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A Nation Rises
Posted: Sep 18 2006, 08:01 PM
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It wasn't so long ago that this land had been a dictatorship, going by the monikker of the 'Darwinistic Peoples of Atheistic Right', and threatening the whole region's security with Weapons of Mass Destruction. Or at least that now former nation once controlled this territory. War, as it always did, had shifted the fortunes of the old regime, as a united response from AO nations put it down. Starblaydia, Lamoni, Khazaron, and Bazalonia had all contributed to the effort, as had the nation's neighbor, Myrtannia. Now, a very curious thing was happening in the territory that the Allies had helped to begin rebuilding in.

Since before the war, a number of Myrtannians who had relatives working or living in Atheistic Right had found ways to emigrate into the Darwinists' nation. The vast majority of these people were Jewish by faith, and had ulterior motives for moving into a dictatorship from an elected government. For generations, the more orthodox sect of Myrtannian Jewry had been told by rabbis and other prominent, devout Jewish citizens that their promised land would lay just to the west of their adoptive homeland. A land that was awaiting their return.

In the years leading up to the War, this community inside of Atheistic Right had kept its faith secret, having private underground services. When they feared they might be found out by the KERES or the like, they began forming militias to protect themselves should the government come for them. By the end of the war, they were able to emerge and worship openly, but this only prompted a new flow of their friends, relatives, and brothers and sisters in faith into the former AR.

Some felt that Myrtannia was not based enough on traditional morals, but the majority simply wished to go to the land they had been told waited for them. No violence had greeted this sudden emigration, and as a provisional government in the area began to form, leaders of the formerly underground groups began to be elected to important positions. Today, the militias have been organized into the core around which a formal Army can be built, and the Air Force is on par with the highest technology available. Much of this has been assisted by the United Isles of Myrtannia, who still have some MDF troops in the area to help conclude the rebuilding.

The discovery of the ruins of an ancient temple of large size near a major city only strengthened the sentiments of the Myrtannian ex-patriates' convictions that the land was awaiting them. The ruins were discovered to be of an early Great Temple, and archaeological evidence convinced experts from Myrtannian universities that it was undoubtedly of Judaic origins. To the ex-pats and the steady flow of emigrants since the war's conclusion, this signaled the need for the final establisment of a new government. A government to firmly and officially proclaim the new nation that had risen from the ashes of Atheistic Right.

So it was that on September 18, the following statement was sent out to the neighboring nations near the war-ravaged land, and to nations deemed important by the elected government:


To: Nations of the South Cove Region, and Atlantian Oceania at large.
From: Winfred Watte, Prime Minister, Federation of Yihsrael

Greetings and blessings to all of our honored neighbors and regional compatriots.  This is an official statement of the provisionally elected government in the territory formerly known as the Darwinistic Peoples of Atheistic Right.  Since the end of the major conflict in this part of the region, the government elected by the people has become increasingly convinced that a new style of government is needed to ensure the stability and safety of its people.

This new government, with strong convictions of morality and humility, has decided to organize itself as a completely new nation.  To this end, our nation will be the Federation of Yihsrael.  Working with our friends from the United Isles of Myrtannia, we will complete the rebuilding process as well as bring the economy back to a place of prominence from its current state in the aftermath of armed conflict.  Our armed and police forces will ensure the security, safety, and stability of the peoples who choose to stay within our borders.  In addition, the government of Yihsrael has already begun a program to pay stipends to those whose homes or businesses were destroyed beyond repair during the armed conflict.

Under this government, the security of not only the people of Yihsrael, but those of the entire South Cove area will be ensured.  Yihsrael seeks only to live in peace with the great lands that surround us, and to return these lands to a place of prominence in the family of AO nations.  We seek to establish diplomatic ties with all interested nations, regardless of military or diplomatic affiliation.

