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Leorudian Territorial Expansion: Part One
Posted: Oct 24 2012, 09:06 PM
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OOC:(This is a secret metting. No one, not even the VOIA, knows about this, yet.)
This floor of Olympic Tower was, well, different.

Called "The Velvet Room" by the few who know what purpose it served, it was not really part of the skyscraper itself, but a secret room buried deep in Mt. Leorudo. The room served as a situation room to the leaders of the LDI and was only accessable through a hidden elevator in a mine near Navigatio, the village at the base of the mountain. The room was made of reinforced concrete, steel, and bedrock, with glass-touch screen walls operating as computers. 3D projection simulators covered tables labeled with different scenes, from "Leorudo Capital District" to "Turori Portgates". Today however, President-Elect Oliver Balone was planning the first major expanision for his nation in over two thousand years. He had his top advisors from LDI and the leaders of his military divisions present on to advise him on the when, where, how, and whats of his plan.

His plan was not as militaristic as one might assume, yes, it would involved stationing Leorudians troops spead out across the region, but the new drone technology would be relied upon to helpout the human troops on the ground. After a few minutes of discussing possible locations, a total of eight possible locations where selected.

The locations are displayed below.
To Deal with Vilitian trading routes:
user posted image
To give Leorudians a good vacationing spot:
user posted image
To Deal with Northwestern trading routes:
user posted image
To Deal with Southwestern trading routes:
user posted image
To Deal with most out-of-region northern trades:
user posted image
To Deal with most out-of-region western trades:
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To Deal with most out-of-region southern trades:
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After all of that, the region's map would look like:
user posted image
OOC: If there are any problems with this, please post them in the other OOC thread.

This post has been edited by Leorudo on Oct 24 2012, 09:10 PM
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Posted: Oct 25 2012, 01:00 PM
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"Now sir, you know how much manpower it is going to take to create all of these cities?" An advisor by the name of Celosia adressed the recently elected President Oliver Balone.
"By the estimates given by our simulations, we would need to hire multiple educated workers from around the region to build and develop all of these plans."
The President replied as if to be bored by all of this.
"And how do you suppose we do this? Celosia questioned.
"I don't know, create a missionary program, international advertisement, robotics, whatever! Just get it done." Oliver replied, raising his tone near the end of his statement.
"Okay, who can we task with this whole thing?"
"Our database pulled up one Micheal Aporus. He was the commanding officer over the Wicksteed Campaign, when Secladius fell out of power, Mr. Aporus was given 150 million LmUs and sent to Gaveo."
"Is that where he is now?"
"Too my knowledge, yes."
"Well, lets contact him."
The tropical music crackled out of the public radio on one of Gaveo's public taxis.
Micheal Aporus was enjoying his life, he was twenty-four years old, he was single, and he was covered finacially. He also owned a villa overlooking white sands and blue ocean. Today he was going into the city to get to know the area. It was your typical third-world nation. A group of children played football on a street corner, a woman with a small fruit stand touted her wares, and the buildings' arcitecture had been severly run down after hundreds of years of access.
Micheal threw thirty primes(Gaveo currency) at the driver. He hopped out and went into the marketplace, buying food for the next week for when he felt like staying indoors. Ten minutes later he was on his way back to his house. He had a private security detail guarding his perimeter incase of some rebel incursion, and after he cleared the gates, he went inside. On his coffee table next to his couch, there was his tablet, he picked it up and put on some music for himself. He had began to take a nap when his computer lit up.
He was getting a call on the channel that was for when Leorudo needed to contact him.
This was never fun.
"Dammit! Has he picked up yet!" Oliver Balone shouted to his advisors.
He had been waiting for three hours for Micheal to get home, and now, well, he would not answer the computer. The cameras spread to watch Micheal in his house showed him dozing off on the couch, so a Leorudian Technical Team had to rewire his video calling permissions so they could turn up the volume.
Finally, Micheal came slumbering over to the computer.
"Lt. General Micheal Aporus?" Oliver Balone began the conversation.
"I haven't been called that in a long time." Micheal replied, reaching for a glass of Pina Colada that he had prepared for him as he arrived.
"Well, Micheal, is it okay if I call you that? I have a, if you will." Oliver said quickly, he obviously wanted this to end and for Micheal to be on the first plane to Leorudo.
"Sure, you can call me that, and what form of favor do you require?" Micheal asked.
"Well, we here back at Leorudo are still...expanding, and we just thought you would be fit to lead this expansion, now, don't worry, this won't be any compared to Wicksteed, hell, it is within the AO itself, and I really think-" Oliver was cut off by Micheal who laughed and said,"Do I have a choice?"
Oliver stood on camera for a second, and replied, "No, if you come to Leorudo with a piss-poor attitude I have no problem throwing your ass on the front lines."
Micheal sat back in his chair for what he knew would be the last time and said, "When's the next flight out there?"

