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Posted by: Falcania Jan 13 2006, 11:41 AM
Falcon had consulted with Hack. The launch sites were ready. He quickly typed up an email and sent it to the foreign office. They promptly started to send coded communiques to SDL member nations, particularly Sarzonia. Things were looking grim for the SDL.


That would have to do, he thought to himself. He called his media department, and ordered that a cover-up story would be made. The official stance would be that the state leaders would be coming to Falcania to discuss agriculture. He sat down, and waited.

Posted by: Lamoni Jan 13 2006, 09:49 PM
Stone was woken in the middle of the night when the Falcanian message came in. Stone didn't like being woken up in the middle of the night any more than the next person; but he decided that yelling at the messenger wasn't going to get him very far. After he'd shaken off the cobwebs of sleep enough to read the Falcanian message, he decided that he would attend the proposed meeting. A message was sent to King Falcon that President Stone would be leaving for Falcania in the morning.

Posted by: Khazaron Jan 13 2006, 10:00 PM
Patriarch Khara had just seen Dr.Serra from Pacitalia off earlier that day, and was just getting unwound in his library at the palace when a message came for him over the intercom. Grumbling, he got up from his chair where he was reading a copy of The Art of War by Sun Tzu, placed the book on the nightstand next to the chair, and walked over to one of the desks at the far end of the library.

'Who could possibly need me at this hour of the night.' he thought as he pressed down on the intercom button.

"Yeah, what is it?!" he said, his voice a little terse.

"Uhm, sorry to disturb you, your Highness, but I have a message for you from King Falcon himself." Came the voice of his secretary on the other end. She sounded a little scared.

Khara toke off his reading glasses and sighed, rubbing his eyes. "Can it wait until morning?"

"I'm afraid not Highness. It is marked urgent." she replied.

Khara let out another sigh. "Well then, give me the gist of it and I don't want to have to walk half way across the complex just to get a message."

"Yes sir, your Highness." There was a pause as she read the message. "It seems that he is inviting you to his palace for a special meeting to discuss the Starblaydi rocket launch."

Khara's eyes perked up and he couldn't help but crack a smile. 'Has Falcon found out something already?' he thought, a little excited.

"Very well then. Notify King Falcon and his government that I plan on leaving first thing tomorrow. Make sure the jet is prepped and ready to go."

"As you wish Highness, goodnight to you."

"Good night to you as well Briana." With that Khara turned and walked back to his chair, loosing conciousness before his body even hit the leather.

Posted by: Falcania Jan 14 2006, 06:17 AM
Falcon was pacing his office. His skin had a distinctly feathery look. That morning he had gone for his daily swim; the feathers had absorbed the water, weighed him down, and he had to be rescued by the lifeguard, who also had some difficulty swimming. They came out dripping wet and so heavy they were barely able to walk. A team had been hastily called in, armed with hairdriers, and after five minutes work, Falcon and the lifeguard had been able to walk. It was the most humiliating moment in his royal life. This mutation was going too far. His wings had grown larger; he had drafted in a team of carpenters to make adjustments to his throne. They looked capable of actual flight, Falcon mused, as he made his way down to the main entrance, where James Khara and President Stone were just arriving. "Hello, my friends! Welcome to Falcania! You shall be my guests in the palace. I can show you to your rooms, if you would like?"

Posted by: Lamoni Jan 14 2006, 10:29 PM
Noticing Falcon's "new look," Stone asked him how far the mutation was getting. After getting Falcon's answer, Stone decided that the three of them (Khara included) would chat until the others arrived.

Posted by: Khazaron Jan 15 2006, 01:40 AM
"Indeed, this is...interesting to say the least." Khara said, obviously a little taken aback by Falcon's rapidly changing appearance. Shaking his head and clearing his thoughts, Khara turned his full attention to the other two leaders. "How far spread are the mutations amongst your people? How are those who are afflicted taking it?" Khara chuckled a little. "Many if I am being to nosey. This is just a truly extraordinary thing to behold."

Posted by: Falcania Jan 15 2006, 07:14 AM
Falcon grinned as he showed them inside. "I can give you the recipe. A diet of dangerous birds of prey, combined with higher-than-standard background radiation. Loads of people are experiencing the same symptoms. If it weren't for our agricultural agreement with Elyria-Lorain, I doubt we'd even be standing. It's going to be a matter of months before we're capable of flight. However, as I discovered to my cost this morning, our abilities to swim have suffered. Now, this is the conference room. We shall be talking here. There is a swimming pool out here, where I suffered a humiliating rescue, and upstairs are your rooms. You can take a pick from any of my footmen. You can tell the natives, they have feathers. Now, why don't you freshen up, and I'll meet you in the bar in an hour?"