May peace be with you all,

Winfred Watte,
Prime Minister,
Federation of Yihsrael

OOC: This is the intial post for Yihsrael, puppet of Myrtannia, just FYI. More posts will follow to continue the storyline with Myrtannian involvement, and any nations wishing to reply and RP in a non-war thread are welcome to.
Scribe in Training
Posts: 17
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Posted: Sep 18 2006, 08:58 PM
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"There where Jews in Atheistic Right? I wonder how they could have coped living in such a godless nation?" pondered Richard Menszae out aloud after reading the letter from Yishrael

"I dunno, probably had a rich private prayer life." commented an aide

"Well, either way. Kudos to those Jews in there. I've got to run this bt the PM but I can't see any reason why we shouldn't be wanting diplomatic relations with Yishreal. They say this is officially sanctioned by the Myrtannian government and so far all the evidence I have backs up this statement"


To: Winfred Watte, Prime Minister, Federation of Yihsrael
From: Richard Mensaze, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Prime Ministerialship

Welcome to the region. It is good to see morality and concern for fellow human beings return to the land that was once controlled by the Darwinistic Peoples of Atheistic Right. As such we also believe that a solid governmental structure is exactly what that area needs.

We, the Government of Bazalonia, would like to extend out our hand of  friendship and as such we would like to extend an offer of an embassy exchange. In the diplomatic quarter of our capital. In addition to embassy grounds and offices. Attached to these grounds will be a residential complex. This complex will be large enough to house an ambassador and their immediate family as well as the embassy staff. As with the embassy the residential complex will be considered as the sovereign territory of the Federation of Yihsrael.

Thank you.

Yours Sincerly, <Signature of Richard Menszae>
Richard Mensae, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade

There are probably still true believers of Atheistic Right around, and some of them would be smart enough not to get caught. A religious government would be anathema to them and they would try to bring it down. If you want to use any true atheistic rightian then you have free reign. In fact if you want to use the AO forum account here for it then let me know. But then it's your nation so your choice.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
Posts: 774
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Posted: Sep 18 2006, 09:13 PM
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OOC: Yeh! Another Jew in AO

Prime Minister Winfred Watte:

We are quite happy that you have decided to move to Atlantian Oceania a wonderful region but quite frankly a region with two big of a goy presence. We would love to show you around the region and have diplomatic so that more peaceful relations can happen between are nations as we seem to have common goals of establishing the peaceful and wonderful religion of Judaism.

We look forward to working with you.


Great Leader Tim Gonnenberg, leader of Milchama (War get it?)

This post has been edited by Milchama on Sep 18 2006, 09:14 PM
Royal Scribe
Posts: 189
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Posted: Sep 18 2006, 10:33 PM
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To: Winfred Watte, Prime Minister, Federation of Yihsrael
From:  Matthew Stone, President, Free Republic of Lamoni

Prime Minister:

Greetings from the Free Republic!  We are excited to see a new, more moderate nation rise from the ashes of the insanity that was Atheistic Right. 

We would like to think that as we helped rebuild what was Atheistic Right after the war, that we could build a friendship between our two nations as easily.  We would also like to offer your nation a mutual defense treaty, specifying that if either nation is ever attacked directly, that the other would come to the first nation's defense.  Barring that, we would be pleased to allow Yihsrael access to the products of the famed Paladin Technologies. 

We also request an embassy exchange with the Federation of Yihsrael, and a picture of the potential Yihsraeli embassy in our capitol city of Nephi will be attached to the end of this message.


President Matthew Stone
Free Republic of Lamoni

user posted image
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Sep 19 2006, 01:07 AM
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The city that had been selected as the capitol of the new Federation of Yihsrael had been renamed officially to further signify its transformation from insanity and chaos to stability and peace. Renamed Yerusalayim, it would be the main hub of governmental activity for the newborn Federation. In one of the government buildings that had been rebuilt with Lamonian and Myrtannian assistance, Prime Minister Winfred Watte sat at his desk, mulling over the day's newspaper. The Yerusalayim Herald was the first Hebrew language newspaper in the country, and had an English language counterpart as well. Watte had decided to read the Hebrew edition. Several stories caught his interest, including coverage of the AOCAF Final and such, via Myrtannian press sources. One day, Yihsrael too would compete in the AOCAF, but establishing the government firmly was the order of the day for now.

Without a cabinet yet, he had to rely on his aides to provide information, including the responses to his international statement. One had just entered with a small stack of documents, looking chipper as he approached the Prime Minister's desk. That could be from a lot of things, but the PM thought it had to do with the content of those documents.