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Posted: Oct 27 2012, 11:34 PM
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"Sir, Task Forces 005, 006, 007, 008, 008, 0010, 0011, and 0012 are ready for deployment onto predetermined sectors 1 through 7 for initial security. Requesting finally clearance." Sgt. Micheal Sabrini asked the newly reinstated Lt. General Micheal Aporus. It had been a long time since someone had requested permission to do something, so Micheal was taken back by for a half second. He quickly caught himself, however, and told the Sgt. to proceed with the operations.

His new "office" as he called it, was not as fancy as his former when he was staying on his center of operations near Wicksteed, but it would do. He had his standard battle simulator brough back from the old island, but not much else. He had the command of the airship Navigatio(as seen here)
(user posted image)
The Navigatio is one of the most powerful aerial vessels in the Leorudian Armory, developed in early 2005 with some more of those blacklisted tax LmU's that fall out of the government every year described a "waste". She can fly across the entire continent within a half of an hour and has communications capabilities unmatched. She also escorts multiple different variants of planes from the Denoma Fighter V-39(the main utility aircraft of the Wicksteed Campaign) to variants of the F-36 Super Viper Joint Dominance Fighter, bought in secret from the Viranain government, waiting for an actual mission. Also equipped with Anti-Air turrents that can expand out of the ship's hull. The ship was also equipped with a Class-B Radar that can locate enemy assests on the other side of Starbladyia.
Micheal's office was in the main building on the airship, and it had all of the tools he needed to commence a large scale military operation, from Pina Colada minibars to Pandora blaring Beyonce(don't judge), but, this was a mainly civilian operation, and this was supposed to be easy.

The ships were off.
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Posted: Oct 28 2012, 09:07 PM
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This is the scene: Two men look at a large battle simulator on an observation deck of a small party boat cruising towards a shore under the midnight sky.

"Mr. Secladius, I like what I am seeing." A man known as Orlando Sinita, or "General Sinita" as the Ex-President of Leorudo titled him, was the new head of Mr. Secladius' private army.

Over the years, Mr. Secladius had achieved many friends, one of them was the CO of the 105th Leorudian Special Operations Division.
Amongst fifteen "Elephant" nuclear warheads, four hundred Atlas Strike missles, four generals, and over five hundred soldiers, The President had himself a little smuggled army. This was all due to a few good men rejecting the new government of one Oliver Balone, and they deserted during the chaos of the reorganising the society.

All of the units where going to meet up in one of the most unexplored areas of the region, and they were going to start a little base.

"You like what, the amount of units we have? The amount of power we are capable of achieving?" The former President said.
"All of it. It shows so much promise. The new government is bound to screw something up internationally, and then we sweep in, join with the opposition, become a legitimate nation, and establish a haven of Leorudian pride." The man said with conviction and true belief. He was a zealot of a much greater cause.
"We cannot offically come out for awhile, are we?" Donald Secladius.
"Do you mean as a legitimate nation?" Orlando asked back.
"Of course, we are going to have to build a nation from the ground up, with no outside supplies or help." Donald said.
"Well, we all have to be devoted to the cause, to build a better life for our children." Orlando said.
"So true." Donald said.
The two men stared off into the distance, thinking about what they were all about to go through.
"So, we still need a master plan. Any ideas?" Donald asked his second in command.
"I say we start off building a plantation. For food, of course, then we build barracks for the soldiers and houses for the civilians. Then we build the silo."
"From there?"
"We can go anywhere."
Donald just sighed.

There was so much potential.
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Posted: Oct 29 2012, 06:19 PM
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"Database Search. Commander Kellen Lemmerde. Call." General Aporus' voice told his computer. He was calling the man who had been assigned to deliver the ships from Lake Bekk into the ocean.
"General." The Commander's voice greeted him.
"Kellen, I need a status report on your progress to give to Oliver."
"Patching you a map with the location of the ships' oceanic rally point."
user posted image
OOC Key:
1 Battleship=1 Battleship
1 Cargo Ship=Group of 6 Cargo Ships
Battleships are the ones with the little guns sticking off of them(Farthest West).

