 2007, 08:41 PM
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The permission was granted out of hand, infact the question had been anticipated and he had already squared off the answer with his friend and the Prime Minister of Bazalonia Stephen Hawdon. And it was considered easily, the options. Having a projected area where the crash might have landed also helped. Giving that information it allowed the Lamonian police force to be as prepared as they could while indeed the Bazalonians where also getting ready.

A number of military light jeeps with GPS system had been dispatched to the area and were about an hour and half-away. As it was peace-time on the spur deployments like this took a while to properly organise and deploy.


Meanwhile Marcus had shot one of his assailants, though only wounding him, he wasn't in quite a fit state for a proper aimed shot. There was no other signs of life that they had found, but they weren't really looking. They had what they wanted and scooted off from the crash-site with the unconcious body of Marcus in the back.

The Lamonian woke up in a completely dark room, no idea where he was, there were people around but he couldn't see them.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
Posts: 774
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Posted: May 3 2007, 05:35 AM
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Markus awoke in a darkened room. He felt like he was in a chair, but when he tried to stand up, he found that he couldn't. "Probably still recovering," he thought.

He could hear noises in the room that indicated human occupancy, but no one would answer his shouted questions and admittedly weak threats. With nothing else to do, he waited for something to happen.


The Lamonian diplomatic/Police team had taken off from Government Air Force Base in a Lamonian C-130 transport. They were prepared for all contingencies, including the possibility that this was some kind of trap prepared by the Bazalonians.

Their orders stated that diplomatic relations with Bazalonia might be started ONLY if it could be proven that the government of Bazalonia was not the responsible party for the attack on the diplomatic jet. If that could be proven (in so much as a negative CAN'T be proven), then the diplomatic part of the team was to pave the way for an embassy exchange, and possibly more.

In the meantime, ALL of the members of the crisis team were reading all known information about the nation of Bazalonia. In truth, there wasn't all that much, since the two nations had not really crossed paths until now.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: May 3 2007, 06:48 AM
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A door opened and light streamed into the room, it was bright, a sillhoutte of what looked like a man approximately 190cm or 6 foot 3 inches. Was standing in the door. before he entered and closed the door behind him. The light also revealed the sillhouttes of 3 other people in the room, they were standing up.

IT must have been the man that entered that spoke first

"Welcome. " he said "First things first. I am in charge here you will not ask any question you will only speak when asked a question and you will answer every question truthfully. Do you have that? ... "

"Who are you, where do you work and what where you doing in the soveriegn air of the Atheist League?"

And there he waited for the answers... though he wouldn't wait for long.


The Jeeps where getting close to the crash site, they had received reports from the locals, the few of them that were around about it, and also some other interesting happenings in the area.


Waiting for the c-130 in a restricted, VIP area of the Fauxhan International Airport, was Sir Richard Menszae, Commisioner of the BFP David Jones as well as the heads of a number of departments and divisions with the BFP, and Director and Sub-Directors of BSIO.

"Thank you for coming, I wish it was under better circumstances, as time is of importance we'll get the full briefing underway now. This is the head of the Bazalonian Federal Police David Jones, and the head of BSIO, our internal intelligence agency. They will be the ones doing the briefing. We've got a conference room ready to go in the BFP headquarters. If you would follow me to the cars we'll go there now."

There where 6 Limosines parked in a secure government parking area of the terminal, the Lamonians had the option of choosing in which limosines they would sit. Each bore the mark of Verona brand of car and had "Lear" inscribed in appropriate writing for a limosine.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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Posted: May 4 2007, 04:39 AM
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Markus knew that this could only be an interrogation, so he decided on saying nothing at all. If the questioner were less intelligent than he seemed, maybe he could drag some additional information from him without revealing anything of substance. It was a weak ploy, but it was the only thing that occured to him at the time.

He was aware that his Foreign Ministry file didn't regard him among the highest of the rising stars; in fact it said that he was quite mediocre. Maybe that would change if he were able to negotiate his way out of this situation, he thought.


