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AO Forum :: > Regional Discussion > A Decent Proposal: OOC thread

Posted by: Starblaydia Jan 12 2006, 07:38 AM
QUOTE (Khazaron @ Jan 12 2006, 03:39 AM)
"Tell me Mr.Khodo, what exactly are the capabilities of the mineral Hing?" He said this last part with a bit of a smile.

I feared this would happen the first time i heard Nedalia mention this mineral - "a very lightweight mineral that is almost impossible to penetrate" - that is used on infantry armour and aircraft and such? Gimme a break.

To be honest I'm not going to accept a wonderfully-godmodded mineral that just happens to occur in one place in the whole region and just happens to give one nation (and its allies, of course) the edge over everyone else. Not without a damn good reason, at least.

Posted by: Sarzonia Jan 12 2006, 09:02 AM
QUOTE (Starblaydia @ Jan 12 2006, 07:38 AM)
QUOTE (Khazaron @ Jan 12 2006, 03:39 AM)
"Tell me Mr.Khodo, what exactly are the capabilities of the mineral Hing?" He said this last part with a bit of a smile.

OOC: Please forgive this OOC thread invasion, but as I'm a mod I'll get rid of this convo later if you wish.

I feared this would happen the first time i heard Nedalia mention this mineral - "a very lightweight mineral that is almost impossible to penetrate" - that is used on infantry armour and aircraft and such? Gimme a break.

To be honest I'm not going to accept a wonderfully-godmodded mineral that just happens to occur in one place in the whole region and just happens to give one nation (and its allies, of course) the edge over everyone else. Not without a damn good reason, at least.

OOC: As long as you don't give yourself and your allies an equally unfair advantage over SDL or anyone else in AO for that matter, I don't mind your OOC "intrusion" as it were. Though perhaps this might be better suited for a OOC thread, which I'll go ahead and create and you can move both your post and this one to that thread.

Posted by: Starblaydia Jan 12 2006, 11:11 AM
OK Sarz - I did some shuffling of the deck to put these posts in a new thread, and deleted the one you created so as not to pollute the IC one.

Now, to business...

First of all you're well aware of what I'm up to in space - as i asked for some guidance on it, OOCly - so you know what I'm actually doing in space at the moment is cutting back a fair advantage that you have already. I'd also like to keep it a secret OOCly from everyone else too, just because I like giving out surprises smile.gif

I consider a fair advantage to be things along the lines of researching (by looking up OOCly on the interweb, then RPing it as an invention) new technology, weapon systems etc, within the boundaries of, say, a conservative guess at 2010 technology - now baring in mind thats 4 years away now, that's not a massive leap forward.

What I consider unfair is a wonderful, 'new', completely made-up mineral that just happens to be perfect for defence applications, which someone has in miles-deep deposits in a nation. 'Oh look', I cry, 'under this rock i've jsut found a nearly inexhaustible metal that you can't penetrate when made into sheets, is lighter than paper and looks cool, as well as being stealthy too! Lets all have SAAS everything made of it, that'll rock the battlefield.' See my point?

Now this did get me thinking, what if when I originally RPd my nation i had a similar 'mineral' deposit which was part of my history and i didnt want to get rid of, but someone objected to? After about 10 seconds of thinking I would reckon that i'd make the mineral so damn near impossible to mine, refine and turn into something useful that the sheer cost (along with an immense failure-rate) of time, money and expertise that it would only be worth doing it for things like a ceremonial suit of armour for my leader, or small trinkets. For miltary applications it might go in satellites or on warheads or something, but only in tiny amounts.

I think that sums it up just nicely. There may be a fine line between a fair RPd advantage and an unfair one, but i think Hing crosses that line.

Posted by: Starblaydia Jan 12 2006, 11:38 AM
Everyone else's opinion is welcome, of course tongue.gif

Posted by: Falcania Jan 12 2006, 12:11 PM
Space: The Final Frontier, huh? Seeing as my nation has a mass exodus from this planet in 2063 after the development of the warp engine, trust me, by then our space program means you are SO going down..

Posted by: Starblaydia Jan 12 2006, 12:17 PM
Sorry, let me re-phrase. Everyone else's useful opinion.

Posted by: Falcania Jan 12 2006, 12:26 PM
That cut me deep, Starblaydia. Real deep.

Posted by: Starblaydia Jan 12 2006, 12:28 PM
I'm sure you'll have built a dermal regenerator by 2065, so someone in Sickbay can fix that right up for you tongue.gif

Posted by: Falcania Jan 13 2006, 11:19 AM
Yeah, that's right. Target me because I like Star Trek. At least I have the guts to let my population mutate into birds.

Besides, Falcon's plans are to make sure you go down anyway. I know my mythology. Sword of Damocles? Please.

Posted by: Gaian Ascendancy Jan 13 2006, 01:40 PM
Well, I won't mention my own material sources then. =^^=

I 'would' however ask where at what depth this supposed miracle strata was discovered. How deep in the earth and all that. For the most part, natural ores can't be lightweight in material without extensive mining and fabrication processes that obviously go into my realm of things, if one is considering a light-weight material with balistic densities.

Course is that material indeed good against balistic weapons, or particle weapons? In my experience, a single material can't protect against ALL weapon types. And it's obvious this stuff wasn't meant to cover the exterior of office buildings.

I know I'm an FTwank, but I darn well know that to cover against every possible weapon, you need every possible vector to do it with. On small area in a region of islands is realistically 'not' going to be able to do that normally. Such singular resource nations are usually targeted by everyone else in short order. And I presume this material is armor in nature, not nucleonic in type and usage.

In any case, I'll agree here that this material is being used to give an obvious advantage out of the blue. That's the gut feeling I have.

This all of course is pending further details, not to mention how deep this apparent strata is again. If it's not deep extraction mining, then it better be the result of some RARE meteor impact or something, cause otherwise I'm not buying it either.

Posted by: Falcania Jan 13 2006, 02:02 PM
I love you, GA.

Posted by: Nedalia Jan 13 2006, 08:14 PM
"Hing" was a mineral Nedalia discovered way back during the first couple of weeks here at NS, before the move to the AO. I never RPed using it, although I did RP discovering it before coming to this region. I have no problem disregarding it completely, really.

Posted by: Khazaron Jan 13 2006, 08:15 PM
It was just an idea I had floating in my head, I'm cool with moving on to something else, same as Nedalia.

Posted by: Starblaydia Jan 17 2006, 05:24 PM
Was Hing the whole idea behind the Decent Proposal thread, or was there something else that I've put the anchors onto by complaining about the mineral?

Don't let me stop you if it Hing was just a sideline, by all means.

Posted by: Khazaron Jan 17 2006, 10:01 PM
Hing was just something I had been thinking about. I had the idea for a research facility for awhile now. Came to me after playing to much Doom 3. I thought it might be interesting to try something like that, except without the FT technology or the demon-summoning, and with the SDL, why not share it? Hing wasn't the sole purpose though.

Posted by: Starblaydia Jan 18 2006, 10:24 AM
Hell, don't let me stop you, Ahh, a good laugh., go for it.

What we need on AO is more RPs that more people can join in with if they wish, and I don't want to be the death of one before its really begun.

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