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AO Forum :: > National Information > Commonwealth Of Feeky Information

Posted by: Feeky Aug 9 2004, 05:07 PM

The Feekan government is a representative democracy, including a Council and a Prime Minister. There are 13 districts which elect two different types of representatives to the Council. Each district elects three Praetors, of which no two in the same district may be member to the same political party. Each district also elects a number of Governors proportional to the population of the district, with no limits to the political parties of the governors. The districts and current number of Governors are as follows:

Central Feeky: 12
North Tehn: 9
South Tehn: 8
Tehre: 8
Abotu: 7
Donig: 7
Veyr: 6
Baout: 5
Claer: 4
Agian: 4
Yuor: 4
Ahve: 4
Omre: 3

Including the three Praetorian seats per district there are 120 possible maximum votes, with the addition of the Prime Minister's vote making the total 121.

Praetorian and Governorship elections are held every two years, with Praetorian elections on odd years and Governorship elections on even years. The Prime Minister is elected by the Council, however a vote of "no confidence" may be brought forward to national referendum through a complicated bureaucratic process. To date, no Prime Minister has ever been voted out of office, however three such referendums have been held in the history of Feeky. The position of Prime Minster is held for six years and limited to a single term, though former Prime Ministers may campaign for a Praetor or Governor seat.

The Council has two main authorities; to vote on Resolutions and to declare a Resolution to be a Proposition. Resolutions are passed by a simple majority, while propositions are voted on in a nationwide referendum consisting of three options: 'Yes/For', 'No/Against', and 'Abstain'. The referendum is passed as yes or no UNLESS the 'Abstain' vote is higher than EITHER the yes or no vote. In the case of an 'Abstain' vote, the issue is discussed through the lower level, regional channels of government and brought back to the Council as an amended Proposition. The Prime Minister has veto power over any Resolution, which may be overturned by a subsequent 2/3rd majority vote in the Council.

Voting is mandatory for every election and Proposition. Failure to comply results in a community service sentence based on the type of vote and the number of previous violations. The record for longest sentence is held by the late Mr. Edwin Yattes, who refused to ever vote and was serving his 436 year sentence when he died at age 82.

There are five major political parties that generally have representation in the council:

Welfare Party
Small Government Party
Individual Rights Party
Humanist Party
Civil Responsibility Party

There are also several other minor parties which occasionally gain minor representation in the Council for limited periods of time:

Militant Party
Corporate State, Inc.
Mind Control Party
Anti-Slogan Party
No-Government Party (no registered members)
Anarchist Party (no registered members)
Thoupee Party
Child Labor Party
Nudist Party
Separatist Party
Expansionist Party
Colonial Party

Many of the above are "one-issue" parties and thus do not have a large number of registered members (if any).

Praetorians are directly elected, however votes for Governorships are divided amongst the parties on the ballot. For example, if in North Tehn the votes are cast as follows:

44% Humanist
34% Individual Rights
11% Small Government
5% Individual Rights
3% Civil Responsibility
2% Expansionist
1% Other

North Tehn would then have 4 Humanist Governors, 3 Individual Rights Governors, and one Small Government Governor.

More Information Forthcoming

Posted by: Feeky Aug 10 2004, 04:32 PM

Feeky began as an American penal colony in 1972. The U.S. government at the time was secretly arresting and deporting political activists, at one point sending as many as 20,000 people in one month overseas to the uninhabited area that eventually became Feeky. In an act of rebellion, the colonists held passive resistance demonstrations throughout the colony in March 1978. The U.S. sent troops to deal with the conflict, not knowing that the toeless shoe shrubber, a small native mammal, carried a vicious strain of influenza that the colonists had become resitant to. With nobody manning plumbing or waste facilities, the U.S. troops quickly became bogged down with rampant sickness and a rapid spread of the illness. In June of 1978 the United States formally pulled out, recognizing the Commonwealth of Feeky as an independent nation. Hieronymous Torn, the primary leader of the resistance, was declared the first Prime Minister, and accompanied by some of the brightest minds in social and political nonconformity he developed Feeky's system of government.