The Lamonian crisis team entered the limos, and did what any person new to some foreign nation would do if they weren't engaged in coversation. They looked at the passing countryside. Some of the more senior diplomatic staff were engaging the Bazalonians in small talk, heading towards the promised briefing. The Bazalonians seemed friendly enough, and as serious about their tasks as the Lamonians themselves were. Until they learned more about the situation, the Lamonians hoped that the Bazalonians weren't negatively involved in the situation.
Democratic Maniac
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Posted: May 5 2007, 07:22 AM
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The ride was relatively short as they entered the BFP federal building car secured car park.

The Lamonians were lead up to lvl 4 of the building and to a conference room with large computer displays. On the table was all the documentation that they had in regards to what they knew.

The director of BSIO started the briefing almost immediately once people had taken a seat.

The video of the Assault on the mobile SAM was shown. "This was video recorded from one of our Mobile SAM units just before the Missile was launched." The video showed people in masks and good weapons ambush the SAM unit, killed all the Bazalonian Army personnel and then fired the missile. "Of course with their masks it is hard to identify them but enhancing the video and enlarging we managed to identify this symbol." An image of a logo appeared feature a huge lion standing on the outline of the Bazalonian nation. "It is the new logo of a once tame group called the Atheist League of Bazalonia. It meshed in with the mainstream religion in Bazalonia until this man." A photo of Marcus Hampstead appeared on the screen. "Marcus Hampstead has taken to calling himself the Great Lion recently and has recently ALB has undergone a drastic change in membership. We are currently un-able to find him but obviously we suspect his involvement and is probably laying low somewhere. I'll hand you over to the Commision of the BFP, David Jones".

"Thank you. Until know this group had commited nothing that contravened federal law, though of course with some of the statements of ex-members, which are in the folders in front of you we started watching. Though about 4 hours before this happened they appeared to enter a building and not come out. We entered the premises on a warrant obtained and could not find anyone nor an exit. Forensics are there at the moment trying to identify what happened,, they are expecting your forensics team.

We have also deployed BFP Agents to the crash site, and are getting close we are expecting to hear that they have found the crash site any moment and will direclty patch them through to here once they arrive. Everything else is in your folders."

--- Meanwhile the Agents arrive at the crash site and start a preliminary look, seeing if there is anyone that requires first aid before calling into the office with that conference call.


"Fine, I'll leave you with some friends, you will talk..." he shut the door and suddenly the lights blared on...

Once Marcus could see again, he found out who it was that were with him. They were dead, hanging from the ceiling, it was unclear wether it was suicide or murder but it was obvious either way that before they died some terrible and gruesome things where done to them. They must have died in extreme pain. And it wasn't like he could go anywhere to get away from it. He found that the walls of the room where mirrored and the floor and ceiling had photos of them plasted all over them.

This post has been edited by Bazalonia on May 5 2007, 07:37 AM
Eating A Bazalope Burger
Posts: 774
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Posted: May 6 2007, 04:55 AM
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Unable to get the images of the dead people out of his mind, Markus attempted sleep. Finding that hard to achieve, he thought of something that he had seen on TV once... meditation.

First, he tried to clear the images of the dead people from his mind. He only got mixed results from that. He tried calming his mind instead. This seemed to work better; but he still was not getting all that far. He had thought that it would be easier than this.

Frustrated now, he did some exercises. During the push-ups, he discovered that it was easier if he concentrated on looking only at himself in the mirrored walls. Once he had tired himself out with his exercises, he finally went to sleep, even in the glare of the lights.


The Lamonian forensics team asked to be taken to where their Bazalonian counterparts were. Trying to find people who had not left a building but still couldn't be found was the kind of riddle that they liked to solve. The rest of the group reviewed the folders provided by their hosts, trying to locate the one clue that might help them avenge what had likely happened to the people on the diplomatic flight.
Democratic Maniac
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