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AO Forum :: > Regional Discussion > Greetings

Posted by: Lesser Ribena May 17 2005, 08:24 AM
To: all National Leaders in Atlantian Oceania
From: Prime Minister Andrew Stewart, Democratic States of Lesser Ribena
Subject: Greetings

Hello, Just a quick welcome message from us at Lesser Ribena. I am taking the chance to announce my nation's arrival here and make new ties of friendship. I hope we will all be able to trade and work with each other to make this region even better than it already is. Any of you who wish to establish embassies in my country please reply to this and you will be allocated an office in the diplomatic quarter of the city near to our own parlaiment and government offices. You will recieve a map after all embassies are established and will show the location of your offices. I hope you will allow our diplomats into your country in exchange and hope to hear from you soon.

Posted by: Nedalia May 17 2005, 09:03 AM
We most certainly would welcome an embassy exchange between our two countries, and we are already working on a delegation to to dispatch to Lesser Ribena. We ask that you provide us with the name of the ambassador you wish to annoit so that we may list him in our official records. The ambassador we will be dispatching to Lesser Ribena will be Mr. Gary Pringles. We welcome you to the AO and hope we will grow together, even in these tense and problematic times.

Dewars Strand
Minister of FA

Posted by: Hypocria May 17 2005, 09:21 AM
Prime Minister Andrew Stewart
Democratic States of Lesser Ribena

Prime Minister Stewart,

The Most Serene Republic of Hypocria is always looking to strengthen its ties within the region and we would be delighted to dispatch an ambassador to your fine nation. An embassy from Lesser Ribena would be more than welcome here and 8 Embassy Plaza will be reserved for your ambassador and his/her diplomatic staff.

Welcome to the region.

Maximilian Borada
Department of Foreign Affairs

Posted by: Bettia May 17 2005, 09:29 AM
On behalf of the citizens of Bettia, I would like to welcome our new neighbours. We would be very happy to welcome your ambassador - there are currently two vacant embassies left in the Civic Square of our capital city,
and with your permission, we would like to dispatch our own representitive to your nation. We will shortly be releasing names of our prospective ambassadors.

Posted by: Lesser Ribena May 17 2005, 10:24 AM
To: Dewars Strand
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nedalia
From: Andrew Stewart,
Prime Minister, Democratic States of Lesser Ribena

Thankyou for your kind embassy exchange offer. We are even now preparing offices in a secure location of our diplomatic quarter to accomodate Mr. Gary Pringles and his staff. They should be ready shortly and we will post a map of the area for your conveinience. We are readying a clerical staff to accompany our ambassador Mr. Kevin Shannon to your fine country, they should be with you soon. I hope for a long and peaceful relationship between our countries.

To:Maximilian Borada
Director, Department of Foreign Affairs, Hypocria
From: Andrew Stewart,
Prime Minister, Democratic States of Lesser Ribena

We would be pleased to accept your ambassador into our country and will ready offices for him/her and his staff. Our appointed ambassador to the Most Serene Republic of Hypocria, Mrs Jane Wright would be grateful for the offices you have suggested at 8 Embassy Plaza and hope to take up position there shortly. I hope for a long and peaceful relationship between our countries.

To: Foreign Affairs Department, Bettia
From: Andrew Stewart,
Prime Minister, Democratic States of Lesser Ribena

We would be most gratuitous if either of you free embassies could be allocated to our ambassador, Mr Charles Curtis and his diplomatic staff. We will be preparing an embasssy and office suite for your ambassador to occupy and hope for a long and peaceful relationship between our countries.

Posted by: Bettia May 17 2005, 10:46 AM
Mr Stewart

Thank you for your kind response - we have allocated 8 Civic Square for your embassy, and your staff can move in as soon as they want.

Our chosen ambassador to your nation, Mr Bertram Ta'if, will be dispatched as soon as your facilities are ready.

Peace and blessings
Amir Brooks
President of Bettia

Posted by: Starblaydia May 17 2005, 11:21 AM
Prime Minister Stewart

First of all may I, on behalf of the Lord-Protector and the people of Starblaydia, welcome you to our great region. I would like to offer an embassy exchange program between our two nations.

May I also take this oppurtunity to find out if the people of Lesser Ribena are descended from small round purple creatures who make a refreshing blackcurrant cordial?

We would appreciate our questions being cleared up.

Lord Ricardo Gomez,
Minister for Communcations
Protectorate of Starblaydia

Posted by: Lesser Ribena May 17 2005, 11:32 AM
To: Lord Ricardo Gomez,
Minister for Communcations
Protectorate of Starblaydia
From: Andrew Stewart,
Prime Minister, Democratic States of Lesser Ribena

Indeed we would be pleased to participate in your proffered exchange program. An embassy building will be allocated for you and your staff may begin to move in as soon as they are ready. I will brief ambassador Richard Lewis and he and his staff will transfer to your country on your signal.