"Mr. Prime Minister, these are the official responses from Bazalonia, Milchama, and Lamoni, all wishing to establish diplomatic ties with us," the aide explained as he handed the documents to Watte, "All also encourage us in our efforts to establish our new land from the remains of Atheistic Right."

"Excellent," the Prime Minister nodded, and began to mull over the diplomatic messages from foreign governments, "But that's only three nations... why is there more paperwork than just the usual diplomatic traffic?"

"Messages from the United Isles, sir. Some of clandestine nature, others of military and rebuilding designations," the aide added.

"Excellent. You can go now... oh, and send up MP Schweiker," the PM added, referring to a friend who'd been elected to the new parliament, Emory Schweiker, "I have governmental things to discuss with him."

"Yes, sir," the aide nodded, then exited the office to do his superior's bidding.

This left Watte alone again, and he began to read the messages over again, and then to type up responses personally to each nation who had so far responded..


To: Richard Menszae, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Prime Ministerialship of Bazalonia
From: Winfred Watte, Prime Minister, Federation of Yihsrael

Firstly, let me personally thank you for your warm welcome to the region of Atlantian Oceania.  It is heartening to see such positive respose to our efforts to establish a moderate, elected government to a land so devastated by war and the insanity and chaos of the Rightist regime.  We sincerely hope that our efforts come to bear fruit, and that peace shall ever more reign in an area with such a troubled past.

In response to your charitable offer of establishing diplomatic ties and an embassy exchange, we heartilly offer the same to Bazalonia.  Proper facilities will be provided in our capital at Yerusalayim, including diplomatic offices and residence for the immediate families of Bazalonian embassy employees, as well as the Ambassador.  We eagerly await the arrival of an Ambassador from your Prime Ministerialship, and have selected Merlin Krajnik to be Yihsrael's official ambassador to Bazalonia.  Ambassador Krajnik is a former college professor in political science, with a focus on international affairs, and is one of our young nation's most outstanding scholars.  We hope he will be acceptable for our diplomatic relations.

Winfred Watte,
Prime Minister,
Federation of Yihsrael

To: Tim Gonnenberg, Great Leader of Milchama
From: Winfred Watte, Prime Minister, Federation of Yihsrael

To begin, allow me to formally express my appreciation of your prompt response to our efforts to bring Yihsrael into the family of nations in AO.  It is wonderful to have a friend in this region who also shares our faith as well as our goals of peace and stability.  It would be a singular honor for us to work with Milchama diplomatically in order to strengthen our ties.

We offer Milchama full diplomatic accomodations in our capital at Yerusalayim, with governmental offices and residences for the immediate families of the Milchaman ambassador and any embassy personnel.  Such property will be considered the sovereign territory of Milchama.  Yihsrael would also like to offer Denver Treisch as its ambassador to your great nation.  Ambassador Treisch is a former general in the Myrtannian Defense Force who helped to organize the militias that have grown into the Yihsraeli Army.

We eagerly await your response and the opening of full diplomatic relations.


Winfred Watte,
Prime Minister,
Federation of Yihsrael

To: Matthew Stone, President, Free Republic of Lamoni
From: Winfred Watte, Prime Minister, Federation of Yihsrael

I, and the entire Federation of Yihsrael, appreciate all the efforts of the Free Republic to rebuild the former lands of Atheistic Right.  Through the darkness of the Rightists, we always strove to one day build a tolerant, elected government based on the morals and laws of our ancient faith.  Today, thanks to the combined efforts of your great nation and its allies, we have realized that hope.  It is only right that we continue to hold strong, positive diplomatic relations with the Free Republic.

Your offer of a mutual defense treaty is welcomed, but must be run by the Parliament and military officials before being accepted.  This, of course, is a healthy process for our young government, as opposed to the insanity of the previous regime.  I can personally say that Yihsrael will most definitely accept the offer of access to Paladin Technologies, and may well contribute its own scientists to that end.

