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Posted: Apr 13 2005, 11:18 AM
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Williamson entered the building, similar to the one that had housed the Regional Council. After the initial meetings in Lamoni, this room here in Wapahkoneta, the AO-run former nation, would be the headquarters and meeting place for the Federation of Like-Minded States.

George looked, as the other 8 delegations came into the room. On hand were the Lamonians, Latao, Bedistan, Chacor, The New Atlanticans, Neo Atlantis Colony, and Falcania. Also present were Druidan President Smith, and his unnamed helper, here to sign the charter, and become the first non-charter member of the FMLS.

But before that could begin, some business had to be taken care of. Williamson whispered to his compatriot, Luther James Hargrove, who walked over to the chairman seat, and rapped on the gavel, calling the session to order. He then spoke:

"For those of you who don't know me, I am Luther James Hargrove, but you can call me Jay. I was sent here by Legalese to offer my services as the appointed chairman of the FLMS council. If chosen, I will operate the council in an expedient manner, incorporating a nearly-permanent open session. That is, all items will be considered as the council receives them, unless there is a need to switch the priority. There will be no adjournments, rather, we will simply recess at the end of the day's session, so everything will be continuous. I do hope you consider me for nomination."

"On that note, the chair will be accepting nominations for the position of Council Chairman. Do we have any nominations?"
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Posted: Apr 13 2005, 11:26 AM
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President Smith stood up. "I would like to nominate my companion here."

His helper tugged on his jacket. Smith looked down at him, and, following some frantic whispering between the two, continued, "who has come here from Lamoni. Thank you."

He sits down again. ("Did I get away with that?")

This post has been edited by Druida on Apr 13 2005, 11:27 AM
Royal Scribe
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Posted: Apr 13 2005, 05:15 PM
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The nominations are interrupted by a phone call. After taking the call, Williamson turns to the council.

"It seems as if we have another interested member among us", he said. "At the request of the Lamonian delegation, I am setting up a teleconference with Mike Sarzo, President of Sarzonina. I'll be with you in a few moments."

The room is quickly prepared, and Williamson, along with the council, is connected to Sarzonia. The Legalese delegate takes charge of the conversation.

"Well, Mike, you want to know what we stand for? A few things, which we feel will be of your benefit. First, our Like-Mindedness comes from a common treatment of fairness to our citizens, as well as our neighbors. As such, we agree to stand in defense of a member in need, primarily one who needs defence from an outside agressor. We also have agreed to free trade among our nations, provided it is not in a way to cause disaster to the member's economy. We are glad that you are considering membership in our alliance, and are here to answer any questions, if you have any."

This post has been edited by Legalese on Apr 13 2005, 05:23 PM
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Posted: Apr 13 2005, 11:33 PM
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Sarzo was shuffling through some papers, mostly naval appointments and press briefings. An aide knocked at the door to his office.


"Mr. President, there's a conference call for you."

"Conference call?" Sarzo looked confused. "I wasn't expecting a conference call."

"Sir, it's the FLMS."

"The who?"

"Federation of Like Minded States, I think is the acronym."

Sarzo raised his eyebrow and then recognition slowly dawned on him. He picked up the phone.

QUOTE (Williamson)
Well, Mike, you want to know what we stand for? A few things, which we feel will be of your benefit. First, our Like-Mindedness comes from a common treatment of fairness to our citizens, as well as our neighbors. As such, we agree to stand in defense of a member in need, primarily one who needs defence from an outside agressor. We also have agreed to free trade among our nations, provided it is not in a way to cause disaster to the member's economy. We are glad that you are considering membership in our alliance, and are here to answer any questions, if you have any.

Sarzo thought for a moment, then replied.

"That sounds interesting. I'll take the matter under advisement and ask the House of Delegates to vote on the matter. I'll get back to you when I have some more questions and when the House has a chance to vote.

With that, Sarzo hung up the phone and looked over the information Williamson sent him. Just what we need, another damn alliance, he thought. But we need to make our presence felt in the region and we can't do that by isolationism and relying on our football team. He took a slow, ragged breath and lifted himself from his chair to take the customary walk to Parliament Hall.