"As you can clearly see, I intend on flying the ships over the unclaimed land into the ocean, where one battleship will protect each group of cargo ships headed to their respective destinations. The first task of the builders on the group will be to build a port, from there it is up to them."
Micheal rubbed his chin.
"This sounds reasonable. What exactly do you intend to carry the ships?" Micheal asked.
"I intend on have eight cargo helicopters carry each battleship across the territory, while for the cargo ships, I will have six helicopters for each cargo ship. This in total gives you three hundred and eight total helicopters required for this mission. Morcavi Industries is willing to cover the costs of this little flight if their ships get a thirty percent discount port fees once this is all finished."
"Wait, why did the government tell a private industry about all of this?"
"Not my job, I would ask Oliver if I were you."
"Thank you. Dismissed."
The Commander gave a quick salute to Micheal as the video concluded.
Yes. Micheal thought. He would have to talk to Oliver.
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Posted: Oct 29 2012, 10:08 PM
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Well, Micheal severly underestimated the leadership of the new government.
When Micheal questioned Oliver Balone's policies, Oliver quickly stated how Micheal did not understand the fact that Leorudo did not have the men to carry out something like that, and they had room to burn. Oliver also stated that using an airship of the Navigatio's caliber was a little much for this operation, and he was going to move Micheal to a Leorudian Department of Intellegence Outpost, where he would be in constant contact with battle simulators and multiple communication units to keep Gen. Aporus informed with the situation around the AO. Micheal protested, but to avail. He was under new leadership now.
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Posted: Oct 30 2012, 08:48 AM
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The young officer was walking through a long corridor and at the end of it there were large wooden doors.He knocked on them and entered a large room witch was the office of the Antalian king.
Mein Kaiser!
the soldier saluted
[I]Our spies have foun evidence of some unusual activity in the Leorudian army.Zhey are constantly having battle simulations.Here is zheir report.

Yes,good man.Anything else?

Ya bitte,zhe spies say zhet Leorudo might be preparing to attack Starblaydia or Austernesey.

Nah,zhey dont have the manpower and zhe technology to do zhat.Austernesey is their ally so zhey must be moving accross lake Bekk to conquer the territory next to us, or maybe try to make colonies on some AO islands.

What do you recomend mein Kaiser?

Wait,lets see what are zhey planning.Tell the spies to monitor every move of zheir army.You are dismissed.

Ya mein Kaiser!

And the officer saluted and went out of the room.[/I]
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Posted: Oct 31 2012, 09:35 PM
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"Alright, lets get this show on the road!" A Sargeant shouted as he signaled the helicopters to latch onto the battleships and move. And within minutes, the chords were in position, then the helicopter's began their ascent. The helicopters encountered quite the strain, but kept pushing. After almost a minute, a large snap rang out, and flames rose from one of the helicopters as it tried to maintain control.
"Abort! Abort! All helicopter release chords!" The Sargeant screamed into his walkie-talkie. More snaps where heard, and multiple helicopters crashed and burned throughout the fleet. The Sargeant simply turned to whomever ever was next to him and screamed a series of curses into his ear before storming off towards his own helicopter.
"What the hell was that?" James Morcavi, owner of one of the largest corporations in Leorudo and the supplier of helicopters to this failed operation said to his motherland's highest elected official.
"How am I supposed to know?" Oliver retorted back, it was obvious he did not want to be talking to Mr. Morcavi right now.
"How are you supposed to know? Your the dammed President! I lost half of my PERSONAL helicopter fleet because of what? Your dumbass military not making basic calculations? Well guess what, welcome to the Presidency, but I regret to inform you that your nation's largest company has just resigned from backing your hopeless to do who knows what? Well guess what, I could be playing golf in Turori right now, but know, I have to deal with the likes of you! Well guess what, I'm done with this -explicitive removed-. Find your own dammed helicopters." Mr. Morcavi quickly ended the conversation and the Leorudian Navy was still stuck in Lake Bekk. Mr. Balone just had to hope that no one saw that.
"So, I need ideas. Who are we going to ask to give us a diplomatic hand and help us get a navy out of Lake Bekk?" The President was back in the Velvet Room. He had multiple generals and asorted LDI officals situated around the room to help him with whatever he might need.
The President led the conversation, while various officals answered him.
"Who is on our allies list?"
"Anyone have any nations that are known for giving help to nations like us?"
"Uh...Let me get back to you on that."
"Any nations near the prospected colonies where we could ask for help?"
"We have one on the Falcanian expansion, right?" One of the other officals asked a question, for a change.
"Thats not my job, do we?"
"Yeah we do."
"Check and see if they have public annoucement about helping the settlers."
"Uh, not much from what I have here."
"Well in that case, it looks like we have to contact them."