We also welcome your offer of an embassy exchange, and offer accomodations in kind in our capital at Yerusalayim.  This will include governmental offices, and residential accomodations for the ambassdor's immediate family and those of embassy staff.  We will be attaching a photo of the proposed Lamonian embassy along with this message.  Our ambassador to Lamoni will be Ardath Scheifer, a woman who has lived in these lands her entire life, and an experienced stateswoman.  We hope she will serve well as our ambassador to the Free Republic.

Winfred Watte,
Prime Minister,
Federation of Yihsrael

Proposed Lamonian Embassy in Yerusalayim

OOC: Baz, that's just what I was thinking really - sets up for some interesting RP possibilities for the future. I would certainly like to use the AO Forum account for AR to set up some true Rightist reactionaries into the plotline of Yihsrael. Thank you for offering.

This post has been edited by Yihsrael on Sep 19 2006, 01:11 AM
Scribe in Training
Posts: 17
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Posted: Sep 19 2006, 02:04 AM
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Richard looked at the photo... It seemed quite appropriate for the embassy building the diplomatic core had approved it as meeting their requirements and he had selected an ambassador to Yishreal. Now it was the time to get things finally in motion...


To: Winfred Watte, Prime Minister, Federation of Yihsrael
From: Richard Menszae, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Bazalonia

I am glad to say that the proposed Bazalonian embassy in the city of Yerusalayim not only meets our requirements but also exceeds a number of measures that we use to determine suitability. As such we accept the embassy with no hesitation. We will welcome Merlin Krajnik as Federation of Yihsrael's ambassador to our nation. The diplomatic facilities, as described in my first letter have just been confirmed as ready and we are ready and waiting for Merlin Krajnik to present his credentials to be officially welcomed as the Yishreali ambassador.

I am also able to confirm that Dr Randalf Herr, who is a doctor in politics and also has studied ancient Hebrew, as the proposed Bazalonian ambassador to Yihsrael, should he be accepted as Bazalonian ambassador he is able to move as soon as the diplomatic facilities as have been describe are ready for him to start performing his diplomatic duties.

On a related matter, after some discussions with appropriate military personnel, some of the staff in my departm,ent and the Prime Minister of Bazalonia Stephen Hawdon. We would like to offer military support. We have been the target of a number of the Rightest plots, one of the more horriffic of those was the bombing of the hotel that our international football team was staying at in Carrington, in Andossa Se Mitrin Vega. As such we know at least a little about how they think. While I'm sure the majority of the people just want to live their lives there will be people that still cling to the chaotic and destructive philosphies that made it the target of the multi-national invasion. We would like to pre-offer our aid, militarily and otherwise, should there be major violent reactions or other similiar plots against the Yishreali Government.

Thank you.

Your's Sincerly,<signature of Richard Menszae>
Richard Menszae Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Bazalonia

OOC: I'll send you a PM with a password that will work
Eating A Bazalope Burger
Posts: 774
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Posted: Sep 19 2006, 04:30 PM
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"Will you look at that?"


"Yihsrael has offered us an embassy and we're going to get an ambassador."

"It's about time, embassy lane has looked empty for a long time."

"That's because outside of ASPIRE nations we don't actually have anybody there."

"Well which building do they get?"

"The one we just cleaned."


To: Winfred Watte, Prime Minister, Federation of Yihsrael
From: Tim Gonnenberg Great Leader of Milchama.

We Accept. We look forward to meeting with Denver in the next couple of days.
Royal Scribe
Posts: 189
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Posted: Sep 19 2006, 11:12 PM
PMEmail PosterUsers Website
To: Winfred Watte, Prime Minister, Federation of Yihsrael
From: Matthew Stone, President, Free Republic of Lamoni

It is not often that the Free Republic is thanked for solving a security problem that is virtually on our borders.  Particularly one that involves nuclear weapons.  So we appriciate the thanks that you have generously provided.

As for our ambassador, we shall be sending Dr. Graham Malone.  He has a doctorate in international affairs, and he has studied Hebrew.  As soon as our diplomatic staff check out the embassy building, he shall fly over, and assume his duties if you accept him.