CURRENCY: The standard units of currency are the Feek (F) and the Feng (f). 100 Feng equals one Feek. Denominations include:
1f coin
5f coin
25f coin
1F coin
2F coin
5F bill
10F bill
25F bill
100F bill

Higher denomination bills are used in bank and treasury transactions only. Each bill features a prominent national figure on the front and a depiction of a major Feekan city on the back. The 1F and 2F coins feature a noted activist on the obverse and a depiction of the toeless shoe shrubber on the reverse. All Feng coins feature a notable artist on the obverse and a stylization of the toesless shoe shrubber on the reverse.

LANGUAGES: English is the predominant language, though French, German, and Esperanto are widely spoken. Feeky does not have an official language.
English: 86%
French: 4%
Esperanto: 4%
German: 3%
Spanish: 2%

RELIGIONS: Feeky does not have a state-sponsored religion, and the religions represented are very diverse. Notable is the large number of people who claim no religion, agnosticism, or atheism. Feeky has little to no religious tension, despite the diversity.
Agnostic: 15%
Protestant: 14%
Atheist: 11%
Catholic: 8%
Muslim: 8%
Buddhist: 8%
Semitic: 7%
Wiccan: 4%
Jedi: 4%
Hare Krishna: 3%

FLAG: Feeky's flag is a white stylized bomb with a lit fuse on a black background. The background symbolizes brotherhood and unity, and the bomb with a lit fuse symbolizes slow, controlled reaction to oppression and offense culminating in overpowering force if absolutely necessary.

NATIONAL ANIMAL: Feeky's national animal is the toeless shoe shrubber, a small mammal with short, strong hindlegs and slightly longer forelegs and a long, whiplike tail. The legs end in small feet with a single toe (despite the name) with a strong claw. Colors are varied, from solid whites, tans, and browns to complicated patterns of spots, stripes, and points. Diet is herbivorous and consists primarily of nuts, leaves, and fruits (but only the rinds). The toeless shoe shrubber is a protected species due to its role in the history of Feeky, is native only to the region, and its predators are those of other small mammals.

MILITARY ACTIONS: The Feeky military is a voluntary organization and generally consists of between 6-8% of the population. It offsets its small size with rapid advances in military technology. Feeky's military has not needed to defend its own borders throughout Feeky's history, but has devoted small numbers of troops to aid other countries in struggles for independence. The Feekan military generally serves a role in civilian affairs, aiding distressed regions and providing support to police forces in times of need. The FCOE (Feeky Corps of Engineers) is the most prestigious branch of service.


Central Feeky is the largest disctrict of Feeky and also the contains the national capital (and Council seat), Feeky City, which is also the largest city in the region and country. Contrary to the name, Central Feeky is a coastal region. Feeky City is a large trade city set on the coast, and includes a large bay, a river delta, and Olng Island. Feeky City is a masterpiece of urban planning; many areas not yet developed are already zoned for specific use, and within and around the city are six distinct protected wildlife habitats. Public transportation is efficient and well-maintained, and reportedly used by an estimated 34% of the city's residents. Olng Island is the cultural center of Feeky City, home to most of its widely acclaimed museums, restaurants, dance clubs, and seaside mansions of the rich and powerful of Feeky. In the large commercial sector on the north side of Feeky City lies the impressive Vorland Stadium, home of the national futball team the Feeky 5Ten, a multi-use structure with retractable top and lighting for night events.

Other notable cities in Central Feeky are Stone, Lleweiss, Dormer, and Attica.

North Tehn is a fairly large coastal district with one large city, Haat, and little more than small villages dotting the rest of the rolling countryside. Haat is a center of technology and hard science, and is the cornerstone of Feeky's technology sector. A large portion of the technological research in Haat is devoted to the military, however other sectors include genetics, cloning, bioengineering, video gaming, and transportation technology. North Tehn is also called "The Land of Many Lakes" and the small lakeside towns serve as summer and vacation homes for many in North Tehn and other districts.

There are no other cities of note in North Tehn.

South Tehn is a landlocked region directly to the south of North Tehn. As opposed to its sister state, South Tehn is a haven of the arts and soft sciences. Maroon City is the arts center of Feeky and is home to dozens of musical conservatories, art schools, galleries, repertory theaters, and other artistic outlets. Langia is the center of psychological, sociological, and religious research and boasts the lowest crime rate in the nation. The two main cities are marvels of engineering, Maroon City having many buildings noted worldwide for their combination of construction and aesthetics, while Langia is built primarily underground and is remarkable for its energy conservation.

Other notable cities in South Tehn are Tehn, Lakia, and Mulvaney.

