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AO Forum :: > National Information > The Silver Paladinate

Posted by: New Montreal States May 30 2007, 10:40 AM
The Silver Paladinate of the New Montreal States

System of Government: F***ed-up confederation
Capital City: New Montreal
Paladinates (provinces, with capital cities in brackets): Notre-Dame-de-la-Defense [Ville-Marie], Notre-Dame-des-Graces [Philemon], Apierre-Nord [Valdemont], Apierre-Sud [Angiers], Les Faubourgs [Angebourg], Vallée [Sorel], Île-du-Sorel [Sherbrooke], Deux-Cités [St. Marcel-Dorion], Parrainois [Brevard], Neufchamp [Chateauguay], Îles-au-Hasard [Courdu], Outer Townships [New Hull], St. James Valley [St. James], Inner Bigtopian Colonies [Moncton Sands], Outer Bigtopian Colonies [Fort Constantine]
Currency: Ounce of Marijuana (oz.)
Economic Base: IT, Finance, Administration, Automotive, Steel, most sorts of industries and services associated with a modern economy
Religion/Faith: Orthodox Christian (NMS Patriarchate) 87%, Pastafarian 7%, Other 6%


Once upon a time, NMS was a thriving part of the Kingdom of the Midlands. Wars were fought alongside Nanakaland and Euroslavia, from which was earned the St. James Valley and the Bigtopia Colonies, and said valley and colonies were held against a variety of exotic and exciting peasant rebellions. Independent patriarchates were founded. Football was played, and Bedistanis defeated with much rejoicing. Then came a time in which every last inhabitant blinked simultaneously, and came to about a year and a half (RL time) later. TKoTM was, if anything, going even stronger than before. International trade occured. An invasion, from the temporarily bat-explicitive removed- nation of Intelligent Neighbors, was repulsed with help from Euroslavia and Super American VX Man. Okay, so they actually did most of the repulsing, since it turned out that our army can't figure out what equipment is good and what ain't, but it was fought entirely on our territory, dammit! Milchamans were humiliated on the football pitch, the baseball field and life in general. World Cups were hosted and nearly won, although not at the same time. Then the entire nation blinked in unison yet again.

When we came to again, we had high hopes of continuing these madcap hijinx. Then we looked at all the nations listed above and realized that, by and large, most of them were gone. So we hired a -explicitive removed--ton of helicopters, brought NMS to a part of AO that was shaped kind of like the old NMS, and prepared for a new set of madcap hijinx with a new set of neighbors.

System of Government

Oh -explicitive removed-. You really expect us to explain this?


At the top of the food chain is the Chief Paladin. He looks, speaks and acts just like Frog from Chrono Trigger. He has held the job for as long as anyone can remember, and although this seems to violate the laws of biology, things are generally okay and nobody is complaining much. Advising him is the Council of Paladins, the governors of the provinces listed above. Each one has one vote. Frog himself represents the capital, New Montreal, although the suburbs are their own little Paladinate. Debate in this body is usually polite and subdued, with dry wit and dry gin both very popular amongst members. Here is where the future is charted, nations interacted with, armies armed, and the general business of a nation is conducted.

Now we get to the Common Council.

This is a lower body with a very long charter, that, although it seems to grant a lot of power to the Council, actually gives it almost none. That said, its major contribution to the States is entertainment value. This purpose is enhanced bya system of proportional representation, allowing parties with silly names to win a seat with a mere 10,401 votes. Over 900 parties competed for 742 seats in the last election, and some of the winners include the Party Party, the Drunkard Party, the Double-Reverse Marxist-Leninist-and-Trotskyst-every-second-Thursday party, the Jean-Bernard Faust-Mariffonette Can Go -explicitive removed- Himself Party, the Pizza Delivery Union, the Antisocialist Party, and the This is Not a Party Party. They have been known to form "governing coalitions" although the only power accorded to these coalitions is a new-model car and the right to park it wherever they please.

A resolution calling on Mr. Faust-Mariffonette to go -explicitive removed- himself is currently in committee.

Military Stuff:

This will be expanded when I can get the damn calculator to work for me.

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