As to your second question, I have no idea what you are talking about. Who has ever heard of a blackcurrent drink called Ribena? I am sorry I can be of no further use to you on this matter but maybe you could refer your question to an evolutionist who may be of more help than myself. wink.gif

Posted by: Sarzonia May 17 2005, 12:12 PM
We have noticed that your great country has already made several purchases from our military storefront companies. With this extension of a hand of friendship, the Incorporated States of Sarzonia would be honoured to exchange embassies and consular staffs with the people of Lesser Ribena. You are most welcome to meet with me personally at my office in our capital, Woodstock. Or, I would also be delighted to visit you at your capital.

We look forward to establishing ties with your nation and we hope to hear from you soon regarding a proposed meeting.

Mark Lorber
Senior Vice President for External Affairs
Incorporated States of Sarzonia

Posted by: Lesser Ribena May 17 2005, 01:00 PM
To: Mark Lorber
Senior Vice President for External Affairs
Incorporated States of Sarzonia
From: Andrew Stewart,
Prime Minister, Democratic States of Lesser Ribena

I would like to take this oppourtunity to thank you for your assistance in producing such a fine military for my nation (expect an order at the ordanance company soon!). I would indeed agree to a swap of embassies and will reserve offices for your diplomats. Our newly appointed Sarzonian Ambassador Claire Thompson will be preparing to move into your embassy area.

I would be extremely honoured to meet with you in person at your offices in Woodstock and further affirm this friendship between our nations.

Posted by: Starblaydia May 17 2005, 01:19 PM
QUOTE (Lesser Ribena @ May 17 2005, 04:32 PM)
As to your second question, I have no idea what you are talking about... I am sorry I can be of no further use to you on this matter but maybe you could refer your question to an evolutionist who may be of more help than myself.

Posted by: Hypocria May 17 2005, 01:51 PM
Maxilmilan Borada, Director of Foreign Affairs, looked up from his latest pile of paperwork at a knock at his office door.


Perkins, a department pen pusher, entered.

“A couple of things sir, this reply has arrived from Lesser Ribena and your . . .”

“Lesser Ribena eh?”Borada interrupted, “that was quick. I do like a prompt governments. Let me see that.”

“Sir, one other thing . . .”

“Quiet Perkins. I can’t read with you babbling. Ambassador Jane Wright? Hubba hubba. I wonder if she’s attractive. And so far away from Mr Wright, she may get lonely. Perhaps I can be her Mr Right, eh Perkins? Perkins? Argh!”

“Sir.” Perkins said, gesturing the other figure now standing in the doorway. “Your wife’s here.”

Andrew Stewart
Prime Minister
Democratic States of Lesser Ribena

Prime Minister Stewart,

I am currently working on a diplomatic staff to be sent to Lesser Ribena, I will be able to confirm our ambassador in the next few days.

Due to unforeseen circumstances I will be unfortunately unable to greet Ambassador Wright personally but I will dispatch a member of my staff.  I am sure she will find her new place of work to her liking.

Here’s to the future Prime Minister

Maximilian Borada
Department of Foreign Affairs

Posted by: Lamoni May 17 2005, 04:00 PM
Prime Minister Stewart,

The Free Republic would be delighted by an embassy exchange.  Our ambassador to your nation will be Benjamin Dentral.

Matthew Stone
Free Republic of Lamoni

Posted by: Lesser Ribena May 18 2005, 05:37 AM
To: Maximilian Borada
Department of Foreign Affairs
From: Andrew Stewart
Prime Minister
Democratic States of Lesser Ribena

We are glad to hear of your preparartions for the emabssy exchange and hope taht our countries will work well together and prosper.

To: Matthew Stone
Free Republic of Lamoni
From: Andrew Stewart
Prime Minister
Democratic States of Lesser Ribena

Thankyou for your offer of embassy exchange, an embassy building will be reserved for the Free Repiblic of Lamoni led by Benjamin Dentral. I will set about creating an embassy staff led by ambassador Jeremy Wilson to dispatch to your fine country.

Posted by: Lesser Ribena May 18 2005, 07:00 AM
To: all countries with embasies in Lesser Ribena
From: Lesser Ribenan Foreign Affairs Department

I enclose a map of the site aloocated for embassy establishment.

The following buildings have been established for your use:

Ambassador Gary Pringles of The Free Land Of Nedalia - 5
Ambassador Bertram Ta'if of The Most Serene Republic Of Bettia - 1
Ambassador Benjamin Dentral of The Free Republic of Lamoni - 2
The Protectorate of Starbladyia - 9
The Most Serene Republic Of Hypocria - 8 (you'll have to copy and paste this in as lycos doesn't like external links)

Posted by: Bettia May 18 2005, 07:26 AM
My Foreign Affairs department informs me that Mr Ta'if will be most pleased - he does like a bit of greenery outside his office window.

Posted by: Lesser Ribena May 18 2005, 11:04 AM
OOC: glad to hear of it. If anyones interested the map is actually of central London and is the area around the US embassy. In fact I think that Nedalia occupies about where the embassy was and the square in the middle is actually Grosvenor square. Most of the street names were "borrowed" from the phone book.

Posted by: Hypocria May 18 2005, 12:04 PM
Just for the record Marcus Villar has been appointed as our Ambassador to Lesser Ribena.

(OOC. I think my embassy is roughly where my dad works. Spooky blink.gif )

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