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Posted by: Nedalia May 12 2005, 09:10 AM
- A successful inaugural Premier League season was completed, with Shoreland United, the team owned by the Emperor of Falastur, having the honors of being crowned the first ever champions. They were led by Nedalia Lions superstars Nene and Chris Yamtech, who scored 21 and 27 goals, respectively. In second place were the surprising Rappor, who many predicted to have a mid-table finish based on the talent that was showcased on paper. They managed to pull it together, however, and can be very proud of their finish. Rounding up the top 3 was Starblaydian owned Honsfield Athletic, who featured Matis on their side, the Starblaydian who took the Golden Boot award, scoring 31 goals in 36 appearances. Nader Homsi, Nedalia’s Minister of Sports, released this announcement to conclude the highly successful Year One:

We could have never expected the Nedalia Premier League to become as successful as it had been this past season. Interest from all over the universe flocked in, investing in the league, which brought with it a fantastic level of play. In fact, the first season has barely ended and we are already receiving offers for players, for clubs, for almost anything to do with the League. We thank all those who took the risk of sticking with us, and we hope the benefits for everyone has paid off as greatly as it has for us.

- Anwar Blod, star striker of the struggling Nurpert AC, has made the switch to Cockbill Street club Laf'goh'lith K'druz'ba for a sum of $ 3 million. It was reported that the player was unhappy with the position Nurpert finished in Year One, so now the 23 year old will ply his trade in Nedalia’s near neighbor of Cockbill Street. He is on the verge of breaking into the senior Lions squad, and if he can maintain the good form he showed for Nurpert, he won’t have any problems accomplishing that goal.

- The colonization of the southeastern region of Lieno was officially mandated by the
Nedalian government this past week, and in exactly 2 weeks time, the region of Lieno will become the Land of Lieno, becoming an official member of the Free Lands of Nedalia. A governer has not been assigned as of yet, but elections will be soon. There will be no different laws than all the other Lands of Nedalia, but it is understood that the Nedalian government is taking measures to make sure the ancient culture of Lieno remains intact. The colonization of the area was approved without much fuss by the AO council, and the government will most likely not face any disapproval in making the region an official entity of Nedalia. The proposal is expected to be presented to the council in the coming days, and it is expected to be approved immediately.

- The government has announced that it has begun work on its airline project, now that the Falasturian companies have finished construction on the state of the art Kafra International Airport. Officials have also asked for any nation that is interested in Nedalian Airlines flying there should announce their interest to officials. The project is still in the planning stages, but it is believed that the first flight will be flying to Falastur, as that is the only announced flight so far. To those in the AO region, Nedalian Airlines is looking to start flying to your countries, save, ofcourse, for Holy Saints. Even Latao could be considered, but eastern region, especially Chacor and Sarzonia, would have to be put on hold for now due to the escalating tensions in the region.

Posted by: Lamoni May 13 2005, 04:14 PM
The Free Republic would welcome a daily (from your capitol to ours and back) route flown by Nedalian Airlines.

Posted by: Legalese May 13 2005, 06:26 PM
The operators of Francis Town Field (FTF) would be interested in making four gates available to Nedalian Airlines, for use on twice daily roundtrip flights between Francis Town and Kafra International. Local Legalites would be more than happy to staff ticketing and other services for the airline. The cost to the airline would be a 1% on all tickets sold on flights to/from Legalese, which covers both rental fees and taxes.

In addition, Judicial Air, Legalese's premier airline, would like to fly daily between Kafra International and Capital International Airport (CIA) in Legalese City.

Posted by: Nedalia May 14 2005, 09:18 AM
We ask the Lamoni Republic to present us with the name of their recommended international airport to start flying into. We will then begin non-stop flights between Kafra and the Lamonian airport.