We completely understand the democratic process of ratifying treaties, and abide by it ourselves.  If there are any points that you might wish to discuss, don't hesitate to call upon us.
Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Sep 25 2006, 02:14 AM
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Prime Minister Winfred Watte had much on his mind as he once again sat at his desk in the brand new office in Yerusalayim. The military had countless reports to make about transitioning ex-AR military equipment into a condition in which Yihsraeli forces could use them. Myrtannia's government had promised the Federation a shipment of T-99 main battle tanks, but what T-72s that hadn't been destroyed in the war would now be converted to Yihsraeli use. At this early point, the Army would take anything it could get its hands on, especially in the way of combat vehicles. It was still completing the transition into a full blown modern military, though MDF forces remained in the Federation to reinforce the steadily growing Yihsraeli Army.

In addition to matters military, there was domsetic politics to deal with as well. Making sure the right people were chosen for the right positions, and that the new government could function. Already, he'd appointed former Member of Parliament Emory Schweiker to be his Foreign Minister, and begun to draw up a possible cabinet. Of course, there were also international politics to worry about as well, and that was one of the bright spots in his job. All those nations who had responded to the announcement of Yihsrael's founding had responded positively and helpfully. He hadn't been able to send out responses with all the business at home, but now he had found some free time.

The big thing on everyone's mind was the official rededication ceremony to be held at the Great Temple just outside of the city of Yerusalayim. Since its discovery two and a half years ago, the government had begun a secret project to rebuild it. Once archaeologists proved it was, without a doubt, Judaic in origin, the government had begun to build a new Great Temple from the foundation of the previous one. Now, the Temple had been completed, and the government of the Federation of Yihsrael, recognized by major foreign powers, was set to rededicate it and hold the first services there in countless generations. The chief Rabbi of Yihsrael was to conduct the services, and it would mark a new beginning for land that had been so troubled in the recent past.

"The Temple rises again from the ashes, just as Yihsrael rises from the ashes of Atheistic Right," Watte mused, "The Great Lion must be rolling in his shallow grave."

Chuckling at the thought, he set down the newspaper he'd been reading (the comics page, specifically the comic called 'Stupid Empire Game') and went about responding to the latest foreign messages:


To: Richard Menszae, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Bazalonia
From: Winfred Watte, Prime Minister, Federation of Yihsrael

I am honored to personally inform you that our selected ambassador, Merlin Krajnik, will be traveling to Bazalonia tomorrow aboard a commercial flight via Air Myrtannia.  Ambassador Krajnik will officially present his credentials to the proper Bazalonian officials upon his arrival, and his staff will be prepared to set up operations for the Yihsraeli government in the embassy space you have so generously provided.  In addition, I am pleased to hear such praise from you of our own proffered facilities.

The Federation of Yihsrael officially welcomes Dr. Randalf Herr as the Bazalonian ambassador to Yerusalayim, and will be honored to welcome him upon his arrival.  All facililities offered for his and his staff's use will be ready for him as soon as he feels ready to begin diplomatic duties on behalf of your Prime Ministerialship.  I look forward to personally welcoming him to Yihsrael.  Furthermore, I would like to invite him and whatever staff you may send to the official rededication ceremony at the Great Temple, the most significant event yet for our young Federation.  Currently, the ceremony is set for two days from now.

In response to your other generous offer of military support, I would like to thank you for the serious consideration of such aid.  As a young nation, we still are formalizing a true Army, but conventional military aid will not be required at this point in time.  Any armed conflict will be fought by the Yihsraeli Army.  However, we would certainly welcome any intelligence representatitves you would be willing to send in support.  One of my greatest fears for Yihsrael is a potential Rightist reactionary attack just as our government is taking shape.  Such an event could destabilize the country, with disastrous results.

I look forward to working with your government in the future.

Winfred Watte,
Prime Minister,
Federation of Yihsrael


To: Tim Gonnenberg, Great Leader of Milchama
From: Winfred Watte, Prime Minister, Federation of Yihsrael

I am pleased to recieve your acceptance of our offer of a diplomatic exchange.  Ambassador Treisch will be flown to Milchama tomorrow aboard a commercial flight, and upon arrival will present his credentials to the proper government officials.

I would also like to invite any interested Milchaman officials to the rededication ceremony at the Great Temple just outside of Yerusalayim.  It will be a momentous occasion for Yihsrael, both as a nation and as faithful Jews.  The ceremony will take place in two days.