This post has been edited by Sarzonia on Apr 13 2005, 11:34 PM
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Posted: Apr 14 2005, 04:26 AM
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Chacorian Advisor and Consul to Lamoni Felix Gordon stands. "It would be my utmost pleasure to nominate Lamoni's representative for Federation Council Chairman."
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Posted: Apr 14 2005, 04:38 PM
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The Lamonian representitive smiled as he stood and said, "I accept the gracious nomination by the representitive from Chacor." He then sat back down.
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Posted: Apr 14 2005, 09:44 PM
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[OOC: Actually, the "football rivalry is a lot more than that Xile...]

"The FLMS? What do we want to do with them?"

"Well, Xile and all those bastard governments are in that other alliance," House Speaker Josh Williams said during debate in the House of Delegates when the subject of admission into the FLMS. Besides that, we haven't been involved in the region's affairs and a lot of things have happened that we don't like. It's time to clean some serious house."

"I don't know," Delegate Casey Thonton (LI-Woodstock) said. "Latao's in that alliance and they have those fees."

"The fees Sarzo just condemned?"

"Correct. They also made some comments about "moralism" in their response to Sarzo's latest."

"Oh great."

The debate continued to rage into the night and finally, Williams called for a vote. With Sarzo looking on, the usual gamesmanship that sometimes accompanies Robert's Rules of Order stalled the actual voting process. First, a call for consent met an objection, then a voice vote wasn't decisive enough. Finally, Williams announced the vote would take place by roll call.

One by one, the votes came in...
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Posted: Apr 16 2005, 02:38 AM
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Well, so much for bringing Hargrove, said Williamson, as he motioned for Luther to come back to the Legalese delegation, so that the Lamonian nominee could take his place. George then asked for the floor.

"I thank you all for coming together as one. We of common interests have decided to band together, and protect ourselves from the attacks of those on the outside. To keep us on the right track, we must remember what our common interests include: the fair treatment of those in our borders, and those neighbors with friendly intentions."

"To that effect, I feel there is a policy that it is only right for us to make, in keeping with those goals. To that effect, I propose Resolution 1."

Williamson handed the document over to the chair, who read the proposal:


Open Door Policy among membership

WHEREAS, the members of the Federation of Like-Minded States have convened with the principles of fair treatment to our own citizens, as well as those of nations with friendly intent.

REMEMBERING, as members of the Federation, we have agreed to the free trade of goods among the membership.

WHEREAS, the same principle of free passage should be provided to the citizens of FLMS member states, should it not compromise the safety of the entering nation.

Therefore, let it be

RESOLVED, that in regard to all citizens of an FLMS member state, all members shall enact an "Open Door Policy."  Furthermore, let it also be

RESOLVED, that said Open Door Policy does not restrict the ability of a member state to refuse entry or eject a person who is shown to be a clear and present danger to the state in question.  Furthermore, let it lastly be

RESOLVED that a government imposed or encouraged fee for entry or exit by a citizen of a member state into or out of a fellow member state is prohibited, with the offending state subject to sanctions.

Hereby submitted by the Judicial Republic of Legalese

George sat down, knowing that this one could cause some fireworks.

This post has been edited by Legalese on Apr 16 2005, 02:39 AM
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Posted: Apr 16 2005, 04:15 AM
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The Confederacy of Latao fully accepts the resolution, as the strategic development alliance of FLMS brings many benefits to Latao.

Therefore, we free all member nations of FLMS from the entry deposit duty, due to the First of May (OCC: Next, NS-Month).

We do however suggest, that our model of migration policy is applied on the FLMS-level. When we open the borders within our states, we clearly need better checks on our external borders.

The fee policy stays intact for non-FLMS-nations.
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Posted: Apr 16 2005, 05:01 AM
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Official Chacorian Government Statement

We are pleased to hear that Latao is waiving its new immigration policy for members of the FLMS. The Parliament has voted a resounding YES by a clear margin of 113 (210-97-0) to the new resolution, and therefore Chacor officially votes AYE on Resolution 1.
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Posted: Apr 16 2005, 06:17 AM
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Official Government Explanation of the Decision

Our nation respects the decision made by the FLMS-members and appreciates the allience. On the same time, I must clearify, that our decision is based in our goal of good relations to our FLMS-partners, as we depend on that alliance just as the other fellow nations do.

