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AO Forum :: > Regional Discussion > Development of Relations (Closed)

Posted by: Nedalia Nov 2 2005, 08:55 PM
Strand adjusted his tie. He took a hard look in the mirror and let out a long sigh. Why has it come to this, he asked himself. Just hours ago, he was in the company of his soon to be SDL allies in the soon to be SDL Headquarters, drinking and having a laugh. Now he was onboard a private Sarzonian government plane headed north. The Falcania situation had done them in.

The Nedalian Foreign Minister sprayed water on his face, and opened up the door to the toilet, heading back to the main cabin. Waitin there was Mr. Levine, the delegate who was supposed to put Sarzonia's signature on the SDL charter. So much for that now, thought Strand as he took a seat next to his company.

Mr. Levine had received orders just a couple of hours prior to the ceremony to return home immediately. Falcania had moved in his people in Diamandakere, an act which Sarzonia did not take lightly to, and despite the threats, King Falcon ignored all international requests to atleast postpone his movements. It wasnt that Nedalia had sided with Sarzonia on the matter, far from it. However, Nedalia believed that a resolution could be worked out, but Falcon had been rash in his actions, and now the SDL was paying for it.

What was to become of the SDL now that Sarzonia had sent its delegate back? No doubt, Strand would do everything in his power to get this great nation into the SDL, but with the current situation at hand, it seemed like a difficult task. What was more worrisome to Nedalia, however, was the SDL members' aid and acceptance of Nyssa. It was no secret that Nedalia wanted a tightly controlled Nyssa, while the other SDL members were openly supporting Nyssa, with Falcania even accepting its application to join the SDL. The only person who felt the same way as the Nedalians seemed to be the Sarzonians, and that was not something that President Bren or Dewars Strand would let slip by them.

Looking over to Mr. Levine, Strand spoke up, "I take it the Falcania situation has gotten out of hand in Sarzonia's eyes. What do you think the AORDO will do in this instance, and what of the blockade currently going on by Khazaron and Lamoni?"

Posted by: Sarzonia Nov 3 2005, 09:58 PM
"I can't say what my government will do," Levine replied. "With diplomatic tensions on the rise here there and everywhere, I wouldn't be surprised if Sarzo was going to look for a war to distract the people."

Levine grimaced as the clouds slowly passed by the jet en route to Woodstock. He knew his government's reputation of sometimes forcing their diplomats to have one foot on the return plane home, but this was a crushing blow. Just when Sarzonia was about to join the Strategic Defense League and establish the alliance as a counterweight to the rabble in Starblaydia and Xile, Deputy Senior Vice President and External Affairs Officer Grant Haffner called him back home.

Sarzonia would not ratify the treaty; in fact, Sarzonia began mobilising its army. What Levine couldn't possibly know was that Sarzonia was also mobilising the Incorporated Sarzonian Navy. The Carrier Action Group that was off shore to observe in Diamondokere was just the tip of the iceberg. Two Fleets, numbering a total of nearly 200 surface combatants, were getting underway with rumours that they would be used as a show of force to Falcania.

The Nyssa situation would have been enough of a roadblock to Sarzonian entry into the SDL; Sarzonia was adamant about refusing to allow Nyssa to join. But the Falcanian land grab so close to Sarzonian shores was the final straw. Admiral of the Navy Stephen Marcus and Fleet Admiral Ben Newman were sitting on their respective flagships, the Isselmere and the DontPissUsOff and setting off.

"If the First Fleet and the Second Fleet are heading in that direction, they'll likely be there to 'conduct military exercises'," Levine said absent-mindedly. He wasn't sure if the Nedalian Foreign Minister heard him, and Strand wasn't sure if Levine was talking to him, but he figured that when the Navy announced its intentions, their real purpose would be made clear. The name of the one of the flagships sent the message loud and clear: Don't Piss Us Off.

Within a matter of tense minutes, the majestic Woodstock skyline began to grow in the distance as the aircraft made its initial approach toward Woodstock International Jetport. Somehow, diplomacy was going to find its way to the Sarzonians regardless of what the media might suggest.

Posted by: Nedalia Nov 4 2005, 11:23 AM
OOC: Closed RP, guys. Please refrain from posting...and for the record, no one could possibly know what is being said between Sarzonia and I in this RP.

[Edit: Yes, 'Closed, ATTN Sarzonia' is an obvious invite for random people to post as if they were present at a private meeting. Those 3 posts deleted - Star.]