To: Whomever it may concern within the nation of Falcania
From: President Oliver Balone, President of Leorudo
Security Encryption: Highest Possible

Hello, I am President Oliver Balone of Leorudo, and I would like to contact you regarding your planned expansion. As part of a Leorudian expansion plan, we would like to create a small port city on the island, but being a nation without an oceanic port means that we cannot send naval assest directly towards our new colony. So I would like to propose this: if Falcania provides Leorudo with transport between the homeland and the new colony until an airport can be established, Leorudo will give all of Falcania free pass throughout our ports. We would also not only allow, but encourage Falcanian citizens to help settle the colony. If you have any questions, contact us, we know that this endeavor will be both productive and prosperous.

Thank you for your time and highest regards,
President Oliver Balone

OOC Edit: Feel free to reply Falc, and any intellegence services that know about the gaffe can make a small statement about it, but show a little recon effort behind it if you will. This thread is now open for buisness.

This post has been edited by Leorudo on Oct 31 2012, 09:37 PM
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Posted: Nov 1 2012, 07:12 AM
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The Falcon's Logistics & Intelligence Executive HQ, Featbridge

It was a squat, ten-storey tower of plain grey concrete. To the rest of the world, it was the Featbridge offices of Global Investment Solutions Ltd, a footnote in the grand book of Falcanian financial services history. But to those with level D clearance, it was, in fact, the hub of all Falcanian internal and overseas intelligence.

In a fairly cramped office, full of FNC-issue government furniture and harsh fluorescent lamplight, the Director of Central AO sat behind his desk, and one of his case officers sat opposite.

"I hope this won't take too long, Burns. Is this about the WA delegacy nonsense, or have you come to give me some good news for a fogging change?"

"Kind of." Burns' superior was a thin, angry man called Black. "Y'see, sir, it's about Leorudo."

"Oh, that particular shambles. They want to tow ships overland?"

"Yes sir." Burns failed to hide a smirk. "They've... destroyed several hundred helicopters. It's one of the worst disasters in Leorudan history."

Black chuckled - an extreme show of mirth for him. "Sky, you see what I have to fogging work with here? Right. OK, how did we get this intel? I'm assuming it's through Jurassic."

"Sir." Jurassic was the codename for intelligence received from the Leorudan military - chiefly, from one source, the agents posted on the on-loan FAV Raptor.

"Right. So... ah, oh fogging hell, you're going to tell me they want to do something with it."


"The Raptor. We gave it to them on a loan, and we only did that because it was basically half-finished. A sign of good faith. It's going to require at least six months of testing exercises before it's ready for service. They're going to break our toys. we can't let that happen."

"Sir, you think that's a risk?"

"This is a nation, Burns. It's a proper country, with people, who live there, and pay taxes, and go to the fogging cinema. It's a real proper country - that just blew up dozens of helicopters, literal dozens, because they didn't do any maths before trying it! And they're waddling around with several billion talons worth of our fogging aircraft carrier! It's like a small child with a fogging great javelin! Right, we nip this in the bud here. Full package."

"Sir-" Burns interrupted hesitantly. "We got this message five minutes ago."

Black took the message and read it.

"Right. Enough. E-fogging-nough. Get an audience. Bring one of your best briefers. And some shiny fogging metalhead from the hot-air-balloon brigade."


President Oliver Balone

I am writing you this letter in response to your open communique to our government for help. I represent an organisation that has a vested interest in Leorudan expansion throughout the region. It has come to our attention that you have encountered logistical difficulties in transport across the region - this may be something we can assist you with.

You have entered into a contract with the Falcanian Combined Strike Force to operate the FAV Raptor under Leorudan command as the Navigatio. You have also contracted three airships of the C-3 model to act as supply tenders for the Navigatio.