Our decision has nothing to do with the arrogant behaviour of the nation of Sarzonia. They claim, that we do not take them seriously, while they do not even name us correctly.
There will be no more direct negations with Sarzonia related to our migration policies, unless they leave Latin cities in their country again. Sarzonia is of course free to join the FLMS to benefit from all agreements between the member nations. In that case, it's understood that Sarzonia must free Latao from its sanctions if it doesn't want to risk a Latin veto on its FLMS join request.

As mentioned before, it's understood that we fully accept this resolution made by the FLMS-member nations. As a directly involved member, we did not participate this voting.
However we must clearly state, that in no event, Latao will abolish its border controls. Allience memberships do not affect these sensitive domestic areas of national law.
Besides all security concerns, this is also based in our deep feel for indepence and freedom that is held sacrosanct in the Confederacy of Latao. Another important reason is, that the border controlling is a (partially) privatized sector of our economy. Abolishing that would mean to destroy many Latin jobs for Latin people.

Due to all these reasons, this is a thing the Latin souverign people would never buy. Once again: we accept the resolution to free FLMS-member nations from the deposit duty, but we do not accept interference from the FLMS to our direct relations to other nations and institutions and domestic affairs.
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Posted: Apr 16 2005, 10:52 AM
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Williamson replies: "Well, I'm glad to see that this resolution has the support of the Federation, and that the members of the Latin delegation are gracious enough to work to a positive solution on the deposit requirement. That said, I would like to clarify one thing regarding border security, as this seems to be a concern. We do not object to a state having strong border security. It is perfectly fine to have a strict security policy at your borders, which is why we've allowed Latao's Border Services the ability to do security checks on flights leaving Legalese for Latao while they've sat on the ground in Legalese. However, it is bad policy, in our opinion, to possibly make it extraordinarily hard to enter a member nation, unless there is a true security risk, which can be detected at the border."

George sat down, thinking about the victory achieved. Now if the Sarzonians will accept the invite, if the votes are there.
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Posted: Apr 16 2005, 12:19 PM
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Thank you, George
I feel the need to clearify one more time, that the idea of deposit has nothing to do with the policies we follow for migration or citizenship-granting etc.

You know, it took hard work, to make Latao what it is today. We may proudly say, that we are powerhouse of Oceania. We are clean, secuere country that hold's a high standard of living. Its god-given nice climate and the our strong economy, as well as the fact that no one has to pay taxes, made Latao a place for the rich and famous to be.

We want to ensure our exceptional status of living and luxury in the region. That's basically why, we can not open our borders completly to less-developed nations, as they would bring as more poor people, beggers and criminals.

And - now listen carefully - it's no secret, that Latao, as a country with no income taxes is an oasis for tax payers from other nations to escape from their own fiscal authorities. So it is in your interests, that we perform deep checks at our borders, altough we do not check for illegal money or foreign tax-frauds or other fiscal delicts.

We highly see the need for a similar system on the external borders of our alliance, as - appreciated Ladies and Gentlemen - we all have strong and respectable countries to represent and to protect.

Consider the FLMS also as a strategic alliance for development of winners - set on the right horse, dear delegates.

A country like Latao will always be on top and has lots of benefits to offer to our friends in a good exchange.

Thank you.
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Posted: Apr 17 2005, 01:30 AM
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Official Statement, Incorporated Sarzonian Government

We are highly insulted that the government of Latao would call our actions arrogant when it is they, not us, who have demonstrated their arrogance throughout their implementation of this short-sighted policy. Secondly, we find it reprehensible that they continue to make unfavourable comments regarding our name for their country, especially since we have shown, nor intended any malice behind that.

I am here to inform you that the House of Delegates has rejected possible admission into the alliance so long as Latao remains a member. In addition. we have arrested any and all citizens of Latao who have not evacuated Sarzonia within the 72 hour period we have given them.
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Posted: Apr 17 2005, 04:35 AM
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King Falcon II enters, carrying two buckets of FFF. "What did I miss?"
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