IC: Concentrating out the window, Strand heard Levine mutter something about the Navy and military exercises, and although he didnt get all of what was said, he had heard to enough to understand how serious the situation was to Sarzonia. They couldn't have been counting on what President Bren did when he sent Strand with Levine, so they must have meant business by demanding Levine leave the SDL Headquarters and return to Woodstock. If President Bren hadn't thought fast, Sarzonia would have been without any diplomatic contact now, and the worrying thing is, that's what they were expecting.

Strand glanced over to Levine, and noticed a look of tension on his face. He seemed distant, almost as if he was dreading his return to Woodstock. He head was tilted down somewhat, and he had his cheek on his palm, slowly fidgeting with a pen in the other. Every now and again, he would shake his head ever so slightly. Strand looked back out the window, noticing the imposing Woodstock skyline starting to show on the horizon.

The might of Sarzonia, Strand thought to himself. This country really has got it together. But even the strong need to have some kind of support. Something was up if they thought it was serious enough to send Levine back...they risked their entry into the SDL, leaving them ally-less, almost. Could it war?

Strand shuddered at the thought. Not only would that effectively end the SDL, it would open doors for Nyssa to start acting like maniacs, as was their habit. Even worse now was the fact they were neighbors with Nedalia, and only Sarzonia seemed to sense the nuisance they could be.

The plane began its final descent towards Woodstock, and Strand noticed the tension only rising on the face of Levine. With the plane coming to a taxi, Strand looked over to Levine and wearily smiled, saying, "Welcome home, Mr. Levine. Although I sense you're more dreading it than embracing it..."

Posted by: Sarzonia Nov 6 2005, 01:09 PM
Levine's face took on a grim expression as the plane landed at Woodstock International Jetport. The attendance of Assistant Vice President for International Relations Neal Benson, a low level position in the Sarzonian government, didn't bring him any comfort. Benson was a recent hire by Senior Vice President and External Affairs Officer Mark Lorber but knowing the Sarzonian government, he was fully briefed on the situation.

"Roger, good to see you," Benson said. "You must be Mr. Strand, Nedalian Foreign Minister?"

Strand nodded his head with some surprise, noting Benson's quick ability to pick up the name of the Nedalian official there to meet with the Sarzonian government.

"Seems to be quite a row involving both Nyssa and Falcania," Benson said. "Hopefully, we can come up with something resembing an agreement here.

"To be completely honest, I'm not sure that Lorber is all that thrilled to see someone from the SDL here at the moment, in particular since it looks like Falcania is getting support for their land grab by Lamoni and Falcania. I wouldn't be surprised if Sarzo ordered half the Navy out there to 'clean up the mess' as I think he put it."

Posted by: Nedalia Nov 6 2005, 08:00 PM
"Mr. Benson, its a pleasure. If Mr. Lorber is slightly agitated at the fact that a SDL representative is here to push his agenda, he needs not fear. I'm not here in the name of the SDL, I am here in the name of Nedalia. Granted, alot of Nedalia's interest lay with the SDL, but that, I believe, will be just one of many topics I will discuss," replied Strand, with a firm handshake. Benson nodded, and escorted Strand through the arrival procedures.

Outside of the Woodstock International Jetport, a black, tinted limousine awaited them. Strand had his governmental telecast switched off during the flight, but once he got outside, he turned it back on. Soon, the messages began to arrive.

AORDO challenged by the Blockage Party...

Lamoni has exited the occupied territories, and has handed the land back to Nyssa....

Nyssa now our official neighbors...

14 dead in an explosion north of Western Territories....

Strand cringed as he read the last one. No one knew for sure if the radicals in the Western Territories were indeed receiving Nyssan funding, but some of their calls for re-unification was troublesome. What was even more troublesome was the fact that Nyssa was using every opportunity it could to further escalate the situation. Just recently, they had called Nedalia and Sarzonia the 'Axis of Evil'. The more things change, the more they stay the same, apparently.

Strand stepped into the limosine and made himself comfortable. The inside was plush; the leather, solid beige. Benson sat across from him and Levine to his right. Strand analyzed them both; Levine wore the same look and expression as on the plane, but Benson, on the other hand, seemed excited about something.

I wonder if he could help me with the order we plan on placing regarding Navy vessels, thought Strand to himself. Deciding he had nothing to lose, and at the very least could start up a conversation, Strand spoke up, "The Portland IronWorks is possibly the most famous shipbuilding manufacturers in the world. The Nedalian military is extremely interested in placing an order with Sarzonia regarding some vessels. Considering the current situation and our water boundaries, what would you recommend?"

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