We would like to arrange a meeting with members of your staff to discuss your options at this stage. Falcania would be more than willing to provide substantial logistical and security support for your expansion efforts, in return for certain future considerations.

We may be reached at the return address here. We will be expecting a reply.


D.T. Burns
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Posted: Nov 1 2012, 02:36 PM
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Oliver Balone had finally moved into his office in Olympic Tower in the Capital district of the Leorudian City Proper. This was a ceremonial moment for Leorudian Presidents as since the towers completion near the end of the last century, four Presidents had walked in and out of the office. Presonally, Micheal prefered the Velvet Room, but he would make do with this one.
His secretary's phone rang for the first time, only moments after drinking the ceremonial bottle of wine.
He picked up the phone.
"Mr. President."
"To whom am I speaking?"
"I am Agent George Dirini of the Leorudian Department of Intelligence. I am involved with international affairs."
"What do you want?"
"We have just recieved a messege from the Falcanians regarding our expansion."
"Do I need to read it? or can you sum it up pretty well."
"Well, they talked about the Navigatio, which I didn't know was theirs, then they said that they would love to help us as long as we give them stuff later, very broad."
"That was horrible, let me read it."
The transmission was sent through LDI Channels straight to the President's screen.
President Oliver Balone

I am writing you this letter in response to your open communique to our government for help. I represent an organisation that has a vested interest in Leorudan expansion throughout the region. It has come to our attention that you have encountered logistical difficulties in transport across the region - this may be something we can assist you with.

You have entered into a contract with the Falcanian Combined Strike Force to operate the [i]FAV Raptor[/i] under Leorudan command as the [i]Navigatio[/i]. You have also contracted three airships of the C-3 model to act as supply tenders for the [i]Navigatio[/i].

We would like to arrange a meeting with members of your staff to discuss your options at this stage. Falcania would be more than willing to provide substantial logistical and security support for your expansion efforts, in return for certain future considerations.

We may be reached at the return address here. We will be expecting a reply.


D.T. Burns

The President read over it before saying.
"So they want a meeting."
"Thats what I said."
"No it is not."
"Yes it is."
"Wow. Okay. Someone famous offically hates you."
The President hung up and threw a couple of messeges around asking who would want to be in this "meeting", and after a few minutes, he had a pretty good idea of who would be representing him. Two LDI Agents, his minister of Foriegn Affairs, Micheal Aporus, and the main city planner of the new expansion.

Mr. Burns and respective diplomats,

I believe we have already made formalities, so I will cut to the point. I agree with the idea of a diplomatic meeting, however, we do not know where or how you would like to meet, and therefore we need some specifics such as location, date, and security details. If you can contact us with this information we can have a direct diplomatic meeting and establish further relations with your nation.

-President Oliver Balone.
Dedicated Scribe
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Posted: Nov 1 2012, 06:56 PM
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President Balone,

Thank you for your prompt reply. I, and a few other individuals interested in the successful execution of this project, are ready to meet you in a location of your convenience. By the time you have received this message, we will have been in lodgings in your capital for four days, having entered under diplomatic credentials.


D.T. Burns
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Nov 1 2012, 08:13 PM
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Fighter planes in pairs in above the clouds over Geisenfried. Boring.


Bazalonian naval movements. Yawn.


A scheduled Pacitalian beach storming excercise. Meh.


Leorudo battleships docked in the Bekk, and a lot of... helicopters. Interesting.

There was no click this time, as the Starblaydi spy satelllite operator - he liked to think of himself as operating the satellites themselves, rather than just viewing their real-time video feeds - focussed on what was going on in one of their three neighbours.

"That's a hell of a lot of choppers," he said to himself, logging the time and date with the appropriate flags. Lots of whirling blades tld him there was something going on, and the fact their shadows were on the ground meant they were pretty low, if the sun's height at this time of day was predictable. Which it was, of course.

They looked to be in position around the ship, almost like an outline.The shadows moved as one across the flat surface, indicating that all of the choppers were gaining height at once. They all came to reach a single point, and then held there, in an almost unmoving formation. What the hell was going on here?