Posted by: Sarzonia Jan 15 2006, 03:09 PM
Sarzonia's delegate to the Strategic Defense League, Roger Levine got the phone call late at night. By now, he was used to Grant Haffner's regular interruptions at all hours of the night. He'd taken the three rings that it took for him to regain some semblance of consciousness and had his voice ready to rock.

"Listen you little son of a," he began with a tone of voice that would cower any normal mortal.

But he didn't count on who'd be on the other end."

"You little what Mr. Levine?"

Now Levine was definitely awake.

"Oh, sorry Mr. President. I thought you were Haffner."

"Never mind that," Sarzo said sharply. "Take this information down succintly. You need to head to the Mathdon Royal Palace on official government business. I've got a Ducal meeting in Hamptonshire and Lewis can't leave the country when I'm gone. Latest piece of legislation from Parliament."

"I thought you vetoed that, Mike."

"I did," Sarzo said with a sigh that told Levine that Parliament got the two thirds vote from both houses needed to override his veto. "That's why you have to travel there."

"I'll be there in four hours. With a radiation suit ready if I need it. Last thing I need is to grow feathers."

In another time, both men might have laughed, but Sarzo's silence spoke volumes. Four hours later, the helicopter was nearing its landing site and Levine was preparing to enter the palace.

Posted by: Falcania Jan 15 2006, 04:01 PM
As the leaders of state ascended the grand staircase, Falcon turned and walked back out to the exterior of his palace. Levine was stepping out of a helicopter on the helipad. Falcon greeted him, feathers flapping in the blast from the rotors. "Mr. Levine! I am exstatic that you have come in person to Falcania, especially after the recent difficulties between our nations." They shook hands, and Falcon led the way inside the palace. As soon as the doors shut, Falcon's expression changed to "decidedly grim." He began to pace the hall. "It is good that you have come, Mr. Levine, since you represent the military prowess of the SDL almost in its entirety. It is necessary that if my plans go awry, it is vital that I can ensure solidarity on your nation's behalf. The conference will take place this evening, over dinner. Don't worry," he said, seeing Levine pale. "I have ensured tonight's dinner will be made entirely from non-irradiated Elyrian produce. I can assure you that you will not go home feeling the slightest bit feathered. In the meantime, freshen up, and enjoy the facilities in the palace. I will be meeting Stone and Khara in the bar in an hour."

Posted by: Khazaron Jan 15 2006, 05:47 PM
After taking a quick warm shower in his room, and throwing on a fresh pair of clothes, Khara headed down to the bar to meet with the others. Looking around he only noticed the bartender and a few other workers at the spot. 'Looks like I'm the first one here.' he thought as he toke a seat at the bar and smiled at the barkeep.

"I'll have a glass of rum, mixed with a coke if you please." The barkeep nodded and a minute later brought Khara his drink. Taking a sip from it, he let out a yawn. "Damn jet-lag. Even with a full-nights rest, and those pills I can't seem to beat it."

Posted by: Lamoni Jan 15 2006, 10:28 PM
Finally coming down the stairs toward the bar, Stone met up with Patriarch Khara, and the mischievious glint in their eyes indicated that they wanted to start one of their infamous drunken arm wrestling duels, but knew that they would need to stay fairly sober for the meeting. biggrin.gif

Posted by: Nedalia Jan 16 2006, 05:02 AM
The plane touched down safely after a rather fierce storm over eastern Hypocria and Cockbill Street gave the Nedalian delegation, led by Western Territories governer Donny Stack, a scare. Ofcourse, in typical Nedalian fashion, no one realized that they were actually late, thus leading to many an insult against Falcanian hospitality and its apparent "lack of it."

A taxi cab later, along with a fight with the security of the Presidential Mansion which climaxed with one of those infamous "Do you know who I am?!" speeches, Mr. Stack found himself led inside to meet King Falcon, muttering something about "chickens having more respect for their guests." The irony.

Posted by: Sarzonia Jan 16 2006, 10:44 AM
Levine smiled slightly and said, "thank you your highness."

After freshening up, he walked into the main room with his briefcase in which he included a copy of the declassified briefing material regarding Sarzonia's space programme and defence capabilities. He knew that the SAAS had Starblaydia and other nations that made the SDL nervous. He also knew Sarzonia was the SDL's trump card.