While we are excited about the porposal presented to us by the FTF, we are afraid the airline is only in its beginning stages and would not be able to operate 2 daily flights to Francis Town. So instead of 4 gates and 2 daily flights, we can work with 2 gates and a daily flight. The offer you put forth is acceptable, and we look forward to working with the FTF officials. As for the Kafra - Legalese City flight, why don't we make the actual flight a joint effort between the two airlines. Profits will be split 50/50, we will handle all the expenses on the Nedalian front, and you do the same on the Legalese front. We can alternate between actual airplanes being flown: for example, one week, Nedalian Airlines will handle the airplane provided, the next week, it would be on Judicial Air. We await your response in the matter, and hope this is the beginning of a great friendship.

P.S: Sorry about the AOCAF VIII loss. No hard feelings.

Posted by: Legalese May 14 2005, 02:43 PM
The operators at FTF accept the revised offer, and will make two gates available to Nedalian Airlines for daily flights to Francis Town.

Meanwhile, the operators of JudicialAir would be willing to accept a partnership with Nedalian Airlines, though would like to suggest that flight duties be alternated daily, rather than weekly, which fits better with the appropriation of JudicalAir's fleet. Otherwise, the offer seems agreeable.

Posted by: Lamoni May 14 2005, 04:17 PM
The Free Republic reccomends that Nedalian Airlines flies into Nephi International Airport.

Posted by: Bettia May 17 2005, 03:54 AM
Bettia's national airline Arorair would love to operate between our two main airports Gabalfa International (GBI) and Akani Sands (AKS) to Nedalia. If you wish, any of your airlines may operate in our country.

This is course would be in addition to any road and rail links which would be finalised as soon as our final location and borders are confirmed.

Posted by: Nedalia May 17 2005, 08:58 AM
The inaugural flight between Kafra International Airport and Nephti International Airport is scheduled to begin in 2 weeks time, operating once a day. We hope to build a successful route and encourage travel between our two peaceful countries during this rough and tense time in the AO.

In addition to flying to Nephti International, Nedalian Airlines will also be scheduling a flight between KAF (Kafra International Airport) and FTF (Francis Town Field), also a daily flight. We would also like to inform Legalese officials that we accept the offer to operate, and alternate daily, with JudicialAir on the KAF - Legalese City flight.

The Nedalian Airlines would like to present the Bettian airlines Arorair with a similar offer: we could share the profits 50/50, with each airline handling expenses and responsibilities in their respective airports, and we could alternate, daily, the airline responsible for the operations of the flight, which includes providing the aircraft. The two flights between Nedalia and our neighbors would be KAF - GBI and KAF - AKS.

As for ground transportation between our two countries, we propose an initial trans-country highway, beginning in Nedalia and ending in Bettia. Ofcourse, the details have not yet been formed, but it is a suggestion we would like to put out there.

Posted by: Hypocria May 17 2005, 09:30 AM
Hypocriair is most interested in formalizing a similar deal to that you already have in place with Legalese and Bettia in regards to flights between Kafra and the Drax International Airport (DIA) in Hypocrium.

We hope to be able to offer the coastal city of Pylos as an alternative destination in the near future.

Posted by: Nedalia May 18 2005, 06:28 PM
Nedalian Airlines agrees to the joint venture presented by Hyprcriair on the flight between KAF and DIA. Like the Legalese and Bettian agreements, we will alternate duties daily.

Posted by: Nedalia Jul 30 2005, 02:17 PM
Reform Party takes Mayoral Position in Aanjar

Aanjar, the desert city in north-central Nedalia and also the country's second largest metropolitan area, is now officially Reform Party territory after a landslide victory in this week's mayoral elections. Previously, every single position in the government was headed by the Nedalia Liberal Party (NLP), from the smallest post to President Bren. Despite claims of being a democratic country, it was President Bren himself who appointed all the major players in Nedalia's political scene, and from there it was those who appointed the ones underneath them, and so forth, giving no chance for anyone else to be assigned.

As some might be aware, the Labour Party of Nedalia made some news some time ago by officially becoming the second political party in the country, but despite its ongoing existance, it has not managed to gain the support it predicted. However, the Reform Party, which is based out of Aanjar, has played its cards right, and has won an important post in which to grow from.