Winfred Watte,
Prime Minister,
Federation of Yihsrael


To: Matthew Stone, President, Free Republic of Lamoni
From: Winfred Watte, Prime Minister, Federation of Yihsrael

Firstly, allow me to once again express my gratitude to the Free Republic for its contribution in overthrowing the Great Lion's government.  The Lamonian lives that were sacrificed in order to free this land will not have been in vain.  We are, and will remain, friends of the Free Republic.

I am honored to accept Dr. Graham Malone as the Lamonian ambassador, and will personally accept his credentials upon his arrival.  Lamonian diplomatic staff will be welcome to inspect the proposed embassy at their leisure.  

Ambassador Malone and his staff, as well as any other government officials wishing to are invited to attend the official rededication ceremony at the Great Temple.  This ceremony will be the most important yet for our young nation, and we would be honored to have Lamonian diplomats present.  It will take place in two days' time.

Ambassador Scheifer will be flown to Nephi tomorrow to present her credentials to the proper Lamonian officials, and then to inspect the embassy grounds.

I hope to introduce the proposition of a mutual defense treaty with Lamoni once my cabinet has been formalized.  Theses things take time for a young elected government, you see.

Winfred Watte,
Prime Minister,
Federation of Yihsrael
Scribe in Training
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Posted: Sep 25 2006, 03:32 AM
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"Contact BSIS tell them to activate any human intelligence resources they have in Atheistic... Sorry, Yihsrael. Tell them to keep an eye on any potential Rightist subversive activities but to be careful. Oh, yeah and get them to organise a Liason for the Yihsraeli Government that we can send with the Ammy (Ambassador), oh yeah and get the BSIO to send acouple of their trainers too."

Richard Menszae told his aide in his office

"Oh, and I presume the Ammy will want to attend the Re-dedication?"

"yeah, He said he would not miss it for the world"

"Good.. okay well I better start writing this letter then, is there anything else?"


"Okay thanks."

The aide, who really was the secretary left and Richard started on the letter to Yihsrael


To: Winfred Watte, Prime Minister, Federation of Yihsrael
From: Richard Menszae, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Bazalonia

We await the arrival of Merlin Krajnik and the final preperations for the embassy and associated lodgings have been completed, including a security sweep. As for Dr Randalf Herr, he and his staff will arrive in a Bazalonian diplomatic plane with the essential equipment required for the establsihment of the embassy. Randalf has expressed a large personal interest in the rededication ceremony for the unearth temple. And I am sure many of his staff will also attend though such decisions will be left upto the staff. The diplomatic plane should arrive within 6 hours of receiving this letter.

We will be happy to provide intelligence support, in fact we still have human intelligence sources within the territory as they have not been withdrawn after the war. If the Federation of Yihsrael allows us, we would like to keep those sources in your territory. Along with the Ambassador a BSIS Liason officer and a number of BSIO trainers will be arriving with him. BSIS is our foreign intelligence agency and it will be through the liason that the Federation of Yihsrael will interact with our human intelligence sources. Should the Federation feel that these human intelligence sources  are a breach of national sovereignty the BSIS Liason has the authority to remove said resources from your country. The BSIO trainers are their, should their services be wanted, to aide in the training of a domestic intelligence agency so you have your own sources of intelligence and not wholy rely on ours.

Also should they be required, but we hope not, a squad of Bazalonian Special forces, the SAS, is ready should they be called upon.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
Posts: 774
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Posted: Sep 25 2006, 10:26 PM
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To: Winfred Watte, Prime Minister, Federation of Yihsrael
From: Matthew Stone, President, Free Republic of Lamoni

Our ambassador has informed me that he would be honored to attend the rededication ceremony for the Great Temple.  I would also be honored to attend the ceremony myself.  I hope that you will understand if my advisors would feel better if Lamonian Vremya Gaurds (the Lamonian Presidential detail) came with me.  As ever, if there is anything that we can provide you, do not hesitate to ask.

Democratic Maniac
Posts: 1952
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Posted: Sep 30 2006, 09:26 PM
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TO:Winfred Watte, Prime Minister
FROM:Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Khazaron

The Dominion is greatly pleased to see a fomerly oppressed people being able to truly realize their dreams of freedom. As one of the nations that toke part in the downfall of the former Atheistic Right, we know all to well the depths of hatred they were capable of towards peoples of faith and the general populace of the region.