He tapped a few buttons, zooming and panning around the images he was getting. They didn't really help that much, but the overall picture was of hundreds of helicopters gathered around - above - a battleship. They knew about Leorudo's navy, of course, as the Starblaydi fleet in the Bekk was designed to dominate whatever else was in the water there, even if it was just a case of sitting in the middle of the pond and projecting power to the edges. Suddenly there was a flash on screen, a fireball as one of the helicopters was destroyed.

"Di Bradini's Ghost!" The operator exclaimed, punching in a few more tags and flags on the footage, alerting and copying it to any militar analysts who might need it. Scores more choppers hit the deck. There seemed to be no gunfire or missile strike, and a series of malfunctions here was too much of a co-incidence. What the hell was going on on the north shore of the Bekk?
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Posted: Nov 1 2012, 09:16 PM
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To D.T. Burns,

Enclosed is the location of the meeting between our two nations in the city of Leorudo.
Location: Olympic Tower, 0100 Capital District, Leorudo
Room: The Conversation Room, Floor Nine
Time: 1300 Leorudian Standard Time
Delegates: Governor of The Proposed Expansion, Gen. Micheal Aporus, and the Leorudian Minister of International Affairs
Security Rating: Level 5(Extremely High)
Room Information:
A completely inclosed room with expensive works of arts decorating the walls and a large round table in the center of the room. A full staff of waitresses and people who stand by ready to help the delegates if they need something.
Also, if you feel the need to send security, please feel free to send no more than two guards for every delegate.

-President Oliver Balone
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Posted: Nov 2 2012, 05:21 AM
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The three men stood in the chamber.

One of them was admiring the art. The other two stood nearby, merely waiting for the president to enter. One man was wearing the brassy uniform of a Falcanian naval officer. Another was wearing a very expensive, tailored, pinstripe double-breasted suit. The man admiring the art was dressed more plainly, in a grey two-piece with a dark blue tie.

As the Leorudian staff entered, pinstripe put on a winning smile. "General, so lovely to meet you at last. My name is Garath Messinger. My companions here are Marshal Jozeph Wran, and I believe you've been corresponding with my colleague Burns." Burns tore his head away from the art, and nodded to the delegates.

"You've been such lovely hosts already, but I believe we should cut down to brass tacks - we're here on business, after all. That's what we like, you know, that Leorudo is a place we can do business with." He put his briefcase on the table, clicked the catches, and started pulling out paperwork. "Now, your current plan, the helicopters, that didn't work, did it? It takes a serious logistical effort to move this kind of metal overland, believe you me. That's where we come in."

He laid a map of the region in front of him. "We've marked your proposed colony sites on this map. Extensive. Ambitious. We don't want to overextend. Let's start with one. New Almintora," he tapped on the map. "Just south of the former Krytenia. That's neutral airspace. Now, this will be the biggest leg of your operation, it's the first leg, and it's the one that hinges on Falcanian support. Our C-3s can transport the personnel and the materiel you'll need to establish a colony city that can sustain itself. It's up to you whether you wish this to be a civil operation or a military one. I'd certainly recommend against a military option, at this stage." He pointed at the ceiling. "Vilita is watching. Starblaydia is watching. We don't want them to get the wrong idea. That's where the Marshal comes in." The Marshal gave a low, reverent bow. "Marshal Wran has been assigned by the Combined Strike Force to take commission as the executive officer onboard the Navigatio, as per the..." he scanned the paperwork in front of him, "fourth clause, eighty-third section, paragraph twelve of your contract, 'conduct aboard the vessel'. I trust he will be unobtrusive and will not interfere with the operation of the vessel unless your doing so would bring you into default of contract. It is, after all, a Falcanian vessel." He smiled again. "Now, I trust you're authorised to sign contracts with overseas firms. The Falcanian National Corporation would like to present these contracts for provision of logistical infrastructure throughout the expansion process, and these contracts for provision of security support. Just sign... here, and here, and here."
Winging It Since 2004
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Posted: Nov 2 2012, 10:21 AM
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"Well, just let me read over it..." The Minister of International Affairs said, quickly scanning the page, then signing it.
"Seems legitimate," He then nodded in a direction to the left.
He passed the page around and it was signed.
"I would personally like to thank you for coming to Leorudo, even though our meeting was brief. If you have any problems while here in Leorudo, I will personally attend to them. So, shall we go? I'm sure the general has things to attend too."
Everyone turned to Micheal, and he slowly nodded. Without speaking, he stood up and gestured for an elevator.
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