Levine sat down on a chair and glanced over the presentation he was preparing to give. The hunter-killer satellites, tungsten rod-firing sats, and the Belknap space combat vessel were included in Part I of the presentation. Part II was labelled "The Pacitalia Situation," and was labelled "For Your Eyes Only." He opened the envelope and noticed that SAAS member nations followed up the SDL's courting of Pacitalia with courting of their own.

"According to intelligence predictions, we find it unlikely that Pacitalia will join the SAAS, owing to their long tradition of neutrality," Levine read. "That said, options in the event of Pacitalian membership in SAAS include cancellation of Praeton summit and restoration of economic penalties against Pacitalia. Military intervention considered out of the question."

Damn Levine thought. Grant does think of everything, doesn't he?"

Posted by: Falcania Jan 16 2006, 11:13 AM
Falcon greeted Stack. "Greetings, Mr. Stack. Welcome to Falcania! My job is to assure you that the myth about Falcanian Hospitality is not true, especially under this hammer-beam roof." They shook hands. "The presentation isn't until this evening, over dinner, so in the meantime, this footman will show you to your room." A footman appeared at Falcon's winged shoulder. "Freshen up and meet us in the bar. Judging by the yelling, Khara and Stone are having a roaring time already." The footman led Stack to his room, and Falcon walked over to the bar.

Posted by: Lamoni Jan 16 2006, 09:22 PM
Everyone knew that it was only a matter of time before Khara and Stone got into another one of their arm wrestling matches. This time, they made a production out of it; including drinking with one arm while the other one 'engaged' the opponent. President Stone was having the most fun that he'd had in months. Of course, part of that could be the alcohol that he was drinking like water, but he paid it no mind. He figured that it was a good thing that he remembered Falcon's miracle cure for hangovers. He was going to need it, he knew.

Posted by: Khazaron Jan 17 2006, 01:24 AM
Khara grinned as he ordered a rather large round of drinks. "That was just a warm up round Mr.President. This is the real deal now!" He let out a hearty chuckle as the bartender, who was already hard pressed in trying to keep up with the appetite for booze the two competitors had, placed the order on the bar.

Khara toke one pitcher and handed it to Stone, the toke the other for himself. The bartender hand them some glasses, to which Khara turned and smirked. "And what would I need those for?" With those words he began to chug the pitcher, some of it spilling out on to his expensive evening attire.

'On the plus side' he thought as he chugged the pitcher. 'this should take care of the jet-lag.' He then realized he needed to place his arm out to continue the contest, to which he did. He struggled at first to keep his grip on the handle of the pitcher, as he did not want to spill all the alcohol onto his lap. There was enough of it on him already.

Posted by: Falcania Jan 17 2006, 05:06 PM
Falcon wandered into the bar. The relaxation had been going on for some time. Stone and Khara were on the piss, Stack was making up for the lost time after his later arrival. He had been on the phone to Hiraan; they were interested in joining the SDL, and he had arranged for them to visit. Dinner could be postponed until a delegate arrived. One was missing. Falcon made his excuses, walked up the royal stairs and knocked gently on Levine's door.

Posted by: Falcania Jan 22 2006, 03:49 PM
Bump: This is still very much alive, with Hiraan getting in on the act.

Posted by: Khazaron Jan 23 2006, 12:57 PM
OOC:I assume we will pick things up once the latest sports RP thingie is done?

Posted by: Falcania Jan 23 2006, 01:04 PM

Posted by: Lamoni Jan 23 2006, 10:05 PM
One would hope so.

Posted by: Falcania Jan 24 2006, 05:38 PM
We just need Hiraan to post.

Posted by: Lamoni Jan 25 2006, 04:55 PM
Might want to TG or PM Hiraan, then.

Posted by: Hockey Canada Jan 25 2006, 08:19 PM
Prime Minister Di Lorenzi emerged from the Ladies' room as Falcon walked into the bar. A Manhattan drink in her hands and a confused look on her face could tell she had drank a few before even hitting the bar. Seeing Stone and feeling regret for not telling him about the Hockey Canadian drink, she walked up to him to start an awkward conversation.

"If you're wondering, here's the ingredients:

2oz Vodka
1oz Amaretto
1/2 a can of Pepsi or CocaCola

And don't you forget it! Sorry about wandering in like this but I never wanted to disturb any festivities. By the way, there is something I will need to discuss regarding the Starblaydi space program."

Taking a seat on a couch in a darker corner of the bar calling for yet another drink of the one she suggested.

"Well Falcon, staying with the Air Force or are you going to leave me to fly for SDL all alone?"