We of the Dominion would like to offer an exchange of embassys between our two nations so that we may begin the process of understanding and cooperation that we enjoy with so many others in the region. With that ambassadorial exchange, we would also like to offer your people any supplies or Khazaronian naval vessels that would be of use to your people in securing your new homeland.

Lastly, it has come to our attention that there is a rededication ceremony of the Great Temple scheduled to occur in your nation. On behalf of several of our nations leading Jewish citizens, we would like to humbly request the ability to attend the ceremony for them.

We eagerly await your reply.

In the name of the Patriarch,

Danielle Uram
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Dominion of Khazaron
The Red Devil
Posts: 515
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Posted: Oct 3 2006, 07:27 PM
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Things had all seemed to be collapsing around the country, especially thanks to the foreign devils who had bombed and then invaded. They couldn't stand the thought of an independent people securing their future through the development of nuclear weapons. Such weapons gave great powers a bargaining chip, and for the Bronze Lion, the greatest power had been that of the Great Lion. For years, the Bronze Lion had served his leader dutifully and quite willingly. When the so-called 'Alliance' attacked Atheistic Right, not even the Great Lion's might could stop the overwhelming numbers of their foes.

That's what he told himself. AR's soldiers had been of the highest quality in his mind, but even the best quality soldiers couldn't overcome such vast odds. Had the blasted Lamonian/Khazaronian/Bazalonian army interfered, the army would have crushed the Myrtannians and rolled through Damascos and other cities in that weak nation. Now, the nation he had dedicated his life to was no more in the eyes of the regoin - another 'nation' had risen to take its place. A religious regime that was based on false precepts and ridiculous ideas. They aimed to destroy everything he had helped work for, though the war had done most of that.

If that wasn't bad enough, the Jewish regime was going to rededicate their giant shrine to a supreme sky being. It was an insult to the memory of the Great Lion and those who still elected to follow his cause. The truly faithful supporters of the Great Lion would fight for his cause to the death. Not until he was so much worm food would the Bronze Lion surrender to the new regime. Not even then, most likely.

There was only so much the Bronze Lion, an ex-AR paratroop officer, could do. He was trained in clandestine operations with a specialty as a sniper, but recruiting followers was more difficult than he would have liked. What followers he had drummed up were fanatically devoted to the AR cause, with an ultimate aim of tearing down the new regime. But how? The machinery of war had been largely destroyed, and what remained had been converted for use by the false leaders of the land.

Perhaps he was overthinking it. To eliminate the Yihsraeli regime, all his group had to do was to hit them hard on an important occasion. Ensure that they knew they weren't safe no matter where they went. The occasion was simple enough to decide upon, but what could they do? Improvised Explosive Devices were easy to manufacture to a point, but he didn't have near enough to damage the sacreligious Temple. They would be used in towns near his hideout in what passed for wilderness in the former AR. His intelligence suggested that foreign dignitaries would be attending the ceremonies at the Temple. Just who would be there was unknown, but that might give him the chance to hit back. Cut off the head of the beast and let it flail around hopelessly.

Looking to the modified hunting rifle next to him, he had an idea of how to attack the Yihsraelis. Since his group refused to recognize the legitimacy of the Yihsraeli state, assassinating leaders of the government would be a public service. At least, his twisted reasoning came to that conclusion.

"You three, get over here," Bronze Lion announced, and pulled a dusty map from under his boot, "I have a plan..."

If his plan worked, Atheistic Right would hit back soon...
Atheistic Right
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Posts: 35
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Posted: Oct 3 2006, 07:55 PM
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Winfred Watte sat at his desk yet again after going over the security arrangements for the Temple Rededication, and sighed as he thought about the many things that had happened seemingly at once. First, Yihsrael's friend in Bazalonia - Richard Menszae - had passed on, which had caused havoc in the Federation's diplomatic communications with Bazalonia. Then, the AO U21 tournament came around, and Prime Minister Watte had watched as the Yihsrael Shields fell twice before stunning The Lowland Clans 4-0 in their final match. But then, those same Lowland Clans had apparently done something to agitate the Starblaydi leadership. His aide had brought him a message from the Starblaydis that the Myrtannians had recieved and forwarded to his office. Starblyadia was at war with The Lowland Clans.