The new mayor of Aanjar, Mr. Tawfeeq Hassan, won after receiving 61% of the votes. His main other opponent, NLP representative Howard Jones was a distant second, an obvious disappointment to his party. Hassan issued an address earlier today claiming that the all people were going to be represented and cared for, calling the NLP "aristocrats who cared only for their kind".

This marks an important step towards Nedalia actually becoming a democratic country. The NLP have quietly been grumbling behind closed doors, and rumors have it they are hard at work in attempt to make this an isolated incident. In reality, however, the majority of the country supports the NLP, which makes it hard for others to take that step into seperating the power, even if the support is, as Mr. Hassan said, merely because "the people have had no representation for so long they had to settle for the NLP."

Posted by: Latao Aug 1 2005, 08:51 AM
The Confederacy is pleased to hear, that Nedalia is strengtehing its democracy. Latao however expects a clear condemnation of terror and violence from Mr Hassan, as Islamic countries are too often hatcheries of hatred and inhuman ideologies.

Posted by: Nedalia Aug 1 2005, 10:33 AM
Outrage in Nedalia; Codemnation of Latin Comments

Nedalian everywhere took to the steets today to protest the racist remarks made by Latin officials over the election of new Aanjar mayor, Mr. Tawfeeq Hassan. Almost 100,000 people turned up in Kafra, while there were rumors that the number was eclipsed in the Islamic center of the country, Aanjar.

"We cannot and will not accept such hateful remarks towards our religion, nor will we accept pointless demands from the only country in AO recent memory that offended so many people that it led to a mass invasion. Ignorance is certainly not bliss, and I am asking from the government to release all ties it currently has with this faltering, racist nation," commented the new Aanjar mayor.

The official word from Kafra is yet to be released, but rumor has it that it will be just as hard, if not harsher, than Mr. Hassan's words. More to come as the protests continue to heat up throughout the southern AO country.

Posted by: Latao Aug 1 2005, 11:32 AM
The staff of the Latao embassy (currently only 3 people) are in a dangerous situation, as the mass is shouting and protesting loud outside the small building. The the embassy employers picked up the most necessary personal items and hide themself upstairs, where they can flee on the roof in case the mass storms into the house and slices their necks...

Posted by: Nedalia Aug 1 2005, 02:41 PM
Official Statement Release from President Bren:

In light of the current statement made by Latin officials regarding the Islamic religion, I have decided, at this time, that it is in our countries best interest to revoke all ties with the new government in Latao. Such insensitive remarks, especially when Nedalia's population is about 50% Muslim Shi'a, have no room in our open-minded and accepting haven of a country. We have asked all Latin officials to pack up their belongings and move back to their country. On a grander stage, we have also canceled the Kafra 2005 summit and have also withdrawn any participation in it. Latao will have to find a new location for their on going negotiations.

We would also like to thank both the Lamonian officials and the Starblaydian troops for taking the matter of rogue nuclear warheads in Latao seriously, as we believe this possess a great danger for all countries in the area.

We would like to point out that despite our stand on communication with Latao at this time, that is not to say it will remain like this forever. We went out of our way to congratulate and welcome the new Latin government, and such ignorant and naive comments towards both Islam and Mr. Hassan were uncalled for. We thank you, however, for uniting our nation.

President Bren

Posted by: Khazaron Aug 1 2005, 03:01 PM
From the Office of the First Archon

On behalf of the peoples of the Dominion of Khazaron, First Archon James Khara would like to publicly decry Latao for their intolerant and ignorant view of Islam. He hopes that this is just the act of a few extremists in the Latin government and wishes that no bloodshed results of these comments.

Posted by: Latao Aug 2 2005, 04:37 AM
Luciaria, August 02:
The Latao consul Peter Schulz was removed from office after his impolite comments on the latest elections in Nedialia, president Bren and Mr Hassan in detail.

Latao's NEC-President called the man "an idiot" fired the fallible government official.
Franz von Papen is personally taking care of the situation and wishes to deliver an official telegram to President Bren as soon as possible...