Tehre is Feeky's pleasure capital and a popular destination for tourists and travelers. It contains Feeky's largest airport and the main city, Tawt, is a gaming paradise. Hundreds of hotels, casinos, and OTB centers fill Tawt and provide a huge source of imported revenue. Tehre is home of Feeky's sole motor circuit, Stallman's Lea, which hosts oval, road, dirt, and drag racing. The seasonal town of Avonly is home to yearly horse racing and anti-racing activists.

Other notable cities in Tehre are Lister and the small puritanical community of Abegon.

Abotu is largerly comprised of immigrants, and has the largest population of immigrants and refugees aside from Central Feeky itself. People of various nationality tend to congregate in distincy areas of Abotu, lending it an old-world charm and making it a popular travel location for other Feekans. Abotu is a fairly quiet region, its biggest industries being civil service and small business ownership, mainly delis and convenience stores.

Other notable cities in Abotu include New Abotu, New New Abotu, New Gingland, New Batra, and New Arlissa.

Donig is a small, densely settled area of industrialism. Many of those who work in the factories and distribution centers of Donig actually live in other bordering districts, creating a census nightmare. Donig produces many of Feeky's commercial exports such as computers, plastics, textiles, dog biscuits, glass paperweights, and go-kart tires. Donig's center is the city of Donig, which, due to sprawl, is hard to differentiate from neighboring cities and towns.

Other notable cities in Donig are Waverly Center, Lispus, and Buffalo.

Veyr is a fairly large district dominated by a huge inland lake. Most of the population lives around or near the lake, where property values are extremely high. The rest of the district conists of lush woodlands, and Veyr is one of the best places to see toeless shoe shrubbers in thier natural habitat. Seaside, so named even though Veyr has no coastal access, is the largest city on Lake Lachitan.

Other notable cities in Veyr are Thimble, Wassala, and the subsistence town of Largos.

Baout, Claer, Agian, Yuor, and Ahve are five districts which sit in the lowlands of Feeky. All five are relatively similar and share a heavily agricultural economy and rural lifestyle. Farms and small towns fill these districts, and little else of note.

Omre is a tiny district set in the high elevations of Feeky's sole mountain range, the Wetskills. Omre is irregularly shaped and consists entirely of hills and mountains. The people who live in Omre are a mixture of enterprising resource merchants, social outcasts, alternative energy proponents, hermits, and BASE jumpers. Those who do not survive on the mining and timber trades generally live 'off-grid' in houses specially designed to take advantage of wind and solar power. There are no large towns, or even small towns, in Omre; the largest villages are either trading towns or communes.


The Feekan Council is fairly diverse. Of the 39 Praetors, the breakdown by political party is as follows:

11 Humanist
8 Welfare
6 Civil Responsibility
6 Small Government
5 Individual Rights
1 Corporate State
1 Expansionist
1 Separatist

The breakdown of the 81 Governors is as follows:

18 Humanist
17 Civil Responsibility
14 Small Government
14 Welfare
11 Individual Rights
2 Expansionist
1 Anti-Slogan
1 Corporate State
1 Militant
1 No-Government*
1 Seperatist

*The No Government Governor does not vote, in accordance with his party's policies.

The above is accurate as of June 2004.

Recently, several important resolutions have been passed:

A resolution to maintain Feeky's stance on nuclear weapons has made it official that Feeky will not hold or use any nuclear weapons. In addition, Feeky resolves to not use nuclear power, for the safety of the Feekan people and environment.

A resolution relating to homsexual marriage has formally removed the term 'marriage' from Feekan law. All government recognized couples are now considered as civil unions. Individual organizations may choose to perform marriage ceremonies and declare marriages, on whatever terms they so choose, however these unions will not be recognized by the government unless the couple has also applied for a state sponsored civil union.

A resolution has passed formally outlawing capital punishment, a decision all districts had already made individually.

With the completion of the FIDHS (Feeky Inter-District Highway System), a resolution passed declaring no speed limit on any Inter-District Highway, along with a revised Motor Vehicle Law specifying strict rules of the new Feekybahns and the penalties for failure of compliance.

Posted by: Abattoir Aug 10 2004, 04:36 PM
Very, very nice. I like your elaboration, and I think you will be a great addition to the AO forums.

Posted by: Feeky Aug 10 2004, 10:18 PM
Thanks! More information will be added as the Feekan government continues its work in polling and census data.

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