"War will not cure what ails them," Watte reasoned, and shook his head, "It is not our concern - securing our country is. If those two nations wish to annihilate each other, there isn't much that Yihsrael can do about it. May God have mercy on the people of Starblaydia and the Lowland Clans."

Sighing, he set about addressing messages to foreign governments again.

To: Office of the Prime Minister, Bazalonia
From: Winfred Watte, Prime Minister, Federation of Yihsrael

Mr. Prime Minister, allow me to first express my deepest condolences for the recent passing of Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Richard Menszae.  Mr. Menszae was a true friend of Yihsrael, and his contributions to the peace and stability of the region will truly be missed.  In honor of Minister Menszae's life, there will be a moment of silence throughout Yihsrael tomorrow in all institutions both private and public.

On the business of BSIS operations inside of our Federation, Yihsrael welcomes your intelligence services to remain in our territory for the immediate future.  We would very much appreciate the BSIS training our own newly formed intelligence service, the Mossad.  Together, we can combat what elements of the Rightist regime remain in our nation.

The Bazalonian delegation has been welcomed into Yerusalayim, and taken to the new embassy we had previously offered.  Any members of the Ambassador's staff who wish to attend the Temple Rededication will be escorted personally by Yihsraeli troops to the ceremony.

May peace be with your land and people,
Winfred Watte,
Prime Minister,
Federation of Yihsrael

To: Matthew Stone, President, Free Republic of Lamoni
From: Winfred Watte, Prime Minister, Federation of Yihsrael

Excellent to hear!  I will personally see to it that proper preparations are made for both the Ambassador's and your arrival in Yerusalayim.  I do realize that the recent Starblaydia-Lowland Clans crisis may alter your decision to attend the Rededication.  If this is the case, no feelings will be hurt.  If you do attend, the Vremya guards will be welcome to accompany you.

Winfred Watte,
Prime Minister,
Federation of Yihsrael

To: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Khazaron
From: Winfred Watte, Prime Minister, Federation of Yihsrael

The Federation is pleased to receive and accept your words of praise, and would welcome the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two nations.  Your Dominion's contribution to toppling the Rightist regime is greatly appreciated by the Yihsraeli people.  

Yihsrael would be honored to engage in an embassy exchange as well, and will be pleased to offer Khazaron an embassy in Yerusalayim.  We would likewise be pleased to establish an embassy in the Khazaronian capital.  

As to your offer of military support, no formal troop reinforcement will be required, as the Yihsraeli armed forces will perform most security operations.  However, Yihsrael would certainly be interested in potentially contracting a Khazaronian shipyard to build warships for the Yihsraeli Navy.  Military supplies would also be welcome.

I have taken note of your interest in sending delegates to our Great Temple Rededication ceremony, and they will be most welcome.  We will hope to see your representatives present there, then.

Winfred Watte,
Prime Minister,
Federation of Yihsrael
Scribe in Training
Posts: 17
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Posted: Oct 3 2006, 09:46 PM
PMEmail Poster
Alvin Reckno the new Bazalonian Prime Minister, and Johanne Sebastian the new Minister of Foreign Affiars where busy with events of the war to pay attention to correspondance and probably even if they where not they would not really care.

The letter was relayed over to Yihsrael without as much as being opened, it arrived at the newly established Bazalonian embassy where the ambassador had just arrived. He opened it to reveal the letter still in it's envolope and opened that letter and read it.

Immeadiately he called the Prime Minster of Yishrael and said that the minute of Silence in respect for Richard was not to go un-noticed and that the BSIS Liason and the BSIO trainers are wishing to brief the Prime Minister Watte as soon as humanly possibly. BSIS wanted to let her know about the current inteligence reports and BSIO wanted to get the training organised and started.

OOC: Yoiu can have the Liason give you what intel you want. Once you have given me what the Intel provides I'll RP how they get it. And you can RP the AR side of that too if you want.
Eating A Bazalope Burger
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