Posted by: Latao Aug 3 2005, 07:04 AM
Regarding the latest difficulties between Latao and Nedalia, the NEC-president himself sends the following telegram to President Bren of Nedalia:


Appreciated Mr Bren
President of Nedalia

Mr. President, as you may have heard, I have removed the man in question from all official offices and responsibilities in the Confederacy of Latao, as soon this blooper has become public and reached my ears. The words unwisely chosen by our former consul can not simply be excused, though the NEC and the other official authorities of Latao are ashamed regarding the mistakes taken by one single man. What I can do is, explaining how the Confederacy internally works to demonstrate you, appreciated Mr. President, that the words or actions taken by one single man not always represent the official minds of the entire state as a whole.

As you may know, the Confederacy works different than most other countries. There is no single man of power, such as a president, a prime minister or a monarch as seen in most other countries. Instead, the Confederacy is lead by the National Executive Committee, the NEC.
This collective executive authority consists of seven members. All of these members enjoy large freedoms in the way they lead their ministry. The NEC-president only has minor proviliges over the other NEC-members, such as scheduling meetings and representing the country in abroad.

Although the person in question was not a member of the NEC itself, he may express his opinion freely, this is a fundamental right of our constitution and out of scope of this conversion.

The NEC however wants you to know, Mr. President, that Latao sees Nedalia much more as a partner, rather than an opponent or even an enemy. Our intention is to establish and cherish good relations with your nation, as it is a close neighbor of us.

Please let my quote a famous author my country: [I]The only people who don’t make mistakes, are people who don’t do anything at all[/I]

In that sense, we would like to state that Nedialian people are welcome are welcome in Latao and that Latao is available for any diplomatic exchange with Nedalia, which incl. myself in person. I hope that we can fix our disgruntlements in a personal meeting in Kafra or Luciaria.

Franz von Papen
Latao NEC

Posted by: Nedalia Aug 4 2005, 05:31 AM

To Mr. Von Papen,

Your address to our nation has been taken and noted with optimistic results, but you must excuse us for our continued uncertainties towards your nation. We were backstabbed by Osmec in the past, and the signs were not looking good after the comments made by the Latin officials towards the election of Mr. Hassan in Aanjar.

However, we are a country of forgiveness and one of optimistic nature, and after your address, the protests have died down. We have also re-opened the site for the Kafra 2005 talks if you so wish to continue with the site in mind.

I must also state, however, we are not a country that forgets. Incidents coming from Latao aimed towards Nedalia have always been unprovoked and have always been harmful towards us. After the fall of the former president, we extended our hand to you. We urge for no more incidents from your part, so that we can grow together in peace and security.

President Bren

Posted by: Nedalia Aug 5 2005, 11:11 AM

The government announced today the discovery of crude oil in the Durasi Desert, where the city of Aanjar is located. There has been reasonable belief that Nedalia was indeed an oil-rich nation, but before the expedition's discovery, there was no hard evidence of the fact.

"I wouldnt go as far as call us an oil-rich nation just yet, although these signs look promising," commented the leader of the expedition, Mr. Ghassan Hamzeh. "We are capable of doing our own drilling and such, but for now, we will continue with our expeditions and find out exactly where the oil is located."

Posted by: Nedalia Oct 7 2005, 05:22 PM

With the presidential elections coming up later in the year, there has been a sense of political excitement going on in Nedalia, although many feel it is a simply all the procedures and campaigns are going to be formalities. President Bren is heavily favored to win a 2nd term, with his only competitors being being the Labor Party's Catch Williams and the Reform Party's Tawfeeq Hassan, also the mayor of Nedalia's 2nd largest city, Aanjar.

Both competitors have been on the road, heavily campaigning, but it is not believed that either will make a dent in the President's Bren quest to retain his presidency. Other than Aanjar, where the Reform Party holds a powerful base, the rest of the country is strictly Liberal Party territory. However, it is always an encouraging sign when people are assured that the democratic process remains, knowing they can change the people that govern them if they saw them unfit.

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