Posted by: Lamoni Jan 25 2006, 08:56 PM
Even though Stone was feeling the effects of the alcohol, he still retained enough of his wits to notice that the Hockey Canadian PM was smashed. His judgement was confirmed after the strange one-sided converstation that Di Lorenzi engaged him in. Getting an idea, Stone went to the bar, and told the bartender to mix up one of "Falcon's miracle cure" for hangovers. Making sure not to spill the drink, Stone took it over to Di Lorenzi, and watched her drink it. Stone was hoping that the drink would also have the effect of granting a few moments of semi-sober discussion as well as taking care of any hangover that she was going to have.

Posted by: Khazaron Jan 26 2006, 12:15 AM
Patriarch Khara watched half-awake as he saw President Stone leave their drunken arm-wrestling game to go and talk with Prime Minister Di Lorenzi. He himself seemed still a little to out of it to make much of what either of them said. An almost empty pitcher of rum hanged loosely from his left hand, his right one propped up on the bar counter and his head wobbling as he surveyed the room.

About two minutes after Stone and Di Lorenzi left, Khara seemed to laugh out loud for a full straight minute, at nothing in particular. After that point he began to carry on a rather heated debate with a napkin on politics in the modern age. A close look was not even required to tell that this man was quite drunk.

Posted by: Falcania Jan 26 2006, 12:10 PM
QUOTE (Hockey Canada @ Jan 26 2006, 02:19 AM)
"Well Falcon, staying with the Air Force or are you going to leave me to fly for SDL all alone?"

"Well, if you see, soon we'll be kind of pre-air forced up. The wings. Save a fortune on parachutes, let me tell you."

Posted by: Lamoni Jan 26 2006, 10:09 PM
Stone stayed in the background as Falcon and Di Lorenzi talked. He had acquired a penchant for these things ever since he worked his way up through the Lamonian government to his current position. After all, you never knew what you could learn if no one thought that you were watching.

Posted by: Hockey Canada Jan 26 2006, 10:39 PM
Di Lorenzi got comfortable after the gracious drink, and regained her wits. Scanning the room as she spoke to Falcon catching Stone out of the corner of her eye.

"You see Falcon, the SDL will need to prove itself in any way possible and this Starblaydi Space program is a good one to start it. You may know both of our Air Forces are probably the best combined in AO or possibly the world, but Hockey Canada's mountains have seriously messed up our radar into Starblaydia. We cannot violate their airspace without a formal offer. However, the land southeast of Hockey Canada in northern Bekk would be a perfect way to safely observe the Starblaydi Space Program without violating their border or laws. The only thing blocking us would be that we would need to quickly colonize the land...

This is where I present my other plan. The homeless, jobless and worse-off from all SDL members will all be brought to the new land and live in Hockey Canadian society working and living until they can get on their feet and function as a normal Hockey Canadian society. The Hockey Canadian Navy would be stationed there also opening up job opportunities for people living there."

She took a sip of the hangover drink and handed Falcon a file folder of the new proposed border.

Posted by: Khazaron Jan 26 2006, 11:13 PM
After arguing with the napking for about ten minutes or so, Khara then proceeded to turn around and stare at the bar, chuckling every so often. Another few minutes went by before he stumble out of his chair, turned about, facing where the others where, raised his right hand as if he where going to speak, and then passed out cold on the floor. Thankfully the bartender was close by, already having started on fixing up a the miracle cure hangover drink. Rushing to the Patriarch, he poured the concotion down his throat and sighed.

"I was hoping to try and get this drink to him before this happened." The bartender remakred as he saw the Patriarch's eyes begin to blink.

Slowly sitting up, he grabbed the cup that contained the cure and sipped some more, then shoke his head. "Wow that is some cure." Khara said. Holding his left hand to his temple, wincing as he drank the miracle cure, Khara let out a groan. "Never again." he mumbled as he finished out the concotion.

After stumbling around, trying to get his bearings again, Khara finally managed to get back on his feet, brushing himself off as he looked about. He noticed that Falcon, Stone and Di Lorenzi where over talking amongst themselves. 'Hmm, must have missed out on something.' he thought as he walked over to the group.

Posted by: Khazaron Feb 6 2006, 11:14 AM
(OOC: So I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume this thread is dead? Just would like to check and make sure, so I know if I can begin using the Patriarch again, instead of saying he is away on matters of state.)

Posted by: Falcania Feb 6 2006, 11:19 AM
I don't want it to be. It's just that it just kind of hinges on Hiraan. At any rate, I would like to improve my PTD tech a bit before we go ahead.

Posted by: Lamoni Feb 6 2006, 06:51 PM
OOC: Really, it might be easier to assume the Hiraan isn't going to post, and move on. I don't want to seem to be rude, but we've waited for